Sunday, May 22, 2016

God Appeared In A Body ! (1 Timothy 3:16)

(1 Tim. 3:16) 'God appeared in a body'!
John 4:24 tells us that 'God is Spirit' ( the Holy Spirit), therefore it's reasonable to say that the Holy Spirit appeared in a body, or in other words GOD appeared in a body just as it says in the Scriptures (1 Tim.3:16).
Who is that God who appeared in a body so that we can see Him and talk to Him ?

The Scriptures said that JESUS CHRIST came in a body of flesh (2 John 1:7).
'For many deceivers have gone out into the world, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, (or that God has come in the flesh) this is the deceiver and the antichrist (2 John 1:7).

Trinitarians do not believe that God came in the flesh.
They believe that God (this unknowabe God-person called 'Father') has sent another person, the second person of the trinity, which is supposed to be the first persons only begotten Son into the world.
In saying that, the word or title “God” has become a CONCEPT.
Trinitarians say that the first person called the Father and the second person the Son, are both 'God', which can only mean that both persons are in CONCEPT 'God'.
It makes sense, if TWO persons are God, then there are TWO gods and if two persons are ONE God, then “God” has become a CONCEPT, and a concept is NOT a person.

This great deception has now given the ignorant the opportunity to believe in a god whatever they CONCEIVE him to be; even THREE persons.
That of course is only the BEGINNING of this great satanic deception Satan has ever produced.
Trinitarians add a third person called 'the Holy Spirit' to this CONCEPT called 'God'.
And for this reason we can see in most churches that their converts pray to one god THROUGH ANOTHER god and then they add to their confusion a repetitive slogan, 'in Jesus name'.

The ORIGIN of the trinity doctrine.
Long before the true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:29) was born into His own creation, the people of India, the Hindu sect believed in the trinity, the unity of three gods in one, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
When the only God and saviour Jesus Christ (Jude 1:25) had established His Church, shortly after, the antichrist started started his own church the Catholic church in opposition to the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is the antichrist church who has adopted the concept of three god-persons in one God, therefore the Catholic people cross their heart as a sign and in honour and worship to their three gods.
The Catholic church is the mother of all trinitarian churches, even though most of her daughter-churches do not cross their heart but their practice and teaching is the same.

However, there is only ONE God who is the TRUTH, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONE who claims to be the TRUTH (John 14:6).
Any other person, spirit or name is an IMPOSTER who likes to take the place of Jesus Christ our ONLY wise God our Saviour (Jude 1:25).

Whosoever believes in Jesus Christ alone and in NO OTHER, will not perish and have eternal life, and whosoever does NOT believe shall be damned.

Please let me hear you thoughts. For and against is appreciated.  


  1. Hey Paul,

    "Trinitarians do not believe that God came in the flesh."

    That's not an entirely true statement. Even though, I concur that the Trinitarian concept is not a biblical one, it doesn't validate your belief that all Trinitarians do not believe that the Word of God came in the flesh. I do agree that some Trinitarians don't believe that Jesus was God, but not all of them.

    As with most Christians, Trinitarians can't fully grasp God's full dimensionality. God existence consists of a dimensionality far more than the present human condition and comprehension. Thereby, humans invent concepts like the "Trinity" and "Jesus is the Father", etc, in order to reconcile God with their perception of their own existence. Bottom line is that humans can not comprehend God.

  2. Thanks Keith for your comment.
    My statement, that 'trinitarians do not believe that God came in the flesh' is there to provoke the trinitarians to rethink their nonsensical doctrine that God is three persons in one God.

    Yes I agree, not every trinitarian believes the same order in their theology, but every trinitarian (without exception) believes the lie that God is three persons in one God.

    It is not possible for a man to believe that God SENT another person (His Son) into world and at the same time believe that God came in the flesh. That is called an oxymoron, a contradiction.
    Anyone who believes that, is either not very intelligent or utterly deceived and I don't have a problem with either one, except with the one who deceives, he has gone out into the world (2 John 1:7).

    Keith, you said, "God existence consists of a dimensionality far more than the present human condition and comprehension."

    That is not so my friend. In saying that, you are presenting God to be unknowable. For this reason you are supposed to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ IS that God and then present Jesus as the God who came in the flesh.
    If you would believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty appeared in a BODY, then you surely would know His DIMENSIONALITY.

    Can you see, you can't have it both ways, either you believe in Jesus ALONE and condemn any other, or believe in another and condemn the Lord of glory Jesus Christ our only God.

  3. A very good way of wording it Keith. God is an omnipresent Spirit.

  4. Hi Paul,
    I remember when I was in Adelaide, and a pastor in the church there spoke of the 'anti christ' as 'coming alongside' the true church and I believe it is happening now. There are the wheat and the tares, which look the same but are not the same. It is very rare to see a group of believers in a church building gathering together according to the instruction given in the original church. There are doctrines of man everywhere which are making void the word of God.

  5. Hey Paul,
    "It is not possible for a man to believe that God SENT another person (His Son) into world and at the same time believe that God came in the flesh. That is called an oxymoron, a contradiction."

    It's biblically based, my friend. John 3:16, John 1:1, 1:14

    Please read my comment. I didn't say that God wasn't knowable, I said Man cannot comprehend the nature or dimensionality of God. It's because man lost their similar dimensionality at the fall. We get it back, when we, again, become clothed in light, within our new bodies. At that time, we will begin to comprehend our Father. Until then, we see our Father through Y'shua, Jesus. Y'shua, Jesus, in the flesh, is a physical impression, of our Father, into our limited dimensionality. This physical impression has the full Spirit and The Word of our Father. It has to be that way, because we would perish in his immediate unveiled presence. Does that make sense? It's hard to explain to someone that has not fully embraced the Word Of God.

  6. Thanks Brenda!

    As for your comment about the antichrist coming along the true church, a Judaic understanding of the Kingdom Parable, concerning the mustard seed, says the same thing. Most Christians interpret the parable of the Mustardseed as how the church can grow from a small seed into a great presence, within this world. However, they failed to miss the birds of the air comment within that parable. Birds of the air has always been consistent to mean Satan and his disciples. The parable is also a warning to not allow the church to get too big, in order to allow Satan to hide amongst the remnant of God. You are correct, it is happening today, just as Y'shua said it would.

  7. Yes Brenda, I fully agree with what you have said. But if you believe that the antichrist is alongside the true Church, then you need to identify him. Who is the antichrist ?
    If you don't identify the antichrist, then there is NO benefit to the readers or hearers.

    It is just the same as when you don't identify God, God will be of no benefit to those who hear.
    And if you identify someone else who is NOT God, like Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Krishna etc. etc. that too will be of NO benefit to the hearers.

    What about the tares? Are they not the ones who claim to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but actually believe in another god called Yahweh?
    What about those who claim to be the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ but actually having an affair with another they worship (Yahweh), are those called 'wheat' ?

    Yes, there are doctrines of men everywhere, but do you believe the doctrine of God according to the Scriptures ?
    Jesus taught, that He and the Father are ONE and not TWO (John 10:30).
    Do you believe the Lord Jesus or the doctrines of men?

  8. Keith, the reason you can't explain it is, because you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    If God appeared in a body, then John 3:16 and John 1:1 and John 1:14 is spoken metaphorically.
    And if you would understand and believe John 1:14, then you would know that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is that 'GOD who appeared in a body'.
    But it is obvious that you don't believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth who has appeared in a body.

    You should comprehend that before you get a new body. Jesus said, if you do not know that I am He, you will die in your sins.

  9. Paul,
    to me, the antichrist is the false church, not the true body of Christ on earth, who teach other than what the Bible teaches and make void the Word of God through that teaching, who worship the created rather that the Creator. These are the 'tares'. On the outside they appear to be believers in Christ, God's church, but on the inside they are not. For 'as a man thinks, so he is.'

    You do not become a Christian by walking into a building and believing anything a man who calls himself a pastor says. There are false pastors as well as false everything else. You have to test that word against scripture.

    I believe in the Word of God, and whenever I think the doctrine of man contradicts what that Word says, I simply go back to the scriptures to check that Word. Sometimes it just comes into my mind as over the years our minds are renewed in Christ(that word)and it becomes our thoughts too.

    It is all about the Word of God.
    Y'shua, Jesus, was the Word of God made flesh. Now that He is risen we have to believe in Him (that Word written in the scriptures)in order to become children of God.

    How do we become children of God? We become children of God by being born of His Spirit. It is written in acts 2 vs. 38,39:-
    'Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise belongs to you and to your children and to all who are far off, to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

    When we are born again of that Spirit then we are taught God's ways. We are then God's Spiritual Israel and, just as the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness to the promised land, eating their daily manna, we too do the same journey spiritually. Our daily manna is the Word of God enlightened to us which we must not only hear but act upon. Then we are gradually being changed into the image of God.

  10. Paul, I'm not getting into a long, drawn out, discussion with you. I leave you with one thing. Please use Y'shua's example of interpretation. Every time, he interpreted the scriptures, he interpreted them literally. Even though metaphors, Parables, Models, etc, are accepted interpretations, the interpretation must be rooted in the literal level, anchored in God's truth,

    "You should comprehend that before you get a new body. Jesus said, if you do not know that I am He, you will die in your sins."

    Y'shua is the Lamb of God, whose sacrifice pays for the sins of all, who accept the substitution. Once again, according to all the scriptures, the sacrifice had to be a man and God can't die. It's all there in the Bible for you to read.

  11. 'the interpretation must be rooted in the literal level, anchored in God's truth,'
    'the sacrifice had to be a man and God can't die.'
    'Amen' to this Keith.

  12. Yes Brenda, but you still don't identify the false church. Why ? I think that you are unable to do so, and that's the difference between you and me.

    You said, 'On the outside they appear to be believers in Christ, God's church, but on the inside they are not.'

    Well Brenda, all trinitarians and every demon and devil appears to believe in Christ, but you should ask yourself, do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    If you would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, then we would NOT have a debate, then you would believe the Scriptures and also me.
    If you would believe, then you would call Jesus Father and not another god (John 10:30).

