Monday, September 05, 2016

To Whom Do You Pray ?

To whom do you pray ? Or to which God do you pray ?
Because there are so many gods in the world, and everyone believes that their god is the right and true god, therefore it is of great importance for you to know to which God you are praying.

Some people pray to Yahweh, others pray to Jehovah, Allah, Krishna and numerous other gods.
Christian people are no different, they pray through Jesus to a god called Yahweh or Jehovah whom they call Father, and then they say a formula, 'in Jesus name'.
Others pray to the dead saints and to the holy mother of god (Mary).

Therefore the question remains, to whom do you pray ?
Which one of all those gods do you think is going to listen to your prayer ?
Which one has ears to hear ?

In the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus Christ said, “When you pray, say, “Our Father who art in heaven, Holy be thy Name …...” (Matthew 6:9 and Luke 11:2).
WHICH name is Holy ?
Is the name Yahweh Holy ? Or is the name Jehovah Holy ? What about 'Allah', is his name Holy ? Or the mother of Jesus, Mary, is her name Holy?
Those are all names of gods whom churches and individuals worship and keep Holy.

Throughout all the ages are people and church denominations who believe that 'Son' is a name, or 'Father' is a name and even 'God' and 'Holy Spirit' are names.
I think it is impossible for anyone with that kind of assumption to understand anything of the Scriptures.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, when you pray, you ought to pray to your Father and keep His NAME Holy.

The Name of the Father is 'JESUS' ! (John 17:6)
If the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT your Father, then He also is NOT your God, and you will pray to one of those gods who are NOT God.

If you pray to Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Mary or any titles of deity's, they surely CANNOT hear you.
Only the Lord Jesus Christ the creator of heaven and earth, who is our Lord and God and Father can and will hear our prayers.

(Rev. 4:8) the four living creatures unceasingly say, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord God, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME.”

(Rev. 4:10 – 11) the twenty four elders will worship Him who lives forever and ever. So be it !

What do you think ?
Do you have any other ideas ?

Please let me hear your thoughts.


  1. Paul, Right off the bat, your premise is flawed. There is no other God, but God. The rest are man-made idols, which will perish, over time. The scriptures are quite clear as to the name of God and that is Yah Ehyeh. The world knows him as YHWH, Yahweh. As a matter of fact, the Messiah's name, Y'Shua, Jesus, means Yah Ehyeh Saves or Salvation through Yah Ehyeh. Regardless of your acknowledgement of this, the fact remains forever, in the same way, Yah Ehyeh exists forever.

  2. No my friend, do you mean that a BIG God saves THROUGH Jesus ?
    A god called Yahweh saves THROUGH Jesus ?
    Is the Lord Jesus a better saviour than that other god called Yahweh ?

    If Yahweh can't do the saving by himself, then he is a useless god.
    What kind of a god would use someone else to do the saving ?

    Well my friend, I think that you are cooking up your doctrines on the run :-)

    Which one is the name of your god, Yah Ehyeh, or Schma, or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, or is it Yahweh ?
    It seems to me that you desperately try to find a name for your god or should I say gods.

  3. Schma is Hebrew for "Hear", not a name of God. Salvation is not the responsibility of God. It is your responsibility. That's why God supplied what was needed, a perfect sacrifice. Think about it, for a second. Yes, God could have just either forgiven us all wipe us all from creation and that would have been that. However, God is perfect and requires the scales of justice to be weighed out, therefore, our sins required an accounting, either a perfect sacrifice or death. It's as simple as that, my friend.

  4. Well Keith, salvation from death onto life is God's responsibility and not ours, it is a free gift of God by grace and not of works lest any man may boast.
    That salvation is the new birth, being born again by the will of God and that is God's responsibility and not ours, for we were dead in our sins and trespasses.
    Spiritually dead people cannot have a responsibility, because they are dead (spiritually dead) and for that reason they must be born again.

    Now, all other salvation are our responsibility just as you have said, but you mostly need to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for there is no other Name given in heaven and on earth whereby you must be saved (Acts 4:12).
    The justice for our transgression fell upon the Lord Jesus and by His strips we are healed.

    You see, by one man transgression came on all of us and by one man all transgression was removed.
    The first man was Adam, the other man is God who became a man Jesus Christ of Nazareth and for that reason Jesus is called the second Adam.

  5. Salvation is a free gift, as long as you accept it. You cannot discount the free willl of man. It's our choice and that choice is available for all humankind. There is a sovereignty of God and a sovereignty of man.

  6. Paul,
    where you say:-
    'You see, by one man transgression came on all of us and by one man all transgression was removed'

    the scripture you are referring to there actually says:-

    'For as by one man's DISOBEDIENCE many were made sinners, so by the OBEDIENCE of one shall many be made righteous.'

    It was the disobedience to God's instruction that the first Adam caused sin for many, and the obedience to God's instruction that the second Adam caused righteousness to be made available.

    By leaving out the word 'obedience' you are not presenting the full meaning.

  7. Keith, you said, 'Salvation is a free gift, as long as you accept it.'

    That is not true my friend.
    A free gift is that which is already in your possession, someone has placed it there without a chance to accept or refuse.

    Your first birth was a free gift, you did not have a choice to accept it or reject it.
    And so is your second birth (born again), it's a free gift of God without a choice.
    When you were DEAD in your sins and trespasses, the Lord Jesus made you alive as a free gift of God apart from your choice.

    Where is the sovereignty of man Keith ?
    Is it in their own imagination ?
    I think that man is fallen in sin and enslaved to Satan; nothing sovereign about that.
    If man would be sovereign, they would tear God off His throne and set themselves on it.

  8. Yes Brenda, but what's the difference ?
    I was making the point that sin came by one MAN and sin was removed by one MAN and that MAN was God who became a MAN. (It wasn't Yahweh who sent a man)

    You said, 'It was the disobedience to God's instruction that the first Adam caused sin....'

    I know what you are saying, and I don't think it is wrong to think so.
    Although I think it is impossible for a perfect creation who is in the image and likeness of God to be disobedient. I think it is obedience and not disobedience.
    Surely God did not make a faulty image and LIKENESS of Himself in Adam, did He ?
    No Brenda, it's a lot better than that :-)

    And no, I won't have a debate on that now.

  9. We can't have a debate on scripture that is plainly written Paul. I was just pointing out that the scriptures you stated were about obedience and disobedience to God, not about man. I thought you might not have noticed those words in the scriptures, and we can miss just one word that can make all the difference to the meaning of what is being said.

  10. Hi Paul,

    You said, "Where is the sovereignty of man Keith ?"

    That can be seen easily in your own life, where you have the free will to align yourself with a erroneous English translation of the Bible, in contrast to me living with the Living Word of God.

