The third warning
of 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4 is a DIFFERENT GOSPEL.
2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4, “But I am
afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your
minds will be lead astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion
to Christ.
For if one comes and preaches ANOTHER
JESUS whom we have NOT preached, or you receive a DIFFERENT SPIRIT
which you have NOT received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you
have NOT accepted, you bear this beautifully.”
What is a
according to the Scriptures and according to 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 is
a different JESUS and a different SPIRIT.
is the OPPOSITE to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is the
opposite to the true Spirit and the opposite to the true Jesus who is
the Christ, meaning that God came in the flesh, (1 John 4:2).
is a different JESUS, a “Jesus” who is NOT the LORD GOD the
creator of heaven and earth.
And because it's a
DIFFERENT Jesus and therefore it is a DIFFERENT spirit who confesses
NOT that Jesus Christ came in the flesh (1 John 3:4-5), meaning that
GOD, who is the Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh (Immanuel).
The true GOSPEL
therefore is JESUS CHRIST !
If it is the true
“Gospel of GOD” (2 Corinthians 11:7); then JESUS CHRIST must be
presented as that GOD, as the Father and as the Son and as the Holy
Spirit according to (2 Corinthians 11:3-4) etc.
If it is the true
“GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of GOD” (Matthew 24:14); then JESUS CHRIST
must be presented as the King in the Kingdom of God.
How you do that,
is all up to YOU, as long as you preach and present the Lord Jesus
Christ alone.
If it is the true
“GOSPEL of SALVATION”; again JESUS CHRIST must be presented as
the saviour of ALL mankind.
How you do that,
is all up to you and your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and of
the Scriptures, as long as you present JESUS CHRIST alone, for there
is NO other Name given under heaven and on earth whereby you must be
saved (Acts 4:12).
If it is the true
“GOSPEL of PEACE” (Ephesians 6:15); then it's exactly the same,
and the same as the “GOSPEL of HIS SON” (Romans 1:9), and the
GOSPEL according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John etc.
There is only ONE
GOSPEL and that is JESUS CHRIST preached !
is a gospel we have NOT accepted and we do NOT preach.
For I determined
to know nothing among you except JESUS CHRIST and Him crucified (1
Corinthians 2:2).
Please tell me,
which Gospel do you preach ?
And please let me
hear your thoughts.
I read the last posts.
ReplyDeleteIf it is the true “Gospel of GOD” (2 Corinthians 11:7); then JESUS CHRIST must be presented as that GOD, as the Father and as the Son and as the Holy Spirit according to (1 Corinthians 11:3-4) etc.
1 Corinthians 11:3-4 doesn't say that. Also, aren't you proclaiming the trinity, in a different way?
If it is the true “GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of GOD” (Matthew 24:14); then JESUS CHRIST must be presented as the King in the Kingdom of God. How you do that, is all up to YOU, as long as you preach and present the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
That conflicts with your previous statement.
What is this Gospel that you are trying to sell?
Doesn't the bible say, "Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures."
Why are you adding things?
It doesn't say that we have to believe that Jesus is the Father.
It doesn't say that we have to believe that Jesus is the Spirit.
It does say that we have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Unless I reading this wrong, you are messed up.
Thanks William for your comment.
ReplyDeleteDid you noticed, when you are preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God then you are not necessarily preaching the Gospel of salvation ?
But, if the Lord Jesus Christ is the Gospel and you are preaching Jesus Christ, then you are preaching the Gospel.
Perhaps, read Collossians 1:13 – 23, can you see how Paul explains the Gospel that he preaches ? Notice, (v. 23), 'This is the Gospel that you have heard, that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I Paul have become a servant.'
Which Gospel ?
Please count in that passage how many times he referees to Jesus Christ, 16 times!
Was he only presenting the Gospel of salvation, or only the Gospel of the Kingdom ?
No ! He is presenting Jesus Christ, that is because Jesus Christ is the Gospel, the good news to every creature under heaven.
You said, 'It doesn't say that we have to believe that Jesus is the Father.
It doesn't say that we have to believe that Jesus is the Spirit.
It does say that we have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God'
Well, if you don't believe that Jesus is the Father, then WHO do you think is the Father ?
Remember, there are NOT TWO GODS or three gods, 'For unto us is but ONE God and that is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6).
And remember, every devil knows and believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
But the question is, do YOU believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and that beside the Lord Jesus Christ is NO other god. ?
Yes I made a couple of misprints which should have read 2 Corinthians instead of 1 Corinthians. Thanks, I have corrected that :-)
ReplyDeleteAgain, have a look at the first sentence of 2 Corinthian 11: 3, "But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be lead astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ."
Can you see, the whole passage here is about the simplicity of devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.
All of 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4, simply means that if you depart from the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are preaching another Jesus and another Spirit and another GOSPEL !
I think it's not Einstein's theory. Every child can preach the Gospel, as long as the child presents the Lord Jesus Christ. And if the child is more mature, then it can combine the preaching with Scriptures.
In most churches and on most of blogs, they think that the Gospel is a strategy ALWAYS pertaining to salvation.
Well that is just NOT true !
And I think that it is short-sighted, especially among those who claim to know the Scriptures.
The problem we have is that a lot of preachers try to sell the Gospel, instead of preaching the Gospel.
ReplyDeleteBut the Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to preach the Gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15) and not to sell it.
My problem with your teachings is that it appears that you are repackaging the trinity doctrine or trying to spread a replacement theology. Which is it? It's not very clear.
ReplyDeleteHi William, no, that is NOT my teaching, that is what the Scriptures and all the Apostles and the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ were and are teaching.
ReplyDeleteIt takes a wild imagination to see a trinity in 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4.
Perhaps you have noticed that I hate the doctrine of the trinity with a passion. I think that the doctrine of the trinity is the downfall of Christianity. In prayer meetings and even from the pulpit I find people who pray to an unknown God THROUGH Jesus Christ, in other words, they pray to a God they do not know and then say 'in Jesus Name' at the end of their prayer.
Well, it seems to me there is no one who holds them back, or, not even correct them. For them, the Scriptures is fulfilled (2 Thes, 2:11) "For God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false."
The doctrine of God is parallel to the Gospel of God as in 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4. If you preach the doctrine of God, then you need to portray the Lord Jesus Christ as 'God', and if you preach someone else, then you are preaching ANOTHER god.
That's what it reads like. Please explain in detail what you're trying to get across. Again, it's not clear.
ReplyDeleteHi William, I’m sorry for my delay, I was a way for a while, but I’m glad to be back again:-)
ReplyDeleteIf you happen to read this comment.
What do you mean by, "That's what it reads like." ?
If you believe the trinity doctrine, then you do NOT preach Jesus Christ to be the Father, you then are preaching another Jesus, a ‘Jesus’ who is not the Father, unto us is only one God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6), our only God (Jude 1:25).
And neither would you preach Jesus Christ to be the Holy Spirit clothed in flesh.
Again, you are then preaching a Jesus who is NOT the Holy Spirit and therefore NOT the Lord God (John 4:24).
You see, I and we believe that Jesus Christ is the only God our Father who is in heaven and there is NO other.
If you don’t believe that, then you are believing in another Jesus and another spirit and another gospel (2 Cor. 11:3 - 4).
And it gets worse, you are then DENYING the Father, and by denying the Father you are denying the Father AND the Son.
In other words, by denying that Jesus is the Father, therefore you are denying both, the Father and the Son.
(1 John 2:23) "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."
So, the Gospel is Jesus Christ preached at all times.
If you preach someone else, then you are preaching another gospel contrary to what we preach.
I hope that I have explained that very clear.
The Gospel of salvation for ALL men ! (Jesus Christ came to save ALL men without exception if they meet His conditions)
ReplyDeleteThe Gospel of SALVATION is the good news for all men that the Lord Jesus Christ came to save sinners of which we all are, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And there is no other Name given in heaven and on earth whereby we must be saved.
Now that is a statement and the application of that statement is; "what must I 'DO' (salvation by works) to be saved ?" (Acts 16:30-31)
And the answer to that is, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and YOU and your household will be saved'.
If any man does not understand that, then nothing else matters.
The Gospel of grace for the elect ! (Jesus Christ came to save only His children who were in Christ from before the foundation of the world Ephesians 1:4)
The Gospel of salvation by GRACE is the good news for the children of God that the Lord Jesus Christ came to save His children by grace from the dead (from a dead spirit to be born again) apart from works and not by the will of man but by the will of God alone and by grace alone lest any man may boast in order that election might stand (John 1:13).
Where are you Calvinists and theologians and trinitarians ?
ReplyDeleteI hoped that you might comment to my comments concerning salvation for ALL men.
Here on my blog your comments will NOT be deleted, you can say whatever you like, however you like and in whatever tone you like, good or bad, favourable or not favourable. You can change the topic whenever you like, so feel free to say whatever you want.
If you don’t like to use your name, you can post as anonymous or you can make up a name whatever you like.
