shall have no OTHER gods! Or
them! (Ex. 20:5).
the Lord
your God,
am a jealous
the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and fourth
generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to
thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
! NO
OTHER god !
Which God do
YOU worship ?
is only ONE true God
who created heaven and earth and that is the Lord Jesus Christ (1
John 5:20 and John 1......).
OTHER god is a false
god, the devil (2 Cor. 4:4).
which God do YOU
you WORSHIP another
god (other than Jesus Christ)?
you WORSHIP two
identities, Jesus Christ and another
god called 'God' and 'Father'?
(John 4:22-24) The Lord Jesus
said, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know,
for salvation is from the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is,
when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in
truth; for such people the Father seeks to be worshipers.
God is spirit, and those who
worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.”
And in verse 26, Jesus declared
that He is the ONE.
“The true worshipers will
worship the FATHER”! (John 4:23)
Do you worship the Father?
Or, do you worship Jesus Christ?
Jesus found the man and said to
him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Jesus said, “You have
both seen Him, and He is the one who is talking with you” (John
(v.38), And he WORSHIPED the
This man worshiped the FATHER
in spirit and in truth.
By worshiping Jesus Christ you
worship the Father in spirit and in truth, because the Lord Jesus
Christ is the FATHER who is in heaven and beside Him there is
no other.
The Word of God says, 'you shall
not worship any other god', except your Father who is in heaven Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Every true worshiper will
worship Jesus Christ alone.
(Mat. 2:2) The wise man, like
every wise man came from afar to worship Jesus Christ, (v. 11)
and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him.
And all those who were in the
boat worshiped Him (Mat. 14:33), and they came up and took
hold of His feet and worshiped Him (Mat. 28:9).
Therefore, worship Him who
lives for ever and ever (Rev. 4:10), and worship Him that made
the heavens and the earth (Rev.14:7) Jesus Christ our Lord and God
(John 1....).
Who do you worship ?
The judgement starts first with
the House of God, that is with us who claim to believe (1 Pet.4:17).
Please let me hear your thoughts.
in verse 26 of John ch. 4 Jesus says that He is the Christ, not that He is God.
The word 'worship' means to revere and adore. I revere and adore Jesus too, as I am sure you do. However, that does not make Him the invisible God, the Father.
Thank you Brenda for those comments.
'The Christ' means that God came in the flesh, or that the Holy Spirit incarnate in flesh, or that God was manifested as a man.
The Prophets of old have foretold that the Christ would come into this world, that the Lord God the Almighty would be born through a virgin and dwell among as the only begotten Son of God, Emanuel, meaning 'God with us'.
Jesus is the invisible God clothed in flesh.
It is the invisible GOD who appeared in a body (1 Tim. 3:16).
That is the foundation of Christianity, that Jesus is the Christ, that God came in flesh, although most Christians don't believe that any more, which is called the 'Apostasy' (Mat. 24).
You see, only God ought to be worshiped, and Jesus never refused worship.
Worship does mean 'revere and adore', as you have said, but you should not worship another god, or you have then transgressed the first commandment of the Lord.
If you would believe that the Lord Jesus is the Father, as He has said, then that would make the invisible Father VISIBLE to you.
Again, if the Lord Jesus is not your heavenly Father, then tell me, who is your heavenly Father?
Brenda, please read your first comment again, but slowly.
Can you see that in that sentence alone you are denying that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God.
Very serious indeed.
You are denying that Jesus is the Christ (God with us,Emanuel).
You are denying that the Lord Jesus is the Lord, (meaning God).
You are denying that the Lord Jesus is our Father who is in heaven (John 14:9).
There is much more than that, and I hope that you can see that.
I agree Paul, that God was manifest in the flesh, but God is Spirit, and the Spirit had to be manifest in the flesh in order to communicate with the flesh and in order for we, sinful flesh, could be reconciled back to God.
The word 'Christ' comes from the Greek word 'Christos', which means 'anointed one' or 'chosen one.' This is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Mashiach, or 'Messiah'.
Jesus is the Lord's human name, God is the power that was able to bring about the ability for all of sinful mankind to be born into the body of Christ, the second Adam, (the life giving Spirit), and become a new creation in Him.
Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh, the Word that was in the beginning with God and that was God.
If we speak the truth according to the Scriptures we do not deviate from the truth, and there is no danger of adding to or taking from those scriptures.
It is simple Paul.
I'm sorry for the late comment, I have been away for a few days.
Yes Brenda, God is Spirit (John 4:24 and that Spirit is the Lord Jesus without flesh or a body.
However, when He came into this world, He begot Himself a body of flesh. He is still the same Spirit or person, but now clothed in flesh.
Can you see, that the Lord did NOT send someone else, a so called Son, but rather, He came by Himself into this world and was only called 'Son'.
'Son', is only a title of the Lord Jesus Christ, just as much as 'Father' is a title of the Lord Jesus.
It is the Lord Jesus who has created you in His image and that image is spirit, soul and body (flesh), that is the image of Jesus, and of you and I.
God is one person 'Jesus', just as you are one person, therefore it is absurd to say that God is two or three persons.
Concerning His Name; Jesus who is the Holy Spirit did not have a name, till He was born into His own creation as a man, and only then He has taken, or given Himself a name, yes, a human name and that is 'JESUS'.
Now since the Lord Jesus is the Lord God Almighty, the Name 'Jesus' became the Name of God, the only Name He ever had.
Also, sinful flesh cannot be reconciled back to God, that's an impossibility Brenda.
Original flesh was not sinful. The flesh of Adam was not sinful and neither was the flesh of the beast, the animals.
The flesh became sinful when the two flesh, man and beast were amalgamated into a man, 'Cain', and so all flesh was polluted, which is called 'sinful flesh'.
And for that reason sinful flesh cannot be reconciled back to God.
To deal with that problem, the Lord Jesus had another plan, He went to the cross and atoned for our sins and iniquity and rose again to prepared for us a new body a resurrection body; perhaps the same as Jesus now has.
Brenda, man does not have the ability to be born into the body of Christ.
It is only the Lord Jesus Christ alone who can cause you to be born (again) into the body of Christ. Remember, it's by grace alone and not by works lest any man may boast.
Look Brenda, you need to deal with the doctrine of God first, or all your other doctrines and perceptions will be distorted by a wrong view of God.
I always say that the doctrine of God is the most important doctrine, far above all others.
The second doctrine is to understand the fall of man, also called the original sin, in Genesis.
Understanding those two doctrines will be the base of all other doctrines, and everything relates always back to those two doctrines.
It will be a solid foundation for you as it is to me, and it will light up the Bible in a marvelous and wonderful way.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I do not say that God is two or three persons Paul, I say that God is One and Jesus is the Word of that One God.
Just as I need a voice to speak words to other human beings, God not only uses His voice to speak to us through His Word, which became flesh, but God has the power to bring into existence that which does not exist through that Word.
As for God's name, He was called many names including El-Shaddai, the God of pleny, YHWH, Adonai, and the name He called Himself I Am that I Am.
What you say here:- 'The flesh of Adam was not sinful and neither was the flesh of the beast, the animals.
The flesh became sinful when the two flesh, man and beast were amalgamated into a man, 'Cain', and so all flesh was polluted, which is called 'sinful flesh' I do not agree with and neither do the scriptures back it up. Adam sinned when he questioned God's word, and man could not be allowed to know good and evil without knowing how to choose good over evil, and have eternal life.
It is what Jesus did on the cross that has caused us to be able to be born into the body of Christ, and what Jesus 'prepares' for us is a 'place'. We can not come to Jesus except we are drawn by God (John ch. 6 v. 44). Then we have to repent of our sins, and be baptized. Jesus is the second Adam, we the church are His body, and 'God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,'
I believe that we are the body of Christ, with the mind of Christ, who are able to spread the word of the gospel of salvation on earth.
I really do think that there is no more I can add to what I have already said and we just have to do what we are called to do. It is the word that is the judge and if what we say or believe does not correspond with what is written then it is for the individual to seek the reason why from the scriptures
Brenda, the moment you do NOT acknowledge Jesus Christ to be your Father who is in heaven, then you must believe that God is two separate persons (individuals), providing that you believe that the Lord Jesus is God.
