If trinitarans can't justify their three person gods, then they call you a trinitarian basher.

In other words, if trinitarians are exposed to their nonsensical doctrine that God is three persons in one God, then they call you a
trinitarian basher.
When you show the trinitarians that the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father are one (John 10:30), then they say that He is TWO, a Father and a Son, and they call you a trinitarian basher.
And when you say that God is one person the Lord Jesus Christ alone and no other person next to the Lord Jesus Christ, then they call you a trinitarian basher.
If trinitarians are told that they believe in the gods, just as ancient Rome, then they call you a trinitarian basher.
When you tell a trinitarian that the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are NOT two separate persons, but two titles of the one person Jesus Christ, then they call you a trinitarian basher.
Even when you show a trinitarian in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the Father (Isa. 9:6 and John 10:30 and John 14:9 etc.), they will ignore all Scripture and call you a trinitarian basher.
Or when you say to a trinitarian that the Prophet Isaiah said to the Lord Jesus Christ, "You O Lord are our Father and our Redeemer" (Isa. 63:16), and then they still call you a trinitarian basher.
Also, when you tell a trinitarian that he is disobedient to the Lord Jesus Christ to baptise their converts into tree titles, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mat. 28:19), then they still call you a trinitarian basher.
And if I tell a trinitarian that the Name of my God is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12), then they will say, no ! God's Name is YHWH; four letters they cannot pronounce, and then they will invent a name like Jehovah or Yahweh, and still they will call me a trinitarian basher.
So then, what hope does a trinitarian basher have ?
Perhaps, the answer to that question is, "My hope is in my God the Lord Jesus Christ alone".
Again, your thoughts are important, and I like to hear your thoughts, trinitarian or not.
Please feel free to leave a comment or two or more :-)
The 23rd Psalm is one of the most well known passages, in the Bible. It has been memorized and restated, by many Faithful Jews and Christians worldwide, as a statement of God's continuing faithfulness and how he give believers rest. However, does the original Hebrew bear witness to this point? A simple revisit of the Hebrew shows that it does not.
Let me stop and say that there are plenty of Biblical passages that testify of God's continuing faithfulness and how he give believers rest. However, here in the 23rd Psalm, we find that it is actually a faithful plea from David, to Yahweh, for Peace, Strength and Assuredness in his personal and public life.
Even though David was known to be a man after God's heart, things didn't come automatically. He always looked for God's approval. In this same manner, Jews and Christians must always be in God's Word and in Prayer, to ensure that they are walking in God's Will and Shadow.
The following is a Word for Word translation of the 23rd Psalm. Please compare it with your translation. Notice how most translators add thoughts to the scriptures. I'm not saying that your translation is a piece of fiction. I only implore you to get back to the original Hebrew, Greek and Sumarian, in order to get back to God's original message, so you can filter out the man made messages in the Synagogues and Church's today.
Psalm 23
A Song of David
Yahweh, a Shepherd/Friend that I sorrowfully desire.
My Restful Compassionate Dwelling,
Sustain me to comfortably rest upon your Word,
Break me down and Rebuild my Spirit and my Soul.
Lead the way to the righteousness of your Name.
Walk me through the
Valley of the Shadow of Death , Fear and Evil.
Your Scepter and Support Consoles and Comforts me.
Prepare my Table to Face my Enemy,
Anoint my Head with Oil and Make my Cup Run Over.
Allow your Mercy
To follow me the Days of my Life
and My Dwelling to be within
the House of Yahweh
for All Time.
Well my friend, you don’t need to revisit the original Hebrew, you just need to read the Bible, for the Bible is the Word of God and not the original Hebrew.
Psalm 23 (NASB)
A Psalm of David.
The Lord (Jesus Christ) is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the path of righteousness for His NAME’s sake. (that is the Name of Jesus)
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your road and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the Lord (Jesus Christ) forever.
That said it all !
Just read it again.
There is NO ‘faithful plea from David, to Yahweh, for Peace, Strength and Assuredness in his personal and public life’ of David in the whole Psalm.
No, nothing at all !
Look my friend, you should NOT read those perversions in Hebrew, or Greek etc. they profit you NOTHING.
Just simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and He will lead you into ALL the truth :-)
I see that you are still reading man’s word instead God’s Word, my friend.
Man’s word ?
