They were lifting up their voices to God.
To which God did they lift up their voice ?
To the Lord Jesus Christ of course, because there is no other God but Jesus Christ, and they said,
"O Lord Jesus Christ, it is You !"
Finally it dawned on them that this God is "Jesus Christ", He is the God all the Prophets have spoken of, throughout the Old Testament.
The Name of God had not been given in the Old Testament and nobody knew the Name of God till the angel said to Joseph, you shall give Him the Name "JESUS", Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:20-23).
From that time on, men knew the Name of God, but NOT ALL MEN knew the Name of the only one God.
To them that do not know God, to them the Lord Jesus Christ said, "You will die in your sins unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
And to all who are born again the Lord Jesus Christ spoke through the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah, saying, (Isaiah 52:6) "Therefore My people will know My Name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, Here I am," and my people will say, "O Lord, it is You who made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them" (Acts 4:24).
"For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us, and Israel does not recognise us. You O Lord (Jesus Christ), are our Father, Our Redeemer from of old is Your name" (Isaiah 63:16).
To the Jehovah Witness, the Christians and to the Yahweh Witness and to everyone who gives witness for another name the Lord God Jesus Christ said, "You will die in you sins unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
Again feel free to leave me a comment and tell me what you think.
Once again, your post shows that you lack the skills to properly interpret the scriptures. Acts 4 references Psalm 2, which reads.
ReplyDeleteThe kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahweh, and against the Messiah.
This destroys the basis your post, which is a complete lie, as usual.
I could go on, but you know that you and your father are deceivers, bent on taking down the true one and only God, Yahweh and the Messiah Y’shua.
OK. let's look what Acts 4:24 said word for word (Acts 4:24) “And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, “O Lord, it is You who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them,”
ReplyDeleteYou see, WORD for WORD from the Holy Scripture, the Word of God the Bible.
And there is absolutely nothing mentioned of your god Yahweh. You can read the whole chapter before and after, there is nothing mentioned about your god Yahweh.
To the contrary, they said, “O Lord, it is You who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them,”
And ONLY God can create the heaven and the earth.
Can you see, finally it dawned on them that the God who created the heavens and the earth was the Lord Jesus Christ.
That’s why they said in one accord, “O Lord, it is YOU .... !”
Hi anonymous, I don't know how many times I have told Paul to look and see what Psalm 110 v. 1 says. It speaks of the LORD, God the Father, I AM, YAHWEH, He has several names, saying to Y'shua, Jesus, to sit at His right hand. Paul just doesn't want to acknowledge the truth of that Word. Pride comes before a fall.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Anonymous and Brenda. My hope and prayer is that anyone, who comes to Paul's blog, will study their Bible, which will facilitate seeing the errors of HIS ways. After much prayer, God has told us that it's really important that we stay here and rebuke Paul's false teachings and constantly present the true Word of God.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I see that you're familiar with Paul's lack of scriptural integrity. As for Paul's Father being the deceiver, my hope and prayer is that Paul still believes in Y'shua/Jesus but he is guilty of serving two masters, one of which is Satan. Also, As you can see in his response to you, he doesn't see anything wrong with holding man's false interpretation over God's Word. As you probably know, Paul ASSUMES, without any textual proof, that LORD, in the Old Testament, is the same as Jesus. Therefore, he falsely springboards to Jesus is the Father. He totally ignores any nuances within even the English text that proves him wrong. I liken Paul to a David Coresh or Jim Jones.
Brenda is totally correct. Paul's Pride is so abundant that it would crowd out everyone else in a gymnasium.
Paul, your Word for Word is more like Man's Translation for God's Word. Until you admit that's what you do, you'll be under the direct deception of Satan. Satan is truly your Mentor, not Jesus.
ReplyDeleteYou are truly a fool if you think that your trivial words can convince me that Yahweh is not in the bible. Are you serious???? This is especially true when all you have to do is open the bible and read it.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, I am a Jew, who has given his life to Yahweh, through the power of his Spirit and willing sacrifice of Y'shua. Paul's words are foolish and antibiblical. I have been taught the Word of God for all my life. During that time I was taught to substitute Adonai, G-D, Hashem, for Yahweh out of respect. There's no way a foolish gentile can tell me that Yahweh is not in the bible.
ReplyDeleteKeith, yes Paul is truly a fool. I do agree that we need to expose foolish gentiles as Paul to the world.
ReplyDeletePaul, I saw this and it reminded me of you and your blog. I bet gets you all giddy.
It hasn't dawned on you either Brenda, otherwise you would say to the Lord Jesus Christ, “O Lord, it is YOU who made the heaven and the earth and all that is in them”.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, you don’t believe at all in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And Psalm 110 v. 1 does NOT say, “Psalm 110 v. 1 says. It speaks of the LORD, God the Father, I AM, YAHWEH, He has several names, saying to Y'shua, Jesus, to sit at His right hand.”
Just read it properly Benda, and don’t bung in stuff which is not there.
Psalm 110:1 word for word , ‘The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for for Your feet.”
You see ! it doesn't mention Yahweh, and neither does it say Y’shua.
And it doesn’t mentioned the Name ‘JESUS’. No Brenda, it’s NOT there, because the Name of God our Father had NOT been given in the Old Testament, and the Psalmist didn’t know the Name of God.
And pride does NOT come before a fall.
I have told you that before, just read what the Bible says and not what you like it to say.
Pride goes before DESTRUCTION !
Yes Keith, ‘Lord’, means GOD and nothing else.
ReplyDeleteThe LORD is our God !
For us, is but ONE God the Father. (1 Cor. 8:6)
Yes Anonymous, all you have to do is to open your Bible.