Just state your case and your arguments and we will tear them apart, OR, perhaps I might give you an AMEN and I might learn something new :-)
The Lord Jesus Christ has NOT called me to be a fisher of compliments, but a fisher of men, so that ALL man who would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone would be saved.
That's right Paul, because Jesus is the One mediator between man and God.
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, yes, that biblical statement is true.
ReplyDeleteBut you need to tell us and to everyone who is perishing what that statement means, or your preaching is meaningless.
Do you mean that the Lord Jesus Christ is a mediator (a middleman) between a god called Jehovah or Yahweh and mankind ?
I know that you believe that Brenda, and that is certainly NOT true.
So then, what does it mean, so that the reader and the hearer will have a benefit ?
Remember, the Scriptures are there for us to have a benefit; if we believe and adhere, we will be blessed (saved). If we do not believe and are disobedient, we will perish and die in our sins and transgressions.
Therefore that statement means:
If you want to know God, you must believe in the Lord JESUS Christ.
If you want to come to God, you must come to the Lord JESUS Christ.
If you want to know something about God, you must ask the Lord JESUS Christ.
If you want to have something from God, you must ask the Lord JESUS Christ.
And the list goes on and on.
Remember Brenda, the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT a middleman, He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the first and the last and beside Him is NO other god (Isaiah 43:10).
ReplyDeleteI can only go by what is written in the scriptures. 1Timothy ch. 2 v. 5 reads:- 'For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,'
What does your Bible say in that verse?
Yes Brenda, that’s all you can say, but that is just not good enough. You need to preach the Gospel of the Lord JESUS Christ.
ReplyDeleteALL you did is repeating a statement from the Scriptures (1 Tim. 2:5), leaving the hearer in the same deception as you are in.
Brenda, if you don’t preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, then the hearers will assume that your god is the true god and the Lord Jesus Christ is only the MIDDLEMAN between your god and them.
Not only that, but because you don’t preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore you are making proselytes to another god who is NOT God.
Remember, in the Bible is NO God called Yahweh, you are making that up. You are preaching another god, and another ‘JESUS’ by another spirit whom we have not received.
Look Brenda, just read this post again and think it carefully through. Well, perhaps ask the Lord Jesus Christ, He will tell you the same as I have said. But then again, you need to believe that Jesus Christ is alive and that He rose from the dead on the third day.
A dead god cannot answer you Brenda, only a GOD who is alive forever more is able to answer you.
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteYes Jesus is my Lord and Christ, as stated in Acts ch. 2 v. 36:-
'Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.'
'The word 'Christ' comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning 'anointed one' or 'chosen one.' This is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Mashiach, or 'Messiah'.
Who would you say that Jesus was anointed by Paul? If you was anointed with oil someone would have to do that.
Brenda, Acts 2:36 is just another statement of the Bible that you don’t believe.
ReplyDeleteWhat you really believe is that Yahweh is your Lord and Jesus is just a mere man which was used by your god Yahweh, some kind of a middleman.
Whether you think that Jesus means 'anointed one' or not means absolutely nothing. In the Bible are numerous man who were anointed, and they were NOT called 'Christ'.
You have said that Christ means 'anointed one' in a language which you do not speak.
But I say to you that Christ means 'GOD came in the flesh Immanuel'.
And who do you think has the power to anoint GOD (Immanuel) ? another GOD ?
No Brenda certainly not !
If the Lord Jesus Christ would be your Lord, you would never ever portray Him as a MIDDLEMAN.
The 'Jesus' you are calling your Lord is in fact another Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
I find it very strange Paul that your doctrine (puritan belief)is so strong in you that you do not believe what the scriptures say. The Bible is like a jigsaw puzzle. When we are carnally minded the pieces do not fit together, but when we are Spiritually minded they do. We can never see the whole picture unless we are born of God's Spirit. I believe that is the problem - that you are not born of the Spirit, the Spirit that Jesus said would lead us into all truth.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I can only do what God calls me to do. One plants - one waters, but it is God Who adds the increase.
I'm sorry, but you appear to be running in circles and splitting hairs. You say that you that you don't believe in the trinity, but you use the terms, in the same way that they do. I do believe that the "trinitarians" believe that the father, son and the holy spirit is just God. You say that the father is the son, the son is the spirit and the spirit is the father, which is alright if you call them Jesus. Buddy, that is splitting hairs to cause division. It all sounds the same. I'm a simple man. God put my head straight on my shoulders and he has set my gait in the right direction. I praise God for all things. Give unto him what is his and he has given to me all that I need. If I say, Praise God or Praise Jesus, I'm saying it in the spirit of God. Amen!
ReplyDeleteBrenda, what do you think, are those who believe in a god called Jehovah or Yahweh or Allah etc. born of the Spirit of God ?
ReplyDeleteI don’t think so Brenda.
Do you think that the Jehovah Witnesses are born again ?
Well, they don’t think that they are, and neither do I.
What about the Allah Witnesses and the Yahweh Witnesses ? are they born again ?
You need to turn away from those false gods and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the five foolish virgins and what the Lord Jesus said to them ? (Mat. 25:12)
Hi William, I’m glad to hear from you again :-)
ReplyDeleteYou said, "I do believe that the "trinitarians" believe that the father, son and the holy spirit is just God."
Is that what you believe ?
I know that is what the trinitarians believe; and what does it mean ? Well, not much. You said, 'Is just God' ?
Is which God ?
Can you see, trinitarians say things which means NOTHING ! that is to hide their ignorance concerning the knowledge of God.
The Scriptures said that the wrath of God is on ALL those who do not know God (2 Thes. 1:8).
You said, "Buddy, that is splitting hairs to cause division. It all sounds the same. I'm a simple man."
I also am a simple man, and it is the Lord Jesus Christ who brought a sword to bring division among those who believe in Him and those who believe in God.
Every Muslim, Jehovah Witness and Jew believes in God, in fact every devil believes that there is a God, then what profit do you have ?
Tell me again, WHICH God do you praise ?
Muslims also praise God when they murder their fellow man.
Can you see, it means absolutely NOTHING, it’s just religious rhetoric.
God without JESUS is a false god. And JESUS without being God alone is a false JESUS (2 Cor. 11:3-4).
ReplyDeleteyou should not try to indoctrinate people with the Puritan belief you are trained by. I accept no doctrines of man, and belong to no denominational churches. God the Father Who is Spirit has made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Jesus is my Lord, the One mediator between man and God. The church that I am part of is the body of Christ (the anointed One) on earth, and I preach only Christ crucified to unbelievers (which I have been called to do through the gift that was given to me.
I judge no outsider, only God is their judge, and that Word written is my judge - as it is yours Paul.
As Jesus said 'It is written'.
Brenda, do I indoctrinate ? I thought that I challenge everyone who believes in false gods.
ReplyDelete'Indoctrinated with the Puritan Belief', which Puritan Belief ?
Just like you, I do not belong to any denomination or church, except, I belong to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Jesus who bought me with His blood, therefore I belong to Him.
And no, I'm not trained by any man, the Lord Jesus Christ has taught me His doctrines just as He has said (John 6:45).
A long time ago, I have told you that the Lord Jesus Christ has called me and equipped me to be His ambassador, and to represent His Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God.
You said, "God the Father Who is Spirit has made Jesus both Lord and Christ."
Look Brenda, that is NOT true.
I wonder why you can’t see that ?
Remember, Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, I praise thee O Father that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the learned and gave it to babes (Mat. 11:25).
Even though I have been explaining that to you many times and still you can’t see it.
The reason the Lord Jesus has hidden it from you is, because you are unwilling to come to the Lord Jesus Christ as a child.
The Lord Jesus doesn’t need your wisdom, or mine. It’s not a question of knowledge, it’s a simple way and turn away from your false god Yahweh and come to the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
ReplyDeleteWhere you quote:-
'Remember, Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, I praise thee O Father that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the learned and gave it to babes (Mat. 11:25).'
That is written in the scriptures, so why do you try to argue with what is written?
Brenda, I do not argue with what is written in the Scriptures, I argue with you.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Scriptures and I remind you what the Scriptures said in order that you might heed to the written Word and what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to you.
If you are wilfully NOT listening to the written Word of God, you most likely will deafen your ears to the word of the Spirit. And remember, the Spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:17.
If the Spirit is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are listening to a DIFFERENT spirit which we have NOT received (2 Cor. 11:3-4).
Look Brenda, there is no backdoor or a side door to enter by, you need to enter through the FRONT-DOOR.
And the front door is the Lord Jesus Christ, and any man or woman has to enter through Him.
(Metaphorically) And no, you cannot ride on a high horse through the gate, you need to come just as a child.
We all had to come the same way and leave all our false gods and preconceived ideas at the door.
It’s not complicated Brenda, the Lord Jesus does not give you a burden you can’t carry.
He makes it clear that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
No Paul,
ReplyDeleteyou are arguing with scripture, because it is scripture that I am quoting.
