The doctrine of the TRINITY is
mathematically impossible and intellectually ludicrous and
spiritually deceptive, and biblically confused.
In John 10:30 the Lord Jesus Christ
said, “I and the Father are ONE”!
ALL trinitarians without exception will
say that the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, therefore they are
saying that the Lord Jesus and the Father are TWO.
If the Lord Jesus is ONE (1) and He is
not the Father, then the Lord Jesus and the second ONE (1) the
(Father) equals TWO. ( 1 + 1 = 2 )!
But the Lord Jesus has said, that He
and the Father are ONE (1).
Therefore the Lord Jesus Christ IS the
ONE (1) who is our Father who is in heaven.
For we who worship, worship the FATHER
in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
In the Bible, they worshiped the Lord
Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth (Mat. 2:11, Mat 14:33, Mat.
28:9, Mat.28:17 etc.).
Intellectually ludicrous;
ALL trinitarians say and teach that
THREE equal, or are ONE ( 3 = 1 ), or THREE god-persons equal one
God, is at best ridiculous.
If that would be so, then each ONE of
those THREE god-persons would only be a THIRD of the ONE God.
Utterly ridiculous!
Spiritually deceptive;
If someone has the power and the skills
to convince a man that God is THREE god-persons in ONE God, then that
deception has already entered and polluted such a man.
The Lord Jesus has said, “Hear O
Israel the Lord our God is ONE” (Mark 12:29), consequently HE is
In my opinion, only Satan has that kind
of deceiving power to deceive intelligent trinitarians and even the
elect if possible (Mat.24:24).
The Lord Jesus considered Satan to be
the master deceiver, and it is the Lord Jesus who has given Satan the
power to deceive the whole world and all those who do not love the
truth will believe the lie (2 Thes. 2:11).
Biblically confused;
It is obvious that the Bible
(Scriptures, the Word of God) does not teach such nonsense as the
trinity to be viable or possible.
Also, I think that all trinitarians do
not rightly interpret the Scriptures.
They do not discern the difference
between facts and metaphors.
Fact; when the Lord Jesus said, that
the Lord our God is ONE, that means that He is not TWO or THREE, but
exactly ONE just as He has said in John 10:30. That is plain language
(John 16:25).
Metaphorically; When the Lord Jesus
said that, 'the Father is greater than I' (John 14:28), that means
that the Lord Jesus is speaking figuratively (metaphorically) about
the Father. That is because the Lord Jesus does NOT have a father or
a mother or a genealogy (Hebr. 7:3), therefore He has to speak
figuratively concerning the Father (John 16:25).
Did you understand that?
If I have not been clear, please ask.
Do you agree, or do you not agree?
Please state your position.
I think it is important for everyone to
know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Hey Paul! I agree that the doctrine of the Trinity has no basis in the Scriptures, especially since all New Testament references to the Trinity have been added at a later date, those verses are not in the original text. Even though there are Old Testament references to the Holy Spirit, that doesn't mean it is a spirit separate from God. In the same way that God created man in his own image body, mind, spirit, soul, you wouldn't say that we, as humans, are three or more. No. The same thing can be said about God. He is one, as we are one. With all that said, it does remind me that the majority of believers will believe the lie, in the end times. Only Satan, the deceiver, can do that.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen the word 'trinity' in the Bible. There is One God (Who is Spirit), there is One whom God made our Lord, Jesus - the Word of God made flesh, Who was born of God's Spirit, and there is that same Holy Spirit sent from God, when Jesus went to be with the Father, which we receive when we who believe in Jesus, are baptized in water. That is how we become God's children and learn God's ways. It is the One Spirit in three different time zones - one when God spoke through prophets, one when He spoke through His Son, the man Jesus, and now where He speaks to, and through, His Spiritual children through the written word and the gifts of the Spirit.
ReplyDeleteHi Keith, I appreciate you saying that.
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense, as you know most churches and Christians believe the lie that God is a few persons.
The trinity is Satan's masterpiece of deception and many well meaning Christians have fallen headlong into the snare of the deceiver.
They even pray to this unknowable god (Satan) THROUGH the true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20), or they give thanks to this unknowable god (Satan), for giving them the Lord Jesus Christ.
I marvel over such deception power.
If that deception would have been hidden, perhaps it would not be as powerful, but because it is so blatantly obvious, therefore that deception has gained it's maximum power to deceive, even the elect if possible.
ReplyDeleteWhat would you say Jesus is actually saying in John ch. 12 vs. 44-50?:-
' Then Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.”
Hey Paul! I will choose to stop short of calling the concept of the Trinity as a Satanic deceptive lie. There are far too many brothers and sisters within this movement that reveals they have the gift of God spirit within them. Therefore, saying that it is a Satanic deception attributes the power of the spirit as Satanic and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as laid out by Jesus himself. I do believe the trinity doctrine is misguided and does show people will follow a man rather than read the Bible for themselves, because the Scriptures clearly do not teach the trinity doctrine.
ReplyDeletefor a long time now I have interacted with you on line, yet I do not feel I know you very well as a brother in Christ. I would like very much if you shared your walk in Jesus a little, so that I could have a little insight into how you actually 'believe' in the Lord, and what you believe He requires you to do and teach, and how He speaks to you regarding this. For if a person just says what they believe in a few paragraphs without enhancing on what is contained and required in that belief then it is difficult to understand where that person is coming from.
I know that there are many doctrines out there that are spiritual 'Babylon', and that 'believing' in the Lord requires a 'living out' of that belief. Also there should be a spiritual relationship between brothers and sisters before they can truly know what each other fully believes.
Hi Brenda,
ReplyDeleteThe Lord Jesus Christ spoke in facts, metaphors (figurative) and in parables.
And it is for us who are spiritual to discern what is what.
A metaphor does not and cannot override a fact, in other words, a metaphor is a secondary statement and it cannot override a primary statement which is a fact.
It is a FACT, that the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and beside Him is no other God.
Now, any passage of the Scriptures which imply that there is a second or a third person involved is metaphoric language, and that is not to override but to support the fact in a figurative language.
Jesus said, to us it has been granted to know, but to the rest it is in parables, so that they seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand (Luke 8:10). Please Brenda read v.11 and 12, that is very important.
(John 12:44 – 50) because the Lord Jesus does NOT have a Father and He IS the Father as the Scripture said, therefore the Lord Jesus HAS to speak figuratively concerning the Father.
To us is but one God and that is the Father and it is the Father who became a man just like one of us Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
If the Lord Jesus is FULLY 'man', then He must have a Father just like all of us have a father.
Now the Holy Spirit which is the Lord (Jesus) (2 Cor. 3:7) came upon Mary, and the Holy child to be born shall be called the Son of God.
God became a man and in that sense He has a Father, (Himself, the Spirit).
And from the position of a man the Lord Jesus spoke about His Father which is Himself.
Verse 44 and 45, Jesus said, If you really would believe Him, then you would see that the Father (God) is standing right in front of you.
Verse 46, Jesus said, if you really would believe that, then you would NOT be in darkness (spiritual darkness) but you would be able to see that. (People in darkness can't see)
Verse 47, Jesus said, if you would believe in Him, you would NOT be judged, and for that very reason Jesus came into this world so that you would believe in Him and escape judgement.
Verse 48, Jesus said, but if you continually refuse to believe in the Lord Jesus and believe in another god called Yahweh, then the true God (1 John 5:20) will judge you on the last day.
Verse 49, Jesus said exactly that which every man or believer should say.
For I do not speak on my own initiative, but it is my heavenly Father (Jesus Christ) who sent me to talk to you so that you would believe in the ONLY God Jesus Christ (Jude 1:25).
Verse 50, yes, I know and I proclaim that His commandment is eternal life just as MY heavenly Father Jesus Christ has told me so, therefore whosoever shall believe in the Lord Jesus Christ has passed from death to life.
Verse 41, 'These things Isaiah said because he saw (the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ) and He spoke of the Lord Jesus Christ.'
Isaiah testified before the Lord Jesus Christ was born and I testify after the birth of Jesus Christ.
Yes Keith, I know what you are saying, and that has troubled me for a long time, even to the point that I was refusing to speak up. But the Lord Jesus corrected me and told me to speak up and no one shall stand before me.
ReplyDeleteWell brother, if the Lord Jesus is for me, who shall be against me ?
Further more, the Lord Jesus has given me insight into this destructive doctrine the trinity.
What do you think, why are all the hospitals filled with numerous professing Christians who are suffering the plagues and sicknesses which are written in the Word of God?
Perhaps, read some blogs where Christian brothers and sisters are suffering from mental sicknesses, cancers and any other cursed diseases in their own bodies etc. etc.
