The MAGIC Formula, "In Jesus Name" !
Praying the MAGIC formula "in Jesus name" !
There are literally hundreds of thousands of so called "professing Christians" who are praying the MAGIC formula "in Jesus name" at the end of their prayer.
In the Bible (Scripture) is NOT ONCE mentioned that anyone ever prayed a prayer and added the MAGIC formula "in Jesus name".
It's just NOT there !
That was NOT a prayer, that was a command, Paul standing and being in the Lord Jesus Christ said to the woman, in the Name of Jesus Christ come out of her ! and immediately it came out of her.
Only when you stand, believe and know that Jesus Christ has made His abode in you, then you can do just as Paul has done.
But the apostasy (the falling away from the Lord Jesus Christ) is to pray to the father Jehovah or Yahweh in "Jesus name".
Since there is only ONE God the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6), and that Father is the Lord Jesus Christ and any OTHER father is the devil or Satan.
No matter whether you call him Jehovah, Allah, Krishna, Yahweh or Buddha makes absolutely NO difference.
Only apostates, or deceived Christian people would pray to another god and use the MAGIC formula "in Jesus name".
And who would listen to your prayer when you pray to another god Jehovah ?
And do you think the MAGIC formula "in Jesus name" would make any difference ?
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The MAGIC Formula, "In Jesus Name" !Posted by Paul G Saturday, April 06, 2019

Chew on this a while. I'm sure that you will deny it in the same way you deny all scripture that gets in the way of your man-made doctrine.
(Num 23:19) God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
(1 Sam 15:29) And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.
(Job 9:32) For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment.
(Job 33:12) Behold, in this thou art not just: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.
(Isa 31:3) Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; ...
(Hosea 11:9) I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not enter into the city.
Hi Chris, as you know me, I BELIEVE ALL SCRIPTURES, every word of it.
Please tell me, what is your point ? what are you trying to say ?
Let him go. Why even comment anymore? Seriously just don't start anymore conversations with him.
Anonymous, I think you are getting worried :-)
You may lose your disciple :-)
But the good news is, Jesus Christ gets a follower of Him, just like me :-)
A disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ with NO compromise.
Well Chris, if you take Anons advice, then you will perish with him, but if you take the advice from my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, then you will have life and life abundant.
Choose wisely !
Numbers 23 verse 19.
You see Chris, those are the words of my heavenly Father the LORD Jesus Christ.
Remember, Jesus Christ is the WORD of God, and not your false god called Yahweh, and neither is it the WORD of Tom, Dick and Harry.
It is the Lord Jesus Christ who said, “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent;”
What do you think Chris, is the Lord Jesus Christ a sinful man like you, that He should lie ??
Or even repent ??
May that never be ! Jesus Christ NEVER lied, and He NEVER sinned, so that He should repent.
Please read verse 21, “The Lord his God is with him, And a shout of a king is among them.”
Tell me, which KING is among them, or among US ?
Is it an ordinary king who is a sinner ?
Or is it KING JESUS, who is called the King of kings and the Lord of lords and the GOD of gods who is among us ?
Chris, if you don’t know, then you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
I speak to you this way, so that you will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, and avoid of dying in your sins.
Chris, are you able to communicate ?
Are you one of those who is praying to a god called Yahweh and then add the MAGIC formula in Jesus name ?
Or are you one of those whose prayers bounces straight back off the ceiling ?
Have you ever wondered who is listening to your prayers ?
Well, I can tell you, your god Yahweh has NO ears to hear your prayers. And your MAGIC formula “in Jesus name” doesn't help you much either.
Do you know what my heavenly Father the Lord Jesus Christ thinks of all those who pray to another god called Yahweh in Jesus name ?
Well Chris, I wish you would ask my heavenly Father the Lord Jesus Christ, He surely would tell you what He thinks of you.
Or would you like me to tell you ?
Perhaps you already know ?
Your earthly Guru’s can’t save you, nor can they lead you into all the truth.
Remember the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, it has not changed and it never will change. Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, believe NOT, and you shall be damned.
So, what is it going to be Chris ?
Is This Truly A Great Day?
Truly, this day marks a Great Day in the History Of Humanity. This is the day when the Salvation of Humanity became a reality for all who will trust in God, that he provided the true Passover Lamb, thereby causing the Angel of Death to pass over us, giving us Life Everlasting with God.
