Friday, April 07, 2017

Another 'JESUS' Whom We Have Not Preached. (2 Cor, 11:3 - 4)

What is ANOTHER Jesus ? Or WHO is that OTHER Jesus ?
2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4, But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be lead astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
For if one comes and preaches ANOTHER JESUS whom we have NOT preached, or you receive a DIFFERENT SPIRIT which you have NOT received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have NOT accepted, you bear this beautifully.

Here in that passage we can see that there are TWO JESUS.
Although we know that there are many men who are called by the name Jesus, in the Bible there are only TWO Jesus, one true the other or others are false.

The TRUE JESUS is the Lord Jesus Christ from Nazareth who is called the Christ.
This Jesus is the LORD meaning GOD, He is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it and nothing came into being apart from Him, everything was made by and for Him (John 1:3 – 10 and Col. 1:15 - 20). He alone is the eternal God who is Spirit (John 4:24 and 2 cor. 3:17) and caused Himself to be born into His own creation through the virgin Mary (Mat. 1:21 – 25) (Immanuel God with us) or (God clothed in flesh, veiled the incarnate Deity), or God appeared in a body (1 Tim. 3:16) and that God who appeared in a body is the LORD JESUS CHRIST and beside the Lord Jesus is NO OTHER (Isa. 43:10 - 12).

This JESUS of Nazareth who is called the Christ, He IS the Father (John 10:30 and 14:9), and He also IS the SON (Isa. 9:6), and He also IS the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17).
This JESUS which I preach IS the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20).

If you do NOT peach that 'JESUS', then you preach ANOTHER JESUS.

The OTHER JESUS is the false Jesus of 2 Corinthians 11:4, whom WE have NOT preached!
This Jesus is NOT the Lord God Almighty, he is only a son of a god called Jehovah or Yahweh etc.
This Jesus is a mere man doing the will of an unknowable god called Jehovah or Yahweh.
This Jesus is NOT the God of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
It is this unknowable god who actually saves people THROUGH a man called Jesus.
Also it is this god called Jehovah or Yahweh who created everything THROUGH a man Jesus.
And this mere man Jesus can do NOTHING by himself unless this god called Jehovah or Yahweh tells him what to do or say etc.

Now, this is the the OTHER JESUS whom WE have NOT preached (2 Cor. 11:4).
But all Christian cults including Catholics and most Christian denominations preach this JESUS whom WE do NOT preach.
And for this reason most Churches and denominations and individuals are dead because they do not judge the body rightly.

To the Lord Jesus Christ alone be all glory and honor and power and praise forever and ever.

Which Jesus do YOU preach ?
I appreciate your comment, for or against is welcomed.


  1. Paul, I agree with you that there is no other Y'shua, but the scriptural Y'shua. In the same way, there is no other God but 'I AM', Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh , as written in the Hebrew.

  2. No Keith, you don't agree with me.
    In the Bible (the Scriptures) is NO one called Y'shua.
    The name of God is JESUS and NOT Y'shua.
    It is the Name of God who is blasphemed among the nations, which is JESUS who is the Christ and NOT Y'shua.

    And yes, 'I am' is in the Bible, but that is NOT a name, and neither does it mean Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, otherwise it would say so in the Word of God which is the Bible.
    If what you are saying would be true, then Lord Jesus Christ would NOT omit that in His Word (the Bible), no my friend it's NOT there, you are making that up.

    If something is written in Hebrew, then it is written in Hebrew, and if the Scriptures are written in English, then it is English.
    The whole world blasphemes only one name and that is the Name of God which is JESUS who is the Christ.
    And there is NO OTHER NAME given in heaven or on earth (Acts 4:12).

  3. Hi Paul.

    You said, "It is the Name of God who is blasphemed among the nations, which is JESUS who is the Christ and NOT Y'shua."

    Do you think that they curse the name of Jesus in Russia? No, they curse the name of Иисус.

    Do you think that they curse the name of Jesus in China? No, they curse the name of 耶稣. (YeSu)

    Do you think that they curse the name of Jesus in Italian? No, they curse the name of Gesu.

    Do you think that they curse the name of Jesus in Croatia? No, they curse the name of Isus.

    You're getting too stuck on English. The Word of God is all languages. The Remnant of God always seeks out the real scriptures and it is definitely not the English versions. There are some good English versions, but the main ones, such as KJV, NIV, etc, has too many errors in it. They lead people down the wrong path, too many times.

    As far as "I AM" goes, please give me your take on why God responded to Moses with "I AM", if that wasn't his name?

  4. Paul,

    Back in August of last year I posted this question on No Doubt's blog. You perhaps didn't see it and I of course will give you every benefit of the doubt (no pun intended Keith) but nevertheless you never answered it. So, I will post it here:

    How do you reconcile 2 Chronicles 7:14, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

    What name are they called by? If they did not know God's name then what did they say? "OH, please sovereign God whose name we don't know, please help us, your people, who have no idea what to call ourselves because we don't know your name, we pray to you O mighty someone with no name that we don't know yet. We want to call ourselves your people but we don't know your name."