    Turn away from your erroneous Puritan Faith and turn to God, my friend. He's calling you. Please open your ears and listen. You heard him before. Please Come Home.

  11. Yes Brenda, I agree that the Scripture speaks about obedience and disobedience, but you focused on that and I focused on the MAN.
    And one little word out of place does not make a big difference, it is the concept that matters.
    The Bible is full of words which are debatable, but the concept is unalterable and unified.

    And as to the disobedience of Adam, I have a different idea on that, just as I have said, 'Although I think it is impossible for a perfect creation who is in the image and likeness of God to be disobedient. I think it is obedience and not disobedience.
    Surely God did not make a faulty image and LIKENESS of Himself in Adam, did He ?
    No Brenda, it's a lot better than that :-) '

  12. Keith, the Bible has been translated by a group of reputable men with a far better knowledge of that particular language of the text than many others who can't speak that particular language.
    Their translation has never been disputed. After all, it is the Word of God.

    I have a German Bible here, written in German, and it says exactly the same as the English Bible, only written in German. After all, it is the Word of God. It makes no difference whether it is written in Swahili, German or English or any other language, it's the Word of God my friend, and you ought to believe it.

    No Keith, I don't believe in any Puritan Faith, whatever that is.
    By now you should know that I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in no other God, and for that reason I am debating you, so that you also would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

    No my friend, not in another god called Yahweh, because there is no other Name given whereby you must be saved, and that Name is JESUS.
    The way is narrow and only few are those who find it, and I would like you and Brenda to be one of those who have come home to Jesus who is the Christ :-)
    No my friend, not to Yahweh or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, it has to be to Jesus, otherwise you still are in the wilderness.

    And NO ! It's not Y'Shua, it is JESUS ! :-)

  13. Paul,it is obvious by your last comment regarding the words disobedience and obedience concerning the first Adam ('And as to the disobedience of Adam, I have a different idea on that')that you choose to go by your views and not scripture. No more to be said really.

  14. Hi Paul, So, if I understand you correctly, you take the word of a few reputable men over what the Spirit can give to you directly, through his Word . If you look at that statement, my friend, it tells you where your heart stands. I can speak for the Spirit, when I say don't sell the Spirit of God short. He can give you far more insight than any man.

  15. Hi Paul, isn't your blog called, "Puritan Belief"? Arent't your early posts dedicated to the reputable men of your denomination? You appear confused, my friend. God can help you, if you give him a chance. Please give him a chance. Get away from the opinions of man and get back to your Jewish roots and the Word of God.

  16. Keith,
    Please read about Puritan Belief, click on the right side bar on top, 'Must read'.

    "Puritan Belief = Jesus Belief
    The Old Puritans got many of their doctrines right especially about Grace and election which I love. This blog is about the Purity of the Gospel message which is Jesus Christ Himself. He alone is the Purity or Puritan belief which I hold and proclaim. Jesus is the God of my Salvation and belief and never the purity of mens doctrines."

    "About Puritan Belief
    Posted by Correy Edmed Tuesday, December 27, 2005"

    That really says it all, doesn't it ?
    And it was posted by Correy in 2005 and not by Paul G.
    As for the doctrines of the so called Puritans, not all of them are true, even they had great debates among themselves. Yes, they focused on the doctrine of grace and election and they were brilliant in that.

    In all of my posts, I have never referred to any of the so called Puritans, apart from one derogative comment of William Huntington SS concerning pastors, he said, "Instead of Shepherd's of sheep, they have become herdsmen of goats". And I cannot recall any other references to the Puritans, that is because I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ, and as an ambassador it is my duty to represent the Lord Jesus Christ in all things and at all times, and not man's doctrines.

    Have you ever heard me quoting or referencing to any other men, apart from Jesus and the biblical characters ?
    Of course not, I preach Jesus Christ, so that everyone who wants to come to God must come to Jesus Christ and turn away from any other god.

    I know that salvation is in Jesus Christ and you cannot believe in Jesus and in Yahweh at the same time, and neither can you believe that God is three people in one God.

    I preach a simple way, so that it is easy for little children to come to Jesus Christ and hard for the wise guys to enter the Kingdom of God, in fact, it is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the wise guys to enter the Kingdom heaven.

    Haven't you read, that Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, 'I praise thee O Father that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the learned and gave it to babes.'

    You see, you don't need to belong to a denomination and know Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek, just a simple belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  17. Please read this, (Rev. 4:8) the four living creatures unceasingly say, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord God, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME."

    Isn't that plainly stating that the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Lord God the Almighty?

    How then can anyone say that Yahweh or Jehovah is God ? And not to mention Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

  18. Please look at chapter four in context with chapter five. In four, it is clearly God upon the Throne. Y'shua, Jesus, is the Lamb of God, standing next to the throne, in chapter five. You need to learn to read the sciptures as a whole, not pick and choose and interpret any way you want.

  19. Keith, Jesus is NOT the Lamb of God literally, that is a metaphor. And neither is there a throne, that is also metaphoric language.
    The Lamb of God refers to God's (Jesus) sacrifice, and the throne refers to Jesus (God's) authority and power to rule in heaven and on earth.

  20. Please read, Mattehw 28:9 " And behold Jesus met them and greeted them. And they came up and took hold of His feet and WORSHIPED Him."

    Interesting, some claim that they believe the Scriptures, and then WORSHIP a god called Yahweh, Jehovah or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

    There are others who worship Allah, Krishna or Buddha, and they are those who do not claim to believe the Bible.
    But I have a problem with those who claim to believe the Scriptures which is the Bible.

  21. Paul, Once again, you cannot switch back and forth, on a whim, when deciding to interpret the scriptures literally or metaphorically. God is not a God of confusion. You, of all people, should know that, especially, since you have seen the Lord, himself. All levels of interpretation apply, but you must remain on one level, at a time. That is how God, Y'shua, and the Prophets interpret scripture.

    As for worshipping, Y'shua gained the Glory through his Father, due to his obedience from baptism to the cross.

    John 17:1

    “These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You.”

    Hebrews 1:6

    “For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?
    And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.”

  22. Keith, when God appeared to people in the Old Testament, before His incarnation, He was CALLED the angel of the Lord. But it was always the same God, for God does NOT change, He is the same yesterday today and forever.

    Don't assume that God is an angel, for God is SPIRIT (John 4:24), and angels are also spirits without a body, but they are NOT God and they cannot create.

    Jesus is different, Jesus IS (John 4:24) Spirit, in the O.T. as the angel of the Lord and in the N.T. the Son of God through His birth or incarnation.
    Always the same person Jesus Christ who is (John 4:24) and clothed Himself with flesh, in other words, He came to His own (the Jews) and His own received Him NOT, but as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God.
    Can you see, it's God who came to save His people and not an angel or a man.