You are saying that God is one and Jesus is another, whether you call Jesus the 'Word' or the 'Son', makes no difference.
That is obvious Brenda, otherwise you would say that God is Jesus, and the Father is Jesus, and the 'Word' is Jesus, and of-course the Son is Jesus.
You said, "Just as I need a voice to speak words to other human beings, God not only uses His voice to speak to us through His Word, which became flesh, but God has the power to bring into existence that which does not exist through that Word."
This is too complicated Brenda!
Why can't you say, that God is the Lord Jesus Christ and He came by Himself into this world and spoke to us face to face, or something similar, so we can understand it.
Are you saying, that Jesus is not the Lord God?
Or that Jesus is only the 'VOICE' of someone called God?
Are you saying, that God spoke through another identity called the 'Word', who is His voice?
Are you saying, that only His voice became flesh?
Are you saying, that God brings things into existence through another who is called the Word or voice?
There are many questions more who are unanswered.
Look Brenda, you need to make sense, and don't hide behind a false interpretation.
I do have a spiritual mind and I can discern truth from error.
Bring every doctrine to the light, and the light will expose and divide the truth from error.
Concerning God's Name.
You also need to sort out that doctrine, otherwise it will be a stumbling block for you and all your listeners.
Both doctrines are related to one another. Anyone who does NOT believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord God, can NOT and does NOT know His Name. The same is the other way around, anyone who believes that Jesus is the Lord God, knows His Name, it's that simple.
'YHWH' is NOT a NAME. You can't pronounce that, or you can't say it.
Brenda, you need to agree with sound intelligence, and give me an amen, and then you ought to change your view and confess the truth.
'I Am that I Am' is also NOT a name! And there should be no dispute about that.
Why not quote the Lord Jesus in (Exo. 34:14), Jesus said that His name is jealous.
So then, is His Name 'jealous'?
Absolutely NOT! 'jealous' is NOT a name, even though He said it is His name.
Please read from verse 1 and take note of 1 and 10 in Exodus 34, then tell me, who is that 'God' who is speaking?
This is serious Brenda, if that 'God or Lord' is not the Lord Jesus Christ, then Satan has deceived you.
Remember, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who has given Satan the power to deceive, even the elect if possible.
Paul, regarding your questions:-
'Are you saying, that God spoke through another identity called the 'Word', who is His voice?
Are you saying, that only His voice became flesh?
Are you saying, that God brings things into existence through another who is called the Word or voice?'
I am saying just what scripture says.
I find this strange that where you say, regarding what God said:- 'Absolutely NOT! 'jealous' is NOT a name, even though He said it is His name.'
If this does not prove, coming from your own mouth Paul, that you contend that Scripture is wrong, that even what God is recorded as saying is wrong, then I am not sure what does.
In the Hebrew world a person is named according to their character, and God's name being referred to as 'jealous' merely states His character as demanding faithfulness and exclusive worship.
Brenda, it still doesn't answer my question, so I ask you again.
Is the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord God the Almighty, or not?
Is the Lord Jesus Christ our Father who is in heaven, or not?
Please try to answer those questions plainly, let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything else is of the evil one (Mat.5:37).
Paul,I have said who I believe Jesus is so many times, the Word of God, the Son of God, to man while He was on earth - the express image of God.
As I have said in my comment on
As far as the scripture 'God has made all things new, and Jesus was the first born from the dead, the first of many brethren, Son of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.'
Yes God has made all things new. Jesus was the firstborn from the dead, the first of many brethren, Son of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. - two thousand years ago.
Then He who sat on the throne said 'Behold I make all things new'.
Well Brenda, here we can see how difficult it is to plainly say that Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and that beside Him is no other.
In fact, the Scripture says, that it is impossible for anyone to say it, without speaking by the Holy Spirit.
(1 Cor. 12:3) Only a believer who is speaking by the Holy Spirit can say that Jesus is the Lord God the Almighty.
There is only one God who is the Almighty, and if that God is not the Lord Jesus, then who is it?