This Passover Lamb committed himself to us and freely and obediently went to the alter of God and gave his life, as a ransom for all.
Then, three days later, on the Feast Of First Fruits, he raised our Messiah from the Grave validating the Word of God and Y’shua/Jesus as the Promised Salvational Lamb Of God and setting us up as Joint Heirs in the Kingdom of God. Truly, a great day!
However, let us commit ourselves to celebrate everyday, as this day, for our Messiah is the Passover Lamb and God is our Savior everyday. Amen!
Still hoping and praying that you will answer the true call of God, through the Messiah, Y'shua/Jesus.
Thank you my friend, Yes, that was the Great and Terrible day of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is what my God and Father the Lord Jesus Christ did for me on that great and terrible day on Calvary.
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ had promised me long before when I was dead in my sins and trespasses that my Father would redeem me and bring me back to life from the dead.
And that’s what He did, I am alive forever more, and it is impossible for me to die again, and for that reason I will glorify my Father the Lord Jesus Christ forever more.
Look my friend, it is time for YOU to answer the call of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, as long today is called today and don’t wait till the eleventh hour.
Your friend Paul.
Again, Paul, my Hope and Prayer is that we both are at the right hand of the Messiah, that we both praise him and serve him throughout eternity. I ask this in the name of Yahweh Saves, the name of Y'shua/Jesus. Amen! Until we meet again, my friend. Continue to pray for me and my family, as I will continue to pray for you and your family. Shalom!
Well my friend, your Hope is in vain, until you turn away from that false god called Yahweh.
Salvation is in Jesus Christ and in NO OTHER !
And the way is narrow, my friend :-)
You know that only few are those who find it.
Little children will find it, but NOT those who think of themselves to be wise.
Ran across this today. Thought of you.
For context, the earliest form of English is called Old English or Anglo-Saxon (c. 550–1066 CE). Old English developed from a set of North Sea Germanic dialects originally spoken along the coasts of Frisia, Lower Saxony, Jutland, and Southern Sweden by Germanic tribes known as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.
In a recent, archeological discovery, they found this in a 3rd century Christian synagogue. Go here, for the truth.
The Name Of The Messiah, In The Third Century. It is not Jesus
You'll have to skip the ad first.
Hi Art Sippo.
Thanks for the link.
And I’m not a King James only reader, I read my favourite New American Standard Bible as well as some others including the King James Bible.
Yes, I believe the 66 books of the Bible to be the only Word of God for correction in conduct and in doctrine, and in no other, or added books in Greek, Hebrew, Latin or Aramaic etc. :-)
Thanks Keith for the link, I have seen the clip, but you don’t need to go there for the truth, you need to go to the Lord Jesus Christ for the truth.
Remember, Jesus said in John 14:6 I am the TRUTH ! “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me”.
Note, Jesus said, “no one COMES to the Father”. Hmmm, I wonder why ? :-)
Can you see, if you would believe the truth, then the truth would set you free and you would be free indeed.
And no ! You cannot believe in a god called Yahweh and at the same time believe in a God called Jesus Christ.
One of them is a liar, and we both know who the liar is. Don’t we ?
Well my friend,
I always find it amazing when intelligent people can look into my eyes and say that God is two persons or three persons in one God and they don’t even get red in their faces.
To me, that is phenomenal.
Theologians, professors, doctors, pastors and most Christians have the tenacity to say that they know God and teach about God and don’t even know God’s one and only Name.
To me the epitome of Satan’s deception is when someone says that God is Jehovah or Yahweh and also the Lord Jesus Christ and the two are one.
And don’t laugh, professors of theology make such oxymoronic statements on the media.
I used to think that those people are plainly stupid, just as my Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ has said in Jeremiah 4:22 “For MY people are foolish, They know Me NOT; They are a STUPID children, and have no understanding.”
But then I remembered, that those people have been deceived by the devil, and they have been held captive in Satan’s kingdom against their will.
Father forgive them, for they do not know what they preach and teach.
Keith, if you say that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that He is the only God our Savior, (Jude 1:25), then necessity demands from you that you denounce all other gods.
Denounce all other gods means also ‘Yahweh’.
