Because the Bible speaks of the Holy
Spirit, therefore it is necessary to know who the Holy Spirit is.
And nobody can know God unless they
know who the Holy Spirit is, that is because God is the Holy Spirit,
John 4:24 and those who worship GOD must worship Him in spirit and
How can someone discern between
spirits, when only one Spirit is 'Holy' and every other spirit is not
There are not two Holy Spirits.
Satan is a spirit and he disguises
himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14) and servant of
righteousness (2 Cor. 11:15).
If God is the Holy Spirit, then we need
to know the Name of the Holy Spirit who is God?
'Holy Spirit' is NOT a NAME, it is the
description of God who is Spirit (John 4:24).
The Scripture is clear who the Holy
Spirit is and also His Name.
2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is
the Spirit...... “, Here we can see that it is the Lord Jesus
Christ is the Holy Spirit.
To us is only ONE LORD (1 Cor. 1:6)
and His Name is JESUS and 'Lord' is His title, meaning GOD came in
Jesus Christ is the Lord God who
appeared in a BODY, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached
unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in later times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines
of devils, (1 Tim. 3:16 and 4:1).
The Holy Spirit is not the third person
of a doctrine called the TRINITY, such a doctrine is a doctrine of
the devil.
And neither is the Holy Spirit an
active force of a god called Jehovah or Yahweh, all such doctrines
are also doctrines of demons.
Everyone who preaches doctrines of
devils cannot and will not say “Jesus is Lord” (1 Cor. 12:3),
in deed they cannot even say it, that is because they do not speak by
the Holy Spirit and neither can they.
The term, “Jesus is Lord” means
that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty.
Jesus Christ is the Lord God, the
Alpha and the Omega, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the
God of the Old Testament and the New Testament, from Genesis 1:1 to
Revelation 22:21, and there is NO OTHER GOD beside Him (Isa. 45:22).
“Now unto the King eternal, immortal,
invisible, the ONLY wise God, be all honour and all glory forever and
ever. Amen. (1 Tim. 1:17).”
Thank you for your comments !
The Holy Spirit is not named, because it's God's Spirit. That same Spirit that connects God, Y'shua and the Remnant as one. The Bible is quite clear that the Spirit testifies, not of himself, but of the Word of God. If it were Jesus, then the Bible would have spelled that out.
ReplyDeleteNice try, my friend.
By the way, I thought something happened to you. It is unusual for you to stay so quiet. Did we offend you? :-) LOL
That is right Keith, there would be no need for Jesus to be a mediator between man and God if Jesus was God.
ReplyDeleteNo my friend, I'm not offended, after all, I am the one who is challenging all doctrines of devils.
ReplyDeleteJohn 4:24 doesn't say that the Holy Spirit is 'God's Holy Spirit', that doesn't make sense, John 4:24 says that God 'IS' the Holy Spirit.
If God IS the Holy Spirit, as it says in John 4:24 then He doesn't have a Holy Spirit.
If the Holy Spirit is not the Father and if He is not the Son, then who is He ?
Is He the third person of the gods (the trinity) ?
If the Holy Spirit is not the Father, then the Holy Spirit is NOT God at all, but the Bible spelled it out very clear that the Holy Spirit is God (John 4:24)
And for us is but ONE God the Father (1 Cor. 8:6), therefore the Holy Spirit is GOD the Father.
Just think logically, it's not Einstein's theory my friend.
It's all there clearly spelled out for you to believe.
Hi Brenda, Jesus is only the mediator for people who don't know God (like you), but those who know God don't need a mediator.
ReplyDeleteA Father and a son does not have a mediator, only illegitimate sons need a mediator.
Think about that Brenda; if you would know who your physical father is, would you need a mediator between you and him?
Of course not ! But, because you don't know who your heavenly Father is, therefore Jesus is the mediator between God and you.
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI do know God, and the Holy Spirit, that Jesus said the Father would send, is teaching me His ways - and just like as a human child has to grow from being a babe to maturity, so we who are born of God's Spirit and become children of God have to mature in Him, first having the milk of the Word regarding baptisms etc and then the strong meat. We are all part of the body of Christ, with the mind of Christ if we remain in Him. It is what we are Spiritually that counts, all being One in the second Adam, the only begotten Son of God. Those born of the first Adam lost the Spirit of God when they chose not to heed His instruction. We too can fall away if we do not follow that Word, acting on it as we hear it spoken to us.
Paul, one question and one question only, does the Holy Spirit go around and say , "Hey! Look at me!", throughout the Bible?