Anyone who does NOT speak by the Spirit of God can say that Jesus is Lord, or the Son of man, or the Son of God etc.
By the title Lord, they mean, 'a Lord as in Royal'.
By the title Son, they mean, ' an offspring of someone else called God'.
By the title God, they mean, 'one God-person among many others, or an unknowable God'.
By the title Father, they mean, 'the big unknowable God, but not Jesus Christ'.
This is the apostasy which nearly has polluted all the churches who claim to believe in Jesus Christ.
Every unbeliever, or parrot and also every demon can say that Jesus is Lord, but what they cannot say is, that Jesus is the Lord God the Almighty and beside Him is no other.
Yes Brenda, you did say who Jesus is, but you did NOT say it by the Spirit of the Lord, and I know that you can't say it.
Therefore I suggest that you inquire of the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him.
Remember, He said that anything you ask Him, He will do it, if you ask Him a question, He surely will give you an answer.
And please let me know the answer :-)
that scripture says Jesus is Lord, and scripture does say that God has made Jesus Lord. It is obvious that you will not make scripture your plumb line and there is no way I will add or take away from scripture so I suggest that we finish this conversation. I am very glad that we have had this conversation on line though and I hope that the scriptures read here will encourage many who might read to never be enticed to depart from the written word no matter how insistent a person may be.
kind regards
That isn't the answer from the Lord Jesus, Brenda.
That is the answer of men.
Just look around you; every Christian cult without exception say that they believe in the Scriptures, and that the Bible is their plumb line. They use the Scripture to support their doctrines and ideas, and they ALL claim that their interpretation of the Bible is right and anyone else is wrong and on the way to hell.
Look at the Jehovah Witnesses, they claim to believe in the Bible, and they are as capable as you are in quoting the the Scriptures.
What makes you think that your interpretation of the Bible is true?
It is easy and natural to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to.
But it is better to judge yourself with a sober judgement.
The Lord Jesus never said that He and the Father are two.
To the contrary, He said, "I and the Father are ONE"! (John 10:30)
You said that the Scripture is your plumb line, but I say that the Lord Jesus Christ should be your plumb line.
The Scripture can be debated and argued, but the truth can NOT be debated, and the truth is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
I don't believe that believing simply what the scriptures say is thinking of oneself more highly than we ought. I simply believe in not adding or taking away from the scriptures. Everyone, including you and I, are entitled to believe whatever we wish, and no one should try to enforce their views on another. It is good to share and interact, but if people disagree on anything, it is better to just agree to disagree. I have never been taught by any doctrine and I think much of the church is taught by man, but I am not anybody's judge, the Word itself is the judge of a believer in Christ.
Brenda, in Christ you don't have the right to believe what you want to believe, or what ever you wish to believe.
When you became a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ you have relinquished ALL your rights and you don't have any rights any more.
In Christ; JESUS supposed to be your right and your LORD and you ought to believe in Him alone and abandon any other.
You are supposed to preach Jesus Christ alone, and point any one who inquires to the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
Your testimony ought to be Jesus Christ and nobody else.
For the Lord Jesus is a jealous God and does not tolerate another God next to Him.
Yes, I always say, do as I do or better.
I judge ever word you say and every doctrine you believe, and I do not agree to disagree.
I'll take every opportunity to correct, rebuke, exhort and admonish so that the body of Christ is only joined to the head who is Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Lord Jesus has gifted you with poetry and writing skills, in street witnessing and prison ministry etc.; so then, why don't you use your gifting to proclaim Jesus Christ alone?
Why preach another one included in God?
You don't belong to yourself, but to Him who has redeemed you with the currency of His blood.
Yes Paul,
Jesus is my Lord and I do preach only Him to the unbeliever. He is the only doorway to the sheepfold.
These are the words Jesus spoke to His disciples concerning what would happen after He was resurrected:-
“These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly about the Father. In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God. I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.”
His disciples said to Him, “See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech! Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.” (John ch. 16 vs. 25-30)
As Jesus Himself said here, He will no longer speak in figurative language, and we shall ask the Father in His name. That is because we are part of the body of Jesus Paul - we can now speak to the Father in His name just as He spoke to the Father when He was on earth.