  5. If they didn't know Jesus' name, then how do they call themselves anything? And again, did Jesus only speak English?

  6. Hi Keith, I am a representative (ambassador) of the Lord JESUS Christ and His Kingdom and His Word the Bible which is the Scriptures.

    Look my friend, 'Google' is NOT the Scriptures, you need to open your Bible and read what it says in there. Remember, it is the Bible which is the Word of God and NOT extra biblical texts.

    And if you have a problem with the Scriptures (the Bible), then turn on your TV and listen whose Name they blaspheme. And if that is not sufficient, then go to the street or listen to your friends whose NAME they blaspheme.
    I can assure you, they ALL blaspheme the Name of the Lord God, which is 'JESUS' who is the Christ.

    As you know, my mother tongue is not English, but Swiss, or Swiss-German and even they blaspheme the Name of God which is JESUS in fact all Europeans blaspheme God's Name which is JESUS.
    If you say God's Name 'JESUS' with an accent, it is still JESUS.
    Simply, because there is NO OTHER name given in heaven or on earth, and for that reason Satan's interest is to diminish the Name Jesus in any form or way, and I am not ignorant of his devises and his trickery.

    You see, Y'shua, doesn't mean Jesus, just the same as Tom does NOT mean Harry, those are two different names and only Satan is interested to bring a confusion into the Name of God.

    Remember, the Lord Jesus has given Satan the power to deceive the whole world and even the elect if possible.
    And for that reason you need to repent and believe in the the Lord Jesus Christ and then you shall be saved, believe not, and you will perish with all those blasphemers.

  7. Hi Tim, yes, that also is an important question.
    In the Old Testament no body knew God's one and only Name. No Prophet or anyone else knew God's ONE and only Name.
    They ALL wanted to know His Name, they even asked the Lord Jesus to give them His name. Consider, Moses asked the Lord Jesus for His Name and the Lord Jesus did NOT give Moses His Name but said 'YHWH' or I am that I am.
    Or what about Manoah (Judg. 13:18) when he asked the Lord Jesus for His Name, He said 'it is beyond understanding'.
    What about Jacob (Gen. 32:29) and all the others ?

    Can you see, nobody knew the Name of God, because it had not been given in the Old Testament. God's Name was only made known when God caused Himself to be born into His own creation at His birth in (Mat. 1:25).
    That was the first time when the whole world and all the angelic hosts knew the NAME of God, which is Jesus and we all rejoiced.

    So the answer to your question 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord Jesus said, 'if MY PEOPLE who are called by My NAME .... '.

    Who were those people who are called by God's Name which nobody knew ?
    Simple, it was the Israelite's. Israel were the only PEOPLE in the whole world who were called 'God's PEOPLE', or were known as God's people.

    Was God's Name Israel ? No ! But that was the only NAME by which God's people were known 'Israel, the Israelite's'.
    So, the Lord Jesus had called those who were called 'God's PEOPLE' (His people) to humble themselves etc.

  8. Once again, Paul, you totally missed the point. Of course, within your English-centric world, it would appear that the whole world blasphemes the name of Jesus. However, as I stated, there are many more people that speak a non English language and knows the savior by a name other than Jesus.

    A 2004 study published in Science said that 9 percent of the world spoke English as a first language by the middle of the 19th century. The same study found that only 5 percent of the world would speak English as a first language by 2050.

    By simple math, you can see that over 90% of the worlds population knows the Lord by a name other than Jesus.

    Therefore, your point is false.

    Once again, the Word of God is in all languages. The Remnant of God always seeks out the real scriptures and it is definitely not the English versions. There are some good English versions, but the main ones, such as KJV, NIV, etc, has too many errors in it. They lead people down the wrong path, too many times.

    How do you reconcile when the versions of the Bible don't concur? Since 95% of the world doesn't use the name ofJesus, does that mean they are going g to hell?

    Finally, you never answered my question concerning IAM.

  9. The meaning of the word Christ means 'anointed One', or 'chosen One'- anointed and chosen by Who? - God the Father. Reconciliation back to God for mankind can only be achieved through Jesus (Yahweh saves).
    He is the One mediator between man and God.
    There is no argument - scripture confirms this.

  10. Tom doesn't mean Harry but Timothy and Timoteo are the same. It's more than just a different accent. You connected two unconnected names. Jesus is English. Ieosus is Greek. Yeshua is Hebrew. It's the same name. They all mean salvation.

    As for your answer to my question, nice rationalization. It didn't work but nice try to validate your beliefs.

    If they knew Jesus name finally in the NT then why in Revelation do thy still not know it?