    Once again, when you read the Scripture, you need to think.
    You know exactly that the first Commandment says that you shall have NO OTHER god before the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and in the second Commandment the Lord Jesus said that you shall NOT WORSHIP them !
    And when the Lord God appeared in the flesh, He walked up and met them and greeted them. And they took hold of His feet and WORSHIPED the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Mat. 28:9).

    Now every man and every angel of God did refuse worship throughout the entire Scripture, except the Lord Jesus Christ. And it was He who said that we should only worship the Lord our God and no other.

    Now, I worship the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth with all my heart, soul and strength and I condemn any other god and any other name publicly and in every debate and opportunity.

    Keith, even that one verse in Matthew 28:9 should also cause you to repent of your false gods and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and worship Him alone.
    There is no other way my friend !

    What are you waiting for ? Don't you know that the Lord Jesus said, 'today is the day of salvation, do not harden your heart as those did in the wilderness'.

    Look my friend, I had to go through the same door, and I can assure you that there is no other way.
    The Lord Jesus is trustworthy in all things, and He never turns away anyone who comes to Him in repentance.

  23. I hate to burst your bubble, but Exodus 20: 2-3 states:

    "I am YHWH, Elohim, the one who brought you out of bondage, thou shall not have any other gods, before me."

    That includes you attempting to elevate the son above the father.

    You are correct, in saying, that the best time for your to turn away from your man-made doctrine and return to God, is NOW, my brother, come home.

  24. No my friend, you don't hate to burst my bubble :-)

    Exodus 20: 2-3 was the Lord Jesus Christ who brought me out of the house of slavery, and it was the Lord Jesus who has set me free and not another god called Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh or Yahweh, and neither was it Elohim.

    Don't you believe that EVERYTHING was made by the Lord Jesus Christ (Isa. 44:24), and nothing came into being apart from Him (John 1:3) ?
    Don't you believe that ?

    The Scriptures is telling you that you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO OTHER god.

    I think that the Lord Jesus has busted your bubble my friend.
    No, you can't have it both ways.
    Either, Jesus or the devil ? Which one is it going to be ? ?

  25. You said, "Don't you believe that EVERYTHING was made by the Lord Jesus Christ (Isa. 44:24), and nothing came into being apart from Him (John 1:3)?"

    My answer is NO, because that is not what the scriptures say.

    "Here is what YHWH, Yah Ehyeh says, your Redeemer, he who formed you in the womb: "I am YHWH, Yah Ehyeh, who makes all things, who stretched out the heavens all alone, who spread out the earth all by myself.


    John clearly is talking about the Word of God, in John 1:3, not Y'shua, Jesus. The Word of God manifested or made happen the Man, Y'shua, Jesus. Read the chapter, in context and take in the Whole Counsel of God, for a complete understanding of God's Truth.

    If you would quit clinging to your man-made doctrine and get back to the more pure text, from which your men of worldly reputation translated your erroneous version of the Bible, the fog would clear.

  26. Keith, it amazes me that you don't believe the Scriptures. John 1:3 is speaking about JESUS and NOT about a god called Yah Ehyeh.

    Jesus created all things (Col. 1:16-20) "for by Him ALL things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, ALL things have been created through Him and for Him (John 1:5)." And in (Isa. 44:24) Jesus said, "I am the LORD, I make ALL things alone."
    (John 1:10) but those who are in darkness did NOT comprehend it. They don't understand it just like you, verse 11, "He came to His own, and those who were His own did NOT receive Him", that's you Keith.

    And for that reason you are NOT willing to worship Jesus, even though all the Apostles and disciples of the Lord Jesus are worshiping JESUS, but obviously you think that you know it better than them.

    Just read the Scriptures my friend and believe it, and don't quote any other books, other books are NOT the Word of God.

  27. Hi Paul, It would amaze me, too, if I didn't believe the scriptures. I honestly believe you, when you say that you believe. The scriptures tell us that is between God and the individual. However, I know that you are not interpreting them correctly, for the simple reason, that you rely on old, erroneous teachings, given by man. You also, continue to rely on a erroneously translated bible, that has a biased human bent to it.

    As for Col. 1:16-20, please re-read verses 19 & 20, while taking in the Whole Counsel of God, you'll find that the totality of the scriptures proves your position, as incorrect. It was by the Word of God, who is God, through which all things were created.

    For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

    The word for "Word" is Logos. Logos means the totality of God's message, which is and always will be Salvation. Salvation is made possible, by God's Word being manifested in the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb and Man, Y'shua, Jesus.

  28. Amen to what you have said Keith.

  29. Hi Keith,
    Colossians 1:16 – 20, you said, 'It was by the Word of God, who is God, through which all things were created.'

    Yes Keith, that is correct. But what are you trying to say ?
    Are you trying to say that, that God is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ ? Or are you saying that an unknowable god called Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh made everything through a man who is NOT God ? Are both God ? Or is each one of the two only a half a god (50%), or what ?

    You said, 'For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.'

    Please, read that statement slowly and think.
    Here, the Lord Jesus Christ states that ALL God's fullness is dwelling in 'HIM' (Jesus), and through 'HIM' (Jesus) reconciling to 'HIMSELF' (Jesus) all things, making peace through 'HIS' (Jesus) blood.

    Can you see, everything is HIM and for HIM and HIMSELF and HIS blood etc.
    Don't read into God another entity which is NOT there.

    You said, 'The word for "Word" is Logos. Logos means the totality of God's message, which is and always will be Salvation. Salvation is made possible, by God's Word being manifested in the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb and Man, Y'shua, Jesus.'

    What does that mean ? Are you trying to be smart ?
    Just make it simple so that everyone can understand your message, and don't make it so complicated that not even you can understand it.

    And the Bible is the Word of God and NO other book, and is 100% reliable and suitable for correction in doctrine and in conduct.
    A man without the Spirit of God is able to read the Scriptures, but he cannot understand them.

    You have the same problem as Brenda, you both believe in too many gods.
    Why is ONE God not good enough for you ?
    And Why do you have a problem with the Lord Jesus Christ who claims to be that God of all creation ?

  30. 'And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things He may have pre eminence. For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross.…' Colossians ch. 1 vs. 18-20

    these verses are saying that Jesus is the head of the 'body', which is the church:
    Jesus is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead ('dead' meaning spiritually dead, as all in the flesh are until being born again), so that He may have pre eminence. ( 'pre eminence' means 'the first type or model of something.' For God was pleased to have all His (God's) fullness (God Who is Spirit) dwell in Him (Jesus), and THROUGH HIM (through Jesus) to reconcile to Himself (God the Father Who is Spirit not flesh) all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His (Jesus') cross.

