The TRINITY core deception!
Many will come, false preachers, prophets, leaders, Christians in sheep-clothing to deceive even the elect if possible. (Matthew 24:24)
Dear fiends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
If you find it difficult to read the Old Testament Scripture with the name of Jesus in it, like in the example below, then deception has already polluted your understanding.
Old Testament example;
(Genesis 1:1-3) In the beginning Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth. And the Spirit of the Lord Jesus was hovering over the waters. And the Lord Jesus said, let there be light, and there was light. Etc.
(Exodus 25:11) But the Lord Jesus did not raise his hand against these leaders of the Israelites; they saw the Lord Jesus, and they ate and drunk.
(Numbers 7:4) The Lord Jesus said to Moses.
(Psalm 29:1-2) Ascribe to the Lord Jesus, O mighty ones, ascribe to the Lord Jesus glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord Jesus Christ the glory due to his name; worship the Lord Jesus in the splendor of his holiness. Etc.
If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, then you should read with confidence the name of God (Jesus) into ever passage where it says ‘Lord or God’ throughout the Old Testament.
Because of their many gods, the Trinitarians believe that the God of the Old Testament is a different person than the God of the New Testament.
Contrary to the Scripture, (Hebrew 13:8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Malachi 3:6) I ‘the Lord Jesus Christ’ do not change.
To say that God is three distinctions, Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the same deception as to say that God is three persons!
If a chameleon changes its color, it still remains a chameleon!
But if you insist to use the word ‘distinction’, then there would only be two distinctions in the one God Jesus Christ our Lord.
The first distinction is Spirit.
The second distinction is flesh.
Father is NOT a distinction just like Son; it is the title of the Lord Jesus Christ who has two distinctions, which is the Holy Spirit clothed Himself in flesh. (Veiled the incarnate deity)
Which ever way you look at the doctrine of the trinity, it is a damnable deception that causes you to receive another Jesus, another Spirit and another Gospel than the one we preach. (2 Cor. 11:4)
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The TRINITY core deception!Posted by Paul G Thursday, July 03, 2008


Oh, like Ps. 45:7. "you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore Jesus, your Jesus, has anointed you"
And then there is the NT.
First Corinthians 15:24 Then comes the end, when [Jesus] delivers the kingdom to [Jesus] the [Jesus] after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For [Jesus] must reign until [Jesus] has put all [Jesus'] enemies under [Jesus'] feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For “[Jesus]has put all things in subjection under [Jesus'] feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that [Jesus]is excepted who put all things in subjection under [Jesus]. 28 When all things are subjected to [Jesus], then [Jesus] himself will also be subjected to [Jesus] who put all things in subjection under [Jesus], that [Jesus] may be all in all.
Hi Takin;
The Jews could not read the name of Jesus into Old Testament Scripture, just like you.
For that reason they never came to Jesus to be saved.
When the God of the Old Testament came to His own (the Jews), they received Him not but rejected Him and crucified Him.
I do NOT say that God sent somebody else another person, but that He Himself came to the Jews first and then also to us.
The Jews are still ignorant of His Name, but to you it has been given to know His Name
Takin, I expect you to read the Scripture with the wisdom that comes from above and not like the Scholars who search the Scriptures and never come to know the Lord of glory Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you read the Scripture so that you end up with two gods, identities or persons, then there is something drastically wrong, not with the Scripture but with your understanding.
You didn't say if this is the way you read Ps. 45:7.
"you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore Jesus, your Jesus, has anointed you"
I don't find two gods in the Bible. That is a straw man and you know it. Of course it is one of the two straw men that you always resort to:
Modalists say that God came in three different modes, as the Father, as the Son and as the Holy Spirit.
Trinitarians say that God came in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Can you see the similarity?
I know that you put another word in there like (revealed) in three persons, which opens another can of worms, so to speak.
Trinitarians are NOT monotheists as you claim to be.
We who believe only in Jesus Christ are monotheists.
Unitarians are also monotheists, but they believe that the ONE God is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ.
Takin; if the God in Genesis is NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, then you believe in a false god! It is that simple.
The trinity at best is a straw man!
I have exposed that straw man so that everyone can see clearly for what it is! That it is a deception which causes you to believe that it is a real man.
Psalm 45 v. 7
Yes, you can put the name of Jesus into that passage.
"Therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions."
'Therefore Jesus, your God, has set you above your companions.'
I have exchanged a title with the name of God, which is JESUS.
They could not write it like I do, because in the Old Testament the name of God had not been given.
