Rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).
There are people who claim, that the
quotes below are rightly dividing
the word of truth.
I Quote;
we see Jesus the Son being baptized, the Holy Spirit descending on
Him, and the Father confirming that Jesus is His Son. All Three are
One, each equally God and united in will.”
that what it is to rightly dividing the word of truth ?
Jesus, is a separate entity, a human, that has the fullness of God
dwelling within him. He is not the Father.”
is that the right way of dividing the word of truth ?
notice Paul that Jesus was prophesied as being called Mighty God, not
Almighty God,”
Is that, rightly dividing the word of truth ?
People say that God is three and yet
ONE, or TWO who are ONE, a mighty God and an Almighty God who
supposedly are only ONE God.
Or, perhaps that the ALMIGHTY God
created everything through another one who is only a mighty God.
Is that what it is to rightly divide
the word of truth ?
Jesus said that He is the Father (Isa.
9:6, John 14:9, John 10:30), but they say that the Father is NOT the
Lord Jesus Christ and claim that they are rightly dividing the word
of truth.
The Lord Jesus said that He is speaking
metaphorically (figurative) about the Father, and the Scripture said
that the Lord Jesus does NOT have a Father (Hebr. 7:3), but they say
contrary to Scripture and think that they are rightly dividing the
word of truth.
They say that the Holy Spirit is NOT
the Lord Jesus Christ, even though the Scriptures say that the Lord
is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17), and then they claim that they are
rightly dividing the word of truth.
They say that God has many names, even
though God declared that He has only ONE Name, (Zec. 14:9 and Acts
4:12 and Phil. 2:9), and still they say that they are rightly
dividing the word of truth.
Jesus said, that He has come in His
Father's NAME (John 5:43) which is JESUS, but those who claim to
rightly divide the word of truth received Him NOT, but put another
one in His place called Jehovah or Yahweh.
They say that the Father has SENT a
son, but Jesus said that the Father is with Him (John 8:29) and IN
Him (John 14:11), and then still think that they rightly divide the
word of truth.
Jesus said, 'If you would had known Me,
you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him and
have seen Him' (John 14:7).
Do you know the Lord Jesus ?
Which Father do you see ?
If you have been deceived and ensnared
by the doctrines of men, then please make sure that you are rightly
dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).
Please test your belief against those
verses above, and please send me a comment.
I love to hear from you :-)
Hi Paul, First of all, I have been away on vacation for a couple weeks, sorry for being non-commutative .
ReplyDeleteSecond, your assertions are based on assumptions derived from doctrines of men, not scripture.
All one has to do is read the Scriptures, under the guidance of Gods Spirit, to obtain all of God's Truth.
I hope you had a good time on your vacation, and I'm glad you're back again :-)
ReplyDeleteTell me please, which assertion is based on which assumption ?
If the Lord Jesus Christ would NOT be the Father, then why did He say that He and the Father are ONE ?
ONE, means one and the same, not one in union.
If Jesus would be one in union with another one, then they would be TWO :-)
All trinitarians say that God is three persons in one God.
ReplyDeleteI say that God is one person Jesus Christ our Lord (Mat. 1:23) Emanuel.
Which interpretation is RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth ?
Bible scholars say that the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Father.
I say that the Lord Jesus Christ IS our Father, our ONLY Father (John 14:9 and 1 Cor. 8:6).
Which interpretation is RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth ?
Isa. 9:6, John 14:9, John 10:30 and 1 Cor. 8:6 doesn't say Jesus is the Father. You take a misreading, and stick it into other verses. However, I'm sure that if there were anyone, the Father wouldn't mind being confused with, it is his son.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I can honestly see how you can make the mistake, when you create a doctrine on a couple of verses and deny scripture as the ultimate authority. However, we must use the whole counsel of God, not just a couple of verses and a personal experience to direct our beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThanks my friend, but how can you understand the whole counsel of God when you can't accept a few basic passages ?
ReplyDeleteThe Prophet Isaiah said that the Lord Jesus Christ shall be called the mighty GOD and the everlasting FATHER (Isa. 9:6).
Well, that is just one passage my friend, not to mention all the other passages.
Since the Lord Jesus Christ didn't have any natural children, therefore He must be our spiritual FATHER and of course all His children will call Jesus their Father, providing that they really are His children.
Only those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Scriptures will call Him the mighty GOD and take hold of His feet and worship Him alone (Jesus) (Mat. 28:9).
But all who have another FATHER will call their father, FATHER and worship him, their own god with whatever name they like to give him.
John 10:30, it is Jesus Christ who is unmistakably stating that He is the Father, and for that reason they try to stone Him. Just read verse 33 and there you can see it, the Jews and all unbelievers still pick up stones today and try to silence the Scriptures and the Lord Jesus Christ from being the everlasting FATHER and the mighty God.
ReplyDeleteJesus said 'My words are Spirit and life'. That is because He was the Word of God made flesh, and He was born of the Spirit, Which is God. He and the Father are One, just as we are one with Him and the Father when we are born of the Spirit. It is the Spirit that makes all one and not the flesh. (Couldn't help joining in, those scriptures came straight into my mind.)
ReplyDeleteGalatians ch. 3 v. 28 states:-
'There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.' That is how we are all one in Christ - Spiritually.
Hi Paul, I do believe this is the main difference between you and me. While you look at just a few passages, I look at all of them and how they fit. You cannot see the picture of the puzzle you are building until it all the pieces are in place.
ReplyDeletePlease read what the prophet Isaiah says. He said that the Messiah shall be CALLED by the name of God. He will have his father's name, and that's exactly what Jesus name says. YHWH Saves! It doesn't say that the Messiah will be the father. There is nothing covert here. It exactly says that. You have got to quit reading things into the word, that is not there. Once again, Simple English.
As far as Jesus being our spiritual father, once again, there is no scriptural proof of this. However, the Scriptures plainly tell us that Jesus is our bridegroom. Again, Simple English. You cannot get any more plain, than that.
As far as John 10:30 is concerned, you are reading your own interpretation into it, without considering all other verses relating to Jesus' and the Father's relationship. John 10:30 says that Jesus and the father are one. The word translated as one means the same as a man and woman is to become one, when married. You wouldn't say that the man is the woman or the woman is the man, would you? Absolutely not! It would be ludicrous.
ReplyDeleteFinally, Jesus is God in the same way you and I are the body. I am not you and you were not me.
