GENESES 1:1 “In the beginning

If the
” in Genesis 1:1 is NOT
the Lord Jesus Christ, then who is that God
Is the “GOD” of the Old Testament
the same God as the God of the New Testament ?
Who is the “God” of the Old
Testament ? And what is His Name ?
Who is the “God" of the New
Testament ? And what is His Name ?
If you believe that the “God” of
the Old Testament is a different person to the God of the New
testament, then you believe in 'two gods' and you are a polytheist.

Even worse, if you believe that God is
THREE persons, then you are a TRINITARIAN polytheist and stand
condemned before the only ONE and TRUE God Jesus Christ the Lord
(Jude 25 and 1 John 5:20).
If you believe that God is three
persons and those three persons 'equal' or 'are' one God, then you
have been deceived by the devil and you desperately need to know the
God of Genesis 1:1 who has created the heavens and earth and
everything in it (John 1:3).
The God of Genesis 1:1 said, 'I am the
Lord your God, I change not (Malachi 3:6), I am the same, yesterday
today and forever (Hebr. 13:8).'
Therefore Jesus said, 'if you do not
know that I am He, (the God of Genesis 1:1) you will die in your sins
(John 8:24).
The importance of believing in the Lord
Jesus Christ alone is, 'that whosoever believes in the Lord Jesus
Christ shall NOT perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16)', and
whosoever will not believe shall be condemned (John 3:18 and Jude
The importance of knowing 'GOD' and
that 'God' must be the Lord Jesus Christ and no other, is to escape
the vengeance of the Lord in judgement.
(2 Thes, 1:8) 'dealing out retribution
to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ.'
This passage makes it clear that anyone
who believes in God must KNOW Him, not just merely know about God.
Knowing God is to believe that the Lord
Jesus Christ is the ONLY true God (John 17:3) and whosoever does not
believe that Jesus Christ is the only God of all creation will die in
their sins (John 8:24).
Knowing God is to know that the living
God Jesus Christ has made His abode with you, just as He has promised
(John 14:28) “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My
Father will love him, and We will come and make our abode with him”.
More Questions to Consider!
How many god-persons have made their
abode with you ?
Has the Lord Jesus made His abode with
you ?
How do you know whether the Lord Jesus
Christ has made His abode with you ?
Please let me hear your thoughts.
It's better to know now, than not at
You can't lose anything you haven't
Paul, God is not a 'person'. He will always be 'I AM WHO I AM'. He is Spirit, whether that Spirit be the 'Express image of God' as in Jesus the anointed One who is appointed as our Lord in human form ( to be the only mediator between man and God....1 Timothy ch. 2 v.5 ), or our Teacher in Spirit form. The Holy Spirit even descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove when Jesus was baptized. Jesus on this earth was God in the form of man, the Word itself that was in the beginning with God and was God. We can only understand these things as we grow spiritually and have our minds renewed in Him. That is why we are told in 1 Corinthians ch. 2 v.14 that the things of God are foolishness to the natural man.
Hi Brenda, Thanks for your comment and I'm glad that you make such a bold statement like "God is not a 'person'".
In reality most Christians and even every religion doesn't believe that God is a person, and for this reason I have been posting for many years on the deity of Jesus Christ.
As I have said previously that the doctrine of God is the most important doctrine which is faaaar above all other doctrines, one in which we cannot afford to be wrong because of it's severe consequences.
If you really would believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the creator of heaven and earth, the only true God of Genesis 1:1, then you surely would agree and say that God is a person.
Very simply, is the Lord Jesus a person?
Brenda, we both know that Jesus is a 'person', or don't you believe that the Lord Jesus has created Adam in His own image? Is Adam a person?
If Adam is a person, so then is his creator.
Yes Brenda, the natural man cannot accept that, but we are born of the Spirit of the Lord and have the mind of Christ, therefore we ought to accept that and believe it and proclaim it.
You said, "He will always be 'I AM WHO I AM'."
Yes that is true, but only to the natural man, they don't know who God is, to them He is an unknowable being called 'God', but to us it is the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Can you see, to them that is foolishness but to us who are born of Him it is the wisdom of God.
Yes, Jesus on this earth was in the form of man, but He never had another form, He had the form of man before He incarnated into His own creation, and for this reason He created Adam in His own image.
And yes, the Word was in the beginning with God, as long as you don't think that one identity was in the beginning with another identity called God.
You see, that is the dilemma of most Christian Churches today. They don't own the Lord Jesus to be their ONLY God, but they add another identity to the Lord and call him father.
I have been challenging every professing Christian; if the Lord Jesus is NOT your heavenly Father, then who is?
Is it Jehovah? Or Allah? Or Krishna? Or is it the Lord Jesus Christ?
We know that there are only TWO fathers in the Bible, Jesus said that one is the devil, who then is the other?
Perhaps, I should ask you, who is the Father of Adam??
Brenda, please read brother Steve Finnell's post, "The Jesus only doctrine."
I think that blind Freddy can see that Steve believes in THREE god's.
It amazes me that a professing Christian of Steve's calibre can preach such a deception.
Paul, there are two Adams. the first Adam was a living being formed from dust of the earth and 'in Adam all die' (1 Corinthians 15.22). The second Adam is a life-giving Spirit, Christ and 'in Christ shall all be made alive'.(1 Corinthians 15.22). Jesus is the bread of the face, the manna from Heaven, the Word of God.
In John ch. 6 vs. 34 - 40 He says:-
'Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.'
Then they said to Him, 'Lord, give us this bread always.'
And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. But I said to you that you have seen Me and yet do not believe. All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.'
We are also told that Jesus was the first of many brethren, (Romans 8.29) and that we are His brethren 'For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying:
'I will declare Your name to My brethren;
In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.'
And again:
'I will put My trust in Him.'
And again:
'Here am I and the children whom God has given Me'(Hebrews ch.2 vs. 10-13.
Just to add, in regard to your last question Paul, God is the 'former' of the first Adam, and the 'Father' of the second Adam. We are the brethren of Christ Jesus who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation (Colossians ch.1 15)
'For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created through Him and for Him.…He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,… and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.…Colossians ch. 1 vs. 16-20.
Just the same as Adam was first born of the flesh so too are we, and Just as Jesus was born of the Spirit (God) so too are we when we become born again of the Spirit of God through believing on Jesus.
Thanks again Brenda for those Scriptures.
Yes I love and agree with all those passages, but I'm interested to know what do you think they mean?
And please don't tell me, 'they mean what it says'!
You said, "For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.'"
Please tell me what does that passage mean to you?
Do you think that one God sent another God?
Do you think that the real God had a son and He sent him to earth?
Or do you think that there are TWO 'wills'; one of a bigger God and another of a smaller god?
In how many gods do you believe?
Which one of those gods was in Genesis chapter 1:1 ?
You said, "I will declare Your name to My brethren;"
Please tell me, what NAME??
The first passage that you quote means exactly as it says Paul, that Jesus came down from Heaven not to do His own will ,but the will of the Father, the One who Jesus Himself says sent Him. Jesus will raise up all who see and believe on the Son (Him)at the last day. ( the sixth day according to Genesis ch. 1 ) It is a joint effort and that is why it reads 'Let us make man (mankind as in the plural here) in OUR image' on the sixth day because when man of the flesh was formed from the dust he did not have everlasting life which is to know God and Jesus Christ.
How can we add to, or take away from,scripture Paul?
The name is always given according to the character and nature in the Bible, and that is what Jesus does - declares the character and nature of God to us as we come to understand the scriptures spiritually.
It is when we become born again of the Spirit of God that we become His children because we then become Spirit like our Father. It is scripture that says that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God but that as many as received him, to them gave He power to become sons of God, and scripture that says Jesus is the first of many brethren. It is obvious that all children, or brethren, have to have a Father.
The first father was flesh, the second Father is Spirit.
We have to put all scripture together, line upon line in order to understand it and that takes time as we grow in the Lord. I can not take two or three scriptures alone when they do not add up with the rest of scripture. If we seek, we shall find.
Brenda, you said,"Jesus came down from Heaven not to do His own will ,but the will of the Father, the One who Jesus Himself says sent Him."
What troubles me is, that you don't understand the Scriptures.
I can see that you have fallen into the same error as most Christians have, to believe in two or three gods and calling THEM to be one God.
You know exactly, when Jesus does the 'WILL' of someone else, then the Lord Jesus would NOT be the God of Genesis 1:1.