Tell me brother, why don't their gods come to their aid and rescue them from their calamities ? Are their gods useless ?
Tell me, what is the point of believing in a god who can't do anything for you ?
Do you think that those gods can save them from their sicknesses ?
And in what regard do you think that those gods can save ?
No wonder why the Lord Jesus spoke through the mouth of the prophet Jeremiah saying, ' My people are foolish, They know Me NOT; They are STUPID children and have NO understanding' (Jer. 4:22).
Brenda, I am a simple believer in Jesus Christ and there is nothing complicated about me, perhaps just like any other disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, although I am walking very closely with my Lord just like I walk with my friend, and He has called me to be His ambassador, a representative of His Kingdom to this evil wicked and unbelieving world.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a religion with a theory, I believe that a man or a woman ought to have an active personal faith and a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ or else we fall into religion, and religion doesn't profit much.
I enjoy the fellowship with other believers regardless of their denominational affiliation. And I like to talk about beneficial matters of the Kingdom so that we (collectively) can take hold of the benefits of the Lord.
All my brothers and sisters in Christ have enough Scripture knowledge, and all we are doing is to encourage one another to BELIEVE.
It is one thing to acknowledge the Scriptures and another thing is to believe the Scriptures. Only in believing, the supernatural will manifest, otherwise we will end up in a empty dead religion, and the world is full of that.
If I speak to the mulberry bush in the Name of the Lord, I'll expect the mulberry bush to obey me.
If it doesn't, then there is something drastically wrong with me and not with the Word of the Lord.
We all know what the Lord Jesus said about the mulberry bush, but not many believe it.
Brenda, to know me is not important, but it is better to know the Lord Jesus Christ. All wisdom and knowledge and every good thing is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and for you to have all blessings from the Lord you need to believe in Him alone. Yes, you need to get rid of all other gods so that only the Lord Jesus Christ remains.
A long time ago I have said to you that I am willing to help you along that rocky road, but it seems to me that you don't listen even though I use plain and direct language.
Little children will easily believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, so then, what is holding you back ?
I think 2 Corinthians ch. 5 vs. 15 - 21 say it all for me Paul:-
ReplyDelete'and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.'
I love being reconciled to God through Jesus, and I love having the ministry of reconciliation. Whatever gift we have been given we must use it to glorify God. When my friend and I go out into the streets, as we have today, we find that there are many people who the Lord has brought us to and, though one may plant, and another may water, it is only God who adds the increase.
ReplyDeleteYes Brenda, but remember, you are not reconciled to another God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteYou are reconciled to God when you believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY true God.
And the true ministry of reconciliation is, when you are reconciling the unbelievers to Jesus Christ and NOT to another god called Yahweh.
Brenda, I know that you are a very evangelistic person and I wish that every Christian would be as zealous as you are. But remember, when you are transgressing the most important factor which I have said in this comment, then you have labored in vain, not only that, you are preaching a false gospel.
Now the work of an ambassador of Christ is to preach and represent the Lord Jesus Christ and no other.
How you do that is completely up to you, you have no need that anyone teach you, for you know all things, providing you preach the Lord Jesus Christ.
It troubles me immensely when you say, "I love being reconciled to God through Jesus,"
The first question is, to which God have you been reconciled ?
I think that you ought to deal with that problem Brenda.
ReplyDeleteI can only preach Christ crucified to unbelievers, the things of God are foolishness to the carnal mind. What goes on once unbelievers have come to Jesus is completely different. It is the word of God contained in the scriptures which is our judge once we are part of God's Spiritual Israel(the church). Then we are taught through scripture ( I believe starting with Genesis ch. 5 ).
If we look at the last verse in Genesis ch. 4 after the killing of Abel has occurred and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord it speaks about men beginning to call upon the name of the Lord (which is what we who are born again in Jesus do) At the beginning of ch. 5 God 'created' mankind (plural) and there is no mention of the fall, and speaks of the birth of Seth which means 'appointed', which we who are in Christ are spiritually.
2 Timothy ch. 3 vs. 16 and 17 read:-
'All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.'
Verse 15 of ch. 3 speaks about the Holy Scriptures ....' which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.'
We are in a spiritual battle Paul, and just as John the Baptist went in the spiritual power of Elijah, we can be in the spiritual state of any of those old testament characters from fleshly Israel, and can be shown this for both encouragement and correction.
We are called to do specific work in the Lord Paul, and each of us is trained, as we grow Spiritually to accomplish that work. All that I have in order to do this was, and still is, given to me through being taught by the Lord as He speaks to me through that written word and accompanies it many times with signs. The things of God are no longer foolishness to me as I bring all thoughts from the carnal mind into obedience to Christ.
'For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;' 2 Corinthians ch. 10 vs. 3 - 5. Praise His lovely name.
ReplyDeleteYou said, "I can only preach Christ crucified to unbelievers,"
Yes, I wish that you would do that, but as it is you are preaching another god called Yahweh and that's where the problem is.
Brenda, I see things a little different to you.
Once a person is converted and has received the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, he or she then ought to walk by that Spirit and the Scriptures is only their road map.
They don't start at Genesis ch.5, but they have started with the Lord Jesus and then they always ought to stay with the Lord Jesus and not depart from Him.
If they depart from the Lord Jesus Christ to another god called Yahweh or Jehovah, then it is the Scriptures who will judge them of their apostasy.
The whole message of Christianity supposed to be the Lord Jesus Christ, He supposed to be the center of all Christianity, in fact He is the Alpha and the Omega, meaning, the first and the Last.
As to the Scriptures, Jesus is at the beginning right through to the end of Revelation.
And I expect you to preach Jesus Christ ALONE and nobody else. Yes, just as I do. It's not difficult or tiresome.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light, therefore don't waste your time just preach Jesus Christ and Him alone.
ReplyDeleteI have to do what the Lord calls me to do, not what you expect me to do, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic or cheeky way. Whatever the Lord calls us to do He equips us with what we need in order to do His work. Whatever He has called you to do, you must do - with whatever He has equipped you with in order to do it. There is only One voice I must obey, and we recognize that voice through the scriptures. God speaks to each individual as He chooses.
Yes that's right Brenda.
ReplyDeleteBut the Lord Jesus did not call you to pray to another god called Yahweh through the Lord Jesus Christ, and neither did He call you to give thanks to this unknowable god called Yahweh FOR giving you the Lord Jesus.
That is plainly called, 'worshiping another god'. (Transgression against the first commandment)
And No Brenda, you don't recognize the voice of God through the Scriptures.
The Lord Jesus said, 'Let him who has ears hear what the SPIRIT says to the churches'.
Can they read the Scriptures? Yes they surely can, but they don't hear the SPIRIT speaking to them, therefore listen carefully Brenda.
I hear what the Spirit says to me Paul, that Spirit is my teacher, counsellor and comforter, and 1 Corinthians ch. 2 vs. 12 - 14 describes the transformation brought about in us when we are born again of that Spirit:-
ReplyDelete'Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 'These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"But the Lord Jesus did not call you to pray to another god called Yahweh through the Lord Jesus Christ, and neither did He call you to give thanks to this unknowable god called Yahweh FOR giving you the Lord Jesus.
It amazes me that you totally ignore scripture when you make your points. Let me again point out the truth that resides in scripture and the error of your ways.
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5
"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." Colossians 3:17
Let me break it down for you. There is one God. It has been Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (YHWH) from the beginning and will be, to the end of eternity.
There is one Messiah, that is the MAN, Y'shua, Jesus, the manifested Word of God. Y'shua is not God. He is one in Spirit with the Father. He is not the Father.
How many times must I tell you that you must use the whole counsel of God, not cherry pick the ones you want and skew them to fit your ideology?
You said, "Whatever the Lord calls us to do He equips us with what we need in order to do His work." Then do it according to God's Word.
I am finished discussing this with you, Paul.
Now, In the power of the El Shaddai, the Almighty God, I am now speaking to you, Demon, the one who is influencing Paul. I know who you are. You and your father has been deceptively and misusing the Word of God, from the beginning.
I know who you, because you are not using the Word of God, you are using a warped and deceptive version of the Truth of God.
Again, I know your deceptive tactics, because it is what you and your spirit of the anti-christ has been doing since the dawn of man. You are causing others to doubt the Word of God, by your skewing of God's Word. I know who you are because you don't recognize or refuse to speak the true name of God. You are the spirit of the antichrist and you are entrench within Paul. Therefore, I chastise you in the Name of the one and only God, Ehyeh, in the name of Y'shua. In the name of the of Y'shua, I command you evil spirit, to depart from Paul. Leave our brother alone. BE GONE!!!!