Paul, just like the atheists, you argue and twist what is said.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, it is required from you to believe the Scriptures and not just quoting them.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t need to quote the Scriptures, you supposed to preach the Gospel.
I'm old enough to read the Scriptures myself, or do you think that we are having a Scripture quoting competition ?
The Lord Jesus Christ command you to preach the Gospel.
Do you think that Peter, Paul, John and all the disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ travelled around and quoted Scriptures ?
Not at all Brenda ! They were commanded just like me to go and preach the Gospel.
What is the point when you don’t even believe the Scriptures that you are quoting.
It seems to me that you still don't know what the Gospel is.
Churches are full of people who have 10 Bibles each, and are still dead in their sins and trespasses, and for that reason you ought to preach the Gospel of JESUS Christ and NOT of Y'shua, Jehovah, Yahweh or any other god. For there is only ONE Name given and that is JESUS who is the Christ, and there is no other Name given in heaven and on earth.
Will you believe my testimony ?
No ! you will not believe my testimony even when I quote the Scriptures to you. You rather believe those who testify to another god like Jehovah, Yahweh or Allah and demote the Lord Jesus Christ to a mere man.
And you would not even correct those who change the only Name of God 'Jesus' to another name like Y'shuah, and then you claim to believe the Bible. In the Bible nobody is called Y'shuah.
In doing that you are preaching another Jesus just as the Bible said in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.
Do you believe that ?
Of course NOT ! if you don’t believe the Bible, then you don't believe the Lord Jesus Christ and neither would you believe me. Remember, I preach Jesus who is the Christ, and NOT a god called Jehovah, Allah or Yahweh.
Jehovah's Witnesses and unbelievers preach those false gods, and you should not imitate them, but preach Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteI have to believe the scriptures that are written in the Bible, which I do, not scripture that has been added to or taken away from. We can only work out our own salvation Paul and God's Word, with nothing added or taken away, will not return to Him void.
Brenda, you are correct to continue quoting scripture. Y'shua and all his true talidim/followers did and continue to quote the Gospel and scriptural support. Our example was shown to us by our Lord, himself, on the way to Emmaus and with his spiritual battles with Satan. It is Satan that doesn't like to hear the Word of God.
ReplyDeleteThe lovely thing Keith is that they did not recognize Him until after He had revealed what was in the scriptures and broken bread with them. It is the scriptures that hold the truth.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, you said, 'I have to believe the scriptures that are written in the Bible, which I do,'
ReplyDeleteNO you don’t !
You said, 'not scripture that has been added to or taken away from.'
Then why do you add a Name to God which is NOT in the Bible ?
And why do you give the Lord Jesus Christ a name which is NOT in the Bible ?
You said, 'We can only work out our own salvation'.
That is a statement which means nothing unless you explain it.
OK. I’ll explain:
It means that you ought to conduct yourself in fear and trembling before the Lord Jesus Christ and turn away from any other god.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY GOD who can save you and there is NO OTHER Name given. And your WORK is to believe in JESUS alone or you will perish and your ‘working out your salvation’ is useless.
You said, 'God's Word, with nothing added or taken away, will not return to Him void.'
Even if you are quoting that statement, it is useless to anyone who reads that. What does it mean? Well, it means nothing Brenda, for that reason you need to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and explain what that means to those who need to be saved, so that they might have a benefit.
Salvation without benefit is useless to anyone. Who would want to be saved ? Saved from WHAT?
Can you see Brenda ? Salvation is first for you, and you need to believe in JESUS.
Yahweh cannot save you, and neither can Y’shuah.
It is the Bible who said that there is no other Name given, and I expect you to believe that. Not just only say it, but actually believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and forsake all others. Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ is a jealous God who does NOT tolerate you having another god next to Him.
Hi Keith, you said, 'Y'shua and all his true talidim/followers did and continue to quote the Gospel and scriptural support'.
ReplyDeleteThat is not true Keith. You cannot QUOTE the Gospel, the Lord Jesus commanded you to go into all the world and PREACH the Gospel. The Gospel is NOT quoted but preached.
It seems to me that you preach the same false gospel just as Brenda is preaching.
A false god is a false Gospel, and the true God Jesus Christ is the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Churches everywhere are dead because they don’t preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ anymore, they have fallen away from the Lord Jesus Christ to another god called Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah etc.
They even change the Name of God which is Jesus to Y’shuah.
They think that the Gospel is some kind of a strategy and understanding of their particular theology.
Or convince them to say a sinner's prayer, and then they pronounce them to be saved, providing that they are getting baptised into their denomination.
Tell me Keith and Brenda, which GOD was walking with Adam in the cool of the the evening on the road to Emmaus ?
Paul, regarding working out our own salvation, Philippians 2 v. 12:-
ReplyDelete'Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,'
Salvation is a process that we must all work out. I can not work out your salvation, you can not work out my salvation. The Lord told me a long time ago to eat only 'unleavened bread' - the undoctrined Word. I love what He has called me to do, and how I have been strengthened in my trials.
As regarding the road to Emmaus question:- It was Jesus Who was walking on the road to Emmaus.
I think you have mixed two verses together in what you have said here Paul:-
'Tell me Keith and Brenda, which GOD was walking with Adam in the cool of the the evening on the road to Emmaus ?', as the first half of the sentence is from Genesis ch. 3, and the second half of the sentence is from Luke ch. 24.
Paul, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
ReplyDeletePaul, as for quoting the Gospel, it sure looks like Paul did and Y'shua told them and everybody else to.
ReplyDeleteNow, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.
Preaching is quoting. Do you not know the English language. We are to quote / preach what God has provided for us, everlasting life in the presence of the Lord.
Hey Brenda, in Ephesians, it says:
ReplyDeleteI keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
Ephesians 1:17
It looks like the scriptures again clearly shows that there's a separate God of Y'shua / Jesus. I wonder who that is. :-)
Hi Keith, there are many scriptures that reveal this. One of the most prominent to me has always been the one that states that all things will be put under Jesus's feet except the One who has put everything under His feet.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, by believing in a god who is not in the Bible you have been disobedient to the Lord Jesus Christ. Eating a little leaven has leavened the whole lump, and all your other doctrine are heavily leavened and are mostly not true.
ReplyDeleteAnd by believing in a false god you are transgressing the first and the second commandment of the Lord, and in doing so, you are guilty of all other commandments of the Lord (James 2:10).
Regarding the road to Emmaus; It is the Lord Jesus who has asked you that question and seemingly you do not have ears to hear.
Because you do NOT understand or believe the first halve of the question, therefore you can NOT understand or believe the second half of the question. You are still in darkness Brenda.
You have NOT answered the first halve of the question because you think that the God who walked with Adam is a different God than the God who walks with us on the road to wherever.
The answer to first halve of the question; It was the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was walking with Adam in the cool of the evening. (on which road ? it doesn’t matter.)
On the road to Emmaus it was the same GOD who was walking with Adam in the beginning, and He is also walking with His disciples in the cool of the evening to day. (on which road ? it doesn't matter.)
Brenda, because you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and your disobedience of eating leavened bread has caused you to believe that an unknowable god called Yahweh walked with Adam.
Keith, you have quoted, 'I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.'
ReplyDeleteIt obviously shows that you have not yet received that Spirit of wisdom and revelation, otherwise you would know that the Lord Jesus Christ is LORD, meaning GOD.
Concerning the Gospel, Paul preached the same Gospel just as I do.
Paul did not quoted Scriptures, He preached Jesus Christ. The Scriptures can't save you but the Lord Jesus Christ can save you, if you believe in Him.
It is Jesus Christ who is the LORD GOD according to the Scriptures, it is Jesus Christ who is the saviour according to the Scriptures, it is Jesus Christ who created the heavens and the earth according the the Scriptures, it is Jesus Christ who is God over all forever praised according to the Scriptures.
Now tell me, did I or Paul quoted the Scriptures ?
Certainly NOT ! We preach Jesus Christ and no one else, and it is Jesus Christ who is the Gospel and NOT a strategy of how you can save yourself.
Why then don't you preach Jesus Christ ? and yes, Jesus Christ to be crucified for those who will be saved, the elect.
You said, 'Preaching is quoting. Do you not know the English language. We are to quote / preach what God has provided for us, everlasting life in the presence of the Lord.'
Not even here you are quoting the Scriptures and neither do you preach the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your ears have become deaf and you can’t hear it anymore.
Which God has provided you WHAT ?
Provided everlasting life ? Are you kidding ?
And in the presence of WHICH 'LORD' ? Do you mean the little lord Fauntleroy ?
No my friend, you need to repent and believe, and preach the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteI usually just ignore you now but are you serious? You can't even admit that you made a typo? You clearly made a mistake typing and all Brenda asked was if that is what you did. You said, "which GOD was walking with Adam in the cool of the the evening on the road to Emmaus ? You put Genesis 3:8 and Luke 24:13-35 together. There was no "road" in the Garden of Eden. Couldn't you even admit the one small mistake? I mean we knew what you meant but you just can't do it can you? Why is your ego that big?