Paul, you comment makes no sense. I doubt the author of the link I showed you is King James only. It looks to me like he prefers the good ole' New American Standard as well. I gave the link to you as some food for thought.
Hi Art Sippo, I’m sorry, I must have commented from a wrong link.
Your link is from Jesse’s blog.
“On Pope John Paul II Kissing An Islamic Koran”.
Yes, Jesse is right to make those statements, but as for me, I think that Catholics and Islamists are brothers, they both are antichrist.
If one antichrist system opposes another antichrist system, that does not discredit or diminish the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Art Sippo, what do you think about that ?
I agree with you. I also think the author of that blog would also agree with you. I am sure that he/she would not mind answering any questions you might have. Don't you find that site interesting? Here's another one you might like:
That one blog I first brought up does an excellent job at exposing the teachings of the Mother Harlot of Babylon.
“More Wolves and False Teachings”. By Glenn E. Chatfield
That is a very good post Art Sippo. I’m glad that he exposes those false teachers, and I fully agree with him.
Tomorrow I will post a comment to Glenn.
God's Word Never Ceases To Amaze Me.
You Can't Make This Stuff Up!!!
We finished the Book of Esther, last night and in the only Biblical Book, where God is not mentioned one time, his salvation plan shines through.
If you start from the beginning of the Book of Esther and take the names and determine their meaning, as they are mentioned in chronological order and put the meanings in sentence form, you'll find the following:
I will be silent, poor and humble, a Lily, a dressing of God’s Love, Beautiful, Faithful, but Despised. The One who rides the ass, but crushed in the wine-press.
God will give the one to behold, to be emulated, but he will be plain, simple and unadorned.
This Illustrious One will be a Sleeping Lamb.
A Star will be his testimony to them on sea coast.
He will be Lofty!
He will be Worthy!
He will be Dignified!
He will be pure, one from the middle land, an intecessor, who will link two sides, a little man, but enlightened and one who will enlighten, renowned as one with a propensity, a natural inherent way of doing things, as the son of the right hand.
This Teacher of peace, that Yahweh will establish, will be praised and lifted up. May the teaching prophet preserve the crown of love and partnership.
A Bright Star, but the father is his might.
A blaze of fire for the servants of the beautiful one, in their wine-press, will practice strict religious or moral behavior.
He is magnificent, a double, an image of his Father, dispersing inheritance to the Sons of the Lofty and Exalted one, which is given by faithful prayer, given forth to the light, by the pouring out.
The enticed will be gathered. The fruitful shall be drawn/gathered up to Yah.
The Lion of the decree will be raised above all.
He will be the lion of the banners.
The Lion is sufficient. He is strong as the wind and strong with the Spirit.
Hi Keith, surely you must have invented that stuff from the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves.
It would be nice to hear from the Bible. Anyone with a good imagination can cook up a story like yours :-)
Your problem is, It’s NOT in the Bible, my friend !
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What Are The Odds That You Would Find Y'shua/Jesus, Literally On Every Single Page Of The Old Testament?
As many of you know, I’ve been performing a Word For Word Translation of the Scriptures, where I pull out the base meaning of every word, that actually appears in the original text, and place it end to end in sentence form. In this exercise, I throw out any additional words, that may appear in your Bible, with the exception of the accepted implied definite articles, like ‘the’, ‘a’, and so on. I also have made a promise to God, not to take away any words that would disprove what I feel is the leading of God’s Spirit.
My studies have resulted in many amazing discoveries, which have confirmed that the Tanakh/Old Testament scriptures, from Reshith (Genesis) to Malachi, testifies of the Messiah, Y’shua/Jesus, just as Y’shua/Jesus said, in John 5:39.
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.”
My friends, Brothers and Sisters, I hope these two nuggets will find their way into your heart and edify you as they have for me.
With all that said, let’s look at two amazing verses, that just blew my mind. It’s not that the base meaning brings up the name of Y’shua/Jesus, but look at what they say. They are consistent with each other and the rest of the scriptures and the Good News of Y’shua Ha Mashiach, Jesus Christ.
Exodus 15:2
"Yah, my strength and song is, has been and shall become Y'shua."
'This Mighty One of God, I will praise.
"Father God, I will exalt."
Isaiah 12:2
"Behold, the Mighty One of God, Y'shua."