ReplyDeleteAnd believe what you read, and NOT add to the Scriptures the Bible.
OK. show me in the Bible only one time where Yahweh is mentioned ?
So you are Jew who has given your life to Yahweh ?
Has he taken it ?
Does your Jewish cult membership demand that you give you life to Yahweh ?
Well, if you say that you believe in the Word of God the Bible, then show me in the Bible where does it say that you have to give your life to a god called Yahweh ?
Hi James, what's that got to do with me and with my post ?
ReplyDeleteIt’s about your Father. I thought you would get excited to hear about your old man.
ReplyDeleteYes James, I always get excited about my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, perhaps, just read my posts and comments and you will know, you can’t miss it :-)
ReplyDeleteYou know my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, I love Him with all my heart and with all my mind and with all my soul and with all my strength.
Tell me, do you love my Father the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your soul and with all your strength ?
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteMy mother and her parents were all Jews, I have always loved that and have to say that I feel myself a large percentage Jewish, as does my son. I agree with what you have said regarding Paul's foolish beliefs. Of course Yahweh, YHWH, is in the Bible. Paul is so ingrained with false doctrine that he is blind to the truth even when it is written in the Bible he claims to read.
Brenda, all you can do is assuming that Yahweh is in the Bible, but you can’t actually show me the name Yahweh in the Bible.
ReplyDeleteAnd the same is with the name Y’shua, Y’shua is also NOT in the Bible, nobody is called Y'shua.
I think that you have been lead astray by a deceitful spirit to malign the Name of God which is Jesus Christ.
Well, it is clear that you do NOT believe in the Bible, you only SAY that you believe in the Bible.
And those who only say that they believe in the Bible, only deceive themselves and others.
ReplyDeleteyou have a picture of a book with the Words of Jesus saying 'Follow me and I will give you rest'. Yet you do not appear to have that 'rest'.
What makes you think that I do not have that rest in Christ Jesus my Lord, Brenda ?
ReplyDeleteBecause you are argumentative with people constantly. You keep accusing people of having a demonic spirit, and you do not acknowledge the One Whom Jesus acknowledges as His Father.
ReplyDeleteBecause what you argue isn’t in the Bible. Paul, I would love to discuss these things with you, but until you stop adding things that are not there and denying things that are, we will always be at an impasse.
ReplyDeleteI’m argumentative with people ?
ReplyDeleteBrenda, Brenda, have you ever read your own comments ?
Would you want me to quote them back to you ?
You said, “and you do not acknowledge the One Whom Jesus acknowledges as His Father.”
The Lord Jesus Christ went through extra length to tell you that He hasn't got a father.
Now Brenda, if you would think only a little bit, not much but only a little bit, then you would know that the creator of heaven and earth does NOT and can NOT have a father.
Because I think of you to be an intelligent person, therefore I attribute your ignorance as demonic.
The Bible calls that ‘WILLFULLY IGNORANT’, even though you can see it, but you choose to be willfully ignorant and take side with unbelievers against the Lord Jesus Christ.
I think that you do NOT have the power to loosen yourself from Satan's grip.
Only when you turn to Jesus Christ, those fetters will be broken.
Yes Keith, I argue my points from the Bible, and you know that I do NOT accept any other book but the Bible, the Bible is the ONLY written Word of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ :-) and any other book is a deception.
ReplyDeleteI suggest, you should burn all your other spiritual books, and then get yourself a Bible.
Perhaps a NASB, NIV, or a KJV, or most of the other Bibles are also good, but some are not study Bibles.
Remember, it supposed to be a lamp to your feet, so that you do not walk in darkness.
But as it is, you can NOT see because you don’t read the Bible my friend :-(
Paul, anything that you don’t like, you label it as from aanother source. We teach from the original Bible. It is you that teach from a man interpreted Bible that does not resemble the original.
ReplyDelete'The Lord Jesus Christ went through extra length to tell you that He hasn't got a father.'
ReplyDeleteNow I am truly convinced that you do not know the scriptures.
Luke 10 v.22 states:-
'All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.'
So it is either the Son, Jesus, has not chosen to reveal the Father to you. Or it is that you can not understand the scriptures .
Keith, how long is it going to be till you understand, there is NO ORIGINAL Bible.
ReplyDeleteIf there would be an original Bible, I would know.
Yes Brenda, that is exactly what Jesus is saying to you.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t know the Father !
If Jesus would have revealed the Father to you, you would know the Father.
LOL Paul, Abraham was Jew. Jacob was a Jew. Isaac was a Jew. Moses was a Jew. Joseph was a Jew. Daniel was a Jew. Most importantly, Jesus was a Jew. All Jews read the Tanakh, the Old Testament, which was written in its original language and that was Hebrew. Later, about fifty year after Yahweh raise Jesus from the grave, the New Testament was written in Greek. If you want to remain sounding ignorant, keep denying the truth. You’re the only one who will be seen as foolish.
ReplyDeleteHey ding-dong,
ReplyDeleteEven if the Bible you Christians have now is the only one then there still is an original. So why you would say there is no original just shows that you're even wrong about the smallest of things. The question for you is how old is the one you know? From what I know the King James was written in the 1600's. Are you saying the King James is the first? You've confused yourself. There is no original but use the KJV because it's the only one????? Even the NIV wasn't written until the 20th century. So since the KJV was written first, then why wouldn't you say it was original? One of them had to be first somewhere. That means one of them had to be the original. Man, the things you write are just so loopy it's amazing.
Exodus 6:2
ReplyDeleteGod also told Moses, "I am Yahweh.
Exodus 3:15
God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, 'Yahweh, the God of your fathers--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob--has sent me to you.' "This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.
Acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus.
Jesus is the servant of Yahweh
Keith, since when was Abraham a Jew ?
ReplyDeleteDid Abraham originated from the tribe of Judah ?
I don’t think so my friend, you are mistaken.
And neither did Yahweh raised Jesus from the dead.
You did NOT get that from the Bible my friend.
You see, all your perverted doctrines and teachings come from your other books and NOT from the Word of God the Bible.
Anonymous, just tell me, which ONE is the original Bible.
ReplyDeleteIf you think that there is an original Bible, then it will be easy for you to tell me which ONE ??
And, do you actually read what I have been saying ?
No, I did not say the King James is first, I am saying, ‘the Bible is the Word of God’, and any other book is NOT the Word of God.
If you compare your other books, even though they might be close to the Bible, but those books are still NOT the Bible and are a deception.
You said, “Exodus 6:2 God also told Moses, "I am Yahweh.”
No, God did NOT say that !
You said, “Exodus 3:15 God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, 'Yahweh, the God of your fathers”.
No, God did not say that, just read your Bible Anonymous.
Acts 3:13
Yes God did say that; but you did not quoted the rest, He also said, “the one whom YOU delivered and disowned” in the presence of all of us and YOU condemned Him, and disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer by the name of Yahweh to be released.
“But (YOU) put to death the Prince of life, the one whom God raised from the death, a fact to which we are witnesses.”
That is YOU Anonymous.
YOU don’t like when Jesus Christ is God, it is YOU who tears the Lord Jesus Christ from His Throne and set the devil, a murderer on His Throne.
And NO ! Jesus Christ is NOT a servant of a devil called Yahweh.
Jesus Christ is NOBODY'S servant.
Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth, and He is certainly NOT a servant of the god of this world.
LOL LOL You indeed make me laugh, Paul. Where in the world do you get your definitions and your beliefs? Do you just pull them out of thin air? Paul was a Jew but from the tribe of Benjamin. Of course Abraham was a Jew. Jew does not mean you come from the tribe of Judah. Do you even read your Bible? With all that said, it still does not change the fact that they read from Hebrew, the original Bible.
ReplyDeleteIf the scriptures do not convince Paul of the truth, then it is obvious that he is not being led by the Holy Spirit. I have to say that there are many blogs that have far more interesting discussions and content within them.
ReplyDeleteKeith, you said, “Of course Abraham was a Jew. Jew does not mean you come from the tribe of Judah.”
ReplyDeleteOK. Please tell me, from where did the Jews originated ?
Brenda, I’m beginning to think you are 100% correct about Paul.
ReplyDeletePaul, Judaism was before Adam. God‘s ways has always been from before the beginning. After the flood, Man went his own way. God set man back on the right path, when he called Abraham. Though it may be true that the word Judaism or Jew came from Judah, but God’s way was from before the beginning. That’s what the Bible tells us.
ReplyDeleteYou combined the two anonymous people. I didnt make the other comment. The first one written would be the original. Any moron would know that. How dumb of a question is that? All others would be versions. From what I get out of you Christians its supposed to be the same idea in all versions so why would it matter? If you knew history then you would know what languages came first.
ReplyDeleteKeith, I did NOT ask about God.
ReplyDeleteI have asked you about Abraham, the one you have claimed to be a ‘JEW’.
So then you admit that you have been LYING ? and of course, deceiving ??
Oops, I’m sorry Anonymous, I’ve got you mixt up with the other Anonymous.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, if you can, leave a name, so that we can distinguish between the Anonymous.
OK, I explain.
There is only ONE VERSION of the Bible, and that is the Word of God the Bible, the 66 books, NOTHING ELSE.
And from the ONE VERSION of the Bible, came different TRANSLATIONS into different LANGUAGES.
NOT different versions, but different languages !
NOT perverted translations, but different languages !
Now, here we have the English TRANSLATION, which is written for the English speaking people, so that they are without excuse on the day of judgement.
What are you talking about???? I answered your question.
ReplyDeletePlease re-read about last few comments. Your age must be getting to you.
Keith, I did NOT ask about God, whether God or Jesus is a Jew.
ReplyDeleteI have asked you about Abraham, the ONE you have said is a Jew.
So then you admit that you have been LYING ? and of course, deceiving ??
Keith, why do you even put up with this idiot? He doesn’t read your comments or he’s deliberately playing with you.
ReplyDeleteKeith, I agree with what the last anonymous has said. I am not even going to come over here anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous and Brenda, I guess you are right. It hurts my heart to say this, but if he isn’t going to debate evenhandedly, I will no longer visit his site either.
ReplyDeletePaul, until you act according to the Word, as a Christian, I will no longer debate with you.
Then when was the first one written? Did it have 66 books right away?
ReplyDeleteI get the translation thing. But from what came the rest? KJV? NIV? NASB?
If you say yes to that then you dont know what you're talking about.
When did the English translation come out? It had to be translated from something.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by, ‘the first one written’ ?
Do you mean the first one book of Alibaba and the forty thieves, or WHAT ?
Or, do you mean the first Bible ?
Remember, I claim that the BIBLE is the Word of God and ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER BOOK !
No other, means no other !
The moment you quote from any another book, then you are quoting a lie.
Now, if your doctrines contain information from any other book, other than the Bible, then your doctrines are false doctrines.
And you cannot make a false doctrine right by quoting the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves.
You said, “When did the English translation come out? It had to be translated from something.”
Tell me, if you know ?
I totally disagree with your post. What Bible are you reading? Jesus is our savior. You catholics in other religions that believe in the Trinity have got it all wrong. Read your Bible
ReplyDeleteHi Paul.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have been saying that in nearly ALL of my posts.