    God Himself, Who is Spirit, dwelt in Jesus, and that same Spirit is in us when we are born again. Jesus was the first of many brethren, the second Adam, and now is the head of the body (those born again Spiritually, who have the mind of Christ.)

  31. Hi Brenda, yes, you start off right, and then you are dividing God into TWO entities again.
    You said, 'and THROUGH HIM (through Jesus) to reconcile to Himself (God the Father Who is Spirit not flesh) all things,'

    Can you see, you are removing the glory from the Lord Jesus and giving it to another one called God the Father.
    The reason you do that is, because you assume that there is another God somewhere called Yahweh (the Father) and he works everything THROUGH a little god called Jesus.
    No Brenda, that is NOT so.
    You cannot know God, unless you believe that JESUS is the Father, the God who is SPIRIT clothed Himself in flesh and appeared in a body (1 Tim.3:16).

    A lot of things you are saying are good, but you always stumble over the cornerstone.

  32. No Paul,
    I am not saying these things. IT IS WRITTEN in he scriptures that you say you believe in.

    John ch. 5 vs. 25-27 also reveal the mystery of the new eternal life that was granted to Jesus and is granted to all who truly believe in Jesus:-

    'Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in Himself, so also He has granted the Son to have life in Himself. And He has given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man.…'

    Just accept the fact that God has given Jesus this authority Paul, and work out your own salvation, as we are all told to do in Philippians ch. 2 v. 12.

  33. Hi Paul,

    "Can you see, everything is HIM and for HIM and HIMSELF and HIS blood etc.
    Don't read into God another entity which is NOT there."

    I totally agree with this statement. However, my friend, unfortunately, you are guilty of reading something, into the text, that is not there.

    Let's look at the verse, again.

    'For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.'

    God is God. God is one. There is no other. I think that we agree on this point.

    Y'shua,Jesus, is a separate entity, a human, that has the fullness of God dwelling within him. He is not the Father. This is what the text says above.

    Y'shua, Jesus, was used and continues to used, as a mediator and the human required sacrifice, to reconcile all humanity to God. This and the previous point is supported many other places, but my favorite is 1 Tim 2.

    "For there is One God, and One Mediator, between God and Humanity, Y'shua, the Messiah, himself, being human, who gave himself as a ransom, on behalf of us all, thus providing testimony to God's purpose, at just the right time."

    God is God, There is no other.

    Y'shua, Jesus, is the gift of God. You are guilty of elevating the Gift above God, himself.

    Y'shua, Jesus, anticipated this and forewarned us not to do exactly what you are doing, when he reminded Nicodemus, about the last time God provided salvation to the Israelites, in the desert. John 3:14-15.

    Do be an Israelite. Be a True Believer.

  34. Hi Keith, you said, 'God is God. God is one. There is no other. I think that we agree on this point.'

    No Keith, we don't agree. Tell me, which God is God ? And which God is one ?

    You said, "Y'shua,Jesus, is a separate entity, a human, that has the fullness of God dwelling within him. He is not the Father. This is what the text says above."

    Absolutely NO ! You are saying exactly the same as the unbelieving Jews, they said that the Lord Jesus is a man, claiming to be God (John 10:30 – 33) and therefore they wanted to stone Him.
    Even the Jews understood that there is 'NO ONE ELSE BESIDES GOD' (John 12:32), but you are saying that Jesus is a separate entity, just the same as ALL deceived trinitarians.
    Jesus and the Father are ONE entity and NOT TWO entities as you have said, just read John 10:30+ again.

    You said, "Y'shua, Jesus, was used and continues to used, as a mediator and the human required sacrifice, to reconcile all humanity to God. This and the previous point is supported many other places, but my favorite is 1 Tim 2.
    "For there is One God, and One Mediator, between God and Humanity, Y'shua, the Messiah, himself, being human, who gave himself as a ransom, on behalf of us all, thus providing testimony to God's purpose, at just the right time."

    Well my friend, Jesus is only the mediator between those who do not know God, the unbelievers, that is you !
    But to me the Lord Jesus Christ is NO mediator. The Lord Jesus Christ is my LORD and my GOD, just as He is to Thomas (John 20:28) and certainly we do not need a mediator.
    There is NO mediator between a father and a son, and the Lord Jesus Christ is my Father who is in heaven.
    And for that reason the Lord Jesus said, 'that if you do not know that I Am He, you will die in your sins (John 8:24). Do you want me to translate that into English ?

    You see my friend, you need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, believe NOT and you shall be damned.
    This is the word of the Lord and not of Paul G.

  35. We have to believe EVERY word that comes out of the mouth of God, which is spoken to us through the Word made flesh, Jesus, Whom God has made our Lord - the One mediator between man and God:-

    'For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,' (1 Timothy ch. 2 v. 5)

    I love the scripture 1John 5, which says:-

    'Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him.'

    The word 'Christ' comes from the Greek word 'Christos', meaning 'anointed one' or 'chosen one.'

    I thank God for Jesus, the anointed and chosen One of God to be my Lord and the mediator between not just me, but the whole world, and God the Father.
    Hallelujah, praise His lovely name!

  36. Bottom line: I will always side with the literal word of God.

  37. Keith,
    the literal word of God said, that Thomas called the Lord JESUS Christ his Lord and God )John 20:28), and they took hold of His feet and worshiped Jesus (Matthew 28:9).

    What about YOU my friend ?
    Are you willing to bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ and worship Him ?

    What is holding you back ? Is it pride ? Or are you ashamed of His Name ?
    Join me my friend in preaching 'Jesus Christ' as Lord and God.

  38. I don't dispute the fact that Thomas recognized who Y'shua was. Unfortunately, I'm sadden by the fact that you don't.

  39. In John 20 v. 16 Mary called Jesus Rabboni, 'teacher', and that is what Jesus did. He was made to be our Lord and, having the Spirit of God within Him, and being the Word of God made flesh was, and is, able to teach God's ways.

    Verses 17 and 18 of John ch. 20 are living proof of the gift of eternal life being given by God to those who believe in what Jesus, and that living, timeless written Word says:-

    'Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ASCENDING TO MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER,TO MY GOD AND YOUR GOD'’ Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, 'I have seen the Lord'—and that he had said these things to her.

  40. Keith, so, you do accept that the literal word said that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty and that you should NOT worship any other god ?

    Can you see that the literal word said that they took hold of the feet of Jesus and worshiped Him ?

    Tell me my friend, why then don't you worship Jesus ?
    Please read the literal word and don't pervert it.

    I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and worship only the Lord my God Jesus Christ just like Thomas and ALL believers just like the literal word said.