Further more, If somebody else sent the Lord Jesus, then it is impossible for you to believe that the Lord Jesus is the Lord God the Almighty, the only God and only creator of heaven and earth in Genesis 1:1.
No Brenda, you can't have it both ways.
Either you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE, or you believe in many 'gods' and transgress the first commandment of the Lord.
The Lord Jesus said, 'I am the Lord your God and beside Me you shall have NO OTHER god! I am the first and the last, before me NO god was formed nor shall there be one after Me, I alone are your God'.
He also said, 'I said, that you shall call Me, My Father' (Jer. 3:19).
This is exactly the reason why you can't answer all those important questions.
Brenda, I hope you can see that if the 'God' of Genesis 1:1 is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then He is NOT 'God' at all and He ought not to be worshipped.
So the question remains, who then is the creator God of Genesis 1:1?
Remember that the Lord Jesus has made God's Name known to His brethren.
Now, if you don't know His Name, then you have another serious problem and you also need to deal with that.
Look Brenda, all the problems and confusion of life comes, because we don't believe that JESUS is LORD.
I think that you need to turn back to your heavenly Father Jesus Christ and acknowledge and worship Him ONLY.
Yes Paul,
I do believe that Jesus is my Lord
Acts ch. 2 v. 36 says 'Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.'
and 1 Corinthians ch.15 v. 24. says 'Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power'
Yes Brenda, I know that the Lord Jesus is your Lord and that you belong to Him.
Also I would like to know what you think that your statement means? 'Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.'
I hope that you don't mean that an unknown identity called God made another identity called 'Jesus' Lord and Christ?
If so, then you still believe in two gods.
That proclamation was made by Peter to the house of Israel and to everyone who claims to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that this Jesus whom they have crucified is the true God and eternal life.
Israel was told through the mouth of the Prophets that the Christ of God had to come, in other words that the one and only God who is Spirit would be born into this world of a virgin to redeem Israel.
After they were convicted in their hearts, they were baptised into the NAME 'JESUS' who is called the Christ of God.
Baptised means 'Immersed'! and the Bible said that they immersed them, or totally saturated them into the Name 'JESUS'.It doesn't say 'WATER', baptising into water is only a declaration and a sign of repentance and living a new life in Jesus Christ and call Him Lord and God.
1 Cor. 15:24 'Jesus handing over the kingdom to the God and Father'.
Well Brenda, this is the same scenario; It is absurd to think that the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Lord God Almighty is handing over His kingdom to another God called the Father.
I know that some ignorant preachers teach that kind of misrepresentation.
You see, that passage is a metaphorical explanation telling us that the kingdom of Jesus Christ was handed over to His Spirit, or the Lord Jesus is ruling through us and in us by His Spirit.
Remember, previously I have said to you that when the Lord Jesus speaks about the Father, He ALWAYS speaks figuratively (metaphorically) (John 16:25) that is because Jesus doesn't have a father or a mother (Hebrew 7:3).
If Jesus would have a father and a mother, then the Lord Jesus would NOT be the Lord God Almighty. It is as simple as that!
Now when the Scriptures speaks of Jesus to have a Father, it always refers to His SPIRIT, since His Spirit came came upon Mary, and the holy Child shall be 'CALLED' the Son of God (Luke 1:35).
Perhaps you can see, that it is a transfer from the Spirit to the natural (flesh) and back again to the Spirit.
So when Jesus says that He is going back to the Father, He means that He is going back to SPIRIT since God is Spirit (John 4:24).
Jesus came from the Spirit and He went back again to Spirit, (not to 'THE' Spirit) otherwise it would indicate another person.
And the Lord Jesus is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17).
To believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone is to believe in the fullness of the Godhead.
It's not rocket science! as long as you keep the above principle in mind, it will be easy for you to interpret the Scriptures correctly. After all, it is the will of the Lord for us to understand His Word.
Yes, I believe in the Godhead Paul, there is no such word as 'trinity' in the Bible, but there is the word 'Godhead' and that is how I can believe that 'in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the word was God' and 'The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.' and also ' But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you'.
This is the Godhead. Paul, do you believe that the Lord will return for His church?
By the statement, 'the fullness of the Godhead' I mean that the Father is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:9), and the Holy Spirit is the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:17), and the Son is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here you can see, that there is only one God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Because the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus is our Father, therefore Genesis 1:1 is indisputably the Lord Jesus Christ.
Brenda, 'Trinity' means three persons in one God.
If you believe that Jesus is not your heavenly Father, then you believe in the trinity, no matter what you call it.
Judge it by the Spirit and don't get hung up about a name.
Most so called Christians believe in the trinity and they CALL their gods 'the Holy Trinity'.
You may not use the word 'trinity', but still believe that God is more than one identity, that makes you a polytheist (believing in more than one God).
You see Brenda, you need to cut that cancer at its roots, or it will destroy you and there is no easy way to deal with that.
I think Paul that you will always go by man's doctrine rather than the Scriptures and you do not get into a conversation with people, answering questions that they ask, but keep repeating the same few scriptures. The only thing I can advise is that you carry on as you are. As long as you obey what the Spirit speaks into your life through those scriptures then that is having your mind renewed in Christ Jesus, and that is what is required of all of us while we are on this earth.
Take care.
Just something Paul to try to explain to you what I believe the scriptures are saying regarding 'God', 'Jesus' and those born again.
The 'Spirit' is not seen physically, so we can all be one when we have put off the fleshly body if we believe in Jesus, (who is the Word), gradually having our minds renewed by that word (scripture) which is discerned spiritually. 'But we all, with uncovered face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.'
Just like if we had three separate fires next to one another and the smoke was rising up into the air. If the smoke came together it would be one cloud of smoke not three clouds.
Yes Brenda, that's exactly what we are doing, we are renewing our minds so that only the Lord Jesus Christ is worshipped in Spirit and in truth.
We are removing any kind of false teachings from our minds so that only the 'Truth' remains and the Truth is Jesus Christ our Lord.
You said, "Just like if we had three separate fires next to one another and the smoke was rising up into the air. If the smoke came together it would be one cloud of smoke not three clouds."
I never have heard such an excellent analogy, and surely every trinitarian would be proud of you for saying that, but the problem is that it is not true.
You see, the Lord our God is not three separate fires, He is ONE fire, He is a consuming fire, He is a fire at night for those who walk in darkness and a pillar of smoke at daytime for those who walk in the wilderness of life. But to us who are saved He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, His Name is JESUS who is the Christ, the only one who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and beside Him is NO OTHER who shares in Deity.
It is required from all of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that we CONFESS 'JESUS' Christ to be the God of Genesis 1:1 and ascribe all greatness, honour and glory to Him alone.
If we fail to confess Jesus Christ to be the Lord of the Old Testament, then necessity demands that we are burning incense in our hearts to another god, just as Israel has done and still are doing.
I think that is the problem and the reason why the Lord has departed from the assemblies of apostates and all there is left is a religion who preaches another Jesus contrary to the one we preach.
I confess Jesus to be my Lord because Acts ch.2 v.36 says so as in;- "So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!".
Paul, will you answer a question. 'Who do you think the 'us' is in Genesis ch.1 v.26, and do you agree that 'man' in that verse refers to 'mankind'(plural) and was 'made in our image' on the sixth day, and that the 'man' formed by God (singular) was 'man of the dust of the ground' and was formed on the second day 'before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground; but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.' (Genesis ch.2 vs. 5&6) ?
Just to add Paul,
I am not saying that the smoke from the three fires are three separate entities, I am saying that God is Spirit, the Spirit was in Jesus the Word when He was on earth, and is still there in the Word, and is in us when we are born of that Spirit through belief in that Word. There is no such word as 'trinitarian' in the scriptures, I only trust scripture, not man's doctrine.
Also Paul,
in your last comment, who are the 'we' in the 'who preaches another Jesus contrary to the one we preach?'
Brenda, I know that you confess Jesus to be your Lord, but what I meant was that you ought to confess the Lord Jesus to be the ONLY Lord.
By the word 'Lord' I mean 'the only one GOD'.
Jesus is NOT 'God' next to another identity and neither is He Lord with another called 'God'.
You said, "So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!"
Yes, as long as you believe that this is a metaphor describing and testifying that this 'Jesus' which we are talking about is both 'the Lord God the Almighty and the saviour.
It is false to think, that this unknowable person called 'God' made Jesus both a Lord and a saviour.
Genesis 1:26 I have answered that question in a previous post, "So then the word 'US' refers to 'GOD' and the 'SERPENT' and the word 'OUR' is the image or likeness of both, Jesus Christ and the beast (serpent) and thus God's perfect creation (MAN) was fallen and polluted by sin."
