Sunday, January 29, 2017

The TRINITY-Fallacy !

Once the principal of unreason has entered the mind of a man, it will be impossible for such a man to accept intelligent reason, because we are now dealing with something more serious than reason.

Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves. (lord Byron)
(2 Peter 2:12) like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct.

Once the unreasonable mind has accepted that an unbiblical and unknowable god called Jehovah or Yahweh is saving sinners THROUGH someone else called Jesus, then the purpose of deception is completed.

The Word of God said, that there is only ONE GOD who is Deity, and that is the Lord our God Jesus Christ who is our great God and saviour (Tit. 2:10 -13) and He said, Hear O Israel ! The Lord our God is ONE Lord. (Mark 12:29), the scribe said to the Lord Jesus Christ (v.32)You have truly stated that HE is ONE, and there is no one else besides HIM.
But the unreasonable mind says that GOD is THREE, three in one, (a TRINITY of persons and each person is fully god). Further more, the unreasonable mind says that the Lord Jesus is NOT the Father, and both are ONE.

(Deuteronomy 6:4) Hear, O Israel ! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one !
But the unreasonable mind says that there is a mighty God called Jesus and an almighty God called Jehovah or Yahweh, one God a little bigger than the other God, one God is the Father of the other God etc.
The entire Bible addresses God as 'HE or HIM' (singular).
But the unreasonable mind calls and addresses THREE god-persons as 'HIM', (a plural to be singular) and to justify that nonsense they call Him in another language “Elohim”, which is supposed to be a plural noun for 'gods' or 'deity'.

Even though the doctrine of the TRINITY is not even mentioned once in the Bible, but the unreasonable mind still tries to re-arrange the wording for the ignorant so that it might become remotely possible for them to believe that lie.
And thus, such people claim to have the mind of Christ.

2 Peter 3:5 KJV. For this they WILLINGLY are ignorant of, it is not that they do not know, but they WILLINGLY believe the lie because they do not love the truth which is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6'), and neither did they receive the love of the truth so as to be saved (2 Thes. 2:10).

As for you, if you like to know the TRUTH, then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and only then you shall be delivered from the fallacy of the TRINITY.
To believe the TRINITY is to transgress the first and the second commandment of the Lord our God, but for us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is but ONE GOD, and that is the FATHER (1 Corinthians 8:6), He is our only God and saviour Jesus Christ (Jude 1:25).
Jesus said, they would rather reject the commandments of the Lord for the sake of the tradition of men (Mark 7:8-9).

Agree or not agree, that is the question.

If you are not sure, or have any questions concerning Scripture passages which trouble you, then please send me a comment, I like to talk to you :-)


  1. So, what I get out of your post is that someone, who doesn't agree with you and your non-scriptural doctrine is unreasonable. Therefore, God's Word is unreasonable. Interesting and illogical thought, since you don't know what God's Word really says. You rely on tradition and a man-made doctrine and erroneous translation of the Scriptures.

    You know, I would have more respect for your position if you knew what the original Scriptures actually said and debated, from that point. However, I have shown you that your "English Bible" was translated from an original tongue and the translators got it wrong.

    With that said, I agree that the Trinitarian's are wrong. However, your twisted idea of combining Jesus and the Father as one entity, while ignoring and even denying Jesus' humanity, is just as wrong and dangerous.

    You know, every time you and I debate, I follow Acts 17:11 and I give you the benefit of doubt by checking the Scriptures again and again. However, I know that you have never honored the commandment in Acts 17:11 and given my position, any credence or even entertained the possibility, that God is using me to open your eyes and get you away from tradition and man's doctrines. That my friend is a great example of a closed and unreasonable mind.

  2. Hi Keith :-)
    well, I think that we should agree with the Scriptures and also use a sound reasoning.
    To me, sound reasoning is, one plus one equals two 1+1 = 2, does that sound like good reasoning ? :-)
    So then, Jesus said (John 10:30) "I and the Father are ONE".
    According to my reasoning, the Lord Jesus Christ is saying that He is the FATHER.

    If the Lord Jesus meant that He would be ONE in agreement with the Father, then they would be TWO who are in agreement with one another. But Jesus said that He and the Father are ONE, meaning one and the same person, "he who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).
    Or simply, If the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, then they are TWO.
    There is no other conclusion.

  3. Hi Paul, I totally agree that we should use sound reasoning and honestly the basis of our debate comes from whether or not to take the scriptures literally. I follow the example, given to us by Y'shua. When he referenced the scriptures, he did it literally. When he interpreted metaphorically, it was grounded in the literal interpretation. Correct me, if I wrong, but you feel that you can interpret metaphorically, without considering the literal.

  4. Keith, I see the Scriptures to be literally true and metaphorically supported.
    For instance, God is literally Spirit (John 4:24) without a body or flesh, and He caused Himself to be born into His own creation with a literal body (flesh) (Jesus).
    And the Lord Jesus is literally the Spirit who caused Himself to be born into His own creation (2 Cor. 3:17) literally.
    Now, at the birth of Jesus God was born into His own creation, He literally is God clothed in flesh or became a man, (Immanuel) (God with us literally).

    Now from here on God (Jesus Christ) spoke METAPHORICALLY about the Father, just as he has said in John 16:25, that is from the position of a man about Himself as the creator God the Father.
    Metaphorically about the Father, because He as God (Spirit) became a man does NOT have a Father (Hebrew 7:3), but rather, He is the Father (John 10:30) and therefore Jesus spoke METAPHORICALLY about the Father to them that do not know God, but to them who know God Jesus is speaking plainly or literally (John 16:25) that He (Jesus) is the Father (John 14:9) and many other verses.

    Jesus was speaking both, metaphoric and plainly and so does the Scripture. But it is for us to rightly interpret the Scripture and divide the error from the truth.
    The truth is that which the Scriptures and the Spirit said and pointing to Jesus, and the error is that which comes from other books and sources and pointing to Yahweh and any other name and god.

  5. Hey Paul,

    "God is literally Spirit (John 4:24)"

    That is correct, in our limited Space-Time. However, God created us, in his likeness, Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul. Since the garden, he has been unable to completely commune with man, due to sin, in his bodily form. Man lost a dimensionality which is completely against God's nature. Before the Fall, he was able to bodily commune with man. As a matter of scripture, God walked with Adam, in the garden, not in spirit, but completely. Genesis 3:8.

    Because of our sin, God is unable to be our presence, because it is against his nature. Therefore, the only way he can commune is in the Spirit. We will again be able to walk with him completely, in the Kingdom, the new heaven and new earth.

