Test Yourselves And See If You Are In The Faith !
When I saw her, I wondered greatly."
Now the woman who is drunk, intoxicated, euphoric with the blood and murder of the saints, and the blood of all those who witness only for the Lord JESUS Christ, are NOT those who outside of the so called "Christian Church".
No ! To the contrary, they are those who are INSIDE the so called "Christian Church".
They are those who claim to believe the Bible and say that they believe in Jesus, but deny that His Name is Jesus and call Him by another name like "Y'shua", (not written in the Bible).
They are those who deny that Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty, even though the Lord Jesus said it Himself in the Bible, the Scriptures (Revelation 1:8).
They are those TRINITARIANS who insist that God is THREE PERSONS in one God.
One God called the Father, another God called the Son, and a third God called the Holy Spirit, and those THREE GOD's supposed to be ONE GOD. (Unimaginable !)
They are those who say that God's Name is Jehovah, and others say that it is Yahweh. (Also not written in the Bible)
They are those who dress themselves in religious clothing, and stand apart and demand to be called PASTOR, FATHER, REVEREND and every title the Lord Jesus Christ forbid them to use (Matthew 28:8-10).
They are those who invent parallel doctrines with the Bible and remove the DEITY from Jesus Christ and gave it to another, like Yahweh or Jehovah.
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Test Yourselves And See If You Are In The Faith !Posted by Paul G Tuesday, February 26, 2019

You are delusional to think that Jesus and Y'shua are not the same person. In the same way, Yahweh, El Shaddai and God, is the same, simply God. To cause division based on a name is of Satan. I would hope that you take your own advice and
"Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves ! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, That Jesus Christ is in you -- unless indeed you fail the test."
Paul said the following things:
"Keith, I have been quoting from the Bible, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” ...You need to read the BIBLE my friend and NOT the word for word PERVERSION. ...The word for word perversion is NOT the Bible, all it is, it's a PERVERSION !...How long will it take till you believe the SCRIPTURES, the Bible, the 66 Books, New American Standard, King James, New International etc. that is the Word of God....Word for word perversion is not a Bible my friend."
And Paul said this too:
"They are those who say that God's Name is Jehovah, and others say that it is Yahweh. (Also not written in the Bible)"
<a href="https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=jehovah&qs_version=KJV> King James and Jehovah</a>
Notice he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Paul said the following things:
"Keith, I have been quoting from the Bible, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” ...You need to read the BIBLE my friend and NOT the word for word PERVERSION. ...The word for word perversion is NOT the Bible, all it is, it's a PERVERSION !...How long will it take till you believe the SCRIPTURES, the Bible, the 66 Books, New American Standard, King James, New International etc. that is the Word of God....Word for word perversion is not a Bible my friend."
And Paul said this too:
"They are those who say that God's Name is Jehovah, and others say that it is Yahweh. (Also not written in the Bible)"
King James and Jehovah
Notice he doesn't know what he is talking about.
I think everyone who chooses God's truth above Satan's lies will agree with you Anonymous.
In case people don't get it...
He says Jehovah is not in the Bible.
He says the King James Versions is one of the non-perverted versions. So he claims it is trustworthy.
Yet, we see from the link that Jehovah is mentioned 7 times in the "non-perverted" version.
What this does is invalidate his idea, creating a huge hole in any argument he has.
Now what he will do is try and twist everything and act like we are not reading it right.
Our hope is that he will see that. One day, anonymous, one day.
Anonymous, ‘delusional’ !
Jesus and Y’shua is the same person ?
Where does that say in the Bible ?
Well, I think you must be delusional to say such nonsense.
The Lord Jesus Christ is NOT the author of confusion, He has only ONE Name and that is JESUS who is the Christ.
You said, “Yahweh, El Shaddai and God, is the same, simply God.”
Have you been quoting that from the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves ?
But surely NOT from the Bible.
To the other Anon.
Yes, that is exactly what I have said :-)
Look Anon. you don’t need to quote from another source, all you need to do is to pick up a New American Standard Bible, or a King James Bible, or a New International Bible and quote from there.
And of course you need to believe it.
In anyone of those three Bibles, Jehovah and Yahweh is NOT ONCE mentioned, NO, not even once ! Indeed, the Bible cannot give you a name, because God’s ONE and ONLY Name “JESUS” had not been given in the Old Testament.