We can not judge anyone Paul, the Word itself is our judge.
I agree absolutely that the body of Christ is the church and is joined to the head which is Christ. That is how we have the mind of Christ.
I love Him for what He has done in enabling reconciliation back to the Father, and I will continue to go out into the highways and the byways and preach the good news of salvation through Jesus as long as He allows me to.
That is all I am required to do as far as the unbeliever is concerned. Once a person becomes born again then we have no need that any man teach us, just as Paul said to the believers in 1John ch. 2 vs. 26,27:- …'These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him'
I keep thinking that we have come to the end of our conversation Paul and then thoughts and scripture come into my mind as I read your response to my comments. I always say that is what DNA stands for 'Do not assume'.
Yes Brenda, I know that Jesus is your Lord, but He is not your Lord alone.
You preach to everyone that there is another one, His Father, who perhaps is also a Lord of some kind.
You are even praying to the Father through Jesus, and you give thanks to this God you call Father for this other God called Jesus.
You have too many gods Brenda.
I'm trying hard to espouse you to ONE God (husband) and not to two, and you ought to stay faithful to ONE God (husband) and that is Jesus Christ our Lord, and abide in Him alone.
As I have said many times before, because of this great transgression, it is impossible for you to understand the Scriptures you have quoted.
Instead of me answering your quotations, I would like you to answer my questions.
(John 15:26) "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me,"
Tell me Brenda, what does that mean to you?
Who is the Helper?
Is the Helper your third person in your God?
What about the Father, is He your first person in your God?
If so, then Jesus has to be your second person in your God?
Three god-people? :-o
Are you saying that the second god-person (Jesus) is sending the third god-person (the Holy Spirit), which will come from the first god-person the Father to testify about the second god-person Jesus Christ??
Brenda, I expect you to answer me before I address your other verses that you have quoted from John 16.
You said, "I love Him for what He has done in enabling reconciliation back to the Father, and I will continue to go out into the highways and the byways and preach the good news of salvation through Jesus as long as He allows me to."
Brenda, that is very good and admirable, but you need to tell me, to which FATHER does Jesus reconcile sinners to?
Yes it is important and a necessity to answer those questions for your sake and for everyone who will read that comment.
I like your comment about the DNA, 'do not assume', but how then can you assume that the only true God Jesus Christ has a Father?
Paul, regarding this question of yours:-
'Are you saying that the second god-person (Jesus) is sending the third god-person (the Holy Spirit), which will come from the first god-person the Father to testify about the second god-person Jesus Christ??'
It is Jesus Himself who is saying this, although not exactly in the words you are saying.
What I find so strange is that you are not questioning what I am saying, because I am quoting what Jesus is saying. You are actually questioning what Jesus Himself is saying, so I believe the One you have to ask all these questions of is Jesus.
Jesus Himself says who the Helper is, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father.
As for who the Father is that Jesus speaks about it is the same Father that Jesus calls His Father in Matthew ch. 12 v.50:- 'For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.'
I really do not have to defend scripture Paul, it speaks the truth, and anybody that does not agree with it is plainly questioned by that truth.
Yes Brenda, I was questioning what you are saying in that which you are quoting.
You see, if you would not be a trinitarian (believing in three gods), you would have explained John 15:26.
But, because you believe in three gods, therefore you can NOT and will NOT explain John 15:26 and many other verses.
I really think that you believe that a metaphor is the reality. You believe that there are three gods sending and commanding one another around.
I'm speechless.
It is frustrating that you are skilfully deflect my questions with a Bible verse, and never answer my questions in plain language.
I'm questioning your belief and what you think about the meaning of Scripture passages and not what the Bible says.
When Jesus said, 'I am the door', that doesn't mean that Jesus is a door.
When Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life', that doesn't mean that Jesus is a loaf of bread.
When the Bible says that 'Jesus is the lamb of God', that doesn't mean that Jesus is a sheep, and the list goes on and on.
If I ask you, what is the name of your earthly father, you would give me straight away his name.
