Then God said, “Let 'US' make man in
'OUR' image, in 'OUR' likeness, …..”(Gen.1:26).
This is the most misunderstood passage
among all those who believe in the TRINITY and in fact most so
called Christian Churches and doctrines.
The word 'US' and 'OUR' is plural and
it means MORE than ONE.
Trinitarians (polytheists) use that
passage of Scriptures to justify their position that God is two or
three persons.
The Scriptures teaches that the Lord
God the creator of heaven and earth is Jesus Christ and He created
the first man 'ADAM' in His 'OWN' image perfect and without sin He
created ADAM, male and female He created THEM (Adam and Eve)
The first perfect man was created
(MADE) by God (Jesus Christ) in His own image and therefore Adam is
called the son of God (Luke 3:38).
The first imperfect man, the sinful man
was MADE by the devil who was in the body of the beast (Gen.3:1) and
seduced Eve to bear his first son Cain (Gen.3:15).
For that reason the Lord Jesus said in
Genesis 1:26, “let 'US' make man in 'OUR' image”, referring to
His son Adam (Luke 3:38) and to the Serpents son Cain (Gen.3:15).
So then the word 'US' refers to 'GOD'
and the 'SERPENT' and the word 'OUR' is the image or likeness of
both, Jesus Christ and the beast (serpent) and thus Gods perfect
creation (MAN) was fallen and polluted by sin.
Cain was half human (Eve, mother) and
half beast (serpent, father) and for that reason Eve became the
mother of all living (Gen. 3:20).
In the family tree of the knowledge of
good and the evil are two lines, the line of Adam (good) and the line
of the serpent (evil) and both, Adam and Eve had the full knowledge
of good and evil (Gen.2:17).
The satanic (beast) offspring are
written in Genesis 4:17 to 23.
The Godly offspring are written in
Genesis 5:1 to 32 etc.
Did you understand that?
Do you have another view?
Would you like to add or correct?
Do you agree or disagree?
Please let me hear your thoughts.