Michael Servetus - Burnt for Denying the Trinity

John Calvin - Good & Bad
Firstly John Calvin is the man who first formalised TULIP at the Synod of Dordt and for this I respect him. However in many aspects of his belief he was still a catholic. He held the trinity and infant baptism. Both of these things Michael Servetus opposed and as a result he was burnt alive.
Michael Servetus Early Years
Genius would be a good word to describe his mind in his youth. He read the bible front to back in its original languages and also was an amazing scientist with vivid knowledge in astronomy, meteorology and geography. He had an intimate understanding of anatomy and medicine and spent most of his life as a doctor. He was also the first European to describe Pulmonary circulation.
Michael servetus wrote books on medicine and many topics however it was his books on theology that led to his death. Their titles are:
* On the Errors of the Trinity
* Dialogues on the Trinity
* On the Justice of Christ's Reign (He also knew a lot about laws or jurisprudence)
During his time he sent many letters to John Calvin on the subject and Calvins friends. These discussions were often heated and caused them to have a hatred towards him.
Michael was imprisoned on numerous occasions and released due to inconclusive evidence from the catholic church. He was hated by many and was recognised attending a sermon by John Calvin in Geneva to which authorities were alerted and he was captured and tried by a court for denying the trinity and infant baptism.
John Calvins Evidence Used to Sentence Michael Servetus to Death

John Calvin sent much of their correspondence as evidence against Him which was used to sentence him to death by burning. John Calvin thought death by sword was more appropriate.
Last Words:
Even after all the backstabbing it would appear Michael still regarded his friends such as John Calvin a Christian. Salvation belongs to the Lord and not our intellect.
"I will burn, but this is a mere event. We shall continue our discussion in eternity... Jesus, Son of the Eternal God, have mercy on me." (29 Sep 1511 - 27 Oct 1553)(ONLY 42 Years Old)
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Michael Servetus - Burnt for Denying the TrinityPosted by Correy Thursday, April 27, 2006