"Trust and hold in awe, Yah."
"YHWH's strength and song is, has been and shall become Y'shua."
Honestly, what are the odds, that you would find such a consistent message, within a collection of 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over thousands of years. Some say Coincidence. I say a Supernatural Message from a God from outside our Time and Space.
Well Keith, isn't that what you are doing, you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.
And why do you distort the Scriptures and say something which the Bible doesn't say ?
Exodus 15:2 “The LORD is my strength and my song.”
Tell me, WHICH Lord is your strength and your song ?
I know you think that it is Yahweh; but you greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures nor do you know the God of the Bible.
Isaiah 12:2 “Behold God is my salvation,” …… .
Tell me, WHICH God is your salvation ?
It does not say,”"Behold, the Mighty One of God, Y'shua."
"Trust and hold in awe, Yah."
"YHWH's strength and song is, has been and shall become Y'shua."
Well my friend, blind Freddy can see that you don’t believe the Bible, otherwise you wouldn't distort the Word of God the Bible.
No distortion,Paul, just simple truth. My friend, God's Word tells us that his Word is Line upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, indicating that there are different levels of understanding, with one caveat... all levels must be true and correspond to the literal level, to be a valid understanding.
How can you have a literal understanding of the scriptures, if you read them through the lens of a man? Again, God has given us so many ways to get back to the original meaning. I hope you'll answer his call, one day. Shalom.
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Yes, Paul, They and you would not and will not listen to God's Word. You do realize that just because they didn't and you don't listen, that God's Word remains God's Word and even you can not change that. It's still true.
I d0 agree with you that their and your punishment is and will be ‘That they may go and stumble backward, be broken, snared and taken captive’.
It's amazing how the Lord works. Even though your heart lingers with another one, our Lord God causes you to speak the truth, even within your lies. Our God is powerful to make you admit and testify that your Bible does not contain the original meaning of God's Truth. Praise God for your Freudian Slips. Even through your rhetoric, the Holy Spirit can be heard speaking to your heart. It's time to listen to him, my friend, before it's too late.
However, you are 100% correct, when you say that it's not complicated. Jesus predicted that there would be "birds of the air", Satan's followers, within the church, and you are evidence of this.
The sad thing is you don't even recognize it or the truth anymore. It's obvious that at one time, you turned to the Lord, because you speak of Jesus. However, when you compare your words to His Word, it's obvious your have strayed.
The simple fact that you have a problem saying, Y'shua, his real given name, shows that you are the one ashamed of the real Jesus. I have no problem saying Jesus or Y'shua, since they are the same person.
As for the truth, God's Spirit and God's Word has been trying to tell you the Truth for a while, but as the Israelites, YOU WOULD NOT LISTEN and WILL NOT LISTEN TO GOD"S WORD AND TRUTH.
Shalom, my friend. You are always within my prayers as well as all the lost are in my prayers.
As I have said over at your blog Keith, “Line upon line, precept upon precept,” but read what He said, “BUT THEY WOULD NOT LISTEN.”
Can you see, they will NOT listen !
And the punishment for them is, ‘That they may go and stumble backward, be broken, snared and taken captive’.
Well, that happens to those who don’t listen to the Lord Jesus Christ my friend.
Wow wow wow my friend ! Now you are upset about me telling you that you don’t believe the Word of God the Bible.
If you would really believe the Bible, then you wouldn't call Jesus by another name Y’shua. That’s like calling Tom, HARRY.
Well, in the Bible, His Name is clearly written JESUS !
Also, in the BIBLE is clearly written, “for there is NO other NAME under heaven that has been given among men”. Acts 4:12
Can you see my friend, “NO OTHER NAME” !
No it’s not Yahweh ! and it’s not Y’shua ! and it’s not Jehovah ! and it’s not Allah !
It is JESUS ! Yes my friend, it is JESUS who is called the Christ :-)
That is the NAME which is above all other names, and at that NAME you ought to bow, and your tongue confess that JESUS Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father.
And the Answer remains the same.
Yes my friend, the answer remains the same, ‘Jesus’ !
But only for those who believe the BIBLE to be the Word of God.
And for all pagans who don’t believe the Bible to be the Word of God, they ALL say whatever their book said, perhaps Yahweh, Y’shua, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha and the list goes on and on.
