Dummies Guide to Calvinism - TULIP
T - Total Depravity
What is man depraved of? The Spirit of God
Before salvation is man dead in Sin? Yes
Does this mean we should do nothing for them? No
Can a depraved man choose Jesus? No
Should we tell him to believe in Jesus? Yes
Is it their fault they are totally depraved? Yes
U - Unconditional Election
Does God elect everybody? No
Do we know which people are elect? No
Can I elect myself? No
Can I help God elect someone else? No
Should I evangelize to people even if they probably aren't elect? Yes
Can I know if I am elect? Yes
What if I do good things will this give me better chances for election? No
If they will get saved anyway is there a need to preach the gospel? Yes
L - Limited Atonement
What is Atonement? The penalty of sin being dealt with in full on the cross. (Like forgiveness)
What is Limited? Not everyone or Very specific to the elect
Was the death of Jesus on the cross for every single human being? No
Should I stop telling unbelievers that their sins can be forgiven? No
If I do something wrong should I bother to confess my sins? Yes
Since God is a God of Love why doesn't he just Atone the sins of everyone? Because his glory is shown even in the destruction of sinners.
Then how can he blame sinners? Who are you oh man to answer back to God?
I - Irresistable Grace
Can I do anything to earn God's Grace? No
Can saving grace be rejected? No
Should I tell of Gods Grace to every single person? Yes
Does grace need to be "activated" or "accepted"? No
Will someone with this grace automatically Love God? Yes
Can someone with this Grace Hate God? No
If I have this grace can I give it away through my choice or sin? No
Should I pray for others to receive irrisistable grace? Yes
Can someone come to Christ without being first drawn by God? No
Will Christ save all who come to Him and believe on his name? Yes
P - Perseverance of the Saints
What is Perseverance? Continuing in Christ to the very end.
What is a saint? Someone who is completely sanctified (Set apart)
Is this the same as "once saved always saved"? No
Will every single saint persevere till the end? Yes
Should a saint stop worrying about the things of God then? No
Was someone a Saint if they fell back into sin even to death? No
Who makes sure the saints always persevere? Jesus
Is the Free-Will gospel False? Yes
Does this determine if they go to hell? No
Then does it matter which gospel we preach? Yes
Should I preach TULIP to the unsaved? No, Preach Jesus one mighty to save to the uttermost.
Further Reading
A Defence of Calvinism - Charles Spurgeon (Absolutely Brilliant - The definitive defence)
Tulpedia - An abundance of scriptual proofs when the Yes No just doesn't cut it.
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Dummies Guide to Calvinism - TULIPPosted by Correy Tuesday, January 31, 2006