We are told in scripture that Jesus was the firstborn of many brethren. He was the Son of God, Whom God made our Lord, and we also are children born of God (the Spirit Who is called Yahweh (YHWH), I Am,) So this makes Jesus and all who are born again brethren. Jesus Himself said that the Father was greater than He was.
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, I agree, as far as lineage from Jesus goes, we are his spiritual brothers, one in spirit, in the same way, Jesus and the father are one, The same way a husband and wife are one. Echad, oneness, is a common thread weaved throughout the scriptures.
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, I'm glad that you are joining in :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying are true statements, but you need to explain what those statements mean.
Everybody reads into your statements whatever they like, and for that reason you need to RIGHTLY divide the word of truth.
Yes Brenda, rightly dividing the word of truth and NOT wrongly.
If the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, then you have wrongly divided the word of truth.
To override the truth with a metaphor is wrongly dividing the word of truth.
The truth is that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Father just as He has said. And concerning the Father He was speaking metaphorically or figuratively (John 16:25). That is called rightly dividing the word of truth.
You said, 'Jesus said 'My words are Spirit and life'. That is because He was the Word of God made flesh, and He was born of the Spirit, Which is God. He and the Father are One,'
Please Brenda, explain what that means ? I think that you are saying that as a cliché; you don't really believe that Jesus and the Father are ONE. Why then say it ?
You believe contrary to the Scriptures that Jesus and the Father are TWO who are one in union with each other.
And because of that wrong assumption and unbelief in Jesus Christ you are removing the glory of the Father from the Lord Jesus Christ and then you are giving that glory to another god called Yahweh which makes you transgress the first and the second commandment of the Lord.
Brenda, all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ take hold of His feet and worship Him (Mat. 28:8). But you will worship another god called Yahweh because you are not rightly dividing the word of truth.
You said, 'Whom God made our Lord, and we also are children born of God (the Spirit Who is called Yahweh (YHWH),'
What do you mean Brenda ?
Which God made Jesus our Lord ? Are you saying that one of the gods called Yahweh made Jesus our Lord ?
What does 'Lord' mean to you ?
To me, LORD means GOD !
It doesn't mean anything else, but GOD. Lord and God is the same TITLE which belongs to Jesus Christ.
There isn't a big Lord called Father Yahweh who made Jesus your little lord as you think, (unlike little lord Fauntleroy). No Brenda that is not true.
You said, 'And the Spirit is called Yahweh'
My Bible said that the Spirit is called JESUS (2 Cor. 3:17), and Yahweh is not mentioned in the Scriptures.
Yahweh is a false teaching, it is the teaching of men, which is not in the Scriptures.
Keith, I think that the main difference between you and me is, that you are believing in a false god called Yahweh, and I believe in the ONLY ONE true God Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You think that Jesus is only a mere man, and I proclaim that Jesus is the ONLY God who caused Himself to be born into His own creation (Immanuel).
ReplyDeleteThere's a big difference between you and me.
Yes, you are right, Isaiah did say that Jesus should be called 'mighty God and everlasting Father', then why don't you call Jesus mighty God and everlasting Father ?
Read it again, it does say that Jesus is called the Father, and the mighty God and not Yahweh.
You claim that you believe the Scriptures, so what is holding you back ?
If Jesus has the Fathers Name, then the Name of the Father is JESUS, it is as simple as that my friend.
You said, 'John 10:30 says that Jesus and the father are one. The word translated as one means the same as a man and woman is to become one, when married. You wouldn't say that the man is the woman or the woman is the man, would you? Absolutely not! It would be ludicrous.'
John 10:30 says that Jesus and the Father are ONE, but you and your wife are TWO and NOT ONE !
You might be one in union with your wife, but you are and will always be TWO entities.
Husband and wife are not one, they are TWO, don't you know your mathematics ?
Jesus and the Father are not two entities, but one entity, Jesus with the 'title' Father.
Jesus Christ is the Lord God and we are not !
Keith you have the same problem like Brenda and you both believe in a false god called Yahweh, and for that reason the Lord Jesus said, if you do NOT know and believe that I AM HE (the Father, the only God and the only Lord there is), you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
You will die in your sins because you don't believe that Jesus Christ is the Father and therefore you don't preach Jesus Christ, just as the Lord Jesus has said in (John 8:28).
This is rightly divide the word of truth.
Hi Paul, yes I have to admit I do enjoy discussions - as long as they are not arguments.
ReplyDeleteThe names that I quote regarding God are the English translation of the names that God is called in the Old Testament, one of them being I AM WHO I AM. Just like my name is 'Brenda', and that is what people call me, and the translations in various languages means:- sword, torch, and other things, so too was God called by various names which explain Who He is and what He does
It is the meaning of the name that was revealed within the character of the one spoken of in the old testament. What the person was called was what they were, or what they did.
Regarding what the scriptures are saying and whether they are a metaphor, I have to believe what they say, and not try to change them to fit in with man's doctrine.
What would you say this means Paul, how would you translate what is said here?
'For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God.I came from the Father and entered the world. In turn, I will leave the world and go to the Father.' His disciples said, 'See, now You are speaking plainly and without figures of speech. Now we understand that You know all things and that You have no need for anyone to question You. Because of this, we believe that You came from God.'…
Brenda, in every discussion is an argument, that is the nature of a debate.
ReplyDeleteYou have to make sure that the emotions produced by the argument don't rule you.
You said, 'The names that I quote regarding God are the English translation of the names that God is called in the Old Testament, one of them being I AM WHO I AM.'
Well Brenda, how long is it going to take till you believe and understand that in the Old Testament Gods Name had NOT been given, and NOBODY knew the Name of God.
NO Brenda, NOT one person knew the Name of God!
So then, I say it again, God is NOT called by any name or names in the Old Testament. Only a person who is thoroughly deceived would say that 'I AM WHO I AM' is a name.
That alone shows me that you can not rightly divide the word of truth.
You need to work on that and then you need to agree with the truth. Don't always ignore it.
You said, 'For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God.I came from the Father and entered the world. In turn, I will leave the world and go to the Father.' His disciples said, 'See, now You are speaking plainly and without figures of speech. Now we understand that You know all things and that You have no need for anyone to question You. Because of this, we believe that You came from God.'…'
Brenda, you need to ask yourself whether that passage is plain to you or figurative (metaphoric).
If you think that the Lord Jesus Christ is going back to another person called Father, then that passage is figurative to you and not plain.
It simply means that you don't know God and that you don't believe in Him.