    You said, 'It is all about the Word of God. Y'shua, Jesus, was the Word of God made flesh. Now that He is risen we have to believe in Him (that Word written in the scriptures)in order to become children of God. How do we become children of God? We become children of God by being born of His Spirit. It is written in acts 2 vs. 38,39:- '

    Brenda, you say that you believe the Scriptures.
    "Y'shua" from where did you get that name ? From the Bible ? I think NOT !
    I have a few Bibles in front of me and 'Y'shua' is NOT mentioned once, and you say that you believe the Scriptures. I don't think so.

    Have you ever heard the blasphemers blaspheme the NAME of GOD and say "Y'shua" ?
    Absolutely NO! They blaspheme the Name of 'JESUS CHRIST', because Jesus Christ IS the Name of the only God.
    That makes me question, why do you want to confuse God's only Name ? Do you have a problem with the name 'JESUS' ?

    And how long does it take for you Brenda to believe and understand that you CANNOT become a son or a daughter to God, just the same as you cannot become a son to the Queen of England, no matter how hard you try.
    I find that bizarre Brenda. If you cannot understand the natural, what makes you think that you will understand the spiritual ?

  13. Keith, you said, "Y'shua is the Lamb of God, whose sacrifice pays for the sins of all, who accept the substitution. Once again, according to all the scriptures, the sacrifice had to be a man and God can't die. It's all there in the Bible for you to read."

    Jesus to be the LAMB of God is a metaphor, just the same as Jesus to be the SON of God, that is also a metaphor.
    How can Jesus be the Creator of heaven and earth and be a lamb or a Son ?
    It's a metaphoric term, saying that GOD appeared in a BODY (1 Tim 3:16).
    God is SPIRIT (John 4:24) and you cannot put a Spirit on a cross, therefore God (Spirit) had to come in a BODY, just as it says in 1 Tim. 3:16 and that body is the Lord Jesus Christ.
    YES, it was GOD who died on the cross! NOT a man. There were thousands of men who died on crosses, but a man cannot die for the sins of the world, only God can and did.

    Well, did He die for every human being or only for those who accept the substitution ?
    Please think about that carefully.
    How can you ACCEPT or reject what somebody else DID for you ? How can you?

    Just for arguments sake, if you have a debt of ten billion Dollars and there is no way ever for you to pay back that debt to your government.
    Now, for whatever reason, I did pay out the full amount of your debt to your government.
    All that I did has absolutely NOTHING to do with you. It doesn't depend on whether you accept it or whether you reject it, whether you believe or not believe it, it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

    I have paid your debt in full, and the government is satisfied to get their money. They don't care what you think, as far as they are concerned, you owe them NOTHING and it makes NO difference whether you accept it or reject it, whether you believe it or not believe it, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with you.

    Exactly the same is with the shed blood of Jesus Christ and the atonement.
    It's all there in the Bible for you to read :-) not just read, but to believe.

  14. Paul,
    you are working things out according to what your carnal mind tells you, that is why much of what you say can not be lined up with other scripture.

    The things of God cannot be understood with the natural mind, as stated in 1 Corinthians ch. 2 vs. 13 and 14 :-
    'And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually
    We can only receive the truth as we are taught by God, having the Word enlightened to us, learning line upon line, precept upon precept. God's Holy Spirit is the only thing that will convince and convict us.

  15. Brenda, it is very convenient for everyone who does not agree with plain Scriptures to say that the carnal mind does not understand the things of the Spirit.
    By saying that, they think that they can escape the exposure of their unbelief of the Scriptures.

    (2 Tim 3:16) tell me, is the 'GOD' who came in a BODY Jesus ?

    You see, the carnal mind DOES understand that, but the carnal mind is NOT WILLING to accept that, because it has set it's purpose AGAINST the knowledge of God.

    The carnal mind fully understands that the trinity is intellectually and mathematically impossible, but ALL those deceived Christians who think that they have a spiritual mind, the mind of Christ claim that no one can understand and know God.

    How can those who claim that Yahweh is the Father have a spiritual mind ? when Jesus said that He is the Father (John 10:30 and John 14:9 etc.)
    How can they say that they believe the Scriptures, and say that "Yahweh is God" when the name 'Yahweh' is not mentioned once in the Scriptures ? Is that a spiritual mind ?

    Personally, I think that they do NOT have the mind of Jesus Christ, but a natural deceived carnal mind unable to reason.
    For that reason they do NOT believe in Jesus Christ or in His Word (the Scriptures).

    Yes, you are right, we can only receive the truth as we are taught by God, but the question is, by which God ?

    Brenda, I think that it is good for you to carefully listen to what the Lord Jesus is telling you. Don't listen to Yahweh, he is not the truth, but listen carefully to the Lord Jesus Christ, He alone is the truth, just as He has said in John 14:6 (Isa. 65:16).

    And no, you cannot learn line upon line, precept upon precept, verse 12 says that you will not listen, but that you may go and stumble and be taken captive (verse 13).

  16. Paul, as regards to what is written in Isaiah ch. 28:-

    'Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

    For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:'

    Yes Paul, this is how the Lord teaches those that are weaned from the milk, as spiritual babes in Christ.

    This way of teaching will also judge the following:-

    'But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.'

    For He is both:-
    'In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people,

    And for a spirit of judgment to him that sits in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate'

  17. Brenda, you are an expert to avoid the questions.
    Don't focus on something which is not as important.

    (2 Tim 3:16) tell me, is the 'GOD' who appeared in a BODY Jesus ?

    Brenda, it's not a difficult question and I don't try to trick you.
    Just tell me, YES or NO ?

  18. Paul,
    Jesus had the Spirit of God in Him, and was the Word of God made flesh.

    As for me avoiding questions Paul, you must have asked me the same questions over and over again in your other posts and have been answered over and over again.

    2 Tim. 3:16 actually says:-'All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,', but you do not appear to agree with this because you do not seem to be interested in what all scripture says - much of which contradicts what you keep saying Paul.

  19. Well Brenda, that was a printing error on my behalf, I meant '1' Timothy 3:16.

    Concerning 2 Tim.3:16, how can someone believe ALL Scriptures when they don't want to believe ONE important passage ?
    I think that everyone who errs at the foundation is most likely wrong on all other doctrines.
    In other words, if you err on the knowledge of God (who God is), it will be impossible for you to understand every other doctrine in the Scriptures. In that regard ALL Scriptures is suitable for correction in doctrine 2 Tim. 3:16.

    But going back to my question I Timothy 3:16 :-)
    Is the GOD who appeared in a BODY Jesus ?
    Just tell me, YES or NO.

  20. God was the Spirit that was in Jesus Paul, the same Spirit that believers were, and can be born of, when they believe on Jesus. Jesus was the only begotten Son of God, the first of many brethren.(we become His brethren,also children of God when we are born of God's Spirit). Jesus called God His Father, and is quoted as saying 'Why do you call me 'good', only God is good.

    I will no longer carry on answering the same questions over and over again Paul, if you look to scripture for your answers you will find them. We must each work out our own salvation, and all be taught by God.

  21. Brenda, it amazes me that you just can NOT say it.
    In fact it is impossible for you to say that the Lord Jesus Christ is the God who appeared in a body.
    The reason is, you don't believe it.
    Well, it is required from you to believe that, or else you will die in your sins.

    Brenda, your god can't save you, only the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is able to save you, and a mere man cannot save you either, only the LORD God the Almighty can save you and there is NO other Name given in heaven and on earth whereby you must be saved.

    This is serious Brenda; and you should make every effort to rid yourself from every other god who is holding you captive in spiritual darkness.

  22. Just one more comment actually Paul,
    No man can come to God except through Jesus, and no man can come to Jesus except he is called by God. Jesus is the mediator. Thank God for Jesus. Amen.
    May God bless you in Jesus Paul, and may you live by EVERY word that comes from the mouth of God.

  23. Thanks Brenda, I always appreciate your comments and I admire your zeal for spiritual matters.
    A long time ago I have said that the doctrine of God is the most important doctrine there is. The entire Bible (Scriptures) is understood by the doctrine of God, the doctrine of God is the foundation and the rock of ALL our spirituality, and if we err on the doctrine of God, then ALL our spirituality is useless and empty religion which doesn't profit much.

    The whole world is filled with churches of every denomination and everyone believes in their own god or in the gods of their own making.
    And most Christian denominations believe in Jesus, but the 'Jesus' they believe in is another 'Jesus' than the one which I preach (2 Cor. 11:4), and of course, they also preach another 'spirit' and another 'gospel' than what I preach.
    The pattern is always the same, if they err on the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, they will err on everything else.
    But this ought not to be so with you Brenda.
    I do NOT say this in private, but publicly so that everyone who opposes me, has the opportunity to correct me publicly with the Scriptures or even without the Scriptures.

    Consider your last comment.
    In your view, you think that no man can come to this (unknown un-biblical) god called 'Yahweh' except through a man called Jesus.
    This is FAAAAR from the truth Brenda.
    In addition, and to compound that error you say that, 'no man can come to this ordinary man 'Jesus' without that unknown god (Yahweh) is calling him.'
    On top of that you think that an ordinary, or perhaps a more than ordinary man is the mediator between Yahweh and mankind.
    Also, it troubles me that you give thanks to a god who is NOT God for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    To the Lord Jesus Christ who is the only GOD our saviour (Jude 1:25) be ALL glory and honor for ever and ever.

  24. Paul,
    I know I was not going to leave any more comments, but I am printing out my leaflets in order to go out tomorrow (God willing) to give them out in the streets. The leaflet I am printing out is one which has a poem inside to go with scripture opposite. The top part reads:-

    I know of a comforter, One who will care
    a bearer of burdens - Who is able to share
    the sorrows and woes of a lonely life
    of emptiness, worry, fear and strife

    The verse which the Lord gave me to go with this section of my poem is:-

    And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, to be with you forever, even The Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive...John ch.14 vs. 16, 17

    Further down on the leaflet is another section of the poem:-

    I know of a Saviour, One who will bless
    everyone who believes with tenderness
    to replace darkest night with light of day
    a Saviour Who turns not one soul away

    opposite this verse is:-

    Who is it that overcomes the world but he who
    believes that Jesus is the Son of God 1 John ch. 5 v.5

    These scriptures say quite clearly that Jesus (Who speaks of asking His Father in the first verse) is the Son of God

    Jesus was not an 'ordinary man' Paul. He was a man, as stated in 1 Timothy ch.2 v.5:-'For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,' but He was a man Who was born of God's Spirit and Who as a child learned God's ways:- 'And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man. (Luke ch. 2 v., 52)

    It is strange that every time I think our discussion has come to an end, the Lord gives me scripture to share with you.