But if I ask you for the Name of your Father who is in heaven, you can NOT give me His Name.
What does that tell you?
The truth is, that there is ONE God and not three Gods.
The truth is, that God doesn't have a Father.
The truth is, if Jesus is God, then He does not have a Father, but is the Father.
The truth is, if Jesus is God, then there is NO other who is also a God.
John ch. 15 v.26 is very clear. It is also made clear who Jesus is in ch. 14, vs. 8-11:- where Philip said to Jesus, 'Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.'
Jesus said to him, 'Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.'
If we go back to 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God', then the links between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit makes sense, not as three separate persons but as
God, who is Spirit, communicating to us at different times in different ways, through the Word becoming a fleshly man born of God's Spirit two thousand years ago, and the divine Spirit as teacher, counsellor and comforter since Jesus rose from the dead.
As far as your statement:-
'I'm questioning your belief and what you think about the meaning of Scripture passages and not what the Bible says.
When Jesus said, 'I am the door', that doesn't mean that Jesus is a door.
When Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life', that doesn't mean that Jesus is a loaf of bread.
When the Bible says that 'Jesus is the lamb of God', that doesn't mean that Jesus is a sheep, and the list goes on and on.'
I am surprised that you could think that I, or anyone else, can not see the difference between a 'metaphor', which these descriptions of Jesus are, and plain speech, which is much of what Jesus recorded words are.
Excuse my dry sense of humour Paul, but I can not imagine you being 'speechless'.
I have already given you the names of the Father, who is in Heaven, and there are other names beside I Am that I Am, such as YAWEH (YHWH), and El Shaddai. Jesus is the Word that became flesh in order to become the sacrifice (the sacrificial lamb), the door (or way) to the Father, the bread of the face
John 15:26 is not clear at all, unless you explain what is meant Brenda.
If you believe that without interpretation, then you would believe in three God-persons.
John 14:8-11 is not clear either, Jesus said in v.10, 'the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he does the works.'
If that doesn't sound like two persons doing something, then what does?
It needs to be interpreted so that only ONE person remains as God, and that person must be the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
If He is not God alone, then who is the other?
You said, 'If we go back to 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God', then the links between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit makes sense, not as three separate persons but as
God, who is Spirit, communicating to us at different times in different ways, through the Word becoming a fleshly man born of God's Spirit two thousand years ago, and the divine Spirit as teacher, counsellor and comforter since Jesus rose from the dead.'
That is a lot better Brenda, you have removed the term 'separate persons', but that is not good enough, I can see that the back door is still open.
Everything which is not true and every devil, power and deception comes through that back door, therefore it is of great importance to close that back door, so that only Jesus remains in the temple.
I do not see a link between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I see, believe, understand and know that Jesus is 'God', the only God there is.
Jesus is the 'Holy Spirit' clothed in flesh.
Jesus is the 'Father', He is my Father who is in heaven.
Jesus is the 'Son', but only called Son.
Jesus is the Name of God, the only Name He ever had.
Jesus is the creator of heaven and earth, and beside Him is no other.
Jesus is the first and the last.
Jesus is the one that all the prophets have prophesied about.
Jesus is the one whom all His disciples including me proclaim and preach till the end.
No Brenda, you have not given me the Name of God.
Remember, I have asked you for 'the Name of God', ONE Name and not many titles.
YHWH is not Yaweh, and the Lord is never called El Shaddai.
You need to distinguish between a title and a name.
Governor is not a name, it's a title.
Lord is a title and not a name.
Provider is a title and not a name.
Councillor, likewise and many more are not names.
If I ask you for the name of your earthly father, you would not tell me his title, so again, what is the Name of your Father who is in heaven?
Brenda, you also need to deal with that and cleanse the temple till only Jesus Christ remains.
It is Jesus who is the pearl of great price and the missing emerald you are searching for.
Unless Jesus is all in all for you, you have not found and you are still searching in the wilderness.
Paul, to 'testify' means to witness and that is what the 'Helper' does, the 'Helper' that Jesus will send from the Father, as stated by Jesus in John ch. 15 v. 26. It is clarified in John ch. 16 vs.12-15 where Jesus says:-
'I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.'