    For that reason, God dwelled Spiritually within the man Y'shua, who you call Jesus. He could not be the man Y'shua, because it would be against his sinless nature, to bodily dwell with man. Sin repulses God. Also, if God was Y'shua, it would also violate other parts of his nature, such as God cannot be sin, God cannot die, God cannot lie, which are three reasons Y'shua, could not be the Father.

    Y'shua was made sin for us, on the cross. This would have violated God's nature.
    Y'shua died on the cross. This would have violated God's nature.
    If Y'shua was the Father, then he lied to his Apostles, when he told them that he did not know the time or day of his return. This would have violated God's nature.

    When I say Y'shua was 100% God and 100% man, I mean that all men are 100% Body, 100% Spirit, 100% Mind and 100% Soul, speaking dimensionally. In the same way manner, Y'shua was 100% Man-Body, 100% God-Spirit, 100% Man-Mind and 100% Man-Soul. This doesn't mean he is a duality or that there are two Gods. God is Echad, one.

    In God's dimension, his Body, Spirit, Soul and Mind has a separate but dependent working relationship. That is why he is called Elohim, Gods, in the Tanakh, the Old Testament. This is how God can dwell with all believers and not violate his sinless nature.

    May God Bless You, My Friend.

  6. Wow Keith, I can see that you don't have a good picture of your god. Tell me, what can he really do ?
    You have been telling me that your god is so limited that he can't do the things he wants to do.
    Tell me, what is holding him back ? Does he want to save everybody, but somehow lacking power ?

    Perhaps you should repent, and turn away from such a limited god and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and then you shall be saved. The gospel of salvation has not changed since the Lord Jesus preached it and neither will it ever change.

    OK, would you agree with me that, if the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the Father, then Jesus and the Father are TWO ??
    TWO separate entities who were in the beginning, Jesus and the Father, (a Father with his Son) ?
    And if there are TWO entities, would they be called 'the gods' ?

  7. You said that Jesus is 100% God, what about your other god Yahweh, is he also 100% God ??

  8. Hi Paul, Really? Is that what you got out of all that? So I guess you are saying that Jesus is a sinful and lying God?

  9. No my friend, I am saying that Jesus is LORD, meaning the Lord God Almighty and there is no other beside Him.

    OK. again, if the Lord Jesus is 100% God AND Yahweh is also 100% God, then tell me, are there TWO entities who are each 100% God ?

    Keith, there cannot be TWO entities who are 100% God deity, otherwise, you believe in two gods.
    Again, it's not Einstein's theory. If you believe that Yahweh is God, then Jesus is not God but a liar.
    Remember, Jesus is NOT a mighty God, and Yahweh is the Almighty God as Brenda has said, that would also be TWO gods.

    The truth is that there is only ONE God and that is the LORD Jesus Christ, He alone is the alpha and the omega, and any other god is an impostor.
    The Lord Jesus Christ has NO FATHER or MOTHER or GENEALOGY or BEGINNING or END of days (Hebr. 7:3). And He does NOT change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebr. 13:8).

  10. Paul, if Y'shua is the Father, then he lied about not knowing the time of his return. Do you really want to say that?

  11. Hi Keith, that is a very goo point, and I have been asked that question numerous times.

    The answer to that question is, NO ! Jesus Christ our Father who is in heaven is not lying, He still doesn't know when He will return, the cup of His wroth against all ungodliness is not yet full. He knows that when everything is fulfilled and completed then He will come, for the Lord our God Jesus Christ is patient and long-suffering, wanting that no one will perish but all to be saved.
    Therefore you need to make every effort to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

    It's not complicated Keith, Isaiah said, 'How long will you hesitate between TWO opinions ? If the LORD Jesus Christ is God, follow Him; but if Yahweh (Baal), follow him' (1Kings 18:21).

  12. Paul, please read Matthew 24:36. Your comment doesn't coincide with the verse. It clearly says that the father knows but the son does not. Therefore your response doesn't make sense.

  13. Keith, you do not understand my response, because you don't believe the Scriptures and the Lord Jesus Christ. It's that simple.

    OK, I say it again, Jesus does NOT have a Father (Hebrew 7:3), He IS the Father (John 14:6), and neither do you believe that Jesus is speaking metaphorically (figuratively) about the Father (John 16:25).

    Because you believe that there are TWO identities who are each 100% God, therefore it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for you to understand what Jesus said.
    You can hear, but you do not understand.
    You can see, but the god of this world has blinded your eyes.
    And for this you are WILLINGLY ignorant.

  14. Paul, i totally understand your comment. I just dismiss it as unscriptural and just plain wrong. By the way, even if you look at Matthew 24:36, metaphorically, he was being deceptive. I'm sorry my friend, Y'shua and God are not liars or deceivers. You blaspheme Y'shua. Keep in mind, that you need to tread very carefully, you have come very close to attributing the things of God to Satan. That, my friend, is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

  15. OK then, you tell me, how can the Lord Jesus Christ be 100% God as you have said, and not know when He will return ?

    Look my friend, there is no one called Y'shua in the Bible. The God of the Bible is called JESUS!
    You need to ask yourself, why don't you like to call Jesus, JESUS ?

  16. The fullness of the Godhead bodily dwells in the Lord Jesus Christ (Col. 2:9).

    That does not mean that THREE persons, a trinity of people are dwelling in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    It means that everything there is to God (Deity) is in Jesus Christ our Lord and only God (1 Tim.1:17).
    He is the first, meaning the Father and He is also the last, meaning the Son.

  17. Paul, Isn't your body 100% Paul? Isn't your mind 100% Paul? Isn't your soul 100% Paul? Isn't your spirit part Paul and part God, depending on how how you give yourself over to God?

  18. Colossians 2:9 reads:

    For in him dwells the deity of God, spiritually.

    The Word, used is the Greek word, sōmatikōs, which means spiritual body. Look it up. It's the only time that the word is used, in the B'rit Hadashah, New Testament. Every other time, the word, body, shows up, in the KJV Version, of the B'rit Hadashah, New Testament, it is the Greek word, soma, which means physical body.

    This is another great example of how the translators erroneously translated the scriptures. As a matter of fact, they translated Colossians 2:9, out of sequence, in order to fit their doctrine.

    Look it up, for yourself. What are you so afraid of? The Truth? What's the worse that could happen, you prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I'm wrong? What's the best thing, that could happen, that your eyes are open to the truth and you get to know God, on a more intimate basis? I ask again .... What are you so afraid of?