No Brenda,
Anyone who chooses God’s truth, must agree with Jesus Christ and NOT with Anonymous.
Listen Keith, the God of the Bible and of all creation is simply ‘JESUS’ who is the Christ and NO OTHER.
Isaiah 44:24 “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I, the LORD, am the maker of ALL things, stretching out the heavens by Myself, And spreading out the earth all alone.”
Here is what you said..."In anyone of those three Bibles, Jehovah and Yahweh is NOT ONCE mentioned, NO, not even once ! Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place"
All of these are from the King James.
Gen 22:14 Jehovah jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.
Exodus 17:15 And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:
Judges 6:24 Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord, and called it Jehovahshalom: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
Psalm 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth.
Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Isaiah 26:4 Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength:
Jehovah is mentioned 7 times. SEVEN TIMES. How can you say it is not mentioned in the KJV when it is here 7 times?
Anonymous, Genesis 22:14 you can’t even write that word, let alone speak it.
What it means is, “In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen, or provided.”
The Lord Jesus Christ did NOT made His Name known to Abraham, saying, “Exodus 6:3 “and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but My name, Lord, I did not make Myself known to them.”
Exodus 6:3 Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ made Himself known to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but only by the TITLE of God Almighty.
BUT NOT by the tetragrammaton YHWH, was I NOT known to them.
Exodus 17:15 Moses build an altar, and he called the ALTAR, Je-ho’.vah-nis’.si:
Can you see, it doesn’t say that His Name is Jehovah and neither does it say that His Name is Yahweh.
If you can’t understand the King James, then read the New American Standard Bible who plainly said, “Moses built an altar and named it The Lord is my banner”.
Judges 6:24 Gideon built the ALTAR and he called the ALTAR, “Je-ho’.vah-sha’.lom”.
Can you see, ‘Jehovah’ is NOWHERE mentioned !
In verse 24 and 25 He is CALLED the LORD. Just read it.
Psalm 83:18 “That men may know that thou, whose name is ‘JE-HO’-VAH’, art the most high over all the earth”.
Nowhere does it say Jehovah !
You are making that up.
Don’t you think that the translators would wright it “Jehovah” if His Name would be Jehovah ?
NASB Psalm 83:18 “That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord, Are the most High over all the earth.”
Is His Name LORD ?
NO ! His Name is JESUS, and Lord is His TITLE.
Isaiah 12:2 Again, it doesn’t say Jehovah.
If the translators would want to say Jehovah, then surely they would say Jehovah.
We both know that they referred to the tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’ witch is unpronounceable.
Isaiah 26:4 again the translators can’t write Jehovah, otherwise they would write Jehovah. It is that simple.
Again the translators referred to the tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’, and they tried to translate YHWH, and they came up with “JE-HO’-VAH”.
NOT Jehovah ! YOU write Jehovah.
Let it be known to you, NO ONE can translate the tetragrammaton YHWH !
The name Jehovah is NOT even once mentioned in the Bible, and neither is the name Yahweh mentioned in the Bible.
Only a cowardly DOG will bark behind a wall where you can’t see him, and I know who that DOG is.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blogger Brenda said...
Then why don't you agree with scripture Paul?
'The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For “God has put everything under His feet.” Now when it says that everything has been put under Him, this clearly does not include the One who put everything under Him. And when all things have been subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will be made subject to Him who put all things under Him, so that God may be all in all.…'
1 Corinthians ch. 15 vs. 26-28
Paul, The Word of God Speaks. My hope and prayer is that you listen.
For YHWH dearly loved the World, that he gave his only Son, Y'shua. Whoever relies upon his gift of sacrifice for salvation, the same will be saved by YHWH. Amen!
Unlike you Brenda, I’m the one who believes the Scriptures and and also understands the Scriptures.
You believe a metaphor without understanding and disregard the truth.
Keith, the Bible said, “For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”
The Bible doesn’t say, ‘For YHWH so loved the world…… ‘.
Only the Jehovah Witnesses say such nonsense.
Whether you call your god Yahweh or Jehovah doesn’t make a difference, both are considered to be a CULT.
And Y’shua is NOT mentioned in the entire Bible, No, not even once !