It shows that you have a confusion and an unbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ and worst of all that you believe in another god who is not really God. He then is a god of your imagination whom you call Yahweh, unscriptural and untrue Brenda.
There is only one TRUE God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth (1 John 5:20). And EVERY other god is a false god, whatever names you give them makes no difference. They are only gods because you worship them, and according to the Scriptures all those gods are in reality the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) which is Satan. Remember, Satan said that he will make himself like the Most High God (Isa. 14:14). That is always the aim of Satan to make himself like the Lord Jesus Christ, or rise above the Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim himself to be the Father of Jesus Christ with the name Yahweh or Jehovah.
Perhaps you can see, that everything is a question of BELIEF and of WORSHIP.
If you believe in a god called Yahweh, then you will worship him, and when you worship Yahweh, then you have transgressed the first commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You cannot worship the Lord Jesus Christ if you do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty, necessity demands that you worship a false god and therefore you stand condemned before the TRUE God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20).
Hey Paul. The reason that you don't know that the Bible gives us many names for God, such as El Shaddai, YHWH, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, etc. is that you refuse to look at the original transcript, from which your English Bible is translated. If you look at your English Bible, it will note the original transcript, from which it was translated or do you believe it is lying to you also?
ReplyDeleteNo Keith, there is not such a thing as an original transcript.
ReplyDeleteThere are only copies of copies and it requires from you that you rightly divide the word of truth.
If there would be an original transcript, I surely would know it.
And neither does God have many names, He has only ONE Name and that is Jesus who is called the Christ, and there is no other name given in heaven and on earth and among men.
The Scriptures said, that Gods Name is blasphemed all day long (Isa. 52:5).
Now please turn on your TV and then tell me which Name is blasphemed ?
When I say 'argue' Paul, I mean 'rudeness or sarcasm', speech which would be loud and insisting on one's own way.
ReplyDeleteRegarding my quoting this verse:-
'For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God. I came from the Father and entered the world. In turn, I will leave the world and go to the Father.' His disciples said, 'See, now You are speaking plainly and without figures of speech. Now we understand that You know all things and that You have no need for anyone to question You. Because of this, we believe that You came from God.'…
it is so obvious Paul that it is not me, but the ones that Jesus is speaking to, that are saying that He is speaking clearly - no metaphor.
Also, Psalm 110 v. speaks quite clearly of two Lords :-
The Lord said to my Lord,
'Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.'
This goes together with Jesus being seated at the right hand of God, as spoken of in Mark 16 v. 19:-
'So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.' (Jesus can not sit next to Himself)
Acts ch. 2 v.36 confirms that God has made Jesus both Lord and Messiah:-
'Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.' ( Messiah means anointed One), and shows that He had to be made Lord, and anointed, by another'
and 1 Corinthians ch. 15 vs. 22-27:-
' For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the first fruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. For 'He has put all things under His feet.' But when He says 'all things are put under Him,' it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.'
This could not be more clear that God is excepted from being put under Jesus' feet.
There are many verses in the Bible where the Father is distinguished from the Son, and I am amazed you ignore them Paul.
So, you are saying that your Bible is lying to you?
ReplyDeleteBrenda, it is very difficult to have a reasonable debate if you don't comply with intelligent reasoning.
ReplyDeleteChristianity has a reputation of being unreasonable fanatics, and rightly so.
And the Lord Jesus was even more direct and calls His people a stupid children who do not know Him and have absolutely NO understanding (Jer. 4:22).
He says that they are unreasonable and do NOT KNOW Him, nor do they have any understanding.
They are the ones who claim to have the mind of Christ and say that Jesus is the WORD of GOD, but do NOT believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking throughout the Old Testament.
So please tell me, do you agree that "I AM WHO I AM" is NOT a name ?
Keith, I believe that the Bible is the written Word of God, by that I mean, the written Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is suitable for correction in doctrine and in conduct.
ReplyDeleteNO, it's not the Word of Yahweh, neither is it the Word of Jehovah, it is the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ who is GOD over all (Rom.9:5).
Yahweh is not called the Word of God but JESUS is called the Word of God.
The Bible is written, so that no one will have an excuse and say, "I didn't know".
Jesus said, IT IS WRITTEN !
So...you are choosing not to answer my question, and throw out a red herring, instead? In case you didn't understand the question, here it is again. Your own English Bible states that it is translated from an earlier manuscript. Are you saying that your English Bible supersedes the earlier manuscript, from which it was translated? It's not a hard question to understand and answer.
ReplyDeleteKeith, the Bible is the complete Word of God with no other writings or manuscripts attached. It has 66 Books which were compiled into one book by numerous expert translators who mastered those languages, and those translations have not been disputed by anyone.
ReplyDeleteThose writings or scripts were not just in Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic, they were synchronized from many different languages into one book, the Bible.
The King James translation alone was translated by 54 reputable men who were masters in languages, not to mention all the other translations we have in English, so, don't get hung up about it.
OK, I say it again, there is NO OTHER Word of God apart from the BIBLE.
If you happen to find a manuscript which does not say the same thing as the Bible, then that manuscript is NOT a part of the Word of God, that means in any language.
ReplyDeleteYou will have to ask God that, and I am sure that your Bible says that God said that to Moses, and that it also says all the other verses that have been quoted in our conversations. If you do not believe what these verses are saying then you do not believe what your Bible says.
'Then Moses said to God, 'Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you.' Now they may say to me, 'What is His name?' What shall I say to them?' God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.' God, furthermore, said to Moses, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.…' (Exodus ch. 3 vs. 13 - 15.)
In the Old Testament the people were named according to what they did and what character they had, and this name reminds me that, as God is Spirit, He can be in all of us - just as He is in us when we become born again of His Spirit and become children of God and Just as He was in Jesus.
We are told that 'as a man thinks, so he is', and that is why we have to have the mind of Christ - our minds being renewed in Him as we work out our salvation.
Everything fits together in the Spirit through scripture being applied in our lives as the Spirit, the Counsellor that Jesus says the Father will send in His name, speaks to us.
Answer me a question Paul,
'What do you think Psalm 110 means regarding 'the Lord said to my Lord'?
Another red herring!!! It was a great description of how the " already established as erroneous."King James version of the Bible, came to be. However, you still did not answer my question. Does your erroneous King James version supersede the manuscripst from which it was translated. Once again, it is not a hard question and and very plain English. How can we expect to discuss rightly dividing the word of God, when you can't even answer a simple question?
ReplyDeleteNo Brenda, I don't need to ask God about that, I need to ask you.