I am reading the New American Standard and the King James and the New International etc.
It doesn't matter which one as long as it is the Bible.
OK. So what and where do you disagree with my post ?
Keith, I’m still waiting.
ReplyDeleteLook my friend, you have been lying and deceiving not only on the question whether Abraham was a Jew or not, you have been lying and deceiving everywhere else.
That only proves that your Father is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ.
There are only TWO fathers, either the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob wich is Jesus Christ our Lord, or the DEVIL.
Jesus said, that your father is the DEVIL, he was a liar and a deceiver from the beginning, and lying and deceiving is his native language.
Do you believe the Word of God which said, ALL liars their part will be in the lake of fire ?
But the GOOD NEWS is that the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world for this very purpose, to save dirty, rotten, lying and deceiving sinners just like you.
And NO ! don’t think that the Lord Jesus Christ came to save good people; NO ! Jesus Christ came to save, dirty, rotten, lying and deceiving sinners just like you.
Well my friend, I was once a dirty, rotten, lying and deceiving sinner just like you, and the Lord Jesus Christ showed mercy on me and forgive me all of my sins.
What about you my friend, don’t you want to be saved ? your sins forgiven ? washed as white as snow ?
Remember, today is the day of your salvation, do not harden your heart as those did in the wilderness.
Well, for starters you are adding things to the verses. Jesus’ name doesn’t appear at all in the Old Testament. Why do you feel a need to add things? Can’t they stand on their own?
ReplyDeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteNo, they can’t stand on their own.
In the Old Testament the Name of the LORD had not been given, and nobody knew the Name of the Lord.
In the New Testament (Mat. 1:25) the Name of the Lord had been made known once and for all to everyone.
So then, do you know the Name of the LORD ?
So you are saying that the bible must be added to in order to be understood? That's not true. I know the name of the Lord. His name is Jesus. Definately not the Jesus that you preach. I believe in the Jesus of the Bible.
ReplyDeleteThere you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Paul finally admits that he is greater than our Lord and God. He is definitely a servant of Satan and he acknowledges it. He is of the spirit as seen in as found in Isaiah 14:13-14. God has revealed that Lucifer is the spirit of Paul G, of Brisbane, Australia.
ReplyDeleteNo Paul that is not what I am saying.
ReplyDeleteI’m glad that you know that the Name of the Lord is Jesus.
So then, please tell me, Isaiah 44:24, which Lord is that ?
It may not be what you’re saying but it’s sure is what you are writing. Listen Paul Jesus is the Lord. You need to turn away away from quoting things other than the Bible. The Bible is all you need. You don’t need to add things to it.
ReplyDeleteOK. Paul,
ReplyDeleteIf Jesus is that ‘LORD’ in Isaiah 44:23, then you can give Jesus that glory, remember Jesus Christ is the creator of heaven and earth and all that is in it.
Please tell me, in the Bible, the creator is speaking in Genesis 2:8, which Lord is that ?
ReplyDeleteIs that also the Lord Jesus ?
Let’s try to stay on subject. Your post shows things added to the Bible verses. I denounced your post for that reason. Don’t try to go off on a tangent in order to derail the point. Listen friend presently your name is not in the book of life, since you are misrepresenting the Bible. I just trying to help you save your soul by the name of Jesus.
ReplyDeleteOK. Paul, lets stay on the subject and not going into tangents.
ReplyDeleteIf you believe that the ‘LORD’ in Isaiah 44:24 is the Lord Jesus Christ, then you actually are saying, “Thus says the Lord Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I the Lord Jesus Christ, am the maker of all things, Stretching out the heavens by Myself And spreading out the earth all alone.”
Now, please tell me, in the Bible, the creator is speaking in Genesis 2:8, which Lord is that ?
Is that also the Lord Jesus ?
You agree to not to veer off on a tangent and then you immediately veer off on a tangent. Let me see if I can make this easy for you. Please see if you can follow along. In your post, you say that Acts 4:24 says,
ReplyDeleteO Lord Jesus Christ, it is You !"
It doesn’t say that. Amazingly I couldn’t find any version that says that. Therefore you lied and misrepresented the Bible.
Again in Isaiah 63:16 I could find the name of Jesus. Again you lied and misrepresented the Bible.
Friend, you either take your medicine or you’re just making things up. Either way I as a prophet of God himself am calling you out on these misrepresentations. Sincerity it appears that you were calling upon the name of the Lord. Why aren’t you reading his word the way it was written. Nothing you can do can improve upon a perfect thing. Think about how many people you could lead astray just by misrepresenting one verse in the Bible. It’s time that you turn away from your evil ways and come to the truth of the true word of God. Again you do not have to add things to it for the Bible to sing it’s sweet song to the sons of God.
You agree to not to veer off on a tangent and then you immediately veer off on a tangent. Let me see if I can make this easy for you. Please see if you can follow along. In your post, you say that Acts 4:24 says,
ReplyDeleteO Lord Jesus Christ, it is You !"
It doesn’t say that. In an attempt to give you the benefit of the doubt, I checked all versions of the Bible. Amazingly I couldn’t find any version that says that. Therefore you lied and misrepresented the Bible.
Again in Isaiah 63:16 I couldn’t find the name of Jesus. Again you lied and misrepresented the Bible.
Friend, you either didn’t take your medicine or you’re just making things up. Either way I as a prophet of God himself am calling you out on these misrepresentations. Sincerity it appears that you are calling upon the name of the Lord. Why aren’t you reading his word the way it was written. Nothing you can do can improve upon a perfect thing. Think about how many people you are leading astray just by misrepresenting one verse in the Bible. It’s time that you turn away from your evil ways and come to the truth of the true word of God. Again you do not have to add things to it for the Bible to sing it’s sweet song to the sons of God.
