Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trinitarians Can Not Know God, Or His Name !

Trinitarians Can Not Know God, Or His Name !
It is impossible for trinitarians to know God and His one and only Name !
Trinitarians say that God is THREE persons and each person has a name.

The FIRST person's name is 'FATHER', although Father is NOT a name. Once they can see their foolish assumption, then they say that his name is Jehovah, and if they don't like to identify with the Jehovah Witnesses, they call him Yahweh. If all other attempts fail, they say that God has many names which gives them the right to call God by whatever name they like.

The SECOND person's name is 'SON', although Son is NOT a name, then they call Him 'JESUS'. Now, certainly Jesus is a name, but trinitarians do not think that Jesus is God's Name, in their doctrine God is three persons, therefore they conclude that God is only complete with two more names, one name for each person of the trinity.

The THIRD person's name is 'HOLY SPIRIT'. I wonder why intelligent people don't want to see that 'Holy Spirit' is NOT a name, Holy Spirit is the title or description of God (John 4:24).

Because of their WILLFUL ignorance concerning the knowledge of God, trinitarians baptize their converts into THREE titles, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In there religious baptismal disobedience they say, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit", which is a direct disobedience to the Lords command (Matthew 28:19), "Go yea into all the world and preach the gospel, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".

When the command of the Lord comes to you, you first need to know what the command is ?
In Matthew 28:19, the Lord Jesus said, 'go and baptize them in the NAME'.
Note; it doesn't say names (plural), but name (singular) and neither does it say titles, Father is a title, Son is a title and the same is Holy Spirit.
Tell me, in which NAME do you need to baptize the converts ?

Remember, Jesus doesn't say 'in THREE TITLES', and neither does He say 'in THREE NAMES'.
The Lord Jesus said, into ONE NAME, the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (one Name).

So the Question is, what is the Name of the Father ?
If you don't know the Fathers Name, then you need to find out by asking the Lord Jesus Christ and read the Bible.
The same is if you don't know the Son's Name or the Holy Spirit's Name.

Perhaps, start first with the Son; what is the Son's Name ? and if you know His Name, then you know the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, that is because it is the same (ONE) Name, JESUS who is the Christ.

What do you think ?
Let me hear your thoughts.


  1. You said, "Remember, Jesus doesn't say 'in THREE TITLES', and neither does He say 'in THREE NAMES'."

    Exactly, there is Y'shua and the Father, not two gods in one as you say.

    Remember and Don't forget, that there's but one God, and that is Yah. Yahweh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

    Remember, There is one son, through which the mystery of salvation comes, by the Grace of Yah.

  2. Amen Keith. What a wonderful plan God had, and how magnificent was the obedience of Jesus.

  3. Hi Keith, exactly into which NAME do you baptize your converts ?
    If there are not two gods, then in which 'ONE' Name do you baptize the converts ?

    Interesting, in the Scriptures, not one of the disciples of Jesus baptized the believers into the names of Yahweh and Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, NO Keith, not even one !
    Please read the Scriptures for yourself, Acts 19:5, Acts 10:46 – 48, Acts 8:16 etc. You see, ALL of them were baptized into the Name JESUS.

    NO ! They were not baptized into any titles or names, ONLY into ONE Name and that is God's one and only Name JESUS.

    Well my friend, I don't know from where you get your ideas, but surely not from the Scriptures. God has many sons, not just one, or don't you believe the Scriptures that Adam was also His son (Luke 3:38) ?
    And what about us, aren't we all the sons of God ?
    So, why do you say things which are NOT Scriptural ?

    Also, salvation might be a mystery to you, but surely NOT to me.
    I preach that salvation is in NO OTHER NAME, in heaven and on earth apart from JESUS who is the Christ.

  4. Hi Brenda, why do you give brother Keith who does NOT believe the Bible an amen ?
    Tell me, what kind of a wonderful plan did God have?
    Do you think that God sent somebody else into this world while He stayed back ?

    No no Brenda, you have been mislead by the Serpent.
    And why don't you believe the Scriptures 1 Tim 3:16 that God appeared in a BODY, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Immanuel God with us Matthew 1:23) ?

  5. Paul, it's continually amazes me that you twist our words. It appears that you have a reading disability. I would hope that it is not the alternative, that you side with the deceiver, as your doctrine shows.

    You never heard or read that I deny the name of Y'shua, Jesus, as our Messiah and vessel of salvation, that his father, our God provided. Again, quit twisting our words.

    If you are honest, with yourself and with us, you would admit that you believe in two gods, You are polytheistic. Admit it. We are the ones that are monotheistic. We believe in one God, while you twist the Scriptures to make Y'shua, Jesus, the Father.

    You constantly deny and twist the Scriptures, to show that the name of God is never there. Again, you will stand before the throne of God and admit and proclaim that Yah is God and salvation is through his son, Y'shua, Jesus, whose name means Yah Saves.

  6. Keith, many people have reading disabilities.
    Isaiah 44:24, "I am the LORD, I make ALL things ALONE." Tell me, how does that read to you?
    Does that read to you that God created all things THROUGH somebody else ? A so called 'Son'?

    Trinitarians are polytheists because they believe that God is three persons or three entities, they believe that the Father is NOT the Son and both are God, (two gods), and the Holy Spirit = (three gods).

    I believe that Jesus Christ IS the Father just as He has said, therefore I am a monotheist, and the Holy Spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:17), which equals (ONE GOD) Jesus Christ the Lord.

    I know that you are a monotheist just like the Jehovah Witnesses, the Unitarians, the Muslims and the Jews.
    ALL of you believe in one god.
    BIG DEAL ! ALL the demons believe that God is ONE (James 2:19). So what ?
    The question is, whether you believe that Jesus Christ is that ONE God or not.

    You believe in a god called Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.
    Brenda believes in a god called Yahweh.
    The Jehovah Witnesses believe in a god called Jehovah.
    The Muslims believe in a god called Allah etc. etc.
    All of you believe in ONE god, but in a false god and NOT in the true God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20).

    And I believe in the God of the Bible Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was born into His own creation.
    It is Jesus Christ alone who created ALL things and nothing came into being apart Him.
    He was the light and the God who came in flesh into this world; first, He came to his own (the Jews), but they received Him NOT, then He called to Himself the whole world, and many believed in Him but shortly after have fallen away from the Lord Jesus Christ and turned back to their own gods and worshiped them again. But as many as have received the Lord Jesus Christ, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God, that is to those who are NOT born again by their will or by the will of a man, but only those who are born again by the will of God.
    Jesus Christ is the light of this world and darkness does NOT comprehend that.

    ALL people who are in darkness do NOT believe and can NOT believe that Jesus IS the Christ, meaning, that the Lord Jesus Christ is God came in flesh.

  7. God the Spirit did come in the flesh, and that flesh was Jesus Christ (Christ means 'anointed One of God'.) Jesus was to reflect the invisible God to mankind.
    Hebrews ch. 5 vs. 7-9 speaks of the obedience of Jesus to the Father:-

    'During the days of Jesus’ earthly life, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered, and having been 'made perfect', He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him…

    He was made perfect by God.
    Thank God for Jesus, Whom God made our Lord.

  8. Hi Brenda, you said, "God the Spirit did come in the flesh, and that flesh was Jesus Christ (Christ means 'anointed One of God'.) Jesus was to reflect the invisible God to mankind."

    Well Brenda, the language is not right, therefore, that which you are saying is not right and not true. I call that trinitarian language and you know that I have a problem with the trinity doctrine :-)
    Trinitarians use phrase's like 'God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Spirit'.

    God the Spirit did not come in the flesh as you have said.
    There is only ONE God and that God is Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who holds the TITLE 'GOD and Spirit' (2 Cor. 3:17), and it is the Lord Jesus with the title 'God' who came in the flesh. And if you do NOT say that or agree with that, then you are speaking by the spirit of antichrist (2 John 1:5).

    It wasn't the flesh which was Jesus Christ as you have said.
    Flesh is mud, but the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty (John 4:24) who clothed Himself with flesh and lived among us (Immanuel).

    You said, Christ means 'anointed One of God'.
    Well, that is an inadequate statement, which can mean a lot of things to different people.

    I say, Christ means 'God came in the flesh'. All the Prophets prophesied that God would be born into His own creation.
    Anyone can be anointed of God.

    Brenda, because you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore you are taking every opportunity to demote the Lord Jesus Christ to a mere man and elevate another, an unknown god by the name of Yahweh above the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Again, I need to ask you, WHICH God do you thank for Jesus ?
    And WHICH 'God' made WHICH 'Jesus' your Lord ?
    Remember, there are many gods and many Jesus.

  9. Brenda,
    also, the Lord Jesus did not reflect the invisible God as you have said.

    Why is that so difficult for you to believe and understand that the Lord Jesus Christ did NOT reflect any other. Jesus is the Lord God and He does NOT reflect another.

    (Isaiah 43:10) "You are my witnesses, declares the LORD (Jesus), and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may KNOW and BELIEVE Me and UNDERSTAND that I am HE.
    Before Me there was NO God formed, and there will be NONE after Me. It is I who have declared and SAVED and proclaimed, and there was NO STRANGE god among you; So you are My witnesses declares the LORD (Jesus), and I am GOD."

    Brenda, it is a fallacy to think that Jesus loves you while you have an affair with another one whom you call Yahweh.
    Do you think that your husband would love you if you have an affair with another ?
    The same is it with the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I think it is absurd when Christians say that Jesus loves them while they worship another.

  10. God is Spirit Paul,
    and can be omnipresent. If Jesus is the first of many brethren, a Son of God, then all of us can be children of God (being born of God's Spirit) and have the same Father.

    Regarding the word Lord, Paul, I think you have disregarded what the scriptures say - as referred to in my previous comment to Keith.
    'I love the way the scriptures join together as in God making Jesus our Lord (to be a mediator), and where David says 'The LORD said to my Lord'.(Psalm 110). It clearly talks about two'

  11. The Word that comes from the mouth of God results in creation. You're readin things into the scriptures that are not even there.

    Jesus never said that he was the Father. He said they are one in Spirit, not one in the same. Read what's there, not what you want to read, to tickle your ears.

    If the Jesus is the Spirit of God, then why did he say that he must leave before he cane send the Spirit. Your position, not only isn't scriptural, but it does make sense.

    Just because you say, "You Believe", it doesn't make it so. It must be scriptural, to be true. Your position isn't.

    Finally, when I said reading disability, it is because you are not understanding what we are saying. You keep repeating the same erroneous things. You keep saying you same mantra over and over.

  12. Brenda, you said, 'the same Father', tell me, WHICH Father is that ? Is it Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh or Krishna?
    Those false gods certainly are NOT my Father.