  19. No Keith, my body is 100% BODY and not 100% a name.
    100% means, everything there is, (totally ALL) ! If something is missing, then it's NOT 100%.
    So then, if the Lord Jesus Christ is 100% God, that means that He is ALL that there is to God.
    And if there is another one also 100% God, then there are TWO gods.

    Keith, you said that you believe that Jesus is 100% God, then why did Jesus say that the Father is greater than Him ? (John 14:28)
    How much is missing from the 100% of God ?
    If another ONE is greater than Jesus Christ, then Jesus is NOT 100% God. Just be honest and don't be willfully ignorant.

    Are you saying that there are TWO who are 100% God, or are you saying that only ONE is 100% God and the other is a lesser god because He said that the Father is greater than Him ?
    How many % are missing for Him to be 100% God ?

    Col. 2:9 does NOT say, 'For in him dwells the deity of God, spiritually.'
    That is a deception to suit your doctrine to demote the Lord Jesus Christ to a mere man.
    You need to read the Bible and no other religious books who have no authority.
    And in English it means that all there is to God is in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO other.
    'Understand that I am He, before Me, NO God was formed nor will there be one after Me.' Isaiah 43:10 – 12.

    BTW, you don't get to know God by reading a book, just as much as you don't get to know the Queen of England by reading a book.

  20. I'm sorry that you can't comprehend percentages within the multiple dimensional universe, in which we live and God created. You comprehension is on 5th grade level, which reveals that your doctrine is from someone other than God. Also,it's unscriptural and denies God himself. Sad, so sad.

  21. Keith, I do not deny God, I proclaim Jesus Christ to be the ONLY true God just as the Scriptures said (Jude 1:25), and you proclaim a god called Yahweh who is NOT mentioned in the Bible.

    It is reasonable to say, if the Lord Jesus Christ is 100% DEITY, then He does NOT and can not lack on power or knowledge, otherwise He is NOT 100% DEITY, God cannot be limited and be 100%.
    God is 100% DEITY and not 100% God AND 100% of a name, as you have said.

    Also, you said that Jesus is 100% God, therefore the question remains, why does Jesus not know when He returns ?
    And why would Lord Jesus say that the Father is greater than Him, if Jesus is 100% God ?
    Are there TWO who are 100% God ?

  22. You do realize that the name of Jesus doesn't appear in June 1:25? Therefore, another classic example of how scripture was changed to match your doctrine. Throughout the book of Jude, there is a clear definition between our Father, being God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, Y'shua ha Mashiach, the Son.

    As for lacking knowledge, it's well documented that Y'shua did not have the same level of information as his Father. This is because he is not the Father or has his mind. However, he did possess his Spirit, where the power of God dwells.

  23. Keith, there is only ONE saviour, and that is GOD, a man cannot forgive sins and neither can he save.
    Jude 1:25 the title GOD belongs to the only saviour JESUS, (Titus 2:10 – 12) says 'the ONLY GOD our saviour'.

    What you are doing is, you are separating the title 'God' from the person Jesus Christ who is our only saviour.
    Yes, God is our Father, but that God and Father is Jesus Christ our Lord and only God just as it is written in Jude 1:25 and in Titus 2:10 – 12.

    You said, "As for lacking knowledge, it's well documented that Y'shua did not have the same level of information as his Father. This is because he is not the Father or has his mind. However, he did possess his Spirit, where the power of God dwells."

    No Keith, this is not true, you need to rethink that statement.

  24. Paul,

    You said, "No Keith, this is not true, you need to rethink that statement."

    No, Paul. You need to read the scriptures for what they say and lean on the Lord, for understanding. God has used me to give you the truth. You need to get away from man's thinking and rely on the God of the scriptures.

  25. Keith, to you the word 'TRUTH' means, your doctrines and that which you read in other books, other than the Bible who is the Word of God.

    To me the word 'TRUTH' means 'Jesus Christ' who said that "I am the TRUTH" (John 14:6), and every doctrine of the Scriptures points to Jesus Christ and is portrayed and explained in Jesus Christ who is the ONLY God there is (Jude 1:25 and Titus 2:10 – 12 and 1 John 5:20 and in numerous other passages.
    And if NOT, then it is not true and not the truth.

    The Lord Jesus Christ said through the mouth of Isaiah 45:22, "Look at Me and be saved, I am God and there is no other". "Before Me was NO God formed, and there will be NONE after Me. I even I am the Lord, and there is NO saviour beside Me (JESUS)" 43:10 – 11.

    Look my friend, you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His Word the Bible and NOT in extra biblical books where there is NO truth, but only deception and misrepresentations.

    When the Lord Jesus said that He is the TRUTH, then He doesn't mean that there is another one called the Father or Yahweh who is ALSO the truth, or shares in the concept of truth.
    When the Lord Jesus said that He and the Father are ONE, then He does not mean that He is one in union with another one called Father.
    When the Lord Jesus said that He is the WAY, then it doesn't mean that there is ANOTHER way.
    When the Lord Jesus said that He is the LIFE, then He does NOT mean that there is also life in another god called Yahweh.

    No my friend, there is only one way for you, and that is to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Yes I understand that the word 'repent' is considered a dirty word, but that is necessarily for you, or you will perish with the rest of the world.
    Remember, whosoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ will NOT perish but have everlasting life.

  26. My friend, truth comes from a literal interpretation of the Scriptures. Your errant doctrine comes from a non-literal interpretation of the Scriptures, which can lead you and has lead you astray.

    Do you not believe in a literal creation story? Do you not believe in a literal Adam and Eve, in the garden? Do you not believe in a literal interpretation of the flood? Do you not believe in a literal interpretation of the history of Israel? Do you not believe in a literal patriarchs? Do you not believe that God literally brought salvation throughY'shua, Jesus?

    I could go on and on and on and on, but I think, no, I hope you get my point. If Jesus interpreted the Bible literally, then why don't you? A little interpretation gives you The truth not an imaginary truth or metaphorical. Yes, metaphorical gives you insight that God wishes you to have, but it's based on only a literal interpretation of the Scriptures. I believe in only the literal interpretation of the Scriptures, not all these other books that you imagine, in the same way you imagine your doctrine.

  27. I don't think so my friend, if truth comes by a literal interpretation, then we would NOT have so many different 'truth's ' and denominations, churches and creeds.
    Rev. 13:1, do you really think that a beast with ten horns and seven heads is coming up out of the Pacific Ocean ?