ReplyDeleteThe answer is a quite simple no. He testifies of the Word of God, pure and simple. If you read the Word of God, instead of being influenced by your man-made doctrines, you would know this.
Brenda, please tell me, why don't you need a mediator between you and your natural father ?
ReplyDeleteYes Keith He does, in the very beginning (Genesis 1:2) the Spirit of God said, Hey ! look at Me ! and don't doubt, I'm God (John 4:24) and everything came into being by Me alone (Gal. 1:16 and John 1:3 – 10), and yes, I AM the LORD Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:17).
ReplyDeleteNo Keith, there were not TWO or three gods there who created the heavens and the earth.
That is the pagans belief and you have learned those doctrines from them.
God's ways are not our ways Paul, and it is scripture that says there is One mediator between man and God:- 'For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,'
ReplyDeleteOnce we are born again of God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit that Jesus said the Father would send(John ch. 16 v. 13) leads us into all truth, and that is what I am experiencing in my walk with the Lord.
'When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.'
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ReplyDeleteWill you stop with the Trinity mantra? It's getting really old. We both agree that there is no Trinity, so why do you keep bringing it up? By doing so, you only muddy the waters in our discussions.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the Holy Spirit proclaiming himself in creation, we were talking about having a name of the Holy Spirit. There is not one place in the Bible where the Holy Spirit inspires the writers to mention his name, except in Isaiah 61:1, where it states, "Ruach Adonai YHWH", "Spirit of Lord Yahweh".
It continually amazes me that you do not read your Bible before writing your posts.
That is obvious Brenda, but God's ways are supposed to be your ways, and if it is not, then there is something drastically wrong with you.
ReplyDeleteThe Spirit of truth has already come, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and why has He not lead you into all the truth ?
And by who's authority does He speak ?
By someone else's authority ?
What do you think, is there one God who is speaking by the authority of another God ?
Why don't you just believe the Scriptures, John 4:24 says that God is the Spirit and there isn't any other God apart from the Spirit, and that Spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ just as the Scriptures say.
Keith, you think that there is a god called Yahweh who had a son, who is man called Jesus, and both were together in the beginning. Yahweh created everything through his son Jesus and Yahweh is the authority over Jesus, and of course, his son can only do and say what his father tells him.
ReplyDeleteWell Keith, that's the doctrine of duality, which is the same as the doctrine of the trinity.
God is not two persons, He is one person Jesus Christ and He made all things ALONE (Isa. 44:24), and look, He is called 'LORD' !
It wasn't Yahweh who created everything THROUGH a man whom you call Jesus.
Yahweh is not called Lord, only Jesus Christ is called Lord, and He is called the Lord of Lords and NOT Yahweh.
Yahweh is an impostor, a false god who likes to be the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ and the head and the authority over the Lord Jesus Christ. Plainly he is the spirit in Isaiah 14:14 who said, "I will make myself like the Most High".
However, the Scriptures say that the LORD is the Spirit, meaning the Lord Jesus Christ is God clothed in flesh (Immanuel).
So then, if the Spirit is the Lord JESUS, tell me, what then is the name of the Spirit ?
Obviously JESUS !
It's all there in the Scriptures, but it is only discerned by the Spirit, and whosoever has not received the Spirit of God does not belong to God (Rom. 8:9).
ReplyDeleteI have decided not to continue this discussion with you anymore as it is quite obvious that you have your own translation of the Bible and do not believe many scriptures written there. We all have to work out our own salvation and there is only One judge for all of us - that written Word.
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ReplyDeletePaul, God is God. There is no other.
ReplyDeleteYou are the one that proclaims that Jesus is God, the Father. Therefore, in reality, it is you that believe in a duality. The Remnant believes that Yahweh is God. That's it, no other God.
Yahweh's Spirit flows within Y'shua, his human son and the Remnant. Y'shua's ability, to be obedient, purified him to a level, achieved by no other.
As for creation, it was the Word of God that created all things, John 1, not Y'shua. However, it was the new creation of the Remnant, through was accomplished, 1 Col:15-18, through Y'shua. Y'shua is a man, the firstborn, which tells you that he had a beginning. God does not have a beginning.
The following verse says it all in a nutshell.
The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
It doesn't get any more plain than that. Open your eyes, my friend, Please open your eyes to God's Word and let the Spirit lead you into all truth.
Brenda, you said, "Once we are born again of God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit that Jesus said the Father would send(John ch. 16 v. 13) leads us into all truth, and that is what I am experiencing in my walk with the Lord.