    My brothers and sisters in Christ are those who call JESUS Christ their Father. They belong to Him, He has redeemed them with the price of His blood and no one shall snatch them out of His hand.

    The others belong to their father whatever they call him (John 8:44).

    Regarding the word 'LORD', there is only ONE Lord and that is the LORD Jesus Christ ! any other Lord is a usurper and a deceiver.
    You think that one Lord made another Lord your Lord.

    You think that it talks about TWO Lords, and because you don't know the Lord, therefore there is a confusion on your behalf, may as well say that Santa Klaus made Jesus to be your Lord.

  13. No Keith, Jesus never said that He is with another one called Father 'ONE in Spirit', those are man made doctrines.
    Jesus said the Father and I are are ONE ! (John 10:30)
    If Jesus is ONE with another, then THEY are TWO ! Just read the Scriptures and think about.

    Yes, Jesus is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17), something you do not understand or believe.
    Jesus is the Spirit who caused Himself to be born into His own creation (the world), and where do you think that He went back to ?
    Surely not back to his Mummy and Daddy ? :-)

  14. Paul,
    you very obviously do not believe the written Word, not even what Jesus Himself says.
    There are always scriptures to back up scripture regarding this issue, bringing all truth together like a jigsaw puzzle.
    One of them is where Jesus gives an answer to a ruler's question in Luke ch. 18 vs. 18, 19:-'
    'Then a certain ruler asked Him, 'Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?' 'Why do you call Me good? Jesus replied. “No one is good except God alone.'

    Jesus is so obviously stating that He is not God, Who alone is 'good'.

    It is the Spirit, which is God, that is good. This is the Spirit that we have to be born of, as was Jesus - through Whom we have been granted access to that God.

    'For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,' ! Timothy ch. 2 v. 5.

  15. Brenda, if God is the only one who is good, then that good ONE is Jesus Christ.
    Jesus Christ is God came in the flesh, therefore Jesus Christ alone is good, any other one is the devil and he is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), that is because they believe and worship him.

    I think it is the god of this world who has led you astray (Rev 12:9) to believe that Jesus Christ is NOT the only good one.

    No wonder why you don't believe in Him.

  16. Keith, I agree with you that many people have reading disabilities.

    So then, Isaiah 44:24, "I am the LORD, I make ALL things ALONE".
    Tell me, how does that read to you?
    Does that read to you that God created all things THROUGH somebody else ? A so called 'Son'?

  17. Paul, Isaiah 44:24, "I am Yahweh, I make ALL things ALONE"

    Even your translation shows that the capitalized "LORD". Check your Bible. Usually in the front of the book, it will tell you that LORD equals YHWH.

  18. Hi Keith, why is it that you can't read the Scriptures ?
    I hope that you don't suffer from a reading disability.

    Isaiah 44:24 "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer" ! (only capitalized 'L' and 'R') because it talks about deity.

    Tell me my friend, WHO is the LORD your REDEEMER ?
    And what is the NAME of the LORD who REDEEMED you on the cross of Calvary ?

    It doesn't say 'I am Yahweh', I wonder who would tell you such a lie ? Just read the Bible as it says and don't read extra biblical texts.

  19. Look Brenda, you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because you think that He is the bad one, and I don't blame you for that.
    Neither would I believe in someone who is bad and claims to be God.

    You see, the Scriptures will tell you that you believe in another JESUS, other than the 'Jesus' we preach (2 Cor. 11:14).
    Brenda, if only God is good and Jesus is NOT God, that would demand from you to believe that Jesus is bad.
    So, what you are saying is that Jesus is the bad one and someone else is the good one.
    Can you see how you demote the Lord of glory Jesus who is the Christ and preach another Jesus who is a mere man (2 Cor. 11:14) ?

  20. Paul,
    what you have stated here:-
    'Look Brenda, you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because you think that He is the bad one, and I don't blame you for that'

    only goes to prove that you do not see clearly what is written.
    There is nowhere in any of my comments that you would be able to show me where I have said anything that you have claimed in this sentence that I believe.

    The same you appear to do with scripture and what Jesus says.

  21. Brenda, please tell me, if you think that only God is good and NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then why do God's people worship the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat. 28:9) ?

  22. Paul,
    it is Jesus Who said 'only God is good' I am just stating what He said Paul, so I have to agree with Him.

    Regarding 'worship', Paul, John ch. 4 vs. 23 and 24 state that Jesus told the woman of Samaria:-

    'But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.'

    That is what I do, and have done since I have been born again of God's Holy Spirit.

  23. Paul, it is clear that you REFUSE to read what is in the scriptures. Sad, very sad. We can only tell you the truth. Even when we show you what's in your erroneous English Translation, you make things up, clearly showing that Satan is influencing you. Again, very Sad.

  24. Brenda, please tell me, if you think that only God is good and NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then why do God's people worship the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat. 28:9) ?

    I don't think that you agree with the Lord Jesus Christ at all, I think that you agree with some unbiblical man made doctrines.
    Why would the Apostles and wise man worship someone who is NOT good (Mat. 14:33 + 2:11) ?

    The Scriptures said, 'You shall worship only the LORD your God and NO OTHER'.

  25. Keith, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer" ! (only capitalized 'L' and 'R') because it talks about deity.

    Tell me my friend, WHO is the LORD your REDEEMER ?
    And what is the NAME of the LORD who REDEEMED you on the cross of Calvary ?

  26. Paul,
    I have already said that I believe what Jesus said:- it is Jesus Who said 'only God is good' I am just stating what He said Paul, so I have to agree with Him.

    The 'good' is in the Spirit of God, and it is only when we have died to the flesh, and been born of the Spirit (Which Jesus had been born of)that we can learn what is 'good' to God. Even Jesus, though He was born of God's Spirit and without sin, had to learn obedience from what He suffered.

  27. No Brenda, you don't believe that Jesus is good, and for that reason you don't believe in Him or worship Him.
    You are giving the Lord Jesus only lip-service. In reality you worship another god whom you call Yahweh, a god not mentioned in the Bible (the Word of God).

    You are making that very clear that the god you think is good is an unknown god whom you call Yahweh, and other unbelievers call him Jehovah, Allah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh etc.

    Jesus Christ alone is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20), and the false god you think is good is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) and it is him you worship.

    You are just like Keith and all those unbelievers who said to the Lord Jesus Christ, 'You being a mere man, make Yourself out to be God,' (John 10:33).
    And for that reason you don't believe in Him.

    Well Brenda, salvation is only for those who repent (yes I mean publicly!) and believe in the LORD Jesus Christ and then show forth the fruit of your repentance.

  28. Once again, you're trying to mislead and derail the point. You continually ask us questions and we answer them. However, when we ask hard questions of you, you go off into left field. Once again, showing you have a deceptive spirit about you. Point is that your translation has the word lord capitalized. Why is that? Referred to the preface. LORD means Tetragrammaton, YHWH, Yahweh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. Your English translation says that. You are using the techniques of the deceiver, when you say that it is not there.

  29. Well my friend, just read what the Scriptures says, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer".
    Please give me the Name of the LORD who is your Redeemer ?

    No Keith, it's NOT the little lord Fauntleroy.

    I'm asking what the Name of the LORD GOD is who has Redeemed you back to Himself.

    Remember, it's GOD who has Redeemed you and NOT a man. You supposed to belong to GOD and NOT to a man.

  30. Why are you afraid to answer my question? I have answered your question, before. The lord God is Yahweh. Now answer mine.

  31. Paul,
    how can you claim to believe in Jesus when you do not believe what He says, even when He is speaking plainly (not metaphorically as you keep saying He is), as stated in John ch. 16 vs.27-29:-

    'For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God. I came from the Father and entered the world. In turn, I will leave the world and go to the Father.' His disciples said, 'See, now You are speaking plainly and without figures of speech.…

    I will say the same to you Paul, as Jesus said to the deceiver - 'It is written'.
    Allow Jesus to be your Lord by believing what He has said.

    Regarding the various translations of the original scriptures, I have noticed many words in the Bibles I have had over the past thirty two years alter slightly to mean something quite different. I think both the Hebrew and the Greek language have words in them which have very deep meanings, much like the Welsh language. Maybe because they are ancient languages?

  32. Keith, so then you say that the Name of your REDEEMER is Yahweh.
    Where in the Bible is that written ?
    The Angel of the Lord did NOT say to Mary, to give Him the name Yahweh. To the contrary, she shall give Him the Name JESUS and He will save His people from their sins.

    Every child will telly you that it is the LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth who REDEEMED His people at the cross of Calvary.

    And yes, it is possible that the LORD Jesus did NOT redeem you with His blood.
    Yahweh is NOT Lord at all!
    Jesus Christ alone is Lord and every knee ought to bow and every tongue ought to confess that JESUS Christ is LORD.
    And why don't you bow your knees Keith ?

    Just keep on reading in the same verse of Isaiah 44:24 "Your REDEEMER the one who formed you in the womb,"
    Now tell me, who is the one who formed you in the womb ?
    The answer is simple, it is the REDEEMER who formed you in the womb, and the Redeemer is the LORD Jesus Christ just as the Scriptures said.

    Keep on reading, in the same verse 24, "I the LORD" ! WHICH LORD ?
    It is sill speaking about the REDEEMER who is the LORD Jesus Christ.

    Keep on reading (v, 24), "I the Lord, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heaven by Myself and spreading out the earth all ALONE."

    You see, it doesn't say anything about Yahweh. But everything which has been made was made by the REDEEMER who is called the LORD JESUS who is the Christ.

    Can you see, Jesus Christ is even turning your knowledge into foolishness, in (verse 25).

    Well my friend, only repentance is left for you, there is no other way Keith.

  33. Brenda, the Lord Jesus Christ does not speak plainly to you, He is still speaking figuratively, and the reason is because you don't believe in Him but in another god called Yahweh, therefore He has hidden those things from you.

    But to me the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking plainly just as He did to all His Apostles and disciples, simply, He has given me eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand.

    You said, "Allow Jesus to be your Lord by believing what He has said."
    Brenda, if you would know God, you would NOT make such a statement.

    Nobody ALLOWS the LORD God the Almighty Jesus Christ to be something, or anything.

    Is Jesus Christ your son Brenda ? You might allow your son to do and be something, but surely NOT the Lord God the creator of heaven and earth.
    I think that you should humble yourself before the LORD and ask Him whether He would ALLOW you to believe in Him.

  34. Paul,
    you are continually giving 'your answer' and that is why we all have to turn to the scriptures to see what is being said to us as individuals. It appears that your doctrine has taken the place of the doctrine of God. We are all responsible for working out our own salvation. It is only the Holy spirit alone that leads into all truth.