    Yes Keith, there is a literal interpretation and that you should accept literally, and there is also a spiritual interpretation and it is there where you ought to rightly divide the word of truth.
    First read it literally, and if you don't understand the literal, then ask the Lord Jesus He will tell you what is means. If all attempts fail, then ask a brother who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, he surely will tell you what it means.
    John 10:30, does not mean that there is another one called Father who is apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    You see, it is the Spirit in a man who judges ALL things, and only by that Spirit you will understand ALL things, and the Lord Jesus has NOT given you a Spirit of stupor, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. And any man who has not received that Spirit does NOT belong to God and neither can he understand the things of the Spirit, such a man can only understand the things of the soul through reasoning etc.
    After the sin of Adam and Eve ALL mankind was born spiritually DEAD and for that reason Jesus said that a man must be born again to be able to see and enter the realm of the Spirit.
    And that new birth is NOT a theoretical birth, it is experiential. And neither is the new birth believing something or get water baptized or joining a church or whatever else, no, the new birth is a FREE gift of God lest any man may boast.

    Now, every man has a soul, that's why he is physically alive and functioning in the realm of the soul, he can see with his natural eyes, providing he was not born blind, and he can reason and do whatever anyone else can do.
    But his spirit is dead, therefore he cannot function in the Spirit, but every man who is born of the Spirit of God will acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ to be their Father who is in heaven and cry (Abba Father, that is because they are born of Him, JESUS.
    For that reason the Spirit of the Lord was given to indwell a man to MAGNIFY, EXALT and WORSHIP the Lord Jesus Christ as their LORD and GOD and saviour to all generations for ever and ever.
    And every spirit that will demote the Lord Jesus Christ in any form or way, is NOT the Spirit of God, because all the glory, honor and majesty must be to the LORD Jesus Christ alone and to NO other.

    The Lord Jesus did not interpret the Bible, He wrote the Bible, and perhaps to some of His close disciples He gave them a deeper insight and understanding than to others.

  28. Hi Paul, The more and more you say something, it becomes more and more evident, that you don't even read your own Bible nor understand the simplist of things.

    Your question, concerning Revelation, reveals a lack of understanding. Even your Bible says that Revelation has been signified, which means to symbolize. Right off the bat, the readers are told that it's not to be taken literally, but symbolically.

    As for the rest of the Bible, yes, it is to be taken literally. The reason why there are so many different denominations, ideas, so-called truths, etc, is that people like you, don't believe God and his Word. You have to change to make it more palletable to man's limited understanding. It is a spiritual book, to be interpreted by those who have the gift of Gods Spirit.

    I just said a prayer for you. I ask God to open your eyes to his truth, not Satan's I hope you will pursue it.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Brenda said...
    Sorry, forgot to quote which scriptures these were.

    Jesus had the Spirit of God the Father in Him, and that is why He acknowledged God the Father.

    'for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father. I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; I am leaving the world again and going to the Father.'
    His disciples said, 'Lo, now You are speaking plainly and are not using a figure of speech. Now we know that You know all things, and have no need for anyone to question You; by this we believe that You came from God.' John ch. 16 vs. 27-30.

    'Speaking plainly' means not using metaphorical speech Paul.

  31. Keith, you said that I don't believe 'GOD' and his Word.

    WHICH God are you talking about ?
    Do you mean that I don't believe in a god called Yahweh who is not mentioned in His Word the Bible ?
    Is that god an unknowable god of your own making ?

    Keith, I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY true God there is, and any other god is a false god.

    When you asked God to open my eyes, please tell me, WHICH God did you ask ?
    That is a legitimate question Keith.
    Everybody says the they believe in God, in fact every devil and demon believes in God.
    Muslims, Mormons, Hare Krishna and all Christians etc. say that they believe in God. But what they all have in common is, none of them will tell you who that God is.
    They all call him 'God', and each one of them has their own perception of an unknowable god with many different names, but none of them believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. Why ?

    What about you Keith, why don't you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    Why do you pray to a god whose name is not even in the Bible ?
    Do you think that he is going to hear you ?

    The Lord Jesus Christ is better than the god you call Yahweh.
    Jesus said that anything you ask in My Name I will do for you, He didn't say, anything you ask in the name of Yahweh, so then, why don't you believe in Him ?

  32. Hi Brenda, you are always starting with a wrong presupposition. You think that there are TWO gods, ONE of them is called God the Father, the other ONE is called god the Son and then you are reasoning from that ironic platform.

    Look Brenda, reasoning from that way makes it impossible for you to know God, and it makes it impossible for you to understand His Word the Bible.
    Worst of all, you are preaching another god, another gospel, another Jesus and another spirit than the ONE we preach.

    Brenda, why is my speech not clear to you ?
    Why can't you hear what the Lord Jesus is saying ?

    I know that you can read the Scriptures, but you certainly don't understand them. During the years I have been explaining those passages to you many times over, and yet, you still don't understand.

  33. I think the same as Jesus Paul, as when we are in Christ we have the mind of Christ,and when it is shown in scripture that Jesus is speaking CLEARLY (Which means 'not metaphorically')I totally agree with Him.

  34. by the way Paul,
    where you say:-
    Brenda, why is my speech not clear to you ?
    Why can't you hear what the Lord Jesus is saying ?'

    Yes, Paul, your speech is very clear to me. However, it does not agree with what the Lord Jesus is saying when He is speaking clearly.

  35. No Brenda you don't think the same as Jesus, and neither do you totally agree with Him or have the mind of Christ, otherwise you would believe in Him.

    If you would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I surely would give you an amen, but as it is you are believing and worshiping an unbiblical god called Yahweh whom you claim to be the Father of Jesus Christ.
    You don't believe the Lord Jesus Christ, and neither do you agree with Him when He said that He is the Father (John 14:9 and John 10:30), and neither do you believe the Scriptures who said that He is without father or mother or beginning of days or end of life (Hebr, 7:3).
    It is the Lord Jesus Christ who said 'I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever more' (Rev. 1:17 – 18).
    Obviously only God alone is the first, without a father and without a beginning and all that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Well Brenda, I think that you wouldn't believe that anyway. I think that there is nothing that you would believe and say which would give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In contrast, you are an expert of promoting someone else as God, an identity called Yahweh who is supposed to be the Father and the God of the Lord Jesus Christ and yours.

    Is that the mind of Christ Brenda ? I don't think so.

    As long as you are so stubborn, there will be no progress in your spiritual walk.
    You need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ONLY ! And in nobody else, yes Brenda, nobody else.
    Don't think that you can understand the Scriptures without believing first in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    First, you need to repent, then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and after you will understand the Scriptures.
    It's NOT the other way around Brenda.