ReplyDelete'When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come."
'The Holy Spirit that Jesus said the Father would send'.
Brenda, please tell me, did one person say that another person will send a third person ?
Is it the third person (called the Holy Spirit) who will lead you into all the truth ?
Why couldn't Jesus lead you into all the truth ? After all He claims to be the truth (John 14:6).
What about the Father, isn't he able to lead you into all the truth ?
Does the Father need a third person the Holy Spirit to lead you into all the truth ?
It seems to me that none of your many gods has been able to lead you into any truth.
I think that soon or later you need to deal with that most destructive doctrine the trinity.
Keith, nowhere in the Scriptures does it say that Yahweh is God, the name Yahweh is not even mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBut the Scriptures say that the SPIRIT is God (John 4:24), and because He is Holy, therefore it is the Holy Spirit. Yahweh is NOT mentioned there.
And the Scriptures also say that the LORD Jesus Christ is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17).
There is only ONE Lord, and that Lord is the LORD Jesus. It doesn't say that Yahweh is Lord, and neither does it say that Y'shuah is Lord. It says that JESUS Christ is the only one who is Lord and He is the Lord over every other Lord, He is the Lord of Lords, yes! And the King of Kings.
The Lord Jesus is called the FIRST and the LAST. A father is always the first before a son, but Jesus is the first, the Father and the Last, the Son.
You said, "The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
Yes, that's right, that shows you in metaphoric language that JESUS is the exact representation of that only one God I am talking about. God is Spirit and He does NOT sit down on a chair and neither does He have hands, only in Christ He has hands and is able to sit down on a chair.
It troubles me immensely that you don't understand that and that you are unwilling to see it.
Hi Paul, I appreciate you feeling deeply troubled about my salvation and my beliefs. I can ensure you that I feel the same about yours. That's why we continue this discussion and/or debate.
ReplyDeleteWhile I understand your refusal to except my scriptural expertise, I find it mind-boggling that you refuse to follow the commandment, found in Acts 17:11 and pursue the truth yourself, rather than rely on traditional teachings, that clearly came after Y'shua and was not taught from the beginning. To me, it appears that you have more of an allegiance to tradition rather than the Word of God.
I honestly believe that I could take your beliefs more seriously, if they came from the Word of God. However, history clearly shows that your beliefs are nothing but part of denominational teachings, which God hates.
Not acknowledging God's Word doesn't make it go away. Don't you find it at least curious that the original Scriptures, from which your Bible is translated, mentions Yahweh over 6000 times? I know that you believe that Satan muddies the water by emulating the true word of God with man-made doctrines. Knowing that is how Satan works, again, I find it mind-boggling that you will not check it out for yourself.
Finally, we have discussed literal and metaphorical scriptural interpretation before. I told you then, that I follow Y'shua's way of interpretation, not yours. Y'shua always interpret the Scriptures literally first, metaphorically, symbolically and parables second. That is a model for you and I to follow. Why don't you follow Y'shua's, Jesus' model?
Hi Keith, Acts 17:11 is only a statement, it doesn't say anything. The Bereans did not have the New Testament and neither did they have the complete Old Testament, they only had parts of the Old Testament and it doesn't say that they have become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeletePaul, Peter and Barnabas preached to the Bereans Jesus Christ, the same as I do. They did not preach a god called Yahweh who is not even mentioned in the Scriptures.
Hundreds of reputable translators who spoke and knew those languages did not translate or mention the name Yahweh once.
If it would have said 6000 times the name Yahweh, don't you think that they would have mentioned the name Yahweh at least once ?
No my friend, you have been deceived by a deceiving spirit to believe such a lie, and for that reason you need to turn back to the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in Him alone, for there is no other Name given in heaven and on earth whereby you must be saved.
Just read Jude 1:25 Jesus is our ONLY God our saviour. You see ! No other one who is called Yahweh.
And in Titus 2:10 Jesus is called GREAT God and saviour. It's plain language.
Isaiah 45:22 (Old Testament) the Lord Jesus said, "Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth: For I am God and there is NO other."
You see, Yahweh is not a saviour and neither is he 'God', only Jesus and no other.
Jesus is the Word, He doesn't need to interpret the Scriptures, He quotes it to you so that you are without excuse.
Only those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are saved and any other who believe in Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah or any other name will perish with their false god.
ReplyDeleteIsaiah 44:24 "thus says the LORD, your redeemer, the one who formed you in the womb, stretching out the heavens by MYSELF and spreading out the earth all ALONE."