So you think that I am misrepresenting Acts 4:24.
ReplyDeleteWho do you think Acts 4:24 is speaking about ?
To which ‘Lord’ did they say in one accord, "O Lord, it is You who made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them" ?
Well, it finally dawned on them, but, obviously it didn't dawn on you Paul.
Perhaps, for that reason you are avoiding to answer Genesis 2:8. Which Lord is that ?
I think that you could answer that question if you really would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Listen, last time, stay with the program. I didn't say that you misrepresented the verse. I said that you added to the verse. You are lying to the readers of your blog. The Bible doesn't need your help. The Bible is perfect. It doesn't need you to add anything to it. Do you honestly think that you are better than God? He wrote the Bible. He put everything perfectly in its place. Why do you feel the need to correct God? He put me in this place at this moment in time to correct you. You must be someone he cares for or he would not have sent me. His message is to quit corrupting the Bible. Pure and simple.
ReplyDeleteIf I do NOT misrepresent that verse of Acts 4:24, then you need to agree that they were speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteJust the same as in Isaiah 63:18, he did speak about the LORD Jesus Christ, and NOT about another.
Or perhaps you are ashamed of His ONE and only Name which is Jesus ?
Therefore you are avoiding to put His Name there.
And also, for that reason you don’t want to answer Genesis 2:8.
Yes Paul, it is God, my Father who wrote the Bible, then why don’t you believe in Him ?
I know people like you. I run into them all the time. Out of one side of the mouth, it’s all about Jesus but out of the other side they are ashamed of his word. They try to change it. Since you’re ashamed of Jesus he’s ashamed of you.
ReplyDeleteI’ve read a lot of your comments with the others here. I know why Jesus sent me here to you. You have strayed. You add things to the Bible and you talk in circles. One here says you’re of a deceptive spirit. No Friend but you have been influenced greatly by the evil one. WWJD should be a guiding thought. Jesus wouldn’t add things to the Bible. It is perfect for teaching correcting and edification. Why do you think you can do a better job at it than the one who wrote it? Listen friend, Jesus is calling back into the fold from where you came.
Turn away from your evil ways and repent. He is faithful and just to forgive you if you confess.
Paul, the other Paul, not Paul G, 😇 you are correct about Paul G. I’ve been praying for him. Even though we disagree about the dedication Paul gives himself over to Satan and his anti biblical ways, he is under the influence and requires repentance.
ReplyDeletePaul, you said, “He put me in this place at this moment in time to correct you.”
ReplyDeleteTell me Paul, WHO has put you in this place at this time to correct me ?
Who is that ?? Do you mean YOUR god has put you in this place to correct me ?
Or do you mean MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ has put you in this place to correct me ?
Speak clearly and not vague mantras.
Well, I don’t think that you would, or even could speak for MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
You see, MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ has loved me from the beginning and I ALWAYS listen to Him, and He speaks to me.
Maybe your god has told you to correct me ?
Tell me, what is the name of your god who has told you to correct me ?
Keith, tell me, has your god any ears to hear ?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so.
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ has given me ears to hear His voice, and when anyone else speaks, I do not listen to the evil one :-)
Jesus has put me here. Who else? Have you not been paying attention?
ReplyDeleteDo you mean your neighbour who is called Jesus has put you here ?
ReplyDeleteOr do you mean MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ the God of heaven and earth has put you here ?
Well, I think we both know that MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ has NOT put you here, otherwise you would NOT be the accuser of the brethren.
Jesus of the Bible. The real Bible that you clearly don’t know. You are not one of the brethren because you change his word. The brethren of the real Jesus wouldn’t lie and change the Bible. We both know the our Father did send me here because you don’t listen to the word of god anymore. You also know that it was our Father that sent me to you because you don’t hear his voice anymore. You hear only your voice. In case you didn’t get it the first time it was our Father that sent me to tell you to stop it. Stop your evil self serving ways. Once you do that you will hear my voice again says our Father.
ReplyDeleteDo NOT say our Father, since, obviously you do NOT own Jesus Christ as your Father.
ReplyDeleteAnd because you are denying and disowning MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ, My Father the Lord Jesus Christ will disown you on that day.
So then, do NOT say our Father, for the Lord Jesus said, that “you belong to YOUR father” (John 8:44).
No friend it is clear to our Father and me who the Lord has sent unto you that you are just estranged and you no longer hear the voice of the Lord. You can say all you want about me. That doesn’t change the fact that Jesus sent me to you to bring you back to his house. The message from him is still the same. Quit you evil ways. Quit changing the my word saith the Lord God. Stop attempting to lead my children away. My children are secure in my hands. No man can pry them from me. Why do you persecute me and my children, Paul?
ReplyDeleteSo you will know who I am that it is me I will fill your mind the rest of the day and visit you in your dreams tonight. By this you will who I am saith the Lord God. I am the shepherd that has left the flock to come searching for my lost sheep Paul. Heat my voice again and follow me.
Do you mean, to YOUR father the lord sent unto you ?
ReplyDeleteYou said, "I am saith the Lord God".
ReplyDeleteWe both know that you don't believe, that the "Lord God" for you is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, don't we ?
Paul, your problem is, that you can't say Jesus is Lord.
ReplyDeleteIn fact it is impossible for you to say Jesus is Lord.
The Bible said that if you would speak by the Holy Spirit then you could say Jesus is Lord.
You see, if you would have received the Holy Spirit, then you would understand (1 Cor. 2:12), and you would testify about the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:26).
So, therefore I suggest that you REPENT and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, believe NOT, and you shall be damned.
