Wednesday, August 09, 2017

The TRINITY: Deception Is In Dividing God !

The power of Satan's deception is in DIVIDING God.
Once God is divided, then Satan can take the place of ONE of the persons of God.  
1 Corinthians 8:6  “Yet for us is but ONE God, the Father.”
The moment the Father is separated from the Son, God then has become TWO and if you then separate the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, God then has become THREE, three separate entities which trinitarians call “the TRINITY”.
God is ONE !  (Mark 12:29 and Deuteronomy 6:4), and if God is divided, Satan will usurp a place in the concept of God and promotes himself as God the Father who sends his Son into the world.   
Long ago Satan proclaimed his ambition that he will set himself above the throne of God which belongs to Jesus Christ our Lord, and he make himself like the Most High (Isaiah 14:13-14).

Since Satan has gained entrance into mankind at the fall of man,  therefore he takes the place of the only God the Father Jesus Christ and demands that he will be called “Holy Father” the Pope of Rome, which is contrary to what the Lord Jesus Christ has said in Matthew 23:9, “do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven”.
If there is ‘ONE God, the Father 1 Corinthians 8:6’, who then is this Pope of Rome who is called ‘Holy Father’ ?

The moment God has been divided, Jesus Christ has become the second person, the Son of the first person called the Father, one in two, or one person of two persons who now make up ‘God’. And the title ‘God’ has become a concept.
From now on also the son has become subject to the Father in reality and not in metaphor.
And when the Pope of Rome calls himself the Holy Father, then the Son is supposed to be subject to the Pope of Rome.

Once that deception has been conceived, all reasoning has been surrendered by the individuals and Satan uses Scripture metaphors to justify and strengthen his stronghold to keep his subjects under a strong delusion.
When God has been divided, the Name of God which is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) has become uncertain and God now has begot many names, and even titles and descriptions have now become NAMES for their gods who are many, and unknown and a fluctuating concepts.
All rationality has become subject under Satan's power of deception and supported by Scriptural metaphors.
Metaphors have become realities and are subject to every wind of doctrines.  
The irrational mind can now say that the Father is NOT the Son and the Holy Spirit is NOT the Father or the Son and all three together are ONE God.

A wise man once said:
in fact the Athanasian paradox that one is three, and three but one is so incomprehensible to the human mind that no candid man can say he has any idea of it, and how can he believe what presents no idea. he who thinks he does , Start insertion, only, End, deceives himself. he proves also that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.

Thomas Jefferson to James Smith 8 Dez. 1822.

Please let me hear your thoughts. 


  1. You are definitely a one trick pony and so deceitful. Don't you know anything else in the bible?

  2. Thank you Hiker Boy for your comment.
    At least you should be thankful that someone is telling you the truth.
    We are living in a world where Christianity will NOT put up anymore with sound intelligence and doctrines but rather accepting doctrines of demons.

    Tell me, if the Father is NOT the Son, are there TWO persons ?

    Well, it makes sense, if the Father is ONE God and his Son is also a God, then there are TWO gods. Don’t you think so Hiker Boy ?

  3. Do you understand the meaning of deceitful? You should look it up in a dictionary. Your picture will be there, next to the word.

  4. Yes I understand that, but what about you ?

    Tell me which one is deceitful, the one who said that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Father, in other words Jesus Christ and the Father are one and the same (John 10:30) and (John 14:9).
    Or the one who said that the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, but someone else ?

  5. I have a novel answer /idea, for you. Why don't you read the Bible for what it says, not what man has taught you. Still praying for you.

    Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up, that who so ever looks to him shall have everlasting life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever looks upon, believes, puts thieir trust, In him, shall not perish, but will have everlasting life.

    A simple plan. You might want to look into it. I am still here to answer any questions, and the Spirit will always be there to lead you to the truth. All you have to do is put your trust in him. Again, praying for you.

  6. Hi Keith, interesting, not one of you answers my simple questions.

    Well my friend, man has not taught me the Scriptures nor the doctrines of God.
    Haven’t you read in the Scriptures that that a man of God ought to be taught by God ? (John 6:45)
    Now, please tell me, by WHICH God must a man be taught ?
    Is it by Allah ? Krishna ? Jehovah ? Yahweh or WHO ??

    And, since you are praying for me, which one of those gods do you think is going to listen to your prayers ?
    Are you praying to one of those gods THROUGH a man called Y’shuah ?

    Perhaps, just look at what you have said,
    “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up, that who so ever looks to him shall have everlasting life.”

    My friend, when you try to quote the Scriptures, please think.
    Tell me, can you have everlasting life if you LOOK to someone ?
    What about, can devils have everlasting life if they LOOK to someone ?
    Well my friend, LOOKING is just not good enough for you to have everlasting life :-)
    Perhaps you should read the Bible and see what it actually said.

    OK. since you’re here to answer any questions, please tell me, according to John 10:30 and John 14:9 if the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, are they then TWO ?

  7. You are correct, when you say, "Well my friend, man has not taught me the Scriptures nor the doctrines of God."

    Don't you think the time for fantasies is over. Turn to God's Word and learn his Truth.

    You should learn and heed the lesson of the Asherah pole.

  8. Don’t say that you are still here to answer any questions, when you never do.

    OK. again :-) since you’re here to answer any questions, please tell me, according to John 10:30 and John 14:9 if the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, are they then TWO ?

  9. I've answered your questions over and over, which proves that you don't ears to listen, but I knew that. No, my friend, I'm here because I'm called by God to pursue lost sheep. It doesn't matter to you, but I pray for you every day.

  10. The one who changes Gods Word to support his own ideas. It doesn't say Jesus is the father. You made that up. Admit it. You lied. Let's get on to the next subject.

  11. No Keith, you did NOT answer my question.
    (John 10:30) Jesus said, “I and the Father are ONE”.
    Please tell me, if Jesus is NOT the Father, are they then TWO ?

  12. Hi William, to John 10:30 and John 14:9 you said, “It doesn't say Jesus is the father.”

    Well, does it say that someone else is the Father ?
    Does the Lord Jesus Christ say that He and the Father are TWO ?

    If the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, are they then TWO ?

  13. First of all, this is William. For some reason, my name shows up differently, depending on whether I'm on my phone or computer.

    John 10 speaks for itself and expounds on the "Father and I are One." concept. I will not enter into your silly circular reasoning arguments. They are fruitless. Also, try reading John 10:30 in light of the entire bible. You say you believe in it, then believe what it says.

    Again, in John 14, read it in context. I'm not even asking you to read the whole chapter. Read just John 14:9-13. I know you're not an idiotic. Read what it says and get on to the next subject.

  14. Paul, check your previous comments. I agree with William, Brenda and Tim. I will not engage you, in your "circular reasoning arguments." However, I am always open to other subjects and especially concerning your salvation, which I pray for every day..

  15. Hi William, that is NOT an answer :-( That is a cop-out, and you know it.

    You said, “try reading John 10:30 in light of the entire bible.”

    What does that mean ?
    Do you men in your light ?
    (Luke 11:35), Jesus said, “Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness.”

    To (John 10:30) you said, “You say you believe in it, then believe what it says.”

    Well, what does it say to you ?
    Does it say that the Father is another person called Allah or Jehovah or who ?
    Or does it say that the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are TWO ?

    I think we both know why you don’t want to answer such a simple question.

    John 14:9 Jesus said, “Have I been so long with YOU, and yet YOU have NOT come to know Me, William ? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can YOU say, Show me the Father ?”
    “Therefore I said to YOU that YOU will die in your sins; for unless YOU believe that I am He, YOU will die in your sins.” (John 8:24).