No Keith, I have quoted you the Word of God, the Holy Bible, word for word, which is for you and everyone to read and know the Majesty of our wonderful GREAT God Jesus Christ our only Lord and God, to Him alone be honour, glory and power :-)
That is a bit different than your man made Hebrew, Greek perversion of which you ever be reading and never come to the knowledge of God.
Well my friend try to read the Holy Bible, which has authority over your constant fluctuating Hebrew, Greek words, which never means what they says.
Just a thought.
Also, I only side with the TRUE God Jesus Christ (1 John 5:20), and NOT with that false god Yahweh.
You see, that false god Yahweh has deceived you and lead you astray to read man-made teachings of an unknowable Greek god, perhaps the same unknowable god as the Hebrews have.
Look my friend, that unknowable god which you are preaching, I have made known to you, that this God is the Lord Jesus Christ and He appeared to me nearly two thousand years after His resurrection.
I do not lie, and my testimony is true.
Paul, two quick questions for you. Why do you feel the need to defend the adding of words that are not there? Im sure you have access to a Strong’s concordance. Why don’t you look it up for yourself?
Yes Keith, I do have a Strong's concordance, but, as I have said many times before, the Bible is the Word of God and NOT the Strong’s concordance.
The Strong’s concordance is a man-made book and untrustworthy.
This is the reason why you have been lead astray, away from the Lord Jesus Christ to another god, to your false god whom you call Yahweh.
As to the “the adding of words that are not there?”.
I do NOT adding any words to the Psalm 23, I have quoted word for word, appart from God’s Name in brackets.
David or any other Old Testament Saints did not know the Name of God, they only called Him Lord, because the Name of the Lord had NOT been given during the Old Testament period.
But I know His one and only Name of the Lord and that is “JESUS” who is the Christ, and any other name is the devil.
For this reason the Lord Jesus Christ has granted me to put His Name into the Old Testament quotation just as I please.
Disregarding your unsubstantiated and unsupported claim that Jesus is the God of the Old Testament, your version puts words that are clearly not there. It also alludes to things that God doesn’t do. For instance, God doesn’t give us what we want, only what we need. He only gives us what we want, as long as it is within his will. Again, why do you support adding words to the Bible. Don’t you think that God’s Word is good enough?
Oh no my friend, God’s Word, the Bible will never be good enough for you.
Just the same as the living Word the Lord Jesus Christ is never good enough for you.
You always will place the devil above the Lord Jesus Christ in everything you say.
That is what deception is all about my friend.
And, it takes a GOOD friend to tell you the truth plainly and simply, without envy or malice.
Well, if Jesus is the God of the New Testament, then He has to be (by necessity) also the God of the Old Testament, otherwise you end up with TWO God’s or gods.
That is the great dilemma of modern day Christianity. They think that the New Testament God is Jesus Christ and the Old Testament God is the Father called Jehovah, or perhaps like you who call him Yahweh.
And because of that deception factor, those Christians cooked up the doctrine of the trinity, which makes them ‘antichrist’.
You said, “For instance, God doesn’t give us what we want, only what we need. He only gives us what we want, as long as it is within his will.”
How do you know what God will do and what He will not do ?
Can’t He change His Mind ?
Well, I can prove you wrong my friend.
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT limited to rules and regulations, what He can do and what He can not do.
Remember, He can do just as He pleases.
God only does what he first has revealed to the prophets. As for your other comments, you are wrong as usual.
God does what He has revealed in His Word the Bible, and also what He has revealed to me personally.
Every man of God ought to be taught by God (John 6:45), and if he is taught by God, then he speaks the things of God, and the sheep of the Lord Jesus Christ will listen to him, and everyone who has heard and learned from my Father will come to Jesus Christ.
And don’t say, “you are wrong as usual”, without telling me what was is wrong from the Bible.
Read your Bible Paul.
Exactly my response, Brenda. Paul, we have revealed to you, the Word of God, but you deny, substituting your own godliness, but denying the power of God. I will no longer argue. God’s Spirit is calling you.
Keith, where exactly did you reveal the Word of God to me ?
Do you mean Psalm 23 ?
Well, Psalm 23, I have corrected you in that and wrote it word for word from the Bible, but, obviously you don’t like me quoting the Bible at all. You rather quote from the Hebrew book of Alibaba and the forty thieves :-)
No my friend, you did NOT reveal anything to me apart from a deception.