Father, I pray that you will motivate Paul to now open himself to you and your Word, to repent of the evil that dwells within him and draw near to you. I ask this, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, your most presious Son, Y'shua. Amen!
Please fast for a few days and dwell on God alone, before writing back. It's now very important to fill yourself with things of God, not of man. The demon that was in you was and is strong, but God is stronger. Amen! Amen! Don't let the void that is in you be filled backup with another evil spirit. Fill it with God. I would like to know the peace that will settle in your heart. With Faith in God, I hope to hear a good report back. I love you, my brother in the Messiah.
Brenda, does the Spirit tell you to believe in an unknowable god (called Yahweh) through the Lord Jesus ?
ReplyDeleteGood attempt my friend. :-)
ReplyDeleteTell me, is the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord God the creator of heaven and earth ?
Ups, I nearly forget.
ReplyDeleteNo demon can say that Jesus is Lord, meaning that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth and beside Him is NO other.
"Tell me, is the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord God the creator of heaven and earth ?"
ReplyDeleteYou know that I can't say that, because I am a child of truth and the one and only God. It is not true, nor supported by scripture, God's Truth. Your question is polytheistic. There can not be two people that makes up God. You complain about the Trinitarians, but your belief is just one short of a Trinity.
Hear O' Paul, the Lord, Our God is One, not two.
I have given you this verse before, but you refuse to acknowledge it.
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5
There is one God, that is Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, YHWH.
One mediator between God and Mandkind. The is the MAN, Called Jesus Christ, Y'shua Ha Mashiach.
Not Two Gods as you proclaim.
You also said,"No demon can say that Jesus is Lord..."
Once again, this is how I know you have a demon. A child of the scriptures would know that twice, demons recognized Y'shua as God's Son, the Holy One of God, and the demons believe in Jesus and God. Demon, you have tasted the punishment of God and will soon know the condemnation and torment of God.
Again, by the Power of the One and Only God and giving only Ehyeh, the praise and Glory, by the name of Y'shua, I command you demon, to leave Paul alone. I know you are there, Paul. You need to fight this demon.
Demon, I recognize you. You misquote scripture. God's Word says, "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God." Deflection and Misquoting scripture is your fallacy, Demon. God is not of the Flesh. Again, I command you to get away from Paul.
Paul, I promise I will not give up on you. You may not recognize it, but your demon is trembling with fear. Look and see, in your last couple of postings, he is withdrawing. Resist him!!!!!! I have Faith that God will cast him out. Be strong!!!!
You Brother in the Messiah,
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5
ReplyDeleteAmen to this Keith, and I thank God for His only begotten Son Jesus, who became a sacrifice for us that we might be reconciled back to God the Father.
'In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation,… ' Hebrews ch. 5 vs. 7-9.
Verses 9 and 10 of Hebrews ch. 5 go on to say:-
'And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation, being designated by God as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek'
We must not only choose to believe what scripture says Paul, but also choose to obey the One who has been made our mediator between us and God.
I too pray for you Paul, that your ears may be open to the truth, and that your thoughts be brought into obedience to Christ - the Word of God made flesh.
Yes Keith, there is only one God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ and no other.
ReplyDeleteHe is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it and nothing came into being apart for Him (Col. 1:15-20) and (John 1:3-10. That is JESUS! And not Yahweh.
You said, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus."1 Timothy 2:5
Yes, that's right, God became a man Jesus, and 1 Tim. 2:5 is a statement, meaning that, if you want to come to God, or if you want to talk to God' or if you want anything from God, you need to come to Jesus because there in no one else, no other person or entity between God and man, but JESUS alone.
You can't have access to God unless you come to Jesus.
Simply, if you don't come and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are believing in a false god, for the Scriptures said that Jesus is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20), and any other god is a false god.
You said, 'Once again, this is how I know you have a demon.'
That is exactly what they have said to the Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:52), if they have said that to the Lord Jesus Christ, what do you think they would say to me, His ambassador ?
Exactly the same.
A servant is not greater than his Master.
No my friend, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh can't hear your prayer, because he is a dead god, but the Lord Jesus Christ is alive for ever more!
Brenda, you definitely don't understand the Scriptures.
ReplyDeleteTell me, does the Lord Jesus worship a god ?
If He does worship a god, then he is NOT God.
Why did the Lord Jesus accepted worship?
The Scriptures said, they shalt only worship the Lord your God and no other.
All the believers in the Scriptures worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ. Tell me, did they worship a false god ?
Why is it that you don't agree with the Lord Jesus, when He said, that He and the Father are ONE ?
Why is it that you say contrary to Jesus that He is NOT the Father ?
Why are you saying that there is a god called Yahweh, when he is not once mentioned in the Scriptures? No Brenda, not once!
"...if you want to come to God, or if you want to talk to God' or if you want anything from God, you need to come to Jesus because there in no one else, no other person or entity between God and man, but JESUS alone."
ReplyDeleteHallelujah, Praise God! Now, you're talking. That's the real child of God, that I know Paul to be. If you want to go to God, our Father, you must go through the man, our mediator, Jesus. That's what we've been saying, all along. Yes, the Father and Jesus, are Echad, One in Spirit, but separate entities, not two gods.
Since the Word of God was manifested in the Man, Jesus, and continues till this day, we can say the same thing John was saying John 1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God, not the man Jesus.
In 1 John 5:20, the phrase, "He is the True God and Eternal Life.", refers back to the "him", earlier, in the verse, not Jesus. Jesus is our Messiah, our Savior, the vessel through which God saved mankind. We are in Jesus, the same way Jesus is in the Father, via God's Holy Spirit.
"That is exactly what they have said to the Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:52), if they have said that to the Lord Jesus Christ, what do you think they would say to me, His ambassador ?
ReplyDeleteExactly the same.
A servant is not greater than his Master."
What the Pharisees were saying were not scriptural. You are not even in the same ballpark. You can not serve Jesus out of one side of your mouth and then deny his Father, out the other. That's the demon talking. That how I recognized the demon, that's influencing you. Jesus would never deny his Father or would say that he is dead.
"No my friend, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh can't hear your prayer, because he is a dead god, but the Lord Jesus Christ is alive for ever more!"
"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."
Absolutely NO Keith.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot go THROUGH Jesus to this unknowable god, whatever you call him.
As I have said many times, the Father and Jesus are NOT one in Spirit and separate entities, if that would be so, then Jesus and the Father would be TWO.
If the Lord Jesus is NOT the Father, then THEY are TWO!
But Jesus said that He and the Father are ONE, one and the same (John 10 30).
'Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is ONE!.'
Consequently He is not two as you are saying.
There is no Word of God manifested in the man, WHICH Word of God ? You are twisting a metaphorical term into something that does not make sense.
Just make your language simple so that everyone can understand.
God is the Holy Spirit (John 4:24) and then He clothed Himself in flesh (veiled the incarnate deity) Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
ONE God and NO other! That is not a metaphorical statement.
But everything else concerning a Father is figurative (metaphoric) just as Jesus has said (John 16:25).
Please understand, God cannot have a Father, He IS the Father just as the Scriptures said in (Hebr. 7:3), and Jesus made it clear in John 10:30 and in many other passages.
I think that you don't understand the Scriptures just like Brenda.
You said, 'What the Pharisees were saying were not scriptural. You are not even in the same ballpark '
The Pharisees did not have the New Testament, but you have, and the Lord Jesus was NOT saying that to the Pharisees, He was saying that to those like you who claim to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just read verse 31, 'So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed in Him.'
Those who had believed in Him could be ordinary people and perhaps some of them were Pharisees. Well, you claim to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are you a Pharisee ?
It is those believers who said to Jesus that He had a demon, for the simple reason, because He claims to be the Father.
In this post I testify that Jesus IS the Father, therefore you say that I also have a demon.
The Lord Jesus said, (v. 19) 'You know neither Me nor My Father; If you knew Me, you would know My Father also.'
I think that you need to repent from denying the Father and believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Father who is in heaven just as He has said in John 10:30 and in many other passages.
Yes, I understand that the word 'REPENT' is a dirty word among people, but without it, is no salvation.
On the day of judgement only sinners and transgressors will be judged, but not those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, for the Lord Jesus was judged on their behalf on the cross of Calvary.
What point is there, if Jesus has been judged for me and then I will be judged again ?
"You cannot go THROUGH Jesus to this unknowable god, whatever you call him."
ReplyDeleteYou do know, What a Mediator is? Don't you?
"As I have said many times, the Father and Jesus are NOT one in Spirit and separate entities, if that would be so, then Jesus and the Father would be TWO."