ReplyDeleteEvery human being knows that 'I AM WHO I AM' is NOT a name, and I need you to agree with that statement and accept that it is NOT a name. Otherwise we become unreasonable and unreasonable people cannot understand anything and neither do they have the mind of Christ.
And NO Brenda you cannot bypass or ignore that statement. We cannot talk about mathematics if you don't agree that two plus two equals four.
If you believe that 'I AM WHO I AM' is a name, then you will believe that 'jealous Ex. 34:14' is also a name.
OK, I need you to say that 'I AM WHO I AM' is NOT a name, loud and clear.
Psalm 110 David is speaking in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus talking about himself (Jesus Christ) prior to the Lords incarnation, saying that when He (the Lord God Jesus Christ) will walk among us that He will talk about God or the Father or the Holy Spirit figuratively (John 16:25).
Please read the challenge from the Lord Jesus (Mat. 22:42-45) "If David calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his son ?"
I have been asking you that question all the time, but you ignore me and quote instead another metaphoric passage of the Scriptures.
Tell me, does the Lord Jesus Christ have a 'Father' and a 'Lord' and a 'God' when He Himself claims to be the Father and the Lord and the only God there is ?
Brenda, I need an explanation and not a figurative statement from the Scriptures.
It is the Scriptures who claims that Jesus is the Son of David, but I say that the Lord Jesus Christ is NOBODY'S Son, He is only CALLED the Son figuratively (Luke 1:35), but He is the Lord God our Father who clothed Himself in flesh and became a man, and only in that sense He is called Son.
And only from the perspective of a Son He claims to have a Father (figuratively), and from the perspective of a man He claims to have a God (figuratively), just like all men have a God.
Keith, you think and claim that the Bible is erroneous, that is because you don't believe what it says in the Bible, and neither do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God.
ReplyDeleteBut I have made my position clear, ONLY the Bible is the Word of God and NO OTHER writings.
That is not a red herring, but a clear statement.
You have that presupposition that the King James translation is erroneous and supersedes earlier manuscripts, but I don't.
Most translations use sometimes different wordings, but the meaning is still the same in all the Bibles and in every language.
If someone changes the meaning from what is written in the Bible, then we do not accept it as the Bible or the Word of God.
I debate the meaning of the Scriptures and I do not compare it with extra biblical writings, none of those have authority, they only undermine the Word of God so that you lose trust and confidence in the Word of God the Bible.
The man of God ought to speak according to Gods Word which is the Bible, otherwise there is no light, or no truth in them (Isa. 8:20).
My friend, you are a master at misreading what is written. No wonder that you do not understand the Scriptures properly. Never once did I say that I did not believe in the Word of God. What you have, in your hand, is not God's Word.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I do appreciate you finally admitting that the King James or English Bibles do not supersede the original transcript from which it was translated. Now we have a starting point. If you look at your English Bible and compare it to the manuscript, you will find that there are plenty of errors and additions and subtractions, that the so-called translators included, in the King James version and other English Bibles. No, my friend, I do not believe that the English Bibles are the complete true Word of God. Only the original transcript is God's Word. I am not arrogant enough to add or subtract things from God's word, in the way that your English Bibles do. God has givien you a brain. Use it. Compare the two. It will be very enlightening and hopefully draw you closer to God.
One thing that is for sure, God in his ultimate wisdom, preserved the path to salvation in every version, in spite of people like your translators.
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ReplyDeleteHow can you say that the Lord Jesus is speaking ABOUT Himself if He already has the mind of Christ, and you say that Jesus is God,that would mean He was speaking TO Himself. We can not twist scripture to fit a doctrine that we have been taught. You say that the English Bible is the true Bible yet you do not believe even what it says God is saying to Moses.
We can not get the flesh mixed up with the Spirit. 2 Corinthians ch 5 v. 21 states:-
'God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.'
the sin is in the flesh, and that is why Jesus is called the sacrificial lamb.
I think you are gradually coming around to the truth but we have to be careful how we preach. We can only preach Christ crucified to those who do not know Him, it is the Spirit that does the teaching then
Well Keith, I understand you very well, you like to think that there are other scripts which you call 'the originals' who are more accurate than the Bible, but that is not so.
ReplyDeleteIf it would be so, then your scripts would have the authority over the Bible and we would need you to rightly translate and interpret those scripts.
Like I have said, there are NO original scripts. How long is it going to take till you believe that ?
The Bible alone is the authority over me and I adjust my life to the pattern of the Bible which I thoroughly know and understand.
But as it is, I have the advantage over many because I know the author of the Bible which is Jesus Christ my Lord and my God.
Brenda, Jesus is speaking about Himself and to Himself for the hearers sake. Please read (John 11:42), there you can see that Jesus is speaking these things for the hearers sake, and that is always so that you might believe in Him.
ReplyDeleteThe whole Scripture is written so that you might believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO other !
No Brenda, not in Jehovah and not in Yahweh and not in a trinity or in any other gods.
Of course we can twist Scriptures, everybody does it and you yourself are twisting the Scriptures.
But it is your job to rightly divide the word of truth.
You said, 'You say that the English Bible is the true Bible,'
No, I don't say that, I say that the Bible is the only complete Word of God and no other writings, (that is the 66 books alone).
Whether the Bible is written in English, German, Chinese, Italian, French, Greek, Swahili or whatever, makes no difference, as long as it is the Bible (the 66 books).
Brenda, you are a master of avoiding my question.
'I need you to say that 'I AM WHO I AM' is NOT a name, loud and clear.'
ReplyDeleteif you disagree with what you claim to believe in there really is no point in continuing this discussion, because there is no sense in that. You will argue the point just to make yourself right, and it is the scriptures that prove themselves right - not us. That word is our judge, I will leave you to continue down the road you have chosen. As long as you preach only Christ crucified. The Lord knows who are His. I can see there is no point in furthering this discussion.
Hey Brenda, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that perceives Paul to change his beliefs, based on how the wind blows. A logical conversation turns into an illogical one, when you show him his contradictions.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOK Paul, let's try this a different way. If I sent you a message that looks like this:
ReplyDeletePaul, bitte übersetzen Sie die folgende Nachricht an Ihre Kirche.
Es tut mir leid, aber ich musste für eine Weile gehen, aber ich werde bald zurück sein. Bitte behalte dies bei dir. Ich komme morgen wieder.
Would it be all right that you said to the church, " I have a message from Keith. He has gone away and I don't know exactly when he'll be back. Make sure that you tell everybody in town. "?