  16. Yes Keith, I know that you agree with William, Brenda and Tim and Brandon. And for that reason the Lord Jesus Christ is calling ALL of you to repentance and believe in Jesus Christ alone and forsake ALL of your other gods.

    Salvation is ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT in any other one of your gods.
    Do you think that Allah can save ?
    What about Jehovah, can he save ? or Yahweh ?

    Well, my Bible says that there is NO OTHER NAME given apart from Jesus who is the Christ.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Paul, you said, "Salvation is ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ."

    That is 100% true and it's in the Bible. Congratulations!. It feels good, doesn't it, to say the truth? Now, take a step forward and read some more, because it also says that the salvation was provided by YHWH.

    Now, when you say I believe in gods, That's simply not true and you know that. Now, how does telling untruths feel to you? Does it feel better? I'm curious. Does saying things, which are not true, excite you? Again, just curious.

    Are you aware that the book of Corinthians tells us that those who continually lie are not covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and have no place in the kingdom. Check it out.

    I'm still asking the same question over in my blog I would like you to answer it And I will also continue to pray for your salvation.

  19. Ok, let's try an experiment. Give us a verse by verse teaching of John 14:9-13. Here's your opportunity to show the Spirit within you.

  20. Well my friend, don’t say Congratulations, when you obviously don’t believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY “GOD” our saviour (Jude 1:25).
    You believe, that another god called Yahweh gave the only God our saviour the job to save mankind.

    And even blind Freddy can see that you believe in the gods just as I have said.
    Don’t lie, for ALL liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone Rev. 21:8.
    On that day you have to give an accounting of every careless word you speak (Mat. 12:36).

  21. William, I’m NOT a Bible teacher, I am a gospel preacher.
    Bible study supposed to be your job and you need to show yourself approved. (2 Tim. 2:15)

  22. Paul, I would hope that anyone who comes to your blog will do as the Lord commands and check your references out. Jude 1:25 doesn't even mention the name of Jesus. So, once again, you are deceiving people with your scriptural misrepresentations.

  23. Well Keith, I welcome anyone to come to my blog and leave a comment, remember I have been called to gather in the lost sheep of the house of Israel :-)

    Jude 1:25 doesn’t need to mention the Name of Jesus, even blind Freddy can see that there is NO OTHER Name given apart from JESUS by which you must be saved.

  24. It really doesn't bother you at all to be deceptive.

  25. Notice to all who come here, if any. Please notice that Paul doesn't deny being deceptive or lying about other people's positions, in order to sell his man-made doctrine. Please join me in praying for his salvation and for the opening of his eyes to God's truth not his.

  26. That is right Paul, there is no other name given under Heaven by which we can be saved. Give by Whom? - God. God has made Jesus our Lord and no man can come to God except through Jesus. Jesus is the gateway to the sheepfold. Hallelujah!

  27. Amen! Brenda! Once again, according to the scriptures.

  28. As Jesus said eh Keith? It is written.

  29. Aman, Brenda! Even Satan knew when to shut up when presented with the truth of the scriptures.

  30. Keith, Jude (1:25) please tell me, which one is deceptive, the one who says that Jesus Christ is the only God our saviour, or the one who says that Yahweh is the only God our savior ?

    I know what you think and what you teach.
    You teach that Yahweh is the only God, and to him be all glory, majesty, dominion and authority before all time and now and forever.
    As for the Lord Jesus Christ you think and teach that He is ONLY a tool for an unknown god called Yahweh who supposed to do the saving THROUGH a man called Jesus.

  31. Hi Brenda,
    No ! what you are teaching is NOT true.
    Again you are using a biblical figure of speech and teaching contrary to the doctrine of God and against the Lord Jesus Christ.

    You are teaching that some OTHER god made Jesus some kind of a lord.
    And that no one can come to this other god whom you call Yahweh except THROUGH this liddle lord whom you call Jesus.

    Look Brenda, you have absolutely NO insight into the Scriptures, and neither do you know the true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20 and Jer. 10:10).
    The reason is, that you DON’T believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Brenda, you need to repent of your unbelief and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and in NO other god.

  32. No Paul, you are incorrect, once again. In the same way you misrepresent the Bible, you also misrepresent our beliefs. Y'shua/Jesus is not a tool. If you are truly interested in what we believe, then you must promise to listen and take the time to really understand.

  33. Keith, I do NOT misrepresent your beliefs.
    I have asked you, “Keith, Jude (1:25) please tell me, which one is deceptive, the one who says that Jesus Christ is the only God our saviour, or the one who says that Yahweh is the only God our savior ?”

    I say it very loud and clear, and I hope you can hear it, Jude 1:25 is speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ who is our ONLY GOD and saviour.
    Again, which one is deceptive ?
    And which one of us is misrepresenting the Scriptures, you or me ?

    You said, “Jude 1:25 doesn't even mention the name of Jesus. So, once again, you are deceiving people with your scriptural misrepresentations.”

    Tell me, WHY will you NOT acknowledge that Jude 1:25 addresses the Lord Jesus Christ ?

    I know why, and I have told you why.
    If the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Lord God, then you preach Him to be a tool in the hands of another god whom you call Yahweh.

    Well my friend, someone needs to tell you the truth, for the time is already here when people don’t put up with sound doctrines anymore.

  34. Hey Paul, I started to answer your last comment and realized it was getting way too long. I fully recognize that you have an issue with reading and understanding long comment. Please, do not take that as an insult, as it was not in tended to be an insult. Let's try this in small easily chewable bite-size pieces.

    Jude 25 does not mention the name of Jesus in the original version. There's no getting around that. However, for argument sake, let's assume that the newer revised versions are correct and appears like this:

    to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

    What does the word "through" mean to you?

    Don't go off into a big dissertation. Try to keep it simple.

  35. Paul,
    it is the Bible that is teaching that God made Jesus our Lord. Stop reading through 'Paul G glasses'.

  36. Brenda, your comment reminds me of a minister I once heard. He said that God looks at us through Christ colored glasses. :-) Amen!

  37. Keith, You said, “Jude 25 does not mention the name of Jesus in the original version. There's no getting around that.”

    Can you see ! straight away you denounce the 66 books of the Bible and claim that another script is the real Word of God, and the Bible is erroneous.
    Can you see it ? We have talked about that before.

    You said, “let's assume that the newer revised versions are correct and appears like this:
    to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

    “TO the ONLY ‘GOD’ our saviour” ?
    Tell me, is there another GOD who is also a saviour apart from Jesus Christ ?

    If you do NOT understand that question, how then will you understand the word “through” ?

    Do you mean that Buddha saves THROUGH Jesus Christ ?

    Well my friend I am serious, I’m not kidding.

  38. Yes Brenda, I which you would have Paul G. glasses, at least then you would be able to see in this dark and evil world.
    Perhaps you would like to know from where I got my Paul G, glasses from ? :-)

    Now tell me, WHICH God has made Jesus your Lord ??
    Did Buddha made Jesus your Lord ?

    If you would have Paul G. glasses, you could see which god made Jesus your Lord.

  39. Those are lovely words that the minister said Keith.

  40. Paul, the God Who gave Jesus all authority and made Jesus my Lord is YHWH, also known as I AM. The fact that Jesus was GIVEN authority by His Father is clearly stated in Matthew ch. 11 v. 27:-

    'All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.'

    The reason I think you do not believe this is contained within this verse, where it says:-
    ' nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.'

    I believe you may not be among the ones that Jesus has revealed the Father to

  41. Yes Brenda, Mat, 11:27 is figurative speech, and it is designed for those whom the Lord has NOT made Himself known to, so that they will NOT know Him or believe in Him and be saved.