    These words are not a metaphor Paul, they are scripture and true:-

    For this reason also, God highly exalted him, and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11).

    Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a human, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:5-8).

    Here we are shown Paul, that although we have been born of the Holy Spirit, and having become part of the body of Christ, have the mind of Christ, we too must be humble and have the same attitude.

  35. Yes Brenda, those words are metaphoric language.

    When the Lord God speaks about Himself, He ALWAYS and without exception uses metaphoric language, because there is no other way to speak.
    Otherwise there would be one god speaking to another god, or one god would highly exalt another god, or one god would learn from another god etc. etc.

    All trinitarians have fallen headlong into that error, and that's why they end up with three gods, a trinity of persons.
    Do they use the Bible to justify their error ? Most certainly they do, but it doesn't profit them much.

    What you are saying is, that a unknowable god which you call Yahweh (not in the Bible) highly exalted a mere man whom you think is not good.
    No Brenda, you don't think of Jesus to be good, you think that only this 'god' called Yahweh is good and Jesus is a bad man. (If only Yahweh is good, then Jesus and all others are bad.)

    So, this god Yahweh gave a bad man called Jesus the name which is above all names, so that everybody ought to bow to a bad man's name for the glory of this god called Yahweh or Father.
    Remember, there are many man who are called Jesus, and everyone is a mere man, except JESUS who is the Christ, (meaning God cam in the flesh).

    And the Lord Jesus said, "You thought that I was just like you; but I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes." (Ps. 50:21)

    Brenda, that happens when you can't discern between a metaphor and reality.

  36. These words are not a metaphor Paul, they are scripture and true:-

    'For this reason also, God highly exalted him, and bestowed on him the name which is above every name,'

    You don't even believe scripture when it proves what you have said regarding metaphoric speech wrong as in John ch. 16 vs. 26-29:-

    'In that day you will ask in My name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God.I came from the Father and entered the world. In turn, I will leave the world and go to the Father.' His disciples said, 'See, now You are speaking plainly and without figures of speech.'

    I love the way that scripture always links together to form the complete picture. The things of God are foolishness to the carnal mind and the scriptures will never make sense if we try to mix them with man's doctrine.

  37. Amen, Brenda!!!

    Paul, you cannot scripturally prove your man-made doctrine, without contorting the Word of God, which is a method used by the deceiver.

  38. Brenda, as I have said, those words are not a metaphor for you and for everyone who does not know God.

    Tell me, why would Yahweh exalt another name above his own name ?
    What kind of a god is that who exalts a mere man and his name above his own name ?
    And why would they blaspheme a mare man's name and not God's Name.
    Only the carnal mind would say that God would exalt someone else Name.

    Brenda, we all have a Bible and we all can copy a verse from the Bible, but you supposed to explain the meaning of what the Scriptures said so that we can judge your interpretation, doctrine and gospel that you present.
    If you only quote a verse from the Bible without an explanation, then you have NOT preached the gospel.

    It is written, Revelation 13:1 "And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names."

  39. Keith, when I ask you a question then it is you who need to justify the question.

    In Isaiah 44:24, the 'LORD' who is speaking, is that the Lord Jesus Christ ? Or is that someone else ?

    In other words, is that the Lord GOD who is speaking ?
    Is that GOD who is the REDEEMER ?
    Is that GOD who redeemed you at the cross?
    Is that God who is the LORD ?
    Simply, is that the Lord Jesus Christ who is speaking ?

    Tell me please and don't play silly games.
    I think that you know exactly which LORD is speaking in (Isa. 44:24), you just like to avoid to answer my question so that your false god would not be exposed.

    Well my friend, it would do you a lot of good to deal with your false doctrine.
    Red herrings want solve your problem.

  40. Paul,
    once again you are questioning scripture, not me.
    Jesus is the express image of God.
    Hebrews ch. 1 vs. 1-3 say:-

    'In many past occasions and in many different ways, God spoke to our fathers through the prophets. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through Whom He made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.…'

    Jesus can not sit next to Himself Paul.

    God 'spoke through' and 'created through' His Son Jesus. However, Jesus will eventually be made subject to God, as stated in 1 Corinthians ch. 15 vs. 27,28:-

    'For 'God has put everything under His feet.' Now when it says that everything has been put under Him, this clearly does not include the One who put everything under Him. And when all things have been subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will be made subject to Him who put all things under Him, so that God may be all in all.'

    The time when that will come about, no one knows - not even Jesus the Son, as Jesus says in Mark ch. 13 vs. 31-33:-
    'Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. But as for that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on your guard and stay alert! For you do not know when the appointed time will come.…

  41. Are you serious? Paul, I have answered your question, over and over again. Almost 6000 times, Yahweh's name is proclaimed in the scriptures. Every time, I have asked you to investigate this, it is you who diverts and begins your mantra of asking the same question, over and over and over. It's obvious that you don't want to investigate, even within your own bible.

    In case you missed it, the Lord, our God, is Yah. Almost 6000 times, the scriptures proclaims Yahweh is God. Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God!

    Did you catch it that time?

    In Isaiah 44:24, it is Yahweh, not Y'shua/Jesus.

    How is it a Red Herring, when my question applies directly to the point. Do you even know what a Red Herring is? It is you that uses the deceivers tactics and verbiage to misdirect the conversation.

    Now, I have answered your question, for the millionth time. Now, answer mine and it applies directly to your deception and misinformation. Look at the beginning of your bible. It addresses the usage of LORD. What is it, Paul? Are you that proud and arrogant to look it up? Are you that proud and arrogant to admit that even your own bible shows that you have been mislead, all these years, by the deceiver?

  42. No Brenda I'm not questioning the Scriptures, I'm questioning your interpretation.
    Tell me, why would Yahweh exalt another name above his own name ?
    Why would Yahweh give his glory to another ?

    The God of all creation does NOT give His glory to another, just read Isaiah 42:8 and 48:11, "I will NOT give My glory to another".
    Do you think that the Lord God would would give a man the job to create the world and everything in it ?
    No Brenda, you are not a little deceived, you are big time deceived.

  43. Keith, Yahweh is NOT mentioned in the Bible, NOT even once.
    I have a Bible in front of me.
    Show me in the Bible ?

    6000 times, you have to be kidding :-)

  44. Oops, Isaiah 44:24 it said LORD and NOT Yahweh.
    Just read what it says.
    And please give me the answer to the rest of my questions.

  45. Keith, obviously you don't like that God's one and only Name is JESUS.

    Jesus is the creator of all things and you think that the creator is NOT God, that is weird
    Every believer worshiped Jesus and you don't think that JESUS is God, that is also weird.

  46. I am not giving an interpretation of the scriptures Paul, I am letting scripture interpret scripture. Jesus was God's Son in the Spirit, not the body. He is the last Adam - a life giving Spirit as written in 1 Corinthians ch. 15 v. 45:-
    ' So it is written: 'The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.'

    We too can become children of God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Romans ch. 8 vs. 28-30 says:-
    'And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined He also called, those He called He also justified, those He justified He also glorified.…'

    Answer my question please Paul,
    How can God sit at the right hand of Himself, and why would Jesus (called God's Son in the Bible) not know the day that Heaven and Earth will pass away.

  47. There you go again Paul. Now, that's a red herring. You misdirect, by using your mantra and not answering the question. Clearly, you have the deceiver influencing you.

    Let me ask you again, plainly, why are you so afraid to look in the front of your own Bible? Why will you not look to see why your translation uses LORD? Why are you so afraid of the truth?

  48. Also, please notice a common theme between what Brenda is saying and I am saying.

    You call direct questions a red herring.
    You call scripture interpreting scripture, an interpretation.
    You switch from literal to metaphoric, on a whim.
    You refuse to investigate within your own Bible.
    When confronted with hard questions, you begin a mantra, that is disassociated with the question.

    Does that sound like the Spirit of God? Come on Paul! Think about it! Does that really sound like the Spirit of God?

  49. That's right Brenda, you can't give an interpretation to the Scriptures and neither can you rightly divide the word of truth.

    It doesn't say that God is sitting at the right hand of Himself, it said that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God.

    Does God need hands ? Certainly not !
    Does the creator of heaven and earth Jesus Christ need hands ? Not at all !
    Does God have hands when He incarnated in flesh ? He certainly does, and He created Adam in HIS OWN image with hands (it is JESUS Christ who is God and created all things).

    So then, where does the creator GOD sit ? At somebody else's hand ? Certainly NOT !

    It's metaphoric language, saying that JESUS Christ, the man who is standing in front of you is the Almighty God who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it has now become a man. Metaphorically speaking, 'sitting at the right hand of God'.

    So then, does God sit at the right hand of God ? Certainly He does, that is why it's called metaphor.

    Did not the Lord Jesus had to SWEAR by Himself because there was no greater one to swear by ? (Hebrew 6:13 + 16).
    If He had to swear by Himself, then He also has to sit by Himself because there is NO OTHER God to sit by.

  50. Keith, the question is, Isaiah 44:24, Is that the Lord JESUS Christ who is speaking ? The one who is called the REDEEMER ?

    No red herrings my friend :-)

    If you lead away from the question with an unrelated question, that's called a red herring.

  51. One last time, Paul, I gave you, an answer and that is Yahweh.

    You said Yahweh is not in the Bible. Therefore, the burden of proof is put on me. I give you a reference, within your own Bible. However, you refuse to answer that reference and misdirect, with going back to the original question, that I already answered.

    Then you make a deceptive and untrue assertion that I'm the one leading away from the question with an unrelated question. That is so text book Satan. Therefore, I give you one more chance to counter my claim. What does the preface of your bible say about using "LORD"? I already know what it says. I know that you already know what it says. Your reluctance to respond, again, shows the deceptive spirit, that is within you.

    If you don't answer the question, consider me gone, because the more you deny the truth, the deeper Satan's claws dig into you.

  52. Keith, the reverence you have given me does not say that His Name is 'Yahweh' is NOT mentioned in the Bible, you may think that it is written 6000 time, but that is not so.

    And 'LORD' means 'GOD' (Deity), it doesn't mean Yahweh.
    And Isaiah 44:24 says that the REDEEMER which is JESUS Christ is the LORD or GOD who created ALL things alone.
    You might not like that, but it is required from you to bow your knees and confess that JESUS Christ is the LORD GOD the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth.

  53. Paul,
    I too have to draw this conversation to an end, as I believe there is no more can be said. It is God Who has the final Word, and as long as we work out our own salvation through Jesus, Whom God has made our Lord, then there can only be a beautiful ending. As I have said on my blog Paul - 'Dduw bendithia chi gyda phob ganddo yn Iesu'-' God bless you with all He has in Jesus'- in Welsh.

