The Oneness of God In Christ Jesus Our Lord
In the beginning God.
This is the most important doctrine of all doctrines and no one should err on this, most other doctrines, thoughts and understandings hinge on that doctrine.
It is the first commandment. Exodus 20:2-3
I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods besides me.
Mark 12:29
Jesus said! Hear O Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is one
When the Scripture says that God is one, we need to know which one?
I John 5:20 tells us that, that one God is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Also the Bible tells us, that there are many gods, but only one true one, any other person, god or object is a false god.
I explain;
John 4:24 God is Spirit! 2Cor. 3:17 And the Lord is the Spirit.
In Genesis, the Spirit who created all things is said in John 1:1 is Jesus Christ who created all things.
Luke 1:35 God who is the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, so the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God, Emanuel, God with us, or simply the Holy Spirit clothed Himself in flesh to dwell among us in bodily form in the likeness of man Jesus Christ. (Veiled the incarnate Deity)
Revelation 1:8
Jesus said, I am the Alpha and Omega who was who is and is to come says the Lord God the Almighty.
It's so simple, for anyone who wants to know God, look to Jesus!
And anyone who is born again does not need to look anywhere else, bu to Jesus and only to Jesus.
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The Oneness of God In Christ Jesus Our LordPosted by Paul G Thursday, August 30, 2007