    Only to those who have His commandments and keeps them, the Lord Jesus Christ will disclose Himself, or make Himself known to. (Mat. 14:21)
    But as for you, you are transgressing the first and second commandment of the Lord and denying the Father.
    You are giving the title ‘Father’ which belongs to Jesus Christ to another, a god whom you call Yahweh.
    And the reason is because you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and neither do you believe what He has said.
    He said, concerning the Father He was speaking figuratively, but you are saying, He is speaking literally. And that is true for you, He still is speaking figuratively to you.

    Brenda, if the Lord Jesus would have made known the Father to you, you would believe in Him and NOT in another.

  42. Amazing! Paul, how you ignore the hard questions that shines lighted truth on your false doctrine.

  43. Keith, I think that you are confusing your doctrines with mine ;-)

  44. 1 Corinthians ch. 15 v. 27 states regarding Jesus:-

    'For "God has put all things in subjection under His feet." But when it says, "All things are put in subjection," it is plain that this does not include the One who put all things in subjection under Him.

    There are so many scriptures that declare and prove God's authority that I do not understand how this kind of a debate can go on for so long. I believe that Paul has been shown all scripture that would convince and convict anyone of this, but he is one who chooses to believe a false doctrine above the truth of scripture.

    That is undoubtedly (I would say)the reason why no other people appear to waste their time continuing conversation with him on any blogs.

  45. Brenda, you said, “There are so many scriptures that declare and prove God's authority”

    The Scriptures does not need to proof God’s authority, everyone knows that God has authority.
    What you really mean is, that another god called Yahweh has authority over the ONLY true God Jesus Christ (Jude 1:25).

    And Lord Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.”

    1. Look into Keith's blog for my answer to this Paul, and the next comment you leave - you will find my answer to the questions you will ask and have asked many times if you look at the answers I have have given you over the last few years in all of our blogs.

  46. Brenda said, "I am talking about God's authority over Jesus. Jesus would not tell the chief priests, scribes and elders Who had given Him the authority to do things, but He acknowledged that authority had been given to Him - otherwise He would have said that He did not need authority.

    Yes Brend, I did know what you meant.
    Please, just read your comment again, but slowly.

    Can you see, how you set another god ABOVE the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    Can you see it ?
    This is the point why it is impossible for you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    This is the point where you can never believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the first and the last, the creator of everything and the ONLY God there is.

    This is the very point from where you have apostated, fallen away from the Lord Jesus Christ to another god, and Jesus has become the middleman between that other god and you.

    This is the same sin that Israel committed and most of the churches today.
    Israel and the Christians supposed to be the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they and YOU have accepted another god, or should I say have joined themselves to another god and have become the harlot church of Revelation, and an adulterous bride to Christ.

    And for that reason it is impossible for you to understand the Scriptures.
    Look Brenda, there is only repentance left for you. Yes I know that that word is a dirty word and no one likes it, but it is the first step for your salvation.

  47. Once that deception has been conceived, all reasoning has been surrendered by the individuals and Satan uses Scripture metaphors to justify and strengthen his stronghold to keep his subjects under a strong delusion.

    When God has been divided, the Name of God which is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) has become uncertain and God now has begot many names, and even titles and descriptions have now become NAMES for their gods who are many, and unknown and a fluctuating concepts.

    All rationality has become subject under Satan's power of deception and supported by Scriptural metaphors.
    Metaphors have become realities and are subject to every wind of doctrines.

  48. Paul, sometimes it takes an adult to tell a child that their feet are dirty. My grandchildren run around with a dirty feet. I say to them, "Your feet are dirty as can be.". They respond, "My feet aren't dirty." Once I make them look at their feet, they become aware of their condition. That's what we do for you Paul. We're trying to show you that your feet are dirty.

    You should be very thankful that God has sent his ambassadors to you.

  49. Yes Keith, I know what you are trying to do.
    But I said that your feet are NOT dirty, it is the rest which is dirty and NOT acceptable to the Lord Jesus Christ.
    By believing in another god called Yahweh you are transgressing the first and the second Commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore guilty of ALL other Commandments (James 2:10).
    For that reason you need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE, and only then the whole body is clean except the feet.

    What is the point to dust off your feet and leave the rest of the body dirty ?

    You said, “You should be very thankful that God has sent his ambassadors to you.”

    Interesting my friend, you never mention of which god you are an ambassador of.
    Let me guess, is it of Allah or Krishna, or is it Jehovah or Yahweh ? Or is it all of them ? :-)

    On the other hand, all of you know exactly that I am an ambassador of the ONLY God Jesus Christ my Lord (1 Tim. 1:17).
    And if you dust off your feet against the Lord's ambassador, you are dusting off your feet against Him whom he is representing.

  50. Just another great example, Paul, of how you are not an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ. How can you be an ambassador, when you can't even understand the analogy or the concept of the analogy which Jesus himself used?

    Wiping the dust from one's feet indicates the ability for us to wipe away the sin of your foundation. We recognize that sin, while you do not recognize the sin. That is why you need to listen to the truth ambassadors of Christ so you too can wipe the dust from your feet.

  51. Matthew 10:14 Jesus said, “Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city (or that blog), shake the dust off your feet. Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement than for that city.”

  52. That's very good, Paul. You quote the Scriptures very well! :-) LOL even though you say you don't. Now my friend, put to gather the scripture with my last comment and you have it's complete meaning. I hope you can do this with the rest of the Bible and reconcile your doctrine to it. It's a tiny step, my child, but it's well worth it. Now, take the next step. Go to the Scriptures, plead for God's forgiveness and study the Word, for what it says.

  53. By the way Paul, I want you to know that you are included in my prayers along with my children, every night.

  54. Paul, Come read my newest blog entry. I think you'll find something very familiar in it.

    Nehushtan: The Sin Of The Asherah Poles

  55. Thank you Keith, you are very kind to me, but how is it that you never answer my simple questions ?
    OK. again; WHO do you think is going to listen to your prayers ?
    WHO is it ?
    Is is Buddha ?
    Or are you praying THROUGH a man called Y’shua to a god called Yahweh or Buddha ?

    Most Christians are similar to you, they pray to a god called Jehovah THROUGH a little god called Jesus of whom they think to be the mediator between them and Jehovah.

    Well, the problem is that their god or gods never ever answers them. Perhaps he hasn’t got any ears to hear.

    Yes I know that they have good intentions, but the Kingdom of God does NOT exist with good intentions.

  56. Hasn't everyone answered those questions? Yahweh! Yahweh is God! Jesus is his Son! Read uour Bible! It's in the Bible!


    I don't think that I have come across someone that is so dense.

  57. Hi William, if you claim that you read the BIBLE, then show me in the BIBLE where it says that ‘YAHWEH’ is God.

    And then I will show YOU in the BIBLE, yes in the BIBLE ! that Jesus Christ has NO Father who is called YAHWEH.

  58. Thanks Keith for your link.
    I left this comment on your blog.

    ‘The Seven Levels Of Scriptural Interpretation.’

    Wow, my friends :-o those are a lot of levels and many will debate that there are even more than seven levels.
    It sounds to me that only the learned few are able to understand the Scriptures. Perhaps it is just like the blind who leads the blind and you know what happens to both of them.
    It seems to me that religious people always make the simple and narrow way of the Lord Jesus Christ crooked so that they will end up to be the teachers in their churches and the mediators between God and their congregations.

    Well, Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, “I praise thee O Father that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and gave it to babes.”
    Do you think that the wise guys understand the Scriptures ?
    I don’t think so. I rather believe what the Lord Jesus has said.