  25. Brenda, I know that the Lord has greatly gifted you in poetry and you are doing a great job.
    But remember, the gifts have been given without repentance (Rom.11:29).

    The reason you can NOT understand the Scriptures is, that you cannot discern between a metaphor and a reality, in other words, you can't divide a figurative statement from that which is real.

    You said, 'And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, to be with you forever, even The Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive...John ch.14 vs. 16, 17 '

    Brenda, you need stop for a moment and think, and if possible listen.
    I have explained that to you some time ago, but seemingly you don't want to listen.
    No, you can NOT talk the hind legs off a donkey. That is also a metaphor.

    You said, 'Who is it that overcomes the world but he who
    believes that Jesus is the Son of God 1 John ch. 5 v.5 '

    What does that mean Brenda ?
    All the demons and every devil believes that Jesus is the Son of God (Mat. 8:29); tell me, what benefit is that to you ?
    Like I have said, you don't understand the Scriptures and neither do you believe the Scriptures.

    You said, 'These scriptures say quite clearly that Jesus (Who speaks of asking His Father in the first verse) is the Son of God '

    If the Lord Jesus IS the Father as He has said in John 10:30, and if the Lord Jesus does NOT have a Father as the Scriptures said in (Hebr. 7:3), and if the Lord Jesus has been speaking figuratively about His Father (John 16:25), then why don't you believe the Scriptures and the Lord Jesus Christ ?

    If you don't believe Jesus and the Scriptures, then surely you would not believe His ambassador.

  26. Hey Paul,

    Once again, it looks like Brenda and I leave you with three things to ponder.

    1. You can't pick and choose only certain scriptures, that support your interpretation or doctrine. You must use the whole counsel of God.

    2. Even though metaphors, models and parables are used, they have their anchor within the literal truth of God.


    It is sad that you have so much zeal for the Lord, but don't understand his Word. You are like an eight cylinder engine, running on four, worn plugs. Not intended to be an insult, but an observation. My prayers will always include that your spiritual eyes and ears to be opened.

    Till the next time,

  27. I agree with you in prayer for Paul Keith, that his spiritual eyes and ears be opened and that he will receive the Spirit of Truth - as Jesus asked the Father for us all who believe in Him. Amen

  28. Point 1. Yes my friend, I give you the whole counsel of God, and yes, ALL of us can pick and choose whatever Scriptures we like to support the doctrine of God, or any other doctrine in fact. All of us are doing it anyway.

    Point 2. Yes, I fully agree with you :-)

    Point 3. Jesus did very little INTERPRETATION, but He spoke in parables, metaphors and used figurative speech so that only those to whom it has been granted to understand will understand, the rest will walk in darkness.

    If you think that I do not understand the Scriptures, then please answer one question.
    Luke 18:19 Jesus said, "ONLY GOD IS GOOD".
    What do you say, God is GOOD and Jesus is BAD ?

    Jesus did NOT say that TWO are good, He said that ONLY God is good.
    It's a legitimate question, if only God is good, it follows that anyone else is bad.
    Therefore the question remains, what do you say ?

  29. Brenda, the Spirit of truth gives testimony to Jesus Christ and not to a false god called Yahweh.
    Please tell me, what did this god Yahweh do ?
    Did he created anything ?
    What did he do ?

  30. This God Yahweh gave His only begotten Son Y'shua - Jesus Christ, to die on the cross at Calvary so that we might have eternal life Paul.

    As regards to Jesus speaking plainly and figuratively Paul, John ch. 16 vs. 25 - 30 states:-
    'I have said this to you in figures; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father. In that day you will ask in my name; and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from the Father. I came from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father.'

    Jesus does not say here that we shall ask Him in that day, He says that we shall ask the Father in His name.

    29 His disciples said, “Ah, now you are speaking plainly, not in any figure! 30 Now we know that you know all things, and need none to question you; by this we believe that you came from God.”

  31. Brenda, there is no god called Yahweh in the Bible, you make that up.
    That god is your invention.
    Some kind of deceiving spirit has lead you to believe that lie.

    You said, 'This God Yahweh gave His only begotten Son Y'shua - Jesus Christ, to die on the cross at Calvary so that we might have eternal life Paul.'

    Wow Brenda, and you said that you believe the Scriptures ?
    Tell me, does this god Yahweh have a wife ?
    To have a Son, he surely must have a wife ?
    Why did he send someone else, couldn't he do the job himself ?

    My God is a lot better than your god.
    My God appeared in a BODY just as the Scriptures said (1 Tim. 3:16), Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that is what all the prophets have foretold, but obviously you don't believe that.
    My God prepared for Himself a body so that He can come and die on the cross for my sins, He did NOT send a man to die for me.
    My God Jesus who is the Christ created All things and nothing came into being apart from Him, whether powers or principalities or domains, everything was created by Him and for Him and apart from Jesus Christ NOTHING came into being (Col.1:15-20 and John 1:3-10).
    Also, my God has created your god in order to deceive the nations so that all those who do NOT believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will perish with all their gods.

    There is only ONE God who is TRUE Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20), any other god is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) who leads the whole world astray (Rev. 12:9) and the whole world lies under Satan's power (I John 5:19) because they would NOT believe in the only one whom God has sent.

    It is obvious that your god can't do anything, otherwise you would have told me.
    Well, apart from lying, deceiving etc. etc.

    There is only ONE truth and that is Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and any other one is a liar.
    If the Father is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then he is a liar, and any other one who claims to be God is a liar and a deceiver.
    1 Cor. 8:5-6 'For if there are so called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us is but ONE God, the FATHER, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are ALL things, and we exist through Him.'

    Concerning 1 Cor. 16:23-28
    Jesus is saying in (v.28.) that it is Him who is the Father who appeared in a body (1 Tim. 3:16) and that He is going back to the Father (that is figurative).
    But before the Father appeared in a body they did NOT know His Name and therefore they could NOT ask the Father in Jesus Name (v. 24). They could only ask GOD who was their Father, without actually knowing His Name.
    (v. 25) Jesus was speaking everything figurative concerning the Father, but from now on He has made Himself known to only His disciples that He (Jesus) is their Father who appeared in a body, and therefore they now ask in His Name (they ask Jesus).

    But those who don't know God still ask someone else and attach a slogan to their prayer 'in Jesus Name'.
    Yes, the disciples believed that Jesus came from God and appeared in a body (1 Tim. 3:16).
    Why don't you ?

  32. I think the problem is Paul, the way we understand the scriptures and you will just have to work out your own salvation, as all of us have to.

  33. No Brenda, the problem is not 'the way we understand the Scriptures'.
    The problem is that you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    You believe in a false god called Yahweh.
    The Scriptures commands you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and worship only Jesus Christ and no other.

    There is NO other way Brenda.

    I know I have been very direct with you, but that is necessary for you, and there is no other way around it.
    I would like you to take that as a word from the Lord and not from me.
    It is your responsibility to judge yourself RIGHTLY (1 Cor. 11:29 -30).

    You see, the gospel has not changed Brenda, it is still the same, 'REPENT' ! Which means that you need to turn away from that false god called Yahweh, and then 'BEIEVE' in the Lord JESUS CHRIST alone and have NO other God next to Him.
    And as a declaration you need to be baptized into God's one and only Name which is 'JESUS'.

    No, not your own way Brenda, but the Lord's way.
    Jesus said that you need to be baptized into the Name of the FATHER, and into the Name of the SON, and into the Name of the Holy Spirit.
    Note, He doesn't say to baptize into three titles, and neither does He say into three persons and neither does He say into three NAMES.

    Just listen to what the Lord Jesus said and don't assume.
    He said, 'into ONE Name, !
    What is the Name of the Father ? JESUS of course !
    What is the Name of the Son ? JESUS !
    What is the Name of the Holy Spirit ? JESUS of course !

    The Lord our God has only ONE Name, which is JESUS !
    No, His Name is NOT Y'shua, His Name is JESUS and if you have a problem with that, then you still haven't repented and you still remain in your sins.

    Brenda, there are NOT TWO ways, but only one way, and Jesus is that way.
    It's not complicated, just believe.

  34. As I said on Keith's blog Paul, you need to make Jesus your foundation, and not the puritan doctrine which makes void the Word of God, as does every doctrine of man which adds to or takes away from what is written in the Bible.

  35. Brenda, we both know who the foundation is in my life, you can read it in every post or comment of mine.
    Tell me, why did you ADD a god with the name of Yahweh to the Scriptures, when that gods name is nowhere found in the Scriptures ?
    Is that the doctrine of man or not ?

  36. No Paul,
    I do not believe the foundation of your belief is Jesus as you do not believe every Word that comes from His mouth. You say that certain things are metaphors and all else is plain speaking, yet you do not agree with Jesus when He says that He speaks plainly.
    I believe your foundation is the puritan belief.

    You say that God died for us, yet it was only the fleshly body of Jesus that was crucified, God, the Spirit within Jesus did not die. Scripture says that God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us. The sin is in the flesh, and that is what has to die in us.

    When Jesus went to be with the Father, as quoted by Jesus Himself in John ch. 16 v. 28:- 'I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.', He was speaking plainly, as quoted in v. 29:-

    'His disciples said, “See, now You are speaking plainly and without figures of speech.…'

    If you make Jesus your foundation then you will be instructed by Him, if you make a doctrine of man your foundation then All that He speaks, which is the Word of God, will be made void.

  37. Brenda, it is you who thinks that Jesus is speaking plainly about the Father, that is because the Lord Jesus has NOT made Himself known to you.

    Luke 10:22 'All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.'
    Verse 23 to 24 Turning to the disciples, He said privately, 'Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see, for I say to you, that many prophets and kings wished to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them.'

    Brenda, I don't expect you to understand that, in fact, you can't, that is because Jesus said so.
    For that reason you ought to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and believe only in Him. If you don't, then you will continually walk in darkness.