Once again, not supported by scripture. It is your belief that makes God, two, not one as the scriptures document.
I can go on and on with numerous scripture rebutting your position, but as long as you listen to the demon, that is inside of you, you will never arrive at the truth. No. I take that back. You and the demon know the truth. It's just that all evil spirits and demons don't like the whole scriptural truth. That's how I know there's a demon influencing you. Through the power of God, I have casted the demon out of you, twice. The only reason it remains is that you must desire the ways of the demon.
Once again, if you look at what you are saying, you can only come to the conclusion that you and the demon uses a warped and incomplete interpretation of God's Word. If you use the whole counsel of God, you would never arrive at such an anti-God interpretation.
You must make the decision to let the demon go, fill your heart with God's Truth and God will demolish the demon that resides within you. For your own safety and salvation, please distance yourself from this demon.
I leave you with some warning words from Y'shua, Jesus, who loves you very much and wants you to have a relationship with God.
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS."
That, my friend, includes you, I fear, in your present state.
Please do what the Word of God commands you to do.
"...they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."
I beg you, turn away from the demon or you will be following him into eternal damnation.
The Lord Jesus is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY just like Isaiah said (Isa. 9:6) and there is not another God who created the heavens and the earth.
ReplyDeleteIt is that God appeared in a BODY, just as the Scriptures has said in 1 Tim.3:16 and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ is not a doormat so that you can walk over Him and go to your false god Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh or whatever you call him.
If it is not the Lord Jesus Christ then it is a FALSE god.
Because there in only ONE true God, then any other god is a FALSE god.
The Scriptures said that Satan is the god of this world, because the whole world believes in him (2 Cor. 4:4) and he has blinded the minds of those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
"As I have said many times, the Father and Jesus are NOT one in Spirit and separate entities, if that would be so, then Jesus and the Father would be TWO."
You said, 'Once again, not supported by scripture. It is your belief that makes God, two, not one as the scriptures document.
Did you read that comment properly ?
Jesus said, ' I and the Father are ONE'! (John 10:30), And NOT TWO! as you are saying.
From where did you get the assumption that my belief is, that God is TWO ? Please read my whole post.
I am against the trinity, and also against the duality of God, and against every doctrine who teaches that 'Jesus is NOT the Lord God Almighty, and presents ANOTHER identity in the place of Jesus Christ.
That is exactly what you are doing, you claim that the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Lord God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth, and then you introduce ANOTHER god called Yahweh, or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, and it makes no difference whatever name you give to your false god.
If the God you are talking about is NOT Jesus Christ, then it is a FALSE god.
Because you believe in a god, that doesn't make him to be the true God and eternal life, even the demons believe in God and they tremble (Jas. 2:19).
John the Baptist testified about the Lord Jesus Christ just the same as I do, and the unbelievers also said that he had a DEMON (Mat. 11:18), what do you think would happen to you, if you would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and testify about Him ??
An earthly mediator is an outsider, a third person who mediates between two parties, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the one who mediates between God and men. Men are flesh and God is Spirit (John 4:24), God clothed Himself with flesh and became a man (Jesus Christ), and this MAN Jesus is mediating between non-spiritual fleshly men and God who is Spirit, and the Lord Jesus is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17).
Jesus is NOT a third person, an outsider who is mediating between God and men.
For this time around, I leave you with one thing. Read your Bible in context. If you take the whole counsel of God, it will become evident that your position is incorrect. Your position, regardless of what you say, leads to God being a duality, not one God. Your position is polytheistic and you can get around that. Even in your last quotation of Scripture, you will find the truth. That God, being spirit, clothed himself in the flesh, the man Jesus. Once again, showing you that God is one in spirit with Jesus, but Jesus is a separate man with a body mind and soul.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, You said, 'Your position, regardless of what you say, leads to God being a duality, not one God.'
ReplyDelete'My position regardless what I say'?
I say, that there is ONE God Jesus Christ of Nazareth and beside Him is NO OTHER!
The Lord Jesus Christ is the SPIRIT (2 Cor. 3:17) who was born through the virgin Mary and became like one of us in appearance (a man), Jesus.
I that a duality, Brenda ?
I say, that the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Father, just as He has said in John 10:30 and in many other passages.
Is that a duality, Brenda ?
I say that the Lord Jesus Christ is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it (Col. 1:15-20 and John 1:3-10) and that the creator does NOT have a Father (Hebr. 7:3).
Do you call that a duality ?
Keith, If God is ONE in Spirit with another ONE, then they are TWO.
ReplyDeleteYou just can't say that the Lord Jesus is the Father, you prefer to call another god father.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at your last comment to me you will see that you have left a comment to me regarding a comment that Keith spoke to you with this sentence in it:-'Your position, regardless of what you say, leads to God being a duality, not one God.'
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteregarding the last comment you wrote to me, asking me about Jesus and God, it was Jesus Himself who said to the ruler in Luke ch. 18 v. 19 :-
'And Jesus said to him, 'Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone'.
Jesus Himself was telling somebody not to call Him ( the fleshly man Jesus who the ruler was looking at ) good - even though He had the Spirit of God in Him and He was the Word of God made flesh.
Ups, I'm sorry Brenda, My mistake.
ReplyDeleteThe Catholics call their Pope of Rome Holy Father.
ReplyDeleteYou Keith call Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh or Yahweh your Holy Father.
And you Brenda call Yahweh your Holy Father.
80 % of all Christians call Jehovah their Holy Father.
But I call the Lord Jesus Christ my Holy Father just as He has said in (John 14:9).
Hi Paul, I think this is the first time I have actually been on the computer writing on my blog at the same time you are on yours.
ReplyDelete"You just can't say that the Lord Jesus is the Father, you prefer to call another god father."
Because Jesus is not the Father. You keep missing that point. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY SCRIPTURE!!!!!
We are one in Spirit with Jesus, as Jesus is one in Spirit with the Father. John 17:20-22
You wouldn't say that we are God, Absolutely Not! For goodness sake, use some logic man. Use the whole counsel of God, not chery picking as your demon directs you.
Brenda, Paul is becoming conflicted. The demon is becoming frustrated. That's what happens when the Disciples of Satan are confronted with the Full Counsel of God. You and I have got to keep our armor is pristine shape, use our sword with precision and keep praying for our brother Paul.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, there is not such a thing as Jesus AND God, only, Jesus IS God.
ReplyDeleteLuke 18:19 Jesus is the only ONE who is good and NO OTHER. That is, because He is the Lord God and no other.
Jesus was without sin, therefore He is the ONLY good ONE.
Well Keith, they said that same to the Lord Jesus, what do think they will say to me?
ReplyDeleteAfter all, I am the Ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
Tell me Keith, according to John 10:30 is the Lord Jesus the Father ?
No red herrings.
"But I call the Lord Jesus Christ my Holy Father just as He has said in (John 14:9)."
ReplyDeleteOnce again, read the whole chapter. It is quite clear.
Paul!!!!!!!!! I know that you are in there. Join with me and rebuke the evil spirit that is blaspheming the Lord God. Instead of using scripture, out of context, use the whole counsel of God. I know you have a demon because of your statements, indicating that you relish being told that you have a demon. Through the power of El Shaddai, in the name of our Lord, Y'shua, I cast you out. C'mon Paul. I know that it feels good relishing in your sinful nature, but CRY OUT TO Y'SHUA. Say it his name out load. Y'SHUA, Y'SHUA, Y'SHUA.....JESUS, JESUS, JESUS.
Keith, what kind of spirit do you think that is who says that the Lord Jesus is NOT the Lord God ?
ReplyDeleteThomas called the Lord Jesus "My God".
Which spirit is holding you back from calling Jesus GOD ?
The Scriptures say, that no one can say Jesus is LORD except by the Spirit of God.
ReplyDeleteAnd Lord means LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
Tell me why can't you say that ?
"Tell me Keith, according to John 10:30 is the Lord Jesus the Father ?
ReplyDeleteNo red herrings."
Yes, Paul!!! No Red Herrings. Your demon is very good at that and taking scripture out of context.
C'mon Paul!!!!! Read the whole chapter. The demon doesn't like it when you read and consume all of God's Truth.
Remember, that the following verse is a few verse after John 10:30.
"Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?"
I know that it's hard to resist the demon and influencing evil spirits. If you don't start rebuking them now, more will come and take up residence, within you.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking this very thing this morning as I was about to write on here, and you have written it instead:-
'We are one in Spirit with Jesus, as Jesus is one in Spirit with the Father. John 17:20-22
You wouldn't say that we are God, Absolutely Not!'