Cain was half human (Eve, mother) and half beast (serpent, father) and for that reason Eve became the mother of all living (Gen. 3:20).
Remember, the serpent was created by God, therefore the serpent is NOT a co-creator with God, there is a big difference.
Brenda, it's not complicated! the Lord Jesus has written His Word so that we can understand it, it is not a mystery to us.
In Genesis 1:24 on the sixth 24 hour day the Lord created first the animals (the beast of the field) including the serpent before He made man.
So then the serpent (the beast) was there before Adam and Eve and at that moment the Lord said, 'let Us make man in Our image'.
There was nobody else there except the Lord and the serpent.
We both know that the serpent could speak and the devil was inside the beast of the field, but he had not yet access into the perfect creation of God which would be Adam and Eve.
From that position and time the Lord said to the serpent 'let Us make man in our image'.
Brenda, it is important that you do not believe that one god said to another god let Us make man in Our image.
So then, in Gen. 1:26 the 'Us' refers to God (Jesus) AND to the beast (the serpent) and it does not refer to man.
To be continued,
You said, "and do you agree that 'man' in that verse refers to 'mankind'(plural) and was 'made in our image' on the sixth day, and that the 'man' formed by God (singular) was 'man of the dust of the ground' and was formed on the second day 'before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground;"
The first part of the verse, 'let Us make' refers to Jesus and the devil (the serpent) and the second part 'man in Our image' refers to the image of Jesus and the image of the serpent. Two images, the image of God and the image of the serpent.
The image of Adam is the image of Jesus and the image of Cain is the image of the serpent (the beast).
The first image was Adam and only he was made from the dust and not Eve and neither you or I, or anyone else.
Two images amalgamated through the mother of all living and that is called the fall of man.
Now Adam was made (perfect) first, and that was on the sixth day and then God rested from His work on the seventh day.
The Scriptures does not give us the day when Cain was made.
But we know that on the sixth day the plants and herbs have not yet come out of the ground, even though the Lord has put them into the ground on the third day, and there was no sun or moon or any watering system.
On the sixth day the plants haven't yet appeared, but Adam was made on the same day out of the dust. Afterward the Lord made Eve out of Adam and not from the dust, so the first two children of God were made in God's image.
Now it is reasonable to say that Adam who is God's image is 100% perfect.
To pollute that perfect image, the Lord used the beast of the field the serpent to bring forth his son Cain through Eve.
From here on God's command and plane was fulfilled just as He has said, 'Let Us make man in Our image', that is in the image of God and in the image of the serpent.
Perhaps you can see that the fallen man has appeared, not made by God but by the serpent, the father of Cain the half man and the half beast.
It is exactly as the Lord has said that the serpents children will be in enmity with her (Eves) children to this very day.
Please look at Cain, the first thing he did was murdering his half brother Abel, and look what all his children are doing, they imitate their father the devil who was a murderer from the beginning.
Adam was not a murderer, because he was of God, a believer in Jesus Christ, but Cain was a murderer, because he was born of the evil one the serpent his father the devil just as Jesus has said.
What do you think, are the Islamists the children of God? What about the Catholics who murdered our brothers and sisters throughout many centuries, are they the children of God? Not to mention all the other religions?
The 'we' are all those of us, starting from the Apostles who preached the Lord Jesus Christ to be the only true God of the Old testament to this very day and that includes me.
I invite you by the Spirit of the Lord to join us in preaching JESUS CHRIST alone.
Yes it is acceptable to say, just as I do! or better :-)
Paul, this is how 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God ' (John ch. 1 v. 1,2) is verified in another scripture. Also verified is the fact that NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD:-
'No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared Him.' (John ch. 1 v. 18)
As He is in the bosom of the Father, then He is with God and is God. When Jesus was on earth He was 'the express image of God (who is Spirit).
Colossians ch. 1 vs. 15-20 states 'He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the pre-eminence.'
If He is 'the beginning the firstborn from the dead' then this passage is talking about the 'beginning' being after He was crucified because the others who were to follow after Jesus was 'the firstborn from the dead' would be those who have been 'born again' after being 'dead' in their sins.
In Genesis ch. 1 v. 26 where it states 'Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' it goes on to say in v. 27 'So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.'
So in the two verses it is saying that the 'us'(plural) made man (male and female) in God's own image, and the only way that the 'us' could be the same as God (singular) is referred to in John ch. 1 vs. 1,2.(referred to above)
Verse 28 of Genesis ch.1 states that God blessed these beings that He made in His own image and told them to multiply and fill the earth.
'Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'
Yet if you read Genesis ch. 3 there is no blessing whatsoever put upon Adam and Eve.
As far as Cain's father being the serpent, or the devil, there is no scriptural reference to this as it is Adam who is said to be Cain's father. Jesus told the Jews who sought to kill Him that their father was the devil.
The children of God are those who believe in Jesus (the Word) and who are born again of the Spirit.
There is much more we could discuss here Paul, but it is more difficult writing than discussing through word of mouth conversation.
We can not add or take away from the scriptures Paul, that is very dangerous and unscriptural, and we must live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
I do preach only Christ crucified Paul.
By the way Paul,
the Islamists are descendants of Ishmael, who follow Mohammed and the catholics are people who follow a man who calls Himself Holy Father (which is blasphemy in my eyes). However I still pray for all men to come to the knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ, without which they shall perish.
Brenda, what do you mean by that statement "no man has seen God"?
Do you believe that the Lord Jesus is that God, or not?
Do you believe that when you look at the Lord Jesus that you see the ONLY true God there is?
What about the 73 Israelites Exodus 24:10, did they see God, or not?
There are many more in the old Testament who saw the Lord.
Well Brenda, I detect that you still don't believe that Jesus is the only one God there is.
You still think that there is another one somewhere else who is also a God.
I can hear that clearly, NOT in what you are saying, but more so in that which you do NOT say.
Genesis 1:26+27 you said, "So in the two verses it is saying that the 'us'(plural) made man (male and female) in God's own image, and the only way that the 'us' could be the same as God (singular) is referred to in John ch. 1 vs. 1,2.(referred to above)".
No Brenda, please carefully read it again, and ask the Lord Jesus to show it to you.
Verse 26, there are TWO identities which have to make something.
The question is, who are those TWO identities?
God is only one identity and who is the other?
Those two identities had to make man in their (TWO) '(Our)' image.
Two makers and two images.
An image is a look alike. One image is like Jesus, and who is the OTHER image?
God does not have two images, neither are male and female two images of the Lord.
Please read it prayerfully and carefully and adjust your thinking to that which it says and not to that which it cannot mean and does not make sense.
Exodus ch. 33 v.20 reads.'And He said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.' which appears to contradict a verse which says that anyone has seen God.
Jesus, the Word is the 'bread of the face' which we must 'eat' and then we see God, not with physical sight but with Spiritual sight. The people who are said to 'see God' in the old testament are the people of Israel and we who are born again are God's Israel so those verses would be words that are spiritually speaking to those who are born again. God's word is the same yesterday, today and forever.
There are many mysteries within the scriptures and knowledge increases as we seek the truth. In Luke ch. 18 v. 19 Jesus says to the ruler 'Why do you call me good, only God is good.', and yet I know that 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.' So I know that Jesus is the Word of God who was with God and was God, and is also called in the scriptures 'The Son of God' and 'The son of man'. There are things I can not explain and neither can you explain these differences, but I do know that knowledge and understanding grows as we seek the truth.
Jesus' words in John ch. 6 vs. 44 - 48 say it all and are beautiful verses:-
'No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me. Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One who is from God; He has seen the Father. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life.…'
So you see that Jesus also says that no one has seen the Father except the One who is from God. Yet when we are born again we are the 'body of Christ' He is the 'head', so things start to make sense spiritually.
Brenda, a mystery is something you don't know or don't understand.
But to us there supposed to be NO mysteries in the Bible.
How can we be ministers of the Word of God and don't understand what it means?
You need to make every effort to understand ALL mysteries concerning God and His Word, and neither should you seek the truth, but by this time you ought to have found the truth and testify to the truth.
You still haven't given me an answer whether Jesus is the God of Genesis 1:1. It seems to me that you are an expert in avoiding the question.
Let's go back to Genesis 1:26.
I have asked you a few questions, and you need to be able to confidently answer those questions. If you cannot answer them, then you will not be able to understand the rest of the Scriptures.
How can you understand John 1:1 if you can't understand Genesis 1:1?
