GENESES 1:1 “In the beginning
If the
” in Genesis 1:1 is NOT
the Lord Jesus Christ, then who is that God
Is the “GOD” of the Old Testament
the same God as the God of the New Testament ?
Who is the “God” of the Old
Testament ? And what is His Name ?
Who is the “God" of the New
Testament ? And what is His Name ?
If you believe that the “God” of
the Old Testament is a different person to the God of the New
testament, then you believe in 'two gods' and you are a polytheist.
Even worse, if you believe that God is
THREE persons, then you are a TRINITARIAN polytheist and stand
condemned before the only ONE and TRUE God Jesus Christ the Lord
(Jude 25 and 1 John 5:20).
If you believe that God is three
persons and those three persons 'equal' or 'are' one God, then you
have been deceived by the devil and you desperately need to know the
God of Genesis 1:1 who has created the heavens and earth and
everything in it (John 1:3).
The God of Genesis 1:1 said, 'I am the
Lord your God, I change not (Malachi 3:6), I am the same, yesterday
today and forever (Hebr. 13:8).'
Therefore Jesus said, 'if you do not
know that I am He, (the God of Genesis 1:1) you will die in your sins
(John 8:24).
The importance of believing in the Lord
Jesus Christ alone is, 'that whosoever believes in the Lord Jesus
Christ shall NOT perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16)', and
whosoever will not believe shall be condemned (John 3:18 and Jude
The importance of knowing 'GOD' and
that 'God' must be the Lord Jesus Christ and no other, is to escape
the vengeance of the Lord in judgement.
(2 Thes, 1:8) 'dealing out retribution
to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ.'
This passage makes it clear that anyone
who believes in God must KNOW Him, not just merely know about God.
Knowing God is to believe that the Lord
Jesus Christ is the ONLY true God (John 17:3) and whosoever does not
believe that Jesus Christ is the only God of all creation will die in
their sins (John 8:24).
Knowing God is to know that the living
God Jesus Christ has made His abode with you, just as He has promised
(John 14:28) “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My
Father will love him, and We will come and make our abode with him”.
More Questions to Consider!
How many god-persons have made their
abode with you ?
Has the Lord Jesus made His abode with
you ?
How do you know whether the Lord Jesus
Christ has made His abode with you ?
Please let me hear your thoughts.
It's better to know now, than not at
You can't lose anything you haven't