In the Bible, those who are called by HIS NAME, are those who believe in JESUS who is the Christ.
Those are God’s people !
They are NOT those who believe in a devil called Jehovah or Yahweh (not mentioned in the Bible).
And don’t you think that you can believe in BOTH.
You said, “Whoever relies upon his gift of sacrifice for salvation, the same will be saved by YHWH”.
Tell me, where does that say in the Bible ?
You see, NOWHERE ! absolutely NOWHERE !
You are making that up my friend. Those are called false doctrines.
So the name of the altar was Jehovah? That's stupid.
And then you say KJV says Jehovah but the NASB translates it as the Lord. Do you see the connection? If one says it is Jehovah and the other translates it as Lord, then by your own words they are the same thing. Jehovah=Lord. Are you that stupid?
And then you say that Psalm 83 doesn't say Jehovah when I just showed you in the KJV it says the word right in front of you? You can't be that stupid. You say Isaiah 12 does not have the word Jehovah in it. WHAT ARE YOU SEEING IN THAT VERSE?
You said KJV is one of the translations that is not perverted and now you're saying the NASB had a better translation? I am going to stop doubting myself about your stupidity. You are just plain stupid.
Do this for us---write out for us exactly what Isaiah 12:2 says from the KJV. EXACTLY FROM IT. And then tell us Jehovah is not any of the words you typed.
Anonymous, NO the altar is not called Jehovah !
Otherwise they would write it Jehovah.
Don’t you think that they can write Jehovah, if they would mean Jehovah.
You claim to be a Jehovah Witness, but you are worse than a Jehovah Witness. You’re more like a Catholic, rude and ill mannered.
A Jehovah Witness would never use this kind of language as you do.
Your language gives you away that you are of your father the devil and NOT of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
I claim to be a Jehovah Witness? That's new to me.
You just said....Exodus 17:15 Moses build an altar, and he called the ALTAR, Je-ho’.vah-nis’.si:
You just said he CALLED THE ALTAR Jehovah Nissi. And then say the word Jehovah is not written.
Why didn't you type the verse I told you to? Can't do it can you?
No Anonymous, I did NOT say that, “he CALLED THE ALTAR Jehovah Nissi”, you said that.
And I can’t write that word, just like you can’t write that word either.
For, if they wanted to write Jehovah, then surely they would have written Jehovah.
But as it is, Jehovah in NOWHERE written in the entire Bible, and neither can they.
For everyone else.
Isaiah 26:4 the King James Bible does NOT say, ‘for the Lord ‘Jehovah’ is everlasting strength’.
Some translators of the King James Bible wanted to write the Lord's name, which they sought was “YHWH” (and that is NOT a name), and for that reason they distorted all the letters so that no one can read those letters properly or reproduce them.
Please just read those letters; the letter, ‘J’ is massive oversized, the letter ‘E’ has a hook on top of the letter, and then a space gap with a hyphen. Then the letter ‘H’, that's OK. And the letter ‘O’ has a flat bar on top of the O, with a apostrophe. Then a gap with a hyphen. The ‘V’ is OK. the ‘A’ also has a hook on top of the letter, and the ‘H’ is also OK.
Well, don’t you think, if they wanted to write ‘Jehovah’, they would just write Jehovah ?
The Word of God cannot write ‘Jehovah’, that is because in the Old Testament the Name of the Lord had NOT been given, and NOBODY knew the Name of the Lord.
Mark my word, absolutely NOBODY !
The first time when the Name of the Lord was revealed was in Matthew 1:21 “You shall CALL His Name JESUS, He will save His people from their sins”.
Therefore only HIS people will know His Name, and all those who don’t belong to JESUS Christ will call their god Jehovah or Yahweh or Allah or whatever.
it is so obvious that you do not want to believe the truth, otherwise you would acknowledge what is written. I notice that when the scriptures are going against your belief you are calling them a 'metaphor'. In all the years that you have been blogging I have not seen one person that agrees with what you are saying, that is because what you are saying does not line up with scripture. I also notice that when someone asks you to quote what is written you do not do it. That is because you will not proclaim the truth. You do not even agree with what Jesus says regarding His Father. The more you deny what is written, the more foolish you make yourself look. I can not understand why anyone would deny what is written when all can read it for themselves. The only answer is that you do not have the Holy Spirit within you.