Well, there is another pagan group who pretend to be smarter, they include the name ‘Jesus’ and mention him only casually among their other gods names.
Those are the trinitarians, and people just like you Keith, and everyone over at your blog.
And NOT one of those names are written in the Bible, that is apart from the name ‘Jesus’. The name ‘Jesus’ is written in the Bible because many people are called Jesus in the Bible, but only ONE is called the LORD JESUS, and He is also called the CHRIST. In the Bible the Lord Jesus is always addressed with a capital “L” Lord, and “He” is always written with a capital “H”, meaning Deity, the Lord God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth.
Interesting Find. Well Known Isaiah 53 Verse And What Does The Hebrew Actually Says.
The English Bible Fails Us Once Again.
Click The Following Link For The Real Truth.
link Wounded or Pierced or What Does The Scriptures Actually Say
If it DOESN’T actually say, Isaiah 53:5 “But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed,” then it is a lie, and a deception.
Likewise 2 Cor. 5:21 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
Gal. 3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us--for it is written, ‘CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE”.
Again, if it doesn’t say that, then you believe a lie.
You should believe the Bible my friend.
And throw that Jewish garbage in the rubbish bin.
Your responses remind me of a song. "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord." I hope and pray that you will open your eyes, Paul. Shalom, my friend.
Yes Keith, it was my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who has opened the eyes my heart.
If I would have tried to open them myself, I still would be blind :-)
Tell me my friend, how long have you been singing that song ?
Paul, a quick question for you. Why does it upset you when I pray for you? Doesn’t that give you an insight Into the status or state of your heart
No Keith, I don’t get upset if you pray for me.
Why should I ?
I think it is very nice for you to pray for me, but who is going to listen to your prayer ?
Do you think that Yahweh will listen to your prayer ?
Or perhaps Jehovah ?
You are praying to the wrong god who has NO ears to hear, he is a useless god, my friend.
Whether you pray the MAGIC formula in Jesus name or not, makes absolutely no difference.
You see Keith, my Father the Lord Jesus Christ has already prayed for me, and it is His prayer which counts for me, in fact the only prayer which counts for me (John 17:9 and John 17:20).
Any other prayer is nice if they pray for my good, and if they pray for bad, or for my destruction, then who is going to listen ?
Your god ?
I don’t think so.
And woe to those who pray for my destruction; remember, it is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who loves me and who shelters me from all of my adversaries.
Paul, it doesn’t matter how you put it or what your beliefs are, there is only one God and that is YHWH, Yah. The HaYah Asher HaYah, the I Am
Yes Keith, it does matter.
In fact, it is the ONLY thing that matters.
If you are wrong on the one who created the heavens and the earth, and don’t worship Him ONLY, then you have become an apostate, an idolater, and a pagan and you stand condemned before my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, because you have NOT believed in Him.
OK. I say it again, ‘you have NOT believed in the ONLY ONE whom God has sent’.
Obviously, my Father the Lord Jesus Christ did NOT reveal His Name “YHWH” to you, otherwise you would know his one and ONLY Name.
Keith, you don’t have to invent a name for the Lord God out of the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves. You are just like the Jehovah's Witness cult, whether you call him Yahweh or Jehovah, or Allah makes no difference.
Paul, did you know the Catholic Church did exactly what you’re doing...changing the scriptures? It’s time to get back to what the Bible actually says.
Is that what the Bible said ?
I am quoting what you said.
“Paul, it doesn’t matter how you put it or what your beliefs are, there is only one God and that is YHWH, Yah. The HaYah Asher HaYah, the I Am”.
“Exodus 15:2
"Yah, my strength and song is, has been and shall become Y'shua."
'This Mighty One of God, I will praise.
"Father God, I will exalt."
Isaiah 12:2
"Behold, the Mighty One of God, Y'shua."
"Trust and hold in awe, Yah."
"YHWH's strength and song is, has been and shall become Y'shua."
“Honestly, what are the odds, that you would find such a consistent message, within a collection of 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over thousands of years. Some say Coincidence. I say a Supernatural Message from a God from outside our Time and Space.”
Tell me Keith, WHERE is that in the Bible ?
In the 66 books ?
It’s NOT in the Bible, in the 66 books.
