Trinity allegory!
Pastor Max said to John, the Church sent me to talk to you about your three wives. As a Church we cannot allow you to have three wives.
But, Pastor Max! I do not have three wives, I only have one wife.
Look John, I am not stupid, I can see and count your three wives, Sue, Mary and Jane.
Yes Pastor Max, Trinity is three persons but they are ONE, ONE wife.
No John, you are married to three separate persons, Sue, Mary and Jane you are transgressing the first command, "you shall have no other person beside your only one wife", which amounts to adultery and harlotry and none of those will be in heaven.
Pastor Max, it seems to me that you really don't understand my wife Trinity and the three natures she has, one for Sue another for Mary and another for Jane. They are separate Identities or persons, but they are ONE, its kind of hard to understand, in fact no one really understands the mystery of the Trinity, because a finite mind can not understand the infinity of the Trinity.
You know my wife Trinity is just like your God, three persons and three natures in one God, surely you can understand that?
Look John, I really don't want to talk about my God, that is personal and after all I have a degree in Theology. All I want is that you renounce and repent of your polygamy.
Pastor Max, I told you that I don't have three wives; if that is your kind of argument then I don’t want to talk to you anymore. The Bible says that you supposed to talk to me tenderheartedly in psalms and spiritual songs, instead you talk to me angrily and constantly rebuke me; take that as my resignation and I will find another Church!
This is a valid picture for every Trinitarian!
It is also called spiritual harlotry and unfaithfulness to the only one true God Jesus Christ our Lord.
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Trinity allegory!Posted by Paul G Tuesday, August 26, 2008