Please Brenda, look at that verse and tell me, who is speaking ?
Is it Yahweh ?
I don't think so ! read it again, it says the LORD.
Does it mean Yahweh ?
No it says, 'Lord the REDEEMER', and who is the redeemer ? Yahweh ?
Well, we both know that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the redeemer and not Yahweh.
Not to mention, the Lord Jesus Christ said that He created everything by Himself and all alone. He didn't have to ask another one called Yahweh or Father.
Brenda, all that is just in ONE verse, there are numerous more verses which say similar things.
If you don't believe that, then you don't believe the Scriptures at all.
My friend, you are exactly what's wrong with Christianity today. You take two verses to support a false position, while ignoring other verses that support the whole truth.
ReplyDeleteThe Scriptures have always been straightforward with the fact that Y'shua is the Son of God and the Son of Man. Using the verses that prove that he is the son of God, in an attempt to prove your position that Jesus is the Father, while ignoring the scriptures that say he is the Son of Man, is very disingenuous. Only you, God and Satan knows your true motivation. I hope and pray it's just naivety. Until next time, my friend, take care.
Keith, I don't ignore those passages who say that Jesus is called the Son of man.
ReplyDeleteYes, He is called the son of man, but what does that mean ? And why did He say that ?
Jesus is certainly NOT the son of a man, Joseph wasn't His father.
How else can He be the son of man?
Jesus Christ is the Lord God come in flesh (veiled the incarnate deity). Jesus Christ is the only one who was born like that in the flesh, Adam was not born of a woman, but Jesus was, and in that sense He called Himself the son of man. (Jesus created man in His image)
Also He called Himself the son of man because He didn't want to reveal Himself to everyone, but only to His children, those who are born of Him and those who keep His commandments (John 14:21).
The unbelieving Jews are saying that Jesus is a mere man claiming to be God, and therefore picked up stones to kill Him.
You see, anyone who doesn't worship the Lord Jesus Christ will worship a false god and suffer the consequences of transgressing the second commandment of the Lord.
For that reason it is important that you repent and ditch that false god called Yahweh and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and be saved.
Don't be scared, all the believers in the Bible took hold of His feet and worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ just as I do.
And remember, the command of the Lord is that you shall worship only the Lord your God and no other.
Hey Paul, I hope one day that you will read the Scriptures in totality and search for the one and only truth. The truth that proclaims that:
ReplyDeleteGod is:
YHWH, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, YAHWEH, the great IAM.
The one who has been.
The one who always will be.
The one who transcends time and space.
The one who provided his son, Y'shua, Jesus, before the beginning of time, as the perfect sacrifice for all who will freely come and rely on him for salvation.
The one who gave so much, but receives so little, in return, except the devoted love of the Remnant, in every generation.
This will never change, because it is based on the Truth, of the totality of the Scriptures, from his written Word of God and his Book of Nature, which has been proclaiming the Truth, since the beginning of time.
Half truths will not change this, for I am one with him, that is one with God. I am b'nai Elohim, a son of God, a grafted brother of the Messiah, Y'shua Ha Mashiach, who is the first of all creation, in the spiritual family of God, YAHWEH.
B'ruch attah b'shem Adonai.
B'ruch attah Y'shua b'shem Adonai.
Shabbat Shalom, my friend!
Amen, Amen and Amen to what you have written Keith. It is written.
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ReplyDeleteThank you, for your faithfulness, Brenda!
ReplyDeleteThanks Keith, but you should have said,
ReplyDeleteGod is:
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Who IS and who WAS and who IS to come, the Almighty ! (Rev. 1:8)
And the living One; who was dead, and behold I am alive forever more. (Rev. 1:18)
The first and the last who was dead, and has come to life, (Rev. 2:8)
And all who believe in Him will see His face, and His NAME will be on their foreheads, (Rev. 22:4)
To the ONLY God our saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jude 1:25)
My friend, surely you will know that there is not such a thing as a "halve truth" ?
From where do you get that kind of thinking ?
Surely not from the Lord Jesus.
Well Brenda, that is exactly the reason why most churches are dead as a door-nail, because they do NOT agree with the truth but agree, and take side with a lie.
ReplyDeleteThe reason many churches are dead as a doornail Paul is because they allow the traditions of man to make void the word of God. The lovely thing is that God does not live in a house made with hands, and regarding Jesus Whom God has made our Lord - where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst of us. His name is Y'shua - Yahweh saves (salvation). Be careful you do not let the traditions of man make void the Word of God, do not mix what is written in that Word with any doctrine or you will make that written Word void in your life Paul.