  36. Jesus was the express image of God Paul, being born of God's Spirit and not of man.
    When He is speaking of Himself He is not speaking of His physical appearance, He is speaking Spiritually.:-

    In John ch. 12 vs. 44-50 Jesus says:-

    'Then Jesus cried out and said, 'He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father Who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.”

  37. Paul, you keep asking the same question, but you are not hearing my answer. The God of this universe, the God of all creation is Yah, Yah Ehyeh, Yahweh, YHWH. It appears that it is your ears, that are clogged.

    You keep telling Brenda and me, that we do not think like Jesus. Well, maybe not the Jesus that you serve, but we do serve Y'shua, Jesus, the Son of God. What we believe is scriptural, the Word of God, which is Y'shua, Jesus. And honestly I don't know your Jesus, the one that says things that are not in the Word of God. Your beliefs are not of the Y'shua, Jesus of the Bible.

  38. Wow Brenda, that is exactly true, then why don't you believe Him ?

    What does that mean that He is the express (EXACT) image of God ?
    I wonder why you can't see that.

    You said, Jesus 'being born of God's Spirit and not of man.'
    Yes Brenda, but what does that mean ?
    Do you mean that Jesus is born of someone else's Spirit ?
    Please think !
    I know what you are thinking, you think that the Lord Jesus Christ had a dead spirit and He needed to be born again just like you, therefore He became the first born among the brethren.
    But you are in great error not knowing the Scriptures or the Power of God.

    Please think about the verses you have quoted, it's not difficult.
    You said, 'He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me.'
    Tell me, why does the Scripture and I ask you to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ?

    You said, 'And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me.'
    Well Brenda, that is as plain as day. Jesus is saying, when you are looking at the Lord Jesus Christ you are seeing GOD, you are seeing the FATHER, that is, because Jesus is the express image of God. You don't need to look any further or past the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Yes that's right, the Lord Jesus came to save you, therefore you should believe in Him, but if you will not believe in Him but in another god called Yahweh or whatever name you like to give him, then judgement has already come, because you have not believed in the only one whom God has sent.

  39. No Keith, what you and Brenda believe is NOT in the Bible (the Scriptures).

    Tell me, where in the Bible is there a god called 'Yah, Yah Ehyeh, and Yahweh ?
    It's NOT there Keith, you have invented those gods, and don't say that those two gods created the heavens and the earth.

    Now, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you that the Bible says that ALL things were created BY the Lord Jesus Christ and FOR the Lord Jesus Christ and NOTHING came into being apart from Him (JESUS) (Col. 1:15 -20 and John 1:3 – 10 and Rev. 14:7).
    It is JESUS who is God with us (Mat.1:23)
    It is JESUS God who appeared in a body (1 Tim.3:16).
    It is JESUS who is the ONLY God our saviour (Jude 1:25 and Tit. 2:10).
    It is JESUS who said, 'I am the LORD, I make ALL things ALONE' ! (Isa. 44:24), and the list goes on and on.

    If the Lord Jesus makes all things alone, then there is NO OTHER; and NO! There is NO OTHER Name given, NOT Yah, Yah Ehyeh, or Yahweh or any other name.
    And any other is an impostor the devil.

    What you and Brenda are doing is preaching a God which is NOT Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
    Your god is an unbiblical god who is nowhere mentioned in the Bible.
    You are quoting a metaphor to indicate that the Lord Jesus Christ would have a Father, even though the Lord Jesus claims to be the Father, but you ignore Him when He said that concerning the Father He is speaking metaphorically (figurative).

    So, what you need to do is to repent, turn away from your false gods and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

    I am saying those things so that you might be saved.

  40. Paul,
    I believe the Lord is telling me to finish this conversation. We do not judge one another, that Word is our judge and it will not return to Him void.

  41. Brenda, the Lord Jesus Christ is telling you to repent and believe in Him.
    Don't try to escape the chastisement of the Lord, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ does NOT change, it is the same to day as it was two thousand years before.

    There is no one who will tell you the truth, they all flatter with their tongues in order to win your approval.
    But it is the Lord who is calling you to Himself, I am only a voice crying in the wilderness.

  42. Brenda, as a mater of fact, we do judge one another, but we do not pass sentence on people.

    But I judge every word you say and everything you do and every doctrine you believe etc.
    1 Cor. 2:15, We who are spiritual judge ALL things. And we will also judge angels (1 Cor 6:3), and if we judge angels, how much more should we judge one another.
    It's not bad Brenda, but it is good for you so that you might be saved.

    Yes, it is true that Jesus did not came to judge the world, but to save the world (John 12:47). But it is also true that the Lord Jesus came into this world for judgement (John 9:39), those who believe in Him are saved and those who don't believe will be judged.

  43. Paul, my friend, your gospel, that you preach, is not the Gospel, that the Scriptures and Y'shua, Jesus taught. Not only have you circumvented the true Gospel, with a false teaching, you have also blasphemed God. Y'shua, Jesus, the one, of the true Gospel, would never have blasphemed God, his father.

    I ask you to open your ears, your heart, your soul and your mind, to the Scriptures, the real scriptures and reread The verses that you and Brenda were discussing.

    I also ask you to do something, that I am 100% sure of, that you have not done, and that is invoke the Spirit of God, to lead you into all truth of the Scriptures.

    You are correct that we are to judge one another's fruits, not one's position in the Lord, especially when the one that you are judging proclaims the Gospel. That's why I want to make sure that you understand that I am not judging you, but what you are teaching. I am judging your fruits, which are clearly not of the Spirit of God.

  44. Well, thank you my friend for judging me, that's exactly what we have been doing in all our posts and comments, and I wonder why Brenda can't see that :-(

    Or perhaps she can see it but she just doesn't want to repent. She is as stubborn as a mule, no wonder why her husband said that she is capable to talk off the hind legs of a donkey ;-)

    I think that stubbornness is NOT a Godly quality, as for all of us who claim to believe in God we ought to be eager in listening and quick in repentance.
    A life in Christ Jesus is a life of repentance with a humble and a yielding heart towards the Lord Jesus Christ.

    No Keith, I do NOT blaspheme God, I love the Lord My God with all my heart, with all my strength and with all my soul, you can read that in ALL of my posts and comments.
    But I condemn every other god and name and doctrine who is against the knowledge of Jesus Christ who is the ONLY true God there is (1 John 5:20).