  11. Keith, is there another name they blaspheme ?
    Apart from Jesus is no other name.

    No my friend you have been misguided, the whole world knows the Name of God which is JESUS.
    Every time they mention a year or a date 11th of April 2017 after whom ? Jesus Christ of course; it reminds them that God was born into His own creation and that His name is JESUS so that they are without excuse.

    As I have said before, there is only ONE version and that is God's version, but MANY translations and many translators who have translated God's version which is God's Word.
    The Bible is called the Word of God, it is not called the translators word.
    The Bible has NO error, only the reader who does not know God thinks that there are errors in the Bible because he likes to justify his sin.

    In my OPINION, all the translators did an excellent job to translate the Word of God into English and into any other language.
    OK, I say it again, it's God's version which they have translated, they did NOT translated King James version.
    I do not believe in King James, I believe in God who is Jesus Christ the Lord.

    The Lord Jesus Christ said to Moses "I am" because He did not wanted to give him His Name before His incarnation.
    It's not Einstein's theory Keith. You just need to believe in Jesus Christ and abandon that god called Yahweh or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.

  12. Hi Brenda, I'm glad you're still with us :-)

    Yes, the meaning of Christ CAN mean anointed one, but that is just not good enough because many of us are ALSO anointed ones.
    Can you see, that meaning has NO power, it means NOT much.

    But I say, the meaning of 'Christ' means, 'God came in the flesh'.

    You can say that in various different ways as long as it means that God appeared in a body (1 Tim. 3:16).
    All the Prophets of old have spoken that God would would be born into His own creation at the appropriate time as a man and be called the Christ (God incarnate), (Immanuel).

    Well Brenda, as I have said before and have explained, there is only a mediator between God and man for those who DO NOT know God, for people like you who believe in a false god called Yahweh, but for ALL of us who DO KNOW God, we DO NOT need a mediator and neither do we have a mediator.

    Because you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore you CAN NOT understand the Scriptures.


  13. Tim, if Tom doesn't mean Harry, then Y'shua doesn't mean JESUS.
    Why not just call Him Jesus ? Why do you have a problem with the Name Jesus ?
    The whole world has a problem with God's Name 'JESUS', therefore they blaspheme that Name.
    Yes, what I believe is the truth, because I represent the truth who is Jesus Christ the Lord our only God (John 14:6).

    'Revelation' is exactly that ! It is the REVELATION of Jesus who is the Christ.
    If you don't preach Jesus Christ as I DO, then Jesus Christ has NOT been made known to you, or perhaps has NOT been REVEALED to you.

    Please open the book of Revelation 1:1 and take note of 1:17 – 18, ' I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever more,'
    Tell me Tim, is there another one who is the first ?
    Another one who is called Yahweh ?
    Or another one who is called the Father ?

    No Tim, a father is always before the son, and for that reason the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Father, the FIRST (Rev. 2:8).

  14. Hi Paul,
    I believe absolutely in Jesus as the Christ, and through Whom we have salvation. That is how I was born of the Spirit of God - through believing in Jesus by first being called to Him by God. It is written that Jesus Himself said in John ch. 6 v. 44:-
    No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day'
    That is what happened to me in Adelaide 35 years ago after being baptized in water, I was immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in a language I had never learned.
    It was seven years after my near death experience and I felt my connection with that experience return, believing absolutely that I had been taken to the 'third heaven' after reading about the experience Paul the apostle speaks about in 2 Corinthians ch. 12 v. 2.

  15. Wow. I will leave this posting on that note Paul. It's just too weird here.

  16. Paul, please don't take this the wrong way, but you are misinformed or a touch naive. The whole world doesn't know Jesus. That's the reason why we out in the streets, on the internet, etc., to get the Word out to those in need.

    If you honestly believe that the whole world calls Y'shua, Jesus, you need to get out more often. When was the last time that you were outside an English speaking nation, little alone Australia.

    No, my friend, I'm not going to let you slip that one by. It has been us that has said there is only one Word of God and that's the original. You are on record saying that Gods Word in the English translation. There is no other, unless you want to admit you are wrong?

    As for IAM, that is the English translation of Ehyeh, which is in the original language, the one that you deny.

  17. Brenda, I know that you believe that Christ is an anointed one, but as I have said that there are MANY anointed ones, therefore your statement is just rhetoric.

    Brenda, I do not doubt your experience, but you are quoting metaphors. The reason you are quoting metaphors is because you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore you can NOT understand His Word.
    You don't believe Him when He said, “These things I have spoken TO YOU in figurative (metaphoric) language; an hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly of the Father” (John 16:25).

    Brenda, that HOUR has NOT yet come to you, you still hear the Lord Jesus Christ speaking metaphorically to you.

    As I have said, I don't doubt your experience, I know what you are saying, but your experience doesn't profit you much and neither does it profit any reader at all.
    Everyone is in the same limbo as you are.

    Even a powerful or a great experience does not give you the right to believe in a god who is NOT the creator of heaven and earth.