Brenda, you must think that you are the only one who can read the Bible, don’t you ?
Well, I correct you in that.
OK, I will say it again, in the Bible, Jesus said, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right …… .”
Jesus did NOT say, “The Lord said to my lord, sit a my right …. .” as you have said over at Keith’s blog.
Look Brenda, we both know that you are trying to demote the Lord Jesus Christ to a mere man, in making out that one Lord, the BIG LORD is speaking to a little lord, and so to promote the little lord to be equal with the BIG LORD.
But you are mistaken Brenda, NOT understanding the Scriptures, nor do you know the Lord.
Remember, Lord means God !
Nothing else, but God ! No, it doesn't mean anointed one.
LORD means GOD ! and only the Lord is called Lord in the Scriptures ! no one else !
And it is Jesus who is called Lord and noone else.
Satan is also called “god” with a little “g”, and therefore he is referred to as lord, with a little “l”.
Paul, you not only make mistakes in reading the Bible, you make mistakes in reading people's comments. I did not say that Jesus said 'The Lord said to my lord, sit at my right....
I said that Psalm 110 v.1 (a Psalm of David) says this.
It is written.....
Brenda, I take special careful attention to the Scriptures, the Bible, for it is the words of my Lord, and every word He said in the Bible is not only for my instruction, but also for your instruction.
And I carefully read your words, what you say and how you say it, so that I can give you a reasonable answer for the hope that is in me.
Now, that hope is Jesus Christ and NOT Yahweh and neither is it Jehovah, Allah or Buddha.
OK. I’m going to quote your words again, “Psalm 110 v. 1:-. 'The LORD says to my lord: 'Sit at my right …….”
Here you can see that you cleverly mentioned the second ‘lord’ with a little ‘l’, and you know who the little lord is, don’t we ?
As I have said in my previous comment, there is only ONE Lord who is God, and the other lord is satan the god of this world written with a little “l”, lord.
Do you honestly think, Paul, that the Lord would say to Satan 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool...'
My husband would not believe what I am about to say, but 'I am lost for words'. :-)
Paul, I won’t, but I can copy most of our correspondence and comments over the past years to show you how you have added to God’s Word. God’s Word has shown you the error of your ways, but you make a conscious decision to read man’s word over God’s word. Many times we have givien you examples of where you mistranslated and add things to God‘s Word. Again I will show you but I will not argue with you.
Also, you are correct that LORD means Yahweh, but, as we have shown you many times, Lord can mean different people, in many rolls, such as master, Lord of the Manor, etc. even you wrote above that God and god can be two different beings. Why do you flip-flop? Again, I find it hard to believe that a man of God, such as what you proclaim yourself to be, I would choose man’s word over God’s Word.
You still don’t understand Brenda.
The Lord is speaking about Himself !
He does not speak about another lord as you have said.
He said, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at ….. .”
You said, I’m quoting you word for word, “The Lord said to my lord, sit at …..”
That is what you are saying, the BIG Lord is speaking to the lord Satan. And then you plainly confirm it by saying, “Paul, it is so obvious that David is speaking about two separate Lords, the Bible spells one as LORD, and the other as Lord.”
You greatly err by saying that and teaching that kind of nonsense.
There are NOT TWO separate Lords as you say and teach.
(1 Corinthians 8:6) “Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and ONE Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.”
ONE LORD means just that, ONE LORD !
NO, it doesn’t mean TWO Lords, one Lord God the Father and another Lord God the Son and another Lord God Yahweh.
Absolutely not !
JESUS Christ is Lord, and He is the ONLY Lord, and beside Him is NO OTHER Lord.
Look Brenda, Yahweh is the name of Satan, the god and the lord of this world, and you ought to repent and turn away from that false god, and then believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and in no one else.
No Keith, don’t say, “Also, you are correct that LORD means Yahweh,”
LORD does NOT mean Yahweh.
LORD means GOD, and NOT Yahweh !
Yahweh is the name of Satan.
JESUS is the Name of God.
JESUS is the Name which is above every name, and at that Name you ought to bow your knees and CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Why not? You might as well get used to it. Yahweh is the one and only God. The God, whom you’ll either be serving in the new earth or begging for a drop of water, from the depths of hell.