OK! Who was in the beginning with God? Yes I mean in Genesis 1:1, was there someone else with God?
Brenda, it is most important that you identify that God or those gods, if you believe that there are two?
If you cannot identify the God of Genesis 1:1, then you are in a serious spiritual dilemma.
Jesus made this God known and so do I, but what about you, do you know this God?
In Genesis 1:26, were there TWO gods or ONE God??
You need to make up your mind about that.
HE (singular) said "Let US make", so please tell me, who are those TWO who are going to make?
And don't think or say that it is a 'Royal US'.
God did NOT say in Genesis 1:1 'Let US' create the heavens and the earth, and neither was one identity watching another identity creating the heavens and the earth out of nothing.
Brenda, lets be reasonable.
Verse 26 are TWO identities who are going to make TWO different images.
So please tell me which two identities and in which two images?
Also, don't assume that I cannot explain the differences because you can't. If you can't understand something, that doesn't mean nobody else can.
It is the Lord Jesus who has commissioned me to preach the gospel and not men.
Just like I am a person and there is a word that comes out of my mouth, but my Spirit could not speak that word for the natural ear to be able to hear it. So too God is Spirit and Jesus is the Word that He communicates to us with. The two are One, just like it says 'In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. I spread the good news of the gospel, which is that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life. However it is not alone that I do this, for one plants, one waters and God adds the increase. All glory goes to God. All the scriptures that I have referred to in my previous comment cannot be denied, and it is Jesus Himself who refers to God as His Father.
as far as verse twenty six is concerned, 'And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.'
verse 27( So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.) goes on to speak about the same thing, only referring to God making man (as in mankind, both male and female). This makes sense to me if I refer to the six days as being 6000 years (one day with God is as a thousand years)because now God with Jesus is making mankind Spiritual, in the image of God (Eternal life is to know God and Jesus Christ, 'Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John ch. 17 v. 3).
Where you say in your comment 'Also, don't assume that I cannot explain the differences because you can't. If you can't understand something, that doesn't mean nobody else can.', I am not assuming that at all Paul because I presumed that this was a discussion, not an argument, and you invite people to make comments, at the foot of your blog.
That is very good Brenda, I give you a big AMEN!
But still, I expect better from you.
You said, "All glory goes to God".
Yes that is true, but to which God?
You see, the Jehovah Witnesses will also give you an amen, but they are one step ahead of you and say that this 'glory' belongs to Jehovah, perhaps the same as you.
As for me, I am a believer in Jesus Christ and NOT a believer in Jehovah. Please read my posts and my comments and you will see that all the glory is attributed to Jesus Christ alone who is the ONLY true God there is.
In your comment you started very good and then in the last sentence you have removed the glory from the Lord Jesus Christ and said, "and it is Jesus Himself who refers to God as His Father."
Brenda, I know that you can't see that yet.
But it is a false to believe that the Lord Jesus has a Father.
And it is true to believe that the Lord Jesus 'IS' the Father.
1Cor.8:6 'Yet for us is but ONE God, the Father.' So then, If Jesus wouldn't be the Father, then Jesus would be NO God at all, and thus the glory of the Father has been removed from the Lord Jesus Christ, and I would be a false witness and a false preacher.
Gen. 1:26. We still have the same problem here, the two questions are still there.
Who is that God? Is it the Lord Jesus or is it someone else?
If it is not the Lord Jesus Christ, then we have removed His glory for being the only God and the creator of all things and have given it to someone else.
And please don't say, (Jesus was WITH God)', that is metaphorical.
Also, to whom is the Lord speaking?
Remember, Adam and Eve were not yet made and the Lord said let 'US' make man in 'OUR' image.
Yes Brenda I agree with you that God made Adam and Eve in His own (ONE image), but who is the other image?
It is obvious that the Lord commanded someone else to make man with Him in THEIR (two) image, and who is that someone who is going to make man in his image?
The Lord said that before He made Adam and Eve, there was only the Lord and the serpent there and nobody else, so therefore it is clear that the Lord was speaking to the serpent who would make the second image in his (the serpents) image.
If you don't agree, then tell me to whom was He speaking?
God made first His image (perfect and spiritually alive) and then the serpent produced his image into the perfect man through Eve.
And thus the fall of man was completed, Adam the perfect image of God, and Cain had a mingled image of man and the serpent his father. Remember, the image is the looks and the DNA, that's why we have so many diverse and weird looking people on this planet and no doubt some just look like their father the devil.
It is important to understand that the Lord made everything perfect and even His plan to make His perfect creation imperfect.
It is false to assume that God made everything perfect and then somehow out of His control Adam and Eve messed it all up and after that the Lord tries very hard or as good as possible to fix up the mess.
what I can not understand is why you claim to believe in Jesus and yet you do not acknowledge or believe the words that He speaks (according to scripture).
As far as Cain is concerned, (also according to scripture), Adam was his father.
Cain , who was a 'tiller of the ground', offered the 'fruit of the ground'(which according to Genesis ch. 3 v. 17 was cursed), while Abel, who was a keeper of sheep brought of the first born of the flock.
The name Cain in the Hebrew means spear, or possessed .(this would speak spiritually to me of one who is possessed and a weapon that kills.
The name Abel in the Hebrew means vapour(this name would speak spiritually to me of one who is of the Spirit)
We are told that the word of God is discerned spiritually and to me the story of Cain and Abel speaks spiritually of one who eats of and lives according to the earthly things, offering the fruits thereof, and one who eats of and lives according to the heavenly things, offering the fruits of the Spirit.
It speaks of the difference between the earthly believer in God, yet who does not know Jesus. (Cain still believed in God, but felt he was condemned to be a constant wanderer of the earth) and the Spiritually born again believer (who becomes seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, having the promise of everlasting life).
Where you say that the image is the looks and the DNA Paul, we are told that God is Spirit.
Interesting, the name Cane means 'Possessed'.
Possessed, by what?
I would say, possessed by his father the devil.
The son will always belong to his father and he only can do what he has learned from his father (John 8:44).
I don't think that Abel was "offering the fruits of the Spirit", sins the fruit of the Spirit cannot be offered.
Remember, it is His fruit and not Abel's, yours or mine. Basically, it is the fruit of Jesus Christ which is produced in us, His children by Him.
Yes Brenda, God is Spirit (John 4:24), but that Spirit was clothed in DNA = Jesus Christ.
But that depends on whether you believe that the Lord Jesus is the Spirit? (2Cor. 3:17)
Paul,John ch. 17 vs. 20-22
'I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one;…'
explains the omnipresence of God, as Jesus Himself states in v.22.(Just as We are One) meaning God and Himself.
1 John ch.3 v.8 states that:-'The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.'
We are told in Romans ch.3 v.23 that 'all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.' That is why in Adam all die. This came about because Eve listened to the serpent and Adam listened to Eve. So, although Cain physically was not a child of the devil, he was in his nature.
What I meant by offering the fruits Paul:- I should have said 'offering OF the fruits', and I was not talking about Cain and Abel physically but Cain and Abel compared to people now spiritually (children of the second Adam Christ, in Whom all shall be brought to life ), as I went on to explain.
We can use someone from the old testament to characteristically compare to those who are alive now just as John the Baptist was referred to as going in the spirit and power of Elijah in Luke ch. 1 verse 17.
It is made clear in the following scriptures that it is God who sent Jesus to be our Saviour and Lord, and who will make us all as one.
'But when it says that everything has been subjected, it is clear that it excludes the one who subjected everything to him. When everything is subjected to him, then the Son himself will [also] be subjected to the one who subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.' 1 Corinthians ch. 15 v. 27, 28
Brenda, you said, "Jesus Himself states in v.22.(Just as We are One) meaning God and Himself."
What do you mean by "God and Himself"?
Do you mean that God and the Lord Jesus are One, One what?
Is it that two identities are one God?
Are they One in union or One in agreement?
And how are we One with Jesus?
Is Jesus and you One or two?
Are we One in union and in agreement with the Lord Jesus?
You said, "It is made clear in the following scriptures that it is God who sent Jesus to be our Saviour and Lord, and who will make us all as one."
Here it is again, Which God sent Jesus to be our Saviour?
'And He will make us all one', one what? One in purpose or what?
Brenda, it is your duty to say in which God you believe and don't only quote metaphors.
Concerning Cain, (Gen.3:15), whose children is the Lord talking about?
Paul, you keep asking me what is meant by the words that Jesus speaks. I think that if you find it so difficult to accept what He is saying then it is only Jesus who can advise you on this. I find it very easy to accept what Jesus is saying, as there is a great difference between flesh and spirit. You can't class everything that Jesus says as metaphors. The children spoken of in Genesis ch. 3 v. 15 are Eve's and the serpents.