And then you say it was Jesus who said it to Brenda? Are you calling yourself Jesus? Jesus never misquoted His own word.
And yes, He wants us to quote Him. He did it with the OT. Paul, Peter, John, James did it with His words from the Gospels (even though they did not have those words since it wasn't written yet, they knew what He said AND quoted Him).
One BIG question and it will profit us so you can't hide behind that mask...when someone says G-d Da-n and in a way that is sincerely filled with anger, how do you feel about that?
ReplyDeleteActs 20:35, Paul quoted Jesus.
Hi Tim, if you knew what I meant, and if you think that there was no road, then why don’t you give us the answer to the question?
ReplyDeleteDon't let the road lead you away, it is not a question concerning roads, and neither is it a question concerning knowledge of the Scriptures.
All of us have knowledge of the Scriptures, but I claim that I can do better than that, I personally know the author of the Scriptures. And don't confuse your ego with mine.
You need to listen what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you, and the rest doesn’t matter Tim.
Tell me, behind which mask do you think that I hide ?
A Gospel preacher must be read by ALL men, he does not hide and Jesus is his shield.
I don't think that you would believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was walking with Adam in the cool of the evening on the road to Emmaus.
Most Christians believe that the Old Testament God is different to the New Testament God.
They are just like you who do NOT believe that God does NOT change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
My ego? :) I am not the one who has to answer himself on his own blog because no one else does. Half of the comments here are you trying to get people to talk to you.
ReplyDeleteMy ego? :) I am not the one who can't admit one little mistake.
My ego? :) I am not the one ditches questions because I don't want to look bad.
Paul, we all here know the answer is Jesus. We all here know Jesus is God. Jesus was walking with Adam and walking on the road to Emmaus. Since Jesus is God, He was there.
But you can't even admit you made a typo. Paul, can you admit that? You made a mistake. You aren't Jesus. You are perfect. You get things wrong sometimes. The mask you hide behind (notice I am answering that, but if I asked you that you would say it is not relevant) is when someone points out an error in your thinking you either change the focus, skip over the situation or as I just pointed out you say it is not relevant. That's the mask Paul. I have asked multiple questions from you and I hardly got any answers from you.
The OT God is the NT God but the covenant is different. One by Law, the other by truth and Grace.
Now, instead of hiding behind your mask, answer my question: when someone says G-d Da-n and in a way that is sincerely filled with anger, how do you feel about that?
*You aren't perfect. See, I made a typo and admit it.
ReplyDeletePaul, I do not believe you and attest that you definitely are not a friend of the Lord Jesus. Why? Jesus does not lie but yet you are a liar. Jesus is not the author of confusion but you are. Jesus does not deny his father, but you do. I can go on and on and on. Jesus is the Word of God but you distance your self from it. People like you make it hard for real Christians like us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every time I am accused of being a certain way, I think of you. No sir, you are not of Christ.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I know you do not believe in quoting the word of God but Jesus did say That heaven snd the earth will pass away but his words will not. Take that and put it in your pipe and smoke it with every other form of a hallucinogen that you got in your pipe.
ReplyDeleteHi William,
ReplyDeletewhere you have said to Paul,
' People like you make it hard for real Christians like us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ'
I have to say that there is no need to worry as everybody who reads the whole of this discussion will see where the truth lies. The truth lies in that written Word and 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating' eh?
God bless.
Hi Tim, you said, 'Paul, we all here know the answer is Jesus. We all here know Jesus is God. Jesus was walking with Adam and walking on the road to Emmaus. Since Jesus is God, He was there.'
ReplyDeleteWhy then did you not give me the answer before ?
And how do you know what the others know and believe ?
Keith and Brenda don't believe you at all. They don't believe that Jesus is God.
I think that you assume a lot of things which are not true.
I don't think that you believe that Jesus is God, I think that you are just saying as a cliche.
Tell me Tim, is the Lord Jesus Christ the Father ?
Hi William, it’s good to hear your thoughts and what you believe.
ReplyDeleteYou said, 'Jesus does not deny his father, but you do. I can go on and on and on. Jesus is the Word of God but you distance yourself from it. People like you make it hard for real Christians like us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.'
Please tell me, if Jesus doesn't deny His Father, then who do you think is God, Jesus or His Father ?
I have been talking for years to Christians like you and I always like to hear what Christians like you believe.
And what do you mean by 'Jesus is the Word of God' ?
You said, 'By the way, I know you do not believe in quoting the word of God but Jesus did say That heaven and the earth will pass away but his words will not.'
Have you read my post ?
Brenda, isn't that what the woman said to the serpent, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating' eh?" (Gen. 3:2…..) and you know what happened after.
ReplyDeleteI never answered you because I was not part of the conversation and didn't care. In essence you never asked me. I know they believe for the same reason I feel you do, I hear what the are saying. But what the are saying is more biblical. They quote scripture, which is what you are supposed to do since it tells us to use scripture to fight this world--Ephesians 6 as an example. They claim Jesus is Lord and the have been ever since the start of the time I have heard them. I can see by the fruits of their spirit. I know Keith personally for 20 years. I read and hear Brenda's words.
Now...I ask you here for a THIRD TIME and I will now add a question you just posed to me (Why then did you not give me the answer before?) when someone says G-d Da-n and in a way that is sincerely filled with anger, how do you feel about that????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
You just put your mask on.
Jesus is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have answered that about 10 times to you. Remember this question----what is 1 times 1 times 1? You still haven't answered that---behind your mask. I can't tell if the mask is a liar, a chicken, an egotist, a demon, an asylum patient, or just someone who doesn't understand anything. But you never answer.
I guess since you don't answer I should just claim victory in the name of Jesus and walk away.
Tim, if you never have been a part of that conversation, then how can you say that you have told me or us 10 times that Jesus is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ?
ReplyDeleteI have told you that you really don’t believe that. You are only saying that as a church-cliche.
If you would believe that, then tell me to whom did Jesus prayed in John chapter 17 ?
So, you know Keith for 20 years and you still don't know what Keith believes. That amazes me :-o
Either you don't listen to what Keith is saying, or Keith is a lousy communicator, and I don’t think that Keith is a lousy communicator.
Or perhaps you both engage only in superficial conversation.
I know Keith for perhaps 2 years or so, but I can tell you exactly what Keith believes and in whom he believes, and a lot of other things.
Tim, if you really would believe that Jesus is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you would be in conflict with Keith just as I am.
Also, remember, I'm a Gospel preacher and I do not engage in silly talk.
Tim, you said, "I read and hear Brenda's words."
ReplyDeleteDo you ?
As for me it is different, I can HEAR Brenda's words and of course I can read what she says.
Remember, Jesus said, "Let him who has an EARS hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Rev. 2:7).
ReplyDeleteYou're demonic. I call you out right now.
But let me answer you because that's what we do when people ask us questions. You know who I am. You know we have been talking for almost two years as well. I was not part of this conversation but ALL OF YOUR CONVERSATIONS do the same thing. You know I have said it in many of your posts and on my blog and on Keith's blog. So you are a liar. A LIAR. All the reader has to do is go back and look at the posts.
I have known Keith personally for 20 years, yes. We have worshiped together in the same church. We have prayed together. We have studied the Bible together in each other's homes. Yes. We go out to eat together. We have spent hours on the phone and emails. We know each other's family. We live very close to each other. He is one of the best friends I have ever had and I KNOW HOW HE LOVES JESUS. You are judgmental and do not know him.
You don't know Keith. You only know of him and twist his words just like you do with God's. You are a liar.
I don't agree with everything Keith says but I am not in conflict with him. He believes that Jesus is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am in conflict with the father of lies and his minions that lie.
NOW FOR THE FOURTH TIME: when someone says G-d Da-n and in a way that is sincerely filled with anger, how do you feel about that??
Everything you do is silly talk. You demand answers to your questions but refuse to answer any of ours. You judge people and using sideways insults and say you don't engage in "silly talk", that makes you a liar.
You can't answer our questions because you know your demons won't let you answer. I pray that the demons will not over take you completely and that Jesus will save you.
Prediction is and this will prove who is right or wrong---you won't answer my questions.
Paul, You said,
ReplyDelete"Keith and Brenda don't believe you at all. They don't believe that Jesus is God."
My friend, this is what I have told you many times. Something is preventing you from listening or actually reading what is said or written. I have said many times that Y'shua / Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. I have also said that the Father, Y'shua and his Holy Spirit are one. However, I have said that I don't believe in the trinity for two reasons,
1. The concept of God existing as a trinity was added to the Word, therefore not biblical.
2. It limits God, when God is limitless. God is much more than the trinity.
However, I have never ever said or implied that Y'shua / Jesus is not God. I have tried to explain this to you by giving examples of the make up of Y'shua and how God dwells 100% spiritually, within the 100% man of Y'shua.