    Why are you so stubborn and stiff-necked and unbelieving ? What is holding you back from believing in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth ?

    Look Brenda, all Israel were and are just like you, they all know about the Lord Jesus Christ, but they are unwilling to come to the Lord Jesus and believe in Him so that they may have life.

  38. No Paul,
    it is Jesus Who says that He is speaking plainly about the Father.

    Luke 10:22 'All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.'
    Verse 23 to 24 Turning to the disciples, He said privately, 'Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see, for I say to you, that many prophets and kings wished to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them.'

    I totally agree with these scriptures Paul, and I thank God that the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, Whom God made my Lord, has enabled me to be reconciled back to God.

    Gone is my inheritance from the first Adam, a living being. I now have my inheritance in the second Adam - a life giving Spirit.

  39. Yes Brenda I know that, but the Lord Jesus is not speaking plainly to everyone, otherwise we would be in agreement.
    We are not in agreement concerning who Jesus is, in other words, 'who the Son is'(metaphorically).

    You and Keith literally believe the figurative explanation that Jesus is a son of this cosmic unknowable god called Yahweh.
    By believing that, you are only believing the figurative (metaphoric) line of speech and not the plain line of speech.

    Believing that causes all sorts of problems, first, it means that the Lord Jesus has not made Himself known to you, therefore you will and are transgressing the first and second commandment of the Lord, and in doing that you are guilty of ALL other commandments.

    By believing the figurative line of speech, causes you NOT to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but in ANOTHER through the metaphorical explanation.
    Therefore necessity demands from you that you worship that OTHER god from the metaphorical explanation, an unknowable god you are calling Yahweh.
    Now the Scriptures demands from you that you worship ONLY the Lord thy God and NO OTHER!
    Because you believe the figure of speech rather than the plain language of the Lord, therefore you will worship another god who is not God.
    Just like the trinitarians who pray to this unknowable god through Jesus.
    In the Scripture all believers and I, we all worship the Lord Jesus Christ and no other.

    You said, 'I totally agree with these scriptures Paul, and I thank God that the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, Whom God made my Lord, has enabled me to be reconciled back to God.'

    Can you see Brenda, here you are doing it again.
    You are agreeing with a metaphor. You don't agree with the Lord Jesus Christ or the Scriptures.
    You don't agree with the Scriptures that says that God appeared in a body.
    You don't agree with the Lord Jesus, that He and the Father ore ONE, in fact you don't agree with anything of the Scriptures.

    Brenda, you need to guard your heart with all diligence, out from it springs the issue of life.
    Do not lean on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE and in NO OTHER!

  40. Well Paul,
    you appear to think that every Word that Jesus speaks is a metaphor, even when Jesus says He is speaking 'plainly'. What He was saying plainly was that once we are born of God's Spirit we are able to speak to God and ask of God in Jesus' name. That is because once we are born of God's Spirit we become the body of Christ on earth and as we learn from the teaching of the Holy Spirit we grow up in Him, having the mind of Christ.

  41. I believe that Paul has "Bought the Vein." This adage is used when someone has invested so much time into something, they develop tunnel vision. They ignore anything that is contrary to their position, even the truth. Again, my continue prayer is that everyone's eyes are open to the truth. Unfortunately, Paul using metaphoric interpretation, every time the literal truth gets in the way, is symptomatic, of someone that is too far gone, borderline delusional.

  42. I believe you are right in what you have said Keith, unfortunately the 'vein' that Paul has bought does not contain the blood of the Lamb.

    I join with you in your prayer Keith, and I believe it may be a time for me to refrain from speaking regarding the discussion with Paul.

  43. Brenda, Jesus is ALWAYS speaking metaphorically about the Father or about God just as He has said.
    There is no other way of speaking since Lord Jesus IS the LORD GOD the Almighty who has appeared in a body, therefore He has to speak metaphorically about Himself.

    John 14:9, Jesus is speaking plainly, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father". Brenda, that is plain language.
    John 10:30, Jesus is speaking plainly, "I and the Father are ONE". Not TWO! That is also plain language.
    Why ? Because there is only ONE God and that is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6).
    And if you don't believe that, then you WILL die in your sins (John 8:24).
    Can you see the importance of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ (ONLY).

    When a person is born again, they say 'Abba Father' to the Lord Jesus Christ and not to another father. I think we both know who that 'other father' is.

    The Spirit of God has been given to magnify, preach, present and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ alone and NOT to bear testimony to another.
    And whosoever has not received the Spirit of Jesus Christ does NOT belong to God (Rom. 8:9).

  44. Well Keith, you may think that I have a tunnel vision, but the Lord Jesus Christ is calling that the NARROW way.
    Any other way is the broad road, perhaps you might call it the broad vision, and we both know where that will lead you.

  45. The Lord Jesus said, that the WAY to life is NARROW and only few are those who find it (Mat. 7:13 - 14).
    In John 14:6 the Lord Jesus said that He is the WAY.
    It stands to reason, that any other WAY is the BROAD WAY leading to destruction.
    Yahweh is the wrong way just like Jehovah, Allah, Krishna and Buddha etc.

  46. Of course, he was speaking metaphorically. :-) LOL

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Jesus, Who was the Word made flesh, IS the way to life and therefore He is like the mouth of God. If I want to convey my thoughts to people I use my mouth to do it, and that is what God did - He used the man Jesus to speak His Words to the world, making Him both Lord and Christ(anointed One).

    Jesus is the Son of God :-
    'And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.' (Matthew ch. 3 v. 17)

    Who spoke the Words of the Father in Heaven to mankind on earth:-
    'For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.' (John ch. 12 v. 49

  49. OK brother keith, since you know the difference between a metaphor and a statement, then please tell me, who is that God who appeared in a body (1 Tim. 3:16).

    Again I need to remind you, that is not a trick question.
    That is a simple question and nearly all trinitarians will be able to identify the God who appeared in a body.

    But you are not a trinitarian, just like myself, perhaps they would call us 'Unitarians', which means that we believe in ONE God, and obviously the trinitarians believe in THREE gods, that's why they are called 'trinitarians'.
    But you claim to believe in the God of the Bible (Scriptures), therefore it should be easy for you to tell me who that God is who appeared in a body ?

  50. No Brenda, that is not true.
    A metaphor is not the reality.
    If you think like that, you will end up in all sorts of problems and confusions and the Lord Jesus is not the author of confusion.

  51. I have never been confused with the scriptures or what Jesus says. God was manifest in the flesh, the flesh was the body of Jesus (which means 'Yahweh (YHWH) saves). The flesh was the man Jesus who was born of the Spirit - God. That is how God was able to save mankind, through causing a man to be born of His Spirit (His Son Jesus)who, having God the Spirit inside Him, was able to speak what God wanted Him to speak.
    It is very obvious Paul, and makes complete sense to those who are born of God's Spirit because the reason Jesus was the express image of God is that 'as a man thinks so he is'. (Proverbs ch. 23 v. 7 ).

  52. Brenda, if you are not confused then please tell me, who is that GOD who appeared in a body?

    You said, 'God was manifest in the flesh',
    Then please tell me, who is that GOD who was manifested in the flesh?

    No Brenda, it doesn't mean Yahweh. You make that up, it's not in the Bible.
    That is a deceiving spirit which will not give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, and for that reason you can't say that this GOD who appeared in a body is the Lord Jesus Christ.
    This deceiving spirit has been leading you to another god called Yahweh and you rather call him Father instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Yes, many people think that they are God, but that does not mean that they are God because they think so. I call that self-deception or self-delusion.

    Brenda, a person who is born of God believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO other; in other words, no person who is born again will call Yahweh 'Abba Father'.

  53. I call the One Who Jesus called His Father my Father Paul, because I have been born again of the Spirit of the One Who was in the body of Jesus, the Anointed One, the first of many brethren..... all scriptural Paul.

  54. Happy Shavuot! It's Pentecost! It's the anniversary of God sharing his Spirit with all true believers, in the same way he shares his Spirit, with his Son, Y'shua, the Messiah. B'ruch Abbah Y'shua B'shem Adonai.

  55. Happy Shavuot to everyone. Blessed are all who come in the name of the Lord.

  56. No Brenda, Jesus called Himself FATHER, I and the Father are ONE, he who has seen Me has seen the Father etc. etc. The creator of heaven and earth cannot have a Father but rather He IS the Father.

    Brenda, I have not been lying to you, I have been telling you the truth and I do NOT have a hidden agenda.
    My intentions are open for everyone to see and remember, I am not against you but for you.
    Because you are very smart and skilled in speech and you have an excellent knowledge of the Scriptures, therefore it is not easy for me to lead you to and through the DOOR.

    But as an ambassador of the Lords Kingdom I can assure you that there is NO BACK-DOOR!
    No Brenda, NO back-door!
    You need to come through the front door.
    And Jesus said, that He is the DOOR (John 10:7 - 9).
    Everyone ever who came into the Kingdom of the true God had to come through that DOOR which is the Lord Jesus Christ. And believe me Brenda, you cannot come through that DOOR with a devil called Yahweh hanging off your back.

    ALL of us who are in God's Kingdom had to come the same way. Yes, the same way! There is NO other way.
    Don't try to sneak through a back-door, there are no back-doors.

    First, BELIEVE, then REPENT, then CONFESS and then ACT.

    BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus is the only God of all creation.
    REPENT, is a 180 degree turn from your former way of walking, believing and whatever else.
    CONFESS, is the result of your 180 degree turn, and then confess verbally (loud and clear), that from now on you will ONLY believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO OTHER.
    And then let me and all your fiends great and small, on your blog and on anyone else's blog, on the highway and the byway know that you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Your ACTIONS are to believe in the Lord Jesus alone and if you lack on anything, you will ONLY ask of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

    Brenda, if you turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, then a NEW life has began and old things have passed away and behold ALL things are NEW.

  57. Tell me brother Keith, which God does share His Spirit, and with which Son ?

    Doesn't the Scriptures say that the Lord Jesus IS the Spirit (2 Co. 3:17).
    Doesn't the Scriptures say that the Lord Jesus IS the Son (John 3:16).
    Doesn't the Scriptures say that the Lord Jesus is the God of ALL creation (Col. 1:15 – 20 and John 1:3-10).