I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
ReplyDeleteI am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture.
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
I Am the Word of God.
I Am calling you from your evil ways.
I Am Jesus.
The Lord Jesus is calling for you to stop your evil and come back to the word of God. Stop changing and misrepresenting my word.
ReplyDeleteYes Paul that is what my Father the Lord Jesus Christ has said.
ReplyDeleteAnd is that the only mantra you can say ?
ReplyDeleteIt is your first step back to the Great I Am, the Word of God. Are you going to stop changing my word????? says the Lord God Jesus.
ReplyDeleteOnly one who has strayed from God can call the word of God a mantra. Will you stop changing what my perfect word says, says the Lord God Jesus.
ReplyDeleteOnly if you accept the true word of God, the Word of God which is Jesus, can you be a True son of God. Will you stop changing my Word? Saith the Lord God Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteNow you know why people don't talk to Paul G anymore. Many of his posts are just filled with him talking to himself.
I agree with New Paul. It comes down to one question and one question only. Does Paul G change scripture from its original form to support his false man-made doctrine? The answer is yes.
ReplyDeletePaul, you said, “It is your first step back to the Great I Am, the Word of God.”
ReplyDeleteTell me, what are you talking about ?
Are you talking about MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ ?
Or, are you talking about a lot of religious nonsensical gobbledigook, in order to sound like a wise guy, or what ?
Just let your speech be clear so that we can understand you.
And don’t insinuate !
No Keith, it simply comes down to whether you believe in MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE, or NOT.
ReplyDeleteBelieve NOT, and you will perish.
Believe, and your salvation has began.
It’s that simple.
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ does not give you a lot of hoops to jump, apart from, JUST BELIEVE in Him alone and in absolutely no other one.
In no other Jesus ! Only in MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
In no other God ! Only in MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
In no other Spirit ! Only in MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Now, if you do that, you are doing well.
If you DON’T do that, then you are working against MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ and against His anointed one.
It’s a simple question. Are you or are you not going to add things to the word of God, the Bible? You cannot be any more simple than that. That is not insinuating anything. You want to argue. I will not argue. I state the facts, pure and simple. What do you say to the Lord God Almighty? Are you going to add things to the Bible?
ReplyDeleteDo you think the word of God is impure or imperfect? If so then Jesus is imperfect. No my friend, You are dead wrong. All kinds of wrong. Neither the word of God or Jesus are imperfect. The word of God is pure. Jesus is pure. Why do you say such slanderous things against the Lord God Almighty?
ReplyDeleteI am not wise. Let me say it again, I am not wise. Only the Lord God is wise. It is he the maker of all things who gives me the words to say to you. He also warned me not to get sidetracked with your ramblings. Stay centered on the question at hand. Will you add things to the word of God from henceforth? Or are you going to say I am greater than God and I will make his word better? Foolish man you are not better than God. Get on your knees and repent to the Lord God Almighty or his mighty hand will come upon you. This saith the Lord.
ReplyDeleteI know for a fact that the Lord God filled your dreams last night and you woke with dread. I know you man oh foolish man oh prideful man. You will deny it but I know it is true for the Lord God has said so. It is time to repent of your evil ways. Add to the word of God no more.
ReplyDeleteLook Paul, just be honest, you don’t need to lie and deceive anymore.
ReplyDeleteYou can’t give me the name of your god, because you don’t want to be exposed to be one who leads the people astray to another god.
Perhaps to a false god like Jehovah, or is it to a false god like Allah, or ist Yahweh ?
Oops, perhaps a God you can’t pronounce like “YHWH” ? :-)
You know Paul, I can do a lot better than that.
You see, my God I can pronounce and I testify about Him, He is MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is NOT the Bible.
No, no, Jesus Christ is NOT the Bible, you may think so, but again you are ignorant concerning the Scriptures, and for that reason you don’t know the Name of the ONLY one God, otherwise you would have told me.
You are just like Keith, the blind leads the blind.
And you know what happens to both of them ?
All you have are insinuations and not facts. Just tell me one fact ?
I have been telling you the TRUTH with all explanation plain and simple, and again, for that reason you can’t tell me the name of your god.
And we both know that you are speaking by ANOTHER god, other than MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
As much as you attempt to derail the conversation, the Lord God will continually remind you that you are not to add to his word, which you are guilty. Are you not guilty of this Paul? Yes, you are guilty of adding words to the Lord God‘s word. You with surely answer for your transgression.
ReplyDeleteAccusation ! Accusation !
ReplyDeleteAnd because of your insinuations and accusations you have become an accuser of the brethren.
Can’t you see that ? you are doing the devils job, and you are speaking in the name of the devil. It is a simple as that.
Well Paul, if it is NOT my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, then it is the devil.
Apart from the Lord Jesus Christ is only the DEVIL who wants to be called GOD.
And you don’t need to be intelligent to know that Paul.
OK. I will say it a little slower.
There is only ONE true God, and that is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, and any other one whom you call god is the devil, or Satan, or Baal, or Jehovah, or Yahweh, or Allah, or whatever other name you give him.
If that “Jesus” is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ my Father who is in heaven, then you believe in ANOTHER Jesus, other than the one which I preach (2 Cor. 11:3-4), perhaps your neighbour who is called Jesus.
OK. Paul, I think you have enough information so that you are without excuse on that day when you stand before MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
You see, it is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who judges the great and the small, the rich and the poor, including the false prophets.
Would you like me to show it to you in the Bible Paul ?
"And because of your insinuations and accusations you have become an accuser of the brethren.
ReplyDeleteCan’t you see that ? you are doing the devils job, and you are speaking in the name of the devil. It is a simple as that"
Didn't we hear the same kind of speech in 1692 in Salem? Even from the same people who wrote this post?