Brenda, that is exactly what YOU are doing, and you can’t see it.
You have habit of accusing me of the very thing that you are doing yourself.
Look, I will show some of your own statements.
And you said, “In Matthew ch. 10, vs. 32 and 33 Jesus speaks of two - not One, One on earth (Himself)and One in Heaven, (His Father):-”
"I am talking about God's authority over Jesus. Jesus would not tell the chief priests, scribes and elders Who had given Him the authority to do things, but He acknowledged that authority had been given to Him - otherwise He would have said that He did not need authority."
You said, “God the Father is the builder, using us as fellow workers, but Jesus is the cornerstone of that building.”
“Jesus is not God. He was the Son of God, born of the Spirit of God, the firstborn of many brethren, as spoken of in Romans ch. 8 vs. 28-30:-”
You said, “Paul, you claim to believe in Jesus, (true name Y'shua), and that He speaks to you.
Brenda, Brenda, that is unbelievable !
Yes, I claim to believe in Jesus, and that is obvious to ALL.
But you are denying the Lord Jesus Christ and calling Him by another name “Y’shua”, which is NOT even written in the Bible, and then you demoting Him to a mere man as just some kind of a servant of your god Yahweh, also not even ONCE mentioned in the Bible.
And then you say with a brazen face, “I believe in the Scriptures the Bible”.
Look Brenda, blind Freddy can see that you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, nor the Bible. You believe in an unbiblical, unknown god called Yahweh.
You need to repent in sackcloth and ashes, weep and mourn and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps He might receive you then.
you are making yourself look so silly.
Jesus does say that He has been given authority, that is scripture quoted. Where you say about claiming to believe in Jesus, and that it is obvious to all, if you claim to believe in Jesus then why don't you believe what He says in scripture. It is written. 2 Corinthians ch. 11 vs. 3 and 4 state:-
'I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.'
I feel, sadly, that this is what has happened to you Paul. I would encourage you to go back to the truth of what is written.
You said...he called the ALTAR
And now you say...No Anonymous, I did NOT say that, “he CALLED THE ALTAR Jehovah Nissi”, you said that.
You said...the Bible, the 66 Books, New American Standard, King James, New International etc. that is the Word of God.
An now you say it had translation problems, they distorted all the letters That sounds like perversion to me.
You said...And I can’t write that word, just like you can’t write that word either.
Uh, watch this...Jehovah.
Look at this non-perverted translation, Kings James Version
Even if they didn't say His name. Even if they blotted His name out so no one can say it. JHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, JaHoVaH, or whatever is still written there in YOUR non-perverted version.
Has anyone ever told you how stupid you sound and that you seem to talk in some kind of circular pattern that you even confuse yourself?
Yes Brenda, that is exactly what you are doing and you can’t see it.
You are preaching another Jesus !
You even don’t like to call Him Jesus, you would rather call him by an unbiblical name like Y’shua, (which is NOT WRITTEN in the Scriptures).
You are tearing OFF every crown from the Lord Jesus, and you are giving it to devil called Yahweh, and you can’t even see it.
You are stripping OFF the title “Father” from the Lord Jesus Christ, and place the title “Father” on another called Yahweh.
Brenda, Brenda, blind Freddy can see it, and I wonder why you can’t see it. But then again, it is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who has not given you Eyes to see.
And for that you need to ask Him humbly, and perhaps the Lord my God will give you eyes to see.
Brenda, if Jesus would have been given authority by someone else, then that someone else would be GOD.
Yes Brenda, that someone else would be the Lord God the Almighty.
But the Scripture is clear that the Lord God Almighty is the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:8).
So then, tell me, who gave the authority to Jesus ?
Remember, I have said to you that metaphors are written in order to separate the goats from the sheep, or the tares from the wheat.
No Anonymous, the Bible does not have a translation problem, YOU have and an understanding problem.
Not only have you an understanding problem, you also have a comprehension problem.
First, thank you for the link, but that is NOT the Bible !
No wonder why they have let you down the garden path of deception.
And apart from the tetragrammaton “YHWH”, no other name is written for God in the Old Testament. And YHWH is NOT a name, it was reserved for God himself, when He caused Himself to be born into His own creation Immanuel JESUS.