ReplyDeleteYes Brenda, you got a point there.
ReplyDeleteTell me, which God does not live in houses made by hands ?
Remember, if God is the Holy Spirit (John 4:24), then it has to be the Holy Spirit and not Yahweh.
And if the Holy Spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ as the Scriptures say (2 Cor. 3:17), then it still is not Yahweh. And the Scriptures are fulfilled when Jesus said, 'If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him' (John 14:23).
No Brenda, I can hear you thinking :-) There are NOT two gods who will make their abode with him, just think.
And if God would have made Jesus your Lord, then you would believe in Him.
But as it is you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ at all, you believe in a god called Yahweh and in a man called Y'shua who certainly is not Lord (Lord meaning God).
You see Brenda, your tongue needs to confess that JESUS Christ is Lord.
And Yahweh is not the Lord who made a man (Y'shua) your Lord. There are not two Lords Brenda, but only one Lord.
Those are man made doctrines, not found in the Bible and useless. They lead you into greater pits of darkness than before, from bad to worse and there is no one to rescue you. And for that reason you need to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who will make your crooked path straight.
Your acceptable work is to believe in the only one whom God has sent, that is in Jesus Christ alone and in no other.
Paul, I have never once said that Y'Shua, Jesus is not God. I have always said that Jesus is 100% God, but also 100% man. You have a problem understanding the multidimensionality of God. You try to fit God into the small box of mans limited ability to comprehend him. In the meantime, you misconstrue scripture, to fit him into that box, because of your self-imposed, limited understanding, and miss out on a close relationship, with the God of the universe.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, you are so right with the reason behind the church is being dead. Jesus prophesied this in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. They have turned thier back on their first love and replaced it with man-made doctrines.
ReplyDeleteJesus is Lord Paul, because God has made Him our Lord on earth. God spoke through the man Jesus, His Son born of His Spirit, the first of many brethren that are also born of God's Spirit. We are all part of the body of Jesus, the second Adam when we are born of God's Spirit. The only way we have access to God is through Jesus, the One mediator between man and God.
ReplyDelete1 Corinthians ch. 15 vs. 20 - 28 states it exactly as it is Paul:-
'But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
For he must reign, till He hath put all enemies under his feet.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
For He hath put all things under his feet. But when he says all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted, which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all'
Paul, if you can not see clearly what these scriptures are saying then you make yourself look foolish - and are also in danger of being wilfully blasphemous.
That Word is our judge.
Keith, you don't believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty.
ReplyDeleteWhat you have said is only a cliché
If you would really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty, then you would take hold of His feet and worship Him, just as I do.
But as it is, you are believing in a false god whom you call Yahweh, and Y'Shua is only some kind of a delivery boy who can do nothing except what your false god Yahweh is telling him to do.
And then you say as a cliché that Jesus is 100% God.
Well, are you saying that there are TWO who are 100% God, Yahweh and Jesus ? Or is Yahweh only a half a god ?
If Yahweh is 50% God, then Jesus must also be 50% God, and if Jesus is 100% God then there cannot be another God who is also 100% God, otherwise there would be TWO Gods.
Just do your maths my friend.
Also, I understand that God does NOT have multidimensionality, I know the Lord the creator of heaven and earth personally and He does NOT have a multidimensionality.
Yes, my sins did put God into a box, called a tomb, but on the third day He rose again and I also have risen with Him in the newness of life and live with Him for ever more.
Brenda, so then, are you saying that TWO persons or gods will make their abode in them (John 14:23) ?
ReplyDeleteOr, are you saying that a god called Yahweh and another god called Jesus will make their abode in them ?
Please let your speech be clear, are there TWO gods or persons who make their abode in them?
OK, let's talk about foolishness.
Do you think that two persons make their abode in you ?
Do you think that God had a son who is also a God ?
Do you think that one God made another God your God ?
Do you think that one God is saying to another God, 'not my will be done, but your will be done' ?
Do you think that one God is putting everything under the feet of someone else ?
Brenda, if you cannot see that, then you look foolish indeed.
It seems to me that you just don't want to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you would rather believe in an unbiblical god called Yahweh.
No Paul,
ReplyDeleteI am not saying anything, I am quoting what the Bible says.
Absolutely true Keith.
ReplyDeleteCliché is what the what world calls the believers testimony. Cliché is a term used by those, who don't understand the Word of God.