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
Please read that again.
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
the God
the glorious Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ
Until you recognize the facts and believe the Word of God, you will be blinded.
Paul, we are not saying this to belittle you, but I have said that there is a demonic, evil spirit, whatever, blinding you to the truth. The fact that you don't believe in God's Word shows this.
I agree with Tim. Please look back at what you have written. Pray about it. When is the last time you pray for God to lead you into the truth? When is the last time that you have confessed your sins and asked God for forgiveness through the atoning Blood of Y'shus / Jesus?
Something is blocking you. You know this. Right now, with the power of God, through his Son, Y'shua, push through. I am praying for you. I'm sure Tim, Brenda and William are praying for you. PUSH THROUGH!!!! C'MON Paul!!!! I know deep down inside, you want God.
I've done this before, but I command the demon, evil spirit, within you, to get out and leave Paul. I know you who you are and who your father is.
Please Paul, for the salvation of your soul, get down on your face. Prostate yourself before the creator of the universe. Why the demon or evil spirit is waning. Do it quick, prostrate yourself before God. Talk to him. before the demon can rebound. Confess your sins. Ask for forgiveness through the blood of Y'shua / Jesus. He is faithfull and just to forgive you. God will put up a hedge of protection around you. Do it quickly before the demon or evil spirit can bring back reinforcements.
Stop for a moment.
If you are smiling or laughing at my suggestion, that should tell you that something is wrong. Even those who are truly of God will gladly prostrate themselves before God. If you are not, then you know something is influencing you.
The point connecting you to eternity is now. It is your decision.
Tim, so you had Bible study in each other house; well, that is nice, but Keith does not believe that Jesus is the Father, he believes and teaches that another person called Yahweh is the Father and Jesus is just a man highly anointed by Yahweh to carrying out the will of the Father Yahweh.
ReplyDeleteThen why do you say that Keith is believing that Jesus is the Father ?
The doctrine of God is the most important doctrine there is. If you believe that Jesus is God and a Jehovah Witness believes that Jehovah is God, then obviously you both have a severe problem.
And those who believe that all three are God, have even a greater problem.
Surely you would have worked that through in one of your Bible studies ? You supposed to be in agreement in doctrine with each other.
But I think that you don't believe that Jesus is the Father, otherwise you would have told me to whom Jesus is praying to in John chapter 17. ?
Or to whom did Jesus say, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) ? To whom do you think is Jesus talking to ?
Hi Keith, you said, 'I have said many times that Y'shua / Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. I have also said that the Father, Y'shua and his Holy Spirit are one.'
ReplyDeleteYes, we have debated that, why say that Jesus is 100% God when you believe that the Father which you call Yahweh is also 100% God.
Blind Freddy can see that if both are 100% God that you believe in TWO gods who are 100% god each.
No my friend, you cannot rearrange the wording so as to make out that you believe in one God.
Simply, if the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, then you believe in TWO gods. And if you would believe that Jesus is our Father, then you would NEVER call another one Father and you would NEVER worship another one which you call Yahweh, and you would NEVER pray to your god Yahweh THROUGH Jesus and calling him Y'shuah.
That is exactly what most of church people do.
Point 1. Yes I know that you don't believe in the trinity, but, if you believe that Jesus is 100% God and Yahweh is also 100% God, then you believe the same LIE as the trinitarians.
You don’t need to sugar-coat a lie my friend.
Point 2. Tell me, which one of your two gods is limitless ?
And how much, or how many more than a trinity is HE ?
You said, 'However, I have never ever said or implied that Y'shua / Jesus is not God. I have tried to explain this to you by giving examples of the make up of Y'shua and how God dwells 100% spiritually, within the 100% man of Y'shua.'
What, that is exactly what our debate is all about. You have another god by the name of Yahweh next of your 100% Y'shuah god.
You said, 'I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
the God
the glorious Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ'
Please, just think for a moment.
Now tell me, WHICH glorious Father do you think is going to give YOU a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God ???
Well, I think that something is blocking you my friend.
You said, 'I've done this before, but I command the demon, evil spirit, within you, to get out and leave Paul. I know you who you are and who your father is.'
Again, please tell me WHICH god is going to listen to YOU ?? is it a god called Yahweh ? or who? a 100% god called Y’shuah ? WHICH ONE ?? Are you praying to both of them ? and is there another god somewhere else whom you call the Holy Spirit ? perhaps a trinity of gods ?
Interesting, you seem to know much about demons but don't know who your Father is who is in heaven. But the Lord Jesus Christ said that if you do NOT know that He, you will die in your sins (John 8:24), and the wrath of God is on all those who do NOT know God (2 Thes. 1:8).
The Pharacies and the hypocrites also said that my Lord had a DEMON, so then what do you think that will they say about me ?
Remember, I am His representative (Ambassador), and I surely know what you are talking about.
You said, 'PUSH THROUGH!!!! C'MON Paul!!!! I know deep down inside, you want God.'
Now, tell me again, if you think that I don't listen; WHICH God do you think that I want ??
Is it a god called Yahweh ? or is it a god called Y'shuah ? or perhaps Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh ?
Not one of your many gods are mentioned in the Bible.
I think that is time for YOU to repent for transgressing the first and second commandment of the Lord and believe in the Lord JESUS Christ and then you shall be saved.
There is a vast difference between the flesh and the Spirit and just as the Spirit in Jesus was God (as He was born of God's Spirit (as it is written 'the first of many brethren') so too, when we are born of the same Spirit, we also need a become children of God.
ReplyDeletepredictive text on my phone keeps adding words to what I have written (strange, what does this reflect). What I meant to write was:-
There is a vast difference between the flesh and the Spirit and just as the Spirit in Jesus was God (as He was born of God's Spirit (as it is written 'the first of many brethren') so too, when we are born of the same Spirit, we also become children of God.
Imagine that, you didn't answer. All you did was engage in silly talk. That is what demons do though. Are you a demon Paul?
ReplyDeleteYou must get paid b blogspot to get people to talk to you. So you keep them on here. You're doing it for the money. Isn't that a false gospel, if you do it for the money only?
FOR A FIFTH TIMEwhen someone says G-d Da-n and in a way that is sincerely filled with anger, how do you feel about that??
Do you have the book of Exodus in your version of the Bible Paul? Look at Exodus 3:14 and then copy it here for us.
Do you have to be white and speak English to be saved?
You think Jesus is schizophrenic. When Jesus prays He is speaking to the father.
Have you read what Keith has typed Paul? Keith said Jesus is 100% man AND 100% God. He has said that plenty of times but you will say he hasn't. That is a lie Paul by you. Are you a liar Paul? If He was just God then dying for us meant nothing. If He was just a man then He couldn't save us. But He came in the flesh to be one of us so His death gave us a second chance and since He was still God it meant that He loved us.
What is 1 times 1 times 1 Paul? That question there just destroys you doesn't it? Your demon really won't let you answer that. Do you have a demon Paul? You think when a person cutting wood for a home is in need of a board that is 1 foot in length, 1 foot in width, and one foot in height that he is cutting 3 boards.
Why can't you answer me Paul? Is it because you can't find the right lie?
Why can't you answer me Paul? Is is because I stumped you?
Why can't you answer me Paul? Is is because your ego knows you can't do it?
Why can't you answer me Paul? Why Paul, Why?
I have answered all of your silly talk questions. I made the prediction you wouldn't answer my questions and you have proven my point. You claim we do and say things and we have proven those things aren't true. Now tell me, which ones are telling the truth and who is lying? And do you know who lies????
Come on Paul, just answer---what is 1 times 1 times 1?
ReplyDeleteAll you have to do is say "Tim, it equals 1".
ReplyDeletewhere you said to me earlier 'Brenda, isn't that what the woman said to the serpent, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating' eh?" (Gen. 3:2…..) and you know what happened after'
I am not sure which Bible you are reading this from but it definitely is not in mine.
You really have to check Paul what is actually written there:-)
ReplyDelete"Blind Freddy can see that if both are 100% God that you believe in TWO gods who are 100% god each."
That's the reason Freddy and you are blind. You and Freddy won't open your eyes to the truth.
"Remember, I am His representative (Ambassador), and I surely know what you are talking about."
No, Paul, You are not his representative, because Y'shua / Jesus didn't misquote scripture like you do.
I see that you refuse to subject yourself to God and prostrate yourself before him. Don't you see something wrong with that?
Brenda, the children of God are revealed, men can NOT BECOME children to God, they were in Christ BEFORE the foundation of the world.
ReplyDeleteI have said that many times before; you cannot BECOME a son to the Queen of England no matter how hard you try and neither can you become a son to God or to anyone else. You ALWAYS will be a son or a daughter to YOUR father, and there are two fathers, the Lord Jesus Christ or the devil, just as Jesus has said in John 8:44.