It is a simple question. I hope you will be honest in answering it simply.
It is interesting Brenda that you just can't give me an answer to a simple question.
ReplyDeleteEven though you know the answer to that simple question, but you will not answer me because that question is two sided, one side is general knowledge the other side is spiritual.
The Scriptures said that 'no one can say that Jesus is Lord, except if they would speak by the Holy Spirit'.
Because the title 'LORD' means GOD ALMIGHTY and not little lord Fauntleroy, therefore it is impossible for you to answer my question, otherwise you would confess that Jesus is LORD.
Yes Keith, I know what you are saying, but I do not believe that you can translate another language better than hundreds of renown masters of languages.
ReplyDeleteI do not trust one man for translation, because I know what is in man (John 2:24-25).
Well, sins Brenda will not answer my question, I'll ask you then, 'I AM THAT I AM' is that a name ?
Don't you understand Paul that God, Who is Spirit, can be in whoever He chooses to be in? I have answered all your questions from scripture contained within the Bible you claim to believe in.
ReplyDeletePaul, You said, "Yes Keith, I know what you are saying, but I do not believe that you can translate another language better than hundreds of renown masters of languages.
ReplyDeleteI do not trust one man for translation, because I know what is in man (John 2:24-25)."
How do you know my abilities, concerning translating the scriptures, unless you check it out, for yourself? How do you know, whether or not, if I'm not the greatest Master of Languages, God has ever sent to man, unless you check it out, for yourself?
You say that you don't trust man, but that is exactly what you are doing. How do you know whether or not, the MEN, who translated your English Bible, had an evil agenda, unless you use the God Given method of translating his Word?
Y'shua, Jesus, himself told you that you were going to received a gift of God's Spirit, to lead you into all truth. John 17 Why are you so willing to "POSSIBLY" follow those "renowned men" into damnation, rather than using the Spirit of God, to receive all Truth? I'm sorry, my friend, but there is absolutely no rationale to that, at all.
As to your simple question, Is 'I AM THAT I AM' a name? My simple answer is YES. Why? Because that is what the scriptures say and I believe the God Given Word, not some English version, translated by man, or "renowned men".
Just to add Paul,
ReplyDeleteI did answer your question regarding I AM being a name:-
'Then Moses said to God, 'Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you.' Now they may say to me, 'What is His name?' What shall I say to them?' God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.' God, furthermore, said to Moses, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.…' (Exodus ch. 3 vs. 13 - 15.)
If you look at the scripture that I took from the Bible, it is God Himself Who says this is His name, not me.
Yes Brenda, but that was not the question.
ReplyDeleteIt is the Lord Jesus Christ who chooses to make His abode in whom He chooses and not an unknowable whom you call Yahweh.
Your problem is that you don't believe that it is the Lord Jesus Christ, you think that there is an unknowable God somewhere which you reluctantly call Yahweh.
At the base of all that is unbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And you still have not answered my question.
Every intelligent human being will tell you that I AM THAT I AM is NOT a name.
And I consider you to be an intelligent person Brenda, and that troubles me immensely that you will not agree with that simple truth.
Brenda, there is no point for you to side with a lie, it is your duty in the Lord to side with the truth regardless what your doctrines may be.
The truth before every man and before God is that 'I AM THAT I AM' is not a name and you need to believe that.
No Keith, I do not follow any renowned men, I walk with my Lord and He alone is true and any man a liar.
ReplyDeleteIt is the Lord Jesus Christ who wrote His Word the Bible and not the renowned men. After all, the Bible is called the Word of God and not the word of renowned men.
The translators were only men who translated scripts from one language to another and their belief or religion had nothing to do with translation.
Don't you trust the Lord Jesus that He is able to keep His Word in ONE book ?
It seems to me that you don't have any trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His Word the Bible.
Well, thank you brother Keith for giving me an answer to my question. Why did it take that long?
"Yes", is an answer, it is just not a smart answer my friend.
If you go to any university in the whole world and ask every student whether I AM THAT I AM is a name, they will tell you that it is NOT a name.
Only deceived Christians reject God given intelligence for the sake of their doctrines and religion.
The world and unbelievers would never make such a blatant lie which stands against the truth.
Like I have said to Brenda, it would also be your duty in the Lord to stand with the truth regardless of your doctrines and religion.
Look my friend, if you don't love the truth, you will believe the lie (2 Thes. 2:11).
Brenda, a response to your additional comment.
ReplyDeleteKeith gave me an answer to my question, but not you, all you do is quote a passage of the Scripture.
In the whole passage you have quoted is not one name there.
You said, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is My name forever, and this is My memorial name to all generations.…' (Exodus ch. 3 vs. 13 - 15.)'
Where is the name ? There is no name there either.
The God of Abraham is NOT a name! Only a deceived mind can read a name into that statement.
OK, tell me, who is the "LORD", the God of Abraham ?
If that is not the LORD Jesus Christ, then which LORD is it ? Is it the LORD Yahweh ?
Certainly NOT !
There is only ONE LORD, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph.4:5), He is the Father of all.
God is not an intelligent human being Paul,
ReplyDeleteHe is far more, and I would believe what He says above all. If God says that I AM THAT I AM is His name - I believe Him.
If you want an answer containing 'yes' or 'no' Paul to the question regarding God's written name in the Bible (which is what we were discussing), although you could not have it more clearly than what is written, then I am sure that Keith would not mind my borrowing the words he used to answer you - as I agree with him on this issue:-
'As to your simple question, Is 'I AM THAT I AM' a name? My simple answer is YES. Why? Because that is what the scriptures say and I believe the God Given Word, not some English version, translated by man, or "renowned men"'
Yes there is only one Lord we have, and that is the One Whom the Father gave all authority to - Jesus. If you look in the scriptures Paul they will confirm this.
By the way Paul,
ReplyDeletewe must not be 'intelligent human beings' or 'renowned men', we must become as children spiritually, learning and growing in the Spirit of Truth.
Brenda, you said, 'God is not an intelligent human being Paul,'
ReplyDeleteI think that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God who became a man.
After all, it was the Lord Jesus Christ who created Adam in His image, and Adam was an intelligent human beings just like his creator.
Who did they worship in (Mat. 28:9 etc.) ?
Didn't they worship the Lord Jesus ?
And the Scriptures say that you shall worship only the LORD your God and no other.
Tell me Brenda, why don't you worship the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth like all of us who believe in Him ?