Absolutely nowhere !
You made it up.
And you claim to believe in the Bible ?
You gotta be kidding Keith.
Happy Sukkot Paul.
Please speak English Anonymous.
Happy Feast of Booths
Thanks, whatever it means :-)
You don't know what the feast of booths means? Jesus said it was his festival.
Anonymous, Where in the Bible did Jesus say that it was His festival ?
Leviticus 23:23, 33 (NIV)
23 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.
33 The Lord said to Moses, 34 “Say to the Israelites: ‘On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the Lord’s Festival of Tabernacles begins, and it lasts for seven days.
Jesus celebrated it. I know you must celebrate it too.
Leviticus 23:23, how do you know whether I celebrate the sabbath day ?
And what about the Passover, the first First Fruits, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, the Oil and Bread Set Before the Lord Jesus Christ. How do you know whether I celebrate those feasts or not ?
You said, “Jesus celebrated it. I know you must celebrate it too.”
Anonymous, please tell me, do you celebrate, or do you KEEP the Sabbath Day ?
I mean, according as Jesus commanded you in Leviticus, and NOT according to what you feel like.
So, do you celebrate them? If no, why not?
I do not do the ceremonies but I sure do want to keep these days on my calendar and make them special some how.
Paul, I labeled them, Exodus 15:2 and Isaiah 12:2. You even stated the verses in your comment. I thought you knew the Bible.
Chag Sameach, Anonymous!
Anonymous, so you do keep the Sabbath day just as you FEEL like ?
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ surely has never told you that you can keep the Sabbath day just as you feel like.
To the contrary my Father gave you strict orders how you ought to observe the Sabbath day.
It seems to me that you are disobedient to my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore I suggest that you repent of your unbelief and turn to my Father the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in Him.
You see, if you would know and believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, then you would know that my Father the Lord Jesus Christ has fulfilled the ALL of the Law, and you would be COMPLETE in Him.
Make no mistake and do NOT think that your religion can save you; only my Father the Lord Jesus Christ can save you, if you believe and trust in Him.
Yes Keith,
Exodus 15:2 “The LORD is my strength and my song, And He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will extol Him.”
You see, if the LORD is NOT my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, then He is NOT your saviour.
So, you never answered the question. Do you celebrate them? Why or why not?
Anonymous, I don't have to, because I celebrate my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you think that RELIGION will do anything for me ?
Jesus didn't need religion but He still did it.
Besides my point was you didn't know that was in the Bible so you don't know as much as you think or claim. How about instead of being so pompous all the time you can humble yourself and just say, "I don't know" every once in a while?
Anonymous, if I say that I don't know, then I would be a liar.
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to FULFIL the Law, so that I could live in peace with my Father.
And no, Jesus didn’t play religion, He wrapped up the Law and its ordinances, and He established a NEW order, the order of Melchizedek.
Tell me Anon, why do you try to keep the law ?
Don’t you know that if you transgress only ONE of the laws, you are guilty of breaking all other laws.
Re-read. I never said I keep the law. I said I don't do the ceremonies. I like them and try to remember what the day is about but I never said I practice them. You read comments like you read the Bible.
And again proves my point. You can't humble yourself. You didn't know it was said it was HIS festival. All you had to do was actually admit there is something you didn't know. Pretending to know is the same as lying. So yes you are a liar and therefore just broke all the commandments.
You are so easy to pick apart. See you next time....
Isn't it amazing what you'll find when you search for the truth.
It's time to stand up for the truth.
John 1:14 Was Deliberately Mistranslated
Keith, simply, John 1:14 means what the Bible said.
It's NOT rocket science, it simply means that which the Bible, the Word of God said.
John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
You don’t need to look into Hebrew, Arameic or Greek, just simply read what it said and believe it.
If you can’t fully understand what the author was saying, then ask Him personally.
The author of the Bible is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ. If you humbly ask Him, He might reveal the truth to you.
It simply means that “God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”
Well my friend, can you understand that ?
If not, then you need to ask my Father the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I always stand up for the TRUTH, remember the truth is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6) :-)
Cute made up story, that you left over at my blog, Paul. Let me give you one from the Word of God.