ReplyDeleteYour inability to understand the Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit, as scriptural references to God's, Y'shua's and our multidimensionality, shows that you are either unable or unwilling to dig deep into the Word of God and allow the Spirit to guide you into all truth, as the Word of God promises.
Multidimensionality does not proclaim that there are two gods. No!!!! It explains how God is interwoven in all things, as the scripture says. You have a multidimensionality but you are but one man, not two. I really don't understand how you don't or won't understand that.
By the way, I do worship Y'shua, because he has gained that honor and recognition, as the obedient Son of God. However, I do not put him above God, his father. Nor do I trash his Father's name.
Also, I like you little quip, at the end of your last comment. I think I'll use it, It made me smile.
Well, thank you my friend for admitting that you are worshiping two gods, a god called Yahweh and another called Y'shua.
ReplyDeleteThat is called 'confession', but that alone is not good enough. Now you need to REPENT from worshiping two gods and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and worship Him only.
Remember the second commandment of the Lord Jesus Exodus 20:3, "You shall have no other gods before Me", (v.5) "you shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."
Also, Jesus and the Father are not two separate persons. Jesus is the Father and for that reason He did say that He and the Father are one (John 10:30) and that everyone who looks at Jesus Christ has seen the Father, or is looking at the Father (John 14:9).
You see, 'Father' is the title of the Lord Jesus Christ just like 'Lord' is also the title of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures say that for us is but one God and that is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6) and we worship only the Father in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24), which is the Lord Jesus Christ.
The word multidimensional is a word who has lost it's meaning, it doesn't pertain any more to only 'dimensions', but now it can mean whatever you like it to mean, perhaps like quicksand, it always has the ability to deflect from literal dimension.
And yes, I do understand 'Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit'.
Every man is born with a body (flesh, vehicle) and he also has a soul, but the spirit in him is dead, and for that reason Jesus said that he must be born again.
Now, the 'Mind' which you have mentioned, belongs to the soul.
The soul consists of the mind, will, thinking, feeling, sensing, reasoning, seeing, hearing, imagining, tasting, smelling, distinguishing colors etc. all that is the soul capacity.
The mind is not separate from the soul, and the Lord Jesus is the Spirit (John 4:24) with a body and a soul, and you are created in His image (likeness), with a body and a soul, except your spirit was dead from birth through the sin of Eve.
That is called the original sin which is death, and that death of the spirit has been passed on to all men, that's why the Scriptures say that death has been passed on to all men and in Adam we all have died.
A cliché is when you say, "I have always said that Jesus is 100% God, but also 100% man", without actually thinking that through.
You believe that Yahweh is 100% God and Jesus is just a mere man for you, but then you are adding a church cliché that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.
Christmas is just at our door and I wish you and Brenda a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and please take time to listen to some of the words of the Christmas carols.
Paul :-)
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ReplyDeleteYou have a nice Christmas too Paul, and a happy new year. I love the Christmas carols. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou misunderstood me. Please go to this link for an explanation.
ReplyDeleteA Biblically Supported Representation Of The God/Y'shua Relationship.
No Keith I don't misunderstand you, I know exactly what you are saying.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the link, but that is absolutely not true, in fact, that is faaar from the truth.
You said, "The scriptures clearly show that Y'shua/Jesus has the fullness of God dwelling within him. Col. 2:9 and allowed himself, to be worshiped. Matt 14:33, 28:9; Heb. 1:6 "
Wow brother; statements like that would surely sink the Titanic all over again.
So, there is Yahweh who alone ought to be worshiped, and there is also a man who ALLOWED himself to be worshiped.
Tell me, what kind of a man allows himself to be worshiped when the Lord our God clearly said that you should worship NO OTHER ?
Well, you don't need to think very hard to know that the devil is the one who desires and allows himself to be worshiped (Mat. 4:9).
You said that God is one (Deut. 6:4), that is also a cliché; if you would believe that, then you would only worship that ONE GOD and no other, but as it is, you worship Yahweh and Y'shua, two gods.
Why don't you worship just one God, the only true God (1 John 5:20) Jesus Christ of Nazareth ?
Colossians 2:9 is a statement saying that Jesus Christ is the only true God came in the flesh and there is no other God next to Him, He is the fullness of God, the complete God, and there is no other.
Hey Paul, Lets try this again.
ReplyDeleteThere are certain things that you may ignore, but are scripturally true.
God is greater than Y'shua/Jesus, (John 14:28)
We need to reconcile the whole counsel of God with our beliefs to ensure that we do not contradict scripture. 2(Tim 3:16).