If someone else gave authority to the Lord Jesus Christ, then we certainly would not worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
You said, 'Yes there is only one Lord we have, and that is the One Whom the Father gave all authority to - Jesus.'
Tell me, is the Father the big LORD and Jesus the little lord (little lord Fauntleroy) ?
Or is Jesus the only Lord and the Father no Lord God at all ?
Remember, there is only the Lord our God and no other.
ReplyDelete"I do not follow any renowned men, I walk with my Lord and He alone is true and any man a liar.
It is the Lord Jesus Christ who wrote His Word the Bible and not the renowned men. After all, the Bible is called the Word of God and not the word of renowned men.
The translators were only men who translated scripts from one language to another and their belief or religion had nothing to do with translation."
That is one of the most contradictory and naïve statements, I have ever heard.
Out of one side of your mouth, you denounce man and his ways. Out of the other, you embrace man, over God. When you take the word of your renowned men over Gods Word, you are circumventing or retarding the Sprit of God, that, I assume, dwells, within you. Sad....so Sad.
I hope and pray, that one day, you will removed your idol, that you have set up. It will be a stumbling block for you and prevent a closer relationship with God.
Finally, I would to love to discuss, rightly dividing the truth, the Word of God, with you and Brenda. However, until you remove your idol, we can't discuss Truth, just YOUR RENOWNED MAN version of it. Until next time, Shalom!
Amen Keith,
ReplyDeleteI agree with all you have said. I can not add anything to scripture to satisfy one who does, whoever that may be. However, I do not believe the Word of God goes out and returns to Him void. That Word will achieve its purpose in due time.
Hey Brenda, I agree. We continue to hope and pray, that Paul will be part of the Remnant of God.
ReplyDeleteKeith, if you would believe that the Spirit of God dwells in me, then you would believe my testimony and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteBut as it is you still believe in a false god called Yahweh and you need to repent, perhaps the Lord my God may grant you repentance.
Brenda, you said, "Yes there is only one Lord we have,"
ReplyDeleteIf there is ONLY ONE Lord as you have said, then please tell me which ONE Lord it is, is it the ONE LORD, the God of Abraham ? (Ex. 3:13 – 15)
And then why do you call Jesus 'Lord', if there is only ONE Lord, the God of Abraham ?
Jesus said, "why do you call Me LORD, LORD and do not do what I say ?" (Luke 6:46)
Tell me Brenda, why do you call Jesus Lord if you believe that Yahweh is the Lord the God of Abraham ?
Paul, I honestly wasn't going to respond to your rhetoric. However, I must remind you of what the scriptures say and how it points to your lack of knowledge of what God has told us.
ReplyDeleteYou said, "...you need to repent, perhaps the Lord my God may grant you repentance."
There is no 'perhaps', my friend, it is a certainty that God is faithful and just to forgive us, of all our sins, if we confess them. 1John 1:9 The obvious exception being the one only unforgivable sin. Matthew 12:32-33 Your misquoting of scripture shows that you're not in touch with God's Truth, as you think you are.
Your proclamation that YHWH, Ehyeh, I AM, is a false god and Satan, is precariously close to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. My hope and prayer is that God forgives your ignorance and your allegiance to mans word.
ReplyDeleteI shall let scripture from the Bible that you say you believe in (as I have done before) answer the question you ask me.
1 Corinthians ch.8 v. 5 and 6 reads:-
'For even if there are so called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many so-called gods and lords), yet for us there is but one God, the Father, FROM WHOM all things came and for whom we exist. AND there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, THROUGH WHOM all things came and through whom we exist.'
I have emphasised words to show there is a difference between the two entities.
Just as Genesis ch. 1 v. 26 also shows:- 'Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."'
I agree with you Keith concerning blasphemy, as shown in Matthew ch. 12.
ReplyDeleteHi Brenda, it saddens me deeply and my concern for Paul's soul deepens, with every rash comment, he makes. It feels like a stake through my heart.
ReplyDeleteI believe all warfare is spiritual Keith, and there can only be One winner, God, if we speak the truth according to His Word. I have always believed that, If God wants all to be saved, how can He not get His own way? We do not war against one another, but against the spiritual enemy.
ReplyDeleteHey Brenda, that brings up another good point. Yes, God wants all to come to the saving knowledge of His Son. However, his true love allows us complete free will to choose or deny him. One thing, that continually amazes me, is that God goes through all this, even the giving of his only begotten Son, for only a Remnant, in every generation.
ReplyDeleteYes that's right Keith, God has told you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in no other god.
ReplyDeleteHe does not say anywhere in His Word that you ought to believe in a god called Yahweh. In fact He condemns anyone who believes in a god called Yahweh (Ex 20:2-3).
Just read His Word and believe it, and then you need to show the fruit of your repentance, that you have turned away from that false god Yahweh to the Lord Jesus Christ so that your sin against the Lord Jesus Christ may be forgiven.
Of course it first requires from you to repent, without repentance there is no salvation my friend.
There is a time when unbelievers try to repent and it will be impossible for them to do so.
Only the new birth is the salvation which is by grace alone and is a free gift of God and the rest is by works, yes, you have heard me right, by works! by you doing something like believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and only then you shall be saved and if you will not believe, then you will perish.
Therefore it is important for you to repent.
Why do you say that we have a complete free will, when the Scriptures say that Jesus causes you to do and to will for His own good pleasure, and that you have NOT chosen Him, but He has chosen you ?
He said, that you have been hold captive in the kingdom of darkness do his will, that is Satan's will ?
What is the point of having a free will, if you are a slave to sin ?
Do slaves have a free will ?
Slaves may think so, but I don't.
Yes Brenda, I know that you believe that God is two entities, in fact you believe that God is three entities, but I believe that God is ONE entity Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
ReplyDeleteTWO entities are called the 'gods' Brenda, but He is one entity, called the LORD our God.
You only say as a cliché that God is one, in reality you believe in TWO gods, one of them you call Lord the other one you call the Father! And to justify your deception you are quoting Genesis 1:26 thinking that one god is saying to another god, 'Let US make man in our image'.
There is not such a thing as one is called 'Lord' and another is called 'God' and a third is called 'Father' and a fourth is called the 'Holy Spirit'.
Gen. 1:26 does NOT say that there are TWO gods.
I have explained that to you many times.
If there is ONLY ONE Lord as you have said, then please tell me which ONE Lord it is, is it the ONE LORD, the God of Abraham ? (Ex. 3:15)
And then why do you call Jesus 'Lord', if there is only ONE Lord, the God of Abraham ?