  18. Hi Tim, most of modern day Christianity can't handle the truth.
    They cannot even handle the milk of the Word of God, not to mention the meat.
    When they are confronted with the truth they duck for cover.

    Well, I praise the Lord that not everybody is like that.
    Haven't you read, that narrow is the way and only few are those who find it ?
    Those are not my words, but the Lord's.

  19. Keith, I did NOT say that the whole world does not know Jesus, I wouldn't make such a stupid statement.
    Obviously ALL God's people know the Lord Jesus Christ, that is because they believe in Him and worship Him. And obviously the whole world knows ABOUT the Lord Jesus Christ, but because they know ABOUT the Lord Jesus Christ that doesn't mean that they KNOW Him.
    If you know ABOUT the Queen of England, that doesn't mean that you KNOW her.
    In that sense I could say that the world does not know Jesus.

    OK, I say it again, THERE IS NO ORIGINAL TEXT !
    You may not understand that, but that's a fact.
    I know that there are groups of people out there who claim to have the original text and in the original language etc. those are just people who like to have the authority of the Word of God exclusive for themselves.
    Tell me, which is God's ORIGINAL language ? Hebrew ? Aramaic ? Or Swahili ? Perhaps it could be Greek ?
    Most preaches, when they don't like what the Bible said, the say that in Greek it means something different than what the Bible actually said.

    It is the BIBLE which is the Word of God and in whatever language it is written. And for you and me it is ENGLISH, that is because you don't speak Swahili and neither do I.
    The ENGLISH Bible is the same as the German Bible and the same as the Swahili Bible and the Hebrew Bible and any other Bible.
    Again, yes, there is only one Word of God and that is the Bible, and because there is NO original text, therefore it is the Bible.

    The 'I Am' is that which the Lord Jesus has said, or do you prefer when I say, that which GOD has said ? I can say it either way because I believe that Jesus Christ is God.
    And it means exactly what the Lord has said.

    Now, just read it again, Exodus 3:14, Jesus said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM".
    First, do you have a problem with what I have said that 'Jesus said to Moses' ?

    I AM THAT I AM is in ENGLISH written in our Bibles. Now tell me, what does that mean in English ?
    And does it say or mean 'Ehyeh' ?
    Don't worry what it says in Swahili or in any other language.
    The question is, what does it say in the Bible, for the Bible is the Word of God, and what does it mean ?

    Obviously it doesn't say 'Ehyeh', therefore it means what it says.
    And if you don't know what it says and what it means, then you have a few problems my friend and we better talk about those problems.

  20. Paul,
    where you say in your last comment to me:- 'Brenda, I know that you believe that Christ is an anointed one' I can see that what you claim to 'know' about people completely blocks out their testimonies - which each share on their blogs.

    I would say that this is a 'metaphor' of your belief in the Word. You take one sentence and block out the rest of it.

    In all of your blog posts you have not shared the love of Jesus in this world. All you have shared is the foundation of the doctrine you believe in, which goes against scripture and against most of what Jesus says.

    The wonderful thing is, it is the TRUTH that sets all free, and the TRUTH is available to all - being revealed through the written Word and signs accompanying it to ALL WHO SEEK.
    All who read your blog will see that much of what you have written does not line up with scripture.

  21. Wise words, Brenda. Paul's doctrine does not fulfill the two or more witness requirement of scripture.

  22. Yes Brenda, if that is what you think about me, I do not have a defence.
    If that which you have said would be true, then I would have failed miserably.
    But if that which I have spoken in the Name of the Lord is true, then you should listen and take heed.

    Tell me Brenda, if the TRUTH that sets all free, as you have said, then why are all those still under bondage to those false gods like Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna etc. ?

    If the TRUTH is available to all, then why don't they believe in Jesus Christ who IS the TRUTH (John 14:6) ?

    And why are all those who claim to be free transgress the Scriptures first and second Commandment and worship those gods and NOT the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Mat. 28:9) ?

    Yes, they may think that they are free, but the Scriptures said that they are SLAVES to sin. Blind guides who do NOT know the way of the Lord.

    It is interesting, they all claim to be free, while I am a bond-slave to my Lord and to righteousness.
    Rightly did the Lord Jesus say that with their lips they draw close to Me but with their heart they are far from Me.

    Brenda, the Lord spoke metaphorically to all those who think that they are free so that they will never come to Him and be set free, but to His own He is speaking plainly and they know that the Son has set them free and that they are free indeed.

  23. Hi Keith, do you and Brenda think that you are two witnesses for God ?
    Yes, that might be true, but tell me for which God are you witnessing ?
    Is it for Jehovah or is it for Yahweh or is it for Allah or perhaps Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh etc. ?

    Well, I think that you both are disobedient to the Scriptures and to the Lord and you should repent in sackcloth and in ashes.