Hello right now from South Wales to you, I will return to my lunch. ( I would like to put a smiley face here, but I can not find anything on my keyboard to do it.
"Which spirit is holding you back from calling Jesus GOD ?"
ReplyDeleteThe Spirit of God, that wrote the book you are mutilating.
Once again, the Greek shows that Thomas is referencing Y'shua's Lordship and the Power behind him, not proclaiming that Jesus is God. It's quite clear, once you starting looking at the scriptures, more in depth. You need to consume it, not just read it.
I am amazed, every Christian believes that the Lord Jesus is 'GOD', it's the foundation of all Christianity.
ReplyDeleteBut you both don't believe that.
I really am amazed.
I think that you really need to call on the Name JESUS and be saved.
Apart from believing in the Lord Jesus is NO salvation.
You are demoting the Lord Jesus to a mere man, and elevating another god.
ReplyDeletewe can say that Jesus is Lord by the Spirit of God alone because God has made Him our Lord.
For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: 'THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES A FOOTSTOOL FOR YOUR FEET."' "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-- this Jesus whom you crucified." Acts ch. 2 vs. 35 - 36
"The Scriptures say, that no one can say Jesus is LORD except by the Spirit of God.
ReplyDeleteAnd Lord means LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
Tell me why can't you say that ?"
First of all, when Jesus is called Lord, in the B'rit Hadashah, the New Testament, it is the same word used when referencing a sovereign, prince, chief, such as the Roman emperor. It is a title of honour expressive of respect and reverence, with which servants greet their master. This LORD is never referenced to Jesus, but the Father, taking us back to the Tanahk, the Old Testament, which is, YHWH, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.
The scripture, that you are quoting, is saying that no one can say that Jesus is Master over my life, except by the Spirit of God. The same Spirit that dwells in all True Believers, the Spirit of YHWH, Ehyeh Ashe Ehyeh.
Hey Brenda,
ReplyDeleteAnother example showing that the Spirit of Truth, The Spirit of The One and Only Living God is behind our unified battle against the evil that is influencing Paul.
By the way, these blogs don't allow us very many HTML tags. I usually put :-) as a smiley face.
Brenda, what does that mean, 'we are one in Spirit with Jesus' ?
ReplyDeleteAnd what does that mean, 'Jesus is one in Spirit with the Father' ?
Just explain it.
I think that we are going too fast and we are achieving nothing, therefore I will answer you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed, every Christian believes that the Lord Jesus is 'GOD', it's the foundation of all Christianity."
Let me correct you, if I may. Every Christian believes that the Lord Jesus is 'GOD', it's the foundation of all denominational Christianity. That is correct. But Y'shua, Jesus hates the way of the Nicolaitans, that is denominationalism. You statement is not a foundation of the Remnant, that God reserves, unto himself, in every generation.
This is another reason that you need to re-evaluate your position. You are traveling down the wide path to destruction, instead of the straight and narrow, with True Believers, such as Brenda and me. God and we are waiting for you, by friend.
Thank you Keith, :-)
ReplyDeleteas a man thinks so he is. The true 'us' is on the inside.
I can choose to be my fleshly self with my spirit of disobedience and my carnal mind which I inherited from the first Adam, or I can choose to be my reborn of the Spirit self, a child of God with the Spirit of obedience to God and the mind of Christ which I inherited from the second Adam
It is only through being born of God's Spirit and having my mind renewed in Christ Jesus that I can be one in Spirit with Jesus and the Father.
John ch. 17 vs. 20 - 22 states that Jesus Himself speaks about the 'oneness of us all in the Spirit', gained through our belief in Jesus, who is the mediator between man and God.
'I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. "The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one;…
OK, back again.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, you have never said that 'Jesus is Lord', and Lord means the Lord God Almighty, no Brenda you have never said it, not even once.
Lord does not mean as Keith has said, 'it is the same word used when referring to a sovereign, prince, chief, such as the Roman emperor.'
In the Old Testament Jesus is called 'Lord' meaning the Lord God Almighty, just as Isaiah said in 9:6, and the Lord said that you ought to know that the Lord your God IS God! (Deut. 7:9).
No Brenda, there is NO other!
Jesus is not a little Lord and another one is the big Lord.
No Brenda, there are NOT TWO Lords, but only ONE 'JESUS'! And you ought to call Jesus 'Lord'.
You take every opportunity to tear the Lord Jesus off His throne and you put another god on the throne.
Brenda, you do that every time without fail just the same as Keith is doing and you can't even see it.
And then you think that you have the mind of Christ :-(
It is bad when someone else deceives you, but it is worse when you deceive yourself.
You said, 'we can say that Jesus is Lord by the Spirit of God alone because God has made Him our Lord'
Do you read your own comments ? And do you think what you are saying ?
You are making a statement 'Jesus is Lord' and then you are saying that another god called Yahweh made Jesus our Lord.
Look Brenda, you do that every time without fail.
The reason you do that is, that another spirit is in you who can NOT say that the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Lord God Almighty.
The Scriptures and all the prophets and all the apostles and all believers say that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth.
But you and Keith and all unbelievers say that Jesus is NOT the Lord God.
The Scriptures and the Lord Jesus say that He (Jesus) is the Father, but you and Keith and all those who do not believe in Jesus say, 'NO', Jesus is NOT the Father.
What do you think, is the Scripture wrong ? Or you ?
Thomas called the Lord Jesus 'GOD' and the Lord Jesus did NOT deny it, and neither did He stop them from worshiping Him (Jesus).
I think that you need to ask yourselves, why don't you call Jesus God and worship Him alone?
Well, if you don't know, I will tell you.
ReplyDelete"Lord does not mean as Keith has said, 'it is the same word used when referring to a sovereign, prince, chief, such as the Roman emperor.'
In the Old Testament Jesus is called 'Lord' meaning the Lord God Almighty, just as Isaiah said in 9:6, and the Lord said that you ought to know that the Lord your God IS God!"
Yes, my friend, as much as you want to stick your head in the ground. There are two meanings, for Lord, in the original Greek. You second reference is in Hebrew, and again, and regardless of how much you deny the truth, it is YHWH.
Hoping one day, you will cast off that demon,
ReplyDelete"You take every opportunity to tear the Lord Jesus off His throne and you put another god on the throne."
Never once did either Brenda or I indicate that Y'shua, Jesus, was not with God, at the throne of God, at his right hand, a place of honor, as documented in the Bible, a book, you constantly misquote for you and your demons agenda, to mislead.
Amen Keith to Jesus being seated at the right hand of God. I love the way scripture has the final word. There is always more that we can all learn, but it is in God's time as we mature in Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThere are many things that I feel I could share that I believe have been revealed to me, as I am sure you and many others in Christ could. However, things can only be revealed to us through that word at specific times (line upon line), and as God's ways are so different from our ways it is only the Lord can convince us of these spiritual truths.
Yes Keith, there are two meanings, one true, and one false!
ReplyDeleteConcerning the creator God, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, the title LORD means God the Almighty.
Jesus is not a sub-god or a sub-lord.
Who else do you think is the LORD God Almighty ?
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh ? Or Yahweh ? Or Jehovah ? Or perhaps Allah ? Or is it Krishna ?
I'll ask you, did anyone of those gods ever do anything ? Apart from lying and deceiving of course.
All those names are the names of the god of this world, called the DEVIL (2 Cor. 4:4) and you and Brenda have fallen headlong into his snare.
You said, 'Never once did either Brenda or I indicate that Y'shua, Jesus, was not with God, at the throne of God, at his right hand, a place of honor, as documented in the Bible,'
You are imitating you spiritual father, I know what you are saying.
Jesus is not WITH another god called Yahweh, and neither does He sit at the right hand WITH another god on His throne.
You are doing the same as Brenda, you are trying hard to put your god on the throne of the Jesus Christ.
Brenda, of course you will agree with Keith. I wish you would agree with Jesus and the Scriptures.
ReplyDeleteYou will agree with everyone who demotes the Lord of Glory Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
You would never ascribe any greatness to the Lord Jesus, but deny Him as Lord and only God, and as the Father of ALL HIS children.
And then you think that you are mature in Jesus. If that is not self delusion, then what is.
You have deluded yourself in thinking that you believe the Scriptures.
You are saying that God loves ALL mankind, but the Scriptures said that God hated Esau.
But of course you know it better than the Scriptures.
You are saying that God's name is Yahweh, but the Scriptures said that there is no other Name given than JESUS.
The name Yahweh is not even mentioned once in the Scriptures, but you know it better than the Scriptures.
You call Yahweh 'GOD', but in the Scriptures, Thomas called Jesus 'GOD'.
You call Yahweh 'Father', but Jesus said that He is the Father (John 10:30).