  41. Brenda, Jesus is NOT your Lord, your Lord is Yahweh, and he is NOT mentioned in the Bible.
    If the Lord Jesus would be your Lord and your God as He is to me and to Thomas, then you to would worship Him.
    But as it is you are worshiping a god who is not mentioned in the Bible, and therefore you are transgressing the first and second commandment.

    You said, 'Verses 17 and 18 of John ch. 20 are living proof of the gift of eternal life being given by God to those who believe in what Jesus, and that living, timeless written Word says:- '

    Absolutely NOT !
    Because you do not worship the Lord Jesus Christ therefore you cannot understand His word.
    As I have previously said to you, that you always put the cart before the horse, so to speak.

    Eternal life is a FREE gift of God and it doesn't depend on what you or anyone else is doing.

  42. Once again, I never said that they didn't worship Y'shua, not did I say that we should not worship and give honor to him. Our discussion has always been about your erroneous belief that Y'shua is the Father.

    You said, "Can you see that the literal word said that they took hold of the feet of Jesus and worshiped Him?"

    Can you see that Y'shua is a man, with the fullness of God, as the Word of God, literally says, in 1Tim 2?

    "For there is One God, and One Mediator, between God and Humanity, Y'shua, the Messiah, himself, being human..."

    Yes, I believe in the literal Word of God. Sadly, You don't.

  43. Keith,
    Well, the literal Word of God says, that you should only worship the Lord your GOD and no other.
    'And for US is but ONE God and that is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6)'.

    Can you see, we have literally only ONE God and not TWO, and we ought to worship only the FATHER in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24), just as we take hold of His feet and worship Him 'Jesus Christ of Nazareth' (Mat. 28:9).
    And NO! They did NOT worship a man, they worshiped the Lord God Almighty, our Father who came in flesh (1 Tim. 3:16).

    If you believe in another father and worship him, then you are worshiping the devil, just as Jesus has said in John 8:44, and notice, He said that to those who had believed in Jesus (verse 31).
    In plain words, Jesus is saying that to you my friend.

    The Lord Jesus is only a mediator between those who do not know God, that is you, just as I have said previously.

    Why is it so difficult for you to repent and worship the Lord Jesus Christ alone ?
    I will stand with you against the onslaught of ALL the Christian pagans who worship others gods.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Paul,
    Where you say in your last comment to me:- 'Eternal life is a FREE gift of God and it doesn't depend on what you or anyone else is doing.'

    Romans ch. 6 vs. 22 and 23 says different to what you are saying here:-

    'But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the fruit you reap leads to holiness, and the outcome is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.…'

    This shows that we have to become slaves to God, reaping fruit that leads to holiness, by being in Christ Jesus (when we are born again of God's Holy Spirit we are part of the body of Christ on earth, which is the true church (Spiritual).

    As Paul the apostle said to the men of Athens:-

    ' And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for 'In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.' Acts ch.17 vs. 26 - 31.

    The man God made every man on earth from was the first Adam, and the man God will judge the world in righteousness by is Jesus, the second Adam, Whom God has raised from the dead.

  46. Yes, by worshiping Y'shua, which means God Saves and has the Fullness of God, within him, you are worshipping the author of our salvation, God himself. However, there are those who are worshipping the vessel or Gift of Salvation, rather than the one who provided it. It's the same way that the Israelites began worshipping the serpent pole, that Moses set up, not God himself. Unfortunately, you, and people like you, have raised the man, Y'shua, Jesus, to the same level or even higher than the Provider of Salvation, God. It's all about knowing who Y'shua and God is.

    As for Y'shua being the Mediator, again, it's what the scriptures literally say. I will always side with what God actually says, not what erroneous man perceives.

    To answer your last question, I have repented and will continue to confess my sins daily, to God, through his Mediator, who he has set up, for that reason. I have "NO DOUBT", that there is a God, who has saved me, thorugh his Son, Y'shua, the Promised Meshiach. I am part of the Remnant of God and Testifier of Faith, to this generation. I hope and pray, that one day, you too, can truthfully testify, to that effect.

  47. Where Keith says in his last comment:-

    'To answer your last question, I have repented and will continue to confess my sins daily, to God, through his Mediator, who he has set up, for that reason. I have "NO DOUBT", that there is a God, who has saved me, thorugh his Son, Y'shua, the Promised Meshiach. I am part of the Remnant of God and Testifier of Faith, to this generation. I hope and pray, that one day, you too, can truthfully testify, to that effect'

    I too am in the same position as Keith, and say 'amen' to all he has said, and prayed, here.

  48. No Brenda, Mat. 6:22 - 23 doesn't show that we have become slaves to God.

    BEFORE I have received the FREE gift of God which is LIFE eternal, I was a slave to sin and the devil.
    But at the appropriate time the Lord Jesus Christ gave me the FREE gift which is LIFE (first), and He set me free from slavery.
    What do you think Brenda, is the bride of Christ a slave to her bridegroom ?
    Well, I think that you don't understand the Scriptures.

    Acts 17:26-31 is that a statement, or what are you trying to say ?
    You said, 'The man God made every man on earth from was the first Adam, and the man God will judge the world in righteousness by is Jesus, the second Adam, Whom God has raised from the dead.'

    Are you saying that a god called Yahweh was raising the Lord Jesus from the dead ?
    Is that what you think ?
    Look Brenda, you need to believe in the Lord Jesus.
    Jesus made it clear that He will raise Himself up on the third day, He doesn't need somebody else to raise Him from the grave.
    And why don't you believe Him ?
    You have a completely wrong picture of the Lord.
    Perhaps that's the reason why you don't believe the Scriptures and don't worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

    You said, 'I have "NO DOUBT", that there is a God, who has saved me, through his Son, Y'shua, the Promised Meshiach.'

    Brenda, which God saved you THROUGH his Son ?
    I think of you to be an intelligent person, so please give me an intelligent answer.

    Why does God need to save you THROUGH somebody else ?
    Hasn't he got any saving power ? Or is he useless ?

    Yes Brenda, you are in the same position as Keith, and you both need to turn away from your false gods to the Lord Jesus Christ and worship Him only.

  49. Keith, you said, 'Yes, by worshipping Y'shua, which means God Saves and has the Fullness of God, within him,'

    Well Keith, what does that mean ?
    Which Y'shua ? The Bible does not mention a Y'shua.
    God's name is JESUS, and there is NO other name given, just read the Bible please, Y'shua is not even mentioned once.

    I'm worshiping the Lord God the Almighty just like they did in the Bible (Mat. 28:9 etc.), and I do NOT worship a salvation PROVIDER.
    Jesus is a mighty saviour and He doesn't make a provision for you to save yourself. What kind of a a saviour is that ?
    I think that you believe in the doctrines of men.
    The Scriptures say that you must be taught by God and not by men.