Jesus said, "why do you call Me LORD, LORD and do not do what I say ?" (Luke 6:46)
Tell me Brenda, Why do you call Jesus Lord if you believe that Yahweh is the Lord, the God of Abraham Gen. 3:15)?
If the LORD of Abraham is a Lord and the Lord Jesus Christ is also a Lord, then there are TWO LORDS, Yes Brenda TWO Lords !
Obviously for you is not one Lord, but for US who believe in Jesus is but ONE Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and only God.
What would you say Paul regarding Jesus saying 'Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.'
ReplyDeleteWho would Jesus be speaking to Who had a different 'will' from Jesus Himself?
Brenda, it is important that you believe that God became a man just like one of us, and from the position of a man He said those things, not for His sake and not to someone else, but for our sake (John 12:29-30 and John 11:42).
ReplyDeleteHe said these things for the people standing by and listening to the Lord, the teacher of all of us who believe in Him, so that when we suffer persecution and rejection etc. we would say the same as our teacher that not our will be done but His will be done on earth as it is in the realm of the spirit, and forgive them for they do not know what they do.
Remember, Jesus said, 'for this very reason I came into this world, to give His life as a ransom for many, He laid down His life willingly for his children.
Jesus is Our Lord and God and our teacher, and as a teacher He showed us what to say and what to do by example.
Someone who only tells us what to do is not a teacher, but the Lord God humbled Himself and became like one of us and taught us by example and not just by instructions or the law.
Can you see, for Him there are NOT two wills because He is our Father and teacher, but for us there are two wills, His and ours and WE ought to say to our Father and teacher, ' not my will be done but your will be done'.
Jesus is our mighty God, our Father, our Lord, our teacher, our brother, our saviour, our friend, our bridegroom etc. and the whole Bible testifies to that in nearly every passage from Genesis to Revelation.
Now Please tell me, are there TWO Lords, the Lord and God of Abraham (Ex. 20:2-3) and the LORD our God Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 20:28) ?
I can only say what is written Paul,
ReplyDelete'For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;'1 Timothy ch. 2 v. 5.
This does not take away all other scriptures which go together as an instruction to us from God and through Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, Who God made our Lord and mediator, Who was the first of many brethren
I believe we have gone through this many times now, there may be no more to add.
Where is it written in the Bible that God's Name is Yahweh ?
ReplyDeleteWhere is it written in the Bible that they worshiped Yahweh ?
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh is the only God our saviour ?
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh is the true God and eternal life ?
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh created the heavens and the earth etc. ?
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh is the truth ?
All I need to know about Who God is and Who Jesus is, Jesus Himself speaks here in John ch. 17:-
ReplyDeleteThese words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.
Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.
For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.
I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.
Please note Paul,that it is Jesus Who said:- 'Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.'
Paul, You've asked for the verses and you have been given them, over and over again. You ignore them. You're a broken record.
ReplyDeletePaul, here are your answers.
ReplyDeleteWhere is it written in the Bible that God's Name is Yahweh ?
God's name appears 6,519 times in 5,521 verses. Go to this link and you can read them for yourself.
Where is it written in the Bible that they worshiped Yahweh ?
35 times, it says to worship him.
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh is the only God our saviour ?
24 times, but my favorite is Isaiah 43:11
"I, even I, am Yahweh, and apart from me there is no savior."
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh is the true God and eternal life ?
See number one
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh created the heavens and the earth etc. ?
9 specific times. but, my favorite, is Isaiah 45:18.
"For this is what Yahweh says— he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— he says: “I am Yahweh, and there is no other.
Where is it written in the Bible that Yahweh is the truth ?
numerous times, but, again, my favorite is: Isaiah 45:19.
"I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob's descendants, ‘Seek me in vain.' I, Yahweh, I speak the truth; I declare what is right.
The name of JESUS, Y'shua, Means "YAHWEH SAVES".
ReplyDeleteNo Keith, it doesn't say that.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't mean Yahweh saves, you made that up, it means JESUS saves, and there is NO OTHER Name given under heaven and on earth whereby you must be saved.
Just read the Scriptures, there is NO OTHER NAME given ! No, not Yahweh !
No Keith, Isaiah 43:11 does NOT say "I, even I, am Yahweh, and apart from me there is no savior."
It says, 'I, even I, says the 'LORD' ! And there is NO saviour beside Me.'
Yes, and there is only one Lord, and that is the Lord JESUS and NOT the lord Yahweh and neither is there another name given whereby you must be saved (Acts 4:12 and Rom. 10:13).
You need to confess that JESUS Christ is LORD and not Yahweh.
We do not believe and worship a god called Yahweh, but we worship the ONLY true God whom God has sent (Mat. 28:9).
You see my friend, you and Brenda, you both are believing and worship a false god whom you call Yahweh.
ALL Scripture speaks about Jesus only, but you are removing all the glory from the Lord Jesus Christ and ascribing it to another god called Yahweh.
You do that in everything concerning the Scriptures, even to His very NAME.
It seems to me that you hate the only Name of God 'JESUS', therefore you also are diminishing His Name and call him by another name Y'shuah, the name Y'shuah is not written in the Bible, no not even once.
And no, Yahweh does not speak the truth, it is Jesus who speaks the truth, that is because Jesus is the truth (John 14:6).
You try to confuse the only Name of God which is JESUS, so that those who perish would not turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
Well, I guess, only repentance is left for both of you, or you will perish with your false god called Yahweh.
Just because you have decided to stick your head in the ground and ignore God's Word, doesn't mean it'll go away. my friend.
ReplyDeleteKeith, Gods Word said that JESUS is Lord (Phil. 2:10-11 and 1 Cor. 1:6), not only that, but the ONLY sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords (1 Tim. 6:15).
ReplyDeleteJust read the Scriptures, there is NO OTHER NAME given ! No, not Yahweh, but JESUS, and not Y'shua, but JESUS.Can you see, there is no other.
No, they didn't worship Yahweh, just read the Scriptures, they worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat. 28:9).
ReplyDeleteDo you think that there are two saviors Yahweh and Jesus ?
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ReplyDeleteNo, I do not believe that there are two saviors. According to scriptures, Yahweh is our savior! There is no other. He saves all that will receive his son, Y'Shua, Jesus, as the ultimate sacrifice, for our sins.
"I, even I, am Yahweh, and apart from me there is no savior."