Well thank you Brenda for answering Gen.3:15, that wasn't all that difficult.
All I'm asking is for simple answers, I'm not trying to make things difficult for you.
OK, since you agree that the serpent is the father of his children, please tell me who is the first child (son) of the serpent?
Brenda, concerning God, I'm asking you and not the Lord Jesus.
I fully know the answers to those questions, but I'm asking you. It is not about me, it's about you.
"Jesus Himself states in v.22.(Just as We are One) meaning God and Himself."
"It is made clear in the following scriptures that it is God who sent Jesus to be our Saviour and Lord, and who will make us all as one."
To me, those are metaphors and they need to be explained, or it doesn't make sense.
My questions are simple and legitimate.
It is reasonable, spiritual and intelligent to come to a clear understanding and a clear explanation of those statements.
Truth and intelligence teaches us that, if another identity is called 'God' sent the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Saviour and Lord, then the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT God, but a deceiver and a liar and untrustworthy.
For this reason certain Scripture statements are called 'METAPHORS', yes you might not like that, but that's all they are, 'metaphors'.
It is ignorant and deceptive to teach and believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty and He has a Father.
It is equally deceptive to say, teach or portray that one God-person called the Father is speaking to another God-person called the Son, or this 'unknowable' God sent His Son into this world and the list goes on and on.
Such deceptions are ramped in most churches and for that reason they are dead.
But as for you, you have to make every effort to rid yourself from those devilish teachings, because the Lord Jesus has given the power to Satan to deceive, even the elect if possible.
Those questions in my previous comment are still open and you need to answer them simply and not metaphorically.
I know that they annoy you, but no pain no gain :-)
the fact that you say that what you say annoys me show me that you have no perception of my nature whatsoever. I feel no annoyance at all concerning what you believe. As far as Cain is concerned I have already explained what I feel regarding Cain and Abel spiritually. I believe that as Eve was the mother of all living, including Cain, then it is the spiritual enemy(the disobedient spirit that entered Eve when she went against God's instruction), that is the child of the serpent. Just as there are varieties of all living, so too are there varieties of evil spirits.
I can't see what else can be said regarding Jesus and God, other than what is obvious in scripture. If you can not see how all three, God, Jesus and born again (of the Spirit) believers can be one (all joined in the Spirit), then you would have to say that Scripture was not true. To me it is so simple. We can not add or take away from scripture.
Brenda, I was looking for natural children of the serpent and not for spiritual children, no one can have spiritual children because spirits can not reproduce and the flesh can not produce spirit or spirit children.
Genesis 1, is a natural DNA creation and not spiritual. The Lord said, 'let US make natural children and in OUR natural likeness', meaning in the likeness of TWO different kind of DNA children (DNA is natural, it is flesh and not spirit). One was made in the likeness of Jesus Christ, that is Adam and Eve which God has made (man) in His image and the other is in the likeness of the serpent (the beast) whom he (the serpent) has made in his image, that is Cain, by the woman who became the mother of all living, that is Eve.
Concerning God; are you saying that God and the Lord Jesus Christ are joined in the Spirit?
What about the Father and the Lord Jesus, are they also joined in the Spirit?
I think that if many are joined in the Spirit, that those many are ONE in union (united) in the Spirit and not one identity.
But the Lord God is ONE identity and not TWO.
The Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is ONE identity and not TWO, and He is not in union with any other identity.
(John 10:30) Jesus said, 'I and the Father are ONE' identity and not two, meaning one and the same. 'He who has seen Me has seen the Father'.
Look Brenda, do you believe what the Lord Jesus is saying here in, (Isa. 43:10-12) "You are My witnesses, declares the Lord, And My servant whom I have chosen," (Which Lord and servant? Obviously that is Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ) "So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He, Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no saviour beside Me.
It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, And there was no strange god among you; so you are my witnesses, declares the Lord, And I am God."
(Who is that 'God'? blind Freddy can see that that is Jesus Christ).
Here in that passage alone the Lord Jesus tells us clearly that there is NO OTHER identity called 'GOD' or Father, whether in the physical or in the spiritual realm.
If you would believe that, then you could easily say that the 'God' in Genesis 1:1 is the Lord Jesus Christ.
It troubles me immensely that you can't say it.
Pual, the physical children of the physical snake are snakes just as the physical children of men and women are men and women.
It is obvious that when a person is referred to as a child of Satan then it is spiritually so. Jesus cast out demons from people and they were always spirits that came out. The person itself was still a fleshly person with the spirits of Satan taken out of them.
Regarding who God is Paul, I say again that the scriptures reveal who He is.
God is the Father Paul, as Jesus stated while on earth. As a man thinks so he is, so Jesus as a man on earth had the Spirit and mind of the Father. That is why He said in John ch. 14 vs. 7-10
'If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.' Philip said to him, 'Master, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.' Jesus said to him, 'Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works.'
When Jesus came to earth, in order for us to 'see' Him He came in our likeness.
'Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. Hebrews ch.2v.17.
As far as the old testament scriptures are concerned Paul, especially those contained in the books of the prophets, I believe that because we the church are God's Israel, these are God's word (Jesus) speaking to us today in the situations that we happen to be in. That word is a living word.
Isaiah ch. 43 is God speaking to Israel, and Isaiah ch. 42 is God speaking of Jesus, who came as a servant. Philipians ch. 2 v. 7 reads 'When he appeared in human form, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.'
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God describes it perfectly for me.
No Brenda, you need to read the Scriptures carefully and properly and listen to what the Spirit says.
The serpent is NOT a snake and the Lord of all creation is NOT concerned with snakes and neither can snakes have children.
Snakes are reptiles and 70% produce eggs and 30% produce little reptiles exactly after their kind, just as the Lord has created them (Gen. 1:24).
However, the serpent was different from all the other beasts of the field (Gen. 3:1).
Different in that he could speak, think, reason and seduce, perhaps closer looking to man than an ape, yet he was not man but beast (animal).
He (the serpent) is the only beast whom the Lord has created whose seed could be mingled with man, and that is with the female of man (Eve) (Gen.3:13 and 14). And the result was the fall of man and the introduction of the second image, the beast (Gen. 1:26).
After the serpent made his first son Cain in his image, although mingled with man's (Eves) image (Gen. 3:14), then the Lord changed the serpent and as a punishment he was to crawl on the ground and eat dust.
It doesn't say that the Lord turned him (the serpent) into a snake!
This kind of false thinking and assuming happens to those who don't read the Bible properly.
You and I and all of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible ought to make every effort to pay careful attention to His Word.
The Lord wrote His Word so that we can understand everything from the beginning of Genesis to the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
You said, "Regarding who God is Paul, I say again that the scriptures reveal who He is.
God is the Father Paul,"
That's right Brenda, but that 'FATHER' has to be the Lord Jesus Christ.
If it is NOT the Lord Jesus, then who is that 'Father'?
Any other father is the devil.
You see, all the Antichrist-people remove the title 'Father' from the Lord Jesus and give it to someone else.
The Catholics give that title who belongs to Jesus to the pope and call him 'Holy Father'.
The Jehovah Witnesses and most other churches and so called Christians call an 'UNKNOWN' identity by the name of Jehovah or Yahweh 'Father'.
They are 'ANTICHRIST' because they do not acknowledge the Lord Jesus to be their Father who is in heaven.
And by doing that, it is impossible for them to say 'JESUS IS LORD'.
They ascribe the only God there is (Jesus Christ) to another identity, now it makes no difference what identity it is, any other identity is the devil.
Can you see, that whosoever does not preach the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Father preaches another Jesus and another spirit and another gospel than the one we preach, including me (2 Cor. 11:4).
Look, I even go one step further and say, that whosoever does not preach Jesus Christ to be the God of Genesis 1:1, preaches another god, other than the one we preach.
We preach Jesus Christ to be LORD, meaning 'the Lord God the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth', it doesn't mean the lord mayor of London.
Continued on next comment.
You said, "Isaiah ch. 42 is God speaking of Jesus, who came as a servant."
Yes that's right, as long as you understand that that is a metaphorical statement you are making.
It's better to say that the Lord Jesus who was speaking of Himself that He would show Himself to be a servant and the creator of all things etc.
It is important to know and believe that there is no other God who is speaking about Jesus!
Well Brenda, Jesus said that the way is narrow and only few are those who find it. The moment you take your eyes off Jesus; another identity usurps His place and that identity is always the devil.