As for Lord or LORD, this would be fun, if it weren’t so sad, to show you how wrong you are again. Who is/are the Lord or Lord’s, in the following verses?
Genesis 19:18
Genesis 23:6
Genesis 23:11
Genesis 23:15
Genesis 24:18
Genesis 27:29
Genesis 27:37
Genesis 31:35
Genesis 32:4-5, 8, 13-15
Genesis 39:16
Genesis 40:1, 7
Genesis 42:10, 30, 33
I could go on and I’m not even out of Genesis yet.
Once again, it shows that you do not even have a rudimentary grasp of God’s Word, little alone, someone who supposedly speaks to Jesus all the time.
the only Ones you are answerable to for your complete blasphemy in calling God Satan is God and His Son Jesus.
I have no need to say anything else, as that Word is your judge.
Yes my friend, JESUS is always called Lord, from Genesis to Revelation.
And He is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it.
And Yahweh is nowhere mentioned in the Bible.
Look my friend, he is just not in the Bible.
The Jehovah Witnesses would argue that his name is Jehovah and not Yahweh.
They, just like you hate that Jesus is called Lord and God, they would like to call Jesus lord with a little ‘l’, and call a man ‘Lord’ with the capital ‘L’.
God and His Son Jesus ?
If you would know the Lord of all creation, you would not make such a statement.
Yes God does have many sons called Jesus, but the Lord Jesus Christ is LORD over all.
Well Brenda, I don’t think that you know the difference.
So, Paul, you are saying that in all the Genesis references that I stated in my previous comment refers to Jesus?
Paul,I have never heard of God having many sons called Jesus, only One.
Not at all Keith, before you reference a Scripture, you need to THINK and not just read the Scriptures, for every devil can read the Scriptures and it does not profit them anything.
Genesis 19:18 Are there three persons who are called JESUS ?
Genesis 23:6 Did the sons of Heth called him JESUS ? Just THINK before you make a blatant statements.
Now, you tell me, I am quoting from the (NASB) word for word,
(Isaiah 45:22) “Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and here is no other.”
Now tell me, is that God who is the savior, JESUS ?
Yes Benda, you have never heard that, because your doctrines are NOT true.
For if your doctrines were true, then you would know that God does not only have many sons who are called Jesus, He also has many sons who are called Paul.
Paul, you were the one that made that statement. You claimed that LORD and Lord, in the Bible, is Jesus. I was proving you wrong, again.
And NO Isaiah 45:22, in any version doesn't say nor imply Jesus. As a matter of fact, Isaiah 45:21 says,
Declare and present your case,
Indeed, let them consult together.
Who foretold this from ancient time?
Who has declared it of old?
Is it not I, Yahweh?
There is no other God beside Me
—a righteous God and a Savior—
there is none besides Me!
Wake up and read the Bible, not another man made version, like NASB.
Paul, concerning your comment to Brenda. We don’t pay any concern to your ungodly and unbiblical doctrines. We align ourselves with God and his Word.
Brenda,I apologize if I spoke out of turn.
Yes my friend, you do align yourself with god and his word just like all the Muslims and the Jehovah Witnesses do.
But I suggest that you should align yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, for He has said, (John 8:24) ‘You will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins’.
Now tell me, is that ungodly for me to tell you that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only God there is ?
Or is that ungodly for me to tell you that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only LORD there is ?
(Isaiah 45:21 to 22) in the Authorised King James translation, word for word, “Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who has told it from that time ? have not I the LORD ? and there is no God beside me; a just God and a saviour; there is none beside me.”
(v.22) “Look unto me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is none else”.
OK. Tell me WHO is that “just God and saviour” ??
It’s NOT difficult my friend.
What is His NAME ?
Well ? there is NO other Name given in heaven and on earth and among men, only ONE Name, please tell me ?
There is no other name 'under' Heaven Paul.
you haven't spoken out of turn, no need to apologize, I am not sure where you are referring to here.
Yes Brenda, why can’t you say His wonderful Name, the ONLY Name whereby you must be saved.
Well, I love to tell you, His Name is JESUS ! :-)
Jesus who is the Christ, and I hate with an unquenchable passion any OTHER name which pagans use like Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Krishna and Buddha etc.
Yes Brenda, those are the devil’s names :-(
Of course, you can’t say that, because you do NOT believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Look, all the prophets believed in the LORD Jesus Christ, why don’t you ?