You say that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Yahweh, the Scriptures said that it is Jesus (2 Co. 3:17).
You call Yahweh LORD, but the Scriptures said that Jesus Christ is Lord (Isa. 63:16).
You worship Yahweh, and in the Scriptures they worshipped the Lord Jesus.
Brenda, the Scriptures said, that you shall love the LORD JESUS, and not Yahweh.
Because there is only one true God Jesus (1 John 5:20) and any OTHER god is Satan.
I think that you need to have a good look at your religion and see where you have gone astray.
Brenda, you have fallen away from the Lord Jesus Christ to another god.
ReplyDeleteif you look at what I am agreeing with, it is the scripture - as I agree with all scripture. I agree with all that Jesus has spoken Paul, I believe it is you who have disagreed with what He says when He speaks about His Father. I don't believe I have called myself 'mature' in Jesus, I believe we are all 'maturing' in Jesus as we hear and act on the word spoken to us.
Yes, Thomas called Jesus His Lord and his God, but it is God the Father (Who is Spirit), Who made Jesus both Lord and Christ. The word 'god' stands for one who has supreme authority, and is the supreme being. That is what God the Father made Jesus. He allowed Him to be a reflection of Himself to mankind.
If you look further on in John ch. 20 v 31 says, regarding scripture:-
'but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.'
I do love Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, the One Whom God made my Lord, the One mediator between man and God. All scripture makes sense to me Paul.
'And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.'
I love this scripture Paul, this explains just what Jesus means about us all being One in the Spirit. Don't forget that God is Spirit.
In John ch. 4 vs 23 - 25 Jesus expounds on this:-
But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
ReplyDeleteGreat Comments!
Brenda and I and True Believers, that consumed the Word of God and make it our own, are in agreement, because we are one in Spirit with the One and Only God, through his Son, Y'shua, whose name gives homage and respect to his Father. Y'shua means "YHWH Saves". You just called Y'shua's (Jesus') Father, Satan. You are treading very close to the point of no return, where Jesus will dust the dust, from his shoes, of the ground, which you stand.
Yes Brenda, I have been looking at what you are saying and you do NOT agree with the Scriptures at all. I have given you many examples from the Scriptures and you do not agree with any of them.
ReplyDeleteI can give you many more examples, but you stubbornly refuse to believe.
You said, 'Yes, Thomas called Jesus His Lord and his God, but it is God the Father (Who is Spirit), Who made Jesus both Lord and Christ.'
Brenda, If Jesus is GOD, then GOD can NOT have a Father!
Why does GOD need a Father for ?
Look Brenda, you don't understand the Scriptures. God does NOT have a Father, He 'IS' the Father ! (Hebrew 7:3)
The Scriptures said, 'Yet for us is but ONE GOD and that is the Father' (1 Cor.8:6).
Father is the TITLE of God and is NOT another person.
Just the same as SON, is also the TITLE of God, and it's not another person.
And the same is 'Holy Spirit', it is the DESCRIPTION of God, not another person.
There is only ONE person who is God and that is Jesus Christ, and all the above titles and description belong to Jesus Christ who is GOD over ALL (Rom. 9:5).
You said, 'But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
Brenda, In the Scriptures they worshiped JESUS (Mat. 2:11 and 14:33 and 28:8 and 28:17 etc.). Then why don't you ?
You don't worship the Lord Jesus, because you worship another god and therefore transgress the first and the second Commandment of the Lord.
Keith, All Muslims and Jehovah Witnesses think that they are true believers.
ReplyDeleteIf you would be one in Spirit with the ONE and only GOD, you would be in agreement with me and give me an AMEN, but as it is, you are one in spirit with another god called Yahweh.
I honor my Father who is in heaven Jesus Christ but you dishonor Him and call your father a god and worship him.
Jesus does not dust off His shoes, I am His representative (Ambassador) and it is I who dust off my shoes when needed.
ReplyDeleteyou said that I said:- 'Yes, Thomas called Jesus His Lord and his God, but it is God the Father (Who is Spirit), Who made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
No Paul, it is scripture that says:-
"Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-- this Jesus whom you crucified." (Acts ch. 2 v. 36 )
You said that I said:-''But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
No Paul, it is scripture that says this in John ch. 4 vs. 23, 24.
Brenda, You just don't get it, don't you.
ReplyDeleteYou definitely don't have ears to hear.
Why did the Lord Jesus give you TWO ears to listen and only ONE mouth to speak ?
To answer your question Paul,
ReplyDeleteI was given ears to here what the Lord speaks to me through His Word and a mouth to speak what He tells me to speak. We all have something we can share with one another Paul, but none of us are God with the whole of His knowledge and wisdom. That is why the body of Christ on earth is made up of many parts (as it says in 1 Corinthians ch. 12).
Brenda, if you would have ears to hear what the Lord Jesus said through His Word in John 10:30, then you would call Jesus your Father.
ReplyDeleteThere is a deceiving spirit in you who makes you think that you believe the Scriptures.
When the Lord Jesus said, 'Only GOD is GOOD'.
Then that deceiving spirit in you will say that the Lord Jesus is NOT the good ONE, but another god called Yahweh is the only one who is good.
When the Lord Jesus said, 'I and the Father are ONE'.
Then that deceiving spirit will say, 'Jesus is NOT the Father, it is another ONE called Yahweh which is the Father', and then to hide his deception, he always quotes a metaphor from Scripture, so that you never come to know the truth.
Not only that, but that deceiving spirit will find every opportunity to elevate that false god Yahweh in every Scripture passage possible.
He even causes you to lie against common sense, when the Scriptures says 'ONE', then that deceiver says 'TWO' and then he uses Scriptural a decoy so that you do NOT agree with common sense and the Scriptures.
Brenda, if you would be in the light, then you could see it, but because you are in darkness where the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving.
In darkness everyone calls Jesus LORD, even the demons and they ALL say 'Lord Lord..........' , but they do NOT believe Jesus and neither can they say that Jesus Christ is LORD.
Indeed, if the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is in a man, such a man will proclaim JESUS Christ and not another.
Paul, I love my Lord Jesus and everything He speaks to me through that written word I believe.
ReplyDeleteJohn ch. 6 vs. 45 says much about how we are taught and drawn to Jesus:-
'It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me'.
Verse 46 goes on to say that no one has seen the Father except Jesus, the One who is from God:-
"Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One who is from God; He has seen the Father.'
These scriptures are very plain to understand.
I do proclaim Jesus Christ crucified to those who do not know Him Paul.
Matthew 11:15, Mark 4:23, Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22.
ReplyDelete"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.’'
Please hear the spirit is saying to you.
Beautiful verse Keith.
ReplyDeleteYou make it very clear that you believe in an unknownable god called Yahweh.
You said, "Father I thank You for Jesus".
Tell me, which Father are you addressing ?
You said, "Father send them Jesus just like You did with me".
Tell me Brenda, to which Father are you talking to ?
You said, "Father how I love You and I want to praise Your name".
Which Father do you love ?
And which name do you praise ? Do you praise Yahweh ?
Blind Freddy can see that you are believing in an unknowable god.
You and most Christians pray to this UNKNOWABLE god, and then you just add 'in Jesus Name' to give it a little Christian flavor.
Just like the pagans (Acts 22-25) you worship an UNKNOWN god, but meanwhile you have given him a name 'Yahweh'.
But what you worship in ignorance, I proclaim to you is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Keith, it seems to me that you are unable to distinguish between the spirit of Satan and the Spirit of God.
ReplyDeleteI would recommend you to listen to the Spirit of God with a capital 'S', just as it says in Revelation.
It is obvious that you are listening to the wrong spirit.
ReplyDeleteI, as part of the body of Christ on earth, speak of the same Father that Jesus spoke of. The only way that we could know Him as our Father was through believing in Jesus, the One mediator between man and God. Otherwise He would be unknown to us, as scripture tells us that it is only Jesus Who has seen Him (as I have said in my last comment ). As the body of Christ on earth we (the church) are able to communicate with God, just as Jesus did when He was on earth. It is all to do with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, faith (which comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God ), and having our minds renewed in Christ. It is an on-going process Paul.
ReplyDeleteI just looked at Acts ch. 22 v. 25:-
'But when they had tied him up with the thongs, Paul said to the centurion who was standing by, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman citizen, and uncondemned?”'
I am not sure what you mean regarding this verse speaking about pagans worshipping an unknown god.
ReplyDelete"I would recommend you to listen to the Spirit of God with a capital 'S', just as it says in Revelation.
It is obvious that you are listening to the wrong spirit."
I wish that you would pay as much attention to your misquoting of scripture, as to my typos.