    I think that no one can interpret the Scriptures accurately at any level who does not know God.
    I don’t mean, ‘know ABOUT God’, since everybody knows ABOUT God, but what I mean is to know God personally.

    Please tell me, John 10:30 did Jesus literally meant what He has said ?
    Or did He metaphorically meant that He and the Father are TWO ? :-)

    And do you interpret that ONE means really TWO ? or what ?
    What does ONE mean to you ? Intellectually, logically, metaphorically or whatever ?
    If you are a trinitarian, is the Lord Jesus Christ ONE of THREE ? or ONE with TWO others ?

    Tell me, on which level was Jesus speaking in John 10:30 ?
    And on which level do you interpret John 10:30 ?
    Anyone who claims to know the Scriptures or God, are the Father and the Son TWO or ONE ?

    Those questions are legitimate for anyone who claims to understand the Scripture in seven or more levels.

    As I have said many times, if you do not know the TRUE God (1 John 5:20 and Jere. 10:10), then it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to rightly divide the word of truth, no matter which level it is.
    (2 Timothy 2:15) “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

    All Israel think that they understand the Scriptures at more than seven levels; but can they ? really ?

    I don’t think so, otherwise they would NOT have crucified the Lord of glory Jesus Christ.
    Just like Israel, most church leaders claim to be able to interpret the Scriptures in the deepest levels without actually knowing God, just like the blind who leads the blind.

  59. Well my friend, you should have called this post, ‘The Seven Levels Of Unbelief’.

    It amazes me that not one of you believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    That is alarming and no wonder why all churches are in such a mess. They all have a form of godliness but with their heart they are faaaaaar from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    What is the point to be able to dissect the Scriptures into seven levels and NOT believing in the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    It all profits you nothing, or perhaps not much.

    The Gospel of salvation is, first, that you repent of your evil and wicked ways for believing in other gods, and then turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and believe ONLY in Him.
    And then you and your household shall be saved. Believe NOT and you shall be damned regardless what you believe.

    Well my friends, don’t intellectualize the truth. It is required from you have a simple belief in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and in NO other.
    Any other god is a false god, it is the god of this world which is the devil.

    And don’t delude yourselves by thinking that you believe in Jesus, even the demons believe in Jesus and they are certainly not saved.
    And if you think that a god called Yahweh saves people THROUGH a man called Jesus or Y’shua then you are twice deluded.

    OK. again, without repentance is NO salvation.
    And if you do NOT believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty ALONE, then you can NOT understand the Scriptures at any level.

    Just think for a moment.
    If you believe and debate whether God has hands or not, then plainly you don’t believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God.
    And neither do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ formed HIS image from the dust of the ground (Gen. 2:7).
    Well, tell me, what do you really believe ?
    All the talk about levels of Scriptural interpretation becomes foolish speculations.

  60. Paul, when we discuss or debate over the little things concerning God, it reveals that we have a desire to intimately know him. I hope and pray that one day you'll have that desire. Why don't you join in our conversation and get to know the little things of God. As you converse with us, maybe we will get to know each other better and reason together, concerning the things of God. One thing, I know that, if you are a child of God, we can agree on, is there is only one faith, one belief and one love through the Messiah. Together, let's strive to achieve that. Why don't you join us in that conversation and see where that leads? Plant the seeds that you believe need to be planted and let the Holy Spirit do his job.

  61. Yes Keith, I have been reading all the comments of your blog.
    That is because I’m interested what people believe and in whom they believe.

    You said, “that we have a desire to intimately know him. I hope and pray that one day you'll have that desire.”
    Yes I know that you do, that is because you don’t know Him, but that is NOT so with me.

    I personally know know Him, He is my Father and I am His representative.
    I do NOT engage in speculations. Anyone who knows Him does NOT speculate or philosophises about Him, but represents Him.
    There is a big difference in whom you believe and what you believe than in whom I believe and represent.

    You represent a god you do NOT know and you call him sometimes Yahweh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Jehovah, etc. and even sometimes you call him by four letters YHWH which nobody can pronounce, or you say that he’s got many of names.
    And when that ignorance has been exposed, you say that Jesus, manly “Y’shua” is also God.

    Can you see, I can NOT debate from any other premise than from the premise that Jesus Christ is LORD.
    By, ‘LORD’ I mean the LORD God the Almighty, and not a little lord, or one of the lords.
    And neither can I add new speculations to already existing speculations.

    I am a representor of the TRUTH (John 14:6), which is Jesus Christ, and yes, I know everything about the truth and He has set me free from all that religious baloney and foolish speculation which profit you nothing.

    As I have said many times and I do not lie, if you want to know anything about the true God and His creation, you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
    If you continually refuse to believe in Him and add someone else to your god-economy, you will never know anything about His marvelous creation and you will walk in darkness just like the rest of the world.
    Speculation is NOT revelation knowledge.

    And don’t you believe what the Prophet Amos has said, (Amos 3:3) “Can two walk together, unless they are in agreement ?”

    Translated into English; how can you know something about someone you do not know ?
    I claim that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Father who is in heaven and you claim to have another father. How then can we walk together ?

  62. Paul, I hope and pray, that one day, you'll decide to quit being mean spirited and come reason with us. You have that choice, if you truly believe, then plant the seed and let Spirit do his job. That's what the Bible says, even your English version. What do you say? Let's reason and discuss.

  63. No my friend, I’m not mean spirited.
    To tell you the truth is not mean spirited at all.
    Don’t think that I am against you, I’m for you so that you might be saved.
    And yes ! you need to repent for believing in your false gods who can not save you.

    I fully understand that repentance is a dirty word among the Christian churches, but without repentance is no salvation.

    I do NOT oppose anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather I will stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE.

    Well Keith, it is time for you to repent.
    (Mat. 24:5-14), just look around you, ‘You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.’

  64. Paul, you may not be mean-spirited, but you are definitely coming across that way and yes, it is your choice on how you handle yourself. You can blame it all on other people's "emotions", but that is not true and you know that. A while back, you had to notice that I no longer treat you antagonistically. I saw that I was going down the same rabbit hole, as you are now. An old English says, "You catch more flies with honey, than vinegar." I would hope that you will change, because, even if you state any kind of truth, no one will listen, due to your antagonistic presentation. If you honestly look at your delivery, you have to agree that Jesus would not act nor would want you to act that way.

  65. By the way, "wars and rumors of wars..." are part of my new series of posts. I hope you will come and reason with us, with a more gentler and kinder tone.

    Yom Teruah, The Feast of Trumpets, Is The Beginning Of The End??? Part One

  66. As I have said over at your blog, I’m old enough to know how to handle myself.

    The Lord Jesus Christ has not called me to be the nice guy who lies with his lips to make everyone feel good.
    Honey attracts flies but the Gospel saves everyone who believes in Him.

    And how can you say that I am in a rabbit hole. No man who speaks in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ speaks from a rabbit hole (1 Peter 4:11).
    You are greatly mistaken my friend.

    The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is antagonistic to all those who perish (1 Cor. 1:18, and 1 Peter 2:7-8).
    Yes, the Lord Jesus speaks like me, because I have learned my speech from Him.

  67. Once again, Paul, your scriptural references do not support what you are saying. As far as being nice, I don't believe being an ambassador for Christ gives you a license to be mean. What is funny about this is that as an Americans, we always get accused of being arrogant and mean, when in reality the rest of the world is just as bad, if not worse. You are a great example of that.