    The Lord Jesus Christ said that you should be His witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth (Acts 1:8).
    Why then don't you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ?

  24. We who share our testimonies believe in Jesus Christ as the One mediator between man and God. When I go out into the streets, which I have been commissioned to do by the Holy Spirit, I preach the gospel of salvation through Jesus - bringing reconciliation to God for all through Jesus.
    'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name UNDER HEAVEN given to mankind by which we must be saved.'

  25. Just to add, Paul,
    you ask me why people are in bondage to 'false gods', and you include the name 'Yahweh' in this. I believe that is blasphemy, as this is One of the names of the Father which also means 'IAM'. God the Father is Omni present and forever present.

  26. Hi Paul, I don't mean this as mean-spirited, but your question shows your lack of old testament knowledge. It was established in Deuteronomy that a matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. This was confirmed by Shaul, Paul in 2 Corinthians 13:1. The witnesses, I was referring, are scriptural references or witnesses. Your doctine lacks scriptural witnesses. As a matter of fact, normally there are other scriptural witnesses or references that contradict your doctrine.

    As for obedience, we are obedient to all scripture not ones that are cherry picked because they agree with our personal convictions and beliefs.Iif you were truly honest with yourself and you actually believed that God's word was inerrand, you would investigate the things that we try to teach you. But, you are stuck in tradition and have allegiance to man-made doctor in rather than God's Word.

  27. Brenda, as I have been saying to you many times, only those who do NOT know God need a mediator

    Why is my language not clear to you ? I do NOT have a mediator. The children of God do NOT have a mediator between them and their Father and neither do they need one.

    The world needs a mediator because the do not know God and God is NOT their Father.

    You need a mediator, because you don't know God, and He is not your Father, therefore you need a mediator between God and you.
    If you would know God you would not need a mediator. God's children do NOT need a mediator between them and their Father who is God.

    Tell me Brenda, do you have a mediator between you and your natural father ?
    Of course not !

    If God would be your Father, then you would believe in Jesus Christ who is the ONLY God (Jude 1:25).
    Just read Jude 1:25 and ask yourself, who is God our saviour? Well, we don't need to be very smart to see that the saviour is God and the saviour is JESUS.

    And if you don't accept that, then you are WILLFULLY ignorant.
    To be ignorant is not a sin, but to be willfully ignorant is a sin.

    Brenda, the name Yahweh is NOT in the Bible you are making that up because you don't want to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Your god Yahweh is NOT the great God and saviour Jesus Christ. You believe a lie.

  28. Keith, if you claim to have the knowledge of the Old Testament, then why don't you believe it?
    Every time I quote a passage from the Bible you don't even accept it as to be the Word of God.

    No my friend, you are not obedient to the Word of God, otherwise you would believe the first and second commandment of the Lord and worship the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth just like all of us do who believe in Him (Matthew 28:9), "and they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him".
    But you and Brenda worship an unknowabele god called Yahweh and worship him.
    Do you call that obedience to all Scriptures ?
    No my friend, you can't fool me.

  29. OK, let's set aside our disagreements and start anew, a clean slate, from the beginning. Let's start with a simple question and go from there and see where we find common ground and hash out where either one of us goes awry. Can we both agree to do such a venture?

    Why do you believe that there is a God?

  30. Simply, because He has made Himself known to me. Or do you accept that He appeared to me nearly two thousand years after His resurrection from the dead.
    NO man can resurrect from the dead and appear to me nearly two thousand years later, only God can do that.

    Why do you believe that there is a God ?

    Conveniently you did not answer my last question, why ?

  31. Doesnt it bother that Y'shua/Jesus said that he doesn't do it that way? He wasn't going to reveal himself after he ascended to the Father. He even went as far as say that greater are those, who have not seen and believe than those who have seen.

  32. Keith, Jesus said that he who has His commandments and keeps them, only to them He will reveal Himself, or make Himself known.

    The question remains, 'Why do you believe that there is a God ?'
    Also, 'Conveniently you did not answer my last question, why ? '

  33. Paul, and yet the Pharisees, at the time of Y'shua/Jesus, kept all 613 mitzvah and we find that they are going to hell and actually served Satan. We have to live the commandments, which includes living the Torah, relying on the sacrifice of Y'shua/Jesus for daily infractions.

    I believe in God, because nature proclaims his existence, his Word proves that he is there beyond our time / space and cares for us. Those are the two main witnesses that God has provided for us.

  34. Well Keith, that is just not good enough.
    Every devil believes in God and in His existence.

    And His Word (the Bible) does not PROVE anything, it tells you and it doesn't need to prove anything to you.

    Concerning witnesses.
    There are only two reliable witnesses, the first is the Word of God the Bible, the second is the Spirit of God, and the third are all those who testify to Jesus Christ who is the LORD God Almighty.
    Any other witnesses are FALSE witnesses.