ReplyDelete"I just looked at Acts ch. 22 v. 25."
I'm glad that you and I do what the Word of God tells us to do and search the scriptures daily. Praise God! It appears that you do your homework. It's sad, but Paul doesn't care about misquoting scripture. It doesn't faze him, at all. He just keeps going on with his rhetorical mantra, with a total disregard of what the scriptures actually says. We need to keep praying for him. It's hard not the draw the line when he blasphemes the Lord God. If he would stop and think about it, he would logically come to the conclusion that YHWH, The Father, etc. are the same person and when he calls YHWH, by the name of Satan, he's calling Jesus by the same name.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm sure that Paul meant to quote Acts 17. I do wonder sometimes, how old Paul is, because he hasn't developed his rational thinking side of the brain and still immature on the Spiritual side.
Brenda, I did not quote CHAPTER 22:25, I referred to VERSE 22-25 and I didn't mention the chapter, (forgotten).
ReplyDeleteYou said, 'The only way that we could know Him as our Father was through believing in Jesus,'
No Brenda, absolutely no, you cannot know the Father unless you believe that Jesus IS the Father.
Jesus said, 'I and the Father are ONE'!
But you think that you can know this unknowable god through believing in Jesus and then call this unknowable god 'Father', absolutely NO Brenda.
An unknowable god is a god who is not known, nobody knows him, till someone comes and gives him a name and tells us everything about him.
But you have given this unknowable god a name Yahweh, and then you don't tell us anything about him, except that you call him Father.
What it means is, that you don't believe Jesus when He said that He is the Father and then you worship another called Yahweh and call him Father instead the Lord Jesus Christ.
You said, As the body of Christ on earth we (the church) are able to communicate with God, just as Jesus did when He was on earth.'
Again Brenda, with which GOD do you communicate ? With Yahweh ?
All pagans communicate with Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna and all other names.
But they do not communicate with the God Paul and I proclaim.
The Lord Jesus is the Lord God Almighty come in the flesh and He does NOT communicate with a God when He is the ONLY true God there is ( Jude 1:25).
Luke 10:22 the Lord Jesus said, 'All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him'.
If you would know Jesus, you would know the Father also, but you do not know the Father and the Son because He has NOT yet made Himself known to you and to Keith.
Jesus said, 'He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and WILL disclose Myself to him (John 14:21).
I suggest that you both start with the first Commandments of the Lord.
'I am the LORD' ! 'You shall have NO other' !
Which Lord ?
Do you think that Yahweh is the Lord ?
There is only ONE Lord and that is the Lord Jesus Christ and no other.
Keith, just read John 10:30 'I and the Father are ONE', what does the Lord Jesus say 'rationally' ?
ReplyDeleteI understand now that you did not put the chapter in and that I read it as a chapter and a verse. Many people just say something like Acts 22 -25 to refer to both chapter and verse. No problem, we all make mistakes.
If you look further on in that chapter vs. 30 and 31 states:-
' The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and of this he has given assurance to all men by raising him from the dead.”'
This shows quite clearly that God is judging the world in righteousness through a man whom He has appointed. That could only be the man Jesus.
Jesus was the 'firstborn of all created (Colossians ch. 1 v. 15), the first of many brethren (Romans ch. 8 v. 29)'
The reason He was the firstborn of all created is that He was born of God's Spirit, not of man who was formed from dust. Although Jesus was the image of the invisible God, He was the image in the Spirit, not the flesh.
He was the first of many brethren. That is because God is Spirit, and when we are born of His Spirit we become God's children (as Jesus was His Son, born of His Spirit).
'Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by 'a man whom he has appointed', and of this he has given assurance to all men by raising him from the dead.”'
ReplyDelete(John 10:30) Jesus said, 'I and the Father are ONE.'
But you are saying that Jesus and the Father are TWO ?
Why do you say contrary to what the Lord Jesus said ?
You claim to believe the Scriptures, why don't you agree with Scriptures ?
ReplyDeleteWho is the God of the following verses?
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.
And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land.
I don't want or need a long drawn out, convoluted answer. A simple answer is all that is needed.
ReplyDeleteThe Father and Jesus are One in the Spirit. Jesus was the Word of God made flesh, Who said in John ch. 6 vs. 62, 63:- 'What then if you see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before? 'It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.'
Jesus was both the Son of man and the Son of God while He was on earth.
He was the Word of God made flesh, the same Word Who was with God in the beginning.
Just as I have a voice to communicate with others, Jesus was the way that God (Who is Spirit) communicated with the earthly descendants of the first Adam in order to re - birth us in the Spirit so that we become the children of God (In the Spirit), so that death in the flesh for those who are born of the Spirit of God will not bring the condemnation of the first Adam's sin upon us.
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning Jesus Christ of Nazareth created ALL things. Everything was made by Him and for Him and nothing came into being apart from Him.
Keith, John 10:30 'I and the Father are ONE', what does the Lord Jesus say 'rationally' ?
Brenda, if the Father and Jesus are one in the Spirit, then they are TWO! Yes TWO!
Jesus said, that He and the Father are ONE.
You don't understand anything of the Scriptures and neither do you apply wisdom and rational thinking to it.
I'm going away for five days and will comment after I'm back.
Meanwhile have a happy Easter :-)
ReplyDeleteDid you know that the word "God", in both verses, and many others, is Elohim and that Elohim is a plural noun. In reality, it should read, "In the beginning, Gods or the Divine Ones, created the heaven and earth. How do you reconcile that with John 1, or are you going to deny the scriptures, again?
ReplyDeleteGod said 'Let Us make man (plural as in 'mankind') in Our image. Tell me who you think the 'Us' is?
Hi Keith and Brenda, I'm back again :-)
ReplyDeleteThe word "God" in Genesis doesn't mean anything else but 'God' meaning deity, which is the title of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is not a good practice to read something into the Scripture which it doesn't say.
The word 'Elohim' is not mentioned in the Bible, it is just not there.
Just read the Scriptures properly and don't pervert it.
I have many English translations and it doesn't say 'Elohim'.
We need to know what it says in English and not in Greek, and in English it says "God" and NOT 'the gods' (Gen. 1:1).
Every intelligent man of God ought to know that in the beginning was God and NOT the gods.
I recommend that you believe the Scriptures and not those perverted liars who malign the Scriptures.
The Lord Jesus said, 'Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is ONE'! (Mark 12:29 and Deut. 6:4) and in numerous other passages. The Scriptures does NOT refer to God as 'many', but always as 'ONE' and 'HE'.
Before God was born into His own creation He was known under the title 'God' and 'Lord', and after His incarnation He is known by His Name 'JESUS' who is the Christ.
John 1 says the same as Genesis 1.
It needs a twisted mind to read into John 1, 'In the beginning, Gods or the Divine Ones, created the heaven and earth'.
On your blog-post, you have said it yourself, "God, the singularity" singularity doesn't mean 'Divine Ones, or Gods'.
Brenda, I have been explaining Genesis 1:26 many times to you.
ReplyDeleteEither you don't read my comments properly, or you don't think it logically through, or you don't read the Scriptures and think what it says, or perhaps what the Scriptures does NOT say?
Well Brenda, if all attempts fail, you should seek the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him what Gen. 1:26 means.
But you need to seek my God the Lord Jesus Christ and not your false Jesus (2 Cor. 11:4), perhaps read 2 Corinthians 11:4 and carefully think what it says and also read verse 3.
It is important that you abandon the gods and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, believe not and you will perish with your gods.
Hey Paul,
ReplyDeleteIn the NOG English Versin of the Bible, it states:
"In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth."
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the truth, doesn't make it go away my friend. And it's that refusal to except the truth that will be used against you at the judgment thrown of God. I hope and pray that you will not be one of the individuals that say,"Lord, Lord", but to only have Y'shua respond, "Depart from me for I never knew you. "
Keith, Just read any normal English translation and don't use an isolated translation to justify your false doctrines. The Lord Jesus Christ is the truth and not your many gods (John 14:6).
ReplyDeleteTell me, to which one of your god-persons would you say "Lord, Lord" ? and then which one would say to you, 'depart from me I never knew you' ? All three ?
And in the beginning, exactly how many gods-persons created the heavens and the earth ?
If it wasn't the Lord Jesus, then who was it ? Was it the gods who created the heavens and the earth ?
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI have already said what I believe about Genesis ch. 1 v.26 in my post
I think these verses from John ch. 5 tell us what Jesus says regarding this:-
'15 The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him. 16 And this was why the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did this on the sabbath. 17 But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working still, and I am working.” 18 This was why the Jews sought all the more to kill him, because he not only broke the sabbath but also called God his own Father, making himself equal with God.