If someone is born of God, he will produce the works of God (Jesus Christ) and if someone is born of the devil, his works will be evident to all.
A man who is born of God believes in His Father Jesus Christ, and he who is born of the devil believes in his own god and claims that his god is his father, like Allah, Jehovah, Y'shuah, Krishna, Yahweh and whatever other names they give to their gods or god.
In other words, if the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT your heavenly Father, then the devil is your father.
Yes Brenda, the natural father AND the spiritual father, I am not only speaking in spiritual terms, but also naturally, since Jesus Christ was Adam’s natural and spiritual Father, just as He is mine.
Brenda, (Genesis 3:2……) was NOT a quote from the Bible, it was a reference. I rarely quote the Bible because I think that you are old enough to read the Bible for yourself.
I'm a Gospel preacher and NOT someone who reads the Bible to the illiterate.
Do NOT just merely read the Bible, you need to DO what the Bible actually says.
If I think it suitable for correction in doctrine, I might quote the Bible verses word for word, and yes in English and not in Swahili.
Any English speaking person who does NOT understand the Bible in English will not and cannot understand the Word of God in Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic or any other language.
Hi Keith, well then, if blind Freddy can see it, I hoped that you who claims to have eyes would also see it, and Freddy also knows that the Lord Jesus Christ is the TRUTH (John 14:6) and not Yahweh :-)
ReplyDeleteObviously, if Yahweh is a god who is 100% god and his son Y'shua is also 100% god, then there are TWO gods who are each 100% god.
The trinitarians put three persons (gods) into one bucket and then they call the bucket god.
Are you doing the same with TWO person Yahweh and Y'shua ?
And yes, that's right my friend, I am NOT Y'shua’s representative, I am a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.
To be a representative you need to know everything about the one which you are representing, and if you are a representative of a kingdom, you need to know everything about the kingdom which you represent, otherwise you are a useless representative, and a wise King will NOT send a useless representative to the nations.
Can't answer me, huh, Paul? So I will repeat:
ReplyDelete1). What is 1 times 1 times 1? Do we measure cubic feet by saying its actually three separate objects?
2). When someone says God da** how does that make you feel? Do you understand the question?
3) Are you a liar Paul?
4). What does Exodus 3:14 mean Paul?
5) Are you doing it for money?
6). If I was Hawaiian and didn't have the letter J in my alphabet am I lost? If I didn't understand English am I doomed?
Come on Paul this is your chance for your ego to put me in my place. Please answer the questions.
these three sets of scriptures will answer all the questions you have asked me and verify what I have said regarding becoming children of God. It is written.
John ch. 1 vs.11-13 reads:-
'He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD— children born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but born of God.…
Ephesians ch. 1 vs. 3-5 reads:-
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence. In love He predestined us for adoption as His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will,'
Psalm 139 v. 16 reads:-
'Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.'
This all makes perfect sense to the spiritual mind. God sees the end from the beginning Paul, and what He destines us to be we will be - yet we still have to 'work out our salvation' and it is written that many shall 'fall away from the faith', so be very careful Paul.
Brenda, as I have said, the children of God are REVEALED, you can NOT BECOME a son or a daughter to God no matter how hard you try, just the same as you can NOT BECOME a son or a daughter to the Queen of England.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that you can't understand and accept that Brenda ?
I think of you to be an intelligent person.
If you claim to have the mind of Christ, you MUST believe and accept that, otherwise you don’t have the mind of Christ.
Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT stupid.
I am a representative of the living God Jesus Christ AND His WRITTEN Word, which is the Bible. And the written Word is not separate from the living Word of God.
If you would believe in the living Word the Lord Jesus Christ, you would also believe in His written Word the Bible.
But as it is, you believe neither.
And don't think that you can understand the written Word of God without believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
OK, let's look what the Bible says; (John chapter 1:11-13.) "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD, even to those who believe in His Name,"
Now tell me, did God gave the devils children the right to BECOME children to God ?
Well, the answer has to be NO !
Or, do you think that God said that everyone who wants to become a child to God, all that they have to do is to believe in His Name ?
No Brenda, that's not what it says, you are assuming that.
What the Lord Jesus means by that statement, He said it in the next sentence (verse 13), 'those who BECAME CHILDREN of God were not those who wanted to BECOME the children of God, but it was those who were BORN, NOT of blood and NOT of the WILL of man or of their OWN WILL, but of the WILL of God.'
Can you see, otherwise every devil would want to become a son of God, just like they would want to become a son to the Queen of England.
There are churches that teach, if you are baptized you have become a son of God, or if you have said the sinner's prayer, you have become a son of God, or if you have ACCEPTED Jesus in your heart, you have become a son of God and the list goes on and on.
And you think that you have BECOME a son (daughter) :-) of God when you became born again.
That is far from the truth Brenda.
Any man who becomes born again was IN JESUS CHRIST before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4), and when we see them born again, God REVEALED them to US that they ARE and where the children of God from before He created the world. (Our brothers through the line of Adam.)
Brenda, it matters NOT what you believe, it only matters what the Lord Jesus Christ has said in His Word and whether you believe in Him, I mean in Him alone.
If you have TWO lovers, then you are NOT acceptable to my King who is the King OF Kings.
If you don't believe that then you will not believe even if I explain to you all the other passages you have quoted.
ReplyDeleteyour first four words in your last comment are 'As I have said'.
I would prefer to go by what is said in that Written Word.
In Romans ch. 8 v. 19 it is written:-
'For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.'
In John ch. 1 v.12 it is written:-
'But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God--'
Wonderful, praise our lovely Lord for enabling those who believe in His name (Y'shua) to become children of God through Him becoming the sacrificial Lamb.
Paul, maybe you never saw my post or just can't answer me, so here it is AGAIN so you can see it...again.
ReplyDeleteCan't answer me, huh, Paul? So I will repeat:
1). What is 1 times 1 times 1? Do we measure cubic feet by saying its actually three separate objects?
2). When someone says God da** how does that make you feel? Do you understand the question?
3) Are you a liar Paul?
4). What does Exodus 3:14 mean Paul?
5) Are you doing it for money?
6). If I was Hawaiian and didn't have the letter J in my alphabet am I lost? If I didn't understand English am I doomed?
Come on Paul this is your chance for your ego to put me in my place. Please answer the questions.
Here is another question you won't do you KNOW you are a child of God? When were you revealed? How do you KNOW it was God who did this?
ReplyDeletePaul, please tell us how you became a Son of God. How do God appear to you and revealed himself personally to you?
ReplyDeleteIn Romans ch. 8 v. 19 it is written:-
'For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.'
Yes Brenda, we all can read what it says in Romans 8:19, you know, we are big boys :-) we also can read what it says.
But what are YOU saying ?
Are you saying that you are a son of God because you think that you are lead by the Spirit of God?
Well Brenda, that is NOT what the Scriptures said, that is your assumption, or what you like to believe.
Read it again, it's a statement.
Do you think that a person is led by the Holy Spirit to believe in a god called Yahweh ? I certainly don't think so.
The Holy Spirit will lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the spirit of the devil will lead you to other gods.
Do you think that the sons of God are those who believe in a god called Yahweh, Allah, Krishna or Jehovah ? I certainly don't think so.
The sons of God belong to their Father Jesus Christ, and the sons of the devil belong to their father the devil (John 8:44).
Keith and Tim,
ReplyDeleteHave you been reading my comments ? or are you reading my comments the same way as you read your Bibles ?
No one BECOMES a son to anyone, NOT even me.
We all were in OUR father BEFORE we were born, that is in the natural and in the spiritual alike.
I'm amazed :-o did your mother ever told you who your father is ? and did she mentioned that you can NOT become a son to another man ?
Remember, the tares are the sons of the evil one (Matthew 13:38), and a tare cannot become a wheat even though they look similar.
"By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not born of God, nor the one who does not love his brother." (1 John 3:10)
Because you think that you believe in Jesus, that doesn't make you a son of God, just the same as if you believe in the Queen of England, that doesn't make you here son.
Keith and Tim, I think that most churches and the so called 'Christians' are ignorant concerning the Scriptures and the knowledge of God, that is because they don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Keith, you said, 'Paul, please tell us how you became a Son of God'
If you would ask a donkey; how did you become a foal of a donkey ? What do you think that the donkey would tell you ?
Perhaps some donkeys might say that their father was a lion, and then they CHOSE to become the foal of a donkey :-)
OK. I say it again, NO ONE can become a son to God.
Every son is REVEALED when they are born, I mean, naturally AND spiritually. And I know by which father they were born of.
You seriously can't answer even one of my questions.
ReplyDeleteKeith asked you a simple question too. All he wanted to know was how did God reveal Himself to you and you changed the topic.
ReplyDeleteChildren of God are those who are born of the Spirit Paul.
ReplyDeleteJohn 1:12-13 reads:-
'But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God'
once again scripture answers your question.