  68. Oh yes my friend, we are living in a evil and wicked world and it’s hard to be nice :-)

    We see America to be a beacon of light in this evil and wicked world and that is for the gospel's sake, but they have deteriorated from their original glory and have forsaken the Lord Jesus Christ just like the rest of the western world.

    We Australians follow the footsteps of America, except we have fallen further into depravity. That reminds me what the Prophet Isaiah said, ‘Unless the Lord of hosts (Jesus Christ) had left us a remnant, we all would have become like Sodom, we would be like Gomorrah’. (Isa. 1:9 and Rom. 9:29).

  69. Isn't it just like Satan to use the Remant to further his knigdom. You are a good servamt. He has to be very proud of you.

  70. I'm not sure what you mean.
    Who do you think are the Remnant ?
    And who do you think is proud of me ?

  71. The one you are serving. You can't hurt the Remnant. We are safe and secure, within the Fsthers hands and have been, since before the beginning of time.

  72. With that statement I don’t have a problem my friend, but I have a problem with what you mean by that statement.

    And yes, the one whom I am serving is very proud of me and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
    He is my Father who is in heaven and I glorify only Him and NO other.
    It is my Father Jesus Christ who has created the heavens and the earth and everything in it (John 1:3), that is because He is the ONLY true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20).

    Any other god is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) and the father of his children and the father of lies who has lead the whole world astray (Rev. 12:9), and the whole world has gone after him, after the god of this world (John 12:19).

    Now, please tell me, in WHICH FATHERS hands are you safe and secure since the beginning of time ?

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. How can you proclaim to serve God, when you proclaim unbiblical doctrines? God does not allow his ambassadors to say things that are opposite of what his Word says. That is a different Jesus than what was taught by the apostles.

  75. What are unbiblical doctrines ?
    And how do you know what my Lord and only God allowed his ambassador to say and what not to say ?

    Yes, I am an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, and my doctrines are from the Lord and they are written in the Bible.

    The Lord Jesus Christ is the living WORD of God and He has taught me His Word and His doctrines (John 6:45), and if a man does NOT speak according to this word (the Bible), that is because there is no light in him, or no truth in him (Isaiah 8:20).

    The ‘Jesus’ which I preach is my Father who is in heaven, He is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it (John 1:3), and nothing came into being appart from Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last and beside Him is NO OTHER God.
    (Isaiah 43:10-11) “You are My witnesses, declares the LORD, and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am HE, Before Me there was NO God formed, and there will be none after Me.”
    (Isaiah 44:24) I am the LORD I make ALL things ALONE !
    (John 8:24) Jesus Christ said, ‘You will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.’

    Unlike your father who is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) and you call him Yahweh (a name not even mentioned in the Bible) who created everything THROUGH his son Y’shua, who is a mere man. And for that reason you pray THROUGH a man to your god Yahweh, just like the antichrist church the Catholic church who prays THROUGH a woman (the holy Mary) to the same god as you believe in.
    If that is not idolatry, then what is ?

  76. Unbiblical doctrines are those that are not supported by all the scriptures, which is most of what you say.

    Once again, you are an ambassador of another Jesus, not the one of the Bible. I know the truth hurts, but it is the truth. A truth that is supported by the entire Bible, not the verse picking and choosing and adding and subtracting verse method you employ. The true Jesus would never disavow his Father, in the way you do.

  77. As a representative of the Word of God the Bible, surely I have to know what the Bible says about every doctrine there is.

    If someone thinks that they know their Bible, I always say, ‘So do I, and I can do better than that, because I personally know the author of the Bible’.

    You said, “Once again, you are an ambassador of another Jesus, not the one of the Bible. I know the truth hurts, but it is the truth.”

    No my friend that is NOT the truth !
    Open your Bible and read John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the TRUTH, and the life;”

    Can you see, the truth is the one I am representing, which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and that is the duty of a true and faithful ambassador :-)

    You said, “The true Jesus would never disavow his Father, in the way you do.”

    Obviously you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ.
    The Lord Jesus Christ is my Father who is in heaven and I honour Him and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. And because He alone is the creator of heaven and earth (John 1:3-10 and Isaiah 44:24) therefore He does NOT have a father, or a mother, or a genealogy, or beginning of days nor end of life (Hebr. 7:3).

    It is utterly absurd to think that God has a father.
    God IS the Father, He does NOT need or have a father.
    God does NOT have a Son, He IS the Son.
    God has many created sons, and all those who have been revealed are the sons of God.

  78. The only way to arrive at your conclusion and I repeat "your conclusion", is to read the Bible as a metaphor, read it as make-believe. If you truly read the Bible for what it literally says, you would know that it is not the Jesus of the Bible that you represent.

  79. Did you open the Bible at John 14:6 and did you read that JESUS is the truth ?

    Or do you think that your god called Yahweh is the truth ?
    “May it never be ! Rather, let God be found true, and every man be found a liar, as it is written, …...” (Romans 3)

  80. Did you open your bible at 2Cor 11:4 and read there is another Jesus than the one in the Bible?

    Yes, the true Jesus is the truth. The true Jesus follows his Word. Your Jesus doesn’t follow the Word of God.

    Im glad that you quoted Romans 3. You should read it and turn away from being an ambassador of a non biblical Jesus and be an ambassador of the true biblical Jesus.

    I know it’s difficult to come to the realization that you’ve been duped all these years. But it’s never too late to turn away from Satan and turn to the true Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible.

  81. Yes my friend, I have put up a post about the OTHER Jesus, the FALSE Jesus, spirit and the false gospel that you preach.

    Just read my post again, I made it very clear who the TRUE Jesus is (John 14:6).
    The TRUE Jesus is the CREATOR of heaven and earth and everything in it (John 1:3-10 and Colossians 1:15-20).
    Read Isaiah 44:24 ‘I AM the LORD’, note, it is Jesus Christ who is the LORD and NOT your god who is called Yahweh. Keep on reading, ‘I MAKE ALL things ALONE' !, can you see, the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t get any help from your god Yahweh.
    Everything was MADE by the JESUS which I preach :-)

    Mostly, those who preach ANOTHER Jesus are trying to pervert His Name to something else like Y’shua, perhaps just like you my friend.

  82. Hi Paul, Yes, the feasts are referenced as observed, in the New Testament. The following are the Tanakh, Old Testament Commandments and the B’rit Hadashah, New Testament observance.

    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:5
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 26:2-19; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 2:41-42; Luke 22:1-20; John 2:13-23; John 6:4; John 13:1-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

    Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:6-8
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke 2:41-42, Luke 22:1-7; Acts 20:6; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

    Feast of Pentecost
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:15-22
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Acts 2:1-21; Acts 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8

    Feast of Trumpets
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:23-25
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 24:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 11:15

    Day of Atonement
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:26-32
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Acts 27:9

    Feast of Tabernacles
    Commanded in the Old Testament: Leviticus 23:33-43
    Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: John 7:1-14; Acts 18:21

    You are correct, and I agree that we must not fall back into ritualistic observances of the feasts. However, in order to better understand God‘s will and his plan, observing the feasts will assist you in your walk with God and growing closer to him.

  83. Well my friend, I have asked you, “Where in the Bible did the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the birthday of Jesus ?
    Or the observance of any feasts ?

    And did you actually read those verses that you have quoted and have thought about it ?
    The Church of the Old Testament is NOT the Church of the New Testament.

    You said, “Observed by Jesus Christ, the apostles or the Church in the New Testament: Matthew 24:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 11:15”

    What on earth are you talking about ?
    Not one of those verses are any Church observance in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    (Acts 15:28) It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: (29) You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.