Mostly the devil likes to be called 'Father' or worse 'Holy Father', or just plainly 'God', Jehovah and Yahweh; anything else but 'Jesus Christ'.
Satan is a master of deception, but we are not ignorant of his devices, we boldly expose him and all his lies so that all who have been given eyes to see will see who he really is, 'a liar from the beginning'.
All Eve did Paul was 'eat' of the words of the serpent, and anything that God wants to speak can speak, even an ass. The garden of Eden was a completely different place to the earth as we know it. This is not scriptural Paul:-
'After the serpent made his first son Cain in his image,'
Whatever the serpent looked like there is no scripture that says that Cain was its son or that Eve was the mother of its children either. In fact the scriptures distinguish 'between' Eve's children and the serpent's
I agree with what you say in:-'You and I and all of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible ought to make every effort to pay careful attention to His Word.'
Regarding who God is He is who that word (Jesus) says He is. The devil is a spirit, but they are not the same spirits.
'Antichrist' is one who comes alongside 'another one' that appears to be the same but is not, like the wheat and the tares.
As far as who the Father is and what others believe, God is the Father and it is He who has made Jesus Lord. You nor I, nor anyone else can take away the scriptures that say
'For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ'. However all you keep saying Paul, regarding any scripture that does not line up with what your doctrine states is that it is a 'metaphor'.
I don't intend to take my eyes of Jesus Paul, He is my Saviour and I try to do as He tells me as I seek His guidance in my life. I find that all different doctrines of denominations, including the 'puritan' one, appear to be completely out of line with scripture in many ways.
Brenda, every denomination and every Christian and even cults say that they are in line with Scriptures, but who gives you the authority to think that you are in line with Scriptures?
I do not have followers, I do not have a church and neither do I follow anyone, that is apart from following Jesus Christ my Lord.
It is Jesus Christ who has commissioned me to be an Ambassador for Him and His Kingdom and such I am.
If anyone does not listen to me and my testimony, that is because they do not listen to the testimony of the creator of heaven and earth whom I represent.
Paul it is only the Holy Spirit, who Jesus said the Father would send, who is able to bring me in line with scripture as John ch. 14 v. 26 states.'But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you,'
and as was said to Timothy in 2 Timothy ch. 3 v. 15
'the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.',- it is faith in Jesus that will make us wise to salvation
I don't know if you are referring to the 'followers' who are pictured in the right hand box of my blog when you say about having followers, but that is just the way that the blog inventers have put it. I consider the people pictured there as brothers and sisters in Christ that I interact with, as I do you. I would hope that the only One that all of us follow is Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
I only assume that you belong to the Puritan group because you advertise it on your blog. Do you attend any church gathering Paul? I go to a small gathering at the moment at an 'Apostolic' church, but to me the 'church' is the congregation of believers, not the building. God says He will not live in a house made with hands, and I go wherever the Lord directs me.
I believe, just like the seven churches in Revelation. that there are things that are operating within all denominational groups that are not in line with the Lord's teachings, but should we not all share our experiences and what we believe are our 'gifts' in order to come out of spiritual 'babylon'.
I also believe that Jesus has commissioned me for certain things as you believe He has commissioned yourself,and one of them is to 'go out into the highways and the byways to compel them to come in' with my friend which the Lord instructed us to do over twenty years ago.
renda, you said,"Paul it is only the Holy Spirit, who Jesus said the Father would send, who is able to bring me in line with scripture as John ch. 14 v. 26 states.'But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you,"
Well Brenda, I thoroughly understand metaphors, but what troubles me is that you don't understand those metaphors.
It is your duty to preach the truth and not metaphors.
You should expound those metaphors so that your listeners can understand what you are saying.
OK, I ask you again, which Father will send the Holy Spirit?
Why does the Father need to send someone else (the Holy Spirit) to bring you in line with Scriptures?
Can't He do it Himself?
How many identities or persons, or gods are there to bring you in line with Scriptures?
Isn't the Lord Jesus Christ capable and enough to do that job?
Look Brenda, it all comes down that you simply don't believe the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'll explain;
A metaphor is not the truth, the truth is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
A metaphor is there to support the truth in pictures and perhaps analogical way of an explanation of the truth.
The first step is; you need to believe in Jesus! It is Jesus who said, 'Concerning the FATHER, I have been speaking FIGURATIVELY'! (John 16:25).
Now 'figuratively' is another word for 'metaphoric', it means the same.
This is the first and most important step, by no means should you ever override that statement of the Lord with another.
OK, God does not have a Father, and Jesus is that God, therefore when He speaks of a Father, He speaks metaphoric (figuratively).
Neither does God have a Son, or a mother, or a wife etc. He speaks figuratively.
And neither does He send someone else called the Holy Spirit to do a job, that also is a metaphor.
It is required from you to believe that, it is that which Jesus has said. If you continuously ignore that, you will not be able to understand the Word of God (the Bible), regardless whether you think you do or not.
In the same sentence the Lord Jesus says, 'from now on I tell you plainly of the Father' (John 16:25).
Brenda, that is the second step and you also need to believe that.
So then, when Jesus said, 'Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Brenda? He who has seen Me has seen the Father;'
That is exactly what He means, that is not metaphor!
Jesus said that you are looking at the Father, or that He is the Father.
If you believe that, then the Scriptures start to make sense.
Also it will benefit you in your highway and byway ministry so that you can give an accurate account for the hope that is in you and charge every convert to ONLY believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I do not belong to any Puritan group. The name 'Puritan Belief' was chosen by my friend and brother in Christ Correy and he stated, that there is only one TRUE Puritan to believe which is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please click in right hand column, very top "About Puritan Belief" must read.
Paul John ch. 16 vs. 26 - 30 states
'At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you:
For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.
I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.
His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.' explains a bit more than v. 25
It is very easy for me to believe that Jesus was the express image of God on earth. In the beginning He was with God and was God. I don't have any difficulty whatsoever in a Spirit and flesh being One, as in a Spirit and the Word which is the only way that we can come to know God - through the Word - while we are in the flesh.
We have had another wonderful day out evangelizing to those who God has brought along our path. I think we have to agree to disagree on some things Paul. I know what the Lord is saying to me and how He speaks to me. I believe that as Spiritual Israel there is a difference in the Spiritual tribes too.
I have read the post you mentioned Paul and it states that any comments other than the ones that are there are removed so I could not comment on that post.
Regarding what you have written there:-
'Puritan Belief = Jesus Belief
The Old Puritans got many of their doctrines right especially about Grace and election which I love. This blog is about the Purity of the Gospel message which is Jesus Christ Himself. He alone is the Purity or Puritan belief which I hold and proclaim. Jesus is the God of my Salvation and belief and never the purity of mens doctrines.
How to Comment
This blog sometimes gets heated and emotional.
* I DO NOT respond to comments that personally attack me.
* I try to keep my comments very short and to the point and enjoy when other commenters do the same.
* One small well thought out comment is better then many long winded comments.
Together we have the mind of Christ
I do not profess to have all my doctrines "down pat" so your comments are thoroughly appreciated and encouraged'
I agree absolutely that Jesus is the gospel message Himself. That is why He is called the Word. I too do not believe in man's doctrine, unless it lines up with what Jesus says.
Regarding 'How to comment'
I too do not believe in 'personally attacking someone' - I enjoy respectful discussion, and I believe your statement regarding keeping your comments short has altered, although I see nothing wrong in that.
Finally, it is good that you say that you do not profess to having all your doctrines 'down pat' and that all comments are thoroughly appreciated and encouraged.
John 16......, What does that mean, 'In that day ye shall ask in my name: '?
When is that day? And who do you ask? And in whose name?
Do you ask one God-person in another God-persons name?
'and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you; For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.'
Tell me please, which Father does Jesus pray to?
And do you really believe that Jesus came out from God? And what does that mean, 'coming out of God'?
You see Brenda, if you only quoting those metaphors, nobody will know in which God they ought to believe.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ it is your duty to proclaim Jesus Christ to be that 'God' in those metaphors, otherwise your preaching is useless and false.
And if you teach or even indicate that there is another god next of Jesus Christ, then you are transgressing the first commandment of the Lord, and teaching others to do the same.
You said that Jesus is the exact image of God, well I need to ask you again, is the Lord Jesus the exact image of another identity called God? Or an other identity called the Father?
The answer to that is that Jesus is not the image of another identity called God.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY God there is and He made His earthly vessel in His own image.