But, for you, you need to repent so that everyone can read it on you blog and in your comments and among your friends, and then you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your household shall be saved.
Believe NOT, and you shall be damned.
This is the gospel which you have heard from the beginning, and blessed are those who heed and believe.
Yes, Jesus is the One through Whom we must be saved, the One mediator between man and God.
Paul, I shout the name of Yahweh and his Son Y’shus in praise and worship everyday. You don’t listen. You only hear the voice of Paul and that’s all. It’s time to open your ears to the Truth of God’s Word.
Hallelujah to Yahweh, the God of all creation, and to his obedient perfect Son, Y’shua, who sits at the right hand of the Father, waiting to make the enemy his footstool.
Hallelujah and Amen to what you have said Keith.
Oh Brenda, I still can see that you don’t want to let go of that FALSE god called Yahweh.
That FALSE god is your problem, that devil has attached himself to your doctrines and therefore all your doctrines have become distorted, and doctrines of demons.
Yes Keith, I have heard it loud and clear.
Also my God the Lord Jesus Christ has heard it loud and clear that you have put another God next to the ONLY God Jesus Christ (Jude 1:25). A god which He has forbidden you to have next to the Lord Jesus Christ, remember the Lord Jesus Christ told you in Exodus 20 verse 2-5 that you should have NO OTHER gods next Him.
Well my friend, I think you know what that means don’t you ?
Repentance !
Oops ! here is that dirty word again wich every Christian hates.
Well, I think that every Christian ought to make ‘Repentance’ their closest friend.
Look, I’m sure that you don’t tell anyone to repent because you might hurt their feelings. But, don’t you think it’s better to hurt their feelings in order that you might be saved ?
Do you think that a transgressor of Exodus 20 verse 2-5 can be saved without repentance ?
My simple response is:
Open your eyes and Read your Bible for once in your life.
Well my friend, that is a cop out response for someone who does not want to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul, I would never want to let go of my Father YHWH, otherwise I would also be letting go of His Son Jesus Whom He has made my Lord.
No, just a plea to someone who is attempting to evangelize without reading his Bible.
Brenda, you have already abandoned your Father who in heaven, and therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is still calling you back to Himself.
Today is the day of your salvation, do not harden your heart as those did in the wilderness.
No I could never abandon my Father Who is in Heaven. Thanks to Jesus His Son I now have been reconciled back to Him.
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That’s right, Brenda!!!! No one who has tasted the true love of Our Father in Heaven, Yahweh, who sent his Son to reconcile us to him, could ever turn their back on him. It just shows Paul ignorance of the Bible.. Hopefully, one day Paul will understand and experience that love for himself.
It is a love far above any I have experienced.
Actually I have experienced that love, as I have spoken about in a previous post relating to my near death experience.
Brenda, I know what you mean. It’s also the love that David was desiring in Psalm 23.
Yahweh, a Shepherd/Friend that I sorrowfully desire.
My Restful Compassionate Dwelling,
I honestly hope that Pail will eventually get to experience that love.
As I have said to you, you have ALREADY fallen away from your Father who is in heaven.
Why do you think the Lord Jesus is calling you back again to Himself ?
The lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Do you think the Lord Jesus is playing games with you ?
Look Brenda, we both know that you have NOT been reconciled back to the Lord Jesus Christ.
For this reason the Lord Jesus Christ is still calling you.
Don’t wait till the eleventh hour, you may be called on the tenth hour.
You can NOT serve Jesus AND Baal, the god of this world.
You have to decide, in which one you are going to believe, in the Lord Jesus Christ or in Yahweh ?
Yes Keith, I also have experienced His amazing love, but He did not sent someone else to show me His love, the Lord Jesus came and showed me His love personally.
You see, the term, “God sent His only begotten Son” is a metaphorical saying.
But the truth is, that Jesus came into this world personally (Immanuel) and He reconciled me to Himself personally so that I can be with Him forever.
It all comes back to the Bible, my friend. It’s time to read it.
Paul, you don't even acknowledge the Father Who is in Heaven, Who has Jesus His Son seated at His right hand.
Brenda, when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Thomas, after the resurrection, he said to the Lord Jesus Christ “My Lord and my God”.