  54. Yes Brenda, the final word is God's Word.

    "Thus says the Lord your redeemer and the one who has formed you in the womb, I, the Lord, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone. Causing the omens to fail, Making fools out of diviners, Causing wise men to draw back and turning their knowledge into foolishness."

  55. Thank You Lord for these lovely Words:-

    This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,… 1 Timothy ch. 2 vs. 3-5

    For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John ch. 3 vs. 16-17

  56. Paul, the question remains. Everyone that has an English bible has the same answer in their preface. Denying and not truthfully answering the question only makes you look foolish. Unfortunately, that's what Satan does to his victims. Now, back to the question.

    What does the preface of your bible say about why the translators of your bible used the capitalized "LORD"?

  57. Keith, I do NOT believe that any preface, commentaries etc. are the Word of God, therefore any extra comments, ideas or speculations bare NO weight to the Scriptures.

    As I have said many times before, I believe that the ordinary Bible is the written Word of God and is inerrant, meaning that it has absolutely NO errors and is fully trustworthy and reliable for correction in doctrine and in conduct.
    By that I do not mean that there are no differences between different Bible translations in wording, omissions and additions, but the meaning and the message is the same in all the translation called the Bible the Word of God.

    When it is written in the Bible the word 'Lord' then it doesn't mean anything else but 'Lord', it doesn't mean Yahweh, Jehovah, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh or whatever.
    Lord is a title, it's NOT a name! In this world we have two types of lords, an earthly lord and a heavenly Lord.
    The heavenly Lord (big 'L') is the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the earthly lord (little 'l') is the lord of this world.
    In the Bible the word Lord is a title just the same as the title 'God' which belongs to the same Deity.
    Lord and God are interchangeable words (big L and big G) belonging to the same Deity.

    Now, the word 'lord' (little 'l') is also a title belonging to the god (little 'g') of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). the god of this world 'Satan' is also deity to the people of this world, and that is why they worship him, the devil.

    But the Deity, the God of all creation is the LORD Jesus Christ and they shall worship NO OTHER ! (Ex. 20:5).
    For the LORD whose name is Jealous, is a jealous GOD ! (Ex. 34:14)

  58. So you've decided to not to answer. I kind of figured that. Actualy, that answers the main question.

  59. Well, it is the answer, just not what you have expected.

    Remember, any OTHER writings apart from what is written in the Bible is NOT the Word of God. That includes subtitles and explanations of the meaning of texts etc. whether they support or not support the text, makes no difference.

    So, the word "Lord" is fixed and cannot be changed, it is the title of Jesus Christ who is the only LORD and God our saviour (Jude 1:25).
    Believe what the Scriptures said, (Deut. 7:9) "Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, ......"

    And by the way, why don't you give me an Amen ? Is that which I have said not true ?

  60. Paul,
    where you have said in your comment to Keith:-
    'Keith, I do NOT believe that any preface, commentaries etc. are the Word of God, therefore any extra comments, ideas or speculations bare NO weight to the Scriptures.'
    I agree absolutely that extra comments, ideas or speculations bare no weight to the scriptures. Yet you keep doing that - adding to the scriptures. Why?

  61. I do believe this was the whole point of this exercise. Anything other than the original Scriptures are man's doctor and man's word. Allegiance to anything other than the original Scriptures is not of God but of Satan.

  62. Finally, Paul, you would do well to heed Deut 4:2 Deut. 12:32, Proverbs 30:6 and Rev. 22:18-19. Of course, you would probably say they were metaphors.

    You see, I am not against the translations of the true scriptures, but I am against erroneous ones, that you quote. In the end, there will be messengers, from God, that will set the record straight, just before the wrath and judgment.

    And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people

    My final word to you, in my most "holier than thou" attitude, don't be on the wrong side.

    You misquoting Scripture shows that you don't know the true Word of God. Therefore, you don't know the Lord and will be hearing, "Depart from me, I never knew you.". Pray for me as I have been praying for you.

  63. Thank you Brenda for saying that, but I do not add on to the Scriptures and neither do I rewrite the Scriptures. It is required from me to believe and adhere to the Scriptures, to repent and to adjust my mind and my life to what it is written in the Bible (the Scriptures).
    For that reason it is important to believe ONLY in the BIBLE, because other books will lead you astray.

    Now, to read and study the Bible (the Word of God) is good for everyone, but not good enough.
    Previously I have said that I can do better than that, I personally know the author of the Bible (the Scripture) and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

    You see Brenda, you have no advantage by just reading the Bible since every devil also can read the Bible, but you need to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and forsake all other gods.
    It is only then that the Lord Jesus Christ will lead you into all the truth and not before.

    And don't say that it is someone else called the Spirit who will lead you into all the truth (John 16:13). I have said that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who will lead you into all the truth, just as the Scriptures said (2 Cor. 3:17).

    The Lord Jesus Christ alone is the way and that way is narrow, any other way is the way to destruction.

    As for me, I do not have to quote the Bible word for word, I have the right to present the Word of God (the Bible) in my own words just as I please, after all I am an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
    If anyone does not believe my testimony; that is because they do NOT believe the testimony of the one who sent me.

  64. Keith, how long is it going to be till you get it, THERE ARE NO ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES !
    All Scriptures are copies of copies.
    Because of this ironic belief, Satan has led you away from trusting in the WORD of God, the Bible.
    And that's the reason why you don't trust the Lord Jesus Christ because He IS the WORD, the living WORD.

    Look my friend, you need to do the same as Brenda, which is REPENT !
    Start afresh ! but this time start first with the Lord Jesus Christ and then never depart from Him.
    Make a public repentance and CALL on the name 'JESUS'.
    Then wait and CALL till the Lord Jesus Christ listens to you from heaven, He will be able to talk to you.
    Has He who made the mouth; can He not speak ?

    Use the guideline of His Word (the Bible) and no other books. Remember the Bible is the written Word of God and JESUS is the living Word of God. You need both.

    And don't argue, just believe.
    The Lord Jesus Christ will straighten you out, don't you worry my friend. He will make your crooked path straight.
    The Lord Jesus Christ has done the same with me, and if He can do it with me, He also can do it with you and with Brenda.

  65. There is no point in continuing this conversation, it is like going round in circles.
    Whoever is born of God's Spirit will be led into all truth. Just as Jesus was, as prophesied in Isaiah ch. 7 vs.14 - 16:-
    'Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. He shall eat curds and honey when he knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good. For before the boy knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land whose two kings you dread will be deserted.'

    We too learn how to refuse the evil and choose the good through the teaching of the Holy Spirit, once we become children of God, like Jesus Who was the first of many brethren and Whom God the Father made our Lord.

    We can not judge one another, it is that Word that is the Judge.

  66. Brenda, yes it is important for you to hear the message of salvation.
    How do you know that you are born of God ?
    Is a person born of God who believes in Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Krishna etc. and worship them?

    Do you think that the Lord Jesus Christ was first in error and after led into all the truth?
    Was the Lord Jesus Christ the Truth (John 14:6) before He was led into all the truth or after ?

    Tell me Brenda, if you think that the Lord Jesus was a sinner and had to be born again just like you, who then died for His sins ?

    Obviously you believe that the Lord Jesus was bad and then had to learn to be good, therefore you don't believe that Jesus was and is without sin, and neither do you believe that Jesus was the unblemished spotless lamb of God who died for the sins of the world.
    You are tearing the Lord Jesus Christ from His throne and make Him out to be just like yourself.

    Isaiah 7:10 – 16 clearly shows that the Lord Jesus Christ has NOT led you into any truth.

    I'm glad that you are saying those things so that we can see that you really don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ at all.
    But the door is still open Brenda, any man or woman must forsake all other deity's and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and only then you shall be saved.

    Running away does not solve or hide your unbelief, you need to be exposed to the light and the truth in order to come to repentance.
    To transgress the first and second commandment of the Lord Jesus is the greatest offence to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that needs repentance.

    And YES ! We supposed to judge one another, how else can you judge angels if you can't judge your brother ?
    If your brother lives in sin, don't you judge him ? Or do you leave him in his sins ?
    If you judge your brother rightly, you might save his soul from hell.

  67. Paul,
    I have never said that Jesus was a sinner, as everyone who reads al our comments will have seen. Regarding 'judging one another, it is that Word spoken to us as we work out our own salvation that judges us. Isaiah ch. 7 clearly shows that Jesus learned obedience to God, and refused the evil and chose the good. He was the first to be born of the Spirit of God and God made Him our Lord. We follow Him when being born of the Holy Spirit, and must endeavour to choose the good.

    Why don't you share some of your testimony Paul, what the Lord has done in your life, like everyone else does? That would be good to hear.

  68. Yes that's right Brenda, you have never said that, but you are teaching that in your doctrines. And that's why they are called doctrines of demons.

    Demonic doctrines are all those doctrines that teach that Jesus Christ is NOT 'Lord';
    NOT the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth.
    NOT the Father, or the Son, or the Spirit.
    NOT the Alpha, or the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, and every doctrine where the Lord Jesus Christ is demoted to a SECOND person (trinity), or entity are doctrines of devils.

    The doctrines of God are those who preach and teach that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it.
    That JESUS Christ is the first in Genesis 1:1 and the last in Revelation 22:21, and the CENTER of the entire Bible, the beginning of everything and the END of everything etc.
    Everyone who preaches and teaches that JESUS Christ is LORD (meaning GOD) is teaching the doctrines of God.

    Brenda, as for you and Keith it is harder to come to the Lord Jesus Christ because of your demonic doctrines.
    It is easier for the liars, murderers, adulterers and the hypocrites to come to JESUS than it is for you.
    You know what it is written; all those who studied the Scriptures and claimed to know the Scriptures did NOT come to Jesus and neither did they believe in the Lord Jesus.

    Can you see, it was the SCRIPTURES which was a stumbling block for them to come to Jesus Christ, even though, ALL Scriptures are pointing to the Lord Jesus Christ, but they could not see it, nor understand it.
    That is the same for you Brenda and for Keith.

    You need to start afresh Brenda, you cannot build on your doctrines or modify them.
    Doctrines of devils are doctrines of devils no matter how you are repacking them, they always will NOT be acceptable to the Lord Jesus Christ.
    You need to be pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT to man.
    If you win the favor of man you have lost the favor of God which is the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Brenda, You need a SIMPLE believe in the Lord Jesus Christ just as I have.
    My walk with the Lord Jesus is EASY and every child can walk with Jesus just as I do. The Lord walks with everyone in his or here own pace, BUT it has to be the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT Yahweh or Jehovah or any other gods by whatever names they are called.