If you would only look at the original Greek, you would pick up on the nuisances of the Greek, in Col 2:9. Keep in mind, to get the full meaning of the words, in Greek, Samarian and Hebrew, we need to drill down to the root and that the Spirit of God inspired Paul to use the word, Theotes, rather than Theos, which would have definitively support Y'shua/Jesus, as being God, but he didn't.
However, the Theotes was used. If you go outside of classical Judeo/Christian resources, you will find that Theotes is better define as, "The Innermost Parts of or the State of literally possessing a part of God."
Therefore, Col 2:9 says that in Y'shua, there dwells a pas (all of an individual) pleroma (a filling to completeness) of a Theotes (a part of God). Otherwise, Y'shua is filled with a complete part of God, not all.
Y'shua did not have the Mind/Inner-Thoughts of God. He obviously did not possess the Body of God or Soul of God, which leaves the Spirit of God to wholly and completely dwell within him, which just happens to fits very nicely into the Torah description of the Messiah.
Keith, your reasoning is not true and you are always starting off with the wrong premise.
ReplyDeleteYou think that God is a different person to Jesus.
Look my friend, with that type of thinking you will always end up in great error, yes ! great error Keith.
John 14:28, there is nobody greater than the Lord Jesus Christ. How can there anyone be greater than the creator of heaven and earth ?
Jesus is the Alpha, the first ! How can there anyone be greater than the FIRST ?
The Lord Jesus is BEFORE 'ALL' , before everything, and only a Father is before the Son, that's why Jesus Christ is the Father of all, because He is the first.
It's not rocket science, you just need to believe in Him and in NO OTHER.
Your problem is that 'other' god (Yahweh), just like Israel, they also believed in other gods and worshiped them.
John 14:28 Jesus is speaking from the perspective as a man about Himself, saying that His Spirit in Him is greater than the vessel of a man or of flesh, for God is Spirit (John 4:24) and then clothed in flesh Jesus Christ.
My friend, The premise is scripture based, not based on traditional denominational and paganistic rationalization.
ReplyDeleteI know the Spirit of God is talking to you, because you last statement is saying the exact thing as my premise.
Shabbat Shalom
The Bible is Scripture and no extra biblical writings.
ReplyDeleteEven if an angel of heaven differs from the Bible, let them be accursed.
Yes, it is the pagans who promote the worship of more than one God, and introduce another god in the place of the only true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20).
The bottom line is, that you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and neither do you believe what He said.
You believe in a god called Yahweh who is not even mentioned in the Bible, and the only holy Name of the true God Jesus Christ you are changing into an unbiblical name 'Y'shua' who is NOT blasphemed among the nations. But the Name JESUS is the only Name which is blasphemed among the nations (Isa. 52:5) "All day long".
If your god would be God, then they surely would blaspheme the name 'Yahweh', or even 'Y'shua'.
Just read what the Lord Jesus said through the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah, "Now therefore, what do I have here, declares the Lord, seeing that My people have been taken away without cause? Again the Lord declares, those who rule over them howl, and My name is continually blasphemed all day long. Therefore My people shall know My name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, here I am."
Why is it that you don't know His Name ? And don't believe in the only Name which is blasphemed all day long among the nations ?
Well, just listen, that name is JESUS ! Jesus is the only name blasphemed, there is no other name blasphemed, and remember it's God's name who is blasphemed.
Yahweh is not blasphemed because he is NOT, God and neither is it His Name.
You are correct that the Bible is Scripture and no extra biblical writings. However, your Erroneous English Translation IS NOT THE BIBLE. It's not even a good translation.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt that all will stand before the Messiah and bend their knees and proclaim his name, Y'shua. That includes you, my friend. You will honor his Father, your God, and proclaim that Yah Ehyeh Saves, whether you like it or not. It is better that you get the know the true Word of God, now, before your knee is forced to bend, before the True Word of God, Y'shua.
Once again, Paul, your words shows your allegiance to a man-made denominational doctrine, rather than the True Doctrine of God. You know who is your savior, now is the time to really get to know him, on a more intimate level. You are like a wife that is in a shallow relationship with her husband, never getting to really know her spouse. That relationship is doomed to have your husband put you away and he will, if you don't begin to show a desire to be intimate with him.
How long my friend is it going to take till you believe that 'Yah Ehyeh' does not save and cannot save ?