    And no my friend, you don't actually side with what God actually said, and neither have you repented from worshiping your false god called Yahweh.
    You have not even repented from calling the the Lord Jesus Christ Y'shua.
    The Lord's name is JESUS and NOT 'Y'shua'.
    The name of God who is blasphemed among the nations is JESUS !

    You said, 'I am part of the Remnant of God and Testifier of Faith, to this generation'.

    Keith, I need to ask you again, to which God are you a testifier ?
    You see, if you are NOT a testifier to JESUS Christ, then you are a testifier to a false god. It's that simple my friend.

    You think that you have a mediator, perhaps ask yourself, did Moses have a mediator ? Or the Prophets ?
    What about Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, did they have a mediator ? Or Paul ? What about me, do I have a mediator ?
    Well, you might need a mediator, because you don't know God and don't believe in Him, but certainly I don't need a mediator.

    You said, 'that there is a God, who has saved me, through his Son, Y'shua, the Promised Meshiach.'

    Again, you have the same problem like Brenda, you think that an unknowable god has saved you THROUGH someone else, a mere man by the name of Y'shua.
    Why does your god need someone else to save you ?
    Can't he do it by himself ? Who is limiting him ?

    Perhaps you should try my God, the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the only one who can save you from eternal death.
    And whosoever shall call upon the NAME of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.

  50. Paul,
    I did not say that Matthew ch. 6 vs. 22,23 refer to being slaves to God. If you look at my comment again you will see that I have spoken about what Romans ch. 6 vs. 22, 23 say. God is not the bridegroom Paul, the church is the bride of Christ, God's Son. It is also the body of Christ.

    There is no way the carnal mind can understand the thoughts and ways of God, we have to have the mind of Christ for that, which we do have when we are born again of the Spirit.

  51. Yes Brenda, it was a misprint on my behalf, I should have said Romans 6:22 – 23 and not Matthew 6:22 – 23.

    The carnal mind says that God has a son, but the Spiritual mind says that God IS the Son.

    And no one who has the mind of Christ would worship a god called Yahweh when all the believers in the Bible worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ.
    And everyone who is born of the Spirit of God will testify about Jesus Christ and not about a god called Yahweh (John 15 :26).

    Brenda, do not deceive yourself, you need to make your calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10), lest you have labored in vain.

  52. Paul,
    That is right, we can only preach Christ crucified as Jesus said in John ch. 15 v. 26:-
    'But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness about Me.'

    Just as we can misread someone's words, we can misread the Bible too. When satan tried to divert Jesus, Jesus answered him with 'It is written'. Satan is a spiritual deceiver, and will try to divert all from the truth found in being obedient to the Word spoken to us. Yes, we can only preach Christ crucified, and Jesus is the One and only mediator between man and God, and is the express image of God. No man has ever seen God, John 1 v. 18 states 'No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.'
    Some of those translations of that verse call Jesus the only begotten Son and some call Him the only begotten God, but all say that no man has seen God at any time. So Jesus in the flesh could not be God as many saw Him.

    God is Spirit and the Spirit that Jesus was born of on earth, the same Spirit that we are born of when we are born again, is what is God, That is how the church is the body of Christ on earth, having the mind of Christ and each being a different part of that body doing what we have been called to do.

    Jesus being the Son of God Who received honour and glory from God th Father was confirmed verbally by the apostle Simon Peter in 2 Peter 1 vs. 16 - 18:-

    'For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For when He received honour and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to Him by the Majestic Glory, 'This is my beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased,' we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.'

    He is stating quite clearly that not only he, but others, heard God's voice saying this about Jesus.

  53. Yes Brenda, but who is the Helper whom the Father will send ?

    Is the Helper a THIRD person of the gods ?

    No Brenda, you can't have it both ways.
    Either God is ONE, or they are many, called the gods.
    But you believe in the gods, one is a mighty God, the other is an almighty God and off course the third one, the Helper, which amounts to the gods of pagan Rome.

    It is required from you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT in the gods. ONLY pagans believe in the gods, and pagans are not born again, they might add and quote the Bible to support their deceptions, but the Spirit of God is NOT in any pagan.

    Look Brenda, you are right that Satan is a deceiver, and he has deceived you big time.
    You think that no one has seen God because of John 1:18, but that applies to you. It is you who has not seen God because you don't believe in Him, but that is NOT so with us.

    Please read Exodus 24:10, 73 Elders saw God and numerous men of God saw the Lord God during the Old Testament time, and when He appeared in a human body (1 Tim. 3:16), ALL Israel and Gentile alike saw God in the flesh (Emmanuel) Jesus Christ the Lord.
    Even after His resurrection God appeared to numerous people, and even to Paul, and nearly two thousand years after He appeared to me also.
    Is there anything impossible with the Lord our God Jesus Christ ?

    Don't think that I am against you Brenda, I want you to know that I am for you.
    Yes, sometimes I use strong words, but that is necessary in order for you to heed the call of the Lord.

    You are standing at the door, and every time the Lord Jesus is calling you, Satan finds some kind of Scriptures verses to lead you away from the Lord Jesus to bow down and worship another god.
    The door is narrow Brenda, yes I like to say that again, VERY narrow, and only few are those who enter through the narrow door.
    Jesus said, 'I am the door and any man has to enter by Me'.
    I like you to be one of those who enter though the narrow door Jesus Christ and be safe and secure in Christ Jesus our Lord and only God.

  54. There are many verses that don't appear to go together in the Bible Paul, I believe it is as Keith says - the translations are faulty sometimes. I have noticed that there are different translations in various Bibles, with verses not matching from one Bible to another, and that even these have altered over the years. It does not change the fact that I am born again of God's Spirit, and have eternal life in Jesus. All the promises of God are 'Yes' in Jesus.
    I love my life in the Lord and love what He has called me to do.

  55. Yes Brenda, that's right, but you should believe in what the Lord Jesus says and not in what Keith says.

    Everything depends upon Jesus, He is the author and the finisher of all things.
    The Lord Jesus is not some kind of a tool in the hands of another god, and neither is He just a man.
    The Lord Jesus Christ is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. He is the God who is Spirit and clothed Himself with flesh, and only in that sense He is called a man.

    Yes, there are many opposing Scriptures seemingly in contradiction, but it is for you to RIGHTLY divide the Scriptures, and the translations are not faulty as you may think.

    For that reason you need to have received the Spirit of God.
    And if you have received the Spirit of God you will testify to the Lord Jesus Christ alone, it is for that reason that the Spirit has been given, so that Jesus Christ be glorified.
    But if you are testifying to another god called Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Krishna or whatever name apart from JESUS, you are speaking by a spirit which is NOT from God.