    Concerning the gospel; Jesus does NOT have a Father just as the Scriptures said, but rather, He IS the Father just as He has said.
    It is the gospel which I Paul preach (Col. 1:13- 23), which is the gospel of Jesus Christ and of no other.
    The gospel is NOT a cleverly designed strategy always pertaining to salvation.
    The gospel is the Lord Jesus Christ portrayed in all things.
    The gospel of God is Jesus Christ portrayed as the only true God.
    The gospel of salvation is Jesus Christ portrayed as the only saviour.
    The gospel of the Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ portrayed as King and God in His Kingdom etc. etc.
    How you do that is all up to you, as long as Jesus Christ is preached and proclaimed.

    You said, 'that you have not done, and that is invoke the Spirit of God, to lead you into all truth of the Scriptures.'

    Well Keith, the Spirit of God is NOT a third person among the gods as the trinitarians think.
    According to the Scriptures and my knowledge, the Spirit of God is Jesus Christ the Lord (2 Cor. 3:17).

    It is important that you believe that LORD means GOD, or else you end up in a confusion.
    Lord doesn't mean little lord Fauntleroy, or one of the lords.
    Lord is just another word or title for God.

  45. You can sit there and spout man made doctrinal beliefs and belittle the Word of God beliefs. But the Gospel is clear to those who will read them, themselves, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is God, himself, who lives in all the Remnant of God. That, my friend, is the great big difference, between you and me. You base your beliefs on a man made doctrine. As for me, I will always base my beliefs, on the Holy Scriptures of God.

  46. Keith, "man made doctrines".
    I wish that all men would believe the doctrine of God, that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY God there is.
    Does it trouble you that the Lord Jesus Christ is the mighty God and the everlasting Father (Isa. 9:6) ?
    Interesting, it doesn't mentioned that Yahweh is also a mighty God and the everlasting Father.

    Don't you think that the Scriptures surely would say at least once that Yahweh is the mighty God and the Father ?
    And remember, it is JESUS Christ who spoke through the mouth of Isaiah (John 12:41) saying, "I am the LORD, I make all things ALONE" (Isa. 44:24).
    And NO ! There are not TWO LORDS (Mark 12:29), and Jesus Christ is called 'LORD' and NOT Yahweh.
    But then again, there are people who "deny our ONLY Master and LORD, Jesus Christ." (Jude 1:4).

    You need to believe the Bible my friend, the Bible is the Word of God.

  47. Paul, It appears that we can agree, that there are man made doctrines, which have led people astray. One thing I hope and pray that we finally, after going back and forth, come to the real truth. Let the bantering continue. :-) Seriously, I firmly believe that we both love God, with all our hearts, and God will draw us, to him, to the truth of salvation.

  48. Yes my friend, we both love God, but the question is WHICH God ?
    If God is only ONE, then it is of great importance to know which ONE God we ought to love ?

    If you love a god called Yahweh and I love the only true God the Lord Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20), then there is a big question, which one of US loves the right and true God ? Is it Yahweh or is it the Lord Jesus Christ ?

    No Keith ! Both can't be the true God, one of them has to be a false god, called the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).
    Well, I say that Yahweh is a false god, the god of this world and the Lord Jesus Christ is the true God the creator of heaven and earth and eternal life, just as the Scriptures said.

    (1 Kings 18:21), How long are you going to oscillate between two opinions ? if the Lord Jesus Christ is God, then serve Him; and if Baal is God, then serve him.
    (Baal is the god of this world.)

  49. The question we need to ask, do Muslims love God ?
    And, do Jehovah Witnesses love God ?
    What about Christians, do they love God ? And the Hare Krishna and all the rest of religions, do they love God ?

    They all claim to love God, but the question remains, WHICH God do they love ??
    Do they ALL believe in the same God and love the same God ?

    Well, I think NOT !
    The Lord Jesus Christ said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE", therefore anyone who does not love the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart does NOT love the TRUE God, but a false god.

  50. When Muslims murder the infidels and say "Allahu akbar" (God is great), they do NOT mean that the Lord Jesus Christ is great. They mean that an unknowable god called Allah is great.

    The same is with ignorant Christians, when they say, "God said", they also mean that an unknowable god said something.
    Mostly, those ignorant Christians believe that THREE persons together make up ONE god (an unknowable god) and perhaps one of those three persons was speaking.

    I wonder why they never pause and think about.

    When I and all believers who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ say "God", we mean the Lord Jesus Christ alone! and any other god apart from Him is a false god, the god of this world which is the devil (2 Cor. 4:4).
    Just as the Lord Jesus has said that they belong to their father the devil (John 8:44), and we know the works of the devil, lying, stealing, murder etc.

  51. It is reasonable to say that according to the Scriptures, if there is only ONE God and that is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6), then the Father has to be the Lord Jesus Christ just as Jesus has said (John 10:30 and John 14:9 and Isa.9:6).

    Anyone who does NOT believe that, does NOT know God and stand condemned (John 8:24 and 2 Thes. 1:8).

    The gospel of salvation is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in NO other, and then you shall be saved, that is the salvation.
    The condemnation is to believe NOT in the Lord Jesus Christ but believe in another, and then you shall be damned.

  52. It is also reasonable to say; if there is someone else, other than the Lord Jesus Christ who is 'God', then the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the God of all creation, and then all of the Scriptures are NOT true.

    And, if you believe in a god which is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, then you believe in a false god and stand condemned before the only true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20).

  53. Thanks for your comment on my blog "God thinking "Getting To Know God Better." Please delete this post if you like after reading. I don't get much traffic on my site and the reason that I have the site is to share what I have discovered with others. Hos is it that you get so many comments. It seems like that is quite a blessing. The only comments I have received is yours and one other this year. I have had this blog for about 7 years. I must be dong something wrong. Thanks, PKP

  54. Hi Keith, thanks for dropping by :-)

    I have made it my habit to read other peoples blogs to see and read the condition of the so called "Church".
    Some of the blog-posts are very good and glorify my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, to them I give an amen and to others a correction and if necessarily a rebuke.
    I have found that my compliments are well taken, but not the correction of the Lord.

    Once the post administrators realize that I have a very strong stand against the doctrine of the trinity, they usually don't post my comments, nor do they leave a comment on my blog.

    I think that all those blog-sites are a very good place or platform to debate misconceptions and doctrines concerning the kingdom of God and to expand the borders of our understanding, and also a good opportunity to present the gospel of our wonderful Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

    Here on this blog I do NOT delete any comments, good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, and please feel free to say whatever you like.
    Sometimes it gets a little heated, but that is necessarily for our spiritual growth :-) and for the gospels sake.