I agree, Tim, all those words and not even a slight effort to answer any question. That sounds pretty plain and simple. :-) LOL
ReplyDeletePaul, you asked,
ReplyDelete"If you would ask a donkey; how did you become a foal of a donkey ? What do you think that the donkey would tell you ?"
Well, he would tell us a lot more than you do.
ReplyDeleteTell me, how did your natural Father made himself known to you ?
Was he hiding somewhere behind the clouds ?
And what does the Scriptures say to you ?
How did God He made Himself known to His disciples?
What about Saul of Tarsus, how did God made Himself known to him ?
And what about Adam, Moses and all the rest of the children of God ?
ReplyDeleteYou said, 'Children of God are those who are born of the Spirit Paul.'
Yes, that's right Brenda, but what are you trying to say ?
Remember, that is a statement, you need to give me something to work with.
You said, 'once again scripture answers your question.'
Which question ?
I'm a representative of the Scriptures, how then do you think that the very thing I preach would answer me ?
Just think Brenda.
A man of God ought to speak according to God's Word, or there is NO LIGHT in him, or NO TRUTH in him. (Isaiah 8:20)
Don't you believe that whoever speaks in the Name of the Lord, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God ? (1 Peter 4:11)
Brenda, is there actually anything that you do believe of the Scriptures ?
I think that you should take a serious look at yourself and see whether you are in the faith, or whether you are running in vain.
Remember, there are too many plastic christians around who can't differentiate God from a bar of soap.
Well my brother, you are an expert of avoiding my questions and even the donkey's question :-)
ReplyDeleteYou would make a good politician, they also use a lot of words and saying nothing :-)
Even the donkey knows that, if you believe that Yahweh is 100% God and Y'shua is also 100% God, then you believe in TWO gods who are 100% god each.
But I don't think that the donkey would call TWO gods 'HE'. Surely the donkey would call TWO gods 'THEM or THEY', the gods; assuming the donkey is in his right mind.
Remember, he even rebuked the mad prophet.
But I think so much higher of you than of a donkey, a beast. The beast was not created in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, but Adam was. But then again, it was the beast who caused Eve to sin, and Adam went along with her.
But Adam knew that God is ONE, because he walked with HIM in the cool of the evening, and he preached the same Gospel just as I preach; that all men need to repent of their wicked ways who believe in TWO or THREE gods (a duality or a trinity) and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, and whosoever does NOT repent and does NOT believe in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be damned, for there is NO other Name given in heaven and on earth whereby we must be saved
ReplyDeleteYou never answered any of my questions. All you did was change the subject.
Do I stump you that much? Why are you letting demons tell you which topics to answer?
ReplyDelete1). What is 1 times 1 times 1? Do we measure cubic feet by saying its actually three separate objects?
ReplyDelete2). When someone says God da** how does that make you feel? Do you understand the question?
3) Are you a liar Paul?
4). What does Exodus 3:14 mean Paul?
5) Are you doing it for money?
6). If I was Hawaiian and didn't have the letter J in my alphabet am I lost? If I didn't understand English am I doomed?
And before you try and lie and say I don't answer your questions, here are my answers.
ReplyDeleteTell me, how did your natural Father made himself known to you? My natural father had to choose to have sex and then I had to grow up to understand who he was. He did not reveal himself to me. I had to learn the concept.
Was he hiding somewhere behind the clouds ? No.
And what does the Scriptures say to you ? Many things, this question has no range.
How did God He made Himself known to His disciples? Some by miracles, some by being in His family, some by word of mouth, some by revelation, some by conversation.
What about Saul of Tarsus, how did God made Himself known to him ? On the road to Damascus.
And what about Adam, Moses and all the rest of the children of God ? He created Adam. Moses saw Him in a burning bush and told Moses His name was YHWH. The rest of the children of God each have their own story. Some God came to them. Some read about Him and believed. Some were forced. Some saw the sign above His head that said YHWH on the cross and believed. Some did it on tradition. What is your point?
Ok...your turn. Answer my questions.
Unless your name is legion....
ReplyDeleteOnce again I will answer your question Paul.
ReplyDeleteChildren of God are those who are born of the Spirit Paul, as IT IS WRITTEN.
John 1:12-13 reads:-
'But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God'
Paul, this is silliness and you know it. I am now convinced that you are doing it deliberately, for your own pleasure. I asked two simple questions and all I get are words from a donkey.
ReplyDeleteBe careful Keith or Paul will say 'God speaks through a donkey' (sorry, I could not resist that). Paul appears to use anything to prove himself right.
ReplyDeletePrediction::: instead of answering us Paul will write his next article changing the focus.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both of you.
ReplyDeleteIT IS WRITTEN, 'I am the LORD your God, You shall have NO OTHER gods before Me. You shall NOT worship them or serve them; for I the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me.'
ReplyDeleteThe focus of the last three posts was that you have ANOTHER JESUS, and ANOTHER SPIRIT, which amounts to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL (2 Cor. 11:3-4).
Now, this is the word of the Lord Jesus Christ to an apostate church.
I must say, that you have done a great job to demonstrate that.
I appreciate all of your comments.
Most christians and spiritual people don't want to engage in an open debate concerning this so important matters, they rather hide behind their religion in whatever they feel comfortable with.
In nearly every comment you have made you have been demoting the Lord of glory Jesus Christ to a mere man and have elevated or enthroned a god you are calling Yahweh and Father in the place of Jesus Christ.
Only as a decoy you have said that Jesus Christ is ALSO 100% God.
Now, this is a picture of the condition of most churches worldwide. They ALL believe the lie just like the Scriptures said.
The Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, Mormons, Anglicans, Muslims, Pentecostals, Baptists and nearly every other denomination believes that lie.
Without exception they all believe in another god, and to them the Lord Jesus Christ is ONLY a mediator and a go in between man, between an unknowable god called Yahweh and mankind.
They, just like you claim that Jesus is 100% God and Yahweh is also 100% God, and both are ONE God.
If that is not the epitome of all deception, then what is ?
Some of them can see that irony and say that only Jehovah is God and Jesus is just a mere man, a better man who does the will of this god called Jehovah.
They claim that they believe the Scriptures, even though the name Yahweh and Jehovah is not mentioned in the Scriptures.
Even though they claim to believe the Scriptures, yet they are WILFULLY ignorant.
But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.
ReplyDeleteregarding the scripture :-'For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.'
I accept the Jesus that God has made both my Lord and Christ as it states in Acts 2 v.36:-
'Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.'
I have been born of the Spirit, as I am told in scripture I must be, there is a birth in the flesh and a birth in the Spirit as John ch. 3 v.6 states:-
'That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.'
I am now one with God and Jesus in the Spirit as Jesus Himself says in John ch. 17 vs.20-22:-
'I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. The glory that You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are One,'
We can only be responsible for working out our own salvation. Whatever that Word says to you, endeavour to do it.
No Brenda, you don't believe that Jesus is LORD.
ReplyDeleteYou don't believe that LORD means God.
You do not even believe that Jesus is 100% God.
In fact you believe nothing concerning the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Scriptures.
All you do is, demote the Lord Jesus Christ to some kind of a better man than other men.
And you present the LORD God the creator of heaven and earth as a middleman between you and an unknowable god called Yahweh.
You only SAY that you preach Christ and Him crucified, but to the contrary, at every opportunity you tear the Lord Jesus Christ from His throne and demote Him to a middleman.
In fact every comment is against the deity of Jesus Christ who is the ONLY God forever praised.
Brenda, it has escaped you that the DEITY of Jesus Christ is the FOUNDATION of Christianity.
But again you would not believe in Him even if He would stand in front of you, and neither do you believe His representatives.
The reason you don’t believe the Scriptures is, because you don’t understand the Scriptures, and you cannot discern between metaphorical and literal language.
We shall agree to disagree there Paul. I see many people being draw to Jesus, and all glory goes to God. One place to, one waters, but it is God who adds the increase. All I can do is preach Christ crucified, in the way that has been given to me. It is that Word that produces the lively stones, with Jesus as the corner stone
ReplyDeleteShould have spelt one 'plants' Paul, predictive text again.
ReplyDeleteStill ignoring me? Still afraid to answer a few questions because you know I will prove you wrong. Responding is not the same as answering but the way you interpret words it probably means the same thing to you.
ReplyDeleteI thought you said you don't quote Scripture. You just added "it is written, I am the Lord your God..."
ReplyDeleteYou said you don't quote scripture. Is that a lie Paul? Are you a liar? Maybe God did not reveal Himself to you. God does not lie.
Brenda, I said before, that I do NOT agree to disagree.
ReplyDeleteI want you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ad NOT in ANOTHER Jesus (2 Cor. 11:2-3) as you are preaching.
You said, 'All I can do is preach Christ crucified, in the way that has been given to me.'
Yes, that's where you problem is.
You have received ANOTHER Jesus, a Jesus who is NOT LORD, a Jesus who is NOT GOD, a Jesus who is NOT the creator of heaven and earth.