You said, "Psalm 45 v. 7 Yes, you can put the name of Jesus into that passage. "Therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions." 'Therefore Jesus, your God, has set you above your companions.'"
That is not the question. The first use of the word "God" in this verse is certainly Jesus. But you have to (to be consistent) make both uses of the word "God" Jesus. "Therefore Jesus, your Jesus, has anointed you..." Who is Jesus' Jesus?
But with Trinitarian distinctions (and only with Trinitarian distinctions) this passage makes perfect sense. "Therefore Jesus, your Father, has anointed you..."
'God' God' is the same as 'Jesus' Jesus'!
The second word 'God' has to refer to the first word 'God', because there is only one God, the same is with the word 'Jesus'.
If the first word 'God' is God, then the second word 'God' has to refer to the same as the first. If it does not, then you have two gods!
All the Jews could understand that because they are monotheists, they just didn’t know who it was and not one of them believed that God was three persons.
This trinity deception was introduced through the Catholic Church (after Christ), to divide God from Jesus Christ.
For that reason the TRINITY doctrine is the most destructive and devilish doctrine to deceive even the elect if possible.
Tell me Takin; is the second word 'God' a second God?
Does it refer to another one who is also a God?
Matthew 3:16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately [Jesus] went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to [Jesus], and [Jesus] saw [Jesus] descending like a dove and coming to rest on [Jesus]; 17 and behold, [Jesus’] voice from heaven said, “This is [Jesus’] beloved [Jesus], with [Jesus] [Jesus] well pleased.”
Well Takin; you really have a vivid imagination!
I have a funny suspicion that you slowly can smell that dead rat, the trinity.
Perhaps, that's why you don't and cannot answer my questions.
Even if I could and would answer all of your questions from Genesis to Revelation you still could not fully comprehend it.
That is because it must be given to you from above, that is from my heavenly Father Jesus Christ my Lord.
I am not a teacher, but the Spirit of my Lord is able to lead you into ALL the truth, if you ask, by that I mean 'if you humbly ask' Him.
All Scripture is written for our instruction, correction in doctrine, teaching and conduct and also for our benefits, so that we can understand it, even the children because the Scripture is discerned by the spirit and not only by the intellect.
So Paul,
Your arguement is that unless you change scripture you can't read it correctly???
No modern day Magi! That is not my argument.
My argument has always been the same; I strongly oppose any thought, suggestion, teaching or understanding to the idea that there are many different persons, identities or people in God which amounts to polytheism, Trinitarianism and Catholothism.
By believing the above you can never fully and satisfactory understand the Old and New Testament of the Scripture. Because the spirit that governs that doctrine is antichrist.
By putting the name of Jesus in the Old Testament passages will open up a new dimension for you and you will receive a special blessing from the Lord and only you will know it, when you have received it.
Try it!!
If you like, please let us know.
Oh, by the way I am glad to see you back on the radar again.
Wait a minute!!
I believe that In the beginning Jesus created the heavens and the earth.
I also believe that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
I also believe that in the beginning the Holy Spirit created the heavens and the earth.
And I believe all three ARE one.
And I believe the ONE is all three.
I believe that Jesus is God, God is Jesus, Jesus is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is God and Jesus and whatever other permutation or combination you can come up with.
I believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and that they are one.
Does that make sense?
Not to me...but to God it does, and He has the last say.
That’s right Joe, it does not make sense to you! Neither does it to the Lord and me, that is, because it is not true.
If it would be true it would make sense to you.
Are you saying that all three persons gave each other a hand to create the heavens and the earth?
Or perhaps when God wanted to say "let there be light", the other two persons objected to God and said, since we are also God, let all three of us say it at the same time?
Joe; by the way, the term 'God the Son and God the Holy Spirit' is nowhere found in Scripture. That is Trinitarian language coming from the Catholic Church who is the Mother of all deception.
"Are you saying that all three persons gave each other a hand to create the heavens and the earth?"
Paul, I can tell you are smarter than to think that is what I meant...aren't you?
I think you know exactly what trinitarians believe and why they believe it. You don't like it because it does not make sense to you.
Well, maybe that's because you are not God...are you?
If you are, I'm in a lot of trouble.
Which I may be in anyway, but that's another issue.
You are probably also smart enought ro realize that my use of "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit" is simply a linguistic way of expressing the unexpressable.
We don't claim to be able to explain the Trinity, just as we cannot explain, "Let there be..." and there was.