    Again, feel free to join in or debate any topic you like.

  55. Paul, You may believe in multiple gods, but there is only one God, and that is Yah, regardless of all the idols and make believe gods, that you conjure up. As for Allah, that is a figment of Islamic imagination. Any god, other than Yah Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, is a conjuring of Satan. The Bible proclaims Yah as God. Y'shua proclaims Yah, his Father, as God. The Talmidim proclaimed, in their writtings, that Yah is God. God's Remnant proclaims Yah is God. You keep hanging on to this unscriptural belief that Y'shua, Jesus is to be elevated above Yah. Yah is not dead, even though you wish to kill him off and replace him with Jesus.

  56. Thanks Keith for a clear declaration. I'm glad that you are back again my friend :-)

    Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Krishna, Yah Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is not found in the Bible, it's just not there Keith !
    Be honest, have you ever heard anyone of those names being blasphemed ? I don't think so my friend, that is because none of those names are the Name of God, and for that reason they don't blaspheme those names, but all the nations blaspheme the only Name of God, which is JESUS who is the Christ.

    The Scriptures (BIBLE) said that ALL DAY long His NAME is blasphemed among the nations (Isaiah 52:5). And not only that, the Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you (Rom. 2:24). You rather believe in some Jewish doctrines than in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, perhaps that is the reason why you can't hear the blasphemy of God's one and only Name JESUS.

    Jesus said, that God is His Father (figurative John 16:25), and that is to those who don't know God, but to them that know Him He said that He IS the Father (John 14:9 + John 10:30 and Isa. 9:6 etc.).
    Therefore I recommend that you should believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and correct and rebuke all those who blaspheme God's ONE and ONLY Name JESUS (Acts 4:12).

  57. Paul, It's good to be back. I agree that Y'shua's name is blasphemed a lot. I'm assuming that you mean when someone has irreverently said Jesus Christ or just his name, Jesus. Honestly, that is bad, but has only happened for approximately 700 years, ever since the Scriptures were poorly translated into English. Technically, Jesus isn't the proper pronunciation of his name, but I'll concede your point.

    However, God's name is blasphemed and has been blasphemed for the past 6000 years. God means Yah, Yah means God, no matter how you look at it. People say GD far more that JC. It just a matter of fact. Just because you refuse to acknowledge the truth that the English translation came after the original Greek and Hebrew, doen't change the facts.

  58. Thank you Keith for saying that you are agreeing, but you really don't agree at all.

    And yes, Jesus is the only Name God ever had and has, therefore when they say irreverently 'Jesus Christ', they blaspheme God's one and only Name.
    They blasphemed His Name from the time He came into this world, that's from 2000 years ago.
    Before He came to be with us in the flesh, they did not know His Name, but they made up names for God just like you do, and they blasphemed his Name by whatever name they gave Him.

    The word 'God' is a title and that is the title of the Lord Jesus Christ, but that is NOT His Name.
    So when they irreverently say 'God', they blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ by His title (Deity).
    It is the same as when they say irreverently 'Christ', that also is NOT His Name, but it is His title which means ('God came in flesh'), but His Name is JESUS.
    The titles Christ, God and Lord belongs to Jesus of Nazareth, He is the Lord and the God and the Christ, therefore when they blaspheme any title which belongs to Jesus Christ they blaspheme His Name.

    Blaspheming is when they are denying that Jesus is God, or denying that Jesus is the Christ, or denying that Jesus is the Lord. By that I mean the ONLY true God, and the only LORD God, not one of the lords or one of the god's.

    No Keith, God does not mean Yah. God means God (Deity), just read the Bible and don't make up stuff which is not in the Bible.

    In the Old Testament the Name of God (JESUS) was not known, therefore they blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ by His titles and the names they made up for God.

  59. Well, once again we agree to disagree, but the facts are on my side.

  60. No my friend, I don't agree to disagree, I like to win you for Jesus Christ :-)
    The fact is, God means God ! it doesn't mean Yah.
    What is the point of saying that it means something different than what it says ?
    The moment when you say that it means something different, then deception has entered.

    The Scriptures said, “EVERYTHING was made by Him and for Him and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being”. Only God can create things and that God is JESUS.
    That whole chapter is speaking about Jesus, yes, it is speaking about how God came into this world and the world did NOT recognize Him. Who Him ? That is GOD of course, they did NOT recognize God.

    Just like you, you don't recognize Him and neither do you give Him glory and honor Him as God.
    Who is that 'HIM' ?
    JESUS of course, the whole chapter is speaking about the only God who came into this world.
    God does NOT change, He is the same yesterday, to day and forever just as the prophets have said that He would cause Himself to be born into His own creation through a virgin, Jesus who is the Christ (God in flesh) Emanuel.

  61. I appreciate your dedication to your cause, Paul. However, I am a bondservant to God, through our Lord Y'shua, our promised Messiah. I have been bought and paid for. I have been set free, but I freely gave myself to the service of the Lord. You will never win me over to raise the Messiah above God. I am part of the Remnant, that the Spirit of God dwells within and leads into all truth. As the bible says, the Messiah is one with the Father as we are one with the Messiah. It does not say Y'shua is the Father. Y'shua is the rightful heir of the Kingdom, by which God has decreed. He is Gods rightful representative. You are correct, when you say, 'When we see Y'shua, we see the Father,' , because Y'shua is the physical representation of the Father. The Spirit of the Father dwells uninhibited within Y'shua.

  62. Well my friend, it's not my cause, it's the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ which He has commissioned me to present to you.
    Now the gospel of God is Jesus Christ portrayed as God, that is the gospel of God.

    Yes you have been bought and paid for, but that is by God and NOT by a man. If you would have been bought by a man you would belong to a man, and if you have been bought by God you would belong to God.
    I belong to God, to the one who bought me with the price of His blood Jesus Christ My Lord and my God.
    And the Messiah is not above God, but rather He IS God, the Messiah is God came in flesh (Immanuel) and lived among us as the only begotten Son of God full of grace and truth.

    The Messiah is NOT one in union with another one called 'Father', to the contrary, He IS the Father just as He has said in John 10:30 and John 14:9 and in many other verses.

    Jesus said, "I am the LORD, I make all things ALONE" ! (Isaiah 42:24).
    Can you see that Jesus is the LORD ? There is only ONE Lord and NOT two lords, and He doesn't make anything TROUGH another. Only God is the creator and NOT a man, and neither does He create anything THROUGH a man.
    Please just read the Scriptures and believe it. Don't believe man invented doctrines who demote the Lord Jesus Christ to a mere man.