    Don't the Scriptures say that God appeared in a body Jesus Christ our Lord and only God and saviour (1 Tim. 3:16) and (Jude 1:25).

  58. Paul, I know that everyone has to come to Christ to be reconciled to God, and I know that God has made Jesus both our Lord and Christ (anointed One). As for what is written in 1 Corinthians ch. 5, I believe it is a section of the scriptures that explains it all. Verses 16 -21 read:-

    'From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.'

    It says that we no longer regard Jesus from a human point of view, that once we are in Him we are a new creation. In other words we also are spiritual, like Him. It goes on to say that just as God (Who is Spirit) was in Christ reconciling us to Himself, so too God is now making His appeal through us, who are ambassadors for Christ. Those words are timeless and speak of all who are in Christ.

    This is what God has made me, as you say He has made you, and I love nothing more than preaching Christ crucified to those who do not know Him through distributing what the Lord has given me to do this, and sharing my testimony to those who want to know more.

    As for God's name, in the original language He has many names Paul according to Who He is and what He does. That does not change the fact that He is One God, Who is Spirit, and that now we have been born of His Spirit He is in us who have believed in Christ Jesus (the Word of God made flesh). That Spirit is the same Spirit in all who have repented, been baptized in both water and Spirit and come to Christ, and is not recognized by our fleshly appearance Paul. I adore Jesus my Lord and thank God for sending Him to save us.

  59. As The Messiah so also do His brethren testify, "Our FATHER, HE IS The GREATEST"! (John 14:28)

    For "Our FATHER", HE has no father, because "HE IS FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL"! (Ephesians 4:6; 3:9)

    And HE has no "god", for HE IS "The ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD"! (John 17:3, Ephesians 4:6)

    And Thankfully! "The FATHER(CREATOR) and GOD(SPIRIT) of The Messiah is my FATHER and GOD"....... (John 20:17, John 3:3,7, I Peter 1:23)

    "Our FATHER(CREATOR) and GOD(SPIRIT)" indeed and TRUTH! (Galatians 1:4, Romans 1:7, John 20:17,,,, :etc..)

    Thankfully the "Born Again" brethren of The Messiah yet on earth have their portion !NOW! with Him in The Family of "Our FATHER and GOD", "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"! (Ephesians 3:15)

    "A Household of Faith" indeed and TRUTH....... (Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:19)

    And IT IS as The Messiah testified, "The FATHER(Our FATHER) IS Greater than I"! (John 14:28; 5:19, 30; 8:28-29; 20:17)

    The Messiah also testified, "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word! That they all may be One, as YOU FATHER are in Me, and I in YOU, that they also may be One in US! So that the world may believe that YOU have sent Me." (John 17:20-21)

    The ONEness Family! And there IS but ONE HEAD of The Family....... HE WHO IS The GOD and FATHER(CREATOR, AND THE GREATEST) of ALL, Messiah inclusive! (John 17:3, John 20:17, 14:28, I Corinthians 11:3)

    I Corinthians 15:27-28 TRUTH IS! "GOD put all things under His(The Messiah) feet. But when HE(GOD) said "All things are put under Him", it is manifest that HE(GOD) is excepted, WHO(GOD) did put all things under Him(The Messiah)!

    And when all things shall be subdued unto Him(The Messiah), then shall The Son also Himself be subject unto HIM(Our FATHER and GOD) that put all things under Him(The Messiah), so that GOD(Our FATHER and GOD) may once again be ALL in ALL" HIS Family! (I Corinthians 15:27:28)

    And such WAS! When The Messiah WON The Victory over sin and death.......

    And then The Messiah DID "Come Again" and "QUICKLY", just as He prophesied, when the natural, earthly, temporal temple realm centered in old jerusalem was destroyed!! (Revelations 3:11, 22:7,12,20)

    Thankfully that which was "decaying and waxing old" DID "vanish away"! (Hebrews 8:13)

    And it was during that time "The Body of The Messiah" was taken up in the clouds to forever be with The Messiah and "Our FATHER and GOD"! (I Thessalonians 4:16-17 fulfilled)

    Continued @

  60. Thanks brother elderchild for your comment.
    I am not sure what you are trying to say, your language is not clear, and it seems to me that you are trying to walk on both sides of the road, so to speak.
    Please speak clearly. You don't make sense.

    Please don't send me links, I do NOT believe links, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE and in His WORD alone the BIBLE and in NOBODY ELSE.

    Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ? Or do you believe ALSO in the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    Do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth and that beside the Lord Jesus Christ there is NO OTHER GOD ???

    And if you don't believe that, then PLEASE give me the name of the god you believe in.

    The Lord Jesus said that your YES ought to be YES and your NO ought to be NO, everything else is of the evil one, so please let's have an intelligent dialogue.

  61. Paul, I doubt if you'll see any engaging discussion from Elderchild. He trolls the internet and drops his links, in an attempt, to lure people over to his blog. You rarely see him after he drops his bombs, on your site.

  62. "TRUTH" Testifies: "The Messiah is The Son of The Living GOD!" (Matthew 16:16)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    their 'jesus' is 'god' or 1/3 of a 'god' or an angel or ????

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "Love your enemies! Turn the other cheek"! (Matthew 5:39,44)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    alright to fight fleshly wars with our enemies ...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "The world is evil"! "Come Out of her"! (John 7:7, Revelations 18:4)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    we can change this world and make it a 'better' place...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "The whole world is under the control of the evil one"! (I John 5:19)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    there are righteous nations, the usa and others...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "Love not the world or the things of this world"! (I John 2:15)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    love this world and thank their 'god' for it's things...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "A friend of this world is the enemy of GOD"! (James 4:4)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    the world is going to come together as one under their version of a 'god'...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: Pagans "observe days, months and years"! (Galatians 4:9-11)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    observe X-mas, easter, halloween, 'good' friday, etc...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "Serve The Only True GOD and HIM alone"! (Matthew 4:10,6:24)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    serve family, country and their "imag"ined god(s)...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: GOD asks, "What building will you build unto ME"? (Acts 7:49)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    various buildings and things dedicated to their "imag"ined 'god(s)'...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "As The Messiah suffered so His Brethren will suffer"!" (I Peter 4:1)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    eat, drink, be merry, especially during x-mass season...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "GOD helps those who cry unto HIM for help"! (Luke 18:7)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    'god' helps those who help themselves...

    "TRUTH Testifies": "i can do nothing of my own self"! (John 5:19,30; 8:28-29)
    'catholic/christian" folklore:
    "i do my best and leave the rest to our god(s)"...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "NO man has seen The Only True GOD"! (John 1:18; 17:3)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    multitudes saw their "imag"ined 'god' 'jesus'...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "GOD IS SPIRIT, not flesh and bones"! (John 4:24, Luke 24:39)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    except for their "imag"ined 'god' 'jesus' that is...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "When you pray do so in private"! (Matthew 6:6)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    pray aloud so that others might hear...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "Swear not! Let your yes, be yes, your no, no"! (Matthew 5:34-37)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    put your hand on their 'bible' and swear to their 'god'...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "Believers are translated into The Kingdom"! (Colossians 1:13)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    after death they sleep till their "imag"ined 'jesus' comes...

    "TRUTH" Testifies: "Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die"! (John 11:26)
    "catholic/christian" folklore:
    sadly they believe in death, for fleshly life is the only life they have REALized...

  63. I have to say, what has come straight into my mind is:- 'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death'. We have to put the Word of God first..... it is written.

  64. Elderchild, I stand corrected. There are a lot truths, there. However, not all. It shows that one can quote the Bible, out of context, and get any kind of meaning they wish to convey. You also prove my point, no engaging or substantive discussion. I do hope that one day, you will speak from the heart and not by ways of cut and paste. My God Bless You.

  65. A "Born Again" soul, begotten of The Holy, Set Apart, SPIRIT that IS "The ONE and ONLY GOD and FATHER of ALL" will not have a discussion with the disciples of the devil, he who is "the father of lies" and "the god of this world" and religion's way(except it be The Active Faith as revealed in James 1:27)!

    For what is needful is rebuke, and the sounding of the call that the worldly and religious souls evermore need to hear!

    "Come out of her(babel/dis-order/babylon\world\religion)", MY people"!

  66. Keeping oneself unstained from the world, as spoken of in James ch 1 v. 27, does not mean disassociating ourselves from other believers. We are supposed to encourage and build one another up as stated in 1 Thessalonians ch. 5 v. 11.

  67. TRUTH IS! Pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters are anti-messiah!

    And a "Born Again" soul, begotten of The Holy, Set Apart, SPIRIT that IS "The ONE and ONLY GOD and FATHER of ALL" will not have a discussion with the disciples of the devil, he who is "the father of lies" and "the god of this world" and religion's way(except it be The Active Faith as revealed in James 1:27)!

    For what is needful is rebuke, and the sounding of the call that the worldly and religious souls evermore need to hear!

    "Come out of her(babel/dis-order/babylon\world\religion)", MY people"!

  68. Yes, I do believe that much of the church today is spiritual Babylon, where the doctrine of God is mixed with the doctrine of man, and I believe I have been shown this by the Lord. I believe that is what is spiritually meant in Isaiah ch. 4 v.1:-
    'And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach.'

    I believe it spiritually reflects the state of the whole of the church today (as in the seven churches in Revelation) who want to take hold of Jesus, eat their own bread (doctrine), wear their own robes and not the robe of righteousness, yet wanting to be called by His name - Christian.

    I have had lots of abuse in some churches because I have questioned their doctrines, and only go wherever the Lord leads me. However, God does not live in a house made with hands and I love interaction with people, and talking about the scriptures. We grow up as children of God gradually, first having the milk of the Word and then the strong meat. None of us are perfect and I believe we should be encouraging and building one another up with the gifts that each of us have received, with the love that is described in 1 Corinthians ch. 13.

  69. elderchild, Even though I agree with you, concerning Catholicism and Paganism, in general, there are numerous positions, that you hold, which are unscriptural. Therefore, by your own definition, you are part of the harlot Christian daughterhood, thereby anti-messiah.

  70. Brenda and No Doubt, simply sad for you.......

    Simply religion, ALL religion except The Active Faith as revealed in James 1:27 is anti-messiah!

