John Huss - Burnt Alive

Through John Wickliffe the Lord had distributed the bible and his doctrines against popery and ignorance spread all through Bohemia. It was John Huss who took up the tenants of the reformation even to death.
Younger Years
John Huss (1380) like many of the puritans was very devout in the word. By the time he was 18 he had attended Prague university and went on to complete a bachelor of divinity. At a very young age he became the chosen pastor of Church of Bethlehem and dean of his University.
Attempts to stop Wickliffes doctrines
Wickliffes doctrines "protest-ant" against the catholic church and the then archbishop condemed his writings. This archbishop approached 4 doctors to give up their copies and prohibited them from preaching. This is where John Huss opposed him and was strong till the very end.
The Pope vs Huss - Take 1
The affairs of John Huss were made known to the pope who summoned him to appear personally at the court of Rome on his heresies. John Huss desired not to attend and because he was well liked in Bohemia the King Winceslaus, the queen and their nobles along with the university sent representatives to appear instead of John Huss. They requested to be free to preach the gospel without interference from Rome.
John Huss took to the Pen
This bought John Huss time and he wrote numerous letters and books defending their right to Protest against the catholic church. He wrote on many other doctrines such as justification which essentially was keeping the reformation moving.
Received as a Hero in Germany
Because of disunity amongst the catholic church itself where three popes reigned they needed to sort out who was the real Pope. A council was set up to sort out the problem and John Huss was summoned. On his way through Germany it was said that he received an almost heroic welcome as his works had been spreading. You can imagine his surprise.
John Huss Arrested
Reaching Constance he took lodging in a private place however Stephen Paltz was already commissioned to arrest him and bring him before a trial. His arrest was illegal and the pope made it clear he was not bound by the laws of an emperor.
The Inquisition
A council started proceedings and orders were made to dig up Wickliffes bones and burn them. Meanwhile Bohemia and Poland were interceding for Huss however the wheels were already in motion and he was bought before the court. In his defence he simply talked of Christ.
"Who is then a higher Judge than Christ? Who, I say, can know or judge the matter more justly, or with more equity?"
He was hissed at and mocked and condemned for treason. They stripped his garments and placed a paper miter on his head which had pictures of devils painted on it with the inscription. A ring leader of heretics. The bishop then said. "Now we commit thy soul unto the devil." which Huss replied heavenward "do commend into Thy hands, O Lord Jesus Christ! my spirit which Thou has redeemed."

Final Moments (1415)
With sticks piled up to his head and chains around his body he spoke "My Lord Jesus Christ was bound with a harder chain than this for my sake, and why then should I be ashamed of this rusty one". When asked to recant his doctrines he replied "No, I never preached any doctrine of an evil tendency; and what I taught with my lips I now seal with my blood"
Further Reading
The Persecution of John Huss - By John Foxe
Profiles in Reform – John Huss - Solio Deo Gloria
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John Huss - Burnt AlivePosted by Correy Tuesday, January 31, 2006

There are so many things about John Huss I have brushed over in this post. Feel free to fill in the gaps.
If i just had the last peice of firewood placed on my head, would i be thinking .....
"Great! I am worthy enough to die for His name"
Or would I be crying like a little girl wishing that my tears are more effective than a fire hose.
With all these great heretics that the church has Killed, i just love how they couldn't kill Jesus.
Since when could any man kill God?
Ultimately he had to Kill himself.
Many say that the Reformation actually started with Jan Hus (John Huss). Rome tried to snuff out men like him, but the Spirit of God was starting something that was greater than one man.
Praise God for faithful men like John Huss.
Wow, where are men like that today?
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." - 2 chron 16:9
Thanks for posting such inspirational stories concerning the Reformation martyrs. The more that we are aware of the price these godly men paid for holding forth the truth, the less likely we will be to sell it out.
puritan belief-
I'm loving these snapshot biographies of some of the heroes of our faith!
Keep up the good work.
I've been enjoying your bio's of past Christian leaders. I would enjoy it if you could post a few articles on what it means to be a puritan. I am unfamilure with "puritan beliefs". Just a thought... Keep up the good work! David
Greetings David,
I to have been enjoying reading through your blog with Isaiah. From what I can tell you are a man who Loves the Lord, diligently reads through the word and are waiting with eager expectation for His appearing.
I am not as mature in the Lord as you and are still only 25 years old and I have some wonderful men of God who talk with me for hours about the great reformers which is where I get my interests from (and the Lord of course). When it comes to "puritan belief" I would define this as those who share and hold to the same doctrines as the reformers such as Wickliffe (Wycliffe foundation is named after), Luther, Calvin, Knox, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards and of course John Huss here.
They all have reformed doctrines which have their roots in Calvinism. All these men were amazing Evangelists as you may have noticed and they preached a Jesus that could save the most wretched sinner rather then appealing to the flesh by telling people that it all depends on them and their choices rather then Jesus.
I have just done a post on the basics of Calvinism to get it in perspective please feel free to browse over or leave your comments.
Kindest Regards
I know this is a bit late, but...
I got out my book about John Huss, as it has been a long while since I last read it.
Some of the most notable things I have read so far:
At his trial, there were eleven witnesses to testify against him - then one of the eleven broke down, as his conscience would not allow him to carry on with the evil that was happening - he had been paid off by the Catholics to lie against Huss. After his confession of these things, the order was given for the man to be executed, and so he was! The court then carried on as if nothing unusual had happened.
While in prison, arrangments were made for Huss to escape. It was an elaborate plan, and Huss was even outside the prison (essentially), but then he could go no further, as he felt that running would be a victory for his accusers, and a disgrace to the name of Christ.
Again, at his trial, Huss was allowed no paper or writing instrument to make notes for his defense. Neither was he allowed a Bible to refer to during his trial. In reply Huss said,
"What harm? I tell you, that, even if you would burn and exterminate the holy scriptures, I could replace them by heart, with the exception of the Chronicles."
Simply astonishing!
Mr. Belief:
Thank you so much for this blog entry.
This wicked world and it's ruler love to destroy the innocent and the Pope and Mystery Babylon are expert at doing their father's will!!!
i am learning about Mr. John Huss in my school work and i think he is so brave so stan up for what he believes.........u know it could of been so easy to say i dont know Jesus but he didnt........where are ppl like that well i'll tell u one thing....the world could use another John
thnx ~annalise~
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