  63. Keith, you said, "The Spirit of the Father dwells uninhibited within Y'shua."
    Let's look at that statement.
    Do you believe that God is the Father, or should I ask you, that God is the Spirit (John 4:24)?
    If Yes, then how can the Spirit have a Spirit to dwell in Jesus ?

    And why don't you believe that the Lord Jesus is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17) ? that's what the Scriptures and a God-given reasoning says.

  64. That's a good question, Paul. The straight answer is the same way that Gods Spirit dwells within the Remnant. With us,unfortunately, we resist the Spirit. With Y'shua, he gave himself completely over to the Spirit of God and was able to do great things. If we could give ourselves completely over to God's Spirit, we could be sons of God, too. That's what is meant by giving us power to become sons of God.

  65. By the way, there is no place, in the Bible,that says that Y'shua is the Father, little alone that every OT reference to God is Y'shua or Jesus.

  66. Keith, you can never become a son of God by giving yourself completely over to God, just like you can never become a son to the Queen of England by giving yourself completely over to her.
    Don't you know that a son is in the father BEFORE he was born ?

    Concerning the Father; Jesus Himself said that He is the Father.
    "He who has seen ME has seen the Father".
    Jesus did not say that he who has seen Me, does not see Me but someone else.

    Keith, the whole of the Old Testament speaks about Jesus, they just didn't know His Name, that is because His Name had not been given in the Old Testament and only when He was born into His own creation through a virgin, and from then on His Name was made known to us, 'Jesus' (Mat. 1:25).
    (Isa. 9:6) the child to be born, 'His Name shall be called EVERLASTING FATHER', yes Keith, just read it, Jesus is called the everlasting Father and NOT another.
    And through the mouth of Jeremiah (3:19) Jesus said that you ought to call Me Father.

    Jesus made it clear that 'Moses wrote about Me' (John 5:46), and Isaiah saw the glory of the the Lord Jesus and he spoke (John 12:41), and all the prophets testified about Jesus (Acts 10:43) and (Isaiah 9:6) etc.

    Well Keith how many Scriptures and illustrations do you want or need till you would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    If you can't believe the Scriptures, then believe on the account of the works that Jesus had performed.

    Don't you think it's time for you to repent of your unbelief ?

  67. Paul, this is the reason why many christians, like yourself, don't really understand Gods will and his Word. You say, you can't become a son of God, by giving yourself over to him. You and many christians don't understand being grafted onto the root. To fully understand Gods ways, you must become totally immersed in your Hebraic roots. You speak of the Old Testament but you don't truly understand it. You twist meanings into it by shoehorning made up gentile doctrine into certain passages. Sad, truly sad.

  68. Keith, by saying that you can become a son of God by giving yourself completely over to God, you have left the domain of intelligent reasoning just as I have said in this post (first sentence).

    Once the unreasonable mind will accept that a man can become a son to someone else by doing something of himself, then we are dealing with a deceiving spirit.

    A son is born ONLY to his father, the same is in the natural and in the spiritual. If someone adopts you, you are still NOT the the son of your adopting parents. You are ALWAYS the son of you father, whether in the natural or in the spiritual.

    The Scriptures said, (1 John 3:10 – 12) "By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious:........"

    Can you see, TWO fathers, one is God and the other is the devil.
    Those who are born of God, are God's children, and those who are born of the god of this world are the devils children.
    Can you see, ONE true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20), the other the false god the devil who is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).
    And Jesus made it clear to some who claim to believe in Him, that they were of their father the devil (John 8:44).

    Look my friend, I don't have Hebraic roots, my roots are in my heavenly Father Jesus Christ my Lord and my God.

  69. One day, my friend, you will understand. I don't believe that you confusing Y'shua with his Father precludes you from salvation. It does, however, diminishes greatly the possibility of knowing God on a intimate basis.As long of you adhere to erroneous human doctrine and not tapping into the spirit, you will never find try contentment and happiness.

  70. Yes my friend, I do understand, otherwise I would be silent.
    Previously, I have told you that the Lord My God appeared to me nearly two thousand years after His resurrection, and I can assure you that it was the Lord Jesus Christ and no other.
    It wasn't a trinity of persons and neither was it an unknown god called Yahweh or Jehovah or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

    In the Scriptures, the same God (Jesus Christ) appeared to Paul (Acts 9.....) and do you think that it is impossible for Him to make Himself known to you also ?
    I don't think so my friend.
    Remember, the Scriptures said, that whosoever shall call on the NAME of GOD shall be saved, and, to day is the day, do not harden your heart as those did in the wilderness of sin.

  71. Sorry for being absent, for a while. As soon as I got over the surgery, I got a bad case of the flu. I hope you are well.

  72. Hi Keith, I didn't know that you had surgery :-(
    I hope it wasn't anything serious. It always troubles me when I hear that those of the household of faith suffer, or, are sick in any form or way.

    As for me, I can say that I have enjoyed a life long of very good health :-)
    When there is something wrong concerning my body, I quickly consult my doctor, you know, Doctor Jesus :-) He has rescued me out of ALL my troubles of any sort, even of some impossible situations and I would have many testimonies to share.

    But, to encourage you to believe in Doctor Jesus, perhaps a short testimony.
    In my house, on the second floor I was standing on a ladder reaching out to get something and I fell down to the first floor horizontal with my chest against a small two step aluminium ladder.
    It took all the air out of my lungs and the pain was excruciating and I thought that all of my ribs on that side would have been broken.
    I hardly could breathe, so, in agony I called on the Name of the Lord, which is JESUS to come quickly and help me. I asked Him (verbally) to take away my pain immediately and make sure that there are no broken ribs etc.
    I do not lie, the Lord is my witness, in about three seconds all the pain was gone. It felt like a big vacuum cleaner was sucking all the pain out of my body and in about five seconds I was totally healed, just like I never had a fall.

    I stood upright and I wanted to thank the Lord Jesus for healing me, but I could not speak, and my mouth or tongue would not work.
    All I could do was worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ as tears of joy were falling down my cheeks.
    And then the Lord Jesus spoke to me and said, 'can you see, I come quickly to your aid, if you call upon my Name'.

    Just for the record, I measured again the distance from top to the bottom of the floor of my fall, it measures 5 Meters and 30 centimeters, or 17 Foot and 4 inches (208 inches).

  73. Praise God, for your testimony. Proof that there are still miracles, today.