When the Lord Jesus appeared to me, nearly two thousand years later, I am also calling the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘My Lord and my God’, just the same as Thomas did.
So, everyone who has an encounter with God, he, or she will call Jesus Christ his Lord and His God.
And if you don’t, then you haven’t met the Lord Jesus Christ.
When I met the Lord Jesus Christ, from that day I was never the same person again, I totally changed, just like Jesus said, “He who is in Christ is a brand new man, old things have past away and behold all thing are new”.
You see Brenda, for you to have an active abundant life in Christ Jesus our Lord, you need to get rid of that false god called Yahweh, that devil is a hindrance in your spiritual life.
It is not difficult Brenda, to the contrary, it is easy, come, just as you are, humble yourself before the Lord Jesus Christ and He will receive you.
You need to get yourself checked for a brain tumor
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Paul, Jesus is not God the Father, He is the Son of God. He said to a man who ran up to Him. 'Why do you call me good only God is good.' Do you honesty think He was saying 'Why do you call me good, only I am good.'
Anonymous, my dry sense of humour wants to agree with you :-)
Obviously you can write, then why can't you tell us what you believe, instead of making a stupid remark.
Well Brenda, if only God is good, then why do you call Jesus BAD ??
What has He done to you that you call the Lord Jesus Christ a bad man ?
Your view of Jesus, the creator of heaven and earth is very bad Brenda, and I think that you should be ashamed of yourself.
But then again, there is always repentance for you; remember ?
Anonymous, you made me laugh. LOL i almost spit my tea out. Ha Ha. I would like to hear more from you as to why you think Paul has a brain tumor. I have my suspicions but would like to hear your opinion. LOL Keep in mind, I don’t think Paul has much of a sense of humor.
I know the voice of Satan, he always snipes from behind a wall so that you can’t recognize him.
And when he is barking all the other dogs start barking with him so that they all barking in unisom.
Paul, You said, "I know the voice of Satan."
You have spoken no truer words than those, my friend.
Oh yes Keith, I can clearly hear the voice of Satan, if I would say that I cannot hear his voice, I would be a liar. Jesus said, John 10:27-28 “MY sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Here you can see that those who belong to Jesus hear His voice, and He knows them, and when Satan speaks they will not listen.
Obviously if if you would know the voice of God, you would know the voice of Satan also.
Paul, I have never called Jesus bad. Show me where I have. This is what scripture says about Jesus regarding sin:-
'Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.'
2 Corinthians ch. 5 vs. 20 and 21
Brenda, I nearly forgot, we had that debate before, and you did not understand.
So I say it one time more.
If you say, ‘only God is good’, and you don’t believe that Jesus is God, then you are saying that Jesus is BAD, since only God is good.
I hope you will understand that.
When Jesus made that statement, He was saying that He is God.
Now, I need to say that Brenda, blind Freddy can see that.
And there is NO alternative in that statement, JESUS IS GOD !
And I implore you on behalf of Christ; be reconciled to the God, to the only God who is GOOD.
And any other god is BAD.
Paul, honestly, don't you see a problem with gleefully proclaiming that you know the voice of Satan? Don't see a problem with following that up with, "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me."?
Presently, you are a follower of Satan, with your false anti-biblical doctrine. However, there is still time.
there is definitely something wrong with your brain. If Jesus said 'Why do you call me good' and 'only God is good'. Then He is obviously saying to the man that was calling Him good that only God is good. If He was God then He would not be arguing the point.
Can you see the point Brenda ?
I don't think so.
Can you hear what you are calling the Lord Jesus Christ ?
I don't think so.
Jesus would never tell you an anti-biblical doctrine. Therefore, the voice that you are hearing is not Jesus.
Yes my friend, you rightly said the Lord Jesus Christ would never tell me an anti-biblical doctrine.
Well, perhaps, He calls me His friend, and a friend does NEVER tell His friend an anti-biblical doctrine :-)
Tell me, WHERE in the Bible does your god Yahweh calls you friend ?
And I will tell you where in the Bible the Lord Jesus Christ calls ME, my friend :-)
I’m glad you agree with me.
John 15:15 says that Jesus, the True Son of God, is our friend and that he learned it from his Father, which is Yahweh. Duh!!!
You see what I mean.
It is JESUS who calls me His friend (John 15:14).
Perhaps the god of this world Yahweh might call you, your friend.