ReplyDeleteIsaiah 43:11
I opened to Isaiah ch. 43 v. 11 yesterday Keith, that verse really stood out to me.
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ReplyDeleteHi Brenda! I think John 3:16-19 drives the point home.
ReplyDeleteFor God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, shall have eternal life. "
Without question, these are the most well-known verses. However, I wonder how many people have actually read it word for word. The Greek word, "pisteuō", translated as believe, means to place one's faith upon a person and/or action. Not surprisingly, it is both a person and action on in John 3:16-19.
We need to place our faith in God, Our Savior, that he supplied the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. For added support for this view, look how the Spirit interwove 'IN's' and 'ON's', throughout the next verses. This is especially true when you look at John 3:18. Talking about the condemned, it's specifically talks about believing in the name of the only begotten son. His name means Yahweh Saves, which backs up Isaiah 43:11 and Isaiah 9:6-8
Absolutely Keith,
ReplyDeletewhen I became born again of the Holy Spirit of God in Adelaide, the pastor there translated that specific verse into the original language and it's meaning. I have always seen the scriptures concerning God the Father, and Jesus the Son as very clear.
Keith, In the Old Testament the Lords Name has not been given and nobody knew His Name, therefore the Scriptures said in Isaiah 43:11 "I, even I, am the LORD, and there is NO saviour beside Me."
ReplyDeleteThere is no other Lord beside Jesus and no other saviour beside Jesus and no other name given whereby you must be saved (Acts 4:12 and Rom. 10:13).
Keith, which part of the 'NO' don't you understand ?
You said, 'We need to place our faith in God, Our Savior,'
You don't believe that Jesus is GOD our saviour, then why say it ?
You believe that Yahweh is GOD and Jesus is a mere man, and Yahweh uses a man to save the world.
Once again, my friend, if you continue to stick your head in the ground, you cannot expect to see the light.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever heard of a concordance? It will show you what the original word is and what it means. If you're embarrassed about not knowing how to use it, just say something and I will gladly help you.
As for acts 4:12 and Romans 10:13, read them closely. It's the name. The name of the Lord is Y'shua, Jesus, which means Yahweh Saves. Every time you say the name of Jesus you are proclaiming that Yahweh Saves. Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me."
No Keith. It doesn't say that and neither does it mean that.
ReplyDeleteWhen it is written that there is no other name given to be saved apart from TOM, then it doesn't mean 'HARRY saves'.
To say so, is self-delusion my friend.
Read the Bible and no extra biblical books and believe what the Bible says.
And Jesus is not called Y'shuah, that's like calling TOM, HARRY.
And don't say that HARRY means TOM, you are trying to pervert the truth.
ReplyDelete"Read the Bible and no extra biblical books and believe what the Bible says."
That's exactly what I am saying to you. Your English Bible is the extra biblical book. I am asking you to get back to the original Bible and it will open your eyes.
Well my friend, if your other books say that the saviors Name is Yahweh, then those books are not Scriptures.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible says, that there is no other Name given under heaven and on earth whereby you must be saved.
That Name is JESUS and not Yahweh.
Yahweh cannot save, only Jesus Christ can save.
The name Yahweh is not written in the Scriptures, you need to read the Bible, the Bible alone is the authority over every believer.
You're a sad puppy, my friend....or should I say ostrich. Until the next discussion, take care!
ReplyDeletePaul, During my daily reading, I came across this verse and thought of you.
ReplyDelete"Respecting and revering Yahweh initiates knowledge. Those, who reject this, holds a contempt for, and has determined Wisdom and Discipline, to be insignificant." Proverbs 1:7
Keith, Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the LORD (that is the Lord Jesus Christ) is beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction."
ReplyDeleteAnd for us is but ONE Lord and that is the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:5).
In the Bible there is nowhere mentioned that there is another lord called Yahweh.
Yes there are many lords, but only one Lord who is our God and Father of all and that is our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, every other one who claims to be God, Father or saviour is the devil (Isa. 14:13 – 14).
Look my friend, it is important that you come to repentance and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
That means that you need to reject every other god especially Yahweh and then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone; yes, just as I do and all the little children who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus has not given us a heavy burden we cannot carry, but a simple faith in Him alone.
ReplyDelete"Look my friend, it is important that you come to repentance and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved."
I have come to repentance and I do believe in the Lord Y'shua ha Mashiach, who purifies us, with his blood. I thank God, Yahweh, for supplying the ultimate sacrifice, his son, that fulfilled the Torah requirements. Yahweh is our savior, besides him, there is no other. Y'shua, Jesus, means Yahweh Saves. You have deified the gift and elevated the son above our Father. You are quilty of doing the same thing Y'shua, Jesus, warned us about. Just as the Israelites deified the serpent on the pole, you have deified the Son of Man.
I hope that one day, you will open your eyes to the light
Keith, God did not sacrificed someone else's blood, He sacrificed His own blood.
ReplyDeleteIt was God who who appeared in a body Jesus Christ (1 Tim 3:16) and He sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world.
Because we cannot nail a Spirit to a cross (John 4:24), therefore He had to incarnate just as the Prophets foretold, or to be born into His own creation and became a man Jesus Christ of Nazareth and only as a man He could pay the sacrifice for our sins on the cross.
You said, 'Yahweh is our saviour, besides him, there is no other. Y'shua, Jesus, means Yahweh Saves.'
No Keith, please think it through, I consider you to be a wise man.
The Bible says, “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
It is not possible to say it more clear than that.
Can you see, that does NOT mean Yahweh ! Therefore the name Yahweh is excluded.
And neither does it mean Yahweh saves because the name Yahweh is not mentioned in the Scriptures, it simply means Jesus saves just as the Scripture said.
We cannot say that one name means that another name saves, that would be like saying that Tom means Harry saves, and that's a silly statement.
You said, 'You have deified the gift and elevated the son above our Father.'
No my friend, I do not separate the Son from the Father, I say that the Father and the Son are the same person Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
For us is but one God the Father, and when He incarnated into this world, He then is CALLED the Son (Luke 1:35).
You see, Father is the title of God and Son is also the title of God and Jesus is His Name. Always the same person Jesus Christ with two titles and NOT two persons.
But you are denying that the title Father belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ and ascribe that title to another person whom you call Yahweh, which is a direct denial of the testimony of Jesus Christ (John 10:30) that He and the Father are one.
That means one and the same person, not one person in union with another person.
I do not deify the Son of man as you have said, but I honor Him and worship Him and I ascribe all glory to Him and to NO other.