There were ten virgins who, night after night, day after day, waited for their bridegroom. Some stayed faithful and pursued God, while the others got bogged down in their day to day, spouting the word of God, as they saw it rather than pursuing God daily through his Word. In the end, only those who stayed, faithful to the Word of God, were allowed into the wedding and welcome to the side of the Lord.
The Word of God is our witness, Paul. It's time that you get back to it and receive the blessings thereof, or perish with the disobedient virgins, who thought they would be part of the wedding through just saying the name of the Lord.
Yes Keith, that is a story, but every Hare Krishna disciple thinks that you are talking about his god Krishna.
Likewise every Islamist thinks that you are talking about his god Allah, and of course YOU, you think and you know that you are talking about your god Yahweh.
What a shame, you have left out the testimony of my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, remember, He is the ONLY true God of the Bible (Jude 1:25). Any other god is an impostor, a false god, and a devil.
What would my Father the Lord Jesus Christ think about that ?
If you want to know, perhaps just ask Him.
I think that I also should post one of my comments over here :-)
Paul G October 20, 2019 at 5:35 PM
Still no response ? Not even a little amen ?
OK, a story;
My Father the Lord Jesus Christ arranged a banquet table full of food of every kind and healing for everyone, and He sent out all of His faithful witnesses to the utmost parts of the world.
He told them, ‘make it easy for everyone to come to the banquet, and don’t load them down with burdens they can’t carry; low I will be with you forever, I will never leave you nor forsake you’.
So the faithful witnesses went out and proclaimed the Word of their Father the Lord Jesus Christ to everyone they met.
Saying repent and believe in my Father the Lord Jesus Christ and come to the banquet and you shall be healed and satisfied.
But the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Yahweh Witnesses and the Allah Witnesses etc. said, “NO, we are NOT going to believe in your father Jesus, we believe in our own god, and we are calling him Jehovah, Yahweh and Allah etc. and in his son Y’shua.”
And the church builders said, “Yes Lord, but we are busy building your Church Lord. We are making lots of money and expanding your Church, and we are having numerous conventions and church-growing strategies to build more and more Churches for you Lord.”
And the do gooders also said, “Yes Lord, see, we are the only ones who are working hard, having the prison ministries, the soup Kitchen and witnessing nights etc. etc.”
And the dregs of society, the pagans, harlots, liars, murderers, fornicators, paedophiles and the corrupt have their own excuses why they will not come to my Fathers banquet.
But amazingly some out of every group responded to the call of My Father the Lord Jesus Christ and they entered the banquet.
Then the faithful witnesses said to my Father, ‘Lord, why is that, that only a few out of every group of society have come to the banquet.’
My Father said, “Remember, the whole world lies under the power of the evil one, and they all have been held captive in the kingdom of darkness to do his will. They can’t make the first step, because they have been held captive.
Only when they hear my voice, their shackles will be released and they will come and be satisfied and be healed.”
Paul, how many times do people have to say that they believe in one God. You and others may believe in other gods, but there is only one. Even in the Bible, he goes by Adonai, El Shaddai, El Elyon, and many others. However, it is the same God, YHWH.
Allah, Krishna and all the others that you elevate above the one and only God, Yah, are just figments of your imagination. If your read the Bible, you would know that.
The one and only God, Yah, Gadol Ehyeh (The Great I AM), loved us so much, that he provided his one and only begotten Son, Y'shua/Jesus, a the ultimate perfect sacrificial covering for our sins/disobedience.
He did that by creating a perfect body, to be nurtured by a virgin, according to prophecy, and putting his fullness in this perfect body.
This perfect body, which had a free will and spirit of his own, was obedience unto his sacrificial death upon the altar of Yah. It had to be a human body, with the freedom to disobey, because God is Just and only requires the blood of a kinsman, for restitution. That perfect body with Y'shua/Jesus.
In one of the most saddest love stories to ever play out, our Father withdrew himself, from the sacrificial lamb, and placed the sins of mankind upon Y'shua/Jesus.
My living testimony is the same for all true believers. I Praise God every single day for Y'shua/Jesus. Even though God has given glory to Y'shua/Jesus, it is God who gets the full glory.
Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift he gave us in his dear Son! (Ephesians 1:6)
Proclaim YAH’s unfailing love; Praise him for all he has done for us. (Isaiah 63:7)
Y'shua/Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
Keith, with all due respect, everything you have said is NOT TRUE.