I have never used the tern 'separate persons' Paul, and you will never get me to deny God, the Power, whatever you might say. What you believe is entirely up to you, but I would hope that no one would ever make your words their plumb line instead of the word of God, Jesus, and what He says. I know everybody gets a choice, but I do not see how anyone can not distinguish between a metaphor and plain speech. The Lord knows who are His, and the Helper He has sent from the Father will guide one into all truth if they truly seek.
If you do not see a link between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit then I would have to suspect that you are not born again of the Holy Spirit and that there is some other reason that you would leave God the Father and the Holy Spirit our teacher out of the equation.
If a person tries to change a scripture, there are other scriptures that will test what that person has said and prove it right or wrong immediately, and I believe there are many instances where that has happened in our conversations.
I find that much that you are saying now is what you have repeated many times and I find myself having to repeat myself many times, which is effectively 'going around in circles', so I think I will have to disregard all the repetitions in future conversation Paul.
I put my trust in the Holy Spirit, the teacher that Jesus has sent from the Father and no one else that has a different teaching Paul. I can not judge you any more than you can judge me, that Word is our judge.
I am not searching for missing emeralds Paul, my dream was warning me not to replace the power of the Lord to heal me with the power of man. The same goes as far as teaching is required. All of my testimony is to glorify the Lord, not myself, and I will always say of Him, regarding my trials in this life 'I love Thee O Lord my strength'.
Brenda, you need to believe what the Scriptures say and not in some kind of a denominational plumb line. It is the Scriptures which are suitable for correction in doctrine and not a plumb line contrary to Scriptures.
OK. the Scriptures say, (1 Cor. 8:5-6) "yet for us there is but one God, the FATHER".
This is what the Scriptures says, 'ONE God, and that is the FATHER.'
Is there an other God next to the FATHER?
Is there one God who is sending another God?
No and no, absolutely NO!
The Scriptures says it loud and clear, that there is ONE God, and that God is the FATHER, note, it doesn't say, the Father and some one else, it doesn't say one God and a helper etc.
Apart from the FATHER is no other God.
Now tell me plainly, what is the 'FATHERS' Name?
That is not a trick question Brenda, but a simple question, which I expect that every mature child of God should know.
as I have said in my previous comment, I am not going to repeatedly answer the same questions.
I think after all this time of answering your questions with the written word, it would be nice to hear some of your answers to my questions.
What would you say that this scripture is saying?
'though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,' (Hebrews ch. 5, vs. 6 and 9), and why would Jesus have to be perfected if He was God?
Who is this scripture prophesying about?
'Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good.' (Isaiah ch. 7 vs. 14, 15).
Why would He have to learn how to refuse the evil and choosr the good if He was God?
He was God's Son, born of the Spirit of God, learning how to refuse evil and choose good in order to teach us through His mind when we are in His body. There is no way that the first Adam could be allowed to have knowledge of good and evil without having the ability to choose good. We would not even know what was 'good' according to God without having the mind of Christ. It is God the Father who made Jesus His Son (our Lord) in the image of fleshly man in order that we might become children of God.
I say the same as Paul in Galatians ch. 2 v. 20
'I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.'
Praise His lovely name.
Just to add, Paul,
God said in Genesis ch. 2 v.17 'but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.', and in ch. 3 v.22 He said
'Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever'
This is why the first Adam was denied eternal life, which is, according to John ch. 17 v. 3:-'Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent'
When we are born again we live the life of Christ and through Him come to know God.
So then, you are saying that you don't know the Name of the Father?
How then can you worship the Father in Spirit and in truth if you don't know who the Father is?
What would you say, or think, if I would not know the name of my earthly father?
And what would you say, or think, if I don't like to be exposed to be an illegitimate son and therefore I would quote to you lots of titles that I have read somewhere in a book?
Brenda, you don't need to cover up, all you need to say is, that you don't know His Name. It is as simple as that.
Many good children don't know the name of their father.
It is not the children's transgression, but rather it is the mothers transgression.
It is the mother who doesn't remember to which father her children belong to.
Brenda, that is alarming.