Nevertheless it is absolutely and uncontorv (wait...I can't spell that word) unarguably true that the Bible uses all three persons of the Trinity as though they are one.
And besides, Jesus (who is God incarnate) said so.
I was never taught to believe in the Trinity, because as I was growing up, I did not go to church.
The triune nature of God was a position I came to through reading the Scripture and being led by the Spirit as I read.
Later I discovered that "scholars" had come to the same conclusion.
While I do not share your view that the Catholic church is the Mother of all Deception (that distinction belongs to satan himself), I do come pretty close.
But that's not where I got my view of the Trinity.
Having been as offensive as I know how, let me say that, other doctrine aside, if one places one's trust in, and only in, the finished work of Christ at the cross of Calvary as a payment for the debt of sin, and believes God has raised Him from the dead, that one is a brother or sister of mine in the Lord, as one adopted into the Family of God.
"Neither does it to the Lord and me, that is, because it is not true.
If it would be true it would make sense to you."
Where did you get the idea that something is true only if it makes sense to you.
And how do you equate what makes sense to you with what makes sense to the Lord?
That's right, I am not God but an ambassador who testifies to the only one true God the Lord Jesus Christ and beside Him there is no other person or identity who shares in the deity!
The Scriptures does not and can not affirm the term 'God the Son and God the Holy Spirit', if it would, then there would be three identities or persons in one God the Trinity.
Also that term is Trinitarian language and should not be used.
Of coarse Joe you can not explain the Trinity, because there is no Trinity in the Bible. This is a Catholic doctrine and is Antichrist
And neither does God have three natures , that is also Catholic (Trinitarian).
I know that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in the finish work of Christ on the cross of Calvary, for this reason I call you brother!
I like to give you a link to the doctrine of the Father the Holy Spirit the Son.
You said; "And how do you equate what makes sense to you with what makes sense to the Lord?"
Because we have the mind of Christ! (1 Cor.2:16)
And the Lord has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, love and of a sound mind! (2 Tim.1:7)
As you know many so called Christians believe in evolution which does not make sense, that is because it is not true and the same is with the doctrine of the Trinity.
If a lie is taught long enough, the naïve who has no discernment believes it.
The doctrine of the Trinity — that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are each equally and eternally the one true God — is admittedly difficult to comprehend, and yet is the very foundation of Christian truth. Although skeptics may ridicule it as a mathematical impossibility, it is nevertheless a basic doctrine of Scripture as well as profoundly realistic in both universal experience and in the scientific understanding of the cosmos.
Both Old and New Testaments teach the Unity and the Trinity of the Godhead. The idea that there is only one God, who created all things, is repeatedly emphasized in such Scriptures as Isaiah 45:18:
“For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; …I am the Lord; and there is none else.”
A New Testament example is James 2:19:
“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well; the devils also believe, and tremble.”
The three persons of the Godhead are, at the same time, noted in such Scriptures as Isaiah 48:16:
“I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; From the time that it was, there am I; and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.”
The speaker in this verse is obviously God, and yet He says He has been sent both by The Lord God (that is, the Father) and by His Spirit (that is, the Holy Spirit).
The New Testament doctrine of the Trinity is evident in such a verse as John 15:26, where the Lord Jesus said:
“But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father, He shall testify of me.”
Then there is the baptismal formula:
“baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19).
One name (God) — yet three names!
With due respect; I don't think you understand the Scripture, and that is because of a lack to the knowledge pertaining of God.
It is not good enough to search the Scripture and never come to the knowledge of the truth. Likewise Jesus said, you search the Scripture and think in them (the Scripture) you have eternal life, but it is these (the Scripture) which speak of me, but you are unwilling to come to me that you may have eternal life. (John 5:39-40)
So then all Scripture and every doctrine and thought is pointing to the Lord Jesus Christ and is fulfilled and completed in Him and only in Him.
Just as you said, that even the devils believe that and they tremble. How much more should you and I believe and tremble before the Lord our God who is one, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
To think and to teach that there is someone else another identity or person next to Jesus who is also a God is detestable to the Lord of glory Jesus Christ.
(Matt. 28:19) Father is NOT a name, Son is NOT a name, Holy Ghost is NOT a name, and this is three titles that belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
He commanded you to baptize into the NAME who holds the three titles, and there is only one name, that is JESUS.
Also 'GOD' is not a name; it is a description of deity.
The Name of God.
some battles are not worth fighting for. because some people will not get it. bless you bro... god has other plans for me, than to arugue with people who truly do not get His word.
Anonymous; you easily give up, where is your backbone?
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