  84. Paul G, the Bible states it is not open for private interpretation which you clearly do...sorry I missed your comments on my blog, but am locking that conversation because I do not leave it open to false doctrines and foolish arguments. You put your “god” in a box that fits your human logic, but the True God is much, much greater than you and your fallen logic. Take care.

  85. Hi Susan, do you mean that the Bible is not open for my private interpretation but only for your private interpretation ?

    You said, “ but the True God is much, much greater than you and your fallen logic.”

    Now, please tell me, WHO is the true God who is much greater than my fallen logic ?
    You can use the Bible, or give me an answer from your own enlightened logic.

  86. You deny the doctrine of the Trinity, yet you have links to biographies of men who were Trinitarian. Here are links for you to read and consider:

    Isaac Watts:
    John Bunyan:
    John Owen:
    Jonathan Edwards:
    Charles Spurgeon:
    George Whitefield:
    John Knox:
    John Newton:
    John Wycliffe:
    John Huss:

  87. Also, reference the Westminster Confession of Faith, which was written by a group which included 121 Puritans.

  88. DaFog,
    You have just entered the twilight zone for questions. If you prove him wrong he won't answer you. If you play his game he just talk in circles.

  89. DaFog,

    I forgot to add that most Puritans DO believe in the Trinity. Here are two more examples:
    A Puritan's Mind and A Puritan's Mind 2

    This is why those who are discussing these things with Paul know that he has a man-made doctrine. Not even the Puritan church believes what he does. I actually like a lot of things the Puritan church stands for, minus the racist ideas that many have.

  90. Hi DaFog,
    Yes, there were numerous trinitarians among the Puritans.
    But so what ? in fact most of them were trinitarians in one way or another.

    Does that make them unbelievers ? certainly not.
    And does that make the trinity doctrine true ? certainly NOT, if they or you would have only thought a little bit about that nonsense, you would have condemn it too.

    And NO, I am not a Puritan, and I don’t belong to any Puritan church for obvious reasons, but they call me a Puritan because I fully understand the doctrine of election.
    And not because I am smarter than you, but because the Lord Jesus Christ has given me insight into that doctrine.

  91. I just find it odd that you so strongly condemn the doctrine of the Trinity yet link to the bios of so many who strongly held to it.

  92. Yes DaFog, I hate that doctrine with a passion :-) for the Lord Jesus has granted me to strike that doctrine at its roots.
    Well, just read all those trinitarians who even worship a god called Yahweh and Jehovah, they are just pagan Israel who all have turned away from the Lord their God.

  93. Paul,
    That is one of the most contradicting statements you have ever made. You're not a Puritan yet you host a Puritan website that claims they know all the doctrines of God. You hate the Trinity concept yet you post all of those "Trinitarians", which you still misrepresent. You say even though THEY believed in the Trinity that is didn't make them unbelievers but you call all of us unbelievers.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Just a reminder, you are a trinitarian, for you believe in the Father, son and Holy Spirit. Trinitarians are those who believe all three are God exclusively, without seeing the duality of Y’shua as both man and the Spirit of God. In reality, Brenda, Tim, Chris and the rest of us are the ones who believe that God is one. You are the trinitarian.

  96. Keith, after all this time you have not come to know what I believe, even though I have said it numerous times.
    I wonder whether you are listening.

  97. Paul, calling an apple, an orange, doesn't make it an orange. It's an apple. Calling yourself something other than what you are doesn't change the fact that you believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, as God. Therefore, you are a Trinitarian.

    Am I wrong? Do you not believe that the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one?

  98. Keith,

    I don't actually think he does believe that. I think he is a Duotarian. I don't think he believes the Holy Spirit is God at all.

  99. Hey Tim, Unless he’s changed his doctrine again, he opened one of his post with,

    “Because the Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit, therefore it is necessary to know who the Holy Spirit is.

    And nobody can know God unless they know who the Holy Spirit is, that is because God is the Holy Spirit, John 4:24 ”

    But I also know that he can change his mind at a moments notice.

  100. Keith, many times i have said, that Jesus is the Father and Jesus is the Son and Jesus is the Holy Spirit 2 Cor. 3:17.
    That is because there is no other God apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Father, Son and Holy Spirit are NOT THREE entities, but three titles of the one person Jesus Christ my Lord.

  101. Paul
    Thank you for answering me, even though you played a game and pretended to answer Keith instead.

    Your answer is about 80% accurate.

    I don't remember you ever saying the holy Spirit was God but since I hear it now then I will not oppose you. But if you answered me the first time I wouldn't have said it.

    Your last paragraph I agree with. They are all the same. They are not 3 separate gods. They are titles. But what you still can't see because of your carnal mind is how they are still separate in terms of actions. Again as I said a long time ago. ONE woman can be a wife, a mom, and a sister. She has different roles in those titles. She is not going to do the same things as a wife that she would so as a sister. Yet she is the SAME person. God is like that but at a higher level and beyond our comprehension. His existence is a little more complex than the example I just gave you.

    And again, an egg.... Has the shell, the yolk, and the white part. Same egg, yet three parts.

    Again you have a body, a soul, and a Spirit. You can use all three in different ways yet it is still you.

    That is how you are in his image. 3 parts working as one.

    I can't help you understand that. It has to come from within. But you're too stubborn to listen. You won't even answer me and that shows how stubborn you are.

  102. Paul, but you still believe in the father, son and the Holy Spirit, exclusively, which makes you a trinity believer. The Bible does not support this limited view of God. How about the finger of God? How about the word of God? You see, God is much more than just three. I agree with both you and Tim that God is not three separate or five separate or whatever separate entities. God is one God. The father, the son, and Holy Spirit, the finger of God, the word of God, etc. are dimensions or characteristics or actions of one single God. Why are we even arguing this? God is One. The schma, Deut 6, tells us this. The Hebrew word used for God is plural but one, not multiple gods but one God with many aspects, dimensions, actions, whatever. Again, why are we even arguing this plain fact which is written in the Bible?

  103. We're arguing Keith because Paul doesn't understand the multi-spirituality of God. He believes in omni-presence but not full dimensionality of God. You and I disagree about the issue in a different way but we understand how God works and is out of our time and space. He doesn't.

  104. I agree Tim. However, I don’t think he doesn’t have the capability or ability to understand. I honestly think he just refuses to explore the fullness of the existence of God because of pride. He would have to recognize that some aspects or beliefs, that he holds near and dear are wrong. I cannot even imagine refusing to explore the relationship between simple man and the greatest being that ever existed, because the more we explore God, the more awestruck we become.

  105. That's a shame because when God shows me something new, even if it something I believed in I would explore it. Some of my early posts on my blogs I would probably change somewhat because I have grown. I started my blog 8 years ago so I know some of my thoughts are at least a little different. Of course his blog changed too. It went from mild-mannered, spiritually intelligent hosts to someone lost in his own drudgery and ego.

  106. No Keith, I have told you that i do not believe in one person called the Father and another person called the Son and in another person called the Holy Spirit.

    Remember Jesus Christ is GOD, one person who holds all titles, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    There is NO finger of God; for what ? neither is there an ear of God.
    That sort of talk profits you nothing, except to lead you away from the Lord Jesus Christ onto other gods.

    You said, “ The Hebrew word used for God is plural but one, not multiple gods but one God with many aspects, dimensions, actions, whatever.”

    Well, if God has many aspects but is one; then WHO is that ONE ?? Jehovah ?
    If that God is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then it would be Satan the god of this world.

    Revelation 13:8 All who dwell on the earth will WORSHIP him (the devil), everyone whose name has NOT been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the lamb who has been slain.”

  107. i do not believe in one person called the Father and another person called the Son and in another person called the Holy Spirit.