    So then, ANY other one who witness for JEHOVAH, is a FALSE witness.
    ANYONE who believes and witnesses for YAHWEH, ALLAH, KRISHNA, BUDDHA, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh and whoever else, is a FALSE witness.

    That is obvious and easy for everyone to see. But as I have said in this POST, that you can be a false witness for a FALSE JESUS, 2 Corinthians 11:4 ANOTHER JESUS than the one which I preach.

    Well my friend, the only way left is REPENTANCE ! for you Brenda, and Tim and whoever else who does NOT preach Jesus Christ as the ONLY TRUE GOD.

  35. So I guess you are saying that the Bible is not the final authority on things? That is interesting, since Jesus, that you claim to love, worship and obey, constantly said it is written in the Prophets and Torah.

  36. Keith, to me the Bible is the authority over me and supported by the Spirit of God. But obviously not to you.
    A man without the Spirit is dead (Jas. 2:26), he cannot understand the Bible, he can read the Bible but he cannot understand because he does NOT have the Spirit of God in him and he does not belong to God (Rom. 8:9).

    The BIBLE said that God raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 4:10). Do you believe that Keith ? Well, I don't think that you believe the Bible at all.
    You believe that a god called Yahweh raised a mere man called Jesus from the dead. In fact most unbelievers believe that.
    But as for me, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ AND the Word of God the BIBLE.

    JESUS said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (John 2:19).
    Can you see, because you don't believe JESUS therefore you cannot understand Acts 4:10.

    Tim, you are a trinitarian and if you read this comment, then you would quote that the THIRD person of God raised the Lord Jesus from the dead (Rom. 8:11).

    Now, if that is not good enough, then you would say that perhaps the FORTH person of God called the Father raised JESUS from the dead (Gal. 1:1).

    Where will that nonsense end ?
    Well, I will tell you where it ends, it ends when you BELIEVE in the LORD JESUS Christ.
    For whosoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, and whosoever will not believe shall be damned.

  37. Paul, John 2:19 says, "Destroy this temple, and it will be raised up, in three days."

    Look it up, your translators added the pronoun "I", which makes you point, null and void. I stopped reading after that, since you are refusing to even quote the Word of God, correctly. You can't add things to the Word of God.

  38. Keith, I quote from the Bible and not from another source, John 2:19 says, "Destroy this temple and 'I' will raise it up". It doesn't say, 'and it will be', you make that up.
    Remember, Jesus is speaking, and the Bible is the written Word of God and has NO error.
    Don't add or take away from the Word of God the Bible.

    Tell me Keith, why is it that you don't want to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ ?
    Why do you put the Lord of glory on the back burner (so to speak) ? And exalt another god whose name is not even mentioned in the Bible.
    What would you say to Jesus if He said to you, depart from Me I never knew you ?

  39. ...and yet you quote from an erroneous English translation. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. Your English translation is the made up version. Deep down inside, you know it.

  40. Keith, how many times do I have to say that the Bible has NO errors, it is the Word of God, God's written Word.
    You think that the Word of God is some extra biblical books or texts, but only that which YOU think is the original texts. Writings who are only suitable for your own private interpretation and doctrines.

    NO my friend, you will be judged according with the BIBLE and NO other texts.

    Do you think that the Lord God Jesus Christ is not capable of writing His Word in one book?
    Heaven and earth will pass away but NOT His Word.

    That which you have said I USED to believe when I did NOT know the Lord God and when I still was DEAD in my sins and trespasses.
    But since I am born again and the Lord Jesus Christ has given me a new life in Him I know both, the Lord God AND His Word which is the Bible.

    The PROPHET Isaiah said that Jesus shall be called 'Mighty' God. Do you believe the Prophet Isaiah ? (Isa. 9:6).
    The PROPHET Isaiah also said that Jesus shall be called 'Everlasting Father'. Do you believe that ? Well, I don't think so.
    The PROPHET JESUS also said the He and the Father are ONE (John 10:30). Do you believe the Prophet Jesus or do you believe that Jesus and the Father are TWO ?

    Tell me, if you don't believe the Prophet Isaiah who spoke about Jesus (Acts 10:43 and John 12:41), how then could you believe in Jesus Christ who is greater than ALL the Prophets combined ?

    Isaiah and ALL the Prophet INCLUDING me testify about Jesus Christ and you don't believe me either. Do you think that your unbelief can save you ?

    The gospel said that whosoever believes in the LORD JESUS CHRIST shall be saved and whosoever does NOT believe shall be damned.
    That's the narrow way my friend, and that does not change.

  41. Paul, you are correct that the real Bible doesn't have any errors. However, your English translation is full of them. Again, I would think that you would want to get to know God, instead of discarding him, the way you do.

    Again, you remind me of the blind Pharisees, who were stuck in their ways. You say Yah Saves, every time you say the name of Y'shau/Jesus, but you don't know him. You can rattle off your erroneous English translation, but you don't understand it.