    Brenda, what I have said above is the obvious, but it gets more dangerous and more powerful when someone testifies to a 'Jesus' who is NOT the creator of heaven and earth, the Alpha and Omega, the only God there is etc.
    Such a person has received ANOTHER Jesus and ANOTHER spirit and ANOTHER gospel.

    Can you see how narrow the way is ? Any departure from the Lord Jesus Christ is the road to hell and many have chosen that way.

  56. I know how narrow the way is Paul, and I am not influenced by the 'leaven' of Pharisees (teachers who add to the Word highlighted to me by the Spirit of God that I have been born again of) Jesus was the Word of God made flesh, and yes, everything was created by that Word as God spoke it into being.

    As Jesus said to Peter when He asked him Who he thought He was, and Peter replied 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. So I believe Jesus when He replied to Peter 'Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.' Matthew ch. 16 vs. 16 and 17.

  57. By the way Paul,
    regarding whether any man has seen God, here is another few verses that do not correspond with others in the Bible. There has to be a reason for it.

    'Then Moses said, 'I pray You, show me Your glory!' And He said, 'I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.' But He said, 'You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!'… Exodus ch. 33 vs. 18-20.

  58. Brenda, it is your responsibility to RIGHTLY divide the word of truth, just as I have said.
    Judges 13:22, Manoah and his wife SAW God and lived.
    What do you think, which God did they see ?
    Yahweh ?
    Certainly NOT ! There is not such a god in the Scriptures. You are reading things into the Scriptures which are not there.

    And which God did Moses see and spoke to face to face ?
    Was it Yahweh ?
    I don't think so.
    You need to believe what the Lord Jesus said, (John 5:46) 'Moses wrote about Me'.
    Yes Brenda, Manoah and Moses saw the Lord Jesus Christ and no other God, just like all of us who are His children, not only that, but we also SEE His Glory and testify to His majesty.

    But who does believe our report ?
    Like Israel, they all have fallen away and make up their own gods and worship them. But the Lord Jesus has kept a remnant, a bride for Himself who have not bowed their knees to Baal.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Paul,
    Manoah said that he had seen God after he had seen the angel of God, and 'angel' means 'messenger'.

    As I have said Paul,
    there are many verses in the old testament that appear to contradict one another regarding 'seeing' God. However, we who are born again of the Spirit are of the new covenant. I believe 'seeing' means God being 'revealed' to us through the scriptures being discerned spiritually. Job said 'I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You;'. Job ch. 42 v. 5. That did not refer to Job seeing God physically it referred to Job being in Spiritual contact with God through what he had learned from interacting with Him. God is Spirit and we are interacting (seeing spiritually) with Him through the Holy Spirit teaching us. We only have access to God by being in the body of Christ on earth, therefore being One with God, as Jesus said:-

    ' When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, 'Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.
    I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you. For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me. I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours. All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.' John ch. 17 vs. 1-11

  61. Brenda, are you saying that Manoah did not see God ? Or what ?
    Obviously he couldn't say that he has seen God before actually did see God.
    You need to discern the Scriptures by the Spirit and then believe what it said.

    You said, 'believe 'seeing' means God being 'revealed' to us through the scriptures being discerned spiritually.'

    Do you think that Manoah and his wife saw God through the Scriptures ?

    Brenda, if God would have been revealed to you, then you would know who God is.
    But as it is, you still don't know who God is, you believe in a god who is not mentioned in the Bible.
    You believe that God is TWO persons, Jesus who is a mighty God and Yahweh who is the Almighty God.
    That alone shows that God did NOT reveal Himself to you.

    If God would have revealed Himself to you, you would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Instead of believing in the Lord Jesus you are always demoting Him to a mere man and elevating another god above the Lord Jesus Christ, a God called Yahweh who is NOT mentioned in the Scripture, and you are presenting the creator of heaven and earth to be a servant to this unknowable god whom you call Yahweh.

    If God would have revealed Himself to you, you would testify that the Lord Jesus Christ is God.
    Not a mighty God Brenda, but the ALMIGHTY God (Rom. 9:5).
    Not one of the gods, but the ONLY God (Jude 1:25).
    Not a son, but the FATHER (Isa. 9:6 and John 10:30), whether you acknowledge that or not, makes no difference, and neither do you believe the Scriptures (John 8:24).

    You said, 'God is Spirit and we are interacting (seeing spiritually) with Him through the Holy Spirit teaching us. We only have access to God by being in the body of Christ on earth, therefore being One with God, as Jesus said:- '

    Do you mean that one God is Spirit and you are interacting with Him THROUGH another one who is the Holy Spirit ?
    Such a spirit is a lying spirit who has lead you astray, away from the Lord Jesus Christ to believe in another god called Yahweh.

    Brenda, the Holy Spirit doesn't teach you to worship a god called Yahweh, and neither does He teach you that God is THREE persons in one God, and neither does He give you access to a god called Yahweh.
    And the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) is NOT a third person of this Siamese triplet god, but it is the Lord Jesus Christ if you would believe the Scriptures and not the doctrines of men (2 Cor. 3:17).

    You said, 'We only have access to God by being in the body of Christ on earth, therefore being One with God, as Jesus said:- '

    Tell me please, with which God are you ONE ?
    It's not a trick question Brenda.

  62. The same God that Jesus spoke of Paul when He said:-

    'And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.'

    Note:- 'the only true God'

  63. Yes Brenda, and which God is that ?

    (John 20:17) Jesus said to Mary, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God."

    'And this is eternal life that they may know you, the ONLY true God.'

    If you know who that 'only true God' is, then please tell me Brenda ?

    Remember, no one does have eternal life who doesn't know God.
    And obviously God did NOT reveal Himself to those who don't know Him.

    ONLY those who worship Him are those that know Him.
    In other words, only to those He has revealed Himself will worship Him. (Mat. 28:9)

    And everyone who walks in darkness will worship their own god or gods.
    Assuming, guessing and indicating is NOT knowing.
    To those, God will always be a mystery.

  64. Paul, in John ch. 8 vs. 54 and 55 it states:-

    Jesus answered, 'If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing. It is My Father who honors Me, of whom you say that He is your God. Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I say, ‘I do not know Him,’ I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and keep His word.'