    We have said that too. You keep misrepresenting what we say. You keep trying to say we are talking about 3 gods. We are not.

    WHO IS JEHOVAH, PAUL???? Genesis 22:14 PAUL---KING JAMES know the English version. STATES JEHOVAH!!! Who is he Paul----who is he??????

    I'm not going away Paul... You might as well say something.

  108. Paul, I never said that you believed in one person called the Father and another person called the Son and in another person called the Holy Spirit. Remember that you got offended when I referred to you as mindless drone. This is why. You don’t read what we write and you don’t read what’s actually in the Bible and you are incapable of carrying a an intelligent conversation. I’m sorry if I offended you, but the facts speak for themselves.

  109. Welcome to my world, Brenda. I wonder what Paul is reading, all the time. It's definitely not any bible that I have read. It's the bible according to Paul.

  110. I was reading Acts 1 today. In verse 11, it says

    They said, “Men of Galilee, why do you keep standing here staring into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven.”

    Please tell me who took Jesus up into heaven? If he is the Father, why would he need help?

  111. Annonymous, Sorry, but Paul doesn't do well with the obvious. :-)

  112. Still here waiting...

    Jehovah is in the Bible. No one can deny it.

    It is latinized. There is no j in Hebrew. It is a y. V and w are many times interchangeable. So it is yehowah. Hebrew has no vowels. So it becomes yhwh.... Wow it is YHWH, Yahweh imagine that.

    And guess what. Jesus is YHWH, yes. For Jesus was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.

    The same...yet different. It is so simple to understand.

  113. I don't know about you Paul, but I'm still here.

    I would like to know what you think about Revelation 22:13. Jesus said He was the Alpha and the Omega. Is that English?

    Answer (since you won't): No. It is Greek. Why? Because the NT was written in Greek. It had an original language! If English was the original language then all the translations would say I am the A and the Z. The only ones that say A and the Z are the new watered down versions written for Millennials like The Message, or God's Word translations. The Hebrew translation says I am the alef and tav.

    See, the Bible had an original language with original purposes. I don't believe the purpose has changed and that we can still be 100% saved by the translation we have. But to understand God even more we can go back to the first words written and learn even more. That's the glory of God, always giving us something to learn.

  114. Tim, the Bible is written for you in English, and it says that Jesus Christ is the FIRST and the LAST (Rev. 1:17-18) and if you can’t understand that, then how will you know what the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end is ?

    And neither can you understand God even more by reading a book in Swahili or in Greek. For Jesus said, John 8:24 ‘You will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.'

    And where does it say in the Bible that the glory of God will always giving you something to learn ?
    Is that also in the Greek ? or perhaps in the Swahili book of fables ?

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. Paul,
    The Bible was written for EVERYONE!!!!! God doesn't just love the English people. Are you sure you're not a believer in British Israelism? The Bible was translated for me in English. If I grew up in Japan, you are basically saying I have to learn English first before God speaks to me.

    Well, since I was right about you not able to answer the Alpha and Omega question, here is the full answer. Alpha is the letter A in English. See, otherwise we would say alpha is our first letter in the ALPHAbet(a). But guess what???? IT'S NOT!!! Alpha is a GREEK letter and it is in the Bible as GREEK!!!!! Omega is the last letter in the GREEK ALPHA-BET(a). Not in English it is a Z. WOW!!! In GREEK? Why...yes, it is.

    Jesus is saying He is the first letter and the last letter in either case. And what that means is that He has the first say and the last say in everything. Notice He then says I am the beginning and the end, which is different than Alpha and Omega.

    Tim 29 Paul 0

    Now, you are correct. I cannot read Swahili or even Greek since I am not trained in it. But I am trained by the Holy Spirit to read about God. And if someone in Tanzania who speaks Swahili can then learn about God in his language of Swahili, since it is translated for him. He does not have to learn English first. You are racist!!!!, Romans 2:11, Colossians 3:25 to begin with. What does the scripture you QUOTED have anything to do with what you said?

    I never said the Bible STATES that is the glory of God. I was simply implying I give glory to God when I read His word and He gives me insight to learn more about him.

    With each post you show more and more of your mental incapacity and spiritual immaturity.

    You neither answered any question nor added anything that helps.

    By the way, can you not understand that when you get over a certain amount of comments that blogspot makes you click "load more" at the bottom to see the newest comments. You are up to 216 on your last post and you haven't commented for weeks. Again, showing your mental incapacity or low IQ.

    This "debate" is getting easier and easier.

    Tim 30, Paul 0

  117. Tim, you seem to be always learning and never come to know the truth.
    The Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the first letter and the last letter in either case.

    That statement has to do with the supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ, declaring that the Lord Jesus Christ is supreme over all. He says that He is the Father and the Son and the Spirit and there is NO OTHER one who is included in God.
    Jesus is the FIRST means that He is the FATHER.
    Don’t you know that the Father is before the son ? the FIRST.

  118. You just have no clue about anything do you?

    Did I say Jesus was actually a letter? I showed you what it meant. Revelation 22:13 says: "I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." All I did was repeat Him.

    However, your comment is what I said. He is Supreme. That is what I said----HE HAS THE FIRST SAY AND LAST SAY in everything---hence---He is supreme.

    I agree; there is no other in God but the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Jesus is the Father. Jesus is the Son. Jesus is the Spirit. I have NEVER said anything otherwise. YOU MISREPRESENT WHAT I SAY. Same as you do with God's word.

    Your last comment is contradictory to what you say by the way.

    And yes, I am always learning. Are you saying you know it all? That's a little prideful isn't it? Besides you clearly show that you don't even know how to read most of the time.

  119. No Tim, I do NOT misrepresent what you have said.

    You have NEVER called the Lord Jesus Christ your Father, to the contrary, you are calling Jehovah or Yahweh your father and you agree with all the others in their deception.
    Otherwise there would be NO opposition between you and me and my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.

    But just that you know, in the Bible, there is no one called Jehovah or Yahweh who is called the Father.

  120. Paul,
    Go back and look.

    Jesus is the father. Jesus is the creator. I have always said that. Jesus and the father are one. I have never denied that. So yes you have always misrepresented my views and words.

    Now go back and answer my question:. Is alpha and Omega Greek words or not?

  121. And you still haven't addressed Genesis 22:14. Abraham says Jehovah.

  122. Genesis 22:14 Abraham.called the name of that place, ‘The LORD will provide, as it is said to this day.’

    Isaiah 42:8 ‘I am the Lord, that is My Name and I will NOT give My glory to another.’
    Yes, as it is said to this day !

    I know that you tray to insert another name which is NOT WRITTEN in the Bible, a name to divide God into three persons and then cause a confusion.

    No my friend, I am not confused, you are just deceiving yourself and others.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Now the question is, which translation are you using? There are 100 English translations. Do you know why there are "quotes" in your version? And whatever version you use you better be consistent with it.

    Here are the many translations Genesis 22:14

    Notice how many English versions have Jehovah. Are you saying these bibles are not the word of God? Are you saying these are fake?

    No my friend you are confused. You picked a version to try and trick others into you being right. That is not how to teach the Bible.

    Do you know why there are so many English versions? Because they had to be translated.

    And now answer my question: Is Alpha and Omega Greek or not?

  125. Exodus 17:15

    And again, why these names with EL?
    Mahalal-EL--yeah, that's in English, because my whole kindergarten class was named that.

    Oh,yeah, one more----

    Gee I wonder what that means?

    Names with YAH:

    I would tell you more about how Y-J-and I are interchangeable in English translations but with your lack of mental capability it would hurt you.

