The man of lawlessness (2 Thes. 2:5),
'Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these
things? And now you know what is holding him back so that the
Antichrist, the man of sin may be revealed at the proper time'.
(V. 3) “Don't let
anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the
rebellion occurs and the man of sin (the Antichrist) is revealed”.
Antichrist means against
Jesus Christ and also in place of Jesus Christ.

The letters to the
Thessalonians were written by Paul in (A.D. 51) and at that time
Antichrist, the man of sin had not been revealed, but they (the
Apostles) expected him to appear on the world scene at any time
Jesus Christ is the only
true God (1 John 5:20) of all creation and the only Father of His
children the born again believers (John 3:3).
(V.4) The ANTICHRIST will
oppose the truth and every teaching of the Lord (the Word of God).
“He will exalt himself
over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets
himself up in God's temple proclaiming himself to be God” (Isa.
14:13-14), that will be in accordance with the work of Satan.
The Rebellion are all
those who refuse to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved,
but separated themselves and established their own Church, a state
approved and organised Church.
By the coronation of the
first 'POPE' of Rome (Lynus A.D. 67-76) the ANTICHRIST was revealed,
the Vicar of Christ, His Holiness the HOLY FATHER the Pope, (a title
forbidden in Scripture (Matthew 23:9+10).
In the disguise of
Christianity the man of sin the Pope of Rome has set himself up as
the head of the Church and has taken the title of God for himself,
“THE---HOLY---FATHER” and so exalting himself to be God
(1 John 2:18) “Dear
children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the
Antichrist is coming, even now many Antichrists have come”, just as
there have been many Popes to this very day.
The spirit of the Pope is
the spirit of the Antichrist (1 John 4:3) “which you have heard is
coming and even now is already in the world”.
Every teaching (doctrine)
and practice of the Pope and his Church (the Antichrist Church) is
contrary to the Scriptures.
In the book of Revelation
(Revelation 17:5) the Pope and his Church is called “THE MOTHER
OF PROSTITUTES and the abominations of the earth”, (V.6) who got
drunk with the blood of the saints whom she murdered throughout the
centuries and also all her daughter-Churches who have imitated her
murderous acts.
The Catholic Church is
called the Mother of Prostitutes because she gave birth to all other
Churches who teach her doctrines and imitate her Church-practices and
All of her
Church-practices and her doctrines are not Scriptural.
Church and state approved
clergies, designated church buildings called Church, religious
hierarchy of leaders and professional Church-leaders and laity,
counselling offices, church-membership, signing a covenant,
religious clothing (robes ect.), pew and pulpits, congregation and
designated ministers with titles like Father, Vicar, Bishop,
Reverend, Pastor and any other title there is, which is contrary to
Scriptures (Mat. 23:9+10).
Above all, the doctrine
of the TRINITY is the banner of the Mother-harlot Church and all of
her daughter Churches who have engaged in spiritual harlotry to have
three god- persons whom they worship. Because they do not have the
love of the truth, therefore the Lord gave them over to believe that
Satanic lie (2 Thes.2:11).
The call of the Lord
Jesus Christ is to all those who love the Lord with all their heart,
soul, mind and strength, COME--- OUT--- OF---HER---MY---PEOPLE! So
that you will not share in her sin, so that you will not receive any
of her plagues (Revelation 18:4), for her sins are piled up to
heaven, and God has remembered her crimes, for mighty is the Lord God
who judges her (v.8).
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