    There are a few reasons why I have not yet posted my encounter (salvation) experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Because I had such a dramatic experience with the Lord Jesus Christ which affected my wife and children, my extended family, my friends and neighbors and the surrounding district and town etc.
    Even, just alone the encounter with the Lord my God Jesus Christ would take pages upon pages to share and anything short of it would not be good enough.
    Because of such a dramatic experience with my Lord I am hesitant to share, because of those who did not have any experience, they would think of themselves as unloved by God.

    And the danger is with people having powerful experiences; they draw other people to themselves instead to the Lord Jesus Christ.
    But the Lord Jesus has commissioned me to make disciple unto the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT unto myself.
    Therefore when it is pleasing to my Lord I will share my testimony, perhaps condensed so that it doesn't take a volume of pages. :-)

  69. 'They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony' comes to mind Paul. I share my testimony of salvation through Jesus to all that I meet in the street, not glorifying myself Paul, glorifying Jesus as the One Whom God has made Lord and Who was crucified for all of mankind's reconciliation back to God.

    Anyone who does not want to share a testimony is likely not to have one, as maybe yourself Paul

  70. Well Brenda, it troubles me by what you are saying.
    You said, 'I share my testimony of salvation through Jesus'.

    Clearly, you don't believe that Jesus saved you, you believe that another one, a god called Yahweh has saved you 'THROUGH' a man called Jesus.

    It is the word 'THROUGH' that troubles me.
    If you would use that word in a metaphoric sense, then that would be right and acceptable.

    Also you have said, 'glorifying Jesus as the One Whom God has made Lord and Who was crucified for all of mankind's reconciliation back to God.'

    You see Brenda, you ALWAYS put the Lord Jesus Christ on the back burner so to speak. You just don't know how to preach Jesus as LORD.
    And for that reason your testimony is not true, and in you the statement of (2 Cor. 11:3 - 4) is fulfilled.

    Also, to make a statement like (Jesus) 'Who was crucified for all of mankind's reconciliation back to God', is a bold assumption.
    Have you ever really thought that through ? Or, who has told you that ?
    And don't say the Bible, those are your words.

    I am not impressed with a personal testimony, not even with my own, but I rejoice with everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and worships Him alone.

  71. Paul,
    everything you have said can be put into one blog post, so I will not continue with responding to the same comments you have made for about two years. It is, as I have said many times before, that Word that is our judge.

  72. האדון הוא אלוהים האדון הוא אחד.

    Translation: Jesus only speaks English.

  73. Hi Tim, does Jesus speak only English ?
    Is that all ?
    I can do better than that :-)

  74. Then why didn't you answer the question? I am sure when He walked the earth He spoke English to all the Hebrews. You miss many points.

  75. There's no English word "schma". That means nothing.

  76. Well Tim, you did NOT ask a question, you made a statement.

    I have asked you a question, and then made a statement ;-)

  77. That's true. So did Jesus only speak English?

  78. To you Tim Jesus is speaking English, because you are speaking English. Jesus would NOT speak to you in a language you do NOT understand.
    He speaks to you in a language you can understand so that you are without excuse.
    So that you can never say that God did NOT tell me.

  79. Good Point, Paul. Now, what if those languages conflict with each other? What is the resolution?

  80. Can I call Him Yshua if I was Jewish?

  81. Keith, languages may conflict, but the Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth ( John 14:6) and the truth will set you free, free from any man made doctrines and perversions.

  82. Tim, if the Bible said that the Lord's Name is 'JESUS', why do you want to call Him by another name ?
    That only shows that you are unwilling to bow your knees to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Phil. 2:10 – 11).

  83. Your logic doesn't apply. Yes, Y'shua is the Truth, but we are talking about the English, Italian, Chinese, Russian, translations that conflict. How do you reconcile them?

  84. Paul,

    Find me the written Word from 1500 years ago and find me the name Jesus.

  85. Keith, you don't have a problem with any translation, you have a problem with Jesus who is the Christ.
    Y'shua is NOT the truth, it is JESUS who is the truth (John 14:6).

    Everybody call's Tom, 'Tom', but you call Tom 'Harry', that's where your problem is.
    Don't worry about the Russians, they have their own problems.
    It's better to first sort out your own belief, and you need to believe in JESUS, that is the requirement for everyone who wants to believe in the true God.

  86. Tim, easy ! Nearly 2000 years ago the angel said to Mary and Joseph, 'and you shall give Him the Name JESUS, He shall save His people from their sins' (Mat. 1:21), that was about 2000 years ago.
    And if that is not good enough, then look at the date of your calendar.

  87. So everything the Angel talked to Mary like this:

    אתם תיוולד ותלד בן, ואתם תקראו לו Jesus.

    Sounds about right.

  88. Tim, it is written in the Word of God (the Bible), Matthew 1:21 "she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save HIS people from their sins."

    Now I understand why you don't believe that the Bible is the Word of God.

  89. So Mary spoke English too?

  90. So then, do you claim to know Mary and how many languages she spoke ?

    It is obvious that you can't differentiate between the Word of God which is the Bible and language.

    Yes it is better that you don't start a trinity debate with me with that kind of nonsensical reasoning.
    And I am glad that you are disturbed, if you would not be disturbed then I would have failed to preach the gospel to you.
    Everyone who listens to the gospel will be disturbed and so should be you.

    Those who do not know God, avoid to enter a debate with me concerning the doctrine of God for fear that their will full ignorance might be exposed.

    To say or even think that God is THREE persons in ONE God it the epitome of ignorance and the masterpiece of Satan's deception.
    No wonder why they avoid a debate with me.
    But it would do you a lot of good and save your soul from hell.

    And NO ! I don't LOVE pizza, I LIKE pizza.

  91. You really are claiming Mary knew English!!!

    If you don't love pizza then you MUST hate it by your own words/confession.

    Are you disturbed by the Gospel?

    We enter the debate. We see the insanity. We see the how you add to scripture. We see how you take away from scripture. It's not entering the debate being the problem, it's that debates usually have two valid arguments. When have we avoided the debate since we've known each other? Walking away from insanity is not avoiding, but listening to Titus 3:9. Your blog is a foolish thing. You are inconsistent and unBiblical in your assessment. You literally think English is what God spoke to Adam, Moses, Noah, Jonah, Mary, Paul. Maybe we should just commit genocide on all those who don't speak English so we know who is saved and who is not because if they can't speak English then God is not speaking to them. I sure feel sorry for the deaf people and for those who can't read.

    Go ahead and keep telling yourself how correct you are so you can feel validated in your insanity.

    I was trying to be nice and stay above your level but your words are destructive if anyone sees what you believe.

    You equate satan with God, which then you mean satan is just as good as Christ--by your own words.

    I feel sorry for you and never wanted to say these things but you pushed things to the edge and you needed to be told.

    God loves you know matter what you think. God loves me no matter what you think. God loves all, more than pizza.

  92. Well Tim, who has told you that God loves ALL ? ALL what ? ALL mankind ? Or do you mean ALL pizza ?
    And why is it that you willfully don't want to believe the Word of God the Scriptures in Romans 9:11 – 12, "for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God's purpose according to election would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, it was said to her, the older shall serve the younger. Just as it is written, Jacob I loved, but Esau I HATED."

    OK, the Lord clearly said that He HATED Esau. And don't try to change the Scriptures.
    When the Lord said that He HATED Esau, then don't say that God loves ALL. That's a willful rejection of God's Word.

    I do NOT debate languages, I debate doctrines, for it is the doctrine which has value and NOT the language, it's your doctrine that tells me what you believe.

    English is not my mother tongue, but I debate any doctrine with you in English, that is because you speak English.
    And don't try to be smart, as a believer in Jesus Christ I have made it my priority to know and understand the doctrines of God.

    Here on my blog comments I welcome you and everyone without restrictions, you can say whatever you want and in whatever tone you like, whether favorable or unfavorable makes no difference and I don't delete any comments whether god or bad.
    You have your point of few and we have ours, and we will listen and debate.
    So just be reasonable.

  93. Don't change scripture? You're telling me not to do that? You add Satan had sex with Eve and that Satan created beings and you're telling me not to change scripture?

    Do you believe Charlton Heston and Moses are the same?

    Did Mary speak English...A language that was not developed until medieval times and which version...Old English? The king's English? Modern English? Slang?

    Are people who don't know English going to hell?

    Your doctrine is not sound.

    How do you know Jesus died for YOU? Maybe you're living like this for no reason. I'm not saying you are. I don't want your faith to wane but with your doctrine you could still be lost and you don't know. God freed me when I came to accept Him fully. I never have to guess.

    You've been blinded.

    Keith, Brenda...I think maybe we should stop commenting here, it's just encouraging him. If we stop then his distorted message will go unheard. He won't change his mind if it's lost.

  94. Paul, my friend, when you lose your tether to reality, the Word of God, then you lose your anchor to the truth. I would think that you would want to get to know God and please don't start into your mantra about whose god. You know my answer and you know the answer based in the Word of God. You said ,"Don't worry about the Russian.". But, I do. I worry about everyone, including you. You have accepted the free gift, but for some reason, you rather align yourself with a man-made false doctrine.

  95. Tim, As misguided Paul is, concerning his doctrine, there are some truths buried in there.

    He denies the false doctrine of the Trinity. However, he has gone too far the other way and denies the Father. He says he believes in one God, but in reality, he believes in a duality, Jesus and Father are the same person. We both know and the Word of God testifies this is not true.

    He does believe in the sacrificial atonement of the Messiah, even though he believes that it was the Father, who died on the cross. He doesn't know how a righteous and Holy God could become sin and die, when it goes against the very nature of God, making him out to be liar, which is against God's nature.

    I could go on, but it shows that Satan has developed a relationship, with Paul, but Paul has so much invested in the false doctrine, that I think he doesn't really know how to get out.

    He puts so much of his doctrine into the teachings gained through "Jesus channeling" through Paul. The scriptures testify that God doesn't work that way. It will be a long road, but anything is possible with God. Praise God!

  96. Tim, I know that you think that you can accept GOD whenever you like and whenever it suits you, but that is your own privat god and not the God of the Bible.
    It seems to me that you are superior over your god anyway. It is YOU who does the accepting and obviously your god doesn't have a say in that.

    You think that you can live a life of sin and wanton pleasures and when it suits YOU, you think that you can just walk up to GOD and say to him, 'NOW I am ready to ACCEPT you'.
    Why not say to your god that he also has to love YOU whether he likes it or not, since obviously your god has to dance YOUR tango.

    I have told you before that you can NOT accept the Queen of England, it is the other way around, if you humble yourself, she MIGHT accept you.
    But the Lord Jesus Christ is the KING of KINGS and you certainly don't accept Him when it suits YOU.
    If it is pleasing to Him, He MIGHT accept you, and you better find out, it is for your own good.