    Here Jesus was saying to one of the Jews that God, His Father, was the same God that the Jews claimed to know but they did not know Him. Further on in that chapter Jesus goes on to say that even Abraham saw the day that Jesus would come.
    There are many spiritual things that the carnal mind can not comprehend, and those include Jesus going to speak to the spirits of the dead:-
    'For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body, but made alive in the spirit, in which He also went and preached to the spirits in prison. (1 Peter ch. 3 vs. 18, 19).
    We are all one in the Spirit(God) when we are baptized into Christ,(the Word of God made flesh, the first of many brethren). It is a process, and the Holy Spirit teaches us through the making us able to discern the scriptures spiritually as we grow in the Lord.
    We are all at a different stage in growing in the Lord, but only if we are first born of that Spirit by obeying the initial instructions. We have to be called to Jesus by God, repent, be baptized in water and baptized in the Spirit. No man shall say 'know the Lord', they shall all be taught by God.

  65. Well Brenda, by now you ought to know all those things, if you would have been taught by God, you would know the doctrine of God.

    It troubles me immensely that you don't know the basics, especially the doctrine of God.
    A long time ago I have said that the doctrine of God is by far the most important doctrine there is. There is NO other doctrine as important as the doctrine of God. If you fail in that, it will be impossible to understand the Scriptures, regardless whether you think that you do, you will always come to wrong conclusions.

    Brenda, if you do not know and believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty, then you are not a Christian, regardless whether you think that you are, or any experience you had etc.
    For you to be a Christian, it is required that you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty, that is what Christianity is all about.

    But most Christianity has fallen away from the Lord Jesus Christ and have adopted a confusion of a three person god or gods, and they also acknowledge Jesus Christ to be a God among two more.

    The Jehovah Witnesses believe in Jehovah and acknowledge Jesus Christ just like you.

    You believe in the same god as the Jehovah Witnesses, but call him Yahweh and you also acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ just like them.

    The Muslims believe in the same god as the Jehovah Witnesses, Jews and you, but call him Allah, and they accuse you and all Christians and Jehovah Witnesses for not believing in the Prophet Jesus.

    The Jews believe in the same god as all above, but when the true God, the Lord Jesus Christ came to His own people, they rejected Him and crucified Him, just like all the above.

    I do not belong to anyone of the above groups, I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, because He has bought me, redeemed me with His blood and I belong to Him.
    He has appeared to me and I do know Him, and if I say that I do not know Him, I would be a liar, and no liar has eternal life.

  66. Paul,
    It appears that no matter what anyone says when they communicate with you, you attack them if what they write goes against what you say, even when it is scriptural and has come out of the mouth of Jesus, the One Whom God made our Lord. We are told that if we walk in our own 'light' we shall suffer torment, be very careful Paul. It is the Word of the Lord that is the only light we must walk by.

    I only came over to your blog initially because you left a comment on my blog, which appeared to be quite a friendly comment. After that one comment all else appears to be attack, there is no brotherly interaction.
    We overcome the spiritual enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Where is your testimony Paul?

    You say that the Lord appeared to you, yet you do not say how He appeared to you.
    I would like to hear of it if you will share it, or maybe you have already written about it on one of your posts. Let me know if you have.

  67. Brenda, I wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, powers who hold you captive to believe that God is three persons or three entities.
    Why do you hold on to something which is not true ?

    Do you think that the correction from the Lord is an attack ?
    I think that the correction from the Lord is not pleasant, but surely not an attack, and if received, it produces the fruit of righteousness.

    Haven't you read, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy" Prov. 27:6.

    You may not like what I say, or the way I say it Brenda, but it is necessary for you to hear it and to heed to the call of the Lord.
    What I am saying it true and I do not lie, I'm saying the things which most people don't like to hear, especially those who call themselves believers, or Christian.
    Don't you know, that the judgement starts first with the house of God, and blessed are those who heed to the call of our only ONE GOD Jesus Christ the Lord.

  68. Yes Paul,
    As it says in Ephesians ch. 6:- 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places'.

    That is what we are all shown as we work out our own salvation, and we are not taught by man, as it says in 1 John 2 v. 27:-
    'But the anointing that you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in Him.'

    No, I have never thought correction from the Lord is an attack, I have loved and still do love being transformed by the renewing of my mind, as it says in Romans ch. 2 v. 2. Do not forget Paul that v. 3 of that chapter says that we must not think too highly of ourselves, and if you read Romans ch. 14 it states quite clearly that we can not judge one another.

    Ephesians ch. 2 v. 6 states quite clearly Paul that we are seated WITH GOD IN CHRIST,
    'And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,…'

  69. Yes Brenda, we wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Isn't that a spiritual wickedness in a high place to believe that there is a mighty God and an Almighty God ? In other words, in TWO Gods, which is contrary to Scriptures were Jesus said, "The foremost of the commandments is, Hear O Israel ! The LORD our GOD is ONE LORD. (Mark 12:29)"

    He doesn't say that the Lord our God is a little lord God and a big LORD GOD.
    He doesn't say that the big LORD GOD made Jesus Christ your little lord god.
    He doesn't say, that you ought to worship the big LORD GOD THROUGH a little lord god, and neither does He say that you ought to pray THROUGH the little lord god to the big LORD GOD, etc. etc.

    Brenda, this is a spiritual wickedness in the HIGHEST place, not just in high places, and you need to deal with that. In plain words, you need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and then you shall be saved.

    We will go on the same 'Merry go round' till you acknowledge this hidden wickedness in the highest place.

    Here we go again !
    You said, 'And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,…'

    Tell me Brenda, which God raised us up WITH Christ Jesus ?

    When you quote a Scripture, you need to know it's meaning.
    Brenda, it doesn't mean that an unknowable god called Yahweh raised us up with Jesus Christ, absolutely NOT !
    It simply means that the Lord Jesus Christ raised us up from a spiritually dead state unto life and we reign with Him in the realm of the Spirit.
    That is exactly what I am doing now. Can't you see it ?

    You are representing another god called Yahweh and I represent the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the ONLY ONE GOD there is. There is a big difference between what you are saying than what I am saying Brenda.

    You are saying that the Lord Jesus Christ has a Father, and I am saying that the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Father John 10:30, and that the Scriptures say the He does not have a Father (Hebr. 7:3), supported by the Spirit of God that, if Jesus is worshiped the Father is worshiped (John 4:24) and (Mat. 28:9).

  70. You are right Paul,
    we do appear to be on a merry go round, so there is not really any point in carrying on this conversation as you keep saying the same things and asking me questions that I have always answered with scripture or the words that Jesus speaks in the scriptures.
    What I have noticed is that you do not put any of your testimonies or experiences as a believer on your blog.
    You have not responded to the question I asked you when I said:-

    'You say that the Lord appeared to you, yet you do not say how He appeared to you.
    I would like to hear of it if you will share it, or maybe you have already written about it on one of your posts. Let me know if you have.'

    I like interaction with other believers, but there we are - no point in carrying on this conversation.