And don’t you think that it means Jesus !
YHWH means absolutely NOTHING !
And to ADD letters is a deception.
Anonymous and Brenda, In Paul’s world, the sky is green one day, gray the next, but never blue.
That's right Keith.
Yes Keith, the sky is sometimes blue and grey the next, and sometimes green before a storm. To say otherwise is naturally blind and spiritually blind. :-)
Brenda, is that ALL you have to say ?
Well, I think it’s time for you to repent of your false doctrines, the doctrines of men.
You said....Some translators of the King James Bible wanted to write the Lord's name, which they sought was “YHWH” (and that is NOT a name), and for that reason they distorted all the letters so that no one can read those letters properly or reproduce them.
And now you say.... the Bible does not have a translation problem
Well which is it? Are they distorting things or not? Distortion is a translation issue.
You said...First, thank you for the link, but that is NOT the Bible !
It is an electronic version written word by word from the KJV. You really are an idiot.
You said...And to ADD letters is a deception.
Do you mean like what you just said the KJV did earlier? But you said....all you need to do is to pick up a New American Standard Bible, or a King James Bible, or a New International Bible and quote from there.
But I did quote from KJV and now you deny it says it. It says 7 times Jehovah and you say it isn't written there.
And I have yet seen type that verse here in the KJV.
This has to be the stupidest conversation I have ever been in.
Anonymous, the word for word translation is NOT the Bible, it is not even a study Bible, otherwise you would know the truth and the truth would set you free.
But as it is, you are under a deception for believing that Jehovah is the name of god. Maybe the name of your god, but NOT the Name of MY God and Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
You said, “But I did quote from KJV and now you deny it says it. It says 7 times Jehovah and you say it isn't written there.
And I have yet seen type that verse here in the KJV.”
Are you that thick Anonymous ?
WE are not talking about a VERSE here, we are talking about the WORD Jehovah.
7 times you have seen written in the King James “Jehovah” ?
Possible in the word for word translation, but that is NOT the BIBLE !
YOU think and YOU can write Jehovah, but NOT the BIBLE.
You get it ?
I don’t think so.
A common saying is; there is none as blind as those who don't want see.
I said it was an electronic version that was written word for word, meaning someone copied the paper version onto an internet site without changing any words from the paper version. You completely distorted the meaning of what I said and therefore misunderstood all of it. You, once more have stated, all you need to do is to pick up a New American Standard Bible, or a King James Bible, or a New International Bible and quote from there. And all I did was copy and paste an electronic version of the KJV, one that is the same as your paper version and show you the word Jehovah in it 7 times. I never even said it was a name. You for some reason are assuming I am saying that which shows how ignorant of conversationalist you are. You claim the word is what people called their altars and before you deny it and say I made that up look at your own words... “he CALLED THE ALTAR Jehovah Nissi”,.
So please, once again, type right here the whole verse of Isaiah 12:2 from the paper version of the KJV.
Let me help. Here is the King James Version official online company. The one company that uses the KJV that is trademarked for their use only. That means ALL KJV have to be approved by them. And look what it says, Isaiah 12:2
Conversation gets stupider as we go.
I said it was an electronic version that was written word for word, meaning someone copied the paper version onto an internet site without changing any words from the paper version. You completely distorted the meaning of what I said and therefore misunderstood all of it. You, once more have stated, all you need to do is to pick up a New American Standard Bible, or a King James Bible, or a New International Bible and quote from there. And all I did was copy and paste an electronic version of the KJV, one that is the same as your paper version and show you the word Jehovah in it 7 times. I never even said it was a name. You for some reason are assuming I am saying that which shows how ignorant of conversationalist you are. You claim the word is what people called their altars and before you deny it and say I made that up look at your own words... “he CALLED THE ALTAR Jehovah Nissi”,.
So please, once again, type right here the whole verse of Isaiah 12:2 from the paper version of the KJV.
Let me help. Here is the King James Version official online company. The one company that uses the KJV that is trademarked for their use only. That means ALL KJV have to be approved by them. And look what it says, Isaiah 12:2
Conversation gets stupider as we go.
No Anonymous, I did NOT say that, YOU have said that, “No Anonymous, I did NOT say that, “he CALLED THE ALTAR Jehovah Nissi”, you said that.”