ReplyDeleteThe English Bible, in fact every English Bible will tell you that there is NO OTHER NAME given among men whereby you must be saved, and that Name is JESUS who is the Christ.
Yes, it is JESUS, the only Name which is blasphemed among the nations who can save.
JESUS is the only Name which Satan tries to undermine, or change, distort or confuse, because he knows that there is no other Name given whereby you must be saved, and he likes you to believe in another name who cannot save, whatever that name may be, as long as it is not Jesus who is the Christ.
For Satan, that is the epitome to confuse the saviors Name, so that the ignorant would trust in an other name who cannot save.
You see, every knee ought to bow to JESUS who is the Christ, and not to another name who cannot save, for there is salvation in no one else, only in the 'ONLY' God our saviour Jesus Christ (Jude 1:25 and Tit. 2:10 – 13).
Which part of 'NO OTHER NAME' don't you understand ?
Does 'no other Name' mean, except 'Yah Ehyeh' ? Or does it mean 'Yahweh' ?
Well, blind Freddy can see that it is Jesus and not Yah Ehyeh.
The true doctrine of God is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO OTHER, that is the true doctrine of God, and any other doctrines concerning God are deceptions.
How can you be intimate with God if you don't know who it is ?
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ReplyDeleteHow long? Well, my friend, as long as the Scriptures stay the same and that is forever. unlike the English and other translations of the Bible, which changes with every version.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct when you say the scriptures indicate that no one can be saved, except by the name of Y'shua, which means, "Yah Ehyeh Saves!".
Psalm 138:2 says, "I will worship towards thy holy temple, and I will give glory to thy name. For thy mercy, and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy holy Word above thy name."
Why do you think it says that? It says it because of people like you who make idols out of names and other things. How do you get to know God? You get to know him by getting into his Word and getting to the root of its meaning, it's truth.
Yah Ehyeh! Yah Ehyeh!
Your Name is Holy,
So high above me!
Holy! Holy!
Your ways are lovely,
May your Word go before me.
Yah Ehyeh! Yah Ehyeh!
Keith, you said, 'How long? Well, my friend, as long as the Scriptures stay the same and that is forever. unlike the English and other translations of the Bible, which changes with every version.'
ReplyDeleteAs for me, the Bible is the written Word of God.
Only ONE version, God's version.
Many translations into many languages with all the same meaning.
So, all basic English translations which are called the Bible are God's VERSION and are the written Word of God suitable for correction in doctrine and in conduct.
The Bible is not a few old manuscripts written in Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek, no! The Bible is the 66 books which are written for you and for me in English, yes, in ENGLISH, and don't get hung up about it, just believe it.
It is the authority over me, and it should also be the authority over you.
You said,'You are correct when you say the scriptures indicate that no one can be saved, except by the name of Y'shua, which means, "Yah Ehyeh Saves!" '
I did not say that, you assume that I have said that.
First, the Scripture does NOT indicate, it STATES that there is NO OTHER NAME given to be saved.
That Name is NOT Y'shua, Y'shua cannot save !
All English Bibles will tell you that that NAME is JESUS who is the Christ and no other name.
You said, 'Psalm 138:2 says, "I will worship towards thy holy temple, and I will give glory to thy name. For thy mercy, and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy holy Word above thy name."
Why do you think it says that? It says it because of people like you who make idols out of names and other things. How do you get to know God? You get to know him by getting into his Word and getting to the root of its meaning, it's truth.
Yah Ehyeh! Yah Ehyeh!
Your Name is Holy,
So high above me!
Holy! Holy!
Your ways are lovely,
May your Word go before me.
Yah Ehyeh! Yah Ehyeh! '
Yes, why don't you worship the Lord Jesus ? And give glory to His Name 'JESUS' ? Or believe in His Word the Bible, yes the English Bible ?
Yah Ehyeh! Yah Ehyeh! Is NOT written in the Bible (in God's Word), obviously it is I and NOT you who magnifies God's Word the Bible.
You are adding names to the Scriptures which are not there, and which we can hardly pronounce them.
It is you who rejects the Word of God the Bible and magnifies other writings and languages.
It is you who thinks that you can get to know God by getting into His Word, even though plain intelligence will tell you that you cannot know the author of a book by reading his book, just like you will never know the true God by reading His Word the Bible.
Jesus said, ' you search the Scriptures and you think that in them you have eternal life, but it is the Scriptures who speak of Me and you are unwilling to come to me so that you would have life (John 5:39).
The scriptures are the scriptures. You add things to the scriptures. Do you honestly believe that is the way to go?