  126. This guy is not interested in what the Bible says. He's part of a cult. He has come to my blog and spewed his venomous anti-bible garbage. Don't waste your time.

  127. If you don't want to say it here then go to mine and leave a comment. Nothing gets posted without my permission on mine so nobody will see it.

  128. Paul,

    It started out as a conversation 2 years ago. You ruined every conversation. You wanted it to be a debate. I gave you a debate. You lost. I am not gloating in that fact but the point is I wish we could still have a conversation. But the scientific method tells me you can't do that. I added topics in on purpose. I played you just to see your answers. The data is in and my hypothesis is correct. You don't know all you need to know. So with that, if you want to come to my blog and discuss things then you are welcomed to do so as long ad you don't start the circular rhetoric. But there is no more need to talk to you. And with that here are things you need to know:

    1. Jesus is that Father. Jesus is the Son. Jesus is the Spirit. I have never stated anything else. But with that I do believe that they have different identities. I go to my earthly father for different reasons my mother goes to him and for different reasons his workers go to him.. Same man, different roles he plays. Your concept of the Trinity is not accurate. Case closed.
    2. Jesus is the ONLY creator. There is no co-creator in satan. The OUR image is plural YET singular. If satan was a maker or creator (same thing) then it would say our images with an s. If there were children of the serpent then we would have physical traits of a serpent around. Case closed.
    3. The Bible was written in the language at the time. Moses spoke Hebrew. The Torah (without the NT) was written in their language. Yahweh is in that language and is translated as LORD. Case closed.
    4. The Bible during the NT was written in the lingua franca of the time---Greek. Jesus is translated from the Greek Iesous. His Jewish name is Yeshua. Case closed.
    5. People are not saved based on knowing English, they are saved based on knowing Jesus. Case closed.
    6. You don't know everything unless you are omniscient like God. If you are not still learning from God then you are saying you are God---blaspheme. Case closed.
    7. God goes by other names (titles) so we can become closer to Him. He is Elohim. He is Jehovah Jireh. He is Jehovah Nissi. He is Immanuel. He is my rock and salvation. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Case closed.

    You have a carnal mind when it comes to the Spirit. Unless you open it up to the Spirit you will never see things of the Spirit.

    So with all of that I bid you adieu. That means "with God" in French, or farewell. I wish we could have actually talked.

    I am sure you will have something else to say due to pride, but no worries mate, I will not care.

  129. Tim and Paul,

    I thought that I would put in my parting two cents worth, also.

    1. The Father, who is God and God alone, dwells within Y'shua/Jesus, by way of his Spirit, an interdimensional, non-physical tether, if I may put it that way. It's a way that Yah, HaYah, God, The I AM, can reach into our limited dimensionality. The Spirit is God's way of being able to dwell with his creation, without being in the presence of physical sinful creatures. Y'shua, YahShua, Jesus, The Son of God, is the physical manifestation of God's salvation promises. His name even means Yah (God) Saves.

    It may sound similar to what you guys are saying, but more correct, when the original Word of God is observed in the same light, without the Trinitarian verbiage, which is not in the original transcripts. It is not the other way around. That is how the concept of the trinity was started.

    Both of you do seem to be saying the same thing. Both of you are believers in the trinity, but Paul attempts to get around it by calling the Father, Spirit and Son, by the name of Jesus, which is not biblical.

    As a side note, Tim and I do not see eye to eye on this particular item, but you don't see us calling each other a Child of Satan.

    If I understand Tim correctly, after all these years, he does believe the God is more than the Father, Son and Spirit, but is stuck on how to reconcile the trinity into that belief.

    2. Jesus, the man, is not the creator. The Word of the Father which dwells inside Jesus is the creator. It may be semantics, but it is what it is.

    3. Agree. The Bible was most likely written in both Hebrew and Samarian. Definitely not English.

    4. There are many places, where its clear that parts of the New Testament were first written in Samarian first, then translated into Greek, while other parts were just written in Greek. Definitely not English.

    5. People are saved based on their trusting relationship with Y'shua/Jesus. Anyone can know Jesus. It doesn't mean they are saved. Anyway God choosing people to be save is preposterous. I do believe that is what Tim is saying. I just put it differently.

    6. Agree. Can't be said any better than that.

    7. Agree. God goes by other names so we can understand the depth of his existence within the limits of our understanding. God is so dynamic, so awesome, that he gives, within his Word, many ways or dimensions, to look at him, so we can interweave our limited though process, through his unlimited dimensionality. To believe otherwise, puts God into a box.

    Yes, Paul definitely does not have a spiritual awareness, because he refuses to look at the Word of God, in the Light of Truth. This is quite evident, when shown how his man-made doctrine is unbiblical, he goes into his cultish mantra.

    I hope and pray, that one day, You, Paul, will take a step back, ignore your cultish denominational and unbiblical teachings, pray for understanding and look at the Bible, within the Light of the Messiah.

    Also, I hope that you can take something away from the method of discussion/debate, observed between Tim, Brenda, Chris, William, myself and others. We can disagree, without being caustic towards each other. Remember....WWJD?

    As always, as Tim said, I will always be open to discussion. I believe that you are a mature and smart person, who wants to know and serve the one and only God. I hope to see that side of you, in the future.


  130. Keith,
    “1. The Father, who is God and God alone, dwells within Y'shua/Jesus, by way of his Spirit, an interdimensional, non-physical tether, if I may put it that way. It's a way that Yah, HaYah, God, The I AM, can reach into our limited dimensionality. The Spirit is God's way of being able to dwell with his creation, without being in the presence of physical sinful creatures. Y'shua, YahShua, Jesus, The Son of God, is the physical manifestation of God's salvation promises. His name even means Yah (God) Saves.”

    What kind of nonsense is that ?
    Where in the Bible does it say that ?

    “3. Agree. The Bible was most likely written in both Hebrew and Samarian. Definitely not English.”

    Just open your Bible and see in what language is it written, and if it is written in Swahili, then go to the bookshop and get for yourself an English Bible.

    “Anyone can know Jesus.”

    Certainly NOT !
    The Lord Jesus made it clear that, “You know neither Me nor my Father; if you knew Me, you would know My Father also.” (John 8:19).

  131. What kind of nonsense is that ?
    Where in the Bible does it say that ?

    Every time you open your mouth, it proves your lack of Biblical knowledge. When are you going to turn to the Lord?

    "The Father, who is God and God alone"

    "I am YAHWEH—there is no other. Besides Me there is no God.
    I will strengthen you, though you have not known Me,
    so they may know, from the rising to the setting of the sun,
    that there is no one besides Me. I am YAHWEH—there is no other."
    Isaiah 45:5-6

    ...dwells within Y'shua/Jesus, by way of his Spirit, an interdimensional, non-physical tether, if I may put it that way. It's a way that Yah, HaYah, God, The I AM, can reach into our limited dimensionality.

    "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners..." Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18

    "The Spirit of the YAHWEH will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the YAHWEH."
    Isaiah 11:2

    "You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how YAHWEH anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him."
    Acts 10:38

    The Spirit is God's way of being able to dwell with his creation, without being in the presence of physical sinful creatures.

    "However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of YAHWEH dwells in you But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him."
    Romans 8:9

    "If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
    Luke 11:3

    As for knowing Y'shua/Jesus, knowing of him is a lot different than knowing him. You can say you know him, but true relationship comes from trusting in him, which encompasses everything.

    "Trust in YAHWEH with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding."
    Proverbs 3:5

    ...and that's what you'll find, When You Search For The Truth.

  132. Keith, I’m posting this comment over to the first page, All Who Dwell On The Earth Will WORSHIP The Devil ! and I will comment there.