OK. YOU said, “Jehovah Nissi”, but NOT the King James.
YOU butchered up that word, and YOU wrote, Jehovah Nissi, but NOT the King James.
Isaiah 12:2 again, YOU wrote “Jehovah” but NOT the King James.
The King James, “for the LORD is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.”
Tell me, who is the LORD who has become your salvation ??
IF that is the LORD Jehovah, then the LORD JESUS Christ is NO benefit to you.
I like to post the same comment here on my blog.
As I was blog-surfing, I came across a comment which I would like to share with you.
“The jews in all their beliefs about God will be in hell save those who have God revealed to them. "Not all Israel are Israel"
If you see the bible through Hebrew eyes you will be damned just as they are.
You must have Christ revealed from Heaven to you and those who have this happen with new eyes proclaim to Jesus Christ and none other.”
Amen and amen to that comment.
For your next post, take a picture of your KJV of Isaiah 12:2 and post the picture. I just looked at the oldest KJV I have from the 1970's and it is there. Unless you have an original copy from 700 BC that shows it's not in there you are proven wrong.
I bet you CAN'T take a picture of your KJV without it being there.
And this is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM YOU...Exodus 17:15 Moses build an altar, and he called the ALTAR, Je-ho’.vah-nis’.si: What does "he called the ALTAR Jehovah-nissi" mean then? You flat out said HE CALLED THE ALTAR JEHOVAH NISSI. So two stupid things you said but deny, You say Jehovah is not in the bible and there you quote it yourself and you said Moses called the altar Jehovah nissi.
Do you even read your own stupid words?
No Anonymous, I can read YOUR stupid word.
And you can’t even write your stupid word properly, you supposed to write it with an OVERSIZED “J” .
And a hook over the “e”.
And a flat bar over the “o”.
And a hook over the “a”.
And a hook over the ? well it’s NOT an “i”.
And a flat bar over the ? also, it’s NOT an “i”.
Well, YOU said that it means Jehovah nissi, but the Bible does NOT say that.
YOU have altered that word and YOU have said that it means Jehovah nissi.
But what the Bible said is, “Moses build an altar and named it, The Lord is My Banner.
I just looked down at the paper in front of me and guess what....I wrote exactly what you just said.
I didn't say it means Jehovah Nissi. I am saying that Moses called the altar Jehovah Nissi because Moses called it The Lord is my Banner. You are also saying he called the altar that but you deny saying it. But Moses didn't speak English. The KJV was written in 1611. It was translated from another language, that is why it is called the authorized version, since James I gave his authorization to translate it. Jehovah Nissi translates as the Lord is my Banner.
הוָה נִסִּ In Hebrew
I get your idea so stop trying to make excuses. The vowels weren't there, that's because in Hebrew they didn't have those vowels. You have even said it yourself that the vowels were added due to translation. I get it. The letters are just letters but God gave them to Moses for a reason not just to take up space.
And I looked at all four of my KJV, ALL of them have Jehovah Nissi there.
Stuuuuuuuuuuupiiiiiiiiidddd conversation.
The King James Bible doesn’t say ‘Jehovah’, nor indeed can it say it.
People like you would like it to say that the Bible says ‘Jehovah’, and then you would rip the Lord Jesus Christ off His throne of glory and demote Him to a mere man, a servant of that false god called Jehovah.
Perhaps just like Keith and Brenda and all Jehovah Witnesses churches.
So prove it. Take a picture of your KJV of Isaiah 12:2 and post it in a blog post. I bet it's there. You even admitted it earlier. You said he called the altar Jehovah nissi. You typed the word yourself and still deny it's there.
No, I did NOT say, he called the altar Jehovah nissi.
YOU have invented that word ‘Jehovah nissi’.
Because you don’t want to lose favour with the Jehovah Witnesses.
The sky is blue, no, it is gray. Wait a second, it is purple. I didn’t say it was blue. I know what I’m talking about or I have seen the unicorn in the sky and he has made me an ambassador of the pink sky and believe me when I say that the sky is green. Also, don’t you know that there are pink elephants in the real world in which you don’t live. Finally, believe me that the Chronicles of the sky say that the sky is truly brown.
Is this guy really that stupid?