The Lord Jesus did not have an image till He (Jesus) took some clay (dust) from the ground and formed His image the first Adam (Gen. 2:7). So God had formed His only perfect image 'Adam' and Jesus is called the second Adam, also in the same perfect image as Adam (Gods image).
(I have used the term 'perfect image' because after the sin of Eve the image of God was polluted or made imperfect by the image of the beast.)
Can you see, if you would believe that the Lord Jesus is that God, Creator, Father and Spirit, then you would proclaim Him as such and it would be impossible for you to go wrong or transgress.
But if you suspect that there is another identity somewhere else also included in God, then whatever you say or teach will always be in conflict with the Lord and the Scriptures.
You said, "I too do not believe in man's doctrine, unless it lines up with what Jesus says."
Yes, but remember it is Jesus who said that He is the Father, if you do not believe and confess that, then you believe in man's doctrine which is not in line with what Jesus has said.
You said, "Finally, it is good that you say that you do not profess to having all your doctrines 'down pat' and that all comments are thoroughly appreciated and encouraged."
Well, Brenda, I did not say that. It was my friend and brother in Christ Correy who made that statement.
As for me, I claim that I have been taught by the Lord, therefore please convict me of any wrong or false doctrine.
I have made it a priority to fully understand the doctrines of the Apostles and especially the most important doctrine which is the doctrine of 'God' which the Lord has commissioned me to proclaim.
The entire knowledge of the truth and every doctrine of the Scriptures depends upon that doctrine, the doctrine of God and it is a 'MUST' for every believer to get that right.
Sorry Paul,
I automatically thought it was your statement as it was on your blog. My response to that first post would be to your friend Correy then.
This morning I was thinking how this conversation was going and it came into my mind to look up 1 Corinthians ch. 1, even though I could not remember what was contained there. So I looked it up.The first verse that stood out to me was verse 9:-
'God is faithful, by whom you were called to fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord'.
It later went on to speak about divisions in the church and not joining ourselves to certain people as if in a club. I really believe the Lord is emphasizing to me to have Him and Him alone as the One that I follow, so I will leave the situation as it is Paul, and all my thoughts regarding God and Jesus are in previous comments.
May God bless you and keep you in fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ and brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thank you Brenda, I love your spirituality and your zeal for the Lord.
I'm sure that we both believe that the Word of the Lord which goes from His mouth; it will not return empty, without accomplish what He desires and without succeeding in the matter which He sent it (Isa. 55:11).
Kind regards Paul
Amen Paul
Brenda, +100 Very good passages. Your explanations are clear. Thank you for spreading truth!!
+1000 Brenda!! Thank you for using so many scriptures!! It is very easy to follow your line of thinking!
Jesus is the Son of God!! No way around it, the Word is very clear!!
Amen Thomas,
Jesus is the Son of God, Who has made Him our beautiful Lord and Saviour, Who says to all who believe:-
“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.”(John ch. 14 vs.1-4)
and answers all who ask the question that Thomas asked:-
Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”(John ch. 14 v.5)
with this answer:-
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'(John ch 14 v.6)
God bless you in Jesus.
Thanks Thomas for your comment.
Everybody knows and believes that Jesus is the Son of God and even the demons believe that.
Jesus calls himself to be the son of man, do you also believe that?
But my argument is; whether you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty the creator of heaven and earth? The God of Genesis 1:1? :-)
Thank you Paul, if it is ok with you, I'll respond to your question with another question?
Did Jesus say he was the creator of heaven and earth?
Yes Thomas, that's OK with me, I'm used to that most people can't answer my questions and that's a shame.
(John 1:10) 'He was in the world, and the the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. (v.3) All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.'
(Col.1:16) 'For by Him (Jesus) all things were created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible or invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him.'
Jesus did not say that He created the world. Those passages are awesome, but not spoken by Jesus...
Jesus did not say that He created the heavens and the earth...
It is God who created in Genesis ch. 1 Paul.
'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.' (John 1 vs.1-5)
When God spoke, as in 'Let there be light', and all the other words that God spoke, it is the Word that He used to create:- that is what is meant when it states in John ch. 1 v. 3 'All things were made through Him.'
God is Spirit and He brings things into being through His Word.
Colossians ch. 1 vs. 18-20 states:- 'And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the pre-eminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.'
We were all dead in our sins Paul, and we have to be made alive again in Jesus in order to be reconciled back to God. He is the 'firstborn from the dead'
1 John ch. 3 v. 8 says 'He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.'
Romans ch. 3 vs.3 and 4 say 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.'
I truly say 'Thank God for Jesus'.
Yes Thomas, Jesus did say that.
The Bible is the WORD of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the only God there is (Jude 1:25), therefore the Bible is called the Word of God and Jesus is that Word (John 1:1), and speaks that Word.
You don't really believe that Jesus is the only God and neither do you believe that the Bible is His Word.
If you would believe it, you would confess that the Bible is the Word of Jesus Christ the true God ( 1 John 5:20).
So then, please tell me who's Word is the Bible?
Brenda, you said, "It is God who created in Genesis ch. 1 Paul."
Yes that's right, but which 'God' created in Genesis 1, ?
Look Brenda, because you don't give testimony to Jesus Christ, therefore Satan puts up his hand and claims to be that God in Genesis 1:1 and throughout the Bible.
Yes, Satan is the god of this world, but certainly not of Genesis 1:1.
If you do not proclaim Jesus Christ to be the God of Genesis 1:1 and the whole Bible, then you have failed in your testimony and worst of all you preach another Jesus and another spirit and another gospel than we preach.
Well, from here on it gets worse: as I have said previously that every other doctrine you will preach is distorted and mostly not true.
Therefore it is important that you listen carefully and adjust to what the Holy Spirit is telling you.
(1 John 3:8) I do not like the word 'committeth' , I prefer 'practices' (NASB), there is a big difference.
Again, I need to ask you, which God do you thank for Jesus?
He is the God spoken of in the scriptures I quoted in my last comment. He is Spirit and is our Spiritual Father, just as Jesus says He is His Father.
1 John ch. 3 v.2 says:-
'Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.'
So it is clear that He has not yet been revealed to us as He really is. As we have our minds renewed in Jesus we are being transformed into His likeness, but that is the Spiritual likeness. As a man thinks so He is. Jesus as our mediator thinks and is Spiritually the same as the Father, so as we work out our salvation and act on the word He speaks to us daily, we shall end up like Him.
1 John ch. 3 v. 3 confirms this:-
'And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.'
Brenda, you said, "He is the God spoken of in the scriptures I quoted in my last comment. He is Spirit and is our Spiritual Father, just as Jesus says He is His Father."
No Brenda, Jesus Christ is the God spoken in the Scriptures.
And the Lord Jesus does NOT have a Father.
If Jesus would have a Father, then Jesus Christ would certainly NOT be the Lord God the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
And no, you can't believe in TWO identities who are God, because the Lord our God is 'ONE'!
Why is it so difficult for you to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only God there is?
Look Brenda, there is no way to escape and there is no back-door and there is no rearranging of words or hiding behind the Scriptures, except repentance, by that I mean public repentance so that everyone can clearly see that you are a disciple of the only one true God Jesus Christ our Lord.
Remember, that judgement starts first with the house of God, that is with you and me and anyone who claims to believe in Jesus Christ.
Time is short and the Lord is at hand, therefore do not harden your hearts as they did in the wilderness.
You said, "And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure."
That's right Brenda, purifying from believing in many gods so that only Jesus Christ remains.
There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus our Lord, only repentance.
Paul, nothing you just said to Brenda is Biblical... Your oneness teachings are absurd to say the least, and your condensending attitude is inappropriate at best. Shame on you for claiming to know God...
Thomas, 'oneness teachings'?
Do you teach that God is a few people?
Well that would certainly be absurd and you need to deal with that sin.
The correction of the Lord is not well received, but to those who repent it will be a blessing.
Thomas, you said,"Shame on you for claiming to know God..."
Everybody who knows God would give me an AMEN, but why don't you give me an AMEN?
If you claim to know God then please tell me His Name?
Paul, if you read a little more of Romans ch. 8, up to verse 3
'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin:'
it explains it all. There is now no condemnation to those who 'walk according to the Spirit'. That is according to God, who is Spirit, who was the One who sent His own Son. It does not state that our beautiful Saviour came of His own accord (even though Jesus said to the Father 'Not my will but Your will'.) He was the only One who could save us because He has the Spirit of the Father in Him. They are One as we will all be one in Him as we grow in Him Spiritually. The Spirit of God is the Power.
