And They Blasphemed The Name Of God. (Revelation 16:9)

And MY NAME is continually BLASPHEMED all day long.
Who is that speaking ?
And WHICH NAME is blasphemed all day long ?
Please tell me, WHICH NAME is blasphemed ALL DAY long ?
Is the name Jehovah blasphemed all day long ?
Is the name Allah blasphemed all day long ?
Or, is the name Yahweh blasphemed all day long ?
Or, is the name Y'shua blasphemed all day long ?
Or perhaps, is the name Buddha blasphemed all day long ?
Or what about, is the name Krishna blasphemed all day long ?
Have you ever heard anyone blaspheme any of the above names ?
NO ! absolutely NO ! Those names are NOT the Name of God, and for that reason those names are NEVER blasphemed, NO, not even once.
The NAME of GOD is JESUS the Christ !
And ALL reprobates, and unbelievers ONLY blaspheme the NAME JESUS Christ, that is because there is NO OTHER NAME given under heaven and on earth whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).
And there is NO OTHER NAME given, other than JESUS under heaven and on earth, for the only NAME of the Lord God Almighty is JESUS; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold I am alive forever more, (Revelation 1:8 and 17-18).
Therefore, when you hear the NAME of JESUS being blasphemed all day long on television, in the public bar and on the street, then KNOW, that is the LORD JESUS Christ who is speaking, Here I AM !
And LOOK ! the Lord Jesus said, "Therefore My people shall know My Name" !
If you don't know that the Name of God is JESUS, then you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
(Malachi 2:2) Honour My NAME, or I will send a curse.
(Exodus 20:7) "You shall NOT take the Name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will NOT leave him unpunished who takes His Name in vain,"
(Romans 2:24) "The Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of YOU."
Again, I always welcome a response.
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And They Blasphemed The Name Of God. (Revelation 16:9)Posted by Paul G Tuesday, March 12, 2019