    And you both continue to prove that your god(s) are naught but those biased and perverted colored marks written on a dead tree and bound in fabrication!

    Now if you have testimonies concerning "The Great Things that Our FATHER and GOD has done for you" then please publish such!

    Not an emotional experience, but experiencing "The Power that raised The Messiah from among the dead"!

    And "No Doubt" i don't believe you know Scriptural TRUTH, for as i stated previously you have already proven that all you know are those biased and perverted colored marks written on a dead tree and bound in fabrication!

    Simply sad for both of you, for you may have left pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters physically, but most certainly you remain bound in the chains of their "strong delusion" spiritually!

  71. Elderchild, typical worldly rhetoric, Full of bluster and no substance. You rush in like a whirlwind to accuse us of paganism but offer no proof of such infractions against God's law. Yet, I have accused you of being a false spiritual Jew, and by which you deny the state of Israel, And the miracles thereof . Y'shua, Jesus, testifies against you, when he says, "You who call themselves Israel, and are not, are of the synagogue of Satan. I challenge you to show the proof of my paganism with the Word of God, and the whole counsel of God, as your witness. I no very well that you cannot do so. For it is by the doctrine of the Lord Almighty, for which we speak the truth, by witness of two or more, in the same way the Messiah did on the road to Emmaus.

  72. TRUTH IS! "Pure Religion and Undefiled before Our FATHER and GOD is this! To visit The FATHERless (those who have no relationship with The GOD and FATHER{Creator} of ALL), and widows (those whose "bridegroom aka: The Messiah" has not risen from among the dead) in their affliction and to keep oneself (soul) uncontaminated by the world!" (James 1:27)

    Not a system but The Active Faith of those who, in TRUTH, have been "Born Again" of The Holy, Set Apart, SPIRIT! Those "sons of Our FATHER and GOD" who have their portion !NOW! in HIS Family, of "WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"....... (II Thessalonians 2:10-12, John 3:3,7, I Peter 1:23, I John 3:1-2, Philippians 2:15, Ephesians 3:15)

    "A Household of Faith" indeed and TRUTH! (Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:19)

    And NEW "Jerusalem which IS above IS free, and IS !NOW! the mother of us all (Spiritually "Born Again" sons {physically male or 'fe'male} of Our FATHER and GOD)"! (Galatians 4:26, John 3:3,7, I Peter 1:23)

    Thankfully the "Mother" of the "Born Again" brethren (physically male or 'fe'male) of The Messiah is no longer "mother earth", earthly and of the flesh....... For "NEW Jerusalem" which IS Heavenly IS SPIRIT and of The TRUTH!

    Simply, ALL other religion IS "IMPURE and DEFILED".......

    Sadly, you're a very sick man, and unless you "receive a love of the TRUTH so that you might be saved" from your own self("I", ego, id, pride)life your "sickness will be unto the death"!

    FATHER Help!

    HE DID! and HE does.......


  73. Once again, scripture being arbitrarily spouted does not make ones point.

    Examples, my friend, examples of how I've strayed. You having trouble because there are none. You are like the Pharasees, who know the Word but do not understand it.

    I have given you an example where you have strayed from the Word of God, but you respond with arbitrary scripture.

  74. Your words seem to bespeak of one who has their portion in the lgbt way.......

    Is that not so?

  75. You got me at a disadvantage. What's lgbt way?

  76. Interesting. Your response is to insult me with more untrue and unfounded accusations. Once again, showing all who your father really is.

  77. 'Now if you have testimonies concerning "The Great Things that Our FATHER and GOD has done for you" then please publish such!'
    Where you say this 'elder child', I do have testimonies, - as I suppose all of us do, and I have published some of them on this blog. Where are your?

    I have had what people call a 'death experience' where I believe I was 'carried away to the third Heaven' ( I believe the same experience that Paul the apostle spoke about), and I have also had miraculous healings and other happenings brought about supernaturally by God (even being moved onto a completely different road from another one after my friend and I had just come from visiting on a lifers' wing in a prison). Even that was for a purpose.
    However, the greatest thing that God has done in my life and still is doing is changing my thoughts and my ways - something which I could never have done myself.

    Where you say:-
    'TRUTH IS! "Pure Religion and Undefiled before Our FATHER and GOD is this! To visit The FATHERless (those who have no relationship with The GOD and FATHER{Creator} of ALL), and widows (those whose "bridegroom aka: The Messiah" has not risen from among the dead) in their affliction and to keep oneself (soul) uncontaminated by the world!" (James 1:27)'

    How do you know what any of us do? Regarding myself, I have done what the Lord has told me to do for twenty eight years by going out into the streets and speaking to those who do not know Him, giving leaflets containing poetry and scripture to them, and they love to hear about Him. This does not promote me, as all has been given me by the Lord Who has instructed myself and my friend to do this. It promotes God and shows the way to be reconciled to Him, as 1 Corinthian ch. 3 v. 7 states:- 'So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.'

    It goes on to say that we should all be God's fellow workers, but it seems that you do not want to associate with any of His workers, and I have to agree with the last comment that Keith (No Doubt) has written.

    'keeping ourselves uncontaminated from the world' does not prevent us from having the love that God has for it'

  78. Wow, that's a good start.
    I surely appreciate all those comments from everyone and I think that is necessary that we say those things and make our calling and election sure.

    No one of us loves the rod of correction, but as children of the Lord the rod of correction is necessary so that we will grow to the full measure of the Lord.
    I think as the children of God we need to refrain from insulting one another. How can we say that we love God if we can't love one another ?
    Perhaps this is a good time to practice that. Even though we might disagree in our doctrines and views, we still can learn from each other and adjust our perception and walk so that we are acceptable before our Lord.

    Brother elderchild (Francis) please don't think that we are against you, you don't need to be on the defensive. We are all for each other so that we might grow to a full maturity in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Yes we have pointed questions and sometimes it will get a little heated in our debates, but all that is necessary and good for our sanctification.

    Remember, the Lord our God is also reading our comments, in fact every word we are saying, so therefore let us have a little restraint in using to harsh words against each other.
    Remember, we all are brothers and sisters regardless of our doctrines.
    I think that doctrines are there to correct, to teach and to expand our understanding in the knowledge of God and His Word.

    I have been posting mainly on the doctrine of God, that is because I think that the doctrine of God is the MOST important doctrine which is faaaar above all other doctrines.
    If anyone of us, including you Francis does not know the only ONE God the creator of heaven and earth, then ALL other doctrines do not benefit us at all. It would be a waste of time and we would have run the race in vain.

    OK brother Francis, in which God do you believe, and what is His Name ?
    I do not ask trick questions, but plain and simple questions.

  79. Perhaps another question brother Francis.
    In your comment,the person you are calling FATHER, who is that and what is His Name ?

  80. You are not my "brother" in SPIRIT or TRUTH.

    The Messiah simply testified, 'The FATHER IS Greater than i"!

    Which is a rebuke to the pagan catholic and christian "imag" ined "trinity"! And also your "imag"ined, "the only true god", "father of all" and "son", all rolled into one"!

    Thankfully i have my portion !NOW! with The Messiah, and The Faithful, in the Oneness Family of "Our FATHER and GOD"; "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"!

    TRUTH IS! Your "imag"ined 'jesus, is but the devil's(he who is the father of lies and god of this world) son in bland disguise"!

    Simply sad for you and all bound in the chains of "strong delusion" forged by religion's way!

    Yet religion's way was, and is yet needful for "disobedient and gainsaying(contradicting and opposing GOD) souls", who are "stiff-necked and uncircumcised of heart and ears"! Needful for those who would rather have a man than "Our FATHER and GOD" speak to and rule over them.......

    Thankfully that which was "decaying and waxing old" DID "vanish away" with the destruction of the natural, earthly, temporal temple realm centered in old jerusalem!

    Yet there IS One "Pure Religion and Undefiled"!

    Not religion's way as known today, but The Active Faith as revealed in James 1:27.......

    FATHER Help!

    HE DID! and HE does.......


  81. Well, there you have it. Another great example of how Satan operate in this world. Elderchild uses scripture to support his position then turns around and uses the same Scripture to deny scripture.

    He quotes James 1:27 to deny Y'shua, Jesus, then totally forgets that the same James claims to be a servant of this "imagined" Jesus. James 1:1

    That sounds vaguely familiar. That is why we, as the remnant of God, need to study the Scriptures for God's truth, in order to identify and defend ourselves against the enemies of God, like elderchild.

  82. Who is this pagan catholic and christian "jesus"?

    DISCLAIMER: The following testimony is given for revelation, not condemnation of those individuals held captive by the "strong delusion" that is of this evil world and/or religion's way(except The Active Faith as revealed in James 1:27). Hope IS there would be those who would "see" and "hear", for all who in TRUTH "see" and "hear" will take heed unto The Call of The ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL! They will take heed unto HIS CALL and "Come Out of her, MY people"! Those who "see" and "hear" will "Come Out" and no longer will have their portion in and of this evil world(babylon) and/or religion's way(needful for disobedient and gainsaying souls)! For they will have "set their affections on Heavenly things" as they evermore seek and desire to have their portion !NOW! in and of The Family of Our FATHER and GOD", not religion's way.......

    So who is this "imag"ined pagan catholic and christian(mormon, jw, pentecostal, baptist, anglican, etc...) 'jesus'?

    TRUTH IS "jesus" is the transliteration into english of the pagan catholic latin word "iesus"! Using a pagan catholic latin word when translating from a pagan greek manuscript....... Deception indeed!

    And such is but one of a multitude of purposeful errors that reveal ALL "biblical" translations from a pagan greek, latin and/or aramaic manuscript are "biased and perverted in accordance with the religious dogma of the translators".......

    Simply, the pagan latin catholic mother of christianity (and her other clones such as the so-called "church of the east") had control of all the so-called "original" manuscripts for more that one thousand years after the destruction of old jerusalem!

    Thankfully that which was "decaying and waxing old" DID "vanish way" with the destruction of the natural, earthly, temporal temple realm centered in old jerusalem! (Revelations 3:11; 22:7,12,20, Hebrews 8:13)

    Consider, those 'bibles' translated from pagan greek manuscripts. Why is it that most all of those 'bibles' transliterate The Name of The Messiah as "jesus"? That question needs be asked because, as stated previously, the name "jesus" is the transliteration of The Messiah's GOD given birth name from the pagan latin catholic word "iesus"!