You totally and deliberately ignore that Jesus has a Father.
That's it Paul, let's play "Forget or ignore that there is a verse afterwards that proves your position wrong." According to your testimony, Jesus is a deceiver, liar, and so on.
In reality, that is not the Jesus of the Bible, even your Bible.
Keith, the Lord Jesus Christ is MY God and He does NOT have a Father, He IS my Father.
OK. READ my LIPS, Jesus does NOT have a Father, He IS my Father !
You have a father, and obviously it is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore your father is the devil just as Jesus has said in John 8:44, “YOU are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him.”
According to MY testimony, the Lord Jesus Christ is MY LORD and MY GOD and He is NOT a sinner as you and Brenda always portray Him.
I think that you should be ashamed of yourselves, both of you.
You claim to be a Christian, and both of you are not worthy even to mention His Name.
Blah,Blah. It’s like talking to wall.
Yes, just about right,
There has to be something drastically WRONG with both of you, when you do NOT call the CREATOR of heaven and earth “YOUR LORD and YOUR GOD”.
But you eagerly call the DEVIL or SATAN your lord and you god.
The Bible said, that JESUS is the CREATOR GOD.
But both of you are saying Yahweh is your god.
And then in YOUR ignorance and in your deception you are even debating, whether Yahweh is 70% God and Jesus 30% God, or whether Jesus is 65% God and the DEVIL 95% God etc. etc.
Well, if that doesn’t sound like a deceived cult, then what does ?
Let it be known to all of you, the creator of heaven and earth calls everyone to REPENT and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE !
Believe NOT and you shall be damned.
When the teachers of the Scriptures start arguing about, how many percentage (%) each persons of their gods are to make up one full God, then there has to be something drastically wrong.
Now wonder why Thomas Jefferson said,
“in fact the Athanasian paradox that one is three, and three but one is so incomprehensible to the human mind that no candid man can say he has any idea of it, and how can he believe what presents no idea. he who thinks he does , Start insertion, only, End, deceives himself. he proves also that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.
Thomas Jefferson to James Smith 8 Dez. 1822.
The folly of every trinitarian is that they teach that the Father and the Son are TWO different persons, and then they compound their foolish teaching and say that the Father is 75% God and Jesus is 25% God, or the Father is 50% God and Jesus is 50% God, or the Father is 100% God and Jesus is 100% God etc. etc.
And then they say with brazen faces that they are not trinitarians.
If that is not the epitome of Satan's doctrine the trinity then what is ?
Jesus has said in (John 5:43), “I have come in My Father’s Name, and you do NOT receive Me; if another comes in his own name you receive him.”
If Yahweh comes in his name, you receive him and demote the Lord of glory to a mere man and give all the glory which belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ to a god which is not even mentioned in the Bible.
Of course, ALL trinitarians say that they believe in the Bible, and then they quote another book, other than the Bible, and they teach their converts mainly from another book.
They secretly switch the Bible with the other book, and call the other book the Bible.
This is the start of every deception, and every deceiver has his origin from any another book, other than the Bible.
So, every deceiver is quoting from the Greek writings to undermine the authority of the Bible, and even introduce other words which are not in the Bible to lead those who search away from the truth.
Likewise they use the Hebrew language to do the same. They always say, ‘in Hebrew it means such and such’, which is always different to what the Bible said.
All such strategies are designed to undermine the authority of God’s Word the Bible and lead those who desire to know the truth away from the truth. And the truth is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and not a god called Yahweh or Jehovah.
They secretly introducing destructive heresies, even denying the Lord Jesus Christ who bought them. (2 Peter 2:1)
there's nothing wrong looking at other books to rightly correct the erroneous 'english language' translated bibles...I myself do like the interlinear bible for study... Most bible like the kjv are like they say they are a version/s...
Hi lou, I’m sorry for not responding earlier, I just noticed your comment now.
You see lou, the problem is when you think like that, you are saying that the Bible is NOT the Word of God and it needs to be corrected.
That troubles me immensely.
I think that everything is wrong when you look at other books and trying to correct God’s Word. Remember, every WORD is God breathed and suitable for correction in doctrine and in conduct.
Whether you call the King James Bible a version or a translation makes no difference, it is still the Word of the Lord in poetic language. If you can’t understand that, than read the New American Standard Bible.
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