  97. Keith, it is the other way around.
    I do NOT want to get to know God, I KNOW God !
    I'm His ambassador, His representative, and that God IS the Lord Jesus Christ who came in the flesh, He is the ONLY true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20).

    So then remember that and don't change that which I have said.
    Now, if the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE GOD there is, then it follows that EVERY OTHER is a false god, and an impostor and a deceiver. In plain words, then that god is the god of this world the devil (2 Cor. 4:4). Again, if it is NOT JESUS, then it is Satan ! And it makes no difference what name you give the devil, whether you call him Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah or Krishna or whatever.

    Look Keith, about me, you can have as many assumptions as you like, but they do NOT alter the TRUTH which is Jesus Christ of Nazareth (John 14:6).

    So then, don't throw in any red herrings and stick to the truth. Perhaps later on we might debunk some of those red herrings.

  98. Keith, as to the comment you made to Tim.
    You shouldn't say that to loud, he might duck for cover.
    He doesn't like talking about the doctrine of the trinity, perhaps he might really believe that lie.
    Well, I think it would do a lot of good to Tim and enter into a reasonable debate about the trinity.

    I think that I am very reasonable, for I have been debating that doctrine for years on blogs and publicly everywhere. Well Tim, try me, or should I say, try US :-)

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  100. Paul,
    There is no "debate". And I have answered you at every turn I had. But I see how you are trying to stoke my ego which is a typical atheist tactic oddly enough. I simply do not want just to go tete a tete in a never-ending circular discussion.

    You don't understand the concept of the Trinity because you are limiting yourself to man's wisdom (mostly your own) and to one language (one that wasn't around until medieval times). This can be seen by when you keep saying 1+1+1 <> 1. And although that math logic is true I have stated plenty of times that 1*1*1= 1. Your math logic is showing that they are separate and not connected. My logic is showing that they are side by side. Now, I do not restrict God to a Trinity. I know His is infinite. But as I read, I see Him manifest Himself to us as three personas so that we can understand Him and use Him like He wants us to, not as different gods who would contradict each other. You have consistently put those words in my mouth to try to make me look foolish and to make it look like you are superior in intellect and wisdom. That you have repeatedly failed at.

    Just because you have been here on blogs does not make you the world's top theologian nor does it make you reasonable...or sane. By the way, who is Correy Edmed and Puritan Belief? Are they you too? I went back and saw some of the earliest posts here and liked many of those things then when your name appears it went to one topic and one topic only. And the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

    So, I have "tried" you and your doctrine falls short. You add oracular opinions that elevate evil to that of God and take away the glory of Jesus Christ by changing meaning of the words to fit your ill-fated doctrine.

    With all of that said, Jesus can still save ALL who ask Him. I asked Him and He said yes because I believe. He saved me. I am not perfect. He gave me grace. I sin all the time but He covered ALL my sins, past, present, and future. I accept Him as my lord and savior in ALL situations, whether I like the situation or not. My choice is to take Him as my King.

    Father, I pray that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that Paul's sight can be cleared. That the demonic forces of satan that seem to obsess him will be driven away. I know he loves you and I know you love Him, but please let him see that his choices of belief stop him from being truly freed from the forces of this world. Even though we disagree I still love him (way more than like, because my anger stops that sometimes, but my brotherly love is still there) and I hold on to hope that he will see the true Light. It's in the name of Jesus, the name above all names that I earnestly pray...AMEN

  101. Sorry I hit the publish button twice because I didn't think it went through.

  102. Tim,
    No my friend, I did NOT once said that 1+1+1 = 1.
    I would never ever say such nonsense. My math teacher told me very early in my younger years that 1+1+1 = 3.
    Only trinitarians teach those lies, because they don't want to believe the truth.

    You said, 'I see Him manifest Himself to us as three personas so that we can understand Him and use Him like He wants us to, not as different gods who would contradict each other'.

    Do you mean a Siamese triplet ?
    Or, 'Him' with a triple personality disorder ?
    If God is three persons, then you should have said that you can use THEM and not Him ? You cannot use Him if they are many.
    Tell me, which ONE are you going to use if they are more than one ?

    In your comment you said that you take Jesus as your King and then you are praying to the Father, now tell me, are those TWO gods, or are they in union with each other ?
    In my math, if you take Jesus as your King, and he is ONE god, and then you are praying to another god whom you call Father, that would equal TWO gods.
    Can you see that ?

    Look Tim, DO NOT think that I hate you because I am telling you the truth, NO ! To the contrary, I love you enough to tell you the truth. Most people pastors and church leaders will NOT tell you the truth for fear of offending you.
    I know that the truth, the gospel is an offence to ALL who are perishing, therefore it is of great importance that you deal with this utmost destructive teaching called the trinity.

    It is required from you to believe in ONE God and not in two or three gods, otherwise you transgress the first and the second commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  103. Paul, you didn't read the comment correctly and you twist my words. I said you said 1+1+1<> 1. That means does not equal 1. There is no "not equal" sign on the key board. Please don't say my math is wrong. I am highly sufficient in math, more than many, believe me.

    And as I have said before I am not doing the circular nonsense that you do. You know how I feel about the Trinity and it is not the distorted way you are trying to make it into.

    In all sincerity who are the other two names that used to help write this blog?

  104. Did your math teacher not tell you 1*1*1=1?????? See that is what you do. You ignore facts that go against your human intellect or when it proves you wrong.

    1. My mom is a mom, a wife, and a sister. Is she three people or have three different ways she responds to things? Do people treat her like three different? No but her brother does not treat her as a wife. Her husband does not treat her as a sister.

  105. And I said persona not persons. BIG difference...See above.

    If you're going to "debate" then quite people correctly and don't twist things. This isn't political.

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  107. No Tim, I do NOT ignore facts, and I do NOT play word-games.
    1+ 1 = 2 .
    If Jesus is not the Father, then the Father and Jesus are TWO.
    One person and another person equals TWO persons.
    Whether they are persons or not makes no difference, 1 + 1 = 2 and if you add another one, then it equals THREE.
    I surely would like to have a good talk to your math teacher :-)

    Tim, it doesn't mater how you FEEL about the trinity, you need to look at the facts.
    So tell me, do you agree with the facts as I have stated ?

    OK. Again, if the Lord Jesus Christ is a person and the Father is ANOTHER person, does that equal TWO persons ?

  108. You just proved you don't listen...Again.

    Do this math problem:. 1*1*1.

    Is my mom three different people?

  109. Maybe you don't understand the math problem. It is multiplication. One multiplied by one and then multiplied by one again. When you want to find the volume or the measure of the amount of space something takes you use three numbers multiplied by each other. Mostly it is length, width, and depth. Same idea here, how big is God? One by one by one and that equals ONE. Now do you understand the math? No??? Still? You're going to skip over it or change my words aren't you? Now I know how God feels when you do it to His words.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Hey guys, even though the Scriptures do not support a Trinitarian Doctrine, it is more correct than the Jesus is the Father Doctrine.

    The "Jesus is the Father" doctrine denies the father and replaces him with the son. This is very unscriptural. There is absolutely no scriptural support for such an idea. Even Paul admits that he gives no authority to the true Scriptures, therefore he can make up anything he wants and proclaims that his "Jesus Channeling" proves him correct.

    When you remove the explicit Trinitarian verses, which were added to original Scriptures, there isn't any solid Trinity references, only inference. Even though God incorporates aspects of the Father, the Son and God's Holy Spirit, the Bible is clear that there are more aspects than that, such as the Word of God, the Finger of God, the Image of God, the Rod of God, and so on. Where does it stop? If we call God a Trinity, then there is more scriptural evidence to make him a decuple. Again, where does it stop? God is Echad, not three or more. As a matter of fact, a Trinity limits an unlimitedless God. There is YAH, no other. His Spirit is his purpose and nature. His Son is the vessel through which salvation is provided to mankind. Yah Shua means Yah Saves,

  112. Keith,

    Have you ever written anything like this on your blog? I am still a little lost on how you feel about the being of God. I would like to read what you think. Maybe I missed it on your blog but let me know or write one if you didn't.

  113. Tim, I'm hearing you loud and clear.
    If the Father to whom you have prayed to is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are TWO !
    And if both of them are God, then there are TWO gods. Yes Tim, TWO gods !
    And if they are joined at the hip, then they still are TWO gods, called Siamese twins.

    If your mother is NOT the father, then your mother and your father are TWO.

    The Lord Jesus Christ said, "Hear O Israel ! The Lord our God is ONE Lord." (Mark 12:29)
    Consequently, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father are NOT TWO. "He who has seen Me, has seen the Father" (John 14:9).

    So then, if you do NOT believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth, then you will die in your sins (John 8:24).

    I think that you need to make every effort to solve your problem of unbelief. The foundation of ALL Christianity supposed to be Jesus Christ is the LORD God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth.
    If you do not believe that, then you are just like the unbelievers, the infidels.

  114. Hi Keith, it's the other way around, he who denies that Jesus Christ is the Father and claims that someone else is the Father, DENIES the Father, and in doing so he also denies the Son. Just read my front page (ANOTHER JESUS).
    1 John 2:22 "Who is a liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the CHRIST ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son."

    Now consider this; if you believe that CHRIST means 'the anointed one', then EVERYBODY, even the demons believe that Jesus is the Christ.
    OK. EVERYBODY believes that Jesus is the anointed one (Christ), even the demons, just the same as they believe the Jesus is the Son of God.

    But, what unbelievers and devils do NOT believe is that JESUS is the LORD God came in the flesh.
    CHRIST means God came in the flesh (Immanuel), that's what they do NOT believe, and that is the antichrist (against the Lord Jesus Christ). Therefore they are denying BOTH the Father and the Son (1 John 2:22).

    Keith we are talking about the Lord God Almighty, who is He ? We are not talking about aspects, fingers, word, or rod, that has nothing to do with who God is.
    Simply JESUS is the LORD God the ALMIGHTY alone and NOT Jehovah or Yahweh or Allah, or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

  115. Hey Tim, I looked back on my blog and found three related posts that describe my thoughts concerning God and his nature, Y'shua and his relationship with the Father and what the scriptures and the Biblical writers meant, when they talked about the Spirit of God. I will write a post that will consolidate my thoughts.

    1. I would like to see your thoughts on how God interacts with the world, how He shows Himself, and how many names you think He has.

  116. You didn't address what I said. Who said anything about my father being my mother? I said my mom is a mom, a wife, and a sister. She has three roles in life. But she is still one person.

    You didn't answer the other questions at all.

    So no you're not hearing me at all.

    Your idea of the Trinity is off it's no wonder you don't understand it. And don't say you do because you have proven you don't.