    And the pagan greek "Iesous" was the word used as the name of The Messiah in the earliest pagan greek manuscripts!

    And "Iesous" was the pagan greek word used in the greek translation of the old covenant for Joshua, the son of Nun!

    Quite obvious that Joshua of the old covenant and The Messiah were given the same Hebrew birth name!

    Simply, Joshua of the old covenant let the israelites to the natural "promised land", and Joshua The Messiah of The New Covenant yet leads mankind to that Spiritual promised land, "The Kingdom of Our FATHER and GOD in Heaven"!


    So why is it that less than 600 years ago the aptly named "church OF england" chose to use the pagan latin "iesus" when they transliterated the name of The Messiah from a pagan greek manuscript?

    Continued @

  83. Elderchild,

    First of all, I apologize for misunderstanding your recent post. I thought that you advocated that there was no one called Y'shua, Joshua or Jesus. In both God's and my book, that would have put you into the "Synogogue of Satan." Again, I humbly apologize.

    The original scriptures and I do agree with you that the name Jesus, is not the true enunciation of our Messiah's name, which is Y'shua or YahHoshua, but Joshua is also a "pagan catholic latin" transliteration. Why do you use it, when you denounce other "pagan catholic latin" transliterations? Isn't that a little hypocritical? But, I do agree that your point is a valid one. If you want to be true to your way of thinking, I would suggest getting back to the Messiah's real name, instead of the "pagan catholic latin" transliteration of Joshua.


  84. It's truly amazing how the braindirtying the religious souls have voluntarily received causes them to war against The TRUTH!

    And yet they believe they are of the truth, when TRUTH IS! They but follow "the father of lies" along that broadway to destruction and perdition.......

    As for Joshua being of the "pagan latin", such is a lie, for such was translated from the pagan greek "Iesous" not the pagan latin "iesus". Such is proven in the pagan greek translation of the old testament they call the "septuagint".

    Joshua is the correct modern english version of The Messiah's GOD given birth name.......period.......

    Yet i prefer Yahshua and have bore witness unto The Messiah's name in the following testimony:

    The original kjv was translated from the pagan latin vulgate, yet at least the translators were consistent! For even when "iesus" most certainly referred to Joshua of the old covenant they translated the pagan latin catholic "iesus" as 'jesus' in Acts 7:45, Hebrews 4:8, and also Colossians 4:11!

    Yet each and every biblical translation is biased and perverted in accordance with the worldly view and religious dogma of the translators!

    However; Thankfully "Our FATHER and GOD", HE IS ALIVE! And HE IS yet able to reveal ALL that IS needful unto HIS children! For liken unto The Messiah, so also have His brethren REALized, "i can do nothing of my own self"! (John 5:19,30, 8:28-29)

    FATHER Help!

    HE DID! and HE Does.......

    So Peace IS! in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world and/or religion's way(except The Active Faith as revealed in James 1:27)....... (Philippians 4:7, John 14:27; 7:7, I John 2:15-17; 5:19, James 1:27; 4:4)


  85. By your own words, you admit, it is a pagan translation. The Messiah's real name is Y'Shua. My job is done. I have given you the truth and God commands you to search it out for yourself not rely on other people to give you your doctrine. Acts 17:11.

    Till this day, I still find it amazing that people like you rely on other people to give them their beliefs, rather than God's word. God has given us so many tools today to search out his truth. And yet, you continue to rely on other people's translation and viewpoints. This is one of the reasons why this generation will not have any excuse before the judgment throne of God.

  86. Thanks Francis for your comment.
    The only way I can understand that we are NOT brothers is, that we must have different fathers.
    I claim that my Father who is in heaven is the Lord Jesus Christ, please tell me, who then is your father ?
    There are only TWO fathers, either Jesus who is the Christ, the creator of all things, or the god of this world (2 Cor.4:4), the devil of whom the Lord Jesus speaks in (John 8:44).

    Francis, you still did not answer my two simple questions.
    'in which God do you believe, and what is His Name ?'
    And, 'In your comment,the person you are calling FATHER, who is that and what is His Name ? '
    Those are legitimate questions.

    If I ask a Muslim, he will tell me the name of his god 'Allah'.
    If I ask a Jehovah Witness, he also would tell me the name of his god 'Jehovah'.
    If I ask a Satanist, he would say 'Satan'.
    If I ask a Jew, he would say 'Yahweh' or sometimes 'Jehovah'.
    If I ask a Hare Krishna, he would say 'Krishna'.
    If I ask the Christians, they mostly say that god has 'many names', perhaps whatever you want to call him.

    If you ask me, I say that 'JESUS Christ' is my only God (Jude 1:25) and my Father who is in heaven (1 Cor. 8:6).

    Please give me an answer to my question.
    If you don't know, then please say so.

  87. "And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in Our FATHER and GOD, WHO Created ALL things by Yahshua The Messiah"! (Ephesians 3:9)

    Needs be you re-start from the beginning!

    For if you continue believing as you do?

    Who are those who "live and believe a lie", that which is of "the father of lies"; "the god of this world"; the devil?

    And in The Beginning ELOHIM said "Let There and Be Light" and "there was Light"! (Genesis 1:3)

    What was that "Light"?

  88. Francis, You said, 'Our FATHER and GOD, WHO Created ALL things by Yahshua The Messiah"! (Ephesians 3:9)'

    Tell me, WHO is that "FATHER and GOD, WHO Created All things" ? Please give me His NAME ?

    Are you saying that this GOD and FATHER did NOT created anything but gave that job to someone else called Messiah by the name of Yahshua ?
    Where is that in the Scriptures ?

    Where is the name Yahshua written in the Scriptures?

    No, I don't want to know what it says in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic or Swahili, but just in plain English I would appreciate it.

  89. Sadly, you are of those whose god(s) is naught but those biased and perverted colored marks written on a dead tree and bound in fabrication!

    So it is you choose to have your portion in the devil's family with pagan catholicism and her #1 harlot christian daughter the aptly named "church of england" and all the pharisaical souls, both in times past and in the day and age as well!

    Simply sad for you!

    Yet while breath(Spirit, air) is, Hope IS! There would be those who would experience The Miracle that is "receiving a love of The TRUTH(not biased and perverted dead letters bound in fabrication) so that they might be saved" from their own self ("I", ego, id, pride) life!

    FATHER Help!

    HE DID! and HE does.......


  90. WHO IS "The LORD GOD Almighty"? (Revelations 4:8)

    WHO did Stephen see “standing at the right hand of The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL”? HE WHO “sits on The Throne”! (John 17:3, Ephesians 4:6, I Corinthians 8:6, Acts 7:49)

    "But Stephen, being full of The Holy SPIRIT, looked up steadfastly into Heaven, and saw The Glory of GOD, and he saw The Messiah standing at the right hand of GOD (The ONE and Only True GOD and FATHER of ALL). And Stephen said, Behold, i see the Heavens opened, and The Son of man standing at the right hand of GOD "! (Acts 7:55-56, John 17:3; 20:17, Mark 10:18)

    TRUTH IS! "If you are risen with The Messiah, seek those things which are above, where The Messiah sits at the right hand of The ONE and Only True GOD" and FATHER of ALL"! (Colossians 3:1, John 17:3; 20:17)

    "Who is he that condemns? It is The Messiah that died; yes rather, that IS risen again! He Who is even at the right hand of The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL! And The Messiah makes intercession for us".......(Romans 8:34, John 17:3; 20:17)

    "Looking unto The Messiah, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Who for The Joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of The Throne of The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT)"and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL"....... (Hebrews 12:2, John 17:3; 20:17)

    WHO IS "The LORD GOD Almighty"?

    HE WHO IS The ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL! The Messiah inclusive, for He IS The Only Begotten Son of Our FATHER and GOD, both Spiritually as "The Light of the world", and in "the likeness of sinful flesh"....... (John 3:16; 20:17, Genesis 1:3, John 1:1-14, Romans 8:3)

    Hopefully, "all men would see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL, HE WHO CREATED ALL THINGS by The Messiah"....... (Ephesians 3:9; 4:5-6, John 17:3)

    "The Word of TRUTH" clearly reveals that The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL created all things by The Messiah, and that The Messiah was "The Beginning of The Creation of Our FATHER and GOD"! (John 17:3, Ephesians 3:9, Revelations 3:14, Colossians 1:15)

    Once again: WHO IS "The LORD GOD Almighty"?

    Revelations 4:8-11 follows:

    8 - And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD GOD Almighty, WHO WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME.

    9 - And when those beasts give Glory and Honor and Thanks to HIM that sat on The Throne, HE WHO Lives for Ever and Ever.
    The Messiah died and The LORD GOD Almighty raised Him from among the dead! (Acts 3:26)

    Continued @

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. All we have to do is be taught through the scriptures by the Holy Spirit, who Jesus said the Father would send.

    'All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you'.

    The Bible is not a book, it is a vocabulary which God uses to speak to each individual as they grow in Christ, and just as I do not say 'yes' and 'no' at the same time, neither does He as He enables His children to grow

  93. Francis, It is obvious that you don't know the Name of God, if you would know, then you would be able to tell me His name.
    You claim that God is your Father, and you can not even tell me His Name.
    It is obvious that you don't have a clue who the creator of heaven and earth is, otherwise you would tell me so.

    If I ask a man, what the name of his fathers is, he will be able to tell me the name of his father, except if he doesn't know who his father is. Perhaps the mother was not sure from which man she has conceived her child, and for that reason the son will never know his fathers name.

    The only way to find out who the father is, is through a DNA test.
    The same is in spiritual matters, a man needs to be confronted by the Scriptures in order to find out who his father is.

    I would like to ask you again, from the Scriptures; what is the NAME of GOD who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it ?

    Francis, we both read the same Bible, so please tell me.

    No, I don't want to know what it says in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic or Swahili, just in plain English.