You know....if you ignore him....he will go away.
Accusations are without merit. These are your sins friend, saith the Lord Jesus Christ. These are your sins based by your actions and your false words proven by your comments. How can I be from the devil when I am an emissary of the Lord Jesus Christ?
ReplyDeleteAn emissary ? Paul, YOU ! an emissary of MY Father the Lord Jesus Christ ?
ReplyDeleteYou gotta be kidding.
If you would be an emissary of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ you, then you would have testified about my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
Even blind Freddy can see that you are NOT.
In contrast, the Lord Jesus Christ has called me to be His ambassador, and the ambassador for His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.
If you care, you can read that in all of my comments.
Once again friend it doesn’t matter what you think or what you believe. It all comes down to the facts. I am a prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ and he gave me a message to give to you. Quit adding words to the Bible. Do you admit to adding words to the Bible? It’s a pure and simple question. Answer is yes. Our Lord Jesus Christ is not condemning you friend. He just want you to repent and quit your evil ways and quit adding words to the Bible. Why can you not except a simple admonishment? I can speculate but my beliefs don’t matter either. You see you and I are secondary to what matters. What matters is the fact that you and I are supposed to be spreading the truth of gods word. You are not and Lord Jesus Christ is holding you accountable. Why do you fight against our Lord Jesus Christ? Again, it’s quite evident by your comments and posts that you do change the word of God to your liking. Stop or you will be held accountable.
ReplyDeleteLook Paul, Jesus is my Lord and not you.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t need to tell what I need to do.
The Lord Jesus Christ is capable to tell me what I need to do, and He does not send a false prophet to accuse me of vague accusation against me.
Not only that, how dare you accuse me of “evil ways” with no explanation, how dare you.
And that’s what he’s doing. Quit adding to my Word saith the Lord Jesus Christ.. Repent from your evil ways You don’t hear my voice anymore. Says the Lord. That’s why he sent me to you. Haven’t you been listening?
ReplyDeleteThus saith the Lord who came to me last night as he does every night. Seventy times seven. I have very little patience for those who have been in my fold but now continually disobey. I have sent you two prophets. Paul is the third. There will be no more. Turn away from your evil ways and repent of your sins.
ReplyDeleteYour sin of changing the words of the Bible has now been entered into the book of remembrance and you will be judged upon it.
Remember this when you stand before me and I judge you and your acts against me.
You have called me evil and even Satan in my effort to bring you back into the fold. I’m now wash my hands of my efforts.
I am the shepherd who has left the fold to bring my sheep Paul back to me but he refuses. From Here on remember my door is always available to be opened. All you have to do is follow my ways. Again you’re evil way is changing my word. Change your evil ways and come back to me. Is that clear enough for you?
Paul, you are a false prophet.
ReplyDeleteNo accuser of the brethren is a prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I’ve got to add my final comment also. I’ve been paying attention to your conversation with Paul, the new Paul. No brethren would add things to the Bible. Therefore, by your own statement, you are not a brethren either. You continually reveal your real stripes.
ReplyDeleteKeith, an accusation is accusation with no explanation.
ReplyDeleteSuch false prophets always accuse you of something vague, and they never use the Bible.
Like Paul; not once he quoted a Scripture, no not even one.
Only accusations and nothing else, perhaps he fears that he might be exposed of adding to the Word of God himself.
Such false prophets sneak into groups of people, proclaim to be a prophet of GOD, and take captive a bunch of hyper spiritual emotional woman and some useless man unable to judge that prophet.
I have seen such false prophets numerous times.
Likewise the woman, they claim to be prophetesses of GOD, prophesying always in the realm of the emotions till they have found a weak and unstable man and then they instruct him and teach him the ways of GOD.
Well Keith, I have seen it before.
Those false prophets only claim to believe in the Bible, but they never actually quote the Bible, they always use another book paralel next to the Bible, and when a dispute, they use the other book as the authority above the Bible.
Such false prophets as Paul have even sneaked into your own bible studies and you did not even expose them.
Interesting Paul. He gave you explicit and exact examples of how you change the word of God. There’s nothing false about what he said, But you always have to come out on top regardless if you’re wrong or right.
ReplyDeleteOK. You show me the "explicit example" from the Word of God ?
ReplyDeleteThen I will show you how you ADD to the only one Name of God which is 'Jesus', another name called Yahweh, and then you demote the Lord Jesus Christ and say that Jesus is only Yahweh's son.
Well, that is only the beginning of you deception.
For the same reason your false prophet could not give me the name of his god, even though I have asked him a few times.
Look at his comment to you here
ReplyDeleteexplicit example
ReplyDeleteYou said,
"O Lord Jesus Christ, it is You !"
“It doesn’t say that. Amazingly I couldn’t find any version that says that. Therefore you lied and misrepresented the Bible.
Again in Isaiah 63:16 I could find the name of Jesus. Again you lied and misrepresented the Bible.
Friend, you either take your medicine or you’re just making things up.”
You must be either deceived, or a perverter of the Word of God, or both.
“O Lord Jesus Christ, it is You !" Therefore you lied and misrepresented the Bible.”
That is NOT lying and misrepresenting the Bible, that is telling you the truth !
And you better believe that is the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT that devil Yahweh.
“Again in Isaiah 63:16 I could find the name of Jesus. Again you lied and misrepresented the Bible.”
Keith, do you actually read your own comments ?
I don’t think you do.
Here in Isaiah 63:16 you said that you could find the name of Jesus. Then WHY do you accuse me of lying and misrepresenting ?
Keith, if you keep on lying and deceiving, I will not talk to you anymore.