This is the whole answer he had:
Exodus 17:15 Moses build an altar, and he called the ALTAR, Je-ho’.vah-nis’.si:
Can you see, it doesn’t say that His Name is Jehovah and neither does it say that His Name is Yahweh.
If you can’t understand the King James, then read the New American Standard Bible who plainly said, “Moses built an altar and named it The Lord is my banner”.
Does anybody else see the fact that he said "and alled the ALTAR, Je-ho’.vah-nis’.si"?
Does that mean to anybody else that he is claiming Moses called the ALTAR Jehovah Nissi?
Am I the only one who sees this?
This guy has to just be writing this blog to get people to visit him so he feels like people are listening. No one can be that dumb or sane and say these things.
Anonymous, in a word, "Narcissist". He literally doesn't have the ability to admit he's wrong. It's truly all about him. Look at the way he gloats, when he brings up that he feels that he's the one and only ambassador, like that gives his beliefs an inkling of validity. If you read enough of his writings, you'll find that he has developed a storybook world, in which to live, that supports his beliefs. His doctrine changes every time he's confronted with one of his lies.
By the way, you are not the only one who sees it. If you go back into the comments on his posts, you'll find that's the way he thinks. If you catch him in a mistake or lie, he won't acknowledge it. He doesn't even delete it. He just ignores it and puts the onus of the lie back on you. I'd love to talk with his wife. I'd be willing to bet that his wife is correct all the time and the only way he gets to be correct is to come on here and create his little fantasy world.
Yes I said, “Exodus 17:15 Moses build an altar, and he called the ALTAR, Je-ho’.vah-nis’.si: “
But I did NOT say or write “Jehovah nissi”.
You are saying and writing that word which is NOT written in the KJV.
I have told you, I can't even write that word, let alone say that word as it is written in the KJV.
If you guys can’t read the King James, then read the New American Standard Bible.
In none of the other Bibles is that word written.
Why ?
Because it’s NOT THERE !
You have made up that word and turned it into a NAME.
And then YOU call your god by that name which you have invented.
Just like the Jehovah Witnesses.
And then YOU both having a dispute over that name, some of you who lean more to Jehovah call themselves Jehovah Witnesses the others who think his name is not Jehovah but more accurately ‘Yahweh’, they claim to be ‘sort of Christians’.
But interesting, NOT ONE of you believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your household shall be saved.
Believe NOT, and you shall be damned.
Note, it doesn’t say Jehovah, and neither does it say Yahweh.
Keith, I know that you have a problem with me calling myself an ambassador of Jesus Christ.
And so I am.
I could not call myself an ambassador of a god called Jehovah or Yahweh, that is because the Lord JESUS Christ is the only one God of the Bible and NO OTHER, and remember NO OTHER.
Again, for the gazillionth time, Paul, an ambassador represents the one that he claims who sent him. In your case, you claim to represent the Jesus of the Bible. Clearly, you do not.
The Jesus of the Bible doesn't lie.
The Jesus of the Bible doesn't say one thing and then says something entirely different. The Jesus of the Bible doesn't deny the scriptures.
The Jesus of the Bible doesn't make things up that aren't in the Bible.
Paul, I would have no problem with you being an ambassador of our Lord, but you're not and everyone here, but you, sees that. You are doing absolutely nothing for the Lord, but driving people away. I know for a fact that you haven't brought anyone to the Lord, with the way you act. I would ask you to tell the truth, but, presently, I don't think you have it in you to tell the truth. You've lied for so long, the lies have become your reality.
I quoted you. You most certainly did write (typed) it.
But I see what you're doing. You may not have typed Jehovah but instead Je-ho’.vah but that is splitting hairs over the way something is typed. That's like saying Paul and Pa'ul. Or Paul! instead Paul.
That is an idiotic argument. The two words means the same thing. And you typed it.
Now again, prove what your KJV says by taking a picture of YOUR bible and post it.
Keith, Oh no my friend I do not driving the people away from my God and my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
YOU are already faaar away from the Lord Jesus Christ, as to believe in a god called Yahweh, a name NOT even ONCE mentioned in the Bible.
And then you distort the only one Name of Jesus, the Name whereby you must be saved, and then you call him by another name Y’shua, also NOT even ONCE mentioned in the Bible.