Yes, everybody says, “there is ONE God”.
If there is only ONE God, then tell me, WHICH ONE ????
I do not ask, which TWO, and neither do I ask which THREE, I ask WHICH ONE ?
WHO is that ONE GOD ?
Is it Krishna, or is it Jehovah, or perhaps, is it Allah ? or perhaps could it be Yahweh, or Buddha ?
Tell me WHICH ONE ?
Are THEY ALL together one God ? ARE THEY ?
Listen Keith, make up your mind !
And stop trying to confuse your many gods with many names and call all of them together ONE GOD.
Blind Freddy can see that you don’t know the only ONE God who created the heavens and the earth which is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the ONLY ONE GOD there is.
Isaiah 43:10-12 ‘Understand that I am He, Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no saviour besides Me.”
Can you see, It’s NOT Yahweh, and it’s NOT Adoni, and neither is it your two Spanish gods El Shaddai and El Elyon.
It is simply JESUS :-)
It is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ and nobody else.
Keith, you said, “In one of the most saddest love stories to ever play out, our Father withdrew himself, from the sacrificial lamb, and placed the sins of mankind upon Y'shua/Jesus.”
Keith, from where do you get this kind of trash story ?
Did you get that garbage out of the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves ?
The truth is, that it is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ who came into this world, and He paid for the sins of MANY; not for all, and NOT for everyone of mankind as you said.
Look my friend, because you don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore it is impossible for you to understand any other doctrine of God.
Keith, you said, “The one and only God, Yah, Gadol Ehyeh (The Great I AM), loved us so much, that he provided his one and only begotten Son, Y'shua/Jesus, the ultimate perfect sacrificial covering for our sins/disobedience.”
You gotta be kidding my friend.
“The one and only God, Yah, Gadol Ehyeh (The Great I AM),”
Before you said his name was Yahweh, and now say his name is Yah, Gadol Ehyeh, and tomorrow you say his name is Ehye Asher Ehye, and after tomorrow you say his name is ‘El Shaddi and El Elyon and Adoni etc. and then you say his name is God, or Father etc. titles which are NOT really names.
My, O my, O may, my friend, you must have a serious confusion with your multiple gods and names.
Where in the Bible is written, “that he provided his one and only begotten Son, Y'shua/Jesus,”?
First of all, there isn’t a ‘Y’shua / Jesus’ in the Bible.
In the Bible is only JESUS who is the Christ, and He is my Father the Lord Jesus Christ, and He did NOT PROVIDED anyone, He GAVE Himself.
Did you get this story also from the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves ? :-)
I recommend that you would read the Bible my friend.
Only from the Bible you will get the truth.
Hey Paul, In case you haven't heard of this before. Even though we don't agree, it doesn't mean you shouldn't have this in your arsenal.
Did Adam and Eve Die On The Same Day As God Said They Would?
Well my friend, in my arsenal I like to keep the truth and NOT futile speculation.
“They died spiritually that day.”
Tell me, how did they die spiritually that day ?
Can you please explain intelligently how they died spiritually that day
Keith, you said to Tim, I totally agree with your ”6 day-15 billion year issue” comment.“
Wow, my friend, what’s next ?
It is amazing what you can find in the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves :-(
15 BILLION years :-o
Why not say 900’000 trillion years ? that sounds a little more, and perhaps more believable than 15 billion year :-)
I think you need to dig deeper into the book of Alibaba and the forty thieves, perhaps in Hebrew or in Aramaic or in Greek.
Surely you will find a nugget there:-)
Hey Paul, let's keep the applicable comments on the post, on which they were posted, so other people can engage, if they desire. If you want them on your site, please create a post. Otherwise, unless you are afraid to engage other people.
The gospel preached at this blog reeks of human feces and rotten dispensational tomatoes.
Oh, I thought that stench came from you anonymous.
Paul smells like greasy armpits and lit cigarettes in an ashtray. It's time for you to take a shower and put on some Axe Deodorant. James does not approve of the gospel message you preach (James 2:24).
Anonymous, I’m sure you wouldn't have a clue what James 2:24 is talking about.
And neither would you know what the gospel is.
OK, if you think that you know what the gospel is, then tell me what is the gospel ?
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