    Again, you rattle off erroneous renderings of Isaiah. You change the Word of God, therefore the penalty will rain down upon you soon. As for Isaiah 9:6, your erroneous translation even says that his name will be or called. Yet, you don't even read what it says. You put your man-made doctrine ahead of what it says. Sad, so sad, to see someone who is so fervent for God, but shows an allegiance to Satan and his way of misinformation.

  42. Keith, every Bible is the real Bible, there is NO such thing as an unreal Bible.
    Just read and quote the KJV. NASB. NIV. Or any other Bible you like, but it has to be the Bible, the 66 Books and no other isolated text saying something different.

    Who did Isaiah the Prophet called 'Mighty God' ? Did he called the Lord Jesus Christ Mighty God or NOT ?
    Who did Isaiah call 'Everlasting Father' ?

    Mighty God is NOT a name, Mighty God is a TITLE a description of Deity, and only JESUS is a Name. Isaiah did NOT know God's Name, but he knew that the Holy child's Name would be called Mighty God and Everlasting Father.
    Isaiah spoke about JESUS (Acts 10:43 and John 12:41) and not about another god.

    It is required from you to CONFESS Jesus as Lord and NOT another one. NOT Yahweh or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh and NOT even Jehovah or Allah.

    Yahweh is NOT Lord, only Jesus Christ is LORD !
    And your knees should BOW and your tongue CONFESS JESUS as Lord.

  43. Paul, With that, I must leave. For you to say that all the Bibles are the same shows either an ignorance, naivety or plain deception. If you are not going to be intellectually and scripturally honest, we can't have a debate on the validity of your post. As always, you know where I am, if you want to have an honest debate.

  44. Keith,
    Well my friend, it seems to me that you don't want to reason from the Bible, not from the Old Testament or the New Testament.

    I have been quoting to you passages from the Bible, from different Bibles and they all say the same, if you don't want to believe the Bible, perhaps we can try to be intellectually honest.

    Tell me, Isaiah the Prophet (Isa. 9:6), did Isaiah spoke about Jesus, or did he spoke about Yahweh ?
    Just be reasonable, Jesus or Yahweh ? ?

    Don't say that my Bible is erroneous to avoid my question.
    I have explained what that passage says and what it means and what it can NOT mean in order to be intellectually sound.

  45. If there is only ONE God as the Lord Jesus Christ has said, then it follows that any other god is NOT God.
    If Jesus Christ is called 'Mighty God' by the Prophet Isaiah, then Jehovah, Allah, and Yahweh and whoever else is NOT God, or called a false god, the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).

    The same, if there is only ONE God called the Father (1 Cor. 8:6) and Isaiah called Jesus Christ the Everlasting Father, then it follows that any other person or entity is NOT the Father God.

  46. Paul, All you have to do is investigate. The first English translation came on the scene, around the 7th century, while the earliest Greek and Hebrew transcripts have roots in the time period of 70BC to 159 AD. Most English translations have many doctrinal bias' and have been a tool for Satan, to mislead many, away from the faith, due to apparent discrepancies.

    Even though God's way to salvation has been maintained, in all translations, there are many unintended discrepancies, within these translations. These translations are erroneous, and are not suitable for correction in doctrine and conduct. Look at all the denominational divisions that have occurred because of the erroneous translations.

    You are correct, when you say, "You supposed to submit to the Word of God and not be in opposition to the written Word of God." So, why don't you submit yourself, to the Original Word of God, instead of a erroneous translation?

    You also said, "Yes, the Bible has authority over me and I would repent at any time if proven wrong and convicted by the Spirit of the Lord.

    You say it, but do you honestly mean it? The Spirit of God is not a Spirit of confusion, but one of absolute truth. I have shown you problems with your English translation, but you ignore it. Therefore, by your own admission, the spirit of the lord, within you, is ignoring it. Does that sound like the Spirit of the Lord? Absolutely Not!!!! The Spirit of the Lord rightly divides his Word and leads the remnant into all truth.

    You also said, " I'm not to proud or too arrogant ..." But, you are!!!! Even when the evidence is given to you, you are so proud and arrogant, you won't even investigate for yourself. You continually give your allegiance to man's doctrine and erroneous translations, not the original Word of God.

  47. Keith, to make public statements and claims as I do; don't you think that I would have investigated first ?
    If there would be an ORIGINAL text, don't you think that I would know ?

    What do you think, did the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ had a Bible ? Certainly NOT !
    They didn't need a Bible, they had the living Word of God with them. They walked with the Lord Jesus Christ just as I do and we DON'T need a Bible, the Bible is for those who don't know God, for those who inquire about God, and for those who have gone astray from the Lord just like you.

    You said, 'Most English translations have many doctrinal bias' and have been a tool for Satan '.

    If MOST English translations have doctrinal bias, then tell me which one of the English translation does not have any bias ?