Hey ! is there anybody else out there who can read the Word of God the Bible ? Is there ?
Or, are you all that ignorant what the Bible said ?
As it is with every deceiver and every false prophet, they always say that the Lord is not the Lord Jesus Christ.
Secretly and plain openly they teach that when the title “LORD” is mentioned in the Bible, they say that that “LORD” is Yahweh and not the Lord Jesus Christ.
For that reason they are antichrist.
Such deceivers never acknowledge and confess Jesus Christ as “Lord”, and neither can they confess Jesus Christ as Lord just as the Bible said.
That is because they do NOT speak be the Spirit of the Lord.
And have you noticed how those false teachers and false prophets always leave their insults behind.
Their INSULTS are the sign of the false brethren, the antichrist, who do not acknowledge that Acts 4:24 does say, “O Lord Jesus Christ, it is You who made the heavens and the earth and everything in it.”
And don’t you dare to say that it is not the Lord Jesus Christ.
“1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
ReplyDelete2 This is how you can recognise the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,
3 but every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.
4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
5 They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.
6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”
WOW! I totally agree with you last comment. It is very Biblical and True. It made me smile. It mad the Lord smile. Your problem comes when you began adding to the Bible. I hope you stay on your road to recovery.
ReplyDeleteLet me straighten this out.
ReplyDeleteIt does not say "Jesus Christ" in those verses verbatim. In all versions it says God, Lord, Master. Paul G is saying those words all mean Jesus. But those are not the exact words. So yes there is some adding. But Paul G does not believe he is because he thinks it is Jesus in both passages. The question is then do the other two here believe that and why not if you say no.
Paul G, Keith had typo, I think he meant to say he couldn't find the name of Jesus in the Isaiah passage.
Other Paul...who are the two prophets to which you referred?
Even though I agree with the new Paul, I technically didn’t say those things. However, I totally agree with the sentiment. He is guilty of changing a little bit, which is an innocent change, until he uses it to take us out into right field and take us down the path to a false doctrine. Satan has used this technique from the garden. Paul is a great example of the old adage, “Hive him an inch, he’ll take a mile.”
ReplyDeleteKeith said,
ReplyDelete“O Lord Jesus Christ, it is You !" Therefore you lied and misrepresented the Bible.”
That is NOT lying and misrepresenting the Bible, that is telling you the truth !
And you better believe that is the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT that devil Yahweh.
“Again in Isaiah 63:16 I could find the name of Jesus. Again you lied and misrepresented the Bible.”
Keith, do you actually read your own comments ?
I don’t think you do.
Here in Isaiah 63:16 you said that you could find the name of Jesus. Then WHY do you accuse me of lying and misrepresenting ?
Look Keith, it is YOU and your false prophet who ADD to the Bible, to the Word of God.
Yes, it is you Keith.
We had that debate before and I have been explaining that to you before.
It is YOU who is ADDING another person with another NAME to the Bible, to the Word of God.
It is YOU who is adding Satan to the word of God and lift him high above the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everywhere in the Bible YOU are preaching Satan (Yahweh) to be the god and the creator of heaven and earth and all that is in it.
I don’t do such an evil and wicked thing.
I preach JESUS CHRIST to be the ONLY God from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Revelation 22:21.
Therefore I am calling YOU and your false prophet Paul to repentance, or else you will perish.
Ezekiel 13:9
ReplyDelete9 My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and utter lying divination's. They will not belong to the council of my people or be listed in the records of Israel, nor will they enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD JESUS CHRIST.
That is for all of you false prophets.
Jeremiah 23:16
ReplyDelete16 This is what the LORD Jesus Christ the Almighty says: “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD Jesus Christ.
Silly Paul silly silly Paul. You are so funny. Everyone who comes here knows that it’s you who lie and change the scriptures. The new paul was 100% correct and I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that he represents the Lord Jesus Christ far more than you. I’ve said it many times that you falsely claim to be an ambassador when you don’t even attempt to emulate the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteFinally, I don’t have to defend myself against your lies. If you even went back into the comments, you’ll find that I didn’t say those things.
No Keith, have you lately seen me laugh ?
ReplyDeleteTo the contrary ! I weep and morn before my Father the Lord Jesus Christ for yous sake, and for the sake of all you false prophets and false teachers who have rejected the cornerstone, and ran blindly into the error of Balaam.
Look Keith, it is YOU and your false prophet who ADD to the Bible, to the Word of God.
Yes, it is you Keith.
It is YOU who is ADDING another person with another NAME to the Bible, to the Word of God.
It is YOU who is adding Satan to the word of God and lift him high above the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everywhere in the Bible YOU are preaching Satan (Yahweh) to be the god and the creator of heaven and earth and all that is in it.
I don’t do such an evil and wicked thing.
I preach JESUS CHRIST to be the ONLY God from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Revelation 22:21.
OK. Open your Bible, everyone of you false prophets and false teachers.
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning the Lord Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth,”
Now, tell me, which one of you FALSE prophets and FALSE teachers, is saying that the Bible doesn't say that ?
Or that I have been adding on ?
Which one of you ?
Keith, it is you who has added a false god called Yahweh to the Bible, the Word of God.
That is in the FIRST verse of the Bible.
Just wait till I quote you the next verse in the Bible Genesis 1: 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
Not, unless you decided to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes Keith, publicly !
Right here, before men.
And after in baptism before the world and before every saint of Jesus Christ.
And don’t worry what the pagans and the false prophets and the false teachers are thinking and saying.
Paul, as you did in the garden, so you continue to mix the truth in with your lies. I don’t expect you to withdraw yourself away so easily. Your love for Satan is strong.
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