Brenda, that is called ANOTHER Jesus (2 Cor. 11:2-3).
The Jesus you have received is an ordinary man whom you claim that a god by the name of Yahweh sent to create the heavens and the earth and to die on the cross for mankind, and to be a mediator between that god and mankind.
That is faaaar from the truth Brenda.
It seems to me that the god of this world has blinded your eyes to believe such nonsense.
And please, don't think that I am against you Brenda. I'm telling you the truth and the TRUTH is the Lord Jesus Christ just as He has said in John 14:6 and NOT a god called Yahweh.
Remember, it is the god of this world Yahweh who has deceived you and the WHOLE world to believe in him (2 Cor. 4:4 + Rev. 12:9).
Where are my answers Paul?
ReplyDeletePaul, Once again, you are not listening. Therefore, you are being divisive, not edifying.
ReplyDeleteYah is God!
Y'shua is the Son of God!
We are Y'shua's Body, Sons of God!
We are the Remnant of God, one is Spirit!
Just as the scriptures say. Pretty simple language.
No my friend, you are not listening and neither do you carefully read the Scriptures.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible doesn't say that Yah is God, what kind a god is that ?
Recently you said that Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is God, and then you said that Yahweh is God, it seems to me that you call every Tom, Dick and Harry God.
Why don't you believe the Scriptures for a change.
The Bible said that there is NO OTHER NAME given in heaven and on earth. No other Name than Jesus who is the Christ.
Do you know what 'NO OTHER NAME' means ?
No it doesn't mean, except Tom, Dick and Harry !
Tell me, If we are sons of God, in what sense is then the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Also, as I have said many times, DO NOT give the Lord JESUS Christ another name. The LORD’s Name is JESUS and NOT Y'shua. And don't make it complicated.
Tim, say something intelligent and then I will give you an answer, something of which we all benefit.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't speak Swahili, speak English.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind whether you choose not to agree to disagree. I can only agree with what is written in that Word, as Jesus did.
Paul, It just shows your ignorance of the scriptures. Yahweh, Yah Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is what God said the Moshe when he asked what his name was. Why don't you believe what the scriptures say? Why do you keep misrepresenting the Word of God? I don't give the Lord another name. Y'shua, Jesus, means Yah Saves. You are being an ambassador of confusion, not Jesus.
ReplyDeleteYou can't even teach me what Exodus 3:14 means? I am asking for your help and you are denying to teach?
ReplyDeleteHow is calling me unintelligent profiting people?
See, you're a liar. Yours God's name is not Jesus but Belial.
All my questions would profit all of us because it will show who your God really is. I am giving you all kinds of chances to witness and you keep passing it up.
If you would have answered the first time (like you said to me once... hypocrite Pharisee) then I would have probably walked away.
Now you can't respond to anything I just said because we all know you don't do silly talk (liar, because you answer some things and say things that your ego and demons allow).
Here Paul, let me answer them:
ReplyDelete1). What is 1 times 1 times 1? Do we measure cubic feet by saying its actually three separate objects?
The answer is 1. When something is side by side they are considered one. Woman was taken from man's side and they are to be one. A board with three dimensions is still only one. We may see a difference in the length compared to the width and height but it is still one board. Humans are tripartite. We have a body that is ours. We have a mind (soul) that is ours. And we have a heart (spirit) that is ours. When we die we say the person died, yet only their body does. Amazing how they have more than one part yet they are only created physical beings. So, Paul, the answer is one, just like God. He is one. But Elohim, a term for God, a name some would say, is plural but has a singular verb attached to it all the time. Why would God say the Lord is one? It was to show His many manifestations but still say He is one.
2). When someone says God da** how does that make you feel? Do you understand the question?
Here is the answer Paul. You can't feel anything if someone says God dam*. Someone could say it all day long and you shouldn't feel anything because it is not taking any name in vain. However, you would be wrong. When someone says this they are invoking God's wrath on people without any authority. If God wants to damn people then it is His choice. Hence if someone says that then they are taking His name in vain. You say no one knew His name in the OT. Then how could anyone break that commandment? We are not under the Law anymore, so why would it be written as a Law if no one knew what it meant anyway?
3) Are you a liar Paul?
The answer is yes, Paul. You say things that aren't true. You add to scripture like saying satan had sex with Eve which is not in the Bible. You say we shouldn't read things into scripture and yet you add one of the worst things ever. You say satan has the power of creation and lift him up as high as God, the very same reason why satan was cast down from heaven. You say you don't do things like engage in silly talk but you add so many insults and side comments that have nothing to with the article except to stroke your own ego. You say you don't quote scripture but you do all the time. You say the word "el" or "yah or jah" is not in the Bible but it all over the place like ELiJAH, HallELuJAH, MichaEL, GabriEL, EL Shaddai, ImmanuEL, IsraEL.
Part 2
ReplyDelete4). What does Exodus 3:14 mean Paul?
It's an answer to a question Paul. Moses asked "What is His NAME? What shall I say to them? God gave His name...I AM. Even in English...I AM. It simply means HE ENCOMPASSES ALL. He was here before time, He will be here after time. And He tells Moses to tell ALL the people that is His name. On the cross Jesus had three languages written above His head, and none of them were English Paul. The sign said Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. The sign was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, the only three languages spoken in the area Paul. And in Hebrew it said, "Yeshua HaNazarei V'Melech HaYehudim" Do you see it Paul? The Y from Yeshua, the H from HaNazarei, the V from V,Melech, and the H from HaYehudim? YHVH, V and W are the same letter in Hebrew. YHWH. Yahweh. Jesus IS Yahweh. The same God. One part in the form man for our sake having a human name and the other part God's name originally given to man kind.
5) Are you doing it for money?
The answer Paul is we hope not.
6). If I was Hawaiian and didn't have the letter J in my alphabet am I lost? If I didn't understand English am I doomed?
The answer Paul is no if they accept Jesus as Lord. Even if God came to the Hawaiians before we did and knew they did not have a J in their alphabet, like the Latins as well, then they would pronounce His name differently. If we wanted to knit-pick then technically we should call Him "He saves" because that is what it means since Jesus is not actually English. You have damned all those born from the beginning of time until English was developed in the 6th century AD. No one knew the name "Jesus" until at least then. They knew Him in their own language, even those of the island of Britain would not have Jesus until at least then. Yes, today God speaks to me in English, I get what you are saying. I don't need to know Hebrew or Greek. But Peter, an uneducated man, who even had to have Silas help him write, did not know English. And Silas was Greek.
I have answered each and every one of your questions even though they profited no one. You can't even out your pride aside one small time and answer one small question, no matter how small it was. It would have taken 10 seconds of your ego to answer. Pride is a huge sin to get over Paul. Humble yourselves before the Lord. You refuse to do that.
And with that Paul...Matthew 10:14, notice I didn't quote illiterates. is that English enough for you?
ReplyDeleteYou don’t agree with the Word of God at all, you agree with what you THINK that it says, and with man made speculative nonsensical doctrines.
You always believe contrary to what the Scriptures said.
John 14:9 Jesus said, ‘He who has seen ME has seen the FATHER’, but you are saying that when you see Jesus, you are seeing someone else, another entity called Yahweh.
And when the Lord Jesus Christ said that He and the Father are ONE, you are saying that Jesus and the Father are TWO.
Well Brenda, blind Freddy can see that you do NOT believe a thing of the Scriptures, you are only saying that you believe.
Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and every cult say that they believe the Scriptures, but do they ?
Just read the title of one of your own blogs, “Father I thank You for Jesus”.
Now tell me, which Father or god are you thanking for Jesus ?
And in one of your songs you said, “Thank you Lord for revealing the Father”.‘
It is obvious that the Lord Jesus Christ has NOT revealed the Father to you, otherwise you would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and not in a false god called Yahweh.
Look Brenda, you need to repent of your false gods, or else you will perish with them.
You need to walk on the narrow road, for the broad road leads to destruction.
Keith, you said, "Paul, It just shows your ignorance of the scriptures. Yahweh, Yah Ehyeh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is what God said the Moshe when he asked what his name was. Why don't you believe what the scriptures say? Why do you keep misrepresenting the Word of God? I don't give the Lord another name. Y'shua, Jesus, means Yah Saves. You are being an ambassador of confusion, not Jesus"
ReplyDeleteWhere is that written in the Bible Keith ?
Absolutely nowhere ! You have made that up, that is wild speculative nonsense to justify your unbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
You need to read the Bible and NOT the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves.
Apostate Israel did exactly the same as you are doing; and when the Lord God the Almighty Jesus Christ of Nazareth came in a body (1 Tim. 3:16) and stood in front of them, they said that He had a demon, being a man claiming to be God (John 10:33).
You are saying and doing the same as apostate Israel, and Brenda supports such a great deception.
Look my friend, you need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved from this evil, unbelieving and perverse generation.
Please post other comments on the new post, Tested by Fire.