The Authority of the Son
19 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does likewise. 20 For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he himself is doing; and greater works than these will he show him, that you may marvel. 21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will. 22 The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, 23 that all may honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him. 24 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.'
1 Corinthians ch. 2 v. 14 reads:- 'The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.'
So it depends on whether we are trying to understand the scriptures with our carnal minds or the mind of Christ. One will contradict the other. The Lord knows who are His.
ReplyDelete"Just read any normal English translation and don't use an isolated translation to justify your false doctrines."
First of all, normal is very subjective and worldly. I would have expected a better rebuttal than that.
The fact, that Elohim is a plural noun, stands alone, without me. It either speaks to the Trinity or to God's multidimensionality. As for me, the Bible is very clear on this subject. God is one, not two or three or more, then the obvious answer is that it speaks to his multidimensionality. You know that's my belief, but you continue to claim that we are polytheistic.
I know that you believe that the man Jesus is God, the Father, but the scriptures don't support your ideology, fully. You are close, but not 100% correct.
The best english word, that I can use, for Jesus, is hybrid. The Body, Soul, Mind of a man, but with the Spirit of God and a name that will proclaim the same. (Isaiah 9:6) Even the New Testament says the he was the first born of all Creation and the IMAGE of God. (Col 1:15) The same Word of God, which commanded all things into reality, culminated with the creation of the man Jesus, who is both man and God, (John 1:14) a duality that Thomas finally saw, when he said, "My Lord and My God." (John 20:28) Jesus is the first of a dual nature. We, as believers, become sons of God, along with Jesus, (John 1:12-13) However, God is part of us but we are not God. Therefore, Jesus is Jesus, God is God. God has, is and always will be Echad, the One and only.
ReplyDeleteYou could not have explained it better, I totally agree with you.
Thanks Brenda. All comes from the Spirit of God, that flows through you and me and all believers.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, you think just like the Jews, they didn't understand and neither do you.
ReplyDeleteThey thought that Jesus was just a man, making Himself out to be God, and you think exactly the same.
You have a Christianized concept that Jesus is a Son to another identity called God, and for that reason you don't know God or believe in Him or the Scriptures.
Because you don't believe in Jesus, therefore Jesus rightly said, 'You know neither Me nor My Father; if you Brenda knew Jesus, you would know the Father also.'
From now on you know Him and have seen Him and if you do not know that Jesus is the Father you will die in your sins.
If you would have received the Spirit of God you would testify about JESUS and not about another god called Yahweh and call him Father (John 15:26), even though Jesus said that He is the Father (John 10:30). Anyone who has not received the Spirit of Jesus Christ does not belong to God (Rom. 8:9) and that's the reason you don't understand or believe.
2 Corinthians 11:3-4 'But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be lead astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Jesus Christ. For if one comes to you an preaches ANOTHER Jesus whom we have not preached, or you received a DIFFERENT spirit, which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.'
It is those who believe in Jesus who are His.
Keith, yes my friend that's right, I believe that the man Jesus Christ is God the Father, the only God there is, the only creator there is, and beside Him is no other.
ReplyDeleteJesus is God (Spirit) clothed in flesh, born into His own creation, just as the Scriptures said that Jesus is the Alpha meaning the first and He is also the last, and remember beside the first is no other.
And no, Jesus is certainly not a hybrid and neither is He just a man like you. Jesus said, 'You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes' (Ps. 50:21).
He also said, that you will die in your sins if you don't believe that He is the God of all creation (John 8:24).
ReplyDeleteJesus said 'It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life..' His words have to be understood spiritually.
Hey Paul, Let's start from the beginning and take it one step, at a time.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Moshe, Moses, asked God to revealed his name, God responded, "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" I AM THAT I AM" and he said, "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Ehyeh hath sent me unto you."
And God said moreover unto Moses, "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name FOREVER, and this is my memorial unto all generations."
Did you notice that it says "FOREVER"?
Unless you can prove that is not Biblical, I'm won't discuss it further. I'm actually tired of you changing scripture to meet your man-made doctrine.
That is strange Keith,
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about where God said I Am That I Am this morning.
Brenda, Like I said, the Truth is the same in all true believers. :-)
ReplyDeleteYes Brenda, and who is the Spirit who gives life ?
ReplyDeleteJesus said, that He is the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Jesus has life, and he who does not believe in Him is dead (spiritually dead).
Jesus came to give us life and more abundant.
And if you would believe the Scriptures, then you would know that the Lord Jesus is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17) who gives life.
How can you understand His words spiritually when you don't understand it intelligently ?
Jesus said, 'I and the Father are ONE', but you say contrary to Jesus, that Jesus and the Father are TWO.
If you think that you can spiritually understand what Jesus has said, then you are deceiving yourself and the truth is not in you.
Keith, the Lord Jesus didn't say to Moses that His Name is Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, just read the Scriptures properly and don't pervert it.
ReplyDeleteBecause you don't want to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ therefore you are trying to put a name for God into the Scriptures.
Gen. 3:14 Jesus said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I Am has sent me to you."
Any man with a little bit of understanding knows that 'I Am' is NOT a name.
Jesus made it clear when He said that Moses wrote about Him (JESUS) (John 5:46), but you and Brenda and ALL unbelievers don't believe the Scriptures or the Lord Jesus Christ.
Concerning God's Name; nobody ever called God 'WHWH' and not to mention Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, or 'I AM THAT I AM', or Yahweh.
Show me in Scripture where Moses told Pharaoh that the I Am has sent him ?
There is only one Name given under heaven and on earth which is FOREVER and that is JESUS.
Because you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Scriptures therefore you have cooked up a name for your god and call him' Yahweh'.
Look my friend, there is no end to your deception, there is only repentance left, the gospel, repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved'.
Yes, you are a true believer, but sadly not in the Lord Jesus Christ :-(
I believe absolutely in Jesus Paul,
ReplyDeleteHe is the One Who God made to be my Lord,
the Word of God made flesh,
the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation,
the first of many brethren,
the One mediator between God and man
I love Him Paul.
Don't forget Paul,
ReplyDeleteActs ch. 4 v. 12 says 'Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name UNDER heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
No Brenda, you do not believe in Jesus who is the Christ, you believe in a false Jesus (2 Cor. 11:3-4).
ReplyDeleteYou believe in an unknowable god whom you call Yahweh, and this 'god' supposedly made you believe in a 'Jesus' who is just a mere man.
In every comment you make, you are demoting the Lord Jesus to a second rate God, a sub-god of your god Yahweh.
Your god Yahweh is the same god who has lead the whole world astray (Rev. 12:9), and he has blinded your eyes so that you will not believe in Jesus who is the Christ (2 Cor. 4:4).
Look Brenda, you can not loosen yourself from his power (1 John 5:19), You need to call upon Jesus who is the CHRIST, the only true God there is, it is He who has the power to set you free.
It is no benefit for you to believe in a 'Jesus' who is NOT the Lord God, the whole world and all the demons also believe in Jesus. But you need to separate yourself from them, otherwise you are partaking of their sins and stand condemned.
You stand condemned because you believe NOT on the only one whom God has sent.
I can not add or take anything from scripture Paul, neither can I work out anyone's salvation other than my own. I think I may have said all that I believe the Lord has had me to say on your blog. It is that Word alone that is our judge.
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly what you are doing Brenda.
ReplyDeleteYou are adding another God called Yahweh to the true God Jesus Christ.
And Yes, you should work out your salvation, but in fear and trembling.
Brenda, the Word has already judged you, and found you guilty of transgressing the first and the second commandment of the Lord.
Therefore you need to repent and believe ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus does not give you a job you can't handle, but He has made it easy for you to turn back again to the one who has bought you with the price of His blood.
It is not only the Word alone who judges you, but everyone who is born of the Spirit including me, or don't you know that we ought to judge angels ?
ReplyDeleteOnce again, you take scripture out of context and misconstrue it to fit you ideology. Here is the complete quoted verses.
"So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
You see, it is God who does the good work within. Not you.
I too will leave your blog until you agree to read all scripture and conform to God's ideology. Not your own.
Keith, I did not quote a Scripture passage to Brenda, I was speaking ACCORDING to His Word, just as it says in the Scriptures.
ReplyDelete(Isa. 8:20) "If they speak not according to this word, it is because there in no light in them."
You see, you don't need to quote the Scriptures every time word for word, that is because we all know what the Scriptures say and what it doesn't say, or it does not mean.
For instance, when Jesus said that He and the Father are ONE; that means that Jesus IS the Father God and no other.
If anyone does not agree with that, it is because there is no light in them.