Look, my friend, you can’t be further away then you already are, I only hope that you and all the others would come to their senses and repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
Well, TURN or BURN my friend !
No Anonymous, I did NOT typed that name, or that word. I haven’t got that type of keyboard with those unusual letters.
And NO, those two words do NOT mean the same thing.
If it would mean the same thing, then they would have used the ONE word or name.
YOU say that it means the same thing, but the Bible doesn’t say so.
I think you have a alternative reason why you say that, and we both know why. Don’t we ?
Or perhaps do you want me to remind you ?
Um, please remind me what my alternative reason is.
See I told you that is what you would do, "I did NOT typed that name, or that word. I haven’t got that type of keyboard with those unusual letters."
I know you can't. But I bet you can find it on the internet and paste it here. I bet it was written down somewhere, how else would you know what it looked like? And as I said I knew you would twist the argument into "I didn't do this...uh.......I did it this way.....uhhhhh..."
Your alternative reasons are; you don’t want to repent of your false god Jehovah or Yahweh, and you still like to entertain the thought that there could be, or must be another god next to the Lord Jesus Christ by the name of Jehovah.
You would not even debate whether the name of your false god is Jehovah or Yahweh, which is also not written in the Bible. You don’t want the Lord Jesus Christ to be the ONLY God there is, and for that reason you want to have ANOTHER name like Jehovah or Yahweh to be YOUR god.
Because your god Jehovah is NOT offensive to the whole world, and the whole world will love you for it and congratulate you for it, including Keith.
But that is NOT so with MY God and Father the Lord Jesus Christ, He detests any other god, whether you call him Jehovah or Yahweh makes no difference.
John 8:54-55 Jesus answered, “it is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say, ‘He is our God’; (55) and you have not come to know Him, but I know Him; and if I say that I do not know Him, I will be a liar like you, but I know Him and keep His word.”
Bwahahahahahaha! That's just weird. Did you make all that up out of the blue? I don't remember saying anything about Yahweh or even saying Jehovah was a god or not. My first comment to you was that you were wrong about Jehovah not being written, and the conversation has been dumb ever since.
Well, you did welcomed all the flattering comments from Keith and Brenda, and you did not correct them, not even ONCE.
You cannot claim that there is a god called Jehovah and not believe in him.
And of course you choose your words wisely, not to give away too much of your false doctrines that you believe in.
Perhaps that’s why you have written in under Anonymous.
I'm anonymous because I don't have a gmail account to log into.
You may be an ambassador but you're not a prophet.
I didn't disagree with those other people because it's your blog and you're the one with the claim. I never really read what they have said. My argument is with you.
I choose my words wisely because I know how to talk.
You're boring me. Not worth my time anymore.
This though has to be in the top ten stupidest blogs I've ever seen.
The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers conspire together against the YHWH and his Messiah.
Paul, You should be proud of yourself. You were prophesied in Psalm 2, as one who conspired against God and his Messiah.
Anonymous, you said, “I choose my words wisely because I know how to talk.”
So, you claim you know how to talk; like calling the Lord Jesus STUPID.
Keith, again, have you been reading from the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves ?
Why is that, that you just can’t quote from the Bible ?
You see my friend, the BIBLE is the WORD of GOD, and NOT another book.
NO other book in Greek, NO other book in Hebrew, NO other book in Aramaic, NO other book in Latin, NO other book whatsoever !
The Word of God does NOT need a support book in Greek, Hebrew or whatsoever.
The BIBLE is the WORD of GOD, sharper than a two edged sword my friend.
You see, ALL APOSTATES have fallen away from the Bible and they trust in their favourite support book of another language which they cannot speak.
However, I am a representative of the Word of God the Bible and therefore I cannot accept any other book or quotations.
You said, “The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers conspire together against the YHWH and his Messiah.”
You see, the tetragrammaton YHWH is NOT written in psalm 2.
YOU write that, because you think and like to teach that the LORD in psalm 2 is NOT the LORD Jesus Christ.
You call another one LORD, the LORD YAHWEH, also NOWHERE written in the Bible, and then you give the LORD Jesus Christ a backseat, a servant of your false god called Yahweh.
Well my friend, you need to repent !
And then turn back to the LORD JESUS Christ.
I can’t be any clearer.
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