    The Lord my God will punish all those who do NOT know God (2 Thes. 1:8).
    And NO, the Lord My God does NOT have many names but only ONE Name just like Zechariah said (Zec. 14:9), “the Lord will be the ONLY ONE, and His Name the ONLY ONE.”
    And the Prophet Isaiah said, that the Lords people KNOW His Name, (Isa. 52:2), because the Lord has foretold it.
    If you would believe in Jesus, then Jesus Himself said, that He revealed the Name of God to His children (John 17:6). Yes, only to His children and to no one else.

    At least Keith and Brenda made up a name and call him Yahweh, even though that name is NOT found in the Bible.

  94. Brenda, that is metaphoric language !
    "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name,"

    WHAT does that mean Brenda ???
    Does that mean that one God who is called the Father is sending another another God called the Holy Spirit in the Name of the third God Jesus, or what ?

    Brenda the world does not believe you because you are quoting metaphors which you do not even understand or believe.
    Please interpret that metaphor intelligently and preferably by the Scriptures.
    If you claim to know God, then you should be able to do so.

    But as it is, you believe the same fallacy as Francis and Keith.
    Because you can quote the Scriptures, that does not give you authority, Francis and Keith are able to do the same, and so am I.
    Even the devil can quote the Scriptures (Mat. 4:6).

  95. WHO IS "The LORD GOD Almighty"? (Revelations 4:8)

    WHO did Stephen see “standing at the right hand of The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL”? HE WHO “sits on The Throne”! (John 17:3, Ephesians 4:6, I Corinthians 8:6, Acts 7:49)

    "But Stephen, being full of The Holy SPIRIT, looked up steadfastly into Heaven, and saw The Glory of GOD, and he saw The Messiah standing at the right hand of GOD (The ONE and Only True GOD and FATHER of ALL). And Stephen said, Behold, i see the Heavens opened, and The Son of man standing at the right hand of GOD "! (Acts 7:55-56, John 17:3; 20:17, Mark 10:18)

    TRUTH IS! "If you are risen with The Messiah, seek those things which are above, where The Messiah sits at the right hand of The ONE and Only True GOD" and FATHER of ALL"! (Colossians 3:1, John 17:3; 20:17)

    "Who is he that condemns? It is The Messiah that died; yes rather, that IS risen again! He Who is even at the right hand of The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL! And The Messiah makes intercession for us".......(Romans 8:34, John 17:3; 20:17)

    "Looking unto The Messiah, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Who for The Joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of The Throne of The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT)"and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL"....... (Hebrews 12:2, John 17:3; 20:17)

    WHO IS "The LORD GOD Almighty"?

    HE WHO IS The ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL! The Messiah inclusive, for He IS The Only Begotten Son of Our FATHER and GOD, both Spiritually as "The Light of the world", and in "the likeness of sinful flesh"....... (John 3:16; 20:17, Genesis 1:3, John 1:1-14, Romans 8:3)

    Hopefully, "all men would see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL, HE WHO CREATED ALL THINGS by The Messiah"....... (Ephesians 3:9; 4:5-6, John 17:3)

    "The Word of TRUTH" clearly reveals that The ONE and Only True GOD(SPIRIT) and FATHER(CREATOR) of ALL created all things by The Messiah, and that The Messiah was "The Beginning of The Creation of Our FATHER and GOD"! (John 17:3, Ephesians 3:9, Revelations 3:14, Colossians 1:15)

    Once again: WHO IS "The LORD GOD Almighty"?

    Revelations 4:8-11 follows:

    8 - And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD GOD Almighty, WHO WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME.

    9 - And when those beasts give Glory and Honor and Thanks to HIM that sat on The Throne, HE WHO Lives for Ever and Ever.
    The Messiah died and The LORD GOD Almighty raised Him from among the dead! (Acts 3:26)

    Continued @

  96. Paul,
    I think you need to read the whole of John ch. 17. However, I think you may always discount the truth that is found in the scriptures.

  97. Paul,
    what do you say is the meaning of 'He was the first of many brethren' (Romans ch. 8 v. 29). If it is a metaphor, then please write it in your answer so that I can read what you say how that sentence should be written in plain English. To me it is clearly saying that Y'shua (His true name) was the first child of God, the first to be born of God's Spirit. When we are born of God's Spirit then we also become God's children.
    'But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name;' (John ch. 1 v. 12).

  98. "The Oneness that is "Our FATHER and GOD", HIS Son The Messiah, and The Faithful"!

    John 17:20-23; The Messiah testified, "Neither do I pray for these alone, but for them which also shall believe on Me through their word.

    That they all may be One, as YOU FATHER, are in Me, and I in YOU, that they also may be ONE in us, that the world may believe that YOU have sent Me.

    And The Glory which YOU gave Me I have given them, that they may be One, even as we are ONE!

    I in them, and YOU in Me, that they may be made perfect in One, and that the world may know that YOU have sent Me, and have loved them, as YOU have loved Me." (John 17:20-23)

    And it needs be REALized that The Faithful will not create a religion!

    For The Faithful ARE Family. (Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:19)

    The Family of Our FATHER and GOD, "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"! (Ephesians 3:15)

    Yet, There IS One "Pure Religion and Undefiled"! (James 1:27)

    "Pure Religion and Undefiled before Our FATHER and GOD is this! To visit The FATHERless (those who have no relationship with The GOD and FATHER{Creator} of ALL), and widows (those whose "bridegroom" has not risen from among the dead) in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world"! (James 1:27)

    Not a system but The Active Faith of those who, in TRUTH, have been "Born Again" of The Holy, Set Apart, SPIRIT! Those "sons of Our FATHER and GOD" who have their portion !NOW! in HIS Family, of "WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named". (II Thessalonians 2:10-13, John 3:3,7, I Peter 1:23, I John 3:1-2, Philippians 2:15, Ephesians 3:15)

    "A Household of Faith" indeed and TRUTH! (Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:19)

    Simply, ALL other religion IS "IMPURE and DEFILED"!

    And Yes! atheism is a religion as well for self("I",ego,id,pride)serving atheists see their version of a god each and every time they view their reflected "image"!

    Yet, because of pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters "The Way of TRUTH is evil spoken of"! (II Peter 2:1-3)

    "Come out from among them (the worldly and/or religious ones) and be separate!" (II Corinthians 6:17)

    An Active Faith, YES! Religion's way as revealed in this day and age, NO!

    Thankfully The Faithful are One with The Messiah and "Our FATHER and GOD" in HIS United, Undivided, ONEness Family, "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"! (Ephesians 3:15, John 17:20-23)

    Continued @

  99. Francis, it is obvious you don't know the Name of God.

    Every son of God is able to tell me the Name of their Father, only illegitimate sons do not know their fathers name.

  100. Brenda, you said, "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name,"

    WHAT does that mean Brenda ?
    Does that mean that one God who is called the Father is sending another another God called the Holy Spirit in the Name of the third God Jesus, or what ?

    Please continue our debate on the new post 'ONE LORD Jesus Christ'.

  101. "The Oneness that is "Our FATHER and GOD", HIS Son The Messiah, and The Faithful"!

    John 17:20-23; The Messiah testified, "Neither do I pray for these alone, but for them which also shall believe on Me through their word.

    That they all may be One, as YOU FATHER, are in Me, and I in YOU, that they also may be ONE in us, that the world may believe that YOU have sent Me.

    And The Glory which YOU gave Me I have given them, that they may be One, even as we are ONE!

    I in them, and YOU in Me, that they may be made perfect in One, and that the world may know that YOU have sent Me, and have loved them, as YOU have loved Me." (John 17:20-23)

    And it needs be REALized that The Faithful will not create a religion!

    For The Faithful ARE Family. (Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:19)

    The Family of Our FATHER and GOD, "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"! (Ephesians 3:15)

    Yet, There IS One "Pure Religion and Undefiled"! (James 1:27)

    "Pure Religion and Undefiled before Our FATHER and GOD is this! To visit The FATHERless (those who have no relationship with The GOD and FATHER{Creator} of ALL), and widows (those whose "bridegroom" has not risen from among the dead) in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world"! (James 1:27)

    Not a system but The Active Faith of those who, in TRUTH, have been "Born Again" of The Holy, Set Apart, SPIRIT! Those "sons of Our FATHER and GOD" who have their portion !NOW! in HIS Family, of "WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named". (II Thessalonians 2:10-13, John 3:3,7, I Peter 1:23, I John 3:1-2, Philippians 2:15, Ephesians 3:15)

    "A Household of Faith" indeed and TRUTH! (Galatians 6:10, Ephesians 2:19)

    Simply, ALL other religion IS "IMPURE and DEFILED"!

    And Yes! atheism is a religion as well for self("I",ego,id,pride)serving atheists see their version of a god each and every time they view their reflected "image"!

    Yet, because of pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters "The Way of TRUTH is evil spoken of"! (II Peter 2:1-3)

    "Come out from among them (the worldly and/or religious ones) and be separate!" (II Corinthians 6:17)

    An Active Faith, YES! Religion's way as revealed in this day and age, NO!

    Thankfully The Faithful are One with The Messiah and "Our FATHER and GOD" in HIS United, Undivided, ONEness Family, "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named"! (Ephesians 3:15, John 17:20-23)

    Continued @

  102. This comment I have posted on both comment sections , here and on the new post.
    Francis, please don't send me links, I don't read links and please speak normally, so that you make sense.

    You said, 'The Family of Our FATHER and GOD, "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named. ) (in HIS United, Undivided, ONEness Family, "of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named.)'

    Are you saying that God is now a FAMILY ?
    A happy little family of gods; a father god and a mother god and also son god ?
    Do those gods also have a daughter god ?
    Is that the reason why they call her 'the holy mother of god' ?
    Are all of her other children also gods ? Perhaps little gods who look like their father act like their father and speak like their father ?

    What next Francis ? :-(

    Well, I think that you have bought into the greatest deception Satan ever has produced.

    Wow, I don't know what to say.
    Perhaps I need to ask you, do you know what 'ONE' means ?
    Would you believe that ONE does NOT mean 'TWO' ?

    God is ONE! He is not a "ONEness Family", that is an oxymoron. You have been deceived by Satan to believe such a LIE.
    I would like you to acknowledge that.
    You ought to be a man of truth and put away silly talk.

  103. i thank you for those words, for they prove beyond a doubt that you are of the perverse, those whose "conscience has been seared with a hot iron"!

    Simply sad for you and all whose father IS "the father of lies"!