Oh yes Brenda, I love Romans ch.8, but I did not mention the rest, because I know that you do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit which is in you.
You said, "it explains it all. There is now no condemnation to those who 'walk according to the Spirit'. That is according to God, who is Spirit, who was the One who sent His own Son. It does not state that our beautiful Saviour came of His own accord (even though Jesus said to the Father 'Not my will but Your will'.) He was the only One who could save us because He has the Spirit of the Father in Him. They are One as we will all be one in Him as we grow in Him Spiritually. The Spirit of God is the Power."
Look Brenda, to understand passages and statements like that you need to separate the metaphors from the reality in order to make sense.
Perhaps try a reverse approach in order to bring clarity.
We always have to start first with the Lord Jesus, because we are believers in Jesus Christ, which means, we believe in Him and in no other, remember Jesus is the 'first and the last'.
If we believe that Jesus is the Father according to the Scriptures, then there can NOT be two wills, one will of Jesus and one will of the Father, otherwise we end up with two gods.
Now a metaphor cannot and does not override God given intelligence.
On the same line of reasoning, Jesus and the Father cannot be TWO! and both together be 'God' or a God.
A Father comes ALWAYS and without fail before the Son, He (the Father) is always the FIRST. And it is Jesus Christ who claims to be 'first and the last, the Alpha and Omega' (Rev. 1:17 + 18 and 8).
('Revelation' means the Revelation of Jesus Christ to us', in other words Jesus Christ has been revealed to us and we DO know Him.)
The Bible says that God is ONE, therefore you should not start your reasoning with the assumption that God is TWO, or you will end up in error.
Jesus and God are not TWO and neither are Jesus and the Father TWO!
'God' and 'Father' are not two persons but two titles of the 'ONE' person Jesus Christ our Lord and God. Now this is important and you should not ignore it.
OK then, Jesus first!
'God is Spirit' (John 4:24) it follows that that Spirit is the Lord Jesus (2 Cor. 3:17), again Jesus first, that is before He made Himself a body, or before His incarnation. Jesus is the Spirit, meaning the Holy Spirit.
'But to us there is but one God the Father, (1 Cor.8:6)'. Again the same line of reasoning, if there is one God, that 'God' has to be the Lord Jesus (the first), 'the Father' who is before the Son also (the first), that also has to be the Lord Jesus Christ who is claiming to be the first.
You see, Jesus is the God and Father to all of us who believe in Him.
It's not complicated, but very simply as long as you put Jesus Christ first, because He really is the first.
If you do not transgress the above reasoning, you can never err and all your doctrines (teachings) and testimony start to make sense and you will get the approval from the most High God Jesus Christ our Lord.
There is not two wills Paul, One will - the will of God known and understood through the Word of God found only through the One mediator between man and God - the bread of the Face, Jesus God's Son who was sent by God so that all might be reconciled back to God. As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. Flesh inherits flesh and the old man must die. We must be born again of God's Spirit and then grow to maturity through hearing the Word spoken to us as we work out our salvation, which means acting on that Word spoken to us. We were separated from God and denied eternal life through the first Adam, we can be reconciled back to God and have eternal life through the second Adam Jesus.
The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. (1 Corinthians ch. 15 v.45)
The scriptures are not metaphors Paul, they are simple truth.
Thanks Thomas for the link.
I have read your post, and can see that you don't really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only true God (1 John 5:20).
Well my brother, that surely is a shame :-(
But if you are willing, I can show you the excellency and supremacy of my Lord and God Jesus Christ.
As I have said, that I am not really an ogre, perhaps sometimes I act like one :-)
But feel free to give me any challenge you like, because I think that the doctrine of God is the most important doctrine and no one should err on that.
Kind regards Paul
Please Brenda tell me, do you believe that the Lord Jesus is the Lord God?
I believe scripture Paul. God has made Jesus my Lord while I am on this earth and I have to act on the Word spoken to me as I am taught by the Holy Spirit which Jesus said the Father would send.
Jesus was the firstborn from the dead,(and we were all dead in our sins- as in Adam all die), the first of many brethren. If it was not for God sending Jesus I would not be able to be reconciled back to God, for the 'veil' had to be removed. God is the creator who creates through the Word He speaks as in 'Let there be light'.
There is so many hidden mysteries in the scriptures, and I have a lot to learn. I love my Father who is revealed to me through my being brought to Jesus ( the mediator between man and God, the ultimate high Priest the Word of God who was with God in the beginning and who was God)
You told me Paul that your friend Correy is the founder of this belief ( at least I think that is what you said, correct me if I am wrong ). Why should I be taught a doctrine formed by anyone other than God?
I can only speak from the teaching I believe I have received from the scriptures and If the scriptures are not your plumb line then we really shall never agree.
Brenda, I am not sorry to say, but you don't believe the Scriptures at all.
(Isa. 9:6) Do you believe Jesus to be the Mighty God, the everlasting Father? I think not.
(1John 5:20) Do you believe that Jesus is the true God? I think not.
(Jer. 10:10) Do you believe that Jesus is the true and living God? I think not.
(Rom. 9:5) Do you believe that Jesus is God forever? I think not.
(Tit. 2:10+13) Do you believe that Jesus is our great God and saviour? I think not.
(Isa. 43:10) Do you believe that before Jesus no God was formed and none after Him? I think not.
(Isa. 63:16) Do you believe that Jesus is our Lord God, our Father and redeemer? I think not.
(Jer. 3:19) Do you believe that the Lord Jesus wants you to call Him Father? I think not.
Well Brenda, I have a whole Bible full of Scriptures of which you do not believe one.
There is no point of saying that you believe the Scriptures when you clearly don't, and it is also clear that you don't believe that the Lord Jesus is the creator God of Genesis 1:1 or the God of the Bible.
But then again, there is only repentance left. Oops! I think that you don't believe that either.
So please tell me then, what do you believe? And in whom?
I believe all of what is in the scriptures Paul. Regarding God and Jesus, these verses put it well:-
'For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.' (1 John ch. 5 vs.7,8)
'And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.' ( 1 John ch. 5 vs. 11 - 13 )
No Brenda you don't, everybody can say that they believe all that is in the Scriptures and then quote the Scriptures.
You need to say and explain what the Scriptures mean and not just quoting passages, and most important of all you need to tell and testify of the ' GOD' you believe.
Who is He? What is His Name? Is He one God or two gods or three gods or whatever?
Look Brenda, If you can't tell me who it is and His Name, you simply don't know God.
What would you think, if you ask me the name of my natural father and I would give you many titles and description and indication that he is many identities, but no name? Surely I know what you would think.
In that regard the Jehovah Witnesses do much better than you.
At least they give me the name of their god and father, which they call Jehovah. They also use the Bible to justify their false testimony.
But you should do better than they.
The Spirit of God has been given to testify and magnify Jesus Christ and no one else. Any other spirit is the devil.
Please Brenda, read brother Thomas post "Is Jesus God", but read it slowly and carefully and take notice how he systematically demotes the Lord Jesus Christ to a mere man. He uses the Scriptures to tear the Lord Jesus down from His High Mighty Throne and promotes an UNKNOWN god and he put him in the place of Jesus Christ.
He uses exactly the same Scriptures as I, but he testifies to an unknown god just like you, and the Lord Jesus Christ has been removed from centre stage to a mere attachment to God or at best a son to this unknown god with no name.
The Lord Jesus said, 'let him who has eyes see and let him who has ears hear what the Spirit says'!
Also, let him who has understanding proclaim His wonderful Name.
The Spirit teaches that there is ONE God and He is ONE person and His Name is Jesus Christ my Lord the only true God, and that beside Him is NO OTHER!
No other means exactly that, 'no other!
It doesn't mean that He had a son and he sent him to die on the cross.
It is absurd to teach that kind of fallacious doctrines.
The truth is that the Lord Jesus came and was born into His own creation, and in that sense, and only in that sense He was CALLED the Son of God.
He is not God the Son, He is only called 'Son' of God, and neither did God have a son and send him to die on the cross.
The truth is that God Himself came into this world and it is Him (yes God!) who died on the cross, and nobody else.
Don't tell me that God can not die! Or else I will tell you that God did die on the cross for my sins.
No earthly man can die FOR sins, since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, except the man who is from heaven who has no sin.
It is only the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and God who lived a sinless life on earth and was able to lay down His life for the sins of the world.
As far as you saying 'Don't tell me that God can not die!',I am not going to tell you anything Paul. We each have to be born again of the Holy Spirit and be taught by God. No man can say 'know the Lord', so we shall each work out our own salvation.
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