  117. Tim, if Jesus is the Lord God Almighty and there is no other name give in heaven and on earth, then tell me, how many names does He have ?
    There is only one way Tim, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your household shall be saved, believe NOT and you shall be damned.
    That is the gospel my friend.

  118. Once again, Paul, your words show your lack of Biblical knowledge. The Messiah/Christ is the promised deliverer, a prophet like Moshe/Moses. To say that Y'shua/Christ is the Father, then you would have to say that the Father is a Prophet of God. Even the people, with Y'shua perceived him as a Prophet, not God.

    "They were all filled with awe and gave glory to God, saying, "A great prophet has appeared among us." Luke 7:16

    I not going back into this argument. The scriptures are clear that God is God and he gave power and authority unto the MAN, Y'shua.

    "They praised God, who had given such authority unto a man." Matthew 9:8

    You see, in reality, it is you, who denies that Y'shua/Jesus is the Christ. You are saying the Father is the Christ.

    You keep saying that Tim, Brenda, me and everyone that doesn't agree with your man-made doctrine, denies the Christ. It is not so. I think that I can affirm that none of us deny our savior.

  119. That math problem really has you stumped.

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  121. Keith, Matthew 8:9, all unbelievers acknowledged that God has given such power unto MEN ! Just read what it says and not what you like it to say. POWER unto MANKIND, as in many, and not only to
    one man Jesus Christ. And after all the Lord Jesus Christ is God came in flesh (Immanuel), as a man in the likeness of Adam.
    We don't worship a prophet ! All believers worship JESUS Christ (Mat, 28:9).
    Luke 7:16, they said that GOD has visited his people. Just read the Bible properly.

    All Islam is accusing you and most Christians for NOT believing in the prophet Jesus.
    And the same unbelievers acknowledge that Jesus is a prophet, but the believers call Him 'LORD God'.
    Remember, you are the one who is calling Jesus a prophet and NOT I, I call Him Lord.

    I also say that you do NOT believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, for if you would believe in Him, you would give me an amen.
    Keith, you do not even believe in any one of the Old Testament prophets.
    Isaiah said that Jesus shall be called 'Mighty' God. Do you believe Isaiah ? (Isa. 9:6).
    Isaiah also said that Jesus shall be called 'Everlasting Father'. Do you believe that ? Well, I don't think so.
    Keith, how can Jesus be your saviour if He is NOT your LORD God ?

  122. Well Tim, I have demonstrated to you very clearly that God is NOT THREE persons or entities, but only ONE person Jesus Christ who is God over ALL forever praised (Rom. 9:5).
    Now it's up to you to believe in Him, and if possible to know Him (personally).

  123. You just ran away from the things I brought up/asked.

    You have not "clearly" demonstrated anything. You have strongly voiced what you think by only using words and ideas that fit your beliefs.

    How is it up to me to believe if Jesus doesn't love me?

    What is 1 times 1 times 1? Can you do this multiplication?

    Who is Corey?

    Is my mother three people or one even though she has more than one role and treated three different ways by three different people?

    Are only English speaking people saved?

    You leave a lot to be answered.

  124. Keith,

    Can you answer these questions for me?

    How is it up to me to believe if Jesus doesn't love me?

    What is 1 times 1 times 1?

    Is my mother three people or one even though she has more than one role and treated three different ways by three different people?

    Are only English speaking people saved?

  125. Paul, you can deny the scriptures until the end of time, but it will be the scriptures, the Word ofGod , that will testify against you.

    You know very well that the Scriptures said that the Messiah would be a prophet. Oh, I forgot, you deny the Scriptures, every time they get in the way of your man-made doctrine.

    Your answers are textbook Satan Proven tactics, full of misdirection, never a straightforward scriptural answer.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Paul said it was up to me to believe but on my site He said God hates some people. Now how can it be up to me if God already hates me?

    Wow I thought the math was too hard but yes it equals one, so the math does work. All I was going for was just an admission that the math works.

    My mom has many roles and yes she is still only one person. She is who she is to me and she is who she is to the others yet still the same woman. Kind of like God, hmmmm. Each role has its own capacity and they all make her complete as one.

    And those who have a language where they don't use the name Jesus because they don't have that word in their language can still be saved because they still worship Jesus. I wonder what Hawaiians call him since j is not a letter for them. I am glad that not all Hawaiians are condemned and damned.

    Thank you for answering and showing it can be done and not twisting any scripture to do it.

  128. Hey Tim, You are correct that Paul cannot clearly demonstrate anything. His answers are nothing but platitudes and misdirection. Sound like anyone you know? His tactics are quite familiar to both of us.

    The answer to your questions.

    Can you answer these questions for me? Yes:-) LOL Sorry, I had to. Couldn't resist the temptation.

    How is it up to me to believe if Jesus doesn't love me?

    There is absolutely no scriptural basis for this question, for there is no greater love than for one to lay down his life for another. Therefore, the question is based is asking for a truth, based on a lie.

    What is 1 times 1 times 1?

    The answer is clearly 1. However, in Quantum Physics, 1+1+1=1. Therefore, can math and physics truly explain God's nature better than scripture, which is 1<1 false, 1>1 false, 1=1 true.

    Is my mother three people or one even though she has more than one role and treated three different ways by three different people?

    Your mother is only one person, with multiple roles, much more than three. However, neither role can act independently of your mother. Also, none of her roles know more than the others, nor is one given direction by the others, nor gives glory and worship to the others.

    Are only English speaking people saved? No

  129. I repeat me response. You deleted as I was typing.😀. Same response from me.

  130. Sorry, the one question became clear after thinking about it.

  131. Tim, you said, 'How is it up to me to believe if Jesus doesn't love me?'
    It makes NO difference what you believe.

    Does it make a difference to you if you believe that the Queen of England loves you ?
    I think NOT ! To assume that, is a fallacy.

    The Scriptures said that Jesus loved His OWN, (John 13:1).
    Jesus doesn't love His enemies, I think we have talked about that on your blog-post.
    Many times I have said that if a doctrine does NOT have election in it, then the doctrine is NOT true.

    Why do you believe the doctrine of the trinity and defending it if you don't understand what the trinity doctrine actually is teaching ?

    Do you know that trinitarians actually believe that God is TREE persons in ONE God. The first person the Father is NOT the Son and is NOT the Holy Spirit.
    The second person the Son is NOT the Father and is NOT the Holy Spirit.
    The third person is the Holy Spirit who is NOT the Father and is NOT the Son.
    Well, those three persons supposed to be 'God'.
    It makes no difference how you rearrange those three god-persons and what you are calling them.
    A lie is a lie and it makes no difference how you present a lie.
    Is your mother three persons ? NO !
    Is God three persons ? NO !
    If your mother is not three persons and God is not three persons, then why say and teach that God is three persons ?
    And if God is NOT three persons, then the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Father just as He has said.
    AND the Holy Spirit is just as the Scriptures has said (2 Cor 3:17).
    ONE GOD Jesus Christ alone. And any other god is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).

  132. Keith, everyone can see that I believe the Bible to be the Scriptures.
    Yes ! Only the Bible is the Scriptures and NO OTHER text or book.
    You call the Bible erroneous, only when it doesn't fit your doctrine.

    And NO ! The Word of God does NOT testify against me, I believe the written Word of God AND the living Word of God which is Jesus Christ my Lord and ONLY God (John 1:1).

  133. Paul, Everyone's opinion doesn't matter. As always, you have misrepresented what I have said. Again, a Satan tactic. I said your English translation is erroneous, not the real Bible. I call your translation doesn't match the real scripture, which represent God's doctrine.

    You are correct. Your erroneous translation testifies against the Word of God, but it is the Word of God, that will win out and testify against you and your false doctrine. Yes, the Lord Y'shua and the God of all creation will show you the error of your choice to follow Satan's tactics.

  134. Paul you didn't quite grasp anything I said it have said in the past. You said it was up to me to believe and now you say it doesn't matter if I believe. Which is it?

    I don't think your view of the Trinity is the common view. It is not mine. I have stated this before, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Spirit, God is the Spirit. Just like my mom is my dad's wife and my uncle's sister. Three in one.

    If I am overstepping my boundaries about Corey I apologise, but who is he? Why did this site change when you took over?

    And you still haven't answered the math question yet.

  135. And you still didn't answer my question about English only being saved.

  136. And you still didn't answer my question about English only being saved.

  137. Paul, All you have to do is investigate. The first English translation came on the scene, around the 7th century, while the earliest Greek and Hebrew transcripts have roots in the time period of 70BC to 159 AD. Most English translations have many doctrinal bias' and have been a tool for Satan, to mislead many, away from the faith, due to apparent discrepancies.

    Even though, God's way to salvation has been maintained, in all translations, there are many unintended discrepancies, within these translations. These translations are erroneous, and are not suitable for correction in doctrine and conduct. Look at all the denominational divisions that have occurred because of the erroneous translations.

    You are correct, when you say, "You supposed to submit to the Word of God and not be in opposition to the written Word of God." So, why don't you submit yourself, to the Original Word of God, instead of a erroneous translation?

    You also said, "Yes, the Bible has authority over me and I would repent at any time if proven wrong and convicted by the Spirit of the Lord.

    You say it, but do you honestly mean it? The Spirit of God is not a Spirit of confusion, but one of absolute truth. I have shown you problems with your English translation, but you ignore it. Therefore, by your own admission, the spirit of the lord, within you, is ignoring it. Does that sound like the Spirit of the Lord? Absolutely Not!!!! The Spirit of the Lord rightly divides his Word and leads the remnant into all truth.

    You also said, " I'm not to proud or too arrogant ..." But, you are!!!! Even when the evidence is given to you, you are so proud and arrogant, you won't even investigate for yourself. You continually give your allegiance to man's doctrine and erroneous translations, not the original Word of God.

  138. Keith, to make public statements and claims as I do; don't you think that I would have investigated first ?
    If there would be an ORIGINAL text, don't you think that I would know ?

    What do you think, did the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ had a Bible ? Certainly NOT!
    They didn't need a Bible, they had the living Word of God with them. They walked with the Lord Jesus Christ just as I do and we DON'T need a Bible, the Bible is for those who don't know God, for those who inquire about God, and for those who have gone astray from the Lord just like you.

    You said, 'Most English translations have many doctrinal bias' and have been a tool for Satan '.

    If MOST English translations have doctrinal bias, then tell me which one of the English translation does not have any bias ?

    You said, 'The Spirit of the Lord rightly divides his Word and leads the remnant into all truth.'

    Yes, the Spirit of the Lord will lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ for He is the Truth (John 14:6) and any spirit who will lead you to a god called Yahweh is a deceiving spirit and he has lead you away from the TRUTH.

    In my next post I will demonstrate that deceiving spirit of 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4.
    And in the post after I will demonstrate the DIFFERENT gospel, which is in reality another gospel which we do NOT preach 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4.

    Concerning salvation; because you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore it is impossible for you to know or understand salvation, and not even the way of salvation.
    And don't say that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. As I have said in this post that you believe in ANOTHER JESUS, other than the one which we preach (2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4).

    I do not have a hidden agenda Keith. My words are the Lord's words (1 Peter 4:11).
    Remember, I claim to be a representative or an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, therefore you ought to listen and take heed lest I have preached in vain.

    The gospel of salvation has NOT changed, it is still the same, and it always will be the same; believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, believe NOT and you shall be damned.
    By that I mean, believe in the Lord JESUS which I preach and not in the Jesus that you preach (2 Cor. 11:3 – 4).
    Keith, you need to repent PUBLICLY and not somewhere hidden in a back-room. Jesus said, if you confess Me BEFORE men, I will confess you before My Father who is in heaven.

  139. Why should he believe? I thought you said that didn't matter what we believe. Believing would be free will.

    Math problem still stumping you?
    Only people who speak English are chosen by God?

  140. Paul, you said, "Keith, to make public statements and claims as I do; don't you think that I would have investigated first ?"

    No, my friend, I don't believe it. Or you didn't search very far.

    If MOST English translations have doctrinal bias, then tell me which one of the English translation does not have any bias ?

    Exactly, my point.

  141. It's real easy. Saying it doesn't mean you believe in a Trinity. Just admit 1 times 1 times 1 equals 1.

  142. I guess it's too hard for you so let me ask you other questions:

    1. Who was carried up to heaven in a chariot?
    2. Who are the two archangels mentioned by name?
    3. What was Georg Friedrich Handels' most famous composition?

    Can you answer those questions???????

  143. Keith, I don't think that you understand my question.
    If MOST English translations have doctrinal bias, then tell me which one of the English translation does not have any bias ?

    That is a question and not a point.
    I think what you really mean is, that ALL English translations are erroneous, otherwise you would be able to tell me which ONE of the English translations is NOT erroneous.

    Soon or later, you need to answer those questions concerning the Prophet Isaiah 9:6. Avoiding them by throwing in a red herring will not hide your unbelief in Jesus Christ the Lord.

    Remember, 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4 is a warning for all those who believe in another Jesus, therefore you need to make every effort to believe in the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth and in NO OTHER !

    You need to confess Jesus before men and NOT a false god called Yahweh or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.
    Any other God apart from Jesus who is the Christ is a FALSE god, the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).

  144. Yes Tim, you do have a free will to repent, but you do NOT have a free will to be born of God, in other words, you cannot 'WILL' to be born again, that salvation is a free gift of God lest any man may boast.

    In the Scriptures is NO trinity, the trinity is a man made doctrine, a Catholic Universal doctrine, an antichrist doctrine which is against the Lord Jesus Christ.
    The trinity doctrine is the masterpiece of Satan to divide God into three persons or entities, so that you can never know who God is.
    Jesus said, 'if you do not know that I am He, you will die in your sins' (John 8:24).

    Can you see the importance of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and in NO other ? And more so, KNOWING the Lord Jesus Christ.
    It is one thing to know about Him, and another thing to know Him.

    Only that will profit you something, but to know about angels and prominent people and their theories doesn't profit you much.

  145. I get your question, Paul. But, your implied answer is my point. There isn't any translation, that doesn't have bias. The only unbiased Bible is the one where you immerse yourself into the culture and learn the language as it was implied. Every single translation has compromise within it. God's true Word has no compromise.

  146. No one said we could "will" our salvation. But I can choose to follow Him and believe in Him. My acceptance of His gift saves me. But I can't will it.

    Why won't you answer my questions?

  147. Keith, as I have said on my front page; to immerse yourself into a culture and a language is NOT the Word of God or the Bible.
    God's true Word is the Bible, the written Word of God and it has NO compromise or errors.
    If you don't believe in the WRITTEN Word of God, then you will NOT believe in the LIVING Word of God Jesus Christ.

  148. Yes Tim, I agree with you, that you can choose to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and so you should.

    You said, 'My acceptance of His gift saves me. But I can't will it.'

    Well Tim, you can't accept something without your will, or will it.

    And the free gift of God you cannot accept or reject, and not even choose it. It's NOT your choice, nor does it depend on your choice otherwise you would boast. Remember, it's a FREE gift of God.

    A gift is that which is in your possession and NOT that which is in someone else's possession, if it is in God's possession, then HOW do you know that that gift it is for you ?

    To assume that the gift is for you, is plain arrogance and self-delusion.

    God's gift you cannot choose, otherwise it's NOT a gift.

  149. You agree with me? That is not what you said earlier. You said I cannot choose God like I can't choose Elizabeth as my queen. You said God has to choose me, an elect. But I won't go any farther on that. I still want you to answer the questions I asked you. I will repeat them here for you:

    1. Who was carried up to heaven in a chariot?
    2. Who are the two archangels mentioned by name?
    3. What was Georg Friedrich Handels' most famous composition?

    Still want the multiplication question answered but I guess that won't ever happen.

  150. Ok, I reread what you just said and you contradict yourself. I can choose to believe in Him but I can't choose the free gift of salvation? Then why believe?

    Then you asked me a question that I have asked you before: How do YOU know He chose you? In you scenario, one would never know until you die. That is not His Shalom. That is not "My Peace I give you". That is "I am playing with your mind and causing you fear your whole life".

    The more you speak, the more tangled web you keep weaving. It's ok to stop and regroup. I am not saying your salvation is jeopardy at all. I don't think your faith is weak. I believe like you about the Bible having authority (So does Keith), and I believe that the English version is the word of God but we don't know the full meaning without the original language. It is still infallible (even with the side notes by priests during the medieval times if you ask me), but it lacks the full passion of the original language.

    SO please answer my questions.

  151. Paul you got wordy with Keith when you felt like he didn't answer your question but you have yet answered mine. Do I need to answer them for you?

  152. Tim, simply, you ought to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved, if you don't believe in Him you will perish.
    But believing in Him is NOT choosing the free gift of God. As I have said, you cannot choose a free gift.
    Why don't you understand that ?

    You said, 'How do YOU know He chose you? In your scenario, one would never know until you die.'

    Chose ME for WHAT ?
    Don't you think that, if the Lord Jesus chooses me or you for something, He would tell me or you ?

    And NO ! The Lord Jesus does not play mind games, and neither do I.

    Well, the Bible should have authority over YOU. If the Bible says something contrary to what you think and believe, then you ought to repent and adjust your thinking to what the Bible says.
    If you claim to believe, then you do NOT have the right to have your own private interpretation of the Bible.

    Concerning Keith, just read his comments and then you know what he believes.
    He claims that the Bible is erroneous. Does that sound like, that an erroneous Bible would have authority over Keith ? I don't think so.

    The Bible does NOT have an original language, that's a fallacy Tim. The Bible is written in whatever language so that the reader can know what the Lord God has to say about anything so that they are without excuse. Jesus said, 'It is WRITTEN'.

    And I don't answer questions which profit you nothing.

  153. You don't answer questions that prove you wrong because you've already answered questions that will profit no one. Maybe I should say to you what you said to me. Maybe you won't do it because you can't handle the milk of the word of God. Maybe you are duck and covering. Maybe you are avoiding the debate for fear that your wilful ignorance might be exposed. You should answer because it might benefit us, like Jesus told us to with the great commission.

    Please explain the difference between choosing to believe and choosing the gift of God.

  154. Your comment about the Bible not having an original language is just looney. It had to be written in some language somehow a long time ago. What did Moses write? I know you aren't telling me Moses spoke English too.

  155. So are you done with this one? Just walking away? Can't even answer a few simple questions that would shed some light?

  156. Since you won't answer, here are the answers for you. Now, you can't comment on any of them because as you said it won't profit you any, and if you do answer then you become a hypocrite and lose all your credibility.

    1) 1 times 1 times 1 equals 1. This is a basic math formula that states anything multiplied by 1 is itself.
    2) English speakers are not the only people saved. They call upon the name of the LORD in their language. It is not their fault that no one taught them English. God knows and understands and has mercy on ALL who call upon His name. Moses spoke Hebrew/Aramaic and Egyptian, not English. Not even people of England spoke English until 1400 AD.
    3) ALL who believe in Jesus and call upon His name are saved. The gift of Jesus is salvation. It can't be earned but the only way to get it is to accept Him as your savior. This acceptance is not by works but by Grace and Truth.
    4) My mother is only one person but she has different role sin her life. Same with God. he is the Almighty, Elohim, the Father, the Son, the Spirit, El Rapha, Jehovah (Adonai). He has many titles and things we call Him by that explains His roles to us. Yet, He manifested Himself to us in three ways---NOT THREE DIFFERENT GODS.
    5) Elijah is the one taken into heaven by a chariot. Elijah means My God is Yah, short for Yahweh, so the name of Yahweh is in the Bible. Many times as a matter of fact.
    6) The arch angels are Michael and Gabriel. The EL on the end of those names mean God. So the name El is in the Bible many times.
    7) The famous work by Handel is the Hallelujah Chorus of course. Hall el jah means praise God is Yah(weh). So if you have ever said hallelujah then you are praising Yahweh. And if you have said it your standards you just blasphemed.

    Now, don't you comment. It wouldn't be profitable to you. (Somehow I think your ego will make you do it).

    In the end, as my last response to you more than likely, I seriously want to say that I am not saying these things to break your faith in any way, on the contrary I want you to rethink some things and not limit your faith to what you have done. You have reduced God to just one topic and that is not who He is. You are obsessed with this and I feel it has taken some of the glory God has meant for you away. Keith and I are free because we know God's grace and know there is so much more out there He has for us, not that we need it, but because it is promised.

    I wish you the best but you need help. I will not stop you from commenting on my blog but if you do and start the circular insanity then I will just ignore you.

    JESUS IS KING. May His Shalom be with you.

  157. That is NOT true Tim.
    You are just regurgitating man made assumptions. Don't be one of those blind guys who lead the blind, you know, both will fall into the pit.

    And also, you need to read the BIBLE carefully before you make a statement. Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind and not by a chariot.
    Look my friend, churches are full of people who believe every wind of doctrine. Don't be one of them and don't follow them.

  158. Sad, Paul, very sad. You do miss out on so much that a really close relationship with God would bring. Again, my hopes and prayers are that you will open your eyes to the Word of God.

  159. Thank you Keith, but you can't have a relationship with God unless you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you think that you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ AND with another person called Father, then you have a relationship with the gods, the pagan gods.
    Just think, every Muslim and every Jehovah Witness and every Jew claims to have a relationship with God. But I always ask, 'a relationship with which God ?'.