    You said, 'The Spirit of the Lord rightly divides his Word and leads the remnant into all truth.'

    Yes, the Spirit of the Lord will lead you to the Lord Jesus Christ for He is the Truth (John 14:6) and any spirit who will lead you to a god called Yahweh is a deceiving spirit and he has lead you away from the TRUTH.

    In my next post I will demonstrate that deceiving spirit of 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4.
    And in the post after I will demonstrate the DIFFERENT gospel, which is in reality another gospel which we do NOT preach 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4.

    Concerning salvation; because you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore it is impossible for you to know or understand salvation, and not even the way of salvation.
    And don't say that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. As I have said in this post that you believe in ANOTHER JESUS, other than the one which we preach (2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4).

    I do not have a hidden agenda Keith. My words are the Lord's words (1 Peter 4:11).
    Remember, I claim to be a representative or an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, therefore you ought to listen and take heed lest I have preached in vain.

    The gospel of salvation has NOT changed, it is still the same, and it always will be the same; believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, believe NOT and you shall be damned.
    By that I mean, believe in the Lord JESUS which I preach and not in the Jesus that you preach (2 Cor. 11:3 – 4).
    Keith, you need to repent PUBLICLY and not somewhere hidden in a back-room. Jesus said, if you confess Me BEFORE men, I will confess you before My Father who is in heaven.

  48. Paul, you said, "Keith, to make public statements and claims as I do; don't you think that I would have investigated first ?"

    No, my friend, I don't believe it. Or you didn't search very far.

    If MOST English translations have doctrinal bias, then tell me which one of the English translation does not have any bias ?

    Exactly, my point.

  49. Keith, I don't think that you understand my question.
    If MOST English translations have doctrinal bias, then tell me which one of the English translation does not have any bias ?

    That is a question and not a point.
    I think what you really mean is, that ALL English translations are erroneous, otherwise you would be able to tell me which ONE of the English translations is NOT erroneous.

    Soon or later, you need to answer those questions concerning the Prophet Isaiah 9:6. Avoiding them by throwing in a red herring will not hide your unbelief in Jesus Christ the Lord.

    Remember, 2 Corinthians 11:3 – 4 is a warning for all those who believe in another Jesus, therefore you need to make every effort to believe in the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth and in NO OTHER !

    You need to confess Jesus before men and NOT a false god called Yahweh or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.
    Any other God apart from Jesus who is the Christ is a FALSE god, the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).

  50. I get your question, Paul. But, your implied answer is my point. There isn't any translation, that doesn't have bias. The only unbiased Bible is the one where you immerse yourself into the culture and learn the language as it was implied. Every single translation has compromise within it. God's true Word has no compromise.

  51. Keith, in saying that, the Bible then is not the authority over you and therefore does not correct you in doctrine and in conduct.
    Well, that's a shame, you then are like a ship with no rudder.

    The Bible does NOT have personal bias, it is the Word of God and without errors or compromise, and fully trustworthy.
    To immerse yourself into a culture and a language is NOT the Word of God or the Bible. Absolutely NOT ! Only that which is WRITTEN in the Bible is the (written) Word of God.
    Heaven and earth will pass away but NOT His Word.
    Do you think that God is not capable to keep His Word without errors in one book the Bible?

    Now tell me, did Isaiah spoke about Jesus ? and do you think that the 'NAME' of the child shall be called Mighty God and Everlasting Father ?
    Did Isaiah knew the child's Name ?

    I don't think so, he only knew that the child, (with whatever Name would be given to Him) would be called Mighty God and the Everlasting Father, or in plain words, that Jesus Christ would be called the eternal GOD the FATHER.
    For unto us is but ONE God and that is the Father (1 Cor. 8:6).

  52. Hi Paul. When faced with all the errors in the English translation of the Bible, your denial to that fact shows your allegiance to man's doctor and not Gods.

    All you have to do is read what I actually say and you will realize that I have an allegiance to God and his Word and that he alone has authority over me. God has given us brains to search out man deliberate attempts to change God's word, which is a text book tactic of Satan, since the garden. Isn't it time to use yours?

  53. Keith, I can't see any errors in the Bible.
    To say so, is to say that God is not able to keep His Word together in one book without any errors.

  54. Keith, Satan cannot alter God's Word the Bible, he isn't that good.

  55. That's exactly what Satan would say.

  56. I don't think so my friend, just read what Satan said in Isaiah 14:13 – 14, "I will make myself like the Most High God".

    Does that sound like he would suffer from an inferiority complex ?

    Don't think that Satan is stupid, after all, he is the master of deception and the father of lies.

    Well, he has to be smart, to get you to believe in a god who is NOT once mentioned in the Bible.

    There is only one true God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20 and Jude 1:25), any other one who likes to make himself like the Most High God is the devil.

    So then, who do you think that Yahweh is ?
    What about Jehovah or Allah or whoever else ?