You said, 'and why would Jesus have to be perfected if He was God? Why would He have to learn how to refuse the evil and choose the good if He was God?'
It is God the Father who made Jesus His Son (our Lord) in the image of fleshly man'.
Out of those questions and statement I gather that you don't believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty.
If you don't believe that the Lord Jesus is the only God, then who is the only God whom you worship?
Remember the Scriptures said, that for us is but one God, and that is the Father, and you ought to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, just like all of us who worship the Father (John 4:24 + Mat. 28:9 + Mat. 14:33 + Rev. 14:7 and many more), it is Jesus Christ alone who is our only God (Jude 1:25) and no other.
If you do NOT worship the Lord Jesus, then who do you worship??
Look Brenda, my questions are simple, and they need a plain and simple answer and not some quotations from the Bible.
I'm very capable to read the Bible by myself, but what I need from you is an answer to my question. Don't avoid my question, you can't lose anything, you can only gain.
Remember it's a race, and I cannot win by myself, I need you and all the saints so that we will win the race together as one body.
In your second comment you have quoted, 'Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God'.
Please listen again Brenda.
This is what this quote is saying, that eternal life belongs only to those who know the true God.
Now please tell me, who is that true God?
You need to know who the true God is, for you to have eternal life.
Remember, Jesus said, 'if you do not know that I am He (who, He?) you will die in your sins' (John 4:24).
And also, Adam lost his life because of sin, and eternal life was to be given as a FREE gift to Adam.
For that reason he was barred to take eternal life by his free will, lest he would boast. It was the same for Adam as it is with us, eternal life is a free gift of God and not by works lest any man may boast.
We must all run our own race Paul, each working out his own salvation, and 'working out our own salvation' is not 'doing works'. It is having our minds renewed in Christ, and there is always something to win and achieve when running a race.
Yes Brenda, I agree with you that we must run our own race, but not alone, there are no 'lone Rangers' so to speak.
In the Lord, you cannot believe what you want to believe, you need to adjust your doctrines to the doctrines of the Apostles.
A doctrine is a teaching about a subject, and if that subject is the doctrine of God, then you should not believe and teach that God is many separate individual entity's.
That is contrary to the Scripture who teaches that God is ONE, and this ONE God is the Lord Jesus Christ and NO other.
Brenda, this doctrine is the most important doctrine with severe consequences if wrong.
Any other doctrines depend upon the doctrine of God, so, if you wrong on that, you are most likely wrong on all other doctrines.
Everything you say and every poem you write is connected to a doctrine (teaching), therefore it is important that your doctrines are true.
As for me, I am not excluded in that, I have to make every effort, so that I am not deceived by an evil spirit or a report or an ear tickling message etc. or worse, that I do not deceive myself.
I have a trustworthy and reliable safeguard; as in any doctrine, if the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT exalted alone as the absolute highest authority, then the doctrine is false.
In contrast; if the Lord Jesus Christ alone is exalted as the highest authority within any doctrine, then that doctrine is true.
You see, it is the Lord Jesus who is the measuring rod, the plumb line, the way, the truth, and the life and whatever else there is.
The Scriptures can be and are debated all the time. Many ambitious men pick a few verses from the Bible and build a doctrine and eventually their own church. For that reason we have so many denominations.
Not only that, throughout the centuries they have been arguing about Scriptures and interpretations.
Perhaps, if they would have used my reliable safeguard, they would not have cooked up that evil doctrine the trinity.
Now, many good man can see that, but are unwilling to repent, perhaps for popularity reasons.
We must all do what the Lord calls us to do, and act on the Word that we hear from Him.
We must grow in Him first with the milk of the Word and then the strong meat. Hebrews ch. 5 vs. 13 and 14. says:- 'For every one that uses milk is unskilful in the Word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil'
The rest of Hebrews ch. 5 says much about who Jesus is.
We have to learn how to discern both good and evil, and as we grow in the Lord and act on the Word we shall learn how to choose the good.
The Lord knows who are His, and whatever you choose to believe Paul is judged by the Word.
I love my life in the Lord and feel